Exemplo n.º 1
def main(args):
    # Parse command line options
    global MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH
    MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH = min([args.queue_depth, 10])

    # Find out where the source is if needed
    if args.source is not None:
        if args.ra is None or args.dec is None:
            tempRA, tempDec, tempService = resolveTarget('PSR ' + args.source)
            print("%s resolved to %s, %s using '%s'" %
                  (args.source, tempRA, tempDec, tempService))
            out = input('=> Accept? [Y/n] ')
            if out == 'n' or out == 'N':
                args.ra = tempRA
                args.dec = tempDec

        args.source = "None"

    if args.ra is None:
        args.ra = "00:00:00.00"
    if args.dec is None:
        args.dec = "+00:00:00.0"
    args.ra = str(args.ra)
    args.dec = str(args.dec)

    # FFT length
    LFFT = args.nchan

    # Sub-integration block size
    nsblk = args.nsblk

    DM = float(args.DM)

    # Open
    idf = DRXFile(args.filename)

    # Load in basic information about the data
    nFramesFile = idf.get_info('nframe')
    srate = idf.get_info('sample_rate')
    beampols = idf.get_info('nbeampol')
    tunepol = beampols

    # Offset, if needed
    o = 0
    if args.skip != 0.0:
        o = idf.offset(args.skip)
    nFramesFile -= int(o * srate / 4096) * tunepol

    ## Date
    beginDate = idf.get_info('start_time')
    beginTime = beginDate.datetime
    mjd = beginDate.mjd
    mjd_day = int(mjd)
    mjd_sec = (mjd - mjd_day) * 86400
    if args.output is None:
        args.output = "drx_%05d_%s" % (mjd_day, args.source.replace(' ', ''))

    ## Tuning frequencies
    central_freq1 = idf.get_info('freq1')
    central_freq2 = idf.get_info('freq2')
    beam = idf.get_info('beam')

    ## Coherent Dedispersion Setup
    timesPerFrame = numpy.arange(4096, dtype=numpy.float64) / srate
    spectraFreq1 = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fftfreq(
        LFFT, d=1.0 / srate)) + central_freq1
    spectraFreq2 = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fftfreq(
        LFFT, d=1.0 / srate)) + central_freq2

    # File summary
    print("Input Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Date of First Frame: %s (MJD=%f)" % (str(beginDate), mjd))
    print("Tune/Pols: %i" % tunepol)
    print("Tunings: %.1f Hz, %.1f Hz" % (central_freq1, central_freq2))
    print("Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
    print("Sample Time: %f s" % (LFFT / srate, ))
    print("Sub-block Time: %f s" % (LFFT / srate * nsblk, ))
    print("Frames: %i (%.3f s)" %
          (nFramesFile, 4096.0 * nFramesFile / srate / tunepol))
    print("Using FFTW Wisdom? %s" % useWisdom)
    print("DM: %.4f pc / cm^3" % DM)
    print("Samples Needed: %i, %i to %i, %i" %
          (get_coherent_sample_size(central_freq1 - srate / 2,
                                    1.0 * srate / LFFT, DM),
           get_coherent_sample_size(central_freq2 - srate / 2,
                                    1.0 * srate / LFFT, DM),
           get_coherent_sample_size(central_freq1 + srate / 2,
                                    1.0 * srate / LFFT, DM),
           get_coherent_sample_size(central_freq2 + srate / 2,
                                    1.0 * srate / LFFT, DM)))

    # Create the output PSRFITS file(s)
    pfu_out = []
    if (not args.no_summing):
        polNames = 'I'
        nPols = 1
        reduceEngine = CombineToIntensity
    elif args.stokes:
        polNames = 'IQUV'
        nPols = 4
        reduceEngine = CombineToStokes
    elif args.circular:
        polNames = 'LLRR'
        nPols = 2
        reduceEngine = CombineToCircular
        polNames = 'XXYY'
        nPols = 2
        reduceEngine = CombineToLinear

    if args.four_bit_data:
        OptimizeDataLevels = OptimizeDataLevels4Bit
        OptimizeDataLevels = OptimizeDataLevels8Bit

    # Parameter validation
    if get_coherent_sample_size(central_freq1 - srate / 2, 1.0 * srate / LFFT,
                                DM) > nsblk:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Too few samples for coherent dedispersion.  Considering increasing the number of channels."
    elif get_coherent_sample_size(central_freq2 - srate / 2,
                                  1.0 * srate / LFFT, DM) > nsblk:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Too few samples for coherent dedispersion.  Considering increasing the number of channels."

    # Adjust the time for the padding used for coherent dedispersion
    print("MJD shifted by %.3f ms to account for padding" %
          (nsblk * LFFT / srate * 1000.0, ))
    beginDate = idf.get_info('start_time') + nsblk * LFFT / srate
    beginTime = beginDate.datetime
    mjd = beginDate.mjd

    for t in range(1, 2 + 1):
        ## Basic structure and bounds
        pfo = pfu.psrfits()
        pfo.basefilename = "%s_b%it%i" % (args.output, beam, t)
        pfo.filenum = 0
        pfo.tot_rows = pfo.N = pfo.T = pfo.status = pfo.multifile = 0
        pfo.rows_per_file = 32768

        ## Frequency, bandwidth, and channels
        if t == 1:
            pfo.hdr.fctr = central_freq1 / 1e6
            pfo.hdr.fctr = central_freq2 / 1e6
        pfo.hdr.BW = srate / 1e6
        pfo.hdr.nchan = LFFT
        pfo.hdr.df = srate / 1e6 / LFFT
        pfo.hdr.dt = LFFT / srate

        ## Metadata about the observation/observatory/pulsar
        pfo.hdr.observer = "writePsrfits2D.py"
        pfo.hdr.source = args.source
        pfo.hdr.fd_hand = 1
        pfo.hdr.nbits = 4 if args.four_bit_data else 8
        pfo.hdr.nsblk = nsblk
        pfo.hdr.ds_freq_fact = 1
        pfo.hdr.ds_time_fact = 1
        pfo.hdr.npol = nPols
        pfo.hdr.summed_polns = 1 if (not args.no_summing) else 0
        pfo.hdr.obs_mode = "SEARCH"
        pfo.hdr.telescope = "LWA"
        pfo.hdr.frontend = "LWA"
        pfo.hdr.backend = "DRX"
        pfo.hdr.project_id = "Pulsar"
        pfo.hdr.ra_str = args.ra
        pfo.hdr.dec_str = args.dec
        pfo.hdr.poln_type = "LIN" if not args.circular else "CIRC"
        pfo.hdr.poln_order = polNames
        pfo.hdr.date_obs = str(beginTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
        pfo.hdr.MJD_epoch = pfu.get_ld(mjd)

        ## Coherent dedispersion information
        pfo.hdr.chan_dm = DM

        ## Setup the subintegration structure
        pfo.sub.tsubint = pfo.hdr.dt * pfo.hdr.nsblk
        pfo.sub.bytes_per_subint = pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk * pfo.hdr.nbits // 8
        pfo.sub.dat_freqs = pfu.malloc_doublep(
            pfo.hdr.nchan * 8)  # 8-bytes per double @ LFFT channels
        pfo.sub.dat_weights = pfu.malloc_floatp(
            pfo.hdr.nchan * 4)  # 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels
        pfo.sub.dat_offsets = pfu.malloc_floatp(
            pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol *
            4)  # 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels per pol.
        pfo.sub.dat_scales = pfu.malloc_floatp(
            pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol *
            4)  # 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels per pol.
        if args.four_bit_data:
            pfo.sub.data = pfu.malloc_ucharp(
                pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk
            )  # 1-byte per unsigned char @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples
            pfo.sub.rawdata = pfu.malloc_ucharp(
                pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk // 2
            )  # 4-bits per nibble @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples
            pfo.sub.rawdata = pfu.malloc_ucharp(
                pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk
            )  # 1-byte per unsigned char @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples

        ## Create and save it for later use

    freqBaseMHz = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fftfreq(LFFT,
                                                       d=1.0 / srate)) / 1e6
    for i in range(len(pfu_out)):
        # Define the frequencies available in the file (in MHz)
                                  freqBaseMHz + pfu_out[i].hdr.fctr, LFFT)

        # Define which part of the spectra are good (1) or bad (0).  All channels
        # are good except for the two outermost.
        pfu.convert2_float_array(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, numpy.ones(LFFT),
        pfu.set_float_value(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, 0, 0)
        pfu.set_float_value(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, LFFT - 1, 0)

        # Define the data scaling (default is a scale of one and an offset of zero)
                                 numpy.zeros(LFFT * nPols), LFFT * nPols)
                                 numpy.ones(LFFT * nPols), LFFT * nPols)

    # Speed things along, the data need to be processed in units of 'nsblk'.
    # Find out how many frames per tuning/polarization that corresponds to.
    chunkSize = nsblk * LFFT // 4096
    chunkTime = LFFT / srate * nsblk

    # Calculate the SK limites for weighting
    if (not args.no_sk_flagging):
        skLimits = kurtosis.get_limits(4.0, 1.0 * nsblk)

        GenerateMask = lambda x: ComputeSKMask(x, skLimits[0], skLimits[1])

        def GenerateMask(x):
            flag = numpy.ones((4, LFFT), dtype=numpy.float32)
            flag[:, 0] = 0.0
            flag[:, -1] = 0.0
            return flag

    # Create the progress bar so that we can keep up with the conversion.
    pbar = progress.ProgressBarPlus(max=nFramesFile // (4 * chunkSize) - 2,

    # Go!
    rdr = threading.Thread(target=reader,
                           args=(idf, chunkTime, readerQ),
                           kwargs={'core': 0})

    # Unpack - Previous data
    incoming = getFromQueue(readerQ)
    siCount, t, rawdata = incoming
    rawSpectraPrev = PulsarEngineRaw(rawdata, LFFT)

    # Unpack - Current data
    incoming = getFromQueue(readerQ)
    siCount, t, rawdata = incoming
    rawSpectra = PulsarEngineRaw(rawdata, LFFT)

    # Main loop
    incoming = getFromQueue(readerQ)
    while incoming[0] is not None:
        ## Unpack
        siCount, t, rawdata = incoming

        ## FFT
            rawSpectraNext = PulsarEngineRaw(rawdata, LFFT, rawSpectraNext)
        except NameError:
            rawSpectraNext = PulsarEngineRaw(rawdata, LFFT)

        ## S-K flagging
        flag = GenerateMask(rawSpectra)
        weight1 = numpy.where(flag[:2, :].sum(axis=0) == 0, 0,
        weight2 = numpy.where(flag[2:, :].sum(axis=0) == 0, 0,
        ff1 = 1.0 * (LFFT - weight1.sum()) / LFFT
        ff2 = 1.0 * (LFFT - weight2.sum()) / LFFT

        ## Dedisperse
            rawSpectraDedispersed = MultiChannelCD(
                rawSpectra, spectraFreq1, spectraFreq2, 1.0 * srate / LFFT, DM,
                rawSpectraPrev, rawSpectraNext, rawSpectraDedispersed)
        except NameError:
            rawSpectraDedispersed = MultiChannelCD(rawSpectra, spectraFreq1,
                                                   1.0 * srate / LFFT, DM,

        ## Update the state variables used to get the CD process continuous
        rawSpectraPrev[...] = rawSpectra
        rawSpectra[...] = rawSpectraNext

        ## Detect power
            redData = reduceEngine(rawSpectraDedispersed, redData)
        except NameError:
            redData = reduceEngine(rawSpectraDedispersed)

        ## Optimal data scaling
            bzero, bscale, bdata = OptimizeDataLevels(redData, LFFT, bzero,
                                                      bscale, bdata)
        except NameError:
            bzero, bscale, bdata = OptimizeDataLevels(redData, LFFT)

        ## Polarization mangling
        bzero1 = bzero[:nPols, :].T.ravel()
        bzero2 = bzero[nPols:, :].T.ravel()
        bscale1 = bscale[:nPols, :].T.ravel()
        bscale2 = bscale[nPols:, :].T.ravel()
        bdata1 = bdata[:nPols, :].T.ravel()
        bdata2 = bdata[nPols:, :].T.ravel()

        ## Write the spectra to the PSRFITS files
        for j, sp, bz, bs, wt in zip(range(2), (bdata1, bdata2),
                                     (bzero1, bzero2), (bscale1, bscale2),
                                     (weight1, weight2)):
            ## Time
            pfu_out[j].sub.offs = (
                pfu_out[j].tot_rows) * pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk * pfu_out[
                    j].hdr.dt + pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk * pfu_out[j].hdr.dt / 2.0

            ## Data
            ptr, junk = sp.__array_interface__['data']
            if args.four_bit_data:
                    int(pfu_out[j].sub.data), ptr,
                    pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk)
                    int(pfu_out[j].sub.rawdata), ptr,
                    pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk)

            ## Zero point
            ptr, junk = bz.__array_interface__['data']
            ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_offsets), ptr,
                           pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * 4)

            ## Scale factor
            ptr, junk = bs.__array_interface__['data']
            ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_scales), ptr,
                           pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * 4)

            ## SK
            ptr, junk = wt.__array_interface__['data']
            ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_weights), ptr,
                           pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * 4)

            ## Save

        ## Update the progress bar and remaining time estimate
        sys.stdout.write('%5.1f%% %5.1f%% %s %2i\r' %
                         (ff1 * 100, ff2 * 100, pbar.show(), len(readerQ)))

        ## Fetch another one
        incoming = getFromQueue(readerQ)


    # Update the progress bar with the total time used but only if we have
    # reached the end of the file
    if incoming[1]:
        pbar.amount = pbar.max
    sys.stdout.write('              %s %2i\n' % (pbar.show(), len(readerQ)))

    # And close out the files
    for pfo in pfu_out:
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(args):
    # Open the file and load in basic information about the observation's goal
    fh = h5py.File(args.filename, 'r')
    if len(fh.keys()) != 1 or 'Observation1' not in fh:
        raise RuntimeError('Only HDF5 waterfall files with a single observation, labeled "Observation1", are supported')
        station = fh.attrs['StationName']
    except KeyError:
        station = 'lwa1'
    obs1 = fh['Observation1']
    if args.source is None:
            ## Load from the observation
            sourceName = obs1.attrs['TargetName']
            ## Validate
            assert(sourceName != '')
            ## Save
            args.source = sourceName
        except Exception as e:
            print("WARNING: Could not load source name from file")
    if args.ra is None or args.dec is None:
            ## Load from the observation
            ra = obs1.attrs['RA']
            if obs1.attrs['RA_Units'] == 'degrees':
                ra /= 15.0
            dec = obs1.attrs['Dec']
            decSign = '-' if dec < 0 else '+'
            dec = abs(dec)
            ## Validate
            assert(ra >= 0)
            assert(ra < 24)
            assert(dec <= 90)
            ## Save
            args.ra = '%02d:%02d:%04.1f' % (int(ra), int(ra * 60) % 60, ra * 3600 % 60)
            args.dec = '%s%02d:%02d:%04.1f' % (decSign, int(dec), int(dec * 60) % 60, dec * 3600 % 60)
        except Exception as e:
            print("WARNING: Could not load source RA/dec. from file")
    # Find out where the source is if needed
    if args.source is not None:
        if args.ra is None or args.dec is None:
            tempRA, tempDec, tempService = resolveTarget('PSR '+args.source)
            print("%s resolved to %s, %s using '%s'" % (args.source, tempRA, tempDec, tempService))
            out = input('=> Accept? [Y/n] ')
            if out == 'n' or out == 'N':
                args.ra = tempRA
                args.dec = tempDec
        args.source = "None"
    if args.ra is None:
        args.ra = "00:00:00.00"
    if args.dec is None:
        args.dec = "+00:00:00.0"
    args.ra = str(args.ra)
    args.dec = str(args.dec)
    ## What's in the data?
    obs1tuning1 = obs1['Tuning1']
        obs1tuning2 = obs1['Tuning2']
    except KeyError:
        obs1tuning2 = None
    nFramesFile = obs1['time'].shape[0]
    srate = float(obs1.attrs['sampleRate'])
    beam = int(obs1.attrs['Beam'])
    LFFT = int(obs1.attrs['LFFT'])
    nchan = int(obs1.attrs['nChan'])
    chanOffset = LFFT - nchan		# Packing offset to deal with old HDF5 files that contain only LFFT-1 channels
    central_freq1 = obs1tuning1['freq'][LFFT//2-chanOffset]
        central_freq2 = obs1tuning2['freq'][LFFT//2-chanOffset]
    except TypeError:
        central_freq2 = 0.0
    data_products = list(obs1tuning1)
        del data_products[ data_products.index('Saturation') ]
    except ValueError:
        del data_products[ data_products.index('freq') ]
    except ValueError:
    tInt = obs1.attrs['tInt']
    # Sub-integration block size
    nsblk = args.nsblk
    ## Date
        beginATime = AstroTime(obs1['time'][0]['int'], obs1['time'][0]['frac'],
    except (KeyError, ValueError):
        beginATime = AstroTime(obs1['time'][0], format='unix', scale='utc')
    beginDate = beginATime.utc.datetime
    beginTime = beginDate
    mjd = beginATime.utc.mjd
    mjd_day = int(mjd)
    mjd_sec = (mjd-mjd_day)*86400
    if args.output is None:
        args.output = "drx_%05d_%s" % (mjd_day, args.source.replace(' ', ''))
    # File summary
    print("Input Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Date of First Frame: %s (MJD=%f)" % (str(beginDate),mjd))
    print("Beam: %i" % beam)
    print("Tunings: %.1f Hz, %.1f Hz" % (central_freq1, central_freq2))
    print("Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
    print("Sample Time: %f s" % tInt)
    print("Sub-block Time: %f s" % (tInt*nsblk,))
    print("Data Products: %s" % ','.join(data_products))
    print("Frames: %i (%.3f s)" % (nFramesFile, tInt*nFramesFile))
    # Create the output PSRFITS file(s)
    pfu_out = []
    if 'XX' in data_products and 'YY' in data_products and (not args.no_summing):
        polNames = 'I'
        nPols = 1
        def reduceEngine(x):
            y = numpy.zeros((2,x.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float64)
            y[0,:] += x[0,:]
            y[0,:] += x[1,:]
            y[1,:] += x[2,:]
            y[1,:] += x[3,:]
            return y.astype(numpy.float32)
    elif 'I' in data_products:
        args.no_summing = False
        polNames = 'I'
        nPols = 1
        def reduceEngine(x):
            y = numpy.zeros((2,x.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float32)
            y[0,:] = x[0,:]
            y[1,:] = x[x.shape[0]//2,:]
            return y
        args.no_summing = True
        allowed_indices = []
        allowed_products = []
        for p,pol in enumerate(data_products):
            if pol in ('XX', 'YY'):
        polNames = ''.join(allowed_products)
        iPols = len(data_products)
        nPols = len(allowed_products)
        if nPols == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('No valid polarization products found: %s' % (','.join(data_products),))
        def reduceEngine(x, iPols=iPols, nPols=nPols, indicies=allowed_indices):
            y = numpy.zeros((len(allowed_products),x.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float32)
            for i,j in enumerate(indicies):
                y[i,:] = x[j,:]
                y[nPols+i,:] = x[iPols+j]
            return y
    if args.four_bit_data:
        OptimizeDataLevels = OptimizeDataLevels4Bit
        OptimizeDataLevels = OptimizeDataLevels8Bit
    for t in range(1, 2+1):
        if t == 2 and obs1tuning2 is None:
        ## Basic structure and bounds
        pfo = pfu.psrfits()
        pfo.basefilename = "%s_b%it%i" % (args.output, beam, t)
        pfo.filenum = 0
        pfo.tot_rows = pfo.N = pfo.T = pfo.status = pfo.multifile = 0
        pfo.rows_per_file = 32768
        ## Frequency, bandwidth, and channels
        if t == 1:
        pfo.hdr.BW = srate/1e6
        pfo.hdr.nchan = LFFT
        pfo.hdr.df = srate/1e6/LFFT
        pfo.hdr.dt = tInt
        ## Metadata about the observation/observatory/pulsar
        pfo.hdr.observer = "wP2FromHDF5.py"
        pfo.hdr.source = args.source
        pfo.hdr.fd_hand = 1
        pfo.hdr.nbits = 4 if args.four_bit_data else 8
        pfo.hdr.nsblk = nsblk
        pfo.hdr.ds_freq_fact = 1
        pfo.hdr.ds_time_fact = 1
        pfo.hdr.npol = nPols
        pfo.hdr.summed_polns = 1 if (not args.no_summing) else 0
        pfo.hdr.obs_mode = "SEARCH"
        if station in ('ovro-lwa', 'ovrolwa'):
            pfo.hdr.telescope = "OVRO-LWA"
            pfo.hdr.frontend = "OVRO-LWA"
            pfo.hdr.backend = "Beamformer"
            pfo.hdr.telescope = "LWA"
            pfo.hdr.frontend = "LWA"
            pfo.hdr.backend = "DRSpectrometer"
        pfo.hdr.project_id = "Pulsar"
        pfo.hdr.ra_str = args.ra
        pfo.hdr.dec_str = args.dec
        pfo.hdr.poln_type = "LIN"
        pfo.hdr.poln_order = polNames
        pfo.hdr.date_obs = str(beginTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))     
        pfo.hdr.MJD_epoch = pfu.get_ld(mjd)
        ## Setup the subintegration structure
        pfo.sub.tsubint = pfo.hdr.dt*pfo.hdr.nsblk
        pfo.sub.bytes_per_subint = pfo.hdr.nchan*pfo.hdr.npol*pfo.hdr.nsblk*pfo.hdr.nbits//8
        pfo.sub.dat_freqs   = pfu.malloc_doublep(pfo.hdr.nchan*8)				# 8-bytes per double @ LFFT channels
        pfo.sub.dat_weights = pfu.malloc_floatp(pfo.hdr.nchan*4)				# 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels
        pfo.sub.dat_offsets = pfu.malloc_floatp(pfo.hdr.nchan*pfo.hdr.npol*4)		# 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels per pol.
        pfo.sub.dat_scales  = pfu.malloc_floatp(pfo.hdr.nchan*pfo.hdr.npol*4)		# 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels per pol.
        if args.four_bit_data:
            pfo.sub.data = pfu.malloc_ucharp(pfo.hdr.nchan*pfo.hdr.npol*pfo.hdr.nsblk)	# 1-byte per unsigned char @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples
            pfo.sub.rawdata = pfu.malloc_ucharp(pfo.hdr.nchan*pfo.hdr.npol*pfo.hdr.nsblk//2)	# 4-bits per nibble @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples
            pfo.sub.rawdata = pfu.malloc_ucharp(pfo.hdr.nchan*pfo.hdr.npol*pfo.hdr.nsblk)	# 1-byte per unsigned char @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples
        ## Create and save it for later use
    for i,t in enumerate((obs1tuning1, obs1tuning2)):
        if i == 1 and t is None:
        # Define the frequencies available in the file (in MHz) making sure to correct the array
        # if chanOffset is not zero
        tfreqs = numpy.zeros(LFFT, dtype=t['freq'].dtype)
        tfreqs[chanOffset:] = t['freq'][:]/1e6
        if chanOffset != 0:
            tfreqs[:chanOffset] = (t['freq'][0] - numpy.arange(1, chanOffset+1)[::-1]*(t['freq'][1] - t['freq'][0])) / 1e6
        pfu.convert2_double_array(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_freqs, tfreqs, LFFT)
        # Define which part of the spectra are good (1) or bad (0).  All channels
        # are good except for the two outermost or those that are not contained in
        # the input HDF5 file.
        pfu.convert2_float_array(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, numpy.ones(LFFT),  LFFT)
        pfu.set_float_value(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, 0,      0)
        pfu.set_float_value(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, LFFT-1, 0)
        for j in range(chanOffset):
            pfu.set_float_value(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, j, 0)
        # Define the data scaling (default is a scale of one and an offset of zero)
        pfu.convert2_float_array(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_offsets, numpy.zeros(LFFT*nPols), LFFT*nPols)
        pfu.convert2_float_array(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_scales,  numpy.ones(LFFT*nPols),  LFFT*nPols)
    # Speed things along, the data need to be processed in units of 'nsblk'.  
    # Find out how many frames that corresponds to.
    chunkSize = nsblk
    # Calculate the SK limites for weighting
    if (not args.no_sk_flagging) and 'XX' in data_products and 'YY' in data_products:
        skN = int(tInt*srate / LFFT)
        skLimits = kurtosis.get_limits(4.0, M=1.0*nsblk, N=1.0*skN)
        GenerateMask = lambda x: ComputePseudoSKMask(x, LFFT, skN, skLimits[0], skLimits[1])
        def GenerateMask(x):
            flag = numpy.ones((4, LFFT), dtype=numpy.float32)
            flag[:,0] = 0.0
            flag[:,-1] = 0.0
            return flag
    # Create the progress bar so that we can keep up with the conversion.
    pbar = progress.ProgressBarPlus(max=nFramesFile//chunkSize, span=55)
    # Go!
    done = False
    siCount = 0
    nSubInts = nFramesFile // chunkSize
    for i in range(nSubInts):
        ## Read in the data
        data = numpy.zeros((2*len(data_products), LFFT*chunkSize), dtype=numpy.float64)
        for j in range(chunkSize):
            jP = j + i*chunkSize
            nTime = obs1['time'][jP]
                nTime = nTime['int'] + nTime['frac']
            except ValueError:
                if nTime > oTime + 1.001*tInt:
                    # pylint: disable-next=bad-string-format-type
                    print('Warning: Time tag error in subint. %i; %.3f > %.3f + %.3f' % (siCount, nTime, oTime, tInt))
            except NameError:
            oTime = nTime
            k = 0
            for t in (obs1tuning1, obs1tuning2):
                if t is None:
                for p in data_products:
                    data[k, j*LFFT+chanOffset:(j+1)*LFFT] = t[p][jP,:]
                    k += 1
        siCount += 1
        ## Are we done yet?
        if done:
        ## FFT
        spectra = data
        ## S-K flagging
        flag = GenerateMask(spectra)
        weight1 = numpy.where( flag[:2,:].sum(axis=0) == 0, 0, 1 ).astype(numpy.float32)
        weight2 = numpy.where( flag[2:,:].sum(axis=0) == 0, 0, 1 ).astype(numpy.float32)
        ff1 = 1.0*(LFFT - weight1.sum()) / LFFT
        ff2 = 1.0*(LFFT - weight2.sum()) / LFFT
        ## Detect power
        data = reduceEngine(spectra)
        ## Optimal data scaling
        bzero, bscale, bdata = OptimizeDataLevels(data, LFFT)
        ## Polarization mangling
        bzero1 = bzero[:nPols,:].T.ravel()
        bzero2 = bzero[nPols:,:].T.ravel()
        bscale1 = bscale[:nPols,:].T.ravel()
        bscale2 = bscale[nPols:,:].T.ravel()
        bdata1 = bdata[:nPols,:].T.ravel()
        bdata2 = bdata[nPols:,:].T.ravel()
        ## Write the spectra to the PSRFITS files
        for j,sp,bz,bs,wt in zip(range(2), (bdata1, bdata2), (bzero1, bzero2), (bscale1, bscale2), (weight1, weight2)):
            if j == 1 and obs1tuning2 is None:
            ## Time
            pfu_out[j].sub.offs = (pfu_out[j].tot_rows)*pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk*pfu_out[j].hdr.dt+pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk*pfu_out[j].hdr.dt/2.0
            ## Data
            ptr, junk = sp.__array_interface__['data']
            if args.four_bit_data:
                ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.data), ptr, pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan*nPols*pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk)
                ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.rawdata), ptr, pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan*nPols*pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk)
            ## Zero point
            ptr, junk = bz.__array_interface__['data']
            ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_offsets), ptr, pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan*nPols*4)
            ## Scale factor
            ptr, junk = bs.__array_interface__['data']
            ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_scales), ptr, pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan*nPols*4)
            ## SK
            ptr, junk = wt.__array_interface__['data']
            ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_weights), ptr, pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan*4)
            ## Save
        ## Update the progress bar and remaining time estimate
        sys.stdout.write('%5.1f%% %5.1f%% %s\r' % (ff1*100, ff2*100, pbar.show()))
    # Update the progress bar with the total time used
    sys.stdout.write('              %s\n' % pbar.show())
    # And close out the files
    for pfo in pfu_out:
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(args):
    # Parse command line options
    global MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH
    MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH = min([args.queue_depth, 10])

    # Find out where the source is if needed
    if args.source is not None:
        if args.ra is None or args.dec is None:
            tempRA, tempDec, tempService = resolveTarget('PSR ' + args.source)
            print("%s resolved to %s, %s using '%s'" %
                  (args.source, tempRA, tempDec, tempService))
            out = input('=> Accept? [Y/n] ')
            if out == 'n' or out == 'N':
                args.ra = tempRA
                args.dec = tempDec

        args.source = "None"

    if args.ra is None:
        args.ra = "00:00:00.00"
    if args.dec is None:
        args.dec = "+00:00:00.0"
    args.ra = str(args.ra)
    args.dec = str(args.dec)

    # FFT length
    LFFT = args.nchan

    # Sub-integration block size
    nsblk = args.nsblk

    startTimes = []
    nFrames = []
    for filename in args.filename:
        idf = DRXFile(filename)

        # Find out how many frame sets are in each file
        srate = idf.get_info('sample_rate')
        beampols = idf.get_info('nbeampol')
        tunepol = beampols
        nFramesFile = idf.get_info('nframe')

        # Offset, if needed
        o = 0
        if args.skip != 0.0:
            o = idf.offset(args.skip)
        nFramesFile -= int(o * srate / 4096) * tunepol
        nFrames.append(nFramesFile // tunepol)

        # Get the start time of the file

        # Validate
            if srate != srateOld:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Sample rate change detected in this set of files")
        except NameError:
            srateOld = srate

        # Done

    ttSkip = int(fS / srate * 4096)
    spSkip = int(fS / srate)
    frameOffsets = []
    sampleOffsets = []
    tickOffsets = []
    siCountMax = []
    for filename, startTime, nFrame in zip(args.filename, startTimes, nFrames):
        diff = max(startTimes) - startTime
        frameOffsets.append(diff // ttSkip)
        diff = diff - frameOffsets[-1] * ttSkip
        sampleOffset = diff // spSkip
        if sampleOffsets[-1] == 4096:
            frameOffsets[-1] += 1
            sampleOffsets[-1] %= 4096
        if args.subsample_correction:
                max(startTimes) - (startTime + frameOffsets[-1] * ttSkip +
                                   sampleOffsets[-1] * spSkip))

        nFrame = nFrame - frameOffsets[-1] - 1
        nSubints = nFrame // (nsblk * LFFT // 4096)
    siCountMax = min(siCountMax)

    print("Proposed File Time Alignment:")
    residualOffsets = []
    for filename, startTime, frameOffset, sampleOffset, tickOffset in zip(
            args.filename, startTimes, frameOffsets, sampleOffsets,
        tStartNow = startTime
        tStartAfter = startTime + frameOffset * ttSkip + int(
            sampleOffset * fS / srate) + tickOffset
        residualOffset = max(startTimes) - tStartAfter
        print("  %s with %i frames, %i samples, %i ticks" %
              (os.path.basename(filename), frameOffset, sampleOffset,
        print("    before: %i" % tStartNow)
        print("    after:  %i" % tStartAfter)
        print("      residual: %i" % residualOffset)

    print("Minimum Residual: %i ticks (%.1f ns)" %
          (min(residualOffsets), min(residualOffsets) * (1e9 / fS)))
    print("Maximum Residual: %i ticks (%.1f ns)" %
          (max(residualOffsets), max(residualOffsets) * (1e9 / fS)))
    if not args.yes:
        out = input('=> Accept? [Y/n] ')
        if out == 'n' or out == 'N':
        print("=> Accepted via the command line")
    print(" ")

    # Setup the processing constraints
    if (not args.no_summing):
        polNames = 'I'
        nPols = 1
        reduceEngine = CombineToIntensity
    elif args.stokes:
        polNames = 'IQUV'
        nPols = 4
        reduceEngine = CombineToStokes
    elif args.circular:
        polNames = 'LLRR'
        nPols = 2
        reduceEngine = CombineToCircular
        polNames = 'XXYY'
        nPols = 2
        reduceEngine = CombineToLinear

    if args.four_bit_data:
        OptimizeDataLevels = OptimizeDataLevels4Bit
        OptimizeDataLevels = OptimizeDataLevels8Bit

    for c, filename, frameOffset, sampleOffset, tickOffset in zip(
            range(len(args.filename)), args.filename, frameOffsets,
            sampleOffsets, tickOffsets):
        idf = DRXFile(filename)

        # Find out how many frame sets are in each file
        srate = idf.get_info('sample_rate')
        beampols = idf.get_info('nbeampol')
        tunepol = beampols
        nFramesFile = idf.get_info('nframe')

        # Offset, if needed
        o = 0
        if args.skip != 0.0:
            o = idf.offset(args.skip)
        nFramesFile -= int(o * srate / srate) * tunepol

        # Additional seek for timetag alignment across the files
        o += idf.offset(frameOffset * 4096 / srate)

        ## Date
        tStart = idf.get_info(
            'start_time') + sampleOffset * spSkip / fS + tickOffset / fS
        beginDate = tStart.datetime
        beginTime = beginDate
        mjd = tStart.mjd
        mjd_day = int(mjd)
        mjd_sec = (mjd - mjd_day) * 86400
        if args.output is None:
            args.output = "drx_%05d_%s" % (mjd_day, args.source.replace(
                ' ', ''))

        ## Tuning frequencies
        central_freq1 = idf.get_info('freq1')
        central_freq2 = idf.get_info('freq2')
        beam = idf.get_info('beam')

        # File summary
        print("Input Filename: %s (%i of %i)" %
              (filename, c + 1, len(args.filename)))
        print("Date of First Frame: %s (MJD=%f)" % (str(beginDate), mjd))
        print("Tune/Pols: %i" % tunepol)
        print("Tunings: %.1f Hz, %.1f Hz" % (central_freq1, central_freq2))
        print("Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
        print("Sample Time: %f s" % (LFFT / srate, ))
        print("Sub-block Time: %f s" % (LFFT / srate * nsblk, ))
        print("Frames: %i (%.3f s)" %
              (nFramesFile, 4096.0 * nFramesFile / srate / tunepol))
        print("Using FFTW Wisdom? %s" % useWisdom)

        # Create the output PSRFITS file(s)
        pfu_out = []
        for t in range(1, 2 + 1):
            ## Basic structure and bounds
            pfo = pfu.psrfits()
            pfo.basefilename = "%s_b%it%i" % (args.output, beam, t)
            pfo.filenum = 0
            pfo.tot_rows = pfo.N = pfo.T = pfo.status = pfo.multifile = 0
            pfo.rows_per_file = 32768

            ## Frequency, bandwidth, and channels
            if t == 1:
                pfo.hdr.fctr = central_freq1 / 1e6
                pfo.hdr.fctr = central_freq2 / 1e6
            pfo.hdr.BW = srate / 1e6
            pfo.hdr.nchan = LFFT
            pfo.hdr.df = srate / 1e6 / LFFT
            pfo.hdr.dt = LFFT / srate

            ## Metadata about the observation/observatory/pulsar
            pfo.hdr.observer = "writePsrfits2Multi.py"
            pfo.hdr.source = args.source
            pfo.hdr.fd_hand = 1
            pfo.hdr.nbits = 4 if args.four_bit_data else 8
            pfo.hdr.nsblk = nsblk
            pfo.hdr.ds_freq_fact = 1
            pfo.hdr.ds_time_fact = 1
            pfo.hdr.npol = nPols
            pfo.hdr.summed_polns = 1 if (not args.no_summing) else 0
            pfo.hdr.obs_mode = "SEARCH"
            pfo.hdr.telescope = "LWA"
            pfo.hdr.frontend = "LWA"
            pfo.hdr.backend = "DRX"
            pfo.hdr.project_id = "Pulsar"
            pfo.hdr.ra_str = args.ra
            pfo.hdr.dec_str = args.dec
            pfo.hdr.poln_type = "LIN" if not args.circular else "CIRC"
            pfo.hdr.poln_order = polNames
            pfo.hdr.date_obs = str(beginTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
            pfo.hdr.MJD_epoch = pfu.get_ld(mjd)

            ## Setup the subintegration structure
            pfo.sub.tsubint = pfo.hdr.dt * pfo.hdr.nsblk
            pfo.sub.bytes_per_subint = pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk * pfo.hdr.nbits // 8
            pfo.sub.dat_freqs = pfu.malloc_doublep(
                pfo.hdr.nchan * 8)  # 8-bytes per double @ LFFT channels
            pfo.sub.dat_weights = pfu.malloc_floatp(
                pfo.hdr.nchan * 4)  # 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels
            pfo.sub.dat_offsets = pfu.malloc_floatp(
                pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol *
                4)  # 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels per pol.
            pfo.sub.dat_scales = pfu.malloc_floatp(
                pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol *
                4)  # 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels per pol.
            if args.four_bit_data:
                pfo.sub.data = pfu.malloc_ucharp(
                    pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk
                )  # 1-byte per unsigned char @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples
                pfo.sub.rawdata = pfu.malloc_ucharp(
                    pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk // 2
                )  # 4-bits per nibble @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples
                pfo.sub.rawdata = pfu.malloc_ucharp(
                    pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk
                )  # 1-byte per unsigned char @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples

            ## Create and save it for later use

        freqBaseMHz = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fftfreq(
            LFFT, d=1.0 / srate)) / 1e6
        for i in range(len(pfu_out)):
            # Define the frequencies available in the file (in MHz)
                                      freqBaseMHz + pfu_out[i].hdr.fctr, LFFT)

            # Define which part of the spectra are good (1) or bad (0).  All channels
            # are good except for the two outermost.
                                     numpy.ones(LFFT), LFFT)
            pfu.set_float_value(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, 0, 0)
            pfu.set_float_value(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, LFFT - 1, 0)

            # Define the data scaling (default is a scale of one and an offset of zero)
                                     numpy.zeros(LFFT * nPols), LFFT * nPols)
                                     numpy.ones(LFFT * nPols), LFFT * nPols)

        # Speed things along, the data need to be processed in units of 'nsblk'.
        # Find out how many frames per tuning/polarization that corresponds to.
        chunkSize = nsblk * LFFT // 4096
        chunkTime = LFFT / srate * nsblk

        # Frequency arrays for use with the phase rotator
        freq1 = central_freq1 + numpy.fft.fftshift(
            numpy.fft.fftfreq(LFFT, d=1.0 / srate))
        freq2 = central_freq2 + numpy.fft.fftshift(
            numpy.fft.fftfreq(LFFT, d=1.0 / srate))

        # Calculate the SK limites for weighting
        if (not args.no_sk_flagging):
            skLimits = kurtosis.get_limits(4.0, 1.0 * nsblk)

            GenerateMask = lambda x: ComputeSKMask(x, skLimits[0], skLimits[1])

            def GenerateMask(x):
                flag = numpy.ones((4, LFFT), dtype=numpy.float32)
                flag[:, 0] = 0.0
                flag[:, -1] = 0.0
                return flag

        # Create the progress bar so that we can keep up with the conversion.
        pbar = progress.ProgressBarPlus(max=siCountMax, span=52)

        # Pre-read the first frame so that we have something to pad with, if needed
        if sampleOffset != 0:
            # Pre-read the first frame
            readT, t, dataPrev = idf.read(4096 / srate)

        # Go!
        rdr = threading.Thread(target=reader,
                               args=(idf, chunkTime, readerQ),
                               kwargs={'core': 0})

        # Main Loop
        incoming = getFromQueue(readerQ)
        while incoming[0] is not None:
            ## Unpack
            siCount, t, rawdata = incoming

            ## Check to see where we are
            if siCount > siCountMax:
                ### Looks like we are done, allow the reader to finish
                incoming = getFromQueue(readerQ)

            ## Apply the sample offset
            if sampleOffset != 0:
                    dataComb[:, :4096] = dataPrev
                except NameError:
                    dataComb = numpy.zeros(
                        (rawdata.shape[0], rawdata.shape[1] + 4096),
                    dataComb[:, :4096] = dataPrev
                dataComb[:, 4096:] = rawdata
                dataPrev = dataComb[:, -4096:]
                rawdata[...] = dataComb[:, sampleOffset:sampleOffset +
                                        4096 * chunkSize]

            ## FFT
                rawSpectra = PulsarEngineRaw(rawdata, LFFT, rawSpectra)
            except NameError:
                rawSpectra = PulsarEngineRaw(rawdata, LFFT)

            ## Apply the sub-sample offset as a phase rotation
            if tickOffset != 0:
                PhaseRotator(rawSpectra, freq1, freq2, tickOffset / fS,

            ## S-K flagging
            flag = GenerateMask(rawSpectra)
            weight1 = numpy.where(flag[:2, :].sum(axis=0) == 0, 0,
            weight2 = numpy.where(flag[2:, :].sum(axis=0) == 0, 0,
            ff1 = 1.0 * (LFFT - weight1.sum()) / LFFT
            ff2 = 1.0 * (LFFT - weight2.sum()) / LFFT

            ## Detect power
                redData = reduceEngine(rawSpectra, redData)
            except NameError:
                redData = reduceEngine(rawSpectra)

            ## Optimal data scaling
                bzero, bscale, bdata = OptimizeDataLevels(
                    redData, LFFT, bzero, bscale, bdata)
            except NameError:
                bzero, bscale, bdata = OptimizeDataLevels(redData, LFFT)

            ## Polarization mangling
            bzero1 = bzero[:nPols, :].T.ravel()
            bzero2 = bzero[nPols:, :].T.ravel()
            bscale1 = bscale[:nPols, :].T.ravel()
            bscale2 = bscale[nPols:, :].T.ravel()
            bdata1 = bdata[:nPols, :].T.ravel()
            bdata2 = bdata[nPols:, :].T.ravel()

            ## Write the spectra to the PSRFITS files
            for j, sp, bz, bs, wt in zip(range(2), (bdata1, bdata2),
                                         (bzero1, bzero2), (bscale1, bscale2),
                                         (weight1, weight2)):
                ## Time
                pfu_out[j].sub.offs = (pfu_out[j].tot_rows) * pfu_out[
                    j].hdr.nsblk * pfu_out[j].hdr.dt + pfu_out[
                        j].hdr.nsblk * pfu_out[j].hdr.dt / 2.0

                ## Data
                ptr, junk = sp.__array_interface__['data']
                if args.four_bit_data:
                        int(pfu_out[j].sub.data), ptr,
                        pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk)
                        int(pfu_out[j].sub.rawdata), ptr,
                        pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk)

                ## Zero point
                ptr, junk = bz.__array_interface__['data']
                ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_offsets), ptr,
                               pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * 4)

                ## Scale factor
                ptr, junk = bs.__array_interface__['data']
                ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_scales), ptr,
                               pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * 4)

                ## SK
                ptr, junk = wt.__array_interface__['data']
                ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_weights), ptr,
                               pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * 4)

                ## Save

            ## Update the progress bar and remaining time estimate
            sys.stdout.write('%5.1f%% %5.1f%% %s %2i\r' %
                             (ff1 * 100, ff2 * 100, pbar.show(), len(readerQ)))

            ## Fetch another one
            incoming = getFromQueue(readerQ)

        if sampleOffset != 0:
            del dataComb
        del rawSpectra
        del redData
        del bzero
        del bscale
        del bdata

        # Update the progress bar with the total time used but only if we have
        # reached the end of the file
        if incoming[1]:
            pbar.amount = pbar.max
        sys.stdout.write('              %s %2i\n' %
                         (pbar.show(), len(readerQ)))

        # And close out the files
        for pfo in pfu_out:
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(args):
    # Find out where the source is if needed
    if args.source is not None:
        if args.ra is None or args.dec is None:
            tempRA, tempDec, tempService = resolveTarget('PSR ' + args.source)
            print("%s resolved to %s, %s using '%s'" %
                  (args.source, tempRA, tempDec, tempService))
            out = input('=> Accept? [Y/n] ')
            if out == 'n' or out == 'N':
                args.ra = tempRA
                args.dec = tempDec

        args.source = "None"

    if args.ra is None:
        args.ra = "00:00:00.00"
    if args.dec is None:
        args.dec = "+00:00:00.0"
    args.ra = str(args.ra)
    args.dec = str(args.dec)

    # Open
    idf = DRSpecFile(args.filename)
    nFramesFile = idf.get_info('nframe')
    LFFT = idf.get_info('LFFT')

    # Load in basic information about the data
    srate = idf.get_info('sample_rate')
    beam = idf.get_info('beam')
    central_freq1 = idf.get_info('freq1')
    central_freq2 = idf.get_info('freq2')
    data_products = idf.get_info('data_products')
    isLinear = ('XX' in data_products) or ('YY' in data_products)
    tInt = idf.get_info('tint')

    # Offset, if needed
    o = 0
    if args.skip != 0.0:
        o = idf.offset(args.skip)
    nFramesFile -= int(round(o / tInt))

    # Sub-integration block size
    nsblk = args.nsblk

    ## Date
    beginDate = idf.get_info('start_time')
    beginTime = beginDate.datetime
    mjd = beginDate.mjd
    mjd_day = int(mjd)
    mjd_sec = (mjd - mjd_day) * 86400
    if args.output is None:
        args.output = "drx_%05d_%s" % (mjd_day, args.source.replace(' ', ''))

    # File summary
    print("Input Filename: %s" % args.filename)
    print("Date of First Frame: %s (MJD=%f)" % (str(beginDate), mjd))
    print("Beam: %i" % beam)
    print("Tunings: %.1f Hz, %.1f Hz" % (central_freq1, central_freq2))
    print("Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate)
    print("Sample Time: %f s" % tInt)
    print("Sub-block Time: %f s" % (tInt * nsblk, ))
    print("Data Products: %s" % ','.join(data_products))
    print("Frames: %i (%.3f s)" % (nFramesFile, tInt * nFramesFile))
    print("Offset: %.3f s (%.0f frames)" % (o, o / tInt))

    # Create the output PSRFITS file(s)
    pfu_out = []
    if isLinear and (not args.no_summing):
        polNames = 'I'
        nPols = 1

        def reduceEngine(x):
            y = numpy.zeros((2, x.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float32)
            y[0, :] += x[0, :]
            y[0, :] += x[1, :]
            y[1, :] += x[2, :]
            y[1, :] += x[3, :]
            return y
        args.no_summing = True
        polNames = ''.join(data_products)
        nPols = len(data_products)
        reduceEngine = lambda x: x.astype(numpy.float32)

    if args.four_bit_data:
        OptimizeDataLevels = OptimizeDataLevels4Bit
        OptimizeDataLevels = OptimizeDataLevels8Bit

    for t in range(1, 2 + 1):
        ## Basic structure and bounds
        pfo = pfu.psrfits()
        pfo.basefilename = "%s_b%it%i" % (args.output, beam, t)
        pfo.filenum = 0
        pfo.tot_rows = pfo.N = pfo.T = pfo.status = pfo.multifile = 0
        pfo.rows_per_file = 32768

        ## Frequency, bandwidth, and channels
        if t == 1:
            pfo.hdr.fctr = central_freq1 / 1e6
            pfo.hdr.fctr = central_freq2 / 1e6
        pfo.hdr.BW = srate / 1e6
        pfo.hdr.nchan = LFFT
        pfo.hdr.df = srate / 1e6 / LFFT
        pfo.hdr.dt = tInt

        ## Metadata about the observation/observatory/pulsar
        pfo.hdr.observer = "wP2FromDRSpec.py"
        pfo.hdr.source = args.source
        pfo.hdr.fd_hand = 1
        pfo.hdr.nbits = 4 if args.four_bit_data else 8
        pfo.hdr.nsblk = nsblk
        pfo.hdr.ds_freq_fact = 1
        pfo.hdr.ds_time_fact = 1
        pfo.hdr.npol = nPols
        pfo.hdr.summed_polns = 1 if (not args.no_summing) else 0
        pfo.hdr.obs_mode = "SEARCH"
        pfo.hdr.telescope = "LWA"
        pfo.hdr.frontend = "LWA"
        pfo.hdr.backend = "DRSpectrometer"
        pfo.hdr.project_id = "Pulsar"
        pfo.hdr.ra_str = args.ra
        pfo.hdr.dec_str = args.dec
        pfo.hdr.poln_type = "LIN"
        pfo.hdr.poln_order = polNames
        pfo.hdr.date_obs = str(beginTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
        pfo.hdr.MJD_epoch = pfu.get_ld(mjd)

        ## Setup the subintegration structure
        pfo.sub.tsubint = pfo.hdr.dt * pfo.hdr.nsblk
        pfo.sub.bytes_per_subint = pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk * pfo.hdr.nbits // 8
        pfo.sub.dat_freqs = pfu.malloc_doublep(
            pfo.hdr.nchan * 8)  # 8-bytes per double @ LFFT channels
        pfo.sub.dat_weights = pfu.malloc_floatp(
            pfo.hdr.nchan * 4)  # 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels
        pfo.sub.dat_offsets = pfu.malloc_floatp(
            pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol *
            4)  # 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels per pol.
        pfo.sub.dat_scales = pfu.malloc_floatp(
            pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol *
            4)  # 4-bytes per float @ LFFT channels per pol.
        if args.four_bit_data:
            pfo.sub.data = pfu.malloc_ucharp(
                pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk
            )  # 1-byte per unsigned char @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples
            pfo.sub.rawdata = pfu.malloc_ucharp(
                pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk // 2
            )  # 4-bits per nibble @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples
            pfo.sub.rawdata = pfu.malloc_ucharp(
                pfo.hdr.nchan * pfo.hdr.npol * pfo.hdr.nsblk
            )  # 1-byte per unsigned char @ (LFFT channels x pols. x nsblk sub-integrations) samples

        ## Create and save it for later use

    freqBaseMHz = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fftfreq(LFFT,
                                                       d=1.0 / srate)) / 1e6
    for i in range(len(pfu_out)):
        # Define the frequencies available in the file (in MHz)
                                  freqBaseMHz + pfu_out[i].hdr.fctr, LFFT)

        # Define which part of the spectra are good (1) or bad (0).  All channels
        # are good except for the two outermost.
        pfu.convert2_float_array(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, numpy.ones(LFFT),
        pfu.set_float_value(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, 0, 0)
        pfu.set_float_value(pfu_out[i].sub.dat_weights, LFFT - 1, 0)

        # Define the data scaling (default is a scale of one and an offset of zero)
                                 numpy.zeros(LFFT * nPols), LFFT * nPols)
                                 numpy.ones(LFFT * nPols), LFFT * nPols)

    # Speed things along, the data need to be processed in units of 'nsblk'.
    # Find out how many frames that corresponds to.
    chunkSize = nsblk
    chunkTime = tInt * nsblk

    # Calculate the SK limites for weighting
    if (not args.no_sk_flagging) and isLinear:
        skN = int(tInt * srate / LFFT)
        skLimits = kurtosis.get_limits(4.0, M=1.0 * nsblk, N=1.0 * skN)

        GenerateMask = lambda x: ComputePseudoSKMask(x, LFFT, skN, skLimits[0],

        def GenerateMask(x):
            flag = numpy.ones((4, LFFT), dtype=numpy.float32)
            flag[:, 0] = 0.0
            flag[:, -1] = 0.0
            return flag

    # Create the progress bar so that we can keep up with the conversion.
    pbar = progress.ProgressBarPlus(max=nFramesFile // chunkSize, span=55)

    # Go!
    done = False

    siCount = 0
    while True:
        ## Read in the data
            readT, t, data = idf.read(chunkTime)
            siCount += 1
        except errors.EOFError:

        ## FFT (really promote and reshape since the data are already spectra)
        spectra = data.astype(numpy.float64)
        spectra = spectra.reshape(spectra.shape[0], -1)

        ## S-K flagging
        flag = GenerateMask(spectra)
        weight1 = numpy.where(flag[:2, :].sum(axis=0) == 0, 0,
        weight2 = numpy.where(flag[2:, :].sum(axis=0) == 0, 0,
        ff1 = 1.0 * (LFFT - weight1.sum()) / LFFT
        ff2 = 1.0 * (LFFT - weight2.sum()) / LFFT

        ## Detect power
        data = reduceEngine(spectra)

        ## Optimal data scaling
        bzero, bscale, bdata = OptimizeDataLevels(data, LFFT)

        ## Polarization mangling
        bzero1 = bzero[:nPols, :].T.ravel()
        bzero2 = bzero[nPols:, :].T.ravel()
        bscale1 = bscale[:nPols, :].T.ravel()
        bscale2 = bscale[nPols:, :].T.ravel()
        bdata1 = bdata[:nPols, :].T.ravel()
        bdata2 = bdata[nPols:, :].T.ravel()

        ## Write the spectra to the PSRFITS files
        for j, sp, bz, bs, wt in zip(range(2), (bdata1, bdata2),
                                     (bzero1, bzero2), (bscale1, bscale2),
                                     (weight1, weight2)):
            ## Time
            pfu_out[j].sub.offs = (
                pfu_out[j].tot_rows) * pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk * pfu_out[
                    j].hdr.dt + pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk * pfu_out[j].hdr.dt / 2.0

            ## Data
            ptr, junk = sp.__array_interface__['data']
            if args.four_bit_data:
                    int(pfu_out[j].sub.data), ptr,
                    pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk)
                    int(pfu_out[j].sub.rawdata), ptr,
                    pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * pfu_out[j].hdr.nsblk)

            ## Zero point
            ptr, junk = bz.__array_interface__['data']
            ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_offsets), ptr,
                           pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * 4)

            ## Scale factor
            ptr, junk = bs.__array_interface__['data']
            ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_scales), ptr,
                           pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * nPols * 4)

            ## SK
            ptr, junk = wt.__array_interface__['data']
            ctypes.memmove(int(pfu_out[j].sub.dat_weights), ptr,
                           pfu_out[j].hdr.nchan * 4)

            ## Save

        ## Update the progress bar and remaining time estimate
        sys.stdout.write('%5.1f%% %5.1f%% %s\r' %
                         (ff1 * 100, ff2 * 100, pbar.show()))

    # Update the progress bar with the total time used
    sys.stdout.write('              %s\n' % pbar.show())

    # And close out the files
    for pfo in pfu_out: