Exemplo n.º 1
    def _validate_grant_type(self, grant_type: str) -> BaseGrant:
        Validates the requested `grant_type` against the set
        of registered Grants of the Provider.

        :param grant_type: Response type to be validated.
        :type grant_type: str

        :raises InvalidRequest: The `grant_type` is missing or invalid.
        :raises UnsupportedGrantType: The Provider does not support
            the requested `grant_type` as a Token Grant.

        :return: Grant that represents the requested `grant_type`.
        :rtype: BaseGrant

        if not grant_type or not isinstance(grant_type, str):
            raise InvalidRequest(description='Invalid parameter "grant_type".')

        for grant in self.grants:
            if grant.__grant_type__ == grant_type:
                return grant
            raise UnsupportedGrantType(
                description=f'Unsupported grant_type "{grant_type}".')
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def __call__(self, request: Request) -> JSONResponse:
        Creates a Token Response via a JSON Response.

        This endpoint is responsible for issuing Tokens to Clients
        that succeed to authenticate within the Authorization Server
        and has the necessary consent of the Resource Owner.

        This endpoint is to be used by Grants that have a Token Workflow,
        and it will return a JSON object as a result.

        If the Client fails to authenticate within the Authorization Server,
        does not have the consent of the Resource Owner or provides invalid
        or insufficient request parameters, it will receive a `400 Bad Request`
        Error Response with a JSON object describing the error.

        If the flow succeeds, the Client will then receive its Token
        in a JSON object containing the Access Token, the Token Type,
        the Lifespan of the Access Token and an optional Refresh Token,
        as well as an optional Scope parameter if the granted scopes
        differ from the requested ones.

        :param request: Current request being processed.
        :type request: Request

        :return: Token Response and its metadata.
        :rtype: JSONResponse

            data = request.data

            if not data:
                raise InvalidRequest(description="Missing request parameters.")

            grant = self._validate_grant_type(data.pop("grant_type", None))
            client = await self.authenticate(request,

            if grant.__grant_type__ not in client.get_grant_types():
                raise UnauthorizedClient

            response = await grant.token(data, client)
            return JSONResponse(200, self._headers, response)
        except OAuth2Error as exc:
            headers = exc.headers
            return JSONResponse(400, headers, exc.dump())
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _validate_token_request(self, data: dict) -> dict:
        Validates the incoming data from the `Client` to ensure
        that **ALL** the required parameters were provided.

        From the specification at

            The client makes a request to the token endpoint by adding the
            following parameters using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            format per Appendix B with a character encoding of UTF-8 in the HTTP
            request entity-body:

            "grant_type": REQUIRED. Value MUST be set to "client_credentials".

            "scope": OPTIONAL. The scope of the access request as described by
                Section 3.3.

            The client MUST authenticate with the authorization server as
            described in Section 3.2.1.
            For example, the client makes the following HTTP request using
            transport-layer security (with extra line breaks for display purposes

            POST /token HTTP/1.1
            Host: server.example.com
            Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
            Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


            The authorization server MUST authenticate the client.

        :param data: Data of the Token Request.
        :type data: dict

        :return: Validated and reformatted Token Request data.
        :rtype: dict

        scope: str = data.pop("scope", None)

        if scope:
            if not scope or not isinstance(scope, str):
                raise InvalidRequest(description='Invalid parameter "scope".')

        return {"scopes": scope.split() if scope else None}
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _validate_refresh_token(self, token: RefreshTokenMixin,
                                client: ClientMixin):
        Validates the data of the `Provided Refresh Token` against both
        the current `Client` and the `Stored Refresh Token`.

        :param code: Stored Refresh Token.
        :type code: RefreshTokenMixin

        :param client: Current Client requesting an Access Token.
        :type client: ClientMixin

        if token.get_client_id() != client.get_client_id():
            raise InvalidClient

        if datetime.utcnow() >= token.get_expiration():
            raise InvalidRequest(description="Refresh Token expired.")
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _validate_authorization_code(self, data: dict,
                                     code: AuthorizationCodeMixin,
                                     client: ClientMixin) -> None:
        Validates the data of the `Provided Authorization Code` against both
        the current `Client` and the `Stored Authorization Code`.

        :param data: Provided Authorization Code.
        :type data: AuthorizationCodeModel

        :param code: Stored Authorization Code.
        :type code: AuthorizationCodeMixin

        :param client: Current Client requesting an Access Token.
        :type client: ClientMixin

        :raises InvalidGrant: The data of the Client, the Request
            and the stored Authorization Code do not match.
        :raises InvalidRequest: The transformation method is not supported.

        if data["redirect_uri"] not in client.get_redirect_uris():
            raise InvalidGrant(description="Invalid Redirect URI.")

        if client.get_client_id() != code.get_client_id():
            raise InvalidGrant(description="Mismatching Client ID.")

        if data["redirect_uri"] != code.get_redirect_uri():
            raise InvalidGrant(description="Mismatching Redirect URI.")

        method = self._challenges.get(code.get_code_challenge_method())

        if not method:
            raise InvalidRequest(description=f'Unknown transform "{method}".')

        if not method(code.get_code_challenge(), data["code_verifier"]):
            raise InvalidGrant(description="PKCE challenge failure.")

        if datetime.utcnow() >= code.get_expiration():
            raise InvalidGrant(description="Expired Authorization Code.")
Exemplo n.º 6
    async def get_consent_data(self, request: Request) -> dict:
        Gets the Client and its allowed scopes from the ones requested
        and returns this data for the application to get the User's consent.

        :param request: Current request being handled.
        :type request: Request

        :return: Dictionary containing the client and the scopes.
        :rtype: dict

        data = request.data


            client = await self._validate_client(

            # pylint: disable=E0601
            if not (scope := data.get("scope")) or not isinstance(scope, str):
                raise InvalidRequest('Missing required parameter "scope".')

            scopes: list[str] = scope.split()

            return {
                [Scope(scope) for scope in client.get_allowed_scopes(scopes)],
Exemplo n.º 7
    async def _validate_token_request(self, data: dict) -> dict:
        Validates the incoming data from the `Client` to ensure
        that **ALL** the required parameters were provided.

        From the specification at

            The client makes a request to the token endpoint by sending the
            following parameters using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            format per Appendix B with a character encoding of UTF-8 in the HTTP
            request entity-body:

            "grant_type": REQUIRED. Value MUST be set to "authorization_code".

            "code": REQUIRED. The authorization code received from the
                authorization server.

            "redirect_uri": REQUIRED, if the "redirect_uri" parameter was
                included in the authorization request as described in
                Section 4.1.1, and their values MUST be identical.

            "client_id": REQUIRED, if the client is not authenticating with the
                authorization server as described in Section 3.2.1.

            "code_verifier": REQUIRED, if the "code_challenge" parameter was
                included in the authorization request. MUST NOT be used
                otherwise. The original code verifier string.

            Confidential or credentialed clients MUST authenticate with the
            authorization server as described in Section 3.2.1.

            For example, the client makes the following HTTP request using TLS
            (with extra line breaks for display purposes only):

            POST /token HTTP/1.1
            Host: server.example.com
            Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
            Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


            The authorization server MUST:

            * require client authentication for confidential and credentialed
                clients (or clients with other authentication requirements),

            * authenticate the client if client authentication is included,

            * ensure that the authorization code was issued to the authenticated
                confidential or credentialed client, or if the client is public,
                ensure that the code was issued to "client_id" in the request,

            * verify that the authorization code is valid,

            * verify that the "code_verifier" parameter is present if and only
                if a "code_challenge" parameter was present in the authorization

            * if a "code_verifier" is present, verify the "code_verifier" by
                calculating the code challenge from the received "code_verifier"
                and comparing it with the previously associated "code_challenge",
                after first transforming it according to the
                "code_challenge_method" method specified by the client, and

            * ensure that the "redirect_uri" parameter is present if the
                "redirect_uri" parameter was included in the initial authorization
                request as described in Section, and if included ensure
                that their values are identical.

        .. note:: The `client_id` is ignored in this flow, since it is already
            used to authenticate the `Client` if needed.

        :param data: Data of the Token Request.
        :type data: dict

        :return: Validated and reformatted Token Request data.
        :rtype: dict

        if not data.get("code") or not isinstance(data.get("code"), str):
            raise InvalidRequest(description='Invalid parameter "code".')

        if not data.get("redirect_uri") or not isinstance(
                data.get("redirect_uri"), str):
            raise InvalidRequest(
                description='Invalid parameter "redirect_uri".')

        if not data.get("code_verifier") or not isinstance(
                data.get("code_verifier"), str):
            raise InvalidRequest(
                description='Invalid parameter "code_verifier".')

        response = {
            "code": data["code"],
            "redirect_uri": data["redirect_uri"],
            "code_verifier": data["code_verifier"],

        async for hook in self._execute_hook("token_request", data):
            if hook:

        return response
Exemplo n.º 8
    async def token(self, data: dict, client: ClientMixin) -> dict:
        Validates the provided `Authorization Code` to check if its data matches
        both the `Client` and the `User`, then issues a new `Access Token` and,
        if allowed, a new `Refresh Token`, with both bound to the `Client` and `User`.

        Whether it succeeds or fails to issue an `Access Token`, the current
        `Authorization Code` **WILL** be deleted at the end of the flow.
        This prevents both `Replay Attacks` and the generation of multiple
        `Access Tokens` against the `Authorization Code`.

        From the specification at

            The authorization server issues an access token and optional refresh
            token, and constructs the response by adding the following parameters
            to the entity-body of the HTTP response with a 200 (OK) status code:

            "access_token": REQUIRED. The access token issued by the
                authorization server.

            "token_type": REQUIRED. The type of the token issued as described
                in Section 7.1. Value is case insensitive.

            "expires_in": RECOMMENDED. The lifetime in seconds of the access
                token. For example, the value "3600" denotes that the access
                token will expire in one hour from the time the response was
                generated. If omitted, the authorization server SHOULD provide
                the expiration time via other means or document the default value.

            "refresh_token": OPTIONAL. The refresh token, which can be used to
                obtain new access tokens using the same authorization grant as
                described in Section 6.

            "scope": OPTIONAL, if identical to the scope requested by the
                client; otherwise, REQUIRED. The scope of the access token as
                described by Section 3.3.

            The parameters are included in the entity-body of the HTTP response
            using the "application/json" media type as defined by [RFC7159]. The
            parameters are serialized into a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
            structure by adding each parameter at the highest structure level.
            Parameter names and string values are included as JSON strings.
            Numerical values are included as JSON numbers. The order of
            parameters does not matter and can vary.

            The authorization server MUST include the HTTP "Cache-Control"
            response header field [RFC7234] with a value of "no-store" in any
            response containing tokens, credentials, or other sensitive
            information, as well as the "Pragma" response header field [RFC7234]
            with a value of "no-cache".

            For example:

            HTTP/1.1 200 OK
            Content-Type: application/json
            Cache-Control: no-store
            Pragma: no-cache


            The client MUST ignore unrecognized value names in the response.  The
            sizes of tokens and other values received from the authorization
            server are left undefined. The client should avoid making
            assumptions about value sizes. The authorization server SHOULD
            document the size of any value it issues.

        :param data: Data of the Token Request.
        :type data: dict

        :param client: Client requesting a new Token.
        :type client: ClientMixin

        :return: Access Token and its metadata, optionally with a Refresh Token.
        :rtype: dict

            data = await self._validate_token_request(data)
            code = await self.adapter.get_authorization_code(data["code"])

            if not code:
                raise InvalidRequest(
                    description="Invalid Authorization Grant.")

            self._validate_authorization_code(data, code, client)

            user = await self.adapter.find_user(code.get_user_id())

            if not user:
                raise InvalidRequest(
                    description="No user found for this code.")

            access_token = await self.adapter.create_access_token(
                client, user, code.get_scopes())

            refresh_token = (await self.adapter.create_refresh_token(
                client, user, code.get_scopes()) if "refresh_token"
                             in client.get_grant_types() else None)

            token = self._create_token(

            async for hook in self._execute_hook("token_response", token, data,
                                                 client, user):
                if hook:

            return token
            # Prevents replay attacks by deleting the code once it is used,
            # whether it succeeds or fails.
            await self.adapter.delete_authorization_code(data["code"])
Exemplo n.º 9
    async def _validate_authorization_request(self, data: dict) -> dict:
        Validates the incoming data from the `Client` to ensure
        that **ALL** the required parameters were provided.

        From the specification at
        (fields marked in italic are slightly modified
        to fit the Framework's requirements)::

            "response_type": REQUIRED. Value MUST be set to "code".

            "client_id": REQUIRED. The client identifier as described in Section 2.2.

            "code_challenge": REQUIRED. Code challenge.

            "code_challenge_method": *REQUIRED*. Code verifier transformation
                method is "S256" or "plain".

            "redirect_uri": *REQUIRED*. As described in Section 3.1.2.

            "scope": *REQUIRED*. The scope of the access request
                as described by Section 3.3.

            "state": OPTIONAL. An opaque value used by the client to maintain
                state between the request and callback. The authorization server
                includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back to the

            GET /authorize?response_type=code&client_id=s6BhdRkqt3&state=xyz
                &code_challenge_method=S256 HTTP/1.1
            Host: server.example.com

        :param data: Data of the Authorization Request.
        :type data: dict

        :return: Validated and reformatted Authorization Request data.
        :rtype: dict

        state: Optional[str] = data.get("state")
        code_challenge: str = data.get("code_challenge")
        code_challenge_method: str = data.get("code_challenge_method")
        scope: str = data.get("scope")

        if state:
            if not state or not isinstance(state, str):
                raise InvalidRequest(description='Invalid parameter "state".')

        if not code_challenge or not isinstance(code_challenge, str):
            raise InvalidRequest(description="Invalid code challenge.",

        if len(code_challenge) < 43 or len(code_challenge) > 128:
            raise InvalidRequest(
                "The length of the code challenge MUST be between [43, 128] bytes long.",

        if code_challenge_method not in self._challenges.keys():
            raise InvalidRequest(
                f'Unknown code challenge "{code_challenge_method}".',

        if not scope or not isinstance(scope, str):
            raise InvalidRequest(description='Invalid parameter "scope".',

        response = {
            "code_challenge": code_challenge,
            "code_challenge_method": code_challenge_method,
            "redirect_uri": data["redirect_uri"],
            "scopes": scope.split(),
            "state": state,

        async for hook in self._execute_hook("authorization_request", data):
            if hook:

        return response
Exemplo n.º 10
    def _validate_token_request(self, data: dict) -> dict:
        Validates the incoming data from the `Client` to ensure
        that **ALL** the required parameters were provided.

        From the specification at

            Authorization servers SHOULD determine, based on a risk assessment,
            whether to issue refresh tokens to a certain client. If the
            authorization server decides not to issue refresh tokens, the client
            MAY refresh access tokens by utilizing other grant types, such as the
            authorization code grant type. In such a case, the authorization
            server may utilize cookies and persistent grants to optimize the user

            If refresh tokens are issued, those refresh tokens MUST be bound to
            the scope and resource servers as consented by the resource owner.
            This is to prevent privilege escalation by the legitimate client and
            reduce the impact of refresh token leakage.

            If the authorization server issued a refresh token to the client, the
            client makes a refresh request to the token endpoint by adding the
            following parameters using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            format per Appendix B with a character encoding of UTF-8 in the HTTP
            request entity-body:

            "grant_type": REQUIRED. Value MUST be set to "refresh_token".

            "refresh_token": REQUIRED. The refresh token issued to the client.

            "scope": OPTIONAL. The scope of the access request as described by
                Section 3.3. The requested scope MUST NOT include any scope not
                originally granted by the resource owner, and if omitted is
                treated as equal to the scope originally granted by the resource

            Because refresh tokens are typically long-lasting credentials used to
            request additional access tokens, the refresh token is bound to the
            client to which it was issued. Confidential or credentialed clients
            MUST authenticate with the authorization server as described in
            Section 3.2.1.

            For example, the client makes the following HTTP request using
            transport-layer security (with extra line breaks for display purposes

            POST /token HTTP/1.1
            Host: server.example.com
            Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
            Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


            The authorization server MUST:

            * require client authentication for confidential or credentialed

            * authenticate the client if client authentication is included and
                ensure that the refresh token was issued to the authenticated
                client, and

            * validate the refresh token.

        :param data: Data of the Token Request.
        :type data: dict

        :return: Validated and reformatted Token Request data.
        :rtype: dict

        if not data.get("refresh_token") or not isinstance(
                data.get("refresh_token"), str):
            raise InvalidRequest(
                description='Invalid parameter "refresh_token".')

        if data.get("scope"):
            if not data.get("scope") or not isinstance(data.get("scope"), str):
                raise InvalidRequest(description='Invalid parameter "scope".')

        return {
            "refresh_token": data["refresh_token"],
            "scopes": data.get("scope").split() if data.get("scope") else None,
Exemplo n.º 11
    async def authorization_request(self, data: dict) -> dict:
        if nonce := data.get("nonce"):
            if not nonce or not isinstance(nonce, str):
                raise InvalidRequest(description='Invalid parameter "nonce".')

            return {"nonce": nonce}