Exemplo n.º 1
def decrypt_file( filename, keyfile, decrypted_filename = None ):
    if not decrypted_filename:
        decrypted_filename  = filename.rstrip('.rsa')

    ciphertext              = load(filename)

    if '\x00' == ciphertext[0]:
        ciphertext = ciphertext[1:]
    elif 'A' == ciphertext[0]:
        ciphertext = base64.decodestring(ciphertext[1:])

    iv                      = load(ivfile)
    key                     = load(keyfile)
    plaintext               = publickey.decrypt(key, ciphertext)

    print '[+] decrypted %s to %s...' % (filename, decrypted_filename)
    dump(decrypted_filename, plaintext)
    print '[+] file written...'
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_crypto():
    message = 'This is a test message. 0123456789ABCDEF'
    print '\t[+] generating a 2048-bit RSA key... ',
    key     = publickey.generate_key( 2048 )
    assert( key.size() == 2047 )
    print 'OK!'

    print '\t[+] can we encrypt with this key? ',
    assert( key.can_encrypt() )
    print 'yes'

    print '\t[+] encrypting \'%s\'...' % message
    print '\t[+] using %d-bit RSA key' % (key.size() + 1)

    ct      = publickey.encrypt( key, message )
    pt      = publickey.decrypt( key, ct )

    print '\t[+] decryped ciphertext as \'%s\'' % pt
    assert( pt == message )