Exemplo n.º 1
def single_event_inner_loop(conf, Repi, theta=0, ntheta=73):
        conf(ConfigObj): The configuration info. See
        Repi (float): Epicentral distance (km).
        theta (float): Source-to-site angle (radians).
        ntheta (int): Number of integration steps for theta; used if `bytheta`
            is True.

        tuple: Rrup variance, Rrup mean, Rjb variance, Rjb mean
    if conf['ndip'] != 1:
        dip = np.linspace(conf['mindip'], conf['maxdip'], conf['ndip'])
        ddip = dip[1] - dip[0]
        dipnorm = 1.0 / (conf['maxdip'] - conf['mindip'])
        dip = np.array([conf['mindip']])

    length, sig_length, width, sigw, area, sig_area = \
        dimensions_from_magnitude(conf['M'], conf['rup_dim_model'],
                                  conf['neps'], conf['trunc'], conf['mech'])
    #    area = area[0]  # fix dimensions

    if conf['bytheta'] is False:
        theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, ntheta)  # in rad
        dt = theta[1] - theta[0]

    one_over_2pi = 1.0 / 2.0 / np.pi

    epsmid, peps, d_eps = compute_epsilon(conf['neps'], conf['trunc'])

    RrupIntegrand_a = np.zeros(conf['neps']) + np.nan
    RrupIntegrand_a2 = np.zeros(conf['neps']) + np.nan
    RrupIntegrand_d = np.zeros(conf['ndip'])
    RrupIntegrand_d2 = np.zeros(conf['ndip'])
    RrupIntegrand_y = np.zeros(conf['nxny'])
    RrupIntegrand_y2 = np.zeros(conf['nxny'])
    RrupIntegrand_x = np.zeros(conf['nxny'])
    RrupIntegrand_x2 = np.zeros(conf['nxny'])

    RjbIntegrand_a = np.zeros(conf['neps']) + np.nan
    RjbIntegrand_a2 = np.zeros(conf['neps']) + np.nan
    RjbIntegrand_d = np.zeros(conf['ndip'])
    RjbIntegrand_d2 = np.zeros(conf['ndip'])
    RjbIntegrand_y = np.zeros(conf['nxny'])
    RjbIntegrand_y2 = np.zeros(conf['nxny'])
    RjbIntegrand_x = np.zeros(conf['nxny'])
    RjbIntegrand_x2 = np.zeros(conf['nxny'])

    Rjb = np.zeros(ntheta)
    Rrup = np.zeros(ntheta)
    Rrupp = np.zeros(ntheta)
    Ry = np.zeros(ntheta)
    nx = conf['nxny']
    ny = conf['nxny']

    for m in range(0, conf['neps']):  # area
        W = np.sqrt(area[m] / conf['AR'])
        for k in range(0, conf['ndip']):  # dip
            if np.allclose(dip[k], 0) is False:
                ZW = W * np.sin(dip[k])  # vertical projection of W
                # Overwrite W if it extends too far and recompute SW, x, dx
                Ztor = np.max(
                    np.array([conf['zhyp'] - ZW, conf['min_seis_depth']]))
                Zbor = np.min(
                    np.array([conf['zhyp'] + ZW, conf['max_seis_depth']]))
                W = (Zbor - Ztor) / np.sin(dip[k])
                Ztor = conf['zhyp']

            L = area[m] / W
            SW = W * np.cos(dip[k])
            x = np.linspace(0, SW, nx)
            dx = x[1] - x[0]
            one_over_L = 1.0 / L
            one_over_sw = 1.0 / SW
            y = np.linspace(0, L, ny)
            dy = y[1] - y[0]
            for i in range(0, nx):  # x
                xj = x[i] + Repi * np.cos(theta)

                xltz = xj < 0
                xgez_and_xlesw = (xj >= 0) & (xj <= SW)
                xgtsw = xj > SW
                c1x = xltz
                c2x = xgez_and_xlesw
                c3x = xgtsw
                c4x = xltz
                c5x = xgez_and_xlesw
                c6x = xgtsw
                c7x = xltz
                c8x = xgez_and_xlesw
                c9x = xgtsw
                for j in range(0, ny):
                    yi = y[j] + Repi * np.sin(theta)

                    cca = yi > L
                    ccb = (yi >= 0) & (yi <= L)
                    ccc = yi < 0
                    c1 = c1x & cca
                    c2 = c2x & cca
                    c3 = c3x & cca
                    c4 = c4x & ccb
                    c5 = c5x & ccb
                    c6 = c6x & ccb
                    c7 = c7x & ccc
                    c8 = c8x & ccc
                    c9 = c9x & ccc
                    xx = xj[c1]
                    yy = yi[c1] - L
                    Rjb[c1] = np.sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy)
                    Rjb[c2] = yi[c2] - L
                    xx = xj[c3] - SW
                    yy = yi[c3] - L
                    Rjb[c3] = np.sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy)
                    Rjb[c4] = np.abs(xj[c4])
                    Rjb[c5] = 0
                    Rjb[c6] = xj[c6] - SW
                    xx = xj[c7]
                    yy = yi[c7]
                    Rjb[c7] = np.sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy)
                    Rjb[c8] = np.abs(yi[c8])
                    xx = xj[c9] - SW
                    yy = yi[c9]
                    Rjb[c9] = np.sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy)
                    # Compute Rx and Ry
                    Rx = xj
                    Ry[c1 | c2 | c3] = yi[c1 | c2 | c3] - L
                    Ry[c4 | c5 | c6] = 0
                    Ry[c7 | c8 | c9] = np.abs(yi[c7 | c8 | c9])
                    # Compute Rrup prime, then Rrup
                    # using Kaklamanos eqns
                    if dip[k] == np.pi / 2:
                        Rrup = np.sqrt(Rjb**2 + Ztor**2)
                        tmp = (Ztor * np.tan(dip[k]))
                        r1 = Rx < tmp
                        Rrupp[r1] = np.sqrt(Rx[r1]**2 + Ztor**2)
                        r2 = (tmp <= Rx) & (Rx <= (tmp + W / np.cos(dip[k])))
                        Rrupp[r2] = Rx[r2] * np.sin(dip[k]) + Ztor * np.cos(
                        r3 = Rx > (tmp + W / np.cos(dip[k]))
                        Rrupp[r3] = np.sqrt((Rx[r3] - W * np.cos(dip[k]))**2 +
                                            (Ztor + W * np.sin(dip[k]))**2)

                    Rrup = np.sqrt(Rrupp**2 + Ry**2)
                    Rrup2 = Rrup * Rrup
                    Rjb2 = Rjb * Rjb
                    if conf['bytheta'] is False:
                        RrupIntegrand_y[j] = one_over_2pi * \
                            np.trapz(Rrup, dx=dt)
                        RrupIntegrand_y2[j] = one_over_2pi * \
                            np.trapz(Rrup2, dx=dt)
                        RjbIntegrand_y[j] = one_over_2pi * \
                            np.trapz(Rjb, dx=dt)
                        RjbIntegrand_y2[j] = one_over_2pi * \
                            np.trapz(Rjb2, dx=dt)
                        RrupIntegrand_y[j] = Rrup
                        RrupIntegrand_y2[j] = Rrup2
                        RjbIntegrand_y[j] = Rjb
                        RjbIntegrand_y2[j] = Rjb2

                RrupIntegrand_x[i] = one_over_L * \
                    np.trapz(RrupIntegrand_y, dx=dy)
                RrupIntegrand_x2[i] = one_over_L * \
                    np.trapz(RrupIntegrand_y2, dx=dy)
                RjbIntegrand_x[i] = one_over_L * \
                    np.trapz(RjbIntegrand_y, dx=dy)
                RjbIntegrand_x2[i] = one_over_L * \
                    np.trapz(RjbIntegrand_y2, dx=dy)

            RrupIntegrand_d[k] = one_over_sw * \
                np.trapz(RrupIntegrand_x, dx=dx)
            RrupIntegrand_d2[k] = one_over_sw * \
                np.trapz(RrupIntegrand_x2, dx=dx)
            RjbIntegrand_d[k] = one_over_sw * \
                np.trapz(RjbIntegrand_x, dx=dx)
            RjbIntegrand_d2[k] = one_over_sw * \
                np.trapz(RjbIntegrand_x2, dx=dx)
        if conf['ndip'] == 1:
            RrupIntegrand_a[m] = RrupIntegrand_d[0]
            RrupIntegrand_a2[m] = RrupIntegrand_d2[0]
            RjbIntegrand_a[m] = RjbIntegrand_d[0]
            RjbIntegrand_a2[m] = RjbIntegrand_d2[0]
            RrupIntegrand_a[m] = dipnorm * \
                np.trapz(RrupIntegrand_d, dx=ddip)
            RrupIntegrand_a2[m] = dipnorm * \
                np.trapz(RrupIntegrand_d2, dx=ddip)
            RjbIntegrand_a[m] = dipnorm * \
                np.trapz(RjbIntegrand_d, dx=ddip)
            RjbIntegrand_a2[m] = dipnorm * \
                np.trapz(RjbIntegrand_d2, dx=ddip)
    if conf['neps'] == 1:
        Rrup_avg = RrupIntegrand_a[0]
        Rrup_var = RrupIntegrand_a2[0] - Rrup_avg**2
        Rjb_avg = RjbIntegrand_a[0]
        Rjb_var = RjbIntegrand_a2[0] - Rjb_avg**2
        Rrup_avg = np.trapz(peps * RrupIntegrand_a, dx=d_eps)
        Rrup_var = np.trapz(peps * RrupIntegrand_a2, dx=d_eps) - Rrup_avg**2
        Rjb_avg = np.trapz(peps * RjbIntegrand_a, dx=d_eps)
        Rjb_var = np.trapz(peps * RjbIntegrand_a2, dx=d_eps) - Rjb_avg**2

    return Rrup_var, Rrup_avg, Rjb_var, Rjb_avg
Exemplo n.º 2
def rrup_inner_loop(M, Repi, conf):
    This function evaluates the Rrup mean and var integral
    for a single M/R pair, looping over:

       - dip
       - dx, dy (location of hypocenter on fault)
       - theta (angle to fault)
       - epsilon (dummy variable for L/W/A integration)

    We do this so that parallizaiton is simple: this function can be forked
    onto different cores.

        M (float): Earthquake magnitude.
        Repi (float): Epicentral distance (km).
        conf(ConfigObj): The configuration info. See

        tuple: Rjb variance, mean Rjb.
    max_seis_thickness = conf['max_seis_depth'] - conf['min_seis_depth']
    if conf['ndip'] != 1:
        dip = np.linspace(conf['mindip'], conf['maxdip'], conf['ndip'])
        ddip = dip[1] - dip[0]
        dipnorm = 1.0 / (conf['maxdip'] - conf['mindip'])
        dip = np.array([conf['mindip']])

    length, sig_length, width, sigw, area, sig_area = \
        dimensions_from_magnitude(M, conf['rup_dim_model'], conf['neps'],
                                  conf['trunc'], conf['mech'])

    if conf['LW'] is True:
        if length is None or width is None:
            raise Exception('Selected model does not support direct '
                            'estimation of length and width. Either '
                            'select an one that does, or use an assumed '
                            'aspect ratio.')
            nl = len(length)
            nw = len(width)
        # Trick the L and W loops to handle a one to one mapping
        # between L and W, and each L/W pair corresponds to a
        # single M looping over epsilon; specify length and
        # width constrained by seismogenic depth.

        width_matrix = np.tile(np.sqrt(area / conf['AR']), (conf['ndip'], 1))
        sindip = np.tile(np.sin(dip).reshape(-1, 1), (1, conf['neps']))
        rup_z = width_matrix * sindip
        indxx = rup_z > max_seis_thickness
        width_matrix[indxx] = max_seis_thickness / sindip[indxx]
        length_matrix = np.tile(area, (conf['ndip'], 1)) / width_matrix
        nl = 1
        nw = conf['neps']

    theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, conf['ntheta'])  # in rad
    dt = theta[1] - theta[0]

    # origin defined at o:
    #  + +------+
    #  | |      |
    #  L |      |
    #  | |      |
    #  + o------+
    #    +--SW--+
    one_over_2pi = 1.0 / 2.0 / np.pi

    epsmid, peps, d_eps = compute_epsilon(conf['neps'], conf['trunc'])

    integrand_width = np.zeros(nw) + np.nan
    integrand_width2 = np.zeros(nw) + np.nan
    integrand_length = np.zeros(nl)
    integrand_length2 = np.zeros(nl)
    integrand_dip = np.zeros(conf['ndip'])
    integrand_dip2 = np.zeros(conf['ndip'])
    integrand_depth = np.zeros(conf['nz'])
    integrand_depth2 = np.zeros(conf['nz'])
    Rjb = np.zeros(conf['ntheta'])
    Rrup = np.zeros(conf['ntheta'])
    Rrupp = np.zeros(conf['ntheta'])
    Ry = np.zeros(conf['ntheta'])

    for w in range(nw):
        for l in range(nl):
            for k in range(conf['ndip']):
                if conf['LW'] is True:
                    ll = l
                    width = width_matrix[k, :]
                    length = length_matrix[k, :]
                    ll = w
                one_over_ll = 1.0 / length[ll]

                # Since we still use linspace, dy won't be exactly minx.
                # Also put a hard bound on minimum ny to be 2 so that dy
                # makes sense.
                ny = conf['nxny']
                y = np.linspace(0, length[ll], ny)
                dy = y[1] - y[0]

                integrand_y = np.zeros(ny)
                integrand_y2 = np.zeros(ny)

                # Fault width projected to surface:
                if np.allclose(np.cos(dip[k]), 0):
                    SW = 0
                    nx = 1
                    x = np.linspace(0, SW, nx)
                    dx = 0
                    SW = width[w] * np.cos(dip[k])
                    one_over_sw = 1.0 / SW

                    # Since we still use linspace, dx won't be exactly minx.
                    # Also put a hard bound on minimum nx to be 2 so that dx
                    # makes sense.
                    nx = conf['nxny']
                    x = np.linspace(0, SW, nx)
                    dx = x[1] - x[0]
                # Calclate range of Ztor
                ZtorMax = conf['max_seis_depth'] - width[w] * np.sin(dip[k])
                if np.allclose(
                        0) or conf['nz'] == 1:  # Should 0 be min_seis_depth
                    nz = 1
                    dz = 0
                    Ztor = np.array([0])  # should be min_seis_depth ???
                    nz = conf['nz']
                    one_over_ztormax = 1.0 / ZtorMax
                    Ztor = np.linspace(0, ZtorMax, nz)
                    dz = Ztor[1] - Ztor[0]

                integrand_x = np.zeros(nx)
                integrand_x2 = np.zeros(nx)
                for z in range(nz):
                    for i in range(nx):
                        xj = x[i] + Repi * np.cos(theta)

                        xltz = xj < 0
                        xgez_and_xlesw = (xj >= 0) & (xj <= SW)
                        xgtsw = xj > SW
                        c1x = xltz
                        c2x = xgez_and_xlesw
                        c3x = xgtsw
                        c4x = xltz
                        c5x = xgez_and_xlesw
                        c6x = xgtsw
                        c7x = xltz
                        c8x = xgez_and_xlesw
                        c9x = xgtsw
                        for j in range(ny):
                            yi = y[j] + Repi * np.sin(theta)

                            cca = yi > length[ll]
                            ccb = (yi >= 0) & (yi <= length[ll])
                            ccc = yi < 0
                            c1 = c1x & cca
                            c2 = c2x & cca
                            c3 = c3x & cca
                            c4 = c4x & ccb
                            c5 = c5x & ccb
                            c6 = c6x & ccb
                            c7 = c7x & ccc
                            c8 = c8x & ccc
                            c9 = c9x & ccc
                            # The original version. The above two chunks should
                            # implement this
                            # c1 = (xj <  0) &              (yi > L[l])
                            # c2 = (xj >= 0) & (xj <= SW) & (yi > L[l])
                            # c3 = (xj > SW) &              (yi > L[l])
                            # c4 = (xj <  0) &              (yi >= 0) & (yi <= L[l])
                            # c5 = (xj >= 0) & (xj <= SW) & (yi >= 0) & (yi <= L[l])
                            # c6 = (xj > SW) &              (yi >= 0) & (yi <= L[l])
                            # c7 = (xj <  0) &              (yi < 0)
                            # c8 = (xj >= 0) & (xj <= SW) & (yi < 0)
                            # c9 = (xj > SW) &              (yi < 0)

                            xx = xj[c1]
                            yy = yi[c1] - length[ll]
                            Rjb[c1] = np.sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy)
                            Rjb[c2] = yi[c2] - length[ll]
                            xx = xj[c3] - SW
                            yy = yi[c3] - length[ll]
                            Rjb[c3] = np.sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy)
                            Rjb[c4] = np.abs(xj[c4])
                            Rjb[c5] = 0
                            Rjb[c6] = xj[c6] - SW
                            xx = xj[c7]
                            yy = yi[c7]
                            Rjb[c7] = np.sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy)
                            Rjb[c8] = np.abs(yi[c8])
                            xx = xj[c9] - SW
                            yy = yi[c9]
                            Rjb[c9] = np.sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy)
                            # Compute Rx and Ry
                            Rx = xj
                            Ry[c1 | c2 | c3] = yi[c1 | c2 | c3] - length[ll]
                            Ry[c4 | c5 | c6] = 0
                            Ry[c7 | c8 | c9] = np.abs(yi[c7 | c8 | c9])
                            # Compute Rrup prime, then Rrup
                            # using Kaklamanos eqns
                            if dip[k] == np.pi / 2:
                                Rrup = np.sqrt(Rjb**2 + Ztor[z]**2)
                                tmp = (Ztor[z] * np.tan(dip[k]))
                                r1 = Rx < tmp
                                Rrupp[r1] = np.sqrt(Rx[r1]**2 + Ztor[z]**2)
                                r2 = (tmp <= Rx) & \
                                    (Rx <= (tmp + width[w]/np.cos(dip[k])))
                                Rrupp[r2] = Rx[r2]*np.sin(dip[k]) + \
                                r3 = Rx > (tmp + width[w] / np.cos(dip[k]))
                                Rrupp[r3] = np.sqrt(
                                    (Rx[r3] - width[w] * np.cos(dip[k]))**2 +
                                    (Ztor[z] + width[w] * np.sin(dip[k]))**2)

                            Rrup = np.sqrt(Rrupp**2 + Ry**2)
                            Rrup2 = Rrup * Rrup

                            integrand_y[j] = one_over_2pi * \
                                np.trapz(Rrup, dx=dt)
                            integrand_y2[j] = one_over_2pi * \
                                np.trapz(Rrup2, dx=dt)

                        integrand_x[i] = one_over_ll * \
                            np.trapz(integrand_y, dx=dy)
                        integrand_x2[i] = one_over_ll * \
                            np.trapz(integrand_y2, dx=dy)

                    if dx == 0:
                        integrand_depth[z] = integrand_x[0]
                        integrand_depth2[z] = integrand_x2[0]
                        integrand_depth[z] = one_over_sw * \
                            np.trapz(integrand_x, dx=dx)
                        integrand_depth2[z] = one_over_sw * \
                            np.trapz(integrand_x2, dx=dx)
                # end z loop
                if dz == 0:
                    integrand_dip[k] = integrand_depth[0]
                    integrand_dip2[k] = integrand_depth2[0]
                    integrand_dip[k] = one_over_ztormax * \
                        np.trapz(integrand_depth, dx=dz)
                    integrand_dip2[k] = one_over_ztormax * \
                        np.trapz(integrand_depth2, dx=dz)
            if conf['ndip'] == 1:
                integrand_length[l] = integrand_dip[0]
                integrand_length2[l] = integrand_dip2[0]
                integrand_length[l] = dipnorm * \
                    np.trapz(integrand_dip, dx=ddip)
                integrand_length2[l] = dipnorm * \
                    np.trapz(integrand_dip2, dx=ddip)
        if nw == 1:
            integrand_width[w] = integrand_length[0]
            integrand_width2[w] = integrand_length2[0]
            integrand_width[w] = np.trapz(peps * integrand_length, dx=d_eps)
            integrand_width2[w] = np.trapz(peps * integrand_length2, dx=d_eps)
    if nw == 1:
        Rrup_avg = integrand_width[0]
        Rrup_var = integrand_width2[0] - Rrup_avg**2
        Rrup_avg = np.trapz(peps * integrand_width, dx=d_eps)
        Rrup_var = np.trapz(peps * integrand_width2, dx=d_eps) - Rrup_avg**2

    return Rrup_var, Rrup_avg