Exemplo n.º 1
 def has_vector_diff_basis(self):
     ''':returns: True if this function space has vector differential
         basis functions.
     :rtype: bool
     const = LFRicConstants()
     return self.orig_name.lower() in const.VECTOR_DIFF_BASIS_SPACE_NAMES
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_operator_name(self, operator_name, qr_var=None, on_space=None):
        Returns the name of the specified operator (basis or differential
        basis) for this FunctionSpace.

        :param str operator_name: name (type) of the operator.
        :param str qr_var: the name of the Quadrature Object for which the \
                           operator is required.
        :param on_space: the function space at which the operator is required.
        :type on_space: :py:class:`psyclone.domain.lfric.FunctionSpace`

        :returns: name for the Fortran arry holding the named operator \
                  for the specified function space.
        :rtype: str

        if operator_name == "gh_basis":
            return self.get_basis_name(qr_var=qr_var, on_space=on_space)
        if operator_name == "gh_diff_basis":
            return self.get_diff_basis_name(qr_var=qr_var, on_space=on_space)

        const = LFRicConstants()
        raise GenerationError(
            "Unsupported name '{0}' found. Expected one of {1}".format(
                operator_name, const.VALID_METAFUNC_NAMES))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _shorten_fs_name(self):
        Creates short names for any_*_spaces to be used for mangled names
        from the condensed keywords and function space IDs.

        :returns: short name of this function space.
        :rtype: str

        :raises InternalError: if a function space to create the short \
                               name for is not one of 'any_space' or \
                               'any_discontinuous_space' spaces.

        # Create a start for the short name and check whether the function
        # space is one of any_*_space spaces
        const = LFRicConstants()
        if self._orig_name in const.VALID_ANY_SPACE_NAMES:
            start = "a"
        elif self._orig_name in const.VALID_ANY_DISCONTINUOUS_SPACE_NAMES:
            start = "ad"
            raise InternalError(
                "_shorten_fs_name: function space '{0}' is not one of "
                "{1} or {2} spaces.".format(
                    self._orig_name, const.VALID_ANY_SPACE_NAMES,

        # Split name string to find any_*_space ID and create a short name as
        # "<start>" + "spc" + "ID"
        fslist = self._orig_name.split("_")
        self._short_name = start + "spc" + fslist[-1]
        return self._short_name
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _validate_vector_size(self, separator, arg_type):
        Validates descriptors for field vector arguments and populates
        vector properties accordingly.

        :param str separator: operator in a binary expression.
        :param arg_type: LFRic API field (vector) argument type.
        :type arg_type: :py:class:`psyclone.expression.FunctionVar`

        :raises ParseError: if the field vector notation does not use \
                            the '*' operator.
        :raises ParseError: if the field vector notation is not in the \
                            correct format '(field*n)' where 'n' is \
                            an integer.
        :raises ParseError: if the field vector notation is used for the \
                            vector size of less than 2.
        :raises ParseError: if the field vector notation is used for an \
                            argument that is not a field.

        # Check that the operator is correct
        if separator != "*":
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API the 1st argument of a 'meta_arg' "
                "entry may be a field vector but if so must use '*' as "
                "the separator in the format 'field*n', but found "
                "'{0}' in '{1}'.".format(separator, arg_type))

        # Now try to find the vector size for a field vector and return
        # an error if it is not an integer number...
            vectsize = int(arg_type.args[0].toks[2])
        except TypeError as err:
                    "In the LFRic API, the field vector notation must be in "
                    "the format 'field*n' where 'n' is an integer, but the "
                    "following '{0}' was found in '{1}'.".format(
                        str(arg_type.args[0].toks[2]), arg_type)), err)
        # ... or it is less than 2 (1 is the default for all fields)...

        const = LFRicConstants()
        if vectsize < 2:
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API the 1st argument of a 'meta_arg' entry "
                "may be a field vector with format 'field*n' where n is "
                "an integer > 1. However, found n = {0} in '{1}'.".format(
                    vectsize, arg_type))
        # ... and set the vector size if all checks pass
        self._vector_size = vectsize

        # Check that no other arguments than fields use vector notation
        if self._argument_type not in \
           const.VALID_FIELD_NAMES and self._vector_size:
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API, vector notation is only supported "
                "for {0} argument types but found '{1}'.".format(
                    const.VALID_FIELD_NAMES, arg_type.args[0]))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def function_space_from(self):
        Returns the "from" function space for an operator. This is
        the second function space specified in the metadata.

        :returns: "from" function space for an operator.
        :rtype: str

        :raises InternalError: if this is not an operator.

        const = LFRicConstants()
        if self._argument_type in const.VALID_OPERATOR_NAMES:
            return self._function_space2
        raise InternalError(
            "In the LFRic API 'function_space_from' only makes sense "
            "for one of {0}, but this is a '{1}'.".format(
                const.VALID_OPERATOR_NAMES, self._argument_type))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _mangle_fs_name(self):
        Constructs the mangled version of a function-space name given a list
        of kernel arguments if the argument's function space is any_*_space
        (if the argument's function space is one of the valid LFRic function
        spaces then the mangled name is the original name, set in the class
        initialisation). The mangled name is the short name of the function
        space combined with the argument's name.

        :returns: mangled name of this function space.
        :rtype: str

        :raises InternalError: if a function space to create the mangled \
                               name for is not one of 'any_space' or \
                               'any_discontinuous_space' spaces.
        :raises FieldNotFoundError: if no kernel argument was found on \
                                    the specified function space.

        # First check that the the function space is one of any_*_space
        # spaces and then proceed with name-mangling.
        const = LFRicConstants()
        if self._orig_name not in const.VALID_ANY_SPACE_NAMES + \
            raise InternalError(
                "_mangle_fs_name: function space '{0}' is not one of "
                "{1} or {2} spaces.".format(
                    self._orig_name, const.VALID_ANY_SPACE_NAMES,

        # List kernel arguments
        args = self._kernel_args.args
        # Mangle the function space name for any_*_space
        for arg in args:
            for fspace in arg.function_spaces:
                if (fspace and fspace.orig_name.lower()
                        == self._orig_name.lower()):
                    mngl_name = self._short_name + "_" + arg.name
                    return mngl_name
        # Raise an error if there are no kernel arguments on this
        # function space
        raise FieldNotFoundError("No kernel argument found for function space "
Exemplo n.º 7
    def function_space(self):
        Returns the function space name related to this kernel argument
        depending on the argument type: a single function space for a field,
        function_space_from for an operator and nothing for a scalar.

        :returns: function space relating to this kernel argument or \
                  None (for a scalar).
        :rtype: str or NoneType

        :raises InternalError: if an invalid argument type is passed in.

        const = LFRicConstants()
        if self._argument_type in const.VALID_FIELD_NAMES:
            return self._function_space1
        if self._argument_type in const.VALID_OPERATOR_NAMES:
            return self._function_space2
        if self._argument_type in const.VALID_SCALAR_NAMES:
            return None
        raise InternalError(
            "Expected a valid argument type but got '{0}'.".format(
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, name, kernel_args):
        self._orig_name = name
        self._kernel_args = kernel_args
        self._mangled_name = None
        self._short_name = None

        const = LFRicConstants()
        # Check whether the function space name is a valid name
        if self._orig_name not in const.VALID_FUNCTION_SPACE_NAMES:
            raise InternalError("Unrecognised function space '{0}'. The "
                                "supported spaces are {1}.".format(

        if self._orig_name not in const.VALID_ANY_SPACE_NAMES + \
            # We only need to name-mangle any_space and
            # any_discontinuous_space spaces
            self._short_name = self._orig_name
            self._mangled_name = self._orig_name
            # Create short names for any_*_spaces used for mangled names
            self._short_name = self._shorten_fs_name()
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __str__(self):
        Creates a string representation of the argument descriptor. This
        is type and access for scalars with the addition of function
        space(s) for fields and operators.

        :returns: string representation of the argument descriptor.
        :rtype: str

        :raises InternalError: if an invalid argument type is passed in.

        const = LFRicConstants()
        res = "LFRicArgDescriptor object" + os.linesep
        res += "  argument_type[0]='{0}'".format(self._argument_type)
        if self._vector_size > 1:
            res += "*" + str(self._vector_size)
        res += os.linesep
        res += "  data_type[1]='{0}'".format(self._data_type)\
               + os.linesep
        res += "  access_descriptor[2]='{0}'"\
               + os.linesep
        if self._argument_type in const.VALID_FIELD_NAMES:
            res += "  function_space[3]='{0}'".format(self._function_space1) \
                   + os.linesep
        elif self._argument_type in const.VALID_OPERATOR_NAMES:
            res += "  function_space_to[3]='{0}'".\
                   format(self._function_space1) + os.linesep
            res += "  function_space_from[4]='{0}'".\
                   format(self._function_space2) + os.linesep
        elif self._argument_type in const.VALID_SCALAR_NAMES:
            pass  # We have nothing to add if we're a scalar
        else:  # We should never get to here
            raise InternalError("Expected a valid argument type but got "
        return res
Exemplo n.º 10
    def function_spaces(self):
        Returns the function space names related to this kernel argument
        as a list depending on the argument type: one function space for
        a field, both function spaces ("to"- and then "from"-) for an
        operator and an empty list for a scalar.

        :returns: function space names related to this kernel argument.
        :rtype: list of str

        :raises InternalError: if an invalid argument type is passed in.

        const = LFRicConstants()
        if self._argument_type in const.VALID_FIELD_NAMES:
            return [self.function_space]
        if self._argument_type in const.VALID_OPERATOR_NAMES:
            # Return to before from to maintain expected ordering
            return [self.function_space_to, self.function_space_from]
        if self._argument_type in const.VALID_SCALAR_NAMES:
            return []
        raise InternalError(
            "Expected a valid argument type but got '{0}'.".format(
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, arg_type, operates_on):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
        self._arg_type = arg_type
        # Initialise properties
        self._argument_type = None
        self._data_type = None
        self._function_space_to = None
        self._function_space_from = None
        self._function_space = None
        self._function_spaces = []
        # Set vector size to 1 (scalars set it to 0 in their validation)
        self._vector_size = 1
        # Initialise other internal arguments
        self._access_type = None
        self._function_space1 = None
        self._function_space2 = None
        self._stencil = None
        self._mesh = None
        self._nargs = 0

        # Check for the correct argument type descriptor
        if arg_type.name != 'arg_type':
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API each 'meta_arg' entry must be of type "
                "'arg_type', but found '{0}'.".format(arg_type.name))

        # Check the first argument descriptor. If it is a binary operator
        # then it has to be a field vector with an "*n" appended where "*"
        # is a binary operator and "n > 1" is a vector size. If it is a
        # variable then it can be one of the other allowed argument types.
        argtype = None
        separator = None
        if isinstance(arg_type.args[0], expr.BinaryOperator):
            argtype = arg_type.args[0].toks[0]
            separator = arg_type.args[0].toks[1]
            argtype = arg_type.args[0]

        const = LFRicConstants()
        # First check for a valid argument type. It has to be a variable
        # (FunctionVar expression) and have a valid LFRic API argument name.
        if isinstance(argtype, expr.FunctionVar) and argtype.name in \
            self._argument_type = argtype.name
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API the 1st argument of a 'meta_arg' "
                "entry should be a valid argument type (one of {0}), "
                "but found '{1}' in '{2}'.".format(const.VALID_ARG_TYPE_NAMES,
                                                   argtype, arg_type))

        # Check for a valid vector size in case of a binary
        # operator expression
        if separator:
            self._validate_vector_size(separator, arg_type)

        # Check number of args - we require at least three
        self._nargs = len(arg_type.args)
        min_nargs = 3
        if self._nargs < min_nargs:
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API each 'meta_arg' entry must have at least "
                "{0} args, but found {1} in '{2}'.".format(
                    min_nargs, self._nargs, arg_type))

        # The 2nd arg is the Fortran primitive type of the argument data
        dtype = arg_type.args[1].name
        if dtype in const.VALID_ARG_DATA_TYPES:
            self._data_type = dtype
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API the 2nd argument of a 'meta_arg' "
                "entry should be a valid data type (one of {0}), "
                "but found '{1}' in '{2}'.".format(const.VALID_ARG_DATA_TYPES,
                                                   dtype, arg_type))

        # The 3rd arg is an access descriptor. Allowed accesses for each
        # argument type are dealt with in the related _init methods.
        # Convert from GH_* names to the generic access type
        api_config = Config.get().api_conf(API)
        access_mapping = api_config.get_access_mapping()
        prop_ind = 2
            self._access_type = access_mapping[arg_type.args[prop_ind].name]
        except KeyError as err:
            valid_names = api_config.get_valid_accesses_api()
                    "In the LFRic API argument {0} of a 'meta_arg' entry "
                    "must be a valid access descriptor (one of {1}), but found "
                    "'{2}' in '{3}'.".format(prop_ind + 1, valid_names,
                                             arg_type)), err)

        # Check for the allowed iteration spaces from the parsed kernel
        # metadata
        if operates_on not in const.VALID_ITERATION_SPACES:
            raise InternalError(
                "Expected operates_on in the kernel metadata to be one of "
                "{0} but got '{1}'.".format(const.VALID_ITERATION_SPACES,

        # FIELD, OPERATOR and SCALAR argument type descriptors and checks
        if self._argument_type in const.VALID_FIELD_NAMES:
            # Validate field arguments
            self._init_field(arg_type, operates_on)

        elif self._argument_type in const.VALID_OPERATOR_NAMES:
            # Validate operator arguments

        elif self._argument_type in const.VALID_SCALAR_NAMES:
            # Validate scalar arguments

            # We should never get to here if the checks are tight enough
            raise InternalError(
                "Failed argument validation for the 'meta_arg' entry '{0}', "
                "should not get to here.".format(arg_type))

        # Initialise the parent class
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _init_scalar(self, arg_type):
        Validates metadata descriptors for scalar arguments and
        initialises scalar argument properties accordingly.

        :param arg_type: LFRic API scalar argument type.
        :type arg_type: :py:class:`psyclone.expression.FunctionVar`

        :raises InternalError: if argument type other than a scalar is \
                               passed in.
        :raises ParseError: if there are not exactly 3 metadata arguments.
        :raises InternalError: if a scalar argument has an invalid data type.
        :raises ParseError: if scalar arguments do not have a read-only or
                            a reduction access.
        :raises ParseError: if a scalar argument that is not a real \
                            scalar has a reduction access.

        const = LFRicConstants()
        # Check whether something other than a scalar is passed in
        if self._argument_type not in const.VALID_SCALAR_NAMES:
            raise InternalError(
                "Expected a scalar argument but got an argument of type "

        # There must be 3 argument descriptors to describe a scalar.
        nargs_scalar = 3
        if self._nargs != nargs_scalar:
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API each 'meta_arg' entry must have {0} "
                "arguments if its first argument is 'gh_scalar', but "
                "found {1} in '{2}'.".format(nargs_scalar, self._nargs,

        # Check whether an invalid data type for a scalar argument is passed
        # in. Valid data types for scalars are valid data types in LFRic API.
        if self._data_type not in const.VALID_SCALAR_DATA_TYPES:
            raise InternalError(
                "Expected one of {0} as the scalar data type but got '{1}'.".
                format(const.VALID_SCALAR_DATA_TYPES, self._data_type))

        # Test allowed accesses for scalars (read_only or reduction)
        scalar_accesses = [AccessType.READ] + \
        # Convert generic access types to GH_* names for error messages
        api_config = Config.get().api_conf(API)
        rev_access_mapping = api_config.get_reverse_access_mapping()
        if self._access_type not in scalar_accesses:
            api_specific_name = rev_access_mapping[self._access_type]
            valid_reductions = AccessType.get_valid_reduction_names()
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API scalar arguments must have read-only "
                "('gh_read') or a reduction {0} access but found '{1}' "
                "in '{2}'.".format(valid_reductions, api_specific_name,
        # Reduction access is currently only valid for real scalar arguments
        if self._data_type != "gh_real" and self._access_type in \
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API a reduction access '{0}' is only valid "
                "with a real scalar argument, but a scalar argument with "
                "'{1}' data type was found in '{2}'.".format(
                    self._access_type.api_specific_name(), self._data_type,

        # Scalars don't have vector size
        self._vector_size = 0
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _init_operator(self, arg_type):
        Validates metadata descriptors for operator arguments and
        initialises operator argument properties accordingly.

        :param arg_type: LFRic API operator argument type.
        :type arg_type: :py:class:`psyclone.expression.FunctionVar`

        :raises InternalError: if argument type other than an operator is \
                               passed in.
        :raises ParseError: if there are not exactly 5 metadata arguments.
        :raises ParseError: if an operator argument has an invalid data type.
        :raises ParseError: if the function space to- is not one of the \
                            valid function spaces.
        :raises ParseError: if the function space from- is not one of the \
                            valid function spaces.
        :raises ParseError: if the operator argument has an invalid access.

        const = LFRicConstants()
        # Check whether something other than an operator is passed in
        if self._argument_type not in const.VALID_OPERATOR_NAMES:
            raise InternalError(
                "Expected an operator argument but got an argument of type "

        # We expect 5 arguments with the 4th and 5th each being a
        # function space
        nargs_operator = 5
        if self._nargs != nargs_operator:
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API each 'meta_arg' entry must have {0} "
                "arguments if its first argument is an operator (one "
                "of {1}), but found {2} in '{3}'.".format(
                    nargs_operator, const.VALID_OPERATOR_NAMES, self._nargs,

        # Check whether an invalid data type for an operator argument is passed
        # in. The only valid data type for operators in LFRic API is "gh_real".
        if self._data_type not in const.VALID_OPERATOR_DATA_TYPES:
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API the allowed data types for operator "
                "arguments are one of {0}, but found '{1}' in '{2}'.".format(
                    const.VALID_OPERATOR_DATA_TYPES, self._data_type,

        # Operator arguments need to have valid to- and from- function spaces
        # Check for a valid to- function space
        prop_ind = 3
        if arg_type.args[prop_ind].name not in \
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API argument {0} of a 'meta_arg' operator "
                "entry must be a valid function-space name (one of "
                "{1}), but found '{2}' in '{3}'.".format(
                    prop_ind + 1, const.VALID_FUNCTION_SPACE_NAMES,
                    arg_type.args[prop_ind].name, arg_type))
        self._function_space1 = arg_type.args[prop_ind].name
        # Check for a valid from- function space
        prop_ind = 4
        if arg_type.args[prop_ind].name not in \
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API argument {0} of a 'meta_arg' operator "
                "entry must be a valid function-space name (one of "
                "{1}), but found '{2}' in '{3}'.".format(
                    prop_ind + 1, const.VALID_FUNCTION_SPACE_NAMES,
                    arg_type.args[prop_ind].name, arg_type))
        self._function_space2 = arg_type.args[prop_ind].name

        # Test allowed accesses for operators
        operator_accesses = [
            AccessType.READ, AccessType.WRITE, AccessType.READWRITE
        # Convert generic access types to GH_* names for error messages
        api_config = Config.get().api_conf(API)
        rev_access_mapping = api_config.get_reverse_access_mapping()
        op_acc_msg = [rev_access_mapping[acc] for acc in operator_accesses]
        if self._access_type not in operator_accesses:
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API, allowed accesses for operators are {0} "
                "because they behave as discontinuous quantities, but found "
                "'{1}' in '{2}'.".format(op_acc_msg,
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _init_field(self, arg_type, operates_on):
        Validates metadata descriptors for field arguments and
        initialises field argument properties accordingly.

        :param arg_type: LFRic API field (vector) argument type.
        :type arg_type: :py:class:`psyclone.expression.FunctionVar`
        :param operates_on: value of operates_on from the parsed kernel \
                            metadata (used for validation).
        :type operates_on: str

        :raises InternalError: if argument type other than a field is \
                               passed in.
        :raises ParseError: if there are fewer than 4 metadata arguments.
        :raises ParseError: if there are more than 5 metadata arguments.
        :raises ParseError: if a field argument has an invalid data type.
        :raises ParseError: if the 4th argument is not a valid function space.
        :raises ParseError: if the optional 5th argument is not a stencil \
                            specification or a mesh identifier (for \
                            inter-grid kernels).
        :raises ParseError: if a field passed to a kernel that operates on \
                            DoFs does not have a valid access \
                            (one of [READ, WRITE, READWRITE]).
        :raises ParseError: if a field on a discontinuous function space \
                            passed to a kernel that operates on cell-columns \
                            does not have a valid access (one of \
                            [READ, WRITE, READWRITE]).
        :raises ParseError: if a field on a continuous function space \
                            passed to a kernel that operates on cell-columns \
                            does not have a valid access (one of [READ, INC]).
        :raises ParseError: if the kernel operates on the domain and is \
                            passed a field on a continuous space.
        :raises InternalError: if an invalid value for operates_on is \
                               passed in.
        :raises ParseError: if a field with a stencil access is not read-only.
        :raises ParseError: if a field with a stencil access is passed to a \
                            kernel that operates on the domain.

        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-statements
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        const = LFRicConstants()

        # Check whether something other than a field is passed in
        if self._argument_type not in const.VALID_FIELD_NAMES:
            raise InternalError(
                "Expected a field argument but got an argument of type "

        # There must be at least 4 arguments
        nargs_field_min = 4
        if self._nargs < nargs_field_min:
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API each 'meta_arg' entry must have at "
                "least {0} arguments if its first argument is of {1} type, "
                "but found {2} in '{3}'.".format(nargs_field_min,
                                                 self._nargs, arg_type))
        # There must be at most 5 arguments
        nargs_field_max = 5
        if self._nargs > nargs_field_max:
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API each 'meta_arg' entry must have at "
                "most {0} arguments if its first argument is of {1} type, "
                "but found {2} in '{3}'.".format(nargs_field_max,
                                                 self._nargs, arg_type))

        # Check whether an invalid data type for a field argument is passed in.
        if self._data_type not in const.VALID_FIELD_DATA_TYPES:
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API the allowed data types for field "
                "arguments are one of {0}, but found '{1}' in '{2}'.".format(
                    const.VALID_FIELD_DATA_TYPES, self._data_type, arg_type))

        # The 4th argument must be a valid function-space name
        prop_ind = 3
        if arg_type.args[prop_ind].name not in \
            raise ParseError(
                "In the LFRic API argument {0} of a 'meta_arg' field entry "
                "must be a valid function-space name (one of {1}) if its "
                "first argument is of {2} type, but found '{3}' in '{4}'.".
                format(prop_ind + 1, const.VALID_FUNCTION_SPACE_NAMES,
                       const.VALID_FIELD_NAMES, arg_type.args[prop_ind].name,
        self._function_space1 = arg_type.args[prop_ind].name

        # The optional 5th argument is either a stencil specification
        # or a mesh identifier (for inter-grid kernels)
        prop_ind = 4
        if self._nargs == nargs_field_max:
                if "stencil" in str(arg_type.args[prop_ind]):
                    self._stencil = get_stencil(arg_type.args[prop_ind],
                elif "mesh" in str(arg_type.args[prop_ind]):
                    self._mesh = get_mesh(arg_type.args[prop_ind],
                    raise ParseError("Unrecognised metadata entry")
            except ParseError as err:
                        "In the LFRic API argument {0} of a 'meta_arg' field "
                        "entry must be either a valid stencil specification"
                        "or a mesh identifier (for inter-grid kernels). However, "
                        "entry '{1}' raised the following error: {2}.".format(
                            prop_ind + 1, arg_type, str(err))), err)

        # Test allowed accesses for fields
        field_disc_accesses = [
            AccessType.READ, AccessType.WRITE, AccessType.READWRITE
        field_cont_accesses = [AccessType.READ, AccessType.INC]
        # Convert generic access types to GH_* names for error messages
        api_config = Config.get().api_conf(API)
        rev_access_mapping = api_config.get_reverse_access_mapping()
        # Create a list of allowed accesses for use in error messages
        fld_disc_acc_msg = [
            rev_access_mapping[acc] for acc in field_disc_accesses
        fld_cont_acc_msg = [
            rev_access_mapping[acc] for acc in field_cont_accesses
        # Joint lists of valid function spaces for continuous fields
        fld_cont_spaces = (const.CONTINUOUS_FUNCTION_SPACES +

        # Check accesses for kernels that operate on DoFs
        if operates_on == "dof":
            if self._access_type not in field_disc_accesses:
                raise ParseError(
                    "In the LFRic API, allowed field accesses for a "
                    "kernel that operates on DoFs are {0}, but found "
                    "'{1}' for '{2}' in '{3}'.".format(
                        self._function_space1.lower(), arg_type))
        # Check accesses for kernels that operate on cell-columns or the
        # domain
        elif operates_on in ["cell_column", "domain"]:
            # Fields on discontinuous function spaces
            if (self._function_space1.lower()
                    in const.VALID_DISCONTINUOUS_NAMES
                    and self._access_type not in field_disc_accesses):
                raise ParseError(
                    "In the LFRic API, allowed accesses for fields on "
                    "discontinuous function spaces that are arguments to "
                    "kernels that operate on either cell-columns or the domain"
                    " are {0}, but found '{1}' for '{2}' in '{3}'.".format(
                        self._function_space1.lower(), arg_type))
            # Fields on continuous function spaces
            if self._function_space1.lower() in fld_cont_spaces:
                if operates_on == "domain":
                    raise ParseError(
                        "In the LFRic API, kernels that operate on the domain "
                        "only accept field arguments on discontinuous function"
                        " spaces but found '{0}' in '{1}'".format(
                            self._function_space1.lower(), arg_type))

                if self._access_type not in field_cont_accesses:
                    raise ParseError(
                        "In the LFRic API, allowed accesses for fields on "
                        "continuous function spaces that are arguments to "
                        "kernels that operate on cell-columns are {0}, but "
                        "found '{1}' for '{2}' in '{3}'.".format(
                            self._function_space1.lower(), arg_type))
        # Raise an InternalError for an invalid value of operates-on
            raise InternalError(
                "Invalid operates_on '{0}' in the kernel metadata (expected "
                "one of {1}).".format(operates_on,

        # Test allowed accesses for fields that have stencil specification
        if self._stencil:
            if self._access_type != AccessType.READ:
                raise ParseError(
                    "In the LFRic API a field with a stencil access must be "
                    "read-only ('{0}'), but found '{1}' in '{2}'.".format(
                        rev_access_mapping[self._access_type], arg_type))
            if operates_on == "domain":
                raise ParseError(
                    "In the LFRic API, kernels that operate on the domain "
                    "are not permitted to have arguments with a stencil "
                    "access but found: '{0}'".format(arg_type))
Exemplo n.º 15
 def has_scalar_basis(self):
     ''':returns: True if this function space has scalar basis functions.
     :rtype: bool
     const = LFRicConstants()
     return self.orig_name.lower() in const.SCALAR_BASIS_SPACE_NAMES