Exemplo n.º 1
        Move the robot to a new position and mark the tile it is on as having
        been cleaned.
        newPos = self.pos.getNewPosition(self.direction, self.speed)
        newPos = Position(newPos.getX(),newPos.getY())
        if self.room.isPositionInRoom(newPos):
            self.pos = newPos

# Uncomment this line to see your implementation of StandardRobot in action!
testRobotMovement(StandardRobot, RectangularRoom)

# === Problem 3
def runSimulation(num_robots, speed, width, height, min_coverage, num_trials,
    Runs NUM_TRIALS trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction MIN_COVERAGE of the room.

    The simulation is run with NUM_ROBOTS robots of type ROBOT_TYPE, each with
    speed SPEED, in a room of dimensions WIDTH x HEIGHT.

    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
                        newPos = Position(saveWidth, saveHeight)
                        #print "Found new tile that was not clean! current direc. " + str(self.direction)
                        #print "tile location x = " + str(saveWidth) + " y = " + str(saveHeight)
                        keepTryingNewDirection = False
                        keepTryingNewDirection = False
                        #print "all tiles clean! stop cleaning!-- do not look for new direction! should be done."

                    #for tile in tilesCleaned:
                    #print tile

# Uncomment this line to see your implementation of StandardRobot in action!
testRobotMovement(StandardRobot, RectangularRoom)

# === Problem 3
def runSimulation(num_robots, speed, width, height, min_coverage, num_trials,
    Runs NUM_TRIALS trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction MIN_COVERAGE of the room.

    The simulation is run with NUM_ROBOTS robots of type ROBOT_TYPE, each with
    speed SPEED, in a room of dimensions WIDTH x HEIGHT.

    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
        If you can move to a valid spot, do it. If you can't, change direction once. Return.
you said you rewrite your code a lot. I suggest writing pseudo code first, understanding exactly what you are trying to
 accomplish, and then fill in the actual code. Save yourself some hassle.
        bub = self.position.getNewPosition(self.direction, self.speed)
        if self.room.isPositionInRoom(bub):
            self.position = self.position.getNewPosition(
                self.direction, self.speed)
            #self.direction = random.randrange(0,359)
            self.direction = random.randrange(0, 359)

# Uncomment this line to see your implementation of StandardRobot in action!
testRobotMovement(RandomWalkRobot, RectangularRoom)

# === Problem 3
def runSimulation(num_robots, speed, width, height, min_coverage, num_trials,
    Runs NUM_TRIALS trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction MIN_COVERAGE of the room.

    The simulation is run with NUM_ROBOTS robots of type ROBOT_TYPE, each with
    speed SPEED, in a room of dimensions WIDTH x HEIGHT.

    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    width: an int (width > 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: ps7.py Projeto: therin/edx
        bub = self.position.getNewPosition(self.direction,self.speed)
        if self.room.isPositionInRoom(bub):
            self.position = self.position.getNewPosition(self.direction,self.speed)
            #self.direction = random.randrange(0,359)
            self.direction = random.randrange(0,359)

# Uncomment this line to see your implementation of StandardRobot in action!
testRobotMovement(RandomWalkRobot, RectangularRoom)

# === Problem 3
def runSimulation(num_robots, speed, width, height, min_coverage, num_trials,
    Runs NUM_TRIALS trials of the simulation and returns the mean number of
    time-steps needed to clean the fraction MIN_COVERAGE of the room.

    The simulation is run with NUM_ROBOTS robots of type ROBOT_TYPE, each with
    speed SPEED, in a room of dimensions WIDTH x HEIGHT.

    num_robots: an int (num_robots > 0)
    speed: a float (speed > 0)
    width: an int (width > 0)