Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_eeg_read_incomplete_data(self):
        e_path_incomplete = '/Volumes/rhino_root/data/events/RAM_PS/R1104D_events.mat'
        if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
            e_path_incomplete = 'D:/data/events/RAM_PS/R1104D_events.mat'

        base_event_reader = BaseEventReader(filename=e_path_incomplete)

        base_events = base_event_reader.read()

        sess_1 = base_events[base_events.session == 1]
        sess_3 = base_events[base_events.session == 3]
        sess_5 = base_events[base_events.session == 5]
        sess_7 = base_events[base_events.session == 7]

        sess_1[440].eegoffset = 2000000000000
        sess_1[444].eegoffset = 2000000000000
        sess_1[434].eegoffset = 2000000000000

        shuffled_sess_events = np.hstack((sess_3, sess_7, sess_1, sess_5)).view(np.recarray)

        eeg_reader = EEGReader(events=shuffled_sess_events, channels=np.array(['002', '003']),
                               start_time=self.start_time, end_time=self.end_time, buffer_time=self.buffer_time)
        base_eegs = eeg_reader.read()

        if eeg_reader.removed_bad_data():
            print('REMOVED BAD DATA !!!!!!!!!!!!!')

        events = base_eegs['events'].data.view(np.recarray)

        if not isinstance(events, Events):
            events = Events(events)

        from ptsa.data.rawbinwrapper import RawBinWrapper
        events = events.add_fields(esrc=np.dtype(RawBinWrapper))

        # ------------- using PTSAevent reader functions to prepare events for reading old-ptsa-style

        ptsa_event_reader = PTSAEventReader()


        eegs = events.get_data(channels=['002', '003'], start_time=self.start_time, end_time=self.end_time,
                               buffer_time=self.buffer_time, eoffset='eegoffset', keep_buffer=True,
                               eoffset_in_time=False, verbose=True)

        npt.assert_array_equal(eegs[:, :, :-1], base_eegs.data)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def read(self):
        Reads Matlab event file , converts it to np.recarray and attaches rawbinwrappers (if appropriate flags indicate so)
        :return: Events object. depending on flagg settings the rawbinwrappers may be attached as well

        # calling base class read fcn
        evs = BaseEventReader.read(self)

        # in case evs is simply recarray
        if not isinstance(evs, Events):
            evs = Events(evs)

        if self.attach_rawbinwrapper:
            evs = evs.add_fields(esrc=np.dtype(RawBinWrapper))

            if self.use_groupped_rawbinwrapper:  # this should be default choice - much faster execution
            else:  # used for debugging purposes

        return evs
Exemplo n.º 3
    def read(self):
        Reads Matlab event file , converts it to np.recarray and attaches rawbinwrappers (if appropriate flags indicate so)
        :return: Events object. depending on flagg settings the rawbinwrappers may be attached as well

        # calling base class read fcn
        evs = BaseEventReader.read(self)

        # in case evs is simply recarray
        if not isinstance(evs, Events):
            evs = Events(evs)

        if self.attach_rawbinwrapper:
            evs = evs.add_fields(esrc=np.dtype(RawBinWrapper))

            if self.use_groupped_rawbinwrapper:  # this should be default choice - much faster execution
            else:  # used for debugging purposes

        return evs
Exemplo n.º 4
# sys.exit()

for field in matevs.dtype.names:
        newevs[field] = matevs[field]
    except ValueError:
        if ((field == 'stimAmp') and
            newevs[field] = matevs[field]
        else: # not sure what's going on, so raise the same error as above
            newevs[field] = matevs[field]

events = Events(newevs)
events = events.add_fields(esrc=np.dtype(RawBinWrapper))

good_indices = np.ones(len(events),np.bool)
for e,event in enumerate(events):
        event['esrc'] = RawBinWrapper(event['eegfile'])
    except IOError:
        print('No EEG files for',event['subject'],event['session'],event['eegfile'])
        good_indices[e] = False
events = events[good_indices]

start_time = -0.6
end_time = 1.6
buf = 1
Exemplo n.º 5
# sys.exit()

for field in matevs.dtype.names:
        newevs[field] = matevs[field]
    except ValueError:
        if ((field == 'stimAmp')
                and (np.all(np.array(matevs[field], np.str) == 'X'))):
            newevs[field] = matevs[field]
        else:  # not sure what's going on, so raise the same error as above
            newevs[field] = matevs[field]

events = Events(newevs)
events = events.add_fields(esrc=np.dtype(RawBinWrapper))

good_indices = np.ones(len(events), np.bool)
for e, event in enumerate(events):
        event['esrc'] = RawBinWrapper(event['eegfile'])
    except IOError:
        print('No EEG files for', event['subject'], event['session'],
        good_indices[e] = False

events = events[good_indices]

start_time = -0.6
end_time = 1.6
buf = 1
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_sub_events(task, sub, eliminate_events_with_no_eeg=True, rhino_prefix='/', ignore_no_params=False):
    """Returns all events for a given task and subject identifier

    Keyword arguments:
    task -- string of task name
    sub -- string of subject identifier
    eliminate_events_with_no_eeg -- (default: True) Do not return events for which no corresponding eeg file exists.
    rhino_prefix -- (default: '/') To get data if rhino is mounted as an external volume from a local computer.
    ignore_no_params -- (default: False) Automatically handles IOError when no params.txt file is found for a subject.

    from MatlabIO import read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array
    e_path = rhino_prefix+'/data/events/'+task+'/'+sub+'_events.mat'    
    # extract matlab matrix (called 'events') as numpy structured array
    struct_array = read_single_matlab_matrix_as_numpy_structured_array(e_path, 'events')

    evs = Events(struct_array)

    if eliminate_events_with_no_eeg:

        # eliminating events that have no eeg file
        indicator = np.empty(len(evs), dtype=bool)
        indicator[:] = False
        for i, ev in enumerate(evs):
            indicator[i] = (type(evs[i].eegfile).__name__.startswith('unicode')) & (len(str(evs[i].eegfile)) > 3)

        #Due to numpy upgrade
        evs = Events(evs[indicator])
    evs = evs.add_fields(esrc=np.dtype(RawBinWrapper))

    import pathlib

    #This may throw and error for a few subjects who have no params file. Should be written to handle this elegantly.

    if ignore_no_params:
            for ev in evs:
                    eeg_file_path = join(rhino_prefix, str(pathlib.Path(str(ev.eegfile)).parts[1:]))
                    ev.esrc = RawBinWrapper(eeg_file_path)
                except TypeError:
                    print 'skipping event with eegfile=',ev.eegfile
        except IOError:
            print('No params.txt or .params file found for '+sub)

        for ev in evs:
                eeg_file_path = join(rhino_prefix, str(pathlib.Path(str(ev.eegfile)).parts[1:]))
                ev.esrc = RawBinWrapper(eeg_file_path)
            except TypeError:
                print 'skipping event with eegfile=',ev.eegfile

Exemplo n.º 7
        'output_path': rhino_mount+'/data10/scratch/cweidema/RAM/RAM_catFR/RAM_catFR2_power/hdf5_files_sess',
        'ev_file': rhino_mount+'/home1/cweidema/Christoph/Analyses/RAM/RAM_catFR/data/RAM_catFR2_events20151106.npy'
        'output_path': rhino_mount+'/data10/scratch/cweidema/RAM/RAM_FR/RAM_FR1_power/hdf5_files_sess',
        'ev_file': rhino_mount+'/home1/cweidema/Christoph/Analyses/RAM/RAM_FR/data/RAM_FR1_events20151106.npy'
        'output_path': rhino_mount+'/data10/scratch/cweidema/RAM/RAM_FR/RAM_FR2_power/hdf5_files_sess',
        'ev_file': rhino_mount+'/home1/cweidema/Christoph/Analyses/RAM/RAM_FR/data/RAM_FR2_events20151106.npy'

ev = Events(np.load(pow_params[exp]['ev_file']))
ev = ev.add_fields(esrc=np.dtype(RawBinWrapper))
ev = ev[ev['type']=='WORD']
good_indices = np.ones(len(ev),np.bool)
for e,event in enumerate(ev):
        event['esrc'] = RawBinWrapper(rhino_mount+event['eegfile'])
    except IOError:
        print('No EEG files for',event['subject'],event['session'],event['eegfile'])
        good_indices[e] = False
ev = ev[good_indices]

start_time = -0.6
end_time = 1.6
buf = 1
baseline = (-.6,-.4)