Exemplo n.º 1
def compute_high_low_q_correlation(): 

    dcdfile = "/project/palmer/Jingxiang/Trajectories/Publication_mWAC/3375_run2.dcd"    

    total_atoms, total_frames = IO.reader.call_read_header(dcdfile) 

    keyword = "HDL-HDL"

    # convert Angstrom to nm
    An_to_nm = 10

    num_bins_q_dist = 300

    num_bins_rdf = 250

    # initialize q tetrahedral histogram 
    q_tetra_hist, q_interval, q_range = initialize_hist(num_bins_q_dist, -3.0, 1.0)    
    # get box size
    xyz, box = IO.reader.call_read_dcd_xyz_box(dcdfile, 1, total_atoms, return_numpy=True) 

    half_box_size  = box.min()/2.0/An_to_nm 
    # initialize pair_correlation histogram
    RDF_hist, rdf_interval, rdf_range = initialize_hist(num_bins_rdf, 0.0, half_box_size)  

    frame_counter = 0

    for i in range(total_frames): 
        # read xyz coordinates
        xyz, box = IO.reader.call_read_dcd_xyz_box(dcdfile, i+1, total_atoms, return_numpy=False) 
        # compute q tetrahedral order parameter 
        q_sorted_indx, q_tetra = compute_q_tetra(total_atoms, xyz, box)

        # update q distribution
        q_tetra_hist = update_hist(total_atoms, q_tetra, q_interval, -3.0, 1.0, num_bins_q_dist, q_tetra_hist)

        # compute the pair correlation between species
        new_hist, norm_atom = compute_pair_correl(keyword, num_bins_rdf, total_atoms, xyz, box, q_sorted_indx)
        # update pair correlation distribution
        update_pair_correl_hist(num_bins_rdf, new_hist, RDF_hist)
        frame_counter += 1  

    r_mid, q_norm = normalize_hist(q_range, num_bins_q_dist, q_interval, q_tetra_hist)

    r2hr, gr = normalize_pair_correl_hist(RDF_hist, num_bins_rdf, half_box_size, norm_atom, frame_counter, box)

    np.savetxt("r2hr.txt", np.c_[r2hr])

    np.savetxt("q_normalized_3375.txt", np.c_[r_mid, q_norm])

    return None 
def compute_high_low_q_correlation(T, dcdfile):

    total_atoms, total_frames = IO.reader.call_read_header(dcdfile)

    keyword = "LDL_LDL"

    # convert Angstrom to nm
    An_to_nm = 10

    num_bins_q_dist = 300

    num_bins_rdf = 250

    # initialize q tetrahedral histogram
    q_tetra_hist, q_interval, q_range = initialize_hist(
        num_bins_q_dist, -3.0, 1.0)

    # get box size
    xyz, box = IO.reader.call_read_dcd_xyz_box(dcdfile,

    half_box_size = box.min() / (2.0 * An_to_nm)

    # initialize pair_correlation histogram
    RDF_hist, rdf_interval, rdf_range = initialize_hist(
        num_bins_rdf, 0.0, half_box_size)

    # set the frame counter to count number of configurations used
    frame_counter = 0

    # loop over all frames
    for i in range(total_frames):

        # read xyz coordinates
        xyz, box = IO.reader.call_read_dcd_xyz_box(dcdfile,
                                                   i + 1,

        # compute q tetrahedral order parameter
        q_sorted_indx, q_tetra = compute_q_tetra(total_atoms, xyz, box)

        # update q distribution
        q_tetra_hist = update_hist(total_atoms, q_tetra, q_interval, -3.0, 1.0,
                                   num_bins_q_dist, q_tetra_hist)

        # compute the pair correlation between species
        #new_hist, norm_atom = compute_pair_correl(keyword, num_bins_rdf, total_atoms, xyz, box, q_sorted_indx)

        # update pair correlation distribution
        #update_pair_correl_hist(num_bins_rdf, new_hist, RDF_hist)

        frame_counter += 1

    # normalize q tetrahedral order parameter distribution
    r_mid, q_norm = normalize_hist(q_range, num_bins_q_dist, q_interval,

    # normalize the RDF
    #r2hr, gr = normalize_pair_correl_hist(RDF_hist, num_bins_rdf, half_box_size, norm_atom, frame_counter, box)

    # write out the RDF histogram for different
    #write_hist_file(keyword, total_atoms, box, frame_counter, rdf_interval, num_bins_rdf, RDF_hist)

    # write out the normalized r2hr
    #np.savetxt("r2hr.txt", np.c_[r2hr])

    # write q tetrahedral distribution

    np.savetxt("q_normalized_%d_run2.txt" % T, np.c_[r_mid, q_norm])

    return None