def remove_resp(self, trace, paz=None): # removing response... if paz: # ...using paz: if trace.stats.sampling_rate > 10.0: # decimating large trace, else fft crashes factor = int(np.ceil(trace.stats.sampling_rate / 10)) trace.decimate(factor=factor, no_filter=True) trace.simulate(paz_remove=paz, paz_simulate=obspy.signal.cornFreq2Paz(0.01), remove_sensitivity=True, simulate_sensitivity=True, nfft_pow2=True) else: # ...using StationXML: # first band-pass to downsample data before removing response # (else remove_response() method is slow or even hangs) trace.filter(type="bandpass", freqmin=self.freqmin, freqmax=self.freqmax, corners=self.corners, zerophase=self.zerophase) psutils.resample(trace, dt_resample=self.period_resample) trace.remove_response(output="VEL", zero_mean=True) return trace
def time_norm(self, trace, trcopy): # normalization of the signal by the running mean # in the earthquake frequency band trcopy.filter(type="bandpass", freqmin=self.freqmin_earthquake, freqmax=self.freqmax_earthquake, corners=self.corners, zerophase=self.zerophase) # decimating trace psutils.resample(trcopy, self.period_resample) # Time-normalization weights from smoothed abs(data) # Note that trace's data can be a masked array halfwindow = int(round(self.window_time*trcopy.stats.sampling_rate/2)) mask = if else None tnorm_w = psutils.moving_avg(np.abs(, halfwindow=halfwindow, mask=mask) if # turning time-normalization weights into a masked array s = "[warning: {}.{} trace's data is a masked array]" print s.format(, trace.stats.station), tnorm_w =, if np.any((tnorm_w == 0.0) | np.isnan(tnorm_w)): # illegal normalizing value -> skipping trace raise pserrors.CannotPreprocess("Zero or NaN normalisation \ weight") # time-normalization /= tnorm_w return trace
def trace_downsample(self, trace): # downsampling trace if not already done if abs(1.0 / trace.stats.sampling_rate - self.period_resample) > EPS: psutils.resample(trace, dt_resample=self.period_resample) return trace
def time_norm(self, trace, trcopy): # normalization of the signal by the running mean # in the earthquake frequency band trcopy.filter(type="bandpass", freqmin=self.freqmin_earthquake, freqmax=self.freqmax_earthquake, corners=self.corners, zerophase=self.zerophase) # decimating trace psutils.resample(trcopy, self.period_resample) # Time-normalization weights from smoothed abs(data) # Note that trace's data can be a masked array halfwindow = int( round(self.window_time * trcopy.stats.sampling_rate / 2)) mask = if else None tnorm_w = psutils.moving_avg(np.abs(, halfwindow=halfwindow, mask=mask) if # turning time-normalization weights into a masked array s = "[warning: {}.{} trace's data is a masked array]" print s.format(, trace.stats.station), tnorm_w =, if np.any((tnorm_w == 0.0) | np.isnan(tnorm_w)): # illegal normalizing value -> skipping trace raise pserrors.CannotPreprocess("Zero or NaN normalisation \ weight") # time-normalization /= tnorm_w return trace