Exemplo n.º 1
# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.tools import filesystem as fs
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.basics.log import log
from pts.magic.core.image import Image

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_required("add_to", "file_path", "add to this FITS file")
definition.add_required("add_from", "file_path", "add from this FITS file")
definition.add_flag("frames", "add frames", True)
definition.add_flag("masks", "add masks", True)
definition.add_flag("segments", "add segmentation maps", True)
definition.add_flag("replace", "replace planes", False)
definition.add_flag("replace_frames", "replace frames", False)
definition.add_flag("replace_masks", "replace masks", False)
definition.add_flag("replace_segments", "replace segmentation maps", False)
definition.add_flag("backup", "make backup", False)
config = parse_arguments("interpolate", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if config.replace: config.replace_frames = config.replace_masks = config.replace_segments = True

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 2
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional arguments
definition.sections["wavelengths"].add_optional("unit", str, "the unit of the wavelengths", "micron")
definition.sections["wavelengths"].add_optional("min", float, "the minimum wavelength", 0.09)
definition.sections["wavelengths"].add_optional("max", float, "the maximum wavelength", 2000)
definition.sections["wavelengths"].add_optional("npoints", int, "the number of wavelength points", 100)
definition.sections["wavelengths"].add_optional("min_zoom", float, "the minimum wavelength of the zoomed-in grid", 1)
definition.sections["wavelengths"].add_optional("max_zoom", float, "the maximum wavelength of the zoomed-in grid", 30)
definition.sections["wavelengths"].add_optional("npoints_zoom", int, "the number of wavelength points in the zoomed-in grid", 100)

definition.add_optional("packages", float, "the number of photon packages per wavelength", 2e5)
definition.add_flag("selfabsorption", "enable dust self-absorption")
definition.add_optional("dust_grid", str, "the type of dust grid to use (bintree, octtree or cartesian)", "bintree")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 3
#definition.sections["input"].add_optional("galaxy_region", "file_path", "file with galaxy regions", "galaxies.reg")
#definition.sections["input"].add_optional("star_region", "file_path", "file with star regions", "stars.reg")
#definition.sections["input"].add_optional("saturation_region", "file_path", "file with regions for saturated stars", "saturation.reg")
#definition.sections["input"].add_optional("other_region", "file_path", "file with regions for other contaminating sources", "other_sources.reg")
#definition.sections["input"].add_optional("segments", "file_path", "image with segmentation maps (as planes 'galaxies', 'stars' and 'other_sources')", "segments.fits")

# Number of parallel processes
definition.add_optional("nprocesses", "integer",
                        "number of parallel processes for the preparation",
                        max(8, ncores()))

    "error_frame_names", "string_list",
    "the names of error planes to be included in the final error map")

definition.add_flag("write_steps", "write the results of intermediate steps")

# Sky subtraction
                    "write sky apertures and sky annulus")
    "sky_apertures_path", "directory_path",
    "the path to the directory where the aperture frames and annulus region should be written to"

                    "calculate calibration uncertainties", True)

# Source extraction
definition.add_flag("extract_sources", "extract sources", True)
definition.import_section("extraction", "star extraction options",
Exemplo n.º 4
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Flags
                    "look for simulation in directories recursively", True)

# Output
                        "output directory",

# Flags
definition.add_flag("other", "also plot the 'other' phases")
    "group timelines for the same number of processes in the same plot")

# Plot
Exemplo n.º 5
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add settings
    "the IDs of the remote hosts for which to clear the simulations",
definition.add_positional_optional("ids", "integer_list",
                                   "the IDs of the simulations to clear")
    "fully clear the simulations, also remove remote simulation directories")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Parse the arguments into a configuration
config = parse_arguments(
    description="Clear PTS tasks for a certain remote host")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in config.remotes:
Exemplo n.º 6
from pts.core.plot.sed import plot_sed
from pts.core.plot.distribution import plot_distribution
from pts.core.tools import formatting as fmt
from pts.core.tools import sequences
from pts.core.tools.stringify import tostr
from pts.core.basics.structure import load_structure, filetypes, composite, table, dictionary, sed, distribution, regions

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(write_config=False)
definition.add_required("filetype", "string", "type of file", choices=filetypes)
definition.add_required("filename", "file_path", "path of the dictionary file")

# As table?
definition.add_flag("table", "show as table")

# Displaying and formatting
definition.add_flag("interactive", "display tables interactively", False)
definition.add_flag("latex", "print as latex")

# Modyfying the table
definition.add_optional("columns", "string_list", "only show these columns")
definition.add_optional("sort", "string", "sort the entries on this column")

# Extra options
definition.add_flag("plot", "make a plot")
definition.add_optional("plot_path", "string", "plot output path")
definition.add_optional("plotting", "dictionary", "plotting options", dict())

# Formatting of the values
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: rtmod.py Projeto: SKIRT/PTS
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Commands to be run
definition.add_positional_optional("commands", "string_list", "commands to be run in interactive mode")

# Interactive mode
definition.add_flag("interactive", "use interactive mode", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Caching
definition.add_optional("cache_volume", "string", "name of the volume to be used for caching")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set plotting backend
definition.add_optional("mpl_backend", "string", "set the matplotlib backend")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 8
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(write_config=False)

definition.add_flag("plot", "do plotting", False)

definition.add_flag("rotate", "rotation", True)

definition.add_optional("nrandom_sources", "positive_integer",
                        "number of random sources", 100)

definition.add_flag("vary_fwhm", "vary the FWHM slightly for each star", True)

definition.add_flag("add_catalogued_sources", "add catalogued sources", False)

definition.add_optional("point_source_catalogs", "string_list",
                        "point source catalogs", ["II/246"])

definition.add_optional("nfilters_stars", "positive_integer",
                        "number of filters to use where stars are visible", 4)
Exemplo n.º 9
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.preparation.initialization import PreparationInitializer
from pts.core.tools import logging, time, tables
from pts.core.tools import filesystem as fs
from pts.magic.core.frame import Frame
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, ConfigurationReader

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional arguments
    "image", str, "the name of the image for which to run the initialization")
definition.add_flag("visualise", "make visualisations")

# Get configuration
reader = ConfigurationReader("initialize_preparation")
config = reader.read(definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "log",
                       time.unique_name("log") +
                       ".txt") if config.report else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if config.debug else "INFO"
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: regimes.py Projeto: SKIRT/PTS
from pts.magic.tools.wavelengths import all_regimes, regimes_in_range, wavelength_range_for_regime
from pts.magic.tools.wavelengths import physical_regimes, physical_ranges, physical_regimes_in_range
from pts.core.tools import formatting as fmt
from pts.core.filter.broad import get_filters as get_broad_band_filters
from pts.core.tools.stringify import tostr, stringify_list_fancy

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Wavelength range
definition.add_positional_optional("wavelength_range", "quantity_range", "wavelength range")

# Flags
definition.add_flag("filters", "show filters in regimes", False)
definition.add_flag("physical", "use physical regimes (star formation, stellar emission, aromatic features, dust thermal emission, microwave)", False)

# Parse the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments("regimes", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Physical
if config.physical:

    # Get the list of regimes
    if config.wavelength_range is not None: regimes = physical_regimes_in_range(config.wavelength_range)
    else: regimes = physical_regimes

Exemplo n.º 11
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional
definition.add_positional_optional("host_id", "string", "update on a remote system")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("dependencies", "also update the dependencies", False)

# Add flag
#definition.add_flag("all_remotes", "update on all remote hosts")

definition.add_flag("conda", "update conda", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 12
# Ensure Python 3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.extract.progress import extract_progress_cwd, ProgressTable
from pts.core.plot.progress import ProgressPlotter
from pts.core.tools import filesystem as fs
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("table", "save the extracted progress table")

# Get configuration
config = parse_arguments("plotprogress", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Look for a file in the current working directory that contains extracted progress information
progress_table_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "progress.dat")
if fs.is_file(progress_table_path): table = ProgressTable.from_file(progress_table_path)

# If extracted progress information is not present, first perform the extraction
else: table = extract_progress_cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 13
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Positional optional
definition.add_positional_optional("directories", "directorypath_list",
                                   "input directories to search in")

# Flags
                    "look for simulations in directories recursively", True)
definition.add_flag("list", "list the found simulations", True)

definition.add_flag("output", "list the simulation output", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 14
definition.add_optional("center", "skycoordinate", "center coordinate")

# Spacing
definition.add_optional("spacing", "angle", "spacing of the ticks", "1 arcsec", convert_default=True)

# For saving plot file
definition.add_optional("dpi", "positive_integer", "dots per inch", 300)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Vmin and vmax?
definition.add_optional("vmin", "real", "vmin")
definition.add_optional("vmax", "real", "vmax")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Showing
definition.add_flag("show", "show", True)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Writing
definition.add_flag("write", "do writing", True)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

definition.add_optional("major_tick_length", "positive_integer", "length of major ticks", 7)
definition.add_optional("minor_tick_length", "positive_integer", "length of minor ticks", 4)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 15
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.magic.view.html import scales, colormaps, zooms

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

default_scale = "log"
default_colormap = "viridis"
default_zoom = "toFit"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")
definition.add_flag("show", "show the page", False)

# Filters
definition.add_optional("filters", "filter_list", "filters")

# Preload
definition.add_flag("preload_all", "preload all images", False)
definition.add_optional("preload", "filter_list",
                        "filters for which to preload the image")

# View settings
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: model.py Projeto: rag9704/PTS
# Set modeling path
modeling_path = verify_modeling_cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

default_fitting_method = get_default_fitting_method(modeling_path)
cache_host_id = get_cache_host_id(modeling_path)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add flags
                    "check the availability of the remote hosts", True)
definition.add_flag("deploy", "deploy SKIRT and PTS where necessary", False)
                    "check versions of SKIRT and PTS where necessary", True)
definition.add_flag("update_dependencies", "update PTS dependencies", False)

# Advanced settings
definition.add_flag("local", "keep computationaly heavy computations local")
    "remote hosts for computationally heavy computations (overrule the modeling configuration)",
    "launch the simulations as part of the fitting locally (overrule the modeling configuration"
Exemplo n.º 17
from pts.core.remote.host import all_host_ids
from pts.core.simulation.remote import get_simulation_for_host
from pts.core.simulation.status import LogSimulationStatus
from pts.core.basics.log import no_debugging
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
                        "remote host to mount",
definition.add_required("id", "positive_integer", "simulation ID")
definition.add_flag("debug_output", "show all simulation output in debug mode")

# Read the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments(
    description="Show the progress of a remotely running simulation")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the simulation
simulation = get_simulation_for_host(config.remote, config.id)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the remote
Exemplo n.º 18
    "ski_path", "file_path",
    "the name of the ski file to be used for the scaling test")
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "the name of the remote host")
                        "the parallelization mode for the scaling test",
                        choices=["mpi", "hybrid", "threads"])

# Optional arguments
definition.add_positional_optional("maxnodes", "real",
                                   "the maximum number of nodes", 1)
    "minnodes", "real",
    "the minimum number of nodes. In hybrid mode, this also defines the number of threads per process",
definition.add_optional("cluster", "string", "the name of the cluster", None)
definition.add_optional("wavelengths", "real",
                        "boost the number of wavelengths by a certain factor",
    "packages", "real",
    "boost the number of photon packages by a certain factor", None)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("manual", "launch and inspect job scripts manually")
    "keep", "keep the output generated by the different SKIRT simulations")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 19
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(write_config=False)

definition.add_flag("plot", "do plotting", False)

definition.add_optional("fwhm", "positive_real", "FWHM in pixels", 5.)
definition.add_optional("shape", "integer_tuple", "shape", (300, 500))

definition.add_optional("nsources", "positive_integer", "number of sources",
                        "range of flux of sources",

definition.add_optional("noise_stddev", "real", "stddev of noise", 2.)

definition.add_optional("constant_sky", "real", "constant sky value", 5.)
Exemplo n.º 20
# Import standard modules
import StringIO

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.prep.smile import SKIRTSmileSchema
from pts.core.tools import formatting as fmt
from pts.core.tools import stringify
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, write_definition, parse_arguments

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("match", "string", "only show types with names that contain this string")
definition.add_flag("definitions", "format the properties for each item as a configuration definition")

# Parse
config = parse_arguments("skirt_items", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the SKIRT smile schema
smile = SKIRTSmileSchema()


# Loop over the concrete types
for name in smile.concrete_types:

    if config.match is not None and config.match not in name: continue
Exemplo n.º 21
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.prep.uninstaller import Uninstaller
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids
from pts.core.basics.log import log
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("skirt_and_or_pts", "string_list", "SKIRT and/or PTS", default=["skirt", "pts"], choices=["skirt", "pts"])

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("conda", "also remove conda installation")
definition.add_flag("qt", "also remove Qt installation")
definition.add_flag("one_attempt", "only perform one attempt at connecting to a remote")

# Get the config
config = parse_arguments("deinstall_all", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in find_host_ids():

    # Setup
    remote = Remote()
    if not remote.setup(host_id, one_attempt=config.one_attempt):
        log.warning("Remote host '" + host_id + "' is offline")
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: config.py Projeto: SKIRT/PTS
from pts.evolve.solve.extremizer import genetic_definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(write_config=False)

# Optional settings
definition.add_optional("nwavelengths", "positive_integer", "number of wavelengths for the reference simulation", 50)
definition.add_optional("npackages", "positive_integer", "number of photon packages per wavelength for the reference simulation", int(1e5))
definition.add_optional("dust_grid_relative_scale", "real", "smallest scale of the dust grid relative to the pixelscale of the input maps", 2.)
definition.add_optional("dust_grid_min_level", "positive_integer", "level for the dust grid", 2)
definition.add_optional("dust_grid_max_mass_fraction", "positive_real", "max mass fraction for the dust grid", 1e-6)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("transient_heating", "enable transient heating", False)
definition.add_flag("selfabsorption", "enable dust selfabsorption", False)

# For remote execution
definition.add_optional("host_ids", "string_list", "remote hosts to use for heavy computations and simulations", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_flag("attached", "launch remote executions in attached mode", False)

# Fitting
definition.add_optional("ngenerations", "positive_integer", "number of generations", 5)
definition.add_optional("nsimulations", "even_positive_integer", "number of simulations per generation", 30)
definition.add_optional("npackages_fitting", "positive_integer", "number of photon packages for each fitting simulation", int(1e4))

# Free parameters
definition.add_optional("free_parameters", "string_list", "free parameter labels", choices=possible_free_parameters, default=default_free_parameters)
definition.add_optional("relative_range_initial", "real_range", "relative range for generating the initial parameter values", default="0.3>3", convert_default=True)
definition.add_optional("relative_range_fitting", "real_range", "relative range of the free parameter values for the fitting", default="0.1>20", convert_default=True)
Exemplo n.º 23
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional settings
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "remote host on which to uninstall", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("skirt_and_or_pts", "string_list", "SKIRT and/or PTS", default=["skirt", "pts"], choices=["skirt", "pts"])

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("conda", "also remove conda installation")
definition.add_flag("qt", "also remove Qt installation")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 24
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "name of the remote host", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("id", "positive_integer", "simulation ID")
definition.add_optional("name", "string", "simulation name")

# Additional relative error
definition.add_optional("additional_error", "percentage", "additional percentual error for the observed flux points")

# Flags
definition.add_flag("write", "write the results", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: remotes.py Projeto: SKIRT/PTS
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

all_host_ids = find_host_ids()
all_hosts = find_hosts()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Remote hosts
definition.add_positional_optional("hosts", "host_list", "remote hosts", default=all_hosts, choices=all_host_ids)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("clusters", "show the clusters")

# Create the configuration
config = parse_arguments("remotes", definition, "Check the status of the remotes")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set log level in a special way
if config.debug: setup_log("DEBUG")
else: setup_log("ERROR")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the hosts
for host in config.hosts:
Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: examine.py Projeto: SKIRT/PTS
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Commands to be run
definition.add_optional("commands", "string_list", "commands to be run in interactive mode")

# Interactive mode
definition.add_flag("interactive", "use interactive mode", default=None)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Showing
definition.add_flag("show", "show stuff", True)
definition.add_flag("show_components", "show the model components", False)

# Plotting
definition.add_flag("plot", "do plotting", True)

# Writing
definition.add_flag("write", "do writing", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 27
                                       "minimum depth level for binary trees",
definition.sections["dg"].add_optional("octtree_min_level", "integer",
                                       "minimum depth level for octrees", 3)
definition.sections["dg"].add_optional("max_mass_fraction", "real",
                                       "maximum mass fraction in each cell",
    "scale_heights", "real",
    "number of times to take the dust scale height as the vertical radius of the dust grid",

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Whether quality has to be calculated
                    "check the quality of the dust grid in various ways", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Whether model has to be adapted
    "adapt the parameters of the chosen model (from model suite origin, not from fitting)",

# ADVANCED: specify the model name on the command line
    "model_name", "string",
    "name of the model (from the model suite) to use (only specify when origin is 'model')"
Exemplo n.º 28
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
                                   "remote host(s)",

# Add optional
                        "skip these remote hosts",

# Add flag
definition.add_flag("show", "show the versions on the terminal", True)
                    "only perform one attempt at connecting to a remote")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 29
definition.add_optional("height", "length_quantity", "maximum height above/below midplane for the faceon projection")
definition.add_optional("width", "length_quantity", "maximum width before/behind center vertical plane for the edgeon projection")

# Output directory
definition.add_optional("output", "directory_path", "output directory")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Spacing of the maps
definition.add_optional("spacing", "string", "method of determining the grid cell spacing", default_spacing_measure, choices=spacing_measures)
definition.add_optional("spacing_factor", "positive_real", "factor by which to multiply the grid cells spacing measure to become the actual map spacing", default_spacing_factor)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Do interpolation on the maps
definition.add_flag("interpolate", "do interpolation", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Do plot
definition.add_flag("plot", "do plotting", True)

# Plotting sections
definition.add_section("plotting", "plotting options")
definition.sections["plotting"].add_optional("interval", "string", "interval", "minmax")
definition.sections["plotting"].add_flag("contours", "show contours", False)
definition.sections["plotting"].add_optional("ncontours", "positive_integer", "number of contour levels", 5)
definition.sections["plotting"].add_optional("contours_color", "string", "color for the contour lines", "white")
definition.sections["plotting"].add_optional("minmax", "real_pair", "plotting minimum and maximum value")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 30
from pts.core.basics.plot import plotting_libraries, mpl

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

formats = ["pdf", "png"]
default_format = "pdf"
normalizations = ["max", "sum"]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Distributions
definition.add_positional_optional("distributions", "filepath_list", "distribution files to be plotted")
definition.add_flag("panels", "plot the distributions in separate panels")
definition.add_flag("recursive", "search distribution files recursively in the working directory")
definition.add_optional("normalize", "string", "normalize all distributions by a certain method", choices=normalizations)
definition.add_optional("normalization_value", "real", "value for normalization", 1.)

# Add plotting options
definition.import_section("plot", "plotting options", plot_definition)
definition.sections["plot"].optional["xsize"].default = 8
definition.sections["plot"].optional["ysize"].default = 4
definition.add_flag("logscale", "use value log scale")
definition.add_flag("logfrequency", "use log scale for frequency")
definition.add_optional("bar_width", "positive_real", "relative width of the bars (1 means edges touch)", 1.)
definition.add_flag("use_name_xlabel", "use the distribution name(s) for the x labels of the panels")
definition.add_flag("colours_per_panel", "reuse the same colours for each panel")

# Add features
Exemplo n.º 31
Arquivo: config.py Projeto: SKIRT/PTS
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(write_config=False)

definition.add_flag("plot", "do plotting", False)

definition.add_flag("rotate", "rotation", True)

definition.add_optional("nrandom_sources", "positive_integer", "number of random sources", 100)

definition.add_flag("vary_fwhm", "vary the FWHM slightly for each star", True)

definition.add_flag("add_catalogued_sources", "add catalogued sources", False)

definition.add_optional("point_source_catalogs", "string_list", "point source catalogs", ["II/246"])

definition.add_optional("nfilters_stars", "positive_integer", "number of filters to use where stars are visible", 4)
definition.add_optional("nfilters_extra", "positive_integer", "number of filters to use where stars are not visible", 2)

definition.add_optional("psf_model", "string", "model to use for the PSF", "airydisk", choices=["gaussian", "airydisk"])
Exemplo n.º 32
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.tools import introspection
from pts.core.basics.log import log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "the remote host ID")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("versions", "compare versions", "v")

# Get configuration
config = parse_arguments("compare_python_packages", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the remote execution environment
remote = Remote()

# Log in

# Get remote python session
remote_python = remote.start_python_session(assume_pts=False)
Exemplo n.º 33
# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Assignment file
definition.add_positional_optional("assignment", "file_path", "path of assignment file")

# Status file
definition.add_optional("status", "file_path", "path of status file")

# Remotes for which to find corresponding simulations
definition.add_optional("remotes", "string_list", "remote hosts for which to look for matching simulations (not necessary when assignment is specified)", default=host_ids, choices=host_ids)

# To specify the simulations
definition.add_optional("simulation_names", "string_list", "names of the simulations to look for")
definition.add_optional("simulation_ids", "integer_list", "IDs of the simulations (only if one remote host is specified)")
definition.add_flag("from_directories", "use directory names as simulation names")

# Timing and memory table
definition.add_optional("timing", "file_path", "timing table path")
definition.add_optional("memory", "file_path", "memory table path")

# Commands to be run
definition.add_optional("commands", "string_list", "commands to be run in interactive mode")

# Interactive mode
definition.add_flag("interactive", "use interactive mode", default=None)

# Offline?
definition.add_flag("offline", "offline mode")

# Dry: don't actually launch any simulation
Exemplo n.º 34
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_required("ski", "file_path", "path to the ski file")

# Add optional
definition.add_optional("input", "directory_path", "path to the input directory")

# Add optional
definition.add_optional("nwavelengths", "integer", "the number of wavelengths (useful for when a file wavelength grid is used and the file is not present)")
definition.add_optional("ncells", "integer", "number of dust cells (useful only when the ski file includes a tree dust grid)")

# Add flag
definition.add_flag("probe", "probe the number of cells (or memory usage) by launching a dry-run of the simulation, if necessary (tree dust grid and ncells not specified)", True)

# Add optional
definition.add_optional("nprocesses", "integer_list", "number of processes", [1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 20])

# Add flag
#definition.add_flag("data_parallel", "with data parallelization mode")

# Flags
definition.add_flag("show", "show the results", True)
definition.add_flag("plot", "plot the expected memory scaling", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 35
dust_grid_types = ["cartesian", "bintree", "octtree"]
default_dust_grid_type = "bintree"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")

# Name of the representation
if suite.has_representations: definition.add_required("name", "string", "name for the representation", forbidden=suite.representation_names)
else: definition.add_optional("name", "string", "name for the representation", default="highres")

# Name of the model for which to create the representation
if suite.no_models: raise RuntimeError("No models found: first run build_model to create a new model")
elif suite.has_single_model: definition.add_fixed("model_name", "name of the model", suite.single_model_name)
else: definition.add_required("model_name", "string", "name of the model", choices=suite.model_names)

# Dust grid properties
definition.add_section("dg", "settings for the dust grid")
definition.sections["dg"].add_optional("grid_type", "string", "type of dust grid", default_dust_grid_type, choices=dust_grid_types)
definition.sections["dg"].add_optional("scale", "real", "number of image pixels to take as the minimum scale in the model (can also be a certain fraction of a pixel)", 0.5)
definition.sections["dg"].add_optional("bintree_min_level", "integer", "minimum depth level for binary trees", 9)
definition.sections["dg"].add_optional("octtree_min_level", "integer", "minimum depth level for octrees", 3)
definition.sections["dg"].add_optional("max_mass_fraction", "real", "maximum mass fraction in each cell", 0.5e-6)
definition.sections["dg"].add_optional("scale_heights", "real", "number of times to take the dust scale height as the vertical radius of the dust grid", 10.)

# Whether quality has to be calculated
definition.add_flag("check_dust_grid_quality", "check the quality of the dust grid in various ways", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 36
# Import standard modules
import numpy as np

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.magic.core.image import Image
from pts.core.tools import filesystem as fs
from pts.core.basics.log import log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_required("file_path", "file_path", "path of the image")
definition.add_required("factor", "real", "multiplication factor")
definition.add_flag("backup", "make a backup of each image that is multiplied", False)
config = parse_arguments("multiply", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if config.backup:

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Making a backup of the original image ...")

    # Determine new filepath and copy
    new_filepath = fs.appended_filepath(config.filepath, "_backup")
    fs.copy_file(config.filepath, new_filepath)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 37
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.evolve.solve.extremizer import genetic_definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(write_config=False)

# Settings
#definition.add_optional("nruns", "positive_integer", "number of runs", 2)
definition.add_optional("ngenerations", "positive_integer",
                        "number of generations", 10)
definition.add_optional("nindividuals", "even_integer",
                        "number of individuals per generation", 100)

# Genetic settings
definition.import_section("genetic", "genetic algorithm settings",

# Flags
definition.add_flag("plot", "plot", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 38
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.magic.core.cutout import interpolation_methods

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

default_method = "pts"
default_interpolation_method = "pts"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_required("image", "string", "name of the input image")
definition.add_required("regions", "string", "name of the regions file over which to interpolate")
definition.add_flag("write_mask", "write out the mask")
definition.add_optional("color", "string", "only interpolate over the shapes with this color")
definition.add_optional("ignore_color", "string", "ignore shapes with this particular color")
definition.add_optional("shapes", "string_list", "only interpolate over these kinds of shapes")
definition.add_optional("input", "string", "name of the input directory", letter="i")
definition.add_optional("output", "string", "name of the output directory", letter="o")
definition.add_optional("method", "string", "interpolation method to use", default=default_method)
definition.add_optional("interpolation_method", "string", "interpolation method", default_interpolation_method, choices=interpolation_methods)
definition.add_flag("sigma_clip", "apply sigma clipping before interpolation", True)
definition.add_optional("source_outer_factor", "real", "outer factor", 1.4)
definition.add_flag("plot", "plot after interpolation", False)
definition.add_flag("replace", "allow the original image to be replaced", False)
definition.add_flag("backup", "backup if replaced", True)
definition.add_optional("backup_suffix", "string", "backup suffix", "backup")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 39
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids
from pts.core.config.analyse_basic import definition as basic_definition
from pts.core.config.analyse_batch import definition as batch_definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "ID of the remote host", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("id", "integer", "ID of the simulation")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("ignore_missing_data", "ignore missing data when analysing the simulations", False)

# Analyse
definition.add_flag("do_basic", "do basic analysis", True)
definition.add_flag("do_batch", "do batch analysis", True)
definition.add_flag("do_scaling", "do scaling analysis", True)
definition.add_flag("do_extra", "do extra analysis", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Import settings for basic, batch analysis
definition.import_section("basic", "basic analysis options", basic_definition)
definition.import_section("batch", "batch analysis options", batch_definition)

# Remove certain settings from the sections
Exemplo n.º 40
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.modeling.core.environment import find_modeling_environment_up_cwd
from pts.magic.plot.imagegrid import ResidualImageGridPlotter
from pts.core.tools import filesystem as fs
from pts.magic.core.frame import Frame

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_optional("not_filters", "lazy_broad_band_filter_list", "don't show these filters")

definition.add_flag("downsample", "perform downsampling")
definition.add_optional("max_npixels", "positive_integer", "maximum number of pixels to enabled downsampling", 400)
definition.add_flag("truncate", "truncate the images", True)

definition.add_flag("distributions", "show residual distributions", False)

# Extra
definition.add_flag("normalize", "normalize the images")
definition.add_optional("share_scale_with", "string", "share the scale of all other images with this image")
definition.add_optional("colormap", "string", "colormap", "viridis")

# Extra
definition.add_flag("write_data", "write data")

# Output
definition.add_optional("output", "directory_path", "output directory")
Exemplo n.º 41
Arquivo: get_s4g.py Projeto: SKIRT/PTS
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# The galaxy name
definition.add_required("galaxy_name", "string", "galaxy name")

# Flags
definition.add_flag("write", "write the components and properties", False)
definition.add_flag("show", "show the parameters", True)

# The output directory
definition.add_optional("output", "directory_path", "output directory", letter="o")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 42
Arquivo: rebin.py Projeto: rag9704/PTS
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Select files
definition.add_optional("contains", "string_list",
                        "only files whose name contain one of these strings")

# Options
definition.add_optional("name", "string", "rebin to this name")
definition.add_optional("wcs", "file_path",
                        "path to the file from which to take the WCS")

# Flags
definition.add_flag("backup", "make backups", True)

# Parse the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments("rebin", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load frame list
frames = NamedFrameList.from_directory(config.path, contains=config.contains)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Rebin
if config.name is not None: frames.rebin_to_name(config.name)
elif config.wcs is not None:
    wcs = CoordinateSystem.from_file(config.wcs)
Exemplo n.º 43
# Set the modeling path
environment = load_modeling_environment_cwd()
runs = environment.fitting_runs

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# The fitting run name
if runs.empty: raise ValueError("No analysis runs present (yet)")
elif runs.has_single: definition.add_fixed("run", "name of the fitting run", runs.single_name)
else: definition.add_required("run", "string", "name of the fitting run for which to (re)make the wavelength grids", choices=runs.names)

# Options
definition.add_flag("basic", "make basic wavelength grids", True)
definition.add_flag("refined", "make refined wavelength grids", True)
definition.add_flag("highres", "make high-resolution wavelength grids", True)

# Settings for the wavelength grid generation
definition.add_optional("npoints_range_basic", "integer_range", "range of the basic wavelength grid size", default_npoints_range_basic, convert_default=True)
definition.add_optional("npoints_range_refined", "integer_range", "range of the refined wavelength grid size", default_npoints_range_refined, convert_default=True)
definition.add_optional("npoints_range_highres", "integer_range", "range of the high-resolution wavelength grid size", default_npoints_range_highres, convert_default=True)
definition.add_optional("ngrids_basic", "integer", "number of basic wavelength grids to generate", default_ngrids_basic)
definition.add_optional("ngrids_refined", "integer", "number of refined wavelength grids to generate", default_ngrids_refined)
definition.add_optional("ngrids_highres", "integer", "number of high-resolution wavelength grids to generate", default_ngrids_highres)
definition.add_flag("add_emission_lines", "add emission lines to the wavelength grids", True)
definition.add_optional("range", "quantity_range", "range of wavelengths", default_wavelength_range, convert_default=True)

# Backup existing wavelength grids
definition.add_flag("backup", "backup existing wavelength grids", True)
Exemplo n.º 44
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(write_config=False)

# Number of frames
definition.add_optional("nframes", "positive_integer", "number of frames", 2)

# Size of frames
definition.add_optional("npixels", "positive_integer",
                        "number of pixels of the frames", 500)

# Number of sources
definition.add_optional("nrandom_sources", "positive_integer",
                        "number of point sources", 100)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("vary_fwhm", "vary the FWHM", False)

# PSF model
definition.add_fixed("psf_model", "psf model", "gaussian")

definition.add_optional("noise_stddev", "real", "stddev of noise", 5.)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 45
# Add prequired
definition.add_required("ski", "file_path", "name or path of the ski file")

# Add optional argument
definition.add_optional("input", "directory_path",
                        "path to the input directory")

# Add required
definition.add_required("nnodes", "integer", "number of nodes")
definition.add_required("nsockets", "integer", "number of sockets per node")
definition.add_required("ncores", "integer", "number of cores per socket")
definition.add_required("memory", "real", "available virtual memory per node")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("mpi", "mpi available", True)
definition.add_flag("hyperthreading", "use hyperthreading", False)
definition.add_optional("threads_per_core", "integer",
                        "number of hyperthreads per core")

# Add optional
    "ncells", "integer",
    "number of dust cells (relevant if ski file uses a tree dust grid)")
    "nwavelengths", "integer",
    "number of wavelengths (relevant if ski file uses input file)")

# Flags
definition.add_flag("show", "show the parallelization", True)
Exemplo n.º 46
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional
definition.add_positional_optional("ski", "file_path", "ski file to be used (if not specified, all ski files in the current directory will be used)")

# Add flag
definition.add_flag("recursive", "look for ski files recursively")

# Add optional
definition.add_optional("remote", "string", "the remote host (no schedulers) on which to launch the simulations", choices=find_host_ids(schedulers=False))

# Add optional
definition.add_optional("nprocesses", "integer", "number of processes to use", 1)
definition.add_flag("data_parallel", "use data parallelization mode")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 47
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.simulation.simulation import createsimulations
from pts.core.extract.timeline import TimeLineExtractor, TimeLineTable
from pts.core.plot.timeline import TimeLinePlotter
from pts.core.tools import filesystem as fs
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, ConfigurationReader

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("table", "save the extracted timeline table")

# Get configuration
reader = ConfigurationReader("plottimeline")
config = reader.read(definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Look for a file in the current working directory that contains extracted timeline information
timeline_table_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), "timeline.dat")
if fs.is_file(timeline_table_path):
    table = TimeLineTable.from_file(timeline_table_path)

    # If extracted timeline information is not present, first perform the extraction
Exemplo n.º 48
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import smb_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

default_host_name = "www"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(log_path="log", config_path="config")

# Upload
                        "remote host name",

# Flags
definition.add_flag("regenerate", "regenerate the pages", False)
definition.add_flag("replot", "make plots again", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 49
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.magic.tools.catalogs import stellar_catalog_descriptions

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

    "If possible, avoid the fitting procedure and use the FWHM defined by the frame",
definition.add_optional("input_path", "directory_path",
                        "path to the input directory")
definition.add_optional("output_path", "directory_path",
                        "path to the output directory")
definition.add_flag("track_record", "track record", False)
definition.add_flag("plot_track_record_if_exception", True)
definition.add_optional("manual_region", "file_path", "manual star region")
definition.add_flag("remove", "remove stars from the frame", True)
definition.add_flag("find_saturation", "find saturated stars", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Settings for fetching the catalogs
definition.add_section("fetching", "fetching")
Exemplo n.º 50
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "name of the remote host", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("matching", "string", "only adapt settings with a name matching this string", suggestions=["remote"])
definition.add_positional_optional("ids", "integer_list", "simulation IDs")
definition.add_optional("names", "string_list", "simulation names")
definition.add_flag("from_directories", "use directory names as simulation names")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Select certain properties
definition.add_optional("contains", "string", "only adapt properties containing this string in their name")
definition.add_optional("not_contains", "string", "don't adapt properties containing this string in their name")
definition.add_optional("exact_name", "string", "only adapt properties with this exact string as their name")
definition.add_optional("exact_not_name", "string", "don't adapt properties with this exact string as their name")
definition.add_optional("startswith", "string", "only adapt properties whose name starts with this string")
definition.add_optional("endswith", "string", "only adapt properties whose name starts with this string")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition.add_flag("update", "update the analysis options", True)
Exemplo n.º 51
Arquivo: status.py Projeto: SKIRT/PTS
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids
from pts.core.config.analyse_simulation import definition as analysis_definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition(write_config=False)

# Add positional optional
definition.add_positional_optional("host_ids", "string_list", "name of the remote host(s) for which to show/retrieve simulations and tasks", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("ids", "string_integer_list_dictionary", "simulation IDs for the different remote hosts")

# Add flag
definition.add_flag("show_progress", "show the progress of the simulation that is still running (only if there is just one)", False)
definition.add_flag("debug_output", "show all simulation output in debug mode")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition.add_flag("retrieve", "retrieve finished simulations", True)
definition.add_flag("analyse", "analyse retrieved simulations", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Crashed
definition.add_flag("check_crashed", "check whether crashed simulations have the necessary output, if so, retrieve them")
definition.add_optional("retrieve_crashed", "string_integer_list_dictionary", "retrieve crashed simulations for these hosts and simulation IDs")
definition.add_flag("check_data", "for crashed simulations, check whether the simulation data is valid")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 52
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Number of processes to use
definition.add_optional("nprocesses", "positive_integer", "number of parallel processes", 8)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("write", "write results", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 53
Arquivo: install.py Projeto: SKIRT/PTS
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add optional arguments
definition.add_positional_optional("host_id", "string", "install SKIRT/PTS remotely")
definition.add_optional("repository", "string", "repository name from which to clone (only possible when installing remotely and SKIRT/PTS is already installed locally)")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("private", "use the private SKIRT/PTS repository")

# Advanced
definition.add_flag("force", "force re-installation when already present", letter="f")
definition.add_flag("force_conda", "force installation of conda and creation of a conda environment even when it is already present")

definition.add_flag("finish", "finish previously initiated installation")

# Add flag
#definition.add_flag("all_remotes", "update on all remote hosts")

# For PTS:
definition.add_optional("python_name", "string_no_spaces", "name for the python environment for PTS (also the alias for the python executable)", "python_pts")
definition.add_optional("pip_name", "string_no_spaces", "name for the pip alias", "pip_pts")
definition.add_optional("jupyter_name", "string_no_spaces", "name for the jupyter executable", "jupyter_pts")
definition.add_optional("python_version", "string", "version number for python", "2.7")
Exemplo n.º 54
    definition.add_fixed("host_ids", "remote host_ids", [])

# Add optional
                        "PTS repository name to deploy remotely",
                        "SKIRT repository name to deploy remotely",

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("local", "also deploy locally", True)
definition.add_flag("skirt", "deploy SKIRT", True)
definition.add_flag("pts", "deploy PTS", True)
definition.add_flag("check", "check versions after deployment", True)
                    "only perform one attempt at connecting to a remote")

# Also update the dependencies
                    "update the dependencies if possible", False)

# Add optional
    "hosts on which PTS should be installed (None means all)",
Exemplo n.º 55
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids
from pts.core.tools import introspection
from pts.core.tools import filesystem as fs
from pts.core.simulation.simulation import RemoteSimulation
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from pts.core.basics.log import log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add settings
definition.add_positional_optional("remotes", "string_list", "the IDs of the remote hosts for which to clear the simulations", choices=find_host_ids(), default=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("ids", "integer_list", "the IDs of the simulations to clear")
definition.add_flag("full", "fully clear the simulations, also remove remote simulation directories")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Parse the arguments into a configuration
config = parse_arguments("clear_tasks", definition, description="Clear PTS tasks for a certain remote host")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Check whether the remote is available
    if config.full:
        remote = Remote()
        if not remote.setup(host_id):
Exemplo n.º 56
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()

# Add required
definition.add_positional_optional("remote", "string", "name of the remote host", choices=find_host_ids())
definition.add_positional_optional("matching", "string", "only adapt settings with a name matching this string")
definition.add_positional_optional("ids", "integer_list", "simulation IDs (if none specified, all simulation IDs will be used)")
definition.add_optional("names", "string_list", "simulation names")
definition.add_flag("from_directories", "use directory names as simulation names")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Select certain properties
definition.add_optional("contains", "string", "only adapt properties containing this string in their name")
definition.add_optional("not_contains", "string", "don't adapt properties containing this string in their name")
definition.add_optional("exact_name", "string", "only adapt properties with this exact string as their name")
definition.add_optional("exact_not_name", "string", "don't adapt properties with this exact string as their name")
definition.add_optional("startswith", "string", "only adapt properties whose name starts with this string")
definition.add_optional("endswith", "string", "only adapt properties whose name starts with this string")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition.add_optional("types", "string_list", "only adapt properties of these types")
definition.add_optional("replace_string", "string_replacement", "replace strings")
Exemplo n.º 57
Arquivo: count.py Projeto: rag9704/PTS
# Import standard modules
import importlib
from collections import defaultdict
from inspect import getmembers, isfunction, getdoc

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.tools import formatting as fmt
from pts.core.tools import introspection
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.basics.log import setup_log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_flag("verbose", "verbose output", letter="v")
config = parse_arguments("count", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Setup log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Lines
nlines = 0
nlines_per_file = dict()
nlines_per_subproject = defaultdict(int)

# Modules