background.draw() MTMinfo.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys() background.draw() instructinfo.draw() win.flip() event.waitKeys() # Prompt the user to input the mouse and the session that they wish to record. background.draw() win.flip() slot = None session = None while slot is None or session is None: mouse = gui.Dlg(title="Information of the Subject Mouse") mouse.addText('Location Info') mouse.addField("Stack:", choices=["1", "2"]) mouse.addField("Level:", choices=["a", "b", "c", "d"]) mouse.addField("slot:", choices=["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]) mouse.addText('Session Info') mouse.addField("Session:", choices=["Habituation", "Test"]) if mouse.OK: # or if ok_data is not None slot = "s" +[0] +[1] +[2] session =[3] # Create the video stimuli based on the info if df.loc[df.slot == slot, "group"][0][:3] == "CPP": left_video = slot + "-" + session + "-Plain.avi" right_video = slot + "-" + session + "-Circles.avi"
### IMPORTANT: ### Under psychopy preferences/general ### (1) change the audio driver to "portaudio" (otherwise the program won't stop running when it's done) ### (2) change the audio library to "pygame" (otherwise the audio won't stop playing when the video stops) # import psychopy modules import psychopy from psychopy import visual, core, event, sound, gui, data, logging from psychopy.sound import Sound import math import numpy as np import random import pandas as pd myDlg = gui.Dlg(title="AV Int") myDlg.addField('ID Number:') myDlg.addField('Order:') myDlg.addField('Computer Type:', choices=["PC", "Mac"]) myDlg.addField('Experiment Type:', choices=["Full", "Clipped"]) #show dialog and wait for OK or Cancel if gui.OK: #then the user pressed OK info = else: print 'user cancelled' subject = info[0] order = int(info[1]) computer = info[2] exp_type = info[3]
print 'QUITTING!' return True #say switched task->will start free mode, one more escape to quit if __name__ == '__main__': #CD.start_camera() print os.getpid() StimToolLib.open_and_close_vmeter( ) #this hack seems to fix a problem with the vMeter not responding the first time it's used after logging in... modules = mod_mapping.keys() modules.append('SKIP') modules.append('SKIP TO') modules.sort() #sorted alphabetically so tasks are easier to find myDlg = gui.Dlg(title="StimTool") myDlg.addField('Subject ID:', StimToolLib.get_var_from_file('Default.params', 'last_subject')) #subject ID myDlg.addField( 'Administrator ID:', StimToolLib.get_var_from_file( 'Default.params', 'last_admin')) #name of the person administering the session task_lists = [ f for f in os.listdir('.') if f.endswith('.TL') ] #get a list of all ".TL" files (tasklists), which have a list of all tasks to be run in a session task_lists.sort() task_lists.insert(0, 'free') myDlg.addField( 'Experiment Order:', choices=task_lists
#import packages from psychopy import visual, event, core, gui import pygame, time, sys, csv, math, random as r, matplotlib.pyplot as graph, numpy as np, os from random import randint from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection import pygame, pygame.font, pygame.event, pygame.draw, string from pygame.locals import * Startup = gui.Dlg(title="EXPERIMENTER") Startup.addField('Items:', 'default') Startup.addField('Time:', 'default') Startup.addField('RecogTime:', 'default') Startup.addField('Version:', "2") # show dialog and wait for OK or Cancel if Startup.OK: # then the user pressed OK Starters = input1, input2, input3, input4 = Starters else: print('user cancelled') Startup = gui.Dlg(title="Part 1") Startup.addField('SONA ID:') Startup.addField('Age:') Startup.addField('Gender:', 'F') # show dialog and wait for OK or Cancel if Startup.OK: # then the user pressed OK Demographics = subject, age, gender = Demographics else: print('user cancelled')
from psychopy import gui import raw_plotter import spectral_plotter import multi_plotter #class InputBox(object): myDlg = gui.Dlg(title="OpenBCI Menu") myDlg.addText('Subject info') myDlg.addField('Participant') #0 myDlg.addField('Session', 001) #1 myDlg.addField('Port', '/dev/tty/ACM0') #2 myDlg.addText('Visual Options') myDlg.addField('Plots:', choices=["None", "Spectral_Plot", "FFT", "Spectogram"]) #3 myDlg.addText('Experiment Choices') myDlg.addField('Experiments', choices=["None", "SSVEP", "ERP", "Motor_Imagery"]) #4 # show dialog and wait for OK or Cancel if myDlg.OK: # then the user pressed OK thisInfo = options = { 'participant': thisInfo[0], 'session': thisInfo[1], 'port': thisInfo[2], 'plot': thisInfo[3], 'experiment': thisInfo[4] } fname = '%s_%s.csv' % (options['participant'], options['session']) port = options['port']
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from psychopy import gui, visual, core, data, event, logging, parallel from time import strftime from random import choice from numpy.random import choice as choice2 import numpy.random as rd import numpy as np import random import pandas as pd ##### SETUP ##### #Experimenter input dlg = gui.Dlg(title = 'Experiment Parameters') dlg.addField('Subject ID:') dlg.addField('Run:') dlg.addField('Scanner', choices = ['yes','no']) dlg.addField('Stimulus Threshold (in Frames):') dlg.addField('Go Side', choices = ['left','right']) dlg.addField('Practice', choices = ['yes','no']) dlg.addField('Language', choices = ['en', 'de']) dlg.addField('Session:') exp_input = #port = parallel.ParallelPort(0x1FF8) ### Parameters ### ###### EDIT PARAMETERS BELOW #######
refreshMsg1 += ' program assumes ' + str(refreshRate) refreshMsg2 = 'which is off by more than' + str( round(refreshRateTolerancePct, 0)) + '%!!' else: refreshMsg1 += ', which is close enough to desired val of ' + str( round(refreshRate, 1)) myWinRes = myWin.size myWin.allowGUI = True print(myWinRes) myWin.close() # have to close window to show dialog box defaultNoiseLevel = 0.0 # to use if no staircase, can be set by user trialsPerCondition = 6 # default value dlgLabelsOrdered = list() myDlg = gui.Dlg(title="RSVP experiment", pos=(200, 400)) if not autopilot: myDlg.addField('Subject name (default="Adi"):', 'Adi', tip='or subject code') dlgLabelsOrdered.append('subject') myDlg.addField('\tPercent noise dots=', defaultNoiseLevel, tip=str(defaultNoiseLevel)) dlgLabelsOrdered.append('defaultNoiseLevel') myDlg.addField('Trials per condition (default=' + str(trialsPerCondition) + '):', trialsPerCondition, tip=str(trialsPerCondition)) dlgLabelsOrdered.append('trialsPerCondition')
def run_S1_prosody(sound_path, data_path, laptop=1, pretest=0, pretest_order=1): print "Running S1 prosody experiment" print "" if laptop: print "Running on a laptop:", # Debugging switch: waiting_time = 1 #waiting_time = 0.01 waiting_time_2 = 2 # Create a window # Laptop screen # fullscreen mode: When fullscreen mode is chosen, psychopy will alert # if the monitor size is not given as the window pixel size (first argument). # The problem with the fullscreen mode is that it it hiding dialog boxes. # If we close the window and show the dialog box, there will be no background # drawn and the desktop of the computer will be shown. Since this is even worse # we will skip fullscreen. if laptop: win = visual.Window([1440, 900], color=(1, 1, 1), monitor="testMonitor", units="pix") #, fullscr = True) # Large screen: else: win = visual.Window([1800, 1000], color=(1, 1, 1), monitor="testMonitor", units="pix") #################################### # Welcome and retrieve user info # #################################### text_stim = visual.TextStim(win, height=50, wrapWidth=5000) text_stim.pos = (0, 0) text_stim.color = "black" text_stim.bold = True # Input user info: # The pos argument must be given # input_box = gui.Dlg(title="", labelButtonOK="OK", labelButtonCancel="Avbryt", pos=QPoint(800,500)) input_box = gui.Dlg(title="", labelButtonOK="OK", labelButtonCancel="Avbryt", pos=(800, 500)) input_box.addField(u'Ange subject ID') input_data = if not input_box.OK: print "User name not entered, quitting test" return else: participant_ID = input_data[0].replace(" ", "_") print 'p ID' print type(participant_ID) print repr(participant_ID) print unicode(participant_ID).encode('utf8') #################################### # Instructions and test trial # #################################### # Instructions text_stim_instr = visual.TextStim(win, height=25, wrapWidth=1000, font="Times") text_stim_instr.pos = (0, 0) text_stim_instr.color = "black" # text_stim_instr.setText(u'Du kommer nu att få lyssna på tolv par av personer som pratar med varandra. Det kommer alltid vara en person som börjar prata (vi kallar hen talaren) och en person som svarar (vi kallar hen lyssnaren). \n \n Sättet som lyssnaren svarar på ger information om det är så att lyssnaren förstått vad talaren säger eller inte förstått och därför skulle behöva ett förtydligande. \n \n Alla svar som lyssnarna ger är sådana att de går att säga både på ett sådant sätt som antyder att lyssnaren förstått, och på ett sätt som visar att lyssnaren inte förstått.') # # text_stim_instr.draw() # win.flip() # core.wait(waiting_time*25) # # # text_stim_instr.setText(u'Hälften av försöken kommer att vara sådana att lyssnaren behöver ett förtydligande, och hälften sådana där lyssnaren inte behöver ett förtydligande. Ordningen är helt blandad. \n \n Din uppgift är att avgöra vilka lyssnare som behöver ett förtydligande. \n \n Tänk inte på längden på pausen innan svaret kommer, för den är bara ett resultat av hur inspelningen gick till.') # # text_stim_instr.draw() # win.flip() # core.wait(waiting_time*15) # # text_stim_instr.setText(u'Ett förtydligande kan behövas om lyssnaren inte riktigt förstår hur talaren menar. \n \n Om lyssnaren inte behöver ett förtydligande kan det betyda att lyssnaren väntar sig att talaren ska fortsätta prata som hen hade tänkt, utan att stanna upp och förtydliga. Det kan också betyda att samtalsämnet eller hela konversationen eller är färdigt. ') # # text_stim_instr.draw() # win.flip() # core.wait(waiting_time*25) # # text_stim_instr.setText(u'Försök att undvika att tänka eller analysera, utan använd istället gärna din magkänsla för att avgöra!') # # text_stim_instr.draw() # win.flip() # core.wait(waiting_time*5) # text_stim_instr.setText( u'Här kommer ett exempel (som inte ingår i det riktiga testet)!') text_stim_instr.draw() win.flip() core.wait(waiting_time * 3) input_box = gui.Dlg(title="", labelButtonOK=u"Fortsätt", labelButtonCancel="Avbryt", pos=(900, 800)) user_input = -1 if not input_box.OK: return #================================ S1_prosody_trial.S1_prosody_instruction_trial(win, sound_path) #================================ win.flip() input_box = gui.Dlg(title="", labelButtonOK="Starta testet", labelButtonCancel="Avbryt", pos=(900, 800)) input_box.addText( u'Tryck "Starta testet" för att starta det riktiga testet') #input_box.addField('Soker talaren respons fran lyssnaren?', choices=["Ja", "Nej"]) user_input = -1 if not input_box.OK: return text_stim_instr.setText(u'Nu börjar det riktiga testet!') text_stim_instr.draw() win.flip() core.wait(waiting_time * 5) ########################## # Prepare the trials # ######################### n_trials = 12 #n_trials = 2 trials = range(0, n_trials) # Retrieve trial texts from python file texts = S1_prosody_trial_texts.texts # Randomize which trials will have test and which control. # 1 is test and 0 is control test_or_control = y = [1] * 6 + [0] * 6 rand.shuffle(test_or_control) # If pretest, two different orders should be used. if pretest: test_or_control = [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0] if pretest_order == 2: # Invert order: test_or_control = [(i - 1) * -1 for i in test_or_control] ################################################### # Prepare for storing test input from participant # ################################################### # Input_data_file: input_data_test_file_name = "S1_prosody_test_" + participant_ID + ".json" input_data_test_file = data_path + input_data_test_file_name input_data_pretest_ratings_file_name = "S1_prosody_pretest_ratings_" + participant_ID + ".json" input_data_pretest_ratings_file = data_path + input_data_pretest_ratings_file_name input_data_pretest_freetext_file_name = "S1_prosody_pretest_freetext_" + participant_ID + ".json" input_data_pretest_freetext_file = data_path + input_data_pretest_freetext_file_name # Formats: # user_input_test = [{'trial_type': 1, 'user_input': 0} ,{'trial_type': 0, 'user_input': 0}, ...]} # user_input_pretest_ratings = [{'certainty': 5, 0, 'difficulty': 0}, {'certainty': 3, 'difficulty': 0}... # user_input_pretest_freetext = [u'Bla bla bla', u'Blo blo blo', ...]} #The index of the trials list is the trial index (trial number - 1) # Trial info and user input. user_input_test = n_trials * [-1] user_input_pretest_ratings = n_trials * [-1] user_input_pretest_freetext = n_trials * [-1] # Counter yes_input_ctr = 0 ############################################################################################################# ############################# # Test loop over trials ############################# for trial_ind in trials: trial_nr = trial_ind + 1 print "trial nr ", trial_nr trial_type = test_or_control[trial_ind] trial_nr_text = u'Försök ' + str(trial_nr) text_stim.setText(trial_nr_text) text_stim.bold = True text_stim.draw() win.flip() core.wait(waiting_time * 2) # Trial text to show text = texts[trial_ind] #================================ user_input_test[trial_ind] = S1_prosody_trial.S1_prosody_test_trial( win, text, sound_path, trial_type, trial_nr, yes_input_ctr, request_user_input=1) #================================ # Keep track of nr of "yes" replies: if user_input_test[trial_ind]['user_input'] == 1: yes_input_ctr = yes_input_ctr + 1 if pretest: # 2 questions with rating options questions = [ u'Hur tydlig upplever du att talaren var med att hen ville ha förtydligande eller inte?', u'Hur säker var du på att du svarade rätt?', ] user_input_certainty = "" user_input_difficulty = "" scales = ['difficulty', 'certainty'] for (i, scale) in zip([0, 1], scales): text_stim_q = visual.TextStim(win, height=35, wrapWidth=1000) text_stim_q.color = "black" text_stim_q.pos = (0, 0) text_stim_q.setText(questions[i]) text_stim_p = visual.TextStim(win, height=25, wrapWidth=1000) text_stim_p.pos = (0, -100) text_stim_p.color = "black" text_stim_p.setText( "Skriv in en siffra 1 - 5 och tryck sedan ENTER") if scale == 'certainty': ratingScale = visual.RatingScale( win, low=1, high=5, scale=None, labels=[u"1 = Inte alls säker", u"5 = Helt säker"]) else: ratingScale = visual.RatingScale( win, low=1, high=5, scale=None, labels=[u"1 = Inte alls tydlig", u"5 = Mycket tydlig"]) while ratingScale.noResponse: text_stim_q.draw() text_stim_p.draw() ratingScale.draw() win.flip() rating = ratingScale.getRating() if scale == 'certainty': user_input_certainty = rating else: user_input_difficulty = rating #decisionTime = ratingScale.getRT() #choiceHistory = ratingScale.getHistory() ###################### # Save user input # ###################### user_input_pretest_ratings[trial_ind] = { 'user_input_certainty': user_input_certainty, 'user_input_difficulty': user_input_difficulty } ################################################################################################################################################# ############################## # Write user input to file # ############################## f = open(input_data_test_file, 'wb+') json.dump(user_input_test, f) f.close() f = open(input_data_pretest_ratings_file, 'wb+') json.dump(user_input_pretest_ratings, f) f.close() ######################################### # Communicate that the test is over # ######################################### text = u"Nu är testet klart!" text_stim_instr.setText(text) # Draw the text text_stim_instr.draw() win.flip() # Hold the image core.wait(waiting_time_2 * 2) ################################################################################################################################################# #If pretest: another loop with the trials followed by a questionnaire where they can write freely. if pretest: # Pretest instructions text = u"Nu kommer alla försöken igen och efter varje försök kommer du att få fylla i vad du tyckte om dem." text_stim_instr.setText(text) text_stim_instr.draw() win.flip() core.wait(waiting_time_2 * 2) input_box = gui.Dlg(title="", labelButtonOK=u"Fortsätt", labelButtonCancel="Avbryt", pos=(900, 800)) #input_box.addText(u'Tryck "Starta testet" för att starta det riktiga testet') #input_box.addField('Soker talaren respons fran lyssnaren?', choices=["Ja", "Nej"]) user_input = -1 if not input_box.OK: return ############################# # Pretest loop over trials ############################# for trial_ind in trials: trial_nr = trial_ind + 1 trial_type = test_or_control[trial_ind] # Trial texts text = texts[trial_ind] #================================ S1_prosody_trial.S1_prosody_test_trial(win, text, sound_path, trial_type, trial_nr, -1, request_user_input=0) #================================ win.flip() #input_box = gui.Dlg(title="", pos = QPoint(800,500)) input_box = gui.Dlg(title="", pos=(800, 500)) input_box.addField( u'Hur gick dina tankar kring dessa bilder? (byt "å","ä" och "ö" mot "a" och "o")' ) user_input = if input_box.OK: user_input = user_input[0] else: user_input = "" ###################### # Save user input # ###################### # Save user input user_input_pretest_freetext[trial_ind] = user_input ############################## # Write user input to file # ############################## f = open(input_data_pretest_freetext_file, 'wb+') json.dump(user_input_pretest_freetext, f) f.close() ################################################################################################################################################# text = u"Tack för att du deltog!" text_stim_instr.setText(text) text_stim_instr.draw() win.flip() # Hold the image core.wait(waiting_time_2) win.close() # Cleanup core.quit()
#parameters useFullScreen = True useDualScreen = 1 DEBUG = False frame_rate = 1 instruct_dur = 3 initial_fixation_dur = 4 #final_fixation_dur = 2 decision_dur = 2.5 outcome_dur = 1 responseKeys = ('2', '3', 'z') #get subjID subjDlg = gui.Dlg(title="Shared Reward Task") subjDlg.addField('Enter Subject ID: ') subjDlg.addField('Enter Friend Name: ') #1 subjDlg.addField( 'Enter Partner Name: ') #NOTE: PARTNER IS THE CONFEDERATE/STRANGER #2 if gui.OK: subj_id =[0] friend_id =[1] stranger_id =[2] run = range(0, 1) else: sys.exit()
from psychopy import visual, event, core, gui from math import sin, cos import numpy, time, math, random, pygame, datetime, os, os.path, codecs, glob from random import shuffle import textwrap pygame.init() request = gui.Dlg() request.addField("Probandennummer:") request.addField("Alter:") request.addField("Geschlecht:") subj_id =[0] age =[1] Geschlecht =[2] def TextDisplay(file, x_pos, y_pos, width, size, screen): """reads in a text file and displays it on the screen""" string = filter( None, [str.replace("\n", '') for str in open(file, 'r').readlines()]) wrappedstring = [] for str in string: new = textwrap.wrap(str, width) for st in new: wrappedstring.append(st) wrappedstring.append('') shift = 0 for str in wrappedstring: font = pygame.font.Font(None, size)
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..', "tfMRI_output")) _thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(_thisDir) expName = 'FaceMatching' # Collect run mode and participant ID expInfo = {} #check if current subject files already exists (by checking files created today) date_stamp = data.getDateStr(format="%Y_%b_%d") existingCurrentBANDA = glob.glob('C:/Users/banda/Documents/tfMRI_output/**/*' + date_stamp + '*') selectedRuns = [] if not existingCurrentBANDA: dlg1 = gui.Dlg(title="Participant ID") dlg1.addField('Participant') dlg1.addField('Mode', choices=["Scanner", "Practice"]) #dlg1.addField('Group', choices=["HC", "MDD"]) #dlg1.addField('Session', choices=["ABCD","IPAT2","CMRR"]) dlg1.addField('Run(Default)', choices=["AB"]) dlg1.addField('Custom Select Runs?', initial=False) if dlg1.OK: # then the user pressed OK # add the new entries to expInfo expInfo['participant'] =[0] expInfo['runMode'] =[1] #Custom Runs if[3]: dlg1Runs = gui.Dlg(title="Select Runs") dlg1Runs.addField('A', initial=False)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.DATA_DIR = kwargs.get('data_dir', 'digitspan_data') self.MONITOR = kwargs.get('monitor', 'testMonitor') self.MONITOR_RESOLUTION = kwargs.get('monitor_resolution', (1024, 768)) self.SOUND_GENDER = kwargs.get('sound_gender', 'female') self.SOUND_PATH = kwargs.get('sound_path', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'sounds')) self.SOUND_INIT_SAMPLES = kwargs.get('sound_init_samples', 48000) self.N_PRACTICE_TRIALS = kwargs.get('practice_trials', 2) self.LEN_PRACTICE_TRIAL = kwargs.get('practice_trial_len', 3) self.DIGIT_DISPLAY_TIME = kwargs.get('digit_display_time', 0.500) # renamed from "IN_BETWEEN_DIGITS_TIME" self.DIGIT_DISPLAY_GAP = kwargs.get('digit_display_gap', 0.300) self.NUM_TRIAL_BLOCKS = kwargs.get('trial_blocks', 1) self.INTER_TRIAL_DELAY = kwargs.get('inter_trial_delay', 0.500) self.sequence_range = { 'forward': { 'min': kwargs.get('forward_min', 3), 'max': kwargs.get('forward_max', 15) }, 'reverse': { 'min': kwargs.get('reverse_min', 2), 'max': kwargs.get('reverse_max', 15) } } self.MAX_TRIALS_WRONG = kwargs.get('max_wrong_trials', 2) self.FULLSCREEN = kwargs.get('fullscreen', True) if not os.path.isdir(self.DATA_DIR): try: os.mkdir(self.DATA_DIR) except Exception as e: print e.getMessage() print "Error: cannot create data directory: " + self.DATA_DIR sys.exit(1) while True: # tuple of form: (subject_id, test_number) subject_info = self.get_subject_info(sys.argv[1:]) self.log_file = os.path.join( self.DATA_DIR, '_'.join(subject_info) + '.csv') if os.path.isfile(self.log_file): rename_dialog = gui.Dlg(title='Error: Log File Exists') rename_dialog.addText("A log file with the subject ID " + subject_info[0] + " and test number " + subject_info[1] + " already exists. Overwrite?") if rename_dialog.OK: self.log_file = open(self.log_file, "w") break else: # not exactly necessary but w/e continue else: self.log_file = open(self.log_file, "w") break # now log_file is a proper file = [] # this should load Pyo. However, it may require manually symlinking in # the newest liblo. sound.init(self.SOUND_INIT_SAMPLES, buffer=128) self.sound_correct = sound.Sound(value=440, secs=0.4) self.sound_incorrect = sound.Sound(value=330, secs=0.4) self.sound_files = [sound.Sound(value=os.path.join(self.SOUND_PATH, fn)) for fn in os.listdir(self.SOUND_PATH) if fn.startswith(self.SOUND_GENDER) and fn.endswith('.wav')] # this is a bad way of doing this. Should load from a file. self.sequences = { 'forward': [(9, 7), (6, 3), (5, 8, 2), (6, 9, 4), (7, 2, 8, 6), (6, 4, 3, 9), (4, 2, 7, 3, 1), (7, 5, 8, 3, 6), (3, 9, 2, 4, 8, 7), (6, 1, 9, 4, 7, 3), (4, 1, 7, 9, 3, 8, 6), (6, 9, 1, 7, 4, 2, 8), (3, 8, 2, 9, 6, 1, 7, 4), (5, 8, 1, 3, 2, 6, 4, 7), (2, 7, 5, 8, 6, 3, 1, 9, 4), (7, 1, 3, 9, 4, 2, 5, 6, 8)], 'reverse': [(3, 1), (2, 4), (4, 6), (5, 7), (6, 2, 9), (4, 7, 5), (8, 2, 7, 9), (4, 9, 6, 8), (6, 5, 8, 4, 3), (1, 5, 4, 8, 6), (5, 3, 7, 4, 1, 8), (7, 2, 4, 8, 5, 6), (8, 1, 4, 9, 3, 6, 2), (4, 7, 3, 9, 6, 2, 8), (9, 4, 3, 7, 6, 2, 1, 8), (7, 2, 8, 1, 5, 6, 4, 3)] } # after this line executes, the window is showing. self.window = visual.Window( self.MONITOR_RESOLUTION, monitor=self.MONITOR, units='deg', fullscr=self.FULLSCREEN) self.mouse = event.Mouse(win=self.window)
# Set up GUI for inputing participant/run information (with defaults) if len(sys.argv) > 1: DBIC_ID = sys.argv[1] accession = sys.argv[2] participant = sys.argv[3] run = sys.argv[4] else: #DBIC_ID = "e.g., SID000001" #accession = "e.g., A000001" #participant = "e.g., 1" DBIC_ID = "SID000001" accession = "A000000" participant = "00" run = "00" run_configuration = gui.Dlg(title='Run configuration') run_configuration.addField("DBIC ID:", DBIC_ID) run_configuration.addField("Scan accession number:", accession) run_configuration.addField("Participant:", participant) run_configuration.addField("Run number:", run) if run_configuration.OK: DBIC_ID =[0] accession =[1] participant = str([2]) run = int([3]) elif not run_configuration.OK: core.quit() # Start PsychoPy's clock (mostly for logging)
## from psychopy.gui import qtgui as gui # create a DlgFromDict info = {'Observer':'jwp', 'gender':['male', 'female'], 'GratingOri':45, 'ExpVersion': 1.1, 'Debug Mode': True} infoDlg = gui.DlgFromDict(dictionary=info, title='TestExperiment', order=['ExpVersion', 'Observer'], tip={'Observer': 'trained visual observer, initials'}, fixed=['ExpVersion']) # this attribute can't be changed by the user if infoDlg.OK: # this will be True (user hit OK) or False (cancelled) print(info) else: print('User Cancelled') # This alternative uses a gui.Dlg and you manually extract the data. # This approach gives more control, eg, text color. dlg = gui.Dlg(title="My experiment", pos=(200, 400)) dlg.addText('Subject Info', color='Blue') dlg.addField('Name:', tip='or subject code') dlg.addField('Age:', 21) dlg.addText('Experiment Info', color='Blue') dlg.addField('', 45) thisInfo = # you have to call show() for a Dlg (automatic with a DlgFromDict) if dlg.OK: print(thisInfo) else: print('User cancelled') # The contents of this file are in the public domain.
def L2_facial_exp_instruction_trial(window, image_path): waiting_time = 2 text = u'- För jag vill ju se hur färgen såg ut när den målades.' text_stim_instr = visual.TextStim(window, text, height=25, wrapWidth=1000, font="Times") text_stim_instr.pos = (0, 0) text_stim_instr.color = "black" text_stim_instr.setText( u'Du kommer nu att få se en person som söker respons.') text_stim_instr.draw() window.flip() core.wait(waiting_time * 2) input_box = gui.Dlg(title="", labelButtonOK=u"Fortsätt", labelButtonCancel="Avbryt", pos=(900, 800)) user_input = -1 if not input_box.OK: return ################################ # Test trial ################################ # Trial text text_stim = visual.TextStim(window, height=40, wrapWidth=1000) text_stim.setText(text) text_stim.pos = (50, -300) text_stim.color = "white" text_stim.bold = True # Define images to draw img_1_stim = visual.ImageStim(window) img_1_file_name = "L2_facial_exp_instruction.png" img_1_stim.setImage(image_path + img_1_file_name) img_1_stim.size = img_1_stim.size * 0.40 # Draw the first image and the text img_1_stim.draw() text_stim.draw() window.flip() # Hold the image core.wait(waiting_time * 2) img_2_stim = visual.ImageStim(window) img_2_file_name = "" img_2_file_name = "L2_facial_exp_instruction_test.png" img_2_stim.setImage(image_path + img_2_file_name) img_2_stim.size = img_2_stim.size * 0.40 # Draw the second image and the text again img_2_stim.draw() text_stim.draw() window.flip() core.wait(waiting_time * 1.5) # Input from user: response-seeking or not window.flip() # input_box = gui.Dlg(title="MMU", labelButtonOK = "ja", labelButtonCancel = "nej", pos = QPoint(800,500)) # input_box.addText(u'Söker talaren respons från lyssnaren?') # #input_box.addField('Soker talaren respons fran lyssnaren?', choices=["Ja", "Nej"]) # user_input = -1 # # if input_box.OK: # user_input = 1 ################################ text_stim_instr.setText( u'Såhär ser personen ut när den inte söker respons.') text_stim_instr.draw() window.flip() core.wait(waiting_time * 2) input_box = gui.Dlg(title="", labelButtonOK=u"Fortsätt", labelButtonCancel="Avbryt", pos=(900, 800)) if not input_box.OK: return ################################ # Control trial ################################ # Draw the first image and the text img_1_stim.draw() text_stim.draw() window.flip() # Hold the image core.wait(waiting_time * 2) img_3_stim = visual.ImageStim(window) img_3_file_name = "L2_facial_exp_instruction_control.png" img_3_stim.setImage(image_path + img_3_file_name) img_3_stim.size = img_3_stim.size * 0.40 # Draw the second image and the text again img_3_stim.draw() text_stim.draw() window.flip() #TODO# Different waiting times for different trials core.wait(waiting_time * 1.5)
def __init__(self, fullscr=True, interactive=True, log=True): super(BenchmarkWizard, self).__init__() self.firstrun = False self.prefs = prefs self.appName = 'PsychoPy3' = self.appName + _translate(' Benchmark Wizard') dlg = gui.Dlg( dlg.addText('') dlg.addText(_translate('Benchmarking takes ~20-30 seconds to gather')) dlg.addText(_translate('configuration and performance data. Begin?')) dlg.addText('') if interactive: if not dlg.OK: return self._prepare() win = visual.Window(fullscr=fullscr, allowGUI=False, monitor='testMonitor', autoLog=False) # do system info etc first to get fps, add to list later because # it's nicer for benchmark results to appears at top of the report: diagnostics = self.runDiagnostics(win, verbose=True) info = {} for k, v, m, w in diagnostics: # list of tuples --> dict, ignore msg m, warning w info[k] = v fps = 1000.0 / float(info['visual sync (refresh)'].split()[0]) itemsList = [('Benchmark', '', '', False)] itemsList.append(('benchmark version', '0.1', _translate('dots & configuration'), False)) itemsList.append(('full-screen', str(fullscr), _translate('visual window for drawing'), False)) if int(info['no dropped frames'].split('/')[0]) != 0: # eg, "0 / 180" start = 50 # if 100 dots had problems earlier, here start lower else: start = 200 for shape in ('circle', 'square'): # order matters: circle crashes first dotsList = self.runLotsOfDots(win, fieldShape=shape, starting=start, baseline=fps) itemsList.extend(dotsList) # start square where circle breaks down start = int(dotsList[-1][1]) itemsList.extend(diagnostics) win.close() itemsDict = {} for itm in itemsList: if 'proxy setting' in itm[0] or not itm[1]: continue itemsDict[itm[0]] = itm[1].replace('<strong>', '').replace( '</strong>', '').replace(' ', '').replace(' ', '') # present dialog, upload only if opt-in: dlg = gui.Dlg( dlg.addText('') dlg.addText( _translate('Benchmark complete! (See the Coder output window.)')) self.htmlReport(itemsList) self.reportPath = os.path.join(self.prefs.paths['userPrefsDir'], 'benchmarkReport.html') dlg = gui.Dlg( dlg.addText('') dlg.addText( _translate( 'Click OK to view full configuration and benchmark data.')) dlg.addText(_translate('Click Cancel to stay in PsychoPy.')) dlg.addText('') if interactive: if dlg.OK: url = 'file://' + self.reportPath wx.LaunchDefaultBrowser(url)
#parameters useFullScreen = True useDualScreen=1 DEBUG = False frame_rate=1 initial_fixation_dur = 4 #final_fixation_dur = 2 decision_dur=4.5 #outcome_dur=0.25 fileSuffix = 'UG' responseKeys=('8','2','z','num_8','num_2') #get subjID subjDlg=gui.Dlg(title="Bargaining Task") subjDlg.addField('Enter Subject ID: ') #0 subjDlg.addField('Enter Gender (0 for male, 1 for female): ') #1 subjDlg.addField('Enter Ethnicity (0 for Caucasian, 1 for Other): ') #2 subjDlg.addField('Enter Age: ') #3 subjDlg.addField('Full Screen? (Enter lowercase: y or n):') #4 if gui.OK:[0][1][2][3] else: sys.exit()
import csv, math, sys import pdb from psychopy import visual, os, core, gui, event, logging, microphone, data, sound from psychopy.hardware.emulator import launchScan ####### SET UP full_screen = 'n' #y/n DEBUG = False EMULATE = False COUNT_DOWN_DURATION = 3 ONE_COUNT_DURATION = 1 # Prompt for subjID and Run subjDlg = gui.Dlg(title="Video Task") subjDlg.addField('Enter Participant ID:') if gui.OK: subj_id =[0] if (not subj_id): print( "You need to enter a subject ID! Please consult the participant folder for the correct ID." ) sys.exit() else: sys.exit() # Logs expdir = os.getcwd()
import numpy as np # whole numpy lib is available, prepend 'np.' from psychopy.constants import * # things like STARTED, FINISHED from numpy.random import random, randint, normal, shuffle import pandas as pd import random from psychopy.iohub import launchHubServer #number of trials per conditions TRIALS = 30 practice_trials = 2 #at the very beginning to load the server io = launchHubServer() keyboard = io.devices.keyboard # gui requesting participant info participant_id = gui.Dlg(title="Imitation-Inhibition experiment") participant_id.addText('Subject Info') participant_id.addField('Participant:') if participant_id.OK: Participant =[ 0] #saves data from dialogue box into the variable 'ID' else: core.quite() #where we will save the data columnss = [ 'Participant', 'Congruity', 'Reaction_time', 'Response', 'Correctness', 'Order_number', 'Finger_Screen'
positionDown = int(win.winfo_screenheight()/3 - windowHeight/2) win.geometry("+{}+{}".format(positionRight, positionDown)) f.mainloop() # output escape contrail for i in np.arange(1, len(pts2)): if pts2[i - 1] is None or pts2[i] is None: continue thickness2 = int(np.sqrt( buffer_2 / float(i + 1)) * 5) cv2.line(img_output, pts2[i - 1], pts2[i], (255, 255, 255), thickness2) # save data now = data_to_save = [ animalID, timepoint, treatment, trial[-1:], round(totaldis,1), round(max_v,1), abs(escape_angle), round(before_loom,1), round(after_loom,1), now.strftime("%y/%m/%d %H:%M") ] cv2.imshow("contrail", img_output) save_or_not = gui.Dlg() save_or_not.addText('Save data?') if save_or_not.OK: cv2.imwrite('output_contrails/' + filenamefolder[-1] + '.jpg',img_output) if os.path.exists('data.csv') == False: with open ('data.csv', 'w', newline='') as datafileinit: datafileinitwriter = csv.writer(datafileinit) datafileinitwriter.writerow( [ 'Animal ID', 'Timepoint', 'Treatment', 'Trial #', 'Esc Dist', 'Esc Vel', 'Esc Ang', 'Before Dist', 'After Dist', 'Timestamp' ] ) with open('data.csv', 'a', newline='') as datafile: datafilewriter = csv.writer(datafile) datafilewriter.writerow( data_to_save ) if os.path.exists('output_speed/' + animalID + '_' + timepoint + '_' + treatment + '.csv') == False: with open ('output_speed/' + animalID + '_' + timepoint + '_' + treatment + '.csv', 'w', newline='') as datafileinit: datafileinitwriter = csv.writer(datafileinit) datafileinitwriter.writerow( [ 'Time'] )
# Look in results folder to determine the appropriate subject number. if not os.path.exists(os.getcwd() + '/swets_deep_results/'): os.makedirs(os.getcwd() + '/swets_deep_results/') results_files = os.listdir(os.getcwd() + '/swets_deep_results/') if len(results_files) != 0: subjects_run = [ int(s.split('.')[0]) for s in results_files if s not in ['.DS_Store', 'Icon\r'] ] else: subjects_run = [0] current_subject_number = max(subjects_run) + 1 # Show dialog and wait for OK or Cancel. subject_info = gui.Dlg(title='Swets Replication: SPR Deep Condition') subject_info.addField('Subject Number:', current_subject_number) subject_info.addField('Age:', 21) subject_info.addField('Gender:', 'M') # The user pressed OK. if gui.OK: current_subject_number = int([0]) # The user pressed Cancel. else: print('User cancelled') #### Create output data = open(os.getcwd() + "/swets_deep_results/" + str("%03d" % (current_subject_number, )) + ".txt",
import pandas as pd from task import sequence, training from parameters import getParameters from recording import Oximeter from psychopy import visual, gui, monitors path = os.getcwd() # Wrapper function ################## # Get parameters parameters = getParameters() # Create a GUI and store subject ID g = gui.Dlg() g.addField("Subject Number:") g.addField("Subject ID:") nSub =[0] subID =[1] # Open window mon = monitors.Monitor('testMonitor', width=60, distance=57) win = visual.Window(size=(1920, 1080), fullscr=True, units='height', monitor=mon) # Create the recording instance ser = serial.Serial('COM4',
def importTrials(trialsFilename, colNames=None, separator=','): trialsFile = open(trialsFilename, 'rb') if colNames is None: # Assume the first row contains the column names colNames = trialsList = [] for trialStr in trialsFile: trialList = trialStr.rstrip().split(separator) assert len(trialList) == len(colNames) trialDict = dict(zip(colNames, trialList)) trialsList.append(trialDict) return trialsList dlg = gui.Dlg(); dlg.addText("Enter the name: "); dlg.addField("name");; if dlg.OK: trialName =[0] + '.csv' outName =[0] + '_data.csv' else: trialName = "trials.csv" outName = 'data.csv' generateTrials(trialName) trialList = importTrials(trialName)
def __init__(self, firstrun=False, interactive=True, log=True): """Check drivers, show GUIs, run diagnostics, show report.""" self.firstrun = firstrun self.prefs = prefs self.appName = 'PsychoPy2' = self.appName + _translate(' Configuration Wizard') self.reportPath = os.path.join(self.prefs.paths['userPrefsDir'], 'firstrunReport.html') #self.iconfile = os.path.join(self.prefs.paths['resources'], 'psychopy.png') #dlg.SetIcon(wx.Icon(self.iconfile, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) # no error but no effect dlg = gui.Dlg( dlg.addText('') if firstrun: dlg.addText(_translate("Welcome to PsychoPy2!"), color='blue') dlg.addText('') dlg.addText( _translate( "It looks like you are running PsychoPy for the first time." )) dlg.addText( _translate( "This wizard will help you get started quickly and smoothly." )) else: dlg.addText(_translate("Welcome to the configuration wizard.")) # test for fatal configuration errors: fatalItemsList = [] if not driversOkay(): cardInfo = gl_info.get_renderer().replace('OpenGL Engine', '').strip() dlg.addText('') dlg.addText(_translate( "The first configuration check is your video card's drivers. The current" ), color='red') dlg.addText(_translate( "drivers cannot support PsychoPy, so you'll need to update the drivers." ), color='red') msg = _translate( """<p>Critical issue:\n</p><p>Your video card (%(card)s) has drivers that cannot support the high-performance features that PsychoPy depends on. Fortunately, it's typically free and straightforward to get new drivers directly from the manufacturer.</p> <p><strong>To update the drivers:</strong> <li> You'll need administrator privileges. <li> On Windows, don't use the windows option to check for updates - it can report that there are no updates available. <li> If your card is made by NVIDIA, go to <a href="">the NVIDIA website</a> and use the 'auto detect' option. Try here for <a href="">ATI / Radeon drivers</a>. Or try <a href=""> this google search</a> []. <li> Download and install the driver. <li> Reboot the computer. <li> Restart PsychoPy.</p> <p>If you updated the drivers and still get this message, you'll need a different video card to use PsychoPy. Click <a href="">here for more information</a> [].</p> """) % { 'card': cardInfo, 'card2': cardInfo.replace(' ', '+') } fatalItemsList.append(msg) if not cardOkay(): cardInfo = gl_info.get_renderer().replace('OpenGL Engine', '').strip() msg = _translate("""<p>Critical issue:\n</p>""") msg += cardInfo fatalItemsList.append(msg) pass # other fatal conditions? append a 'Critical issue' msg to itemsList if not fatalItemsList: dlg.addText( _translate( "We'll go through a series of configuration checks in about 10 seconds. " )) dlg.addText('') if firstrun: # explain things more dlg.addText( _translate( 'Note: The display will switch to full-screen mode and will ' )) dlg.addText( _translate( "then switch back. You don't need to do anything.")) dlg.addText( _translate( 'Optional: For best results, please quit all email programs, web-browsers, ' )) dlg.addText( _translate('Dropbox, backup or sync services, and others.')) dlg.addText('') dlg.addText(_translate('Click OK to start, or Cancel to skip.')) if not self.firstrun: dlg.addField(label=_translate('Full details'),['debugMode']) else: dlg.addText('') dlg.addText( _translate( 'Click OK for more information, or Cancel to skip.')) # show the first dialog: dlg.addText('') if interactive: if fatalItemsList: self.htmlReport(fatal=fatalItemsList) # user ends up in browser: url = 'file://' + self.reportPath if interactive: wx.LaunchDefaultBrowser(url) return if interactive and not dlg.OK: return # no configuration tests run # run the diagnostics: verbose = interactive and not self.firstrun and[0] win = visual.Window(fullscr=interactive, allowGUI=False, monitor='testMonitor', autoLog=log) itemsList = self.runDiagnostics(win, verbose) # sets self.warnings win.close() self.htmlReport(itemsList) # display summary & options: dlg = gui.Dlg( dlg.addText('') dlg.addText(_translate('Configuration testing complete!')) summary = self.summary(items=itemsList) numWarn = len(self.warnings) if numWarn == 0: msg = _translate('All values seem reasonable (no warnings).') elif numWarn == 1: msg = _translate( '1 suboptimal value was detected (%s)') % self.warnings[0] else: msg = _translate( '%(num)i suboptimal values were detected (%(warn)s, ...)') % { 'num': len(self.warnings), 'warn': self.warnings[0] } dlg.addText(msg) for item in summary: dlg.addText(item[0], item[1]) # (key, color) dlg.addText('') dlg.addText( _translate( 'Click OK for full details (will open in a web-browser),')) dlg.addText(_translate('or Cancel to stay in PsychoPy.')) dlg.addText('') if interactive: if dlg.OK: url = 'file://' + self.reportPath wx.LaunchDefaultBrowser(url) return
from psychopy import core, event, gui, visual import random import numpy as np import sys import os from Variablen1 import Variables from Matrix1 import RandomMatrix #from state import State ### Sicherstellen, dass Pfad von selbem Verzeichnis wie dieses Skript startet _thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).decode( sys.getfilesystemencoding()) os.chdir(_thisDir) ### Eingabefenster für Daten der Vpn, automatisch beim Start geöffnet eingabe = gui.Dlg(title="") eingabe.addField("Versuchsperson:") eingabe.addField("Durchgang:") eingabe.addField("State:", choices=["Yes/No Task", "2IFC"]) # Abbruch falls Cancel gedrückt wurde if eingabe.OK == False: core.quit() nameVpn =[0] durchgangVpn =[1] state =[2]
def __init__(self, fullscr=True, interactive=True, log=True): self.firstrun = False self.prefs = prefs self.appName = 'PsychoPy2' = self.appName + _translate(' Benchmark Wizard') dlg = gui.Dlg( dlg.addText('') dlg.addText(_translate('Benchmarking takes ~20-30 seconds to gather')) dlg.addText(_translate('configuration and performance data. Begin?')) dlg.addText('') if interactive: if not dlg.OK: return self._prepare() win = visual.Window(fullscr=fullscr, allowGUI=False, monitor='testMonitor', autoLog=False) # do system info etc first to get fps, add to list later because # it's nicer for benchmark results to appears at top of the report: diagnostics = self.runDiagnostics(win, verbose=True) info = {} for k, v, m, w in diagnostics: # list of tuples --> dict, ignore msg m, warning w info[k] = v fps = 1000. / float(info['visual sync (refresh)'].split()[0]) itemsList = [('Benchmark', '', '', False)] itemsList.append(('benchmark version', '0.1', _translate('dots & configuration'), False)) itemsList.append(('full-screen', str(fullscr), _translate('visual window for drawing'), False)) if int(info['no dropped frames'].split('/')[0]) != 0: # eg, "0 / 180" start = 50 # if 100 dots had problems earlier, here start lower else: start = 200 for shape in ['circle', 'square']: # order matters: circle crashes first dotsList = self.runLotsOfDots(win, fieldShape=shape, starting=start, baseline=fps) itemsList.extend(dotsList) start = int( dotsList[-1][1]) # start square where circle breaks down itemsList.extend(diagnostics) win.close() itemsDict = {} for itm in itemsList: if 'proxy setting' in itm[0] or not itm[1]: continue itemsDict[itm[0]] = itm[1].replace('<strong>', '').replace( '</strong>', '').replace(' ', '').replace(' ', '') #if log: # print itm[0]+': ' + itemsDict[itm[0]] # present dialog, upload only if opt-in: dlg = gui.Dlg( dlg.addText('') dlg.addText( _translate('Benchmark complete! (See the Coder output window.)')) # disable upload for now at least: ''' dlg.addText(_translate('Are you willing to share your data at')) dlg.addText(_translate('Only configuration and performance data are shared;')) dlg.addText(_translate('No personally identifying information is sent.')) dlg.addText(_translate('(Sharing requires an internet connection.)')) if interactive: if dlg.OK: status = self.uploadReport(itemsDict) dlg = gui.Dlg( + ' result') dlg.addText('') if status and status.startswith('success good_upload'): dlg.addText(_translate('Configuration data were successfully uploaded to')) dlg.addText('') dlg.addText(_translate('Thanks for participating!')) else: if not eval(info['internet access']): dlg.addText('Upload error: maybe no internet access?') else: dlg.addText('Upload error status: %s' % status[:20]) ''' self.htmlReport(itemsList) self.reportPath = os.path.join(self.prefs.paths['userPrefsDir'], 'benchmarkReport.html') dlg = gui.Dlg( dlg.addText('') dlg.addText( _translate( 'Click OK to view full configuration and benchmark data.')) dlg.addText(_translate('Click Cancel to stay in PsychoPy.')) dlg.addText('') if interactive: if dlg.OK: url = 'file://' + self.reportPath wx.LaunchDefaultBrowser(url)
myWinRes = myWin.size myWin.allowGUI = True myWin.close() #have to close window to show dialog box ## ### END Setup of the screen parameters ############################################################################################## #################################### askUserAndConfirmExpParams = True if autopilot: subject = 'autoTest' ############################### ### Ask user exp params ############################################################################################## ## askUserAndConfirmExpParams if askUserAndConfirmExpParams: dlgLabelsOrdered = list() #new dialog box myDlg = gui.Dlg(title=expname, pos=(200, 400)) if not autopilot: myDlg.addField('Subject code :', subject) dlgLabelsOrdered.append('subject') else: myDlg.addField('Subject code :', subject) dlgLabelsOrdered.append('subject') myDlg.addField('autoPilotTime:', 0, tip='Auto response time relative to cue') myDlg.addField( 'randomTime:', False, tip='Add (rounded) gaussian N(0,2) error to time offset?') myDlg.addField('autoPilotSpace:', 0,
def L2_facial_exp_test_trial(window, text, image_path, trial_type, trial_nr, n_yes_inputs, request_user_input): waiting_time = 2 text_stim = visual.TextStim(window, height=50, wrapWidth=1200) text_stim.setText(text) text_stim.pos = (50, -300) if trial_nr == 6: text_stim.color = "grey" else: text_stim.color = "white" text_stim.bold = True # Define images to draw img_1_stim = visual.ImageStim(window) img_1_file_name = "L2_facial_exp_" + str(trial_nr) + ".png" img_1_stim.setImage(image_path + img_1_file_name) img_1_stim.size = img_1_stim.size * 0.40 # Draw the first image and the text img_1_stim.draw() text_stim.draw() window.flip() core.wait(waiting_time * 2.5) img_2_stim = visual.ImageStim(window) img_2_file_name = "" if trial_type == 1: img_2_file_name = "L2_facial_exp_" + str(trial_nr) + "_test.png" else: img_2_file_name = "L2_facial_exp_" + str(trial_nr) + "_control.png" img_2_stim.setImage(image_path + img_2_file_name) img_2_stim.size = img_2_stim.size * 0.40 # Draw the second image and the text again img_2_stim.draw() text_stim.draw() window.flip() core.wait(waiting_time * 1.5) if request_user_input: window.flip() # Input from user: response-seeking or not n_yes_inputs_left = 6 - n_yes_inputs n_trials_left = 12 - trial_nr text_stim_instr = visual.TextStim(window, text, height=25, wrapWidth=1000, font="Times") text_stim_instr.pos = (0, 0) text_stim_instr.color = "black" text_instr = u'Du har svarat "Ja" ' + str( n_yes_inputs) + u' gånger. Du kan svara "Ja" ' + str( n_yes_inputs_left) + u' gånger till. \n \n Du har ' + str( n_trials_left) + u' försök kvar.' text_stim_instr.setText(text_instr) text_stim_instr.draw() window.flip() input_box = gui.Dlg(title="", labelButtonOK="ja", labelButtonCancel="nej", pos=(900, 800)) input_box.addText(u'Söker talaren respons från lyssnaren?') user_input = -1 if input_box.OK: user_input = 1 else: user_input = 0 output = {'trial_type': trial_type, 'user_input': user_input} return output
output = row[1] else: # CHANGED FOR THIS FILE!! #outerpath = '/Users/amennen/Dropbox/rtPennBehavData/facematching/' #output=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outerpath,"tfMRI_output")) # changing back to just save data in this directory so the data will be stored on this computer only output = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..', "tfMRI_output")) _thisDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(_thisDir) expName = 'Resting' # Collect run mode and participant ID expInfo = {} dlg1 = gui.Dlg(title="Participant ID") dlg1.addField('Participant') dlg1.addField('Mode', choices=["Scanner", "Practice"]) # , "Debug"]) dlg1.addField('Group', choices=["HC", "MDD"]) dlg1.addField('Session', choices=["ABCD", "IPAT2", "CMRR"]) dlg1.addField('Run', choices=["AB"]) #,"Practice"]) if dlg1.OK: # then the user pressed OK # add the new entries to expInfo expInfo['participant'] =[0] expInfo['runMode'] =[1] expInfo['group'] =[2] expInfo['session'] =[3] expInfo['run'] =[4] expInfo['CB'] = "1"[2] RunMode = expInfo['runMode']
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import os, sys from psychopy import visual, core, event, gui, logging, sound import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import csv #system setup framerate = 100 #For debugging purposes only. Must be 100 for data collection if framerate != 100: print("Warning: framerate not set to 100 Hz") #get Subject ID subgui = gui.Dlg() subgui.addField("Subject ID:") subj =[0] #setup win = visual.Window(fullscr=True, allowGUI=False, color="black", screen=0, units='height', waitBlanking=True) trialClock = core.Clock() all_responses = [] num_blocks = 4