def _make_columns_clause(columns: List[str] = None) -> psql.Composable: """Create the list of columns for a select statement in psql syntax""" if isinstance(columns, str): raise TypeError( f"'columns' must be a list of column names. Got '{columns}'") return (psql.SQL(",").join([psql.Identifier(c) for c in columns]) if columns else psql.SQL("*"))
def test_init(self): assert isinstance(sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL) assert isinstance(sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL) with pytest.raises(TypeError): sql.SQL(10) with pytest.raises(TypeError): sql.SQL(, 12, 31))
def work(): with psycopg.connect(dsn) as conn: with conn.cursor(binary=fmt) as cur: cur.execute(faker.drop_stmt) cur.execute(faker.create_stmt) with faker.find_insert_problem(conn): cur.executemany(faker.insert_stmt, faker.records) stmt = sql.SQL( "copy (select {} from {} order by id) to stdout (format {})" ).format( sql.SQL(", ").join(faker.fields_names), faker.table_name, sql.SQL(, ) with cur.copy(stmt) as copy: if set_types: copy.set_types(faker.types_names) if method == "read": while 1: tmp = if not tmp: break elif method == "iter": list(copy) elif method == "row": while 1: tmp = copy.read_row() # type: ignore[assignment] if tmp is None: break elif method == "rows": list(copy.rows())
def main() -> None: cnn = psycopg.connect() cnn.execute( sql.SQL("create table testdec ({})").format( sql.SQL(", ").join([ sql.SQL("{} numeric(10,2)").format(sql.Identifier(f"t{i}")) for i in range(ncols) ]))) cur = cnn.cursor() if test == "copy": with cur.copy( f"copy testdec from stdin (format {})") as copy: for j in range(nrows): copy.write_row([ Decimal(randrange(10000000000)) / 100 for i in range(ncols) ]) elif test == "insert": ph = ["%t", "%b"][format] cur.executemany( "insert into testdec values (%s)" % ", ".join([ph] * ncols), ([Decimal(randrange(10000000000)) / 100 for i in range(ncols)] for j in range(nrows)), ) else: raise Exception(f"bad test: {test}")
def test_compose_badnargs_auto(self): with pytest.raises(IndexError): sql.SQL("select {};").format() with pytest.raises(ValueError): sql.SQL("select {} {1};").format(10, 20) with pytest.raises(ValueError): sql.SQL("select {0} {};").format(10, 20)
def test_as_bytes(self, conn): assert sql.SQL("foo").as_bytes(conn) == b"foo" conn.execute("set client_encoding to utf8") assert sql.SQL(eur).as_bytes(conn) == eur.encode() conn.execute("set client_encoding to latin9") assert sql.SQL(eur).as_bytes(conn) == eur.encode("latin9")
def test_json_load_copy(conn, val, jtype, fmt_out): cur = conn.cursor() stmt = sql.SQL("copy (select {}::{}) to stdout (format {})").format( val, sql.Identifier(jtype), sql.SQL( with cur.copy(stmt) as copy: copy.set_types([jtype]) (got, ) = copy.read_row() assert got == json.loads(val)
def test_iter(self): obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL("bar")]) it = iter(obj) i = next(it) assert i == sql.SQL("foo") i = next(it) assert i == sql.SQL("bar") with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(it)
def create_stmt(self): field_values = [] for name, type in zip(self.fields_names, self.types_names_sql): field_values.append(sql.SQL("{} {}").format(name, type)) fields = sql.SQL(", ").join(field_values) return sql.SQL( "create table {table} (id serial primary key, {fields})" ).format(table=self.table_name, fields=fields)
def insert_stmt(self): phs = [ sql.Placeholder(format=self.format) for i in range(len(self.schema)) ] return sql.SQL("insert into {} ({}) values ({})").format( self.table_name, sql.SQL(", ").join(self.fields_names), sql.SQL(", ").join(phs), )
def test_sum_inplace(self, conn): obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo ")]) obj += sql.Literal("bar") assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed) assert noe(obj.as_string(conn)) == "foo 'bar'" obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo ")]) obj += sql.Composed([sql.Literal("bar")]) assert isinstance(obj, sql.Composed) assert noe(obj.as_string(conn)) == "foo 'bar'"
def test_quote_percent(conn): cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql.SQL("select {ch}").format(ch=sql.Literal("%"))) assert cur.fetchone()[0] == "%" cur.execute( sql.SQL("select {ch} = chr(%s)").format(ch=sql.Literal("%")), (ord("%"), ), ) assert cur.fetchone()[0] is True
def test_as_bytes(self, conn): obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL("bar")]) assert obj.as_bytes(conn) == b"foobar" obj = sql.Composed([sql.SQL("foo"), sql.SQL(eur)]) conn.execute("set client_encoding to utf8") assert obj.as_bytes(conn) == ("foo" + eur).encode() conn.execute("set client_encoding to latin9") assert obj.as_bytes(conn) == ("foo" + eur).encode("latin9")
def func(self, function_name: str, *args: Any) -> Generator: """Call a database function.""" placeholders = sql.SQL(", ").join(sql.Placeholder() * len(args)) func = sql.Identifier(function_name) cleaned_args = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): cleaned_args.append(psycopg.types.json.Jsonb(arg)) else: cleaned_args.append(arg) base_query = sql.SQL("SELECT * FROM {}({});").format(func, placeholders) return self.query(base_query, cleaned_args)
def test_pos_spec(self, conn): s = sql.SQL("select {0} from {1}").format(sql.Identifier("field"), sql.Identifier("table")) s1 = s.as_string(conn) assert isinstance(s1, str) assert s1 == 'select "field" from "table"' s = sql.SQL("select {1} from {0}").format(sql.Identifier("table"), sql.Identifier("field")) s1 = s.as_string(conn) assert isinstance(s1, str) assert s1 == 'select "field" from "table"'
def test_load_list_int(conn, obj, want, fmt_out): cur = conn.cursor(binary=fmt_out) cur.execute("select %s::int[]", (obj, )) assert cur.fetchone()[0] == want stmt = sql.SQL("copy (select {}::int[]) to stdout (format {})").format( obj, sql.SQL( with cur.copy(stmt) as copy: copy.set_types(["int4[]"]) (got, ) = copy.read_row() assert got == want
def _get_type_name(self, tx, schema, value): # Special case it as it is passed as unknown so is returned as text if schema == (list, str): return sql.SQL("text[]") registry = self.conn.adapters.types dumper = tx.get_dumper(value, self.format) dumper.dump(value) # load the oid if it's dynamic (e.g. array) info = registry.get(dumper.oid) or registry.get("text") if dumper.oid == info.array_oid: return sql.SQL("{}[]").format(sql.Identifier( else: return sql.Identifier(
def test_uuid_load(conn, fmt_out): cur = conn.cursor(binary=fmt_out) val = "12345678123456781234567812345679" cur.execute("select %s::uuid", (val, )) assert cur.fetchone()[0] == UUID(val) stmt = sql.SQL("copy (select {}::uuid) to stdout (format {})").format( val, sql.SQL( with cur.copy(stmt) as copy: copy.set_types(["uuid"]) (res, ) = copy.read_row() assert res == UUID(val)
def test_load_badenc(conn, typename, fmt_out): conn.autocommit = True cur = conn.cursor(binary=fmt_out) conn.execute("set client_encoding to latin1") with pytest.raises(psycopg.DataError): cur.execute(f"select chr(%s)::{typename}", [ord(eur)]) stmt = sql.SQL("copy (select chr({})) to stdout (format {})").format( ord(eur), sql.SQL( with cur.copy(stmt) as copy: copy.set_types([typename]) with pytest.raises(psycopg.DataError): copy.read_row()
def test_load_ascii(conn, typename, fmt_out): cur = conn.cursor(binary=fmt_out) conn.execute("set client_encoding to sql_ascii") cur.execute(f"select chr(%s)::{typename}", [ord(eur)]) assert cur.fetchone()[0] == eur.encode() stmt = sql.SQL("copy (select chr({})) to stdout (format {})").format( ord(eur), sql.SQL( with cur.copy(stmt) as copy: copy.set_types([typename]) (res, ) = copy.read_row() assert res == eur.encode()
def test_load_enc(conn, typename, encoding, fmt_out): cur = conn.cursor(binary=fmt_out) conn.client_encoding = encoding (res, ) = cur.execute(f"select chr(%s::int)::{typename}", (ord(eur), )).fetchone() assert res == eur stmt = sql.SQL("copy (select chr({}::int)) to stdout (format {})").format( ord(eur), sql.SQL( with cur.copy(stmt) as copy: copy.set_types([typename]) (res, ) = copy.read_row() assert res == eur
def test_must_be_adaptable(self, conn): class Foo: pass s = sql.SQL("select {0};").format(sql.Literal(Foo())) with pytest.raises(ProgrammingError): s.as_string(conn)
def test_quote_1byte(conn): cur = conn.cursor() query = sql.SQL("select {ch} = %s::bytea") for i in range(0, 256): cur.execute(query.format(ch=sql.Literal(bytes([i]))), (fr"\x{i:02x}", )) assert cur.fetchone()[0] is True, i
def test_dict(self, conn): s = sql.SQL("select {f} from {t}").format( f=sql.Identifier("field"), t=sql.Identifier("table") ) s1 = s.as_string(conn) assert isinstance(s1, str) assert s1 == 'select "field" from "table"'
def test_quote_int(conn, val, expr): tx = Transformer() assert tx.get_dumper(val, Format.TEXT).quote(val) == expr cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql.SQL("select {v}, -{v}").format(v=sql.Literal(val))) assert cur.fetchone() == (val, -val)
def test_inet_load_network(conn, fmt_out, val): pyval = ipaddress.ip_interface(val) cur = conn.cursor(binary=fmt_out) cur.execute("select %s::inet", (val, )) assert cur.fetchone()[0] == pyval cur.execute("select array[null, %s::inet]", (val, )) assert cur.fetchone()[0] == [None, pyval] stmt = sql.SQL("copy (select {}::inet) to stdout (format {})").format( val, sql.SQL( with cur.copy(stmt) as copy: copy.set_types(["inet"]) (got, ) = copy.read_row() assert got == pyval
def test_inet_load_address(conn, fmt_out, val): addr = ipaddress.ip_address(val.split("/", 1)[0]) cur = conn.cursor(binary=fmt_out) cur.execute("select %s::inet", (val, )) assert cur.fetchone()[0] == addr cur.execute("select array[null, %s::inet]", (val, )) assert cur.fetchone()[0] == [None, addr] stmt = sql.SQL("copy (select {}::inet) to stdout (format {})").format( val, sql.SQL( with cur.copy(stmt) as copy: copy.set_types(["inet"]) (got, ) = copy.read_row() assert got == addr
def test_quote_none(conn): tx = Transformer() assert tx.get_dumper(None, Format.TEXT).quote(None) == b"NULL" cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql.SQL("select {v}").format(v=sql.Literal(None))) assert cur.fetchone()[0] is None
def test_quote_1char(conn): cur = conn.cursor() query = sql.SQL("select {ch} = chr(%s::int)") for i in range(1, 256): if chr(i) == "%": continue cur.execute(query.format(ch=sql.Literal(chr(i))), (i, )) assert cur.fetchone()[0] is True, chr(i)
def _make_limit_clause(limit: int) -> psql.Composed: """Create a limit clause in psql syntax if limit != -1, otherwise return empty clause""" if limit != -1: if not isinstance(limit, int): raise TypeError( f"'limit' must be a positive integer. Got {limit}") return psql.SQL(" LIMIT {limit}").format(limit=limit) return psql.Composed([])