Exemplo n.º 1
def get_status():
    response = {}

    response["time"] = pscheduler.datetime_as_iso8601(pscheduler.time_now())

    # Get the heartbeat status
        services = dbcursor_query("SELECT * FROM heartbeat_json",
    except Exception:
        services = {}

    # Add the database status
        # query database, calculate server run time
        cursor = dbcursor_query(
            "SELECT extract(epoch from current_timestamp - pg_postmaster_start_time())",
        time_val = pscheduler.seconds_as_timedelta(cursor.fetchone()[0])
        response["services"]["database"] = {
            "uptime": str(pscheduler.timedelta_as_iso8601(time_val))
    except Exception:

    response["services"] = services

    runs = {}
    # query database for last run information
        cursor = dbcursor_query(
            "SELECT times_actual FROM run WHERE state=run_state_finished()")
        times = cursor.fetchall()
        formatted = []
        for val in times:
        runs["last-finished"] = str(
    except Exception:
        # handles empty result and faulty query
        runs["last-finished"] = None

    # query database for last scheduled information
        cursor = dbcursor_query("SELECT added FROM run")
        times = cursor.fetchall()
        formatted = []
        for val in times:
        runs["last-scheduled"] = str(
    except Exception:
        # handles empty result and faulty query
        runs["last-scheduled"] = None

    response["runs"] = runs

    return ok_json(response)
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_program(
    argv,  # Program name and args
    stdin=None,  # What to send to stdin
    line_call=None,  # Lambda to call when a line arrives
    timeout=None,  # Seconds
    timeout_ok=False,  # Treat timeouts as not being an error
    fail_message=None,  # Exit with this failure message
    env=None,  # Environment for new process, None=existing
    env_add=None,  # Add hash to existing environment
    attempts=10):  # Max attempts to start the process
    Run a program and return the results.


    argv - Array containing arguments, including name of program
    stdin=s - String containing what should be sent to standard input
    line_call=l - Call lambda l with one argument containing a line which
        arrived on stdout each time that happens.  If provided, the
        'stdout' return value will be None.
    timeout=n - Wait n seconds for the program to finish, otherwise kill it.
    timeout_ok - True to prevent timeouts from being treated as errors.
    fail_message=s - Exit program and include string s if program fails.
    env=h - Pass environment hash 'h' to the child process, using the
        existing environment if the value is None.
    env_add=h - Add contents of hash 'h' to environment.

    Return Values:

    status - Status code returned by the program
    stdout - Contents of standard output as a single string
    stderr - Contents of standard erroras a single string

    process = None

    if [arg for arg in argv if arg is None]:
        raise Exception("Can't run with null arguments.")

    # Build up a new, incorruptable copy of the environment for the
    # child process to use.

    if env_add is None:
        env_add = {}

    if env is None and len(env_add) == 0:
        new_env = None
        new_env = (os.environ if env is None else env).copy()

    def __get_process(argv, new_env, attempts):
        """Try to start a process, handling EAGAINs."""
        while attempts > 0:
            attempts -= 1
                return _Popen(argv,
            except OSError as ex:
                # Non-EAGAIN or last attempt gets re-raised.
                if ex.errno != errno.EAGAIN or attempts == 0:
                    raise ex
                # TODO: Should we sleep a bit here?

        assert False, "This code should not be reached."

        process = __get_process(argv, new_env, attempts)


        if line_call is None:

            # Single-shot I/O with optional timeout

                stdout, stderr = process.communicate(stdin, timeout=timeout)
                status = process.returncode

            except subprocess32.TimeoutExpired:
                status = 0 if timeout_ok else 2
                stdout = ''
                stderr = "Process took too long to run."


            # Read one line at a time, passing each to the line_call lambda

            if not isinstance(line_call, type(lambda: 0)):
                raise ValueError("Function provided is not a lambda.")

            if stdin is not None:

            stderr = ''

            stdout_fileno = process.stdout.fileno()
            stderr_fileno = process.stderr.fileno()

            fds = [stdout_fileno, stderr_fileno]

            if timeout is not None:
                end_time = pscheduler.time_now() \
                    + pscheduler.seconds_as_timedelta(timeout)
                time_left = None

            while True:

                if timeout is not None:
                    time_left = pscheduler.timedelta_as_seconds(
                        end_time - pscheduler.time_now())

                reads, _, _ = polled_select(fds, [], [], time_left)

                if len(reads) == 0:
                    return 2, None, "Process took too long to run."

                for readfd in reads:
                    if readfd == stdout_fileno:
                        got_line = process.stdout.readline()
                        if got_line != '':
                    elif readfd == stderr_fileno:
                        got_line = process.stderr.readline()
                        if got_line != '':
                            stderr += got_line

                if process.poll() != None:

            # Siphon off anything left on stdout
            while True:
                got_line = process.stdout.readline()
                if got_line == '':


            status = process.returncode
            stdout = None

    except Exception as ex:
        extype, _, trace = sys.exc_info()
        status = 2
        stdout = ''
        stderr = ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(extype, ex)) \
            + ''.join(traceback.format_exception(extype, ex, trace)).strip()

    if process is not None:

    if fail_message is not None and status != 0:
        pscheduler.fail("%s: %s" % (fail_message, stderr))

    return status, stdout, stderr
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_program(argv,              # Program name and args
                stdin=None,        # What to send to stdin
                line_call=None,    # Lambda to call when a line arrives
                timeout=None,      # Seconds
                timeout_ok=False,  # Treat timeouts as not being an error
                short=False,       # True to force timeout to 2 seconds
                fail_message=None  # Exit with this failure message
    Run a program and return the results.


    argv - Array containing arguments, including name of program
    stdin=s - String containing what should be sent to standard input
    line_call=l - Call lambda l with one argument containing a line which
        arrived on stdout each time that happens.  If provided, the
        'stdout' return value will be None.
    timeout=n - Wait n seconds for the program to finish, otherwise kill it.
    timeout_ok - True to prevent timeouts from being treated as errors.
    short - True to force timeout to two seconds
    fail_message=s - Exit program and include string s if program fails.

    Return Values:

    status - Status code returned by the program
    stdout - Contents of standard output as a single string
    stderr - Contents of standard erroras a single string

    process = None

    if filter(lambda v: v is None, argv):
        raise Exception("Can't run with null arguments.")

        process = subprocess32.Popen(argv,


        if line_call is None:

            # Single-shot I/O with optional timeout

                stdout, stderr = process.communicate(stdin, timeout=timeout)
                status = process.returncode

            except subprocess32.TimeoutExpired:
                # Clean up after a timeout
                except OSError:
                    pass  # Can't kill things that change UID

                status = 0 if timeout_ok else 2

                # TODO: See if the exception has the contents of stdout and
                # stderr available.
                stdout = ''
                stderr = "Process took too long to run."


            # Read one line at a time, passing each to the line_call lambda

            if not isinstance(line_call, type(lambda:0)):
                raise ValueError("Function provided is not a lambda.")

            if stdin is not None:

            stderr = ''

            stdout_fileno = process.stdout.fileno()
            stderr_fileno = process.stderr.fileno()

            fds = [ stdout_fileno, stderr_fileno ]

            end_time = pscheduler.time_now() \
                + pscheduler.seconds_as_timedelta(timeout)

            while True:

                time_left = pscheduler.timedelta_as_seconds(
                    end_time - pscheduler.time_now() )

                reads, writes, specials = select.select(fds, [], [], time_left)

                if len(reads) == 0:
                    return 2, None, "Process took too long to run."

                for fd in reads:
                    if fd == stdout_fileno:
                        line = process.stdout.readline()
                        if line != '':
                    elif fd == stderr_fileno:
                        line = process.stderr.readline()
                        if line != '':
                            stderr += line

                if process.poll() != None:


            status = process.returncode
            stdout = None

    except Exception as ex:
        extype, ex_dummy, tb = sys.exc_info()
        status = 2
        stdout = ''
        stderr = ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(extype, ex)) \
            + ''.join(traceback.format_exception(extype, ex, tb)).strip()

    if process is not None:

    if fail_message is not None and status != 0:
        pscheduler.fail("%s: %s" % (fail_message, stderr))

    return status, stdout, stderr