Exemplo n.º 1
def completed_skirtruns(unless_filenames=None):
    db = Database()
    runids = sorted([
        for row in db.select("runstatus='completed' or runstatus='archived'")
    runs = [SkirtRun(runid) for runid in runids]
    if unless_filenames != None:
        runs = filter(
            lambda run: not has_visualization_files(run, unless_filenames),
    return runs
Exemplo n.º 2
# backup and open the local database
db = Database()

# remove SKIRT-runs that have been archived from the do-list
records = filter(lambda record: db.select("runid="+str(record['runid']))[0]['runstatus']!='archived', records)
print "--> .. of which {} have not yet been archived".format(len(records))

# synchronize the results from each completed run
for record in records:
    runid = record['runid']
    print "--> Synchronizing results for run-id {}...".format(runid)

    # get the local and remote paths (creating the local directories if needed)
    skirtrun = SkirtRun(runid, create=True)
    local_runpath = skirtrun.runpath()
    local_inpath = skirtrun.inpath()
    local_outpath = skirtrun.outpath()
    local_vispath = skirtrun.vispath()
    remote_runpath = local_runpath.replace(config.results_path, config.cosma["results_path"])
    remote_inpath = local_inpath.replace(config.results_path, config.cosma["results_path"])
    remote_outpath = local_outpath.replace(config.results_path, config.cosma["results_path"])
    remote_vispath = local_vispath.replace(config.results_path, config.cosma["results_path"])

    # synchronize the files in each directory
    #  - skip subdirectories and symbolic links
    #  - for the vis directory, do not overwrite newer local versions
    error = subprocess.call(("rsync", "-htvz", cosma_prefix+remote_runpath+"/*", local_runpath+"/"))
    if error: raise ValueError("Error in rsync for run: " + str(error))
    error = subprocess.call(("rsync", "-htvz", cosma_prefix+remote_inpath+"/*", local_inpath+"/"))
Exemplo n.º 3
buildrange = sys.argv[2].lower()
update = "update".startswith(buildrange)
rebuild = "rebuild".startswith(buildrange)
runidrange = runids_in_range(buildrange)
if not update and not rebuild and not runidrange:
    raise ValueError("Unknown build range: " + buildrange)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# get a list of relevant filename endings depending on the visualization type
filenames = filenames_for_vistype[vistype]

# construct the list of SKIRT-runs to be processed
if runidrange:
    skirtruns = [SkirtRun(runid) for runid in runidrange]
    skirtruns = completed_skirtruns(filenames if update else None)

# =================================================================

# build density curves
if vistype == 'densities':
    from pts.eagle.plotdensitycurves import plotdensitycurves
    print "Building density curves for {} SKIRT-runs".format(len(skirtruns))
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building density curves for SKIRT-run {}...".format(

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 4
db = Database()

# remove SKIRT-runs that have been archived from the do-list
records = filter(
    lambda record: db.select("runid=" + str(record['runid']))[0]['runstatus']
    != 'archived', records)
print "--> .. of which {} have not yet been archived".format(len(records))

# synchronize the results from each completed run
for record in records:
    runid = record['runid']
    print "--> Synchronizing results for run-id {}...".format(runid)

    # get the local and remote paths (creating the local directories if needed)
    skirtrun = SkirtRun(runid, create=True)
    local_runpath = skirtrun.runpath()
    local_inpath = skirtrun.inpath()
    local_outpath = skirtrun.outpath()
    local_vispath = skirtrun.vispath()
    remote_runpath = local_runpath.replace(config.results_path,
    remote_inpath = local_inpath.replace(config.results_path,
    remote_outpath = local_outpath.replace(config.results_path,
    remote_vispath = local_vispath.replace(config.results_path,

    # synchronize the files in each directory
    #  - skip subdirectories and symbolic links
Exemplo n.º 5
# get the eligible records
db = database.Database()
records = db.select("((stage='simulate' and status='succeeded') or (stage in ('observe', 'store', 'completed')))" \
                    " and label=?", (label,))
size = len(records)
if size == 0:
    raise ValueError("There are no simulated records with label " + label)

# assemble the statistics for all records
log.info("Assembling statistics for {} SKIRT simulations...".format(size))
time = np.zeros(size)
memory = np.zeros(size)
for index in range(size):
    logfilepath = SkirtRun(records[index]["runid"]).simulation().logfilepath()
    for line in open(logfilepath):
        if " Finished simulation " in line:
            segments = line.split()
            processes = float(segments[segments.index("processes") - 1])
            timeindex = segments.index(
                "s") if "s" in segments else segments.index("s.")
            walltime = float(segments[timeindex - 1])
            time[index] = processes * walltime
        if " Available memory: " in line:
            segments = line.split()
            memory[index] = float(segments[segments.index("usage:") + 1])

# construct the time histogram
log.info("Constructing plots...")
figure = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
Exemplo n.º 6
    # dump it into file
    outfile = open(outfilepath, 'w')
    pickle.dump(collection, outfile)
    print "Created info collection " + outfilepath

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# chain the command-line arguments into a query list
if len(sys.argv) <= 1: raise ValueError("This script expects one or more command-line arguments")
querylist = "('{}')".format("','".join(sys.argv[1:]))
namelist = "_".join(sys.argv[1:])

# get a list of SkirtRun objects for which to collect statistics, in order of run-id
db = Database()
query = "runstatus in ('completed','archived') and label in {0} and eaglesim in {0}".format(querylist)
runids = sorted([ row['runid'] for row in db.select(query) ])
skirtruns = [ SkirtRun(runid) for runid in runids ]

# perform the collection
if len(skirtruns) > 0:
    print "Collecting statistics from {} SKIRT-runs with label and eaglesim fields in {}...".format(len(skirtruns),querylist)
    collect_info(skirtruns, os.path.join(config.collections_path,"{}_info_collection.dat".format(namelist)))

    print "There are no SKIRT-runs with label and eaglesim fields in {}.".format(querylist)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 7
# verify that the offsite archive server is mounted
if len(runids) == 0:
    print "No SKIRT-runs to be archived."
if not os.path.isdir(archive_path):
    print "Please mount the offsite archive server and try again."

# open the database and process each SKIRT-run
db = Database()
for runid in runids:
    print "--> Creating archives for SKIRT-run {}...".format(runid)

    # get the paths for the in and out directories, and the corresponding zip archives
    skirtrun = SkirtRun(runid)
    indir = skirtrun.inpath()
    outdir = skirtrun.outpath()
    inzip = indir + ".zip"
    outzip = outdir + ".zip"

    # export the database record
    info = db.select("runid=" + str(runid))[0]
    infofile = open(os.path.join(indir, "database_record.txt"), "w")
    infofile.write("# SKIRT-run database record\n")
    for key in info.keys():
        infofile.write(("{} = {}\n").format(key, info[key]))

    # create the archives
    if os.path.isfile(inzip):
Exemplo n.º 8
# verify that the offsite archive server is mounted
if len(runids) == 0:
    print "No SKIRT-runs to be archived."
if not os.path.isdir(archive_path):
    print "Please mount the offsite archive server and try again."

# open the database and process each SKIRT-run
db = Database()
for runid in runids:
    print "--> Creating archives for SKIRT-run {}...".format(runid)

    # get the paths for the in and out directories, and the corresponding zip archives
    skirtrun = SkirtRun(runid)
    indir = skirtrun.inpath()
    outdir = skirtrun.outpath()
    inzip = indir + ".zip"
    outzip = outdir + ".zip"

    # export the database record
    info = db.select("runid=" + str(runid))[0]
    infofile = open(os.path.join(indir, "database_record.txt"), 'w')
    infofile.write('# SKIRT-run database record\n')
    for key in info.keys():
        infofile.write(("{} = {}\n").format(key, info[key]))

    # create the archives
    if os.path.isfile(inzip): os.remove(inzip)