Exemplo n.º 1
def proc_tar():
	#before we start anything, we need to be sure that we have some place to put temporary files
	global tempdir, objects
	tempdir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), rnd_str(10))
	if len(objects) > 0:
		tar_file_name = os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename(objects[0].location) + ".tar.gz")
		tfile = tarfile.open(tar_file_name, mode='w:gz')
		#we have a tarfile object, let's start putting stuff in
		for o in objects:
			log("Tarring file \"" + o.location + "\"...")
			tfile.add(o.location, recursive=recur_dir)
		objects = [pub_object(tar_file_name)]
Exemplo n.º 2
def proc_zip():
	#before we start anything, we need to be sure that we have some place to put temporary files
	global tempdir, objects
	tempdir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), rnd_str(10))
	if len(objects) > 0:
		zip_file_name = os.path.join(tempdir, os.path.basename(objects[0].location) + ".zip")
		zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, mode='w')
		#we have a zipfile object, let's start putting stuff in
		for o in objects:
			log("Zipping file \"" + o.location + "\"...")
			zip_object(zfile, o.location)
		objects = [pub_object(zip_file_name)]
		print zip_file_name
Exemplo n.º 3
def parse_options(argv):
	global func_dict, process_chain, mut_ex_func
	func_dict = {	
		'-s' : lambda a : process(proc_shorten,		a, 3, "-s",			"Shorten url using bit.ly"),
		'-t' : lambda a : process(proc_tar,			a, 2, "-t",			"Tar and gzip input before sending"),
		'-z' : lambda a : process(proc_zip,			a, 2, "-z",			"Zip input before sending, takes precedence over -t"),
		'-p' : lambda a : process(proc_pbin,		a, 2, "-p",			"Put input on pastebin, takes precedence over -t and -z"),
		'-T' : lambda a : process(proc_test,		a, 1, "-T",			"Perform a test run"),
		'-r' : lambda a : process(proc_recur,		a, 1, "-r or -R",		"Handle directories recursive"),
		'-R' : lambda a : process(proc_recur,		a, 1, "-r or -R",		"Handle directories recursive"),
		'-c:': lambda a : process(proc_conf,		a, 1, "-c <file>",		"Use <file> as configfile"),
		'-v' : lambda a : process(proc_verb,		a, 0, "-v",			"Increase verbosity"),
		'-h' : lambda a : process(proc_help,		a, 0, "-h",			"Show this help"),

	functions  = lambda o, a : (func_dict[o] if o in func_dict else func_dict[o + ":"])(a)

	available_cli_options = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, func_dict.keys())

		optlist, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:], available_cli_options)
	except getopt.GetoptError as oe:
		log("Error, option \"-" + oe.opt + "\" is not available!\n")
		usage(exit, 0)

	for o, a in optlist:
		process_chain.append(functions(o, a))
	if(len(args) > 0):
		for arg in args:

	#we now know which process to run, they are in process_chain, but they are unsorted
	#and may contain mutual exclusive options. before we can do anything, we need to
	#remove the mutually exclusive options and sort them. first we make a list of these
	#options, the first in the tuple takes precedence over the second
	mut_ex_func = [
	(proc_zip, proc_tar),		#if you zip, you can't tar
	(proc_pbin, proc_zip),		#if you pastebin, you can't zip
	(proc_pbin, proc_tar)		#or tar
	#then we filter out all mutex functions