Exemplo n.º 1
def submit(job, poolName=None):
    g = Graph(job.name, job, username(), poolName)
    print g.submit(gethost(), getport())
Exemplo n.º 2
                   help='Number of task by group.')
                   help='Number of commands by task')
                   help='Name of the server on which to submit job')
                   help='Sleep duration in s')
args = parser.parse_args()

# Create graph
runner = "puliclient.contrib.generic.GenericRunner"
name = "Job_Test"
tags = {"prod": "mikros_test", "comment": "JOB TEST", "nbFrames": 1}
puliGraph = Graph(name, poolName='mik', tags=tags, maxRN=5)

print "NB_GROUP = " + str(args.nbGroups)
print "NB_TASK = " + str(args.nbTasks)
print "NB_CMD = " + str(args.nbCmds)
print "SERVER = " + args.server

createFolderNodes(puliGraph, args.nbGroups, args.nbTasks, args.nbCmds, args.sleep)

puliGraph.submit(args.server, 8004)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Submission script
    tags = {
        "prod": "prod_name",
        "shot": "shot_code",
        # Add any valuable info relative to the job here: type, step, version, iteration...

    # First we create a graph
    # Added to the graph is a dict of tags that will be used to clarify the job process
    graph = Graph('simple job', tags=tags)

    # To define a Task, we need 3 arguments :
    #   - its name
    #   - a runner is a python class that defines the workflow execution for a given job type.
    #     Here, we will use MyRunner which has been declared previously
    #   - an arguments dict
    name = "wait 10s"
    runner = "example.MyRunner"
    arguments = {"wait": 10}

    # Then add a new task to the graph
    graph.addNewTask(name, runner=runner, arguments=arguments)

    # Finally submit the graph to the server
    graph.submit("pulitest", 8004)
Exemplo n.º 4
def submit(job, poolName=None, maxRN=-1):
    g = Graph(job.name, job, username(), poolName, maxRN)
    print g.submit(gethost(), getport())

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Submission script
    tags = {
        "prod": "prod_name",
        "shot": "shot_code",
        # Add any valuable info relative to the job here: type, step, version, iteration...

    # First we create a graph
    # Added to the graph is a dict of tags that will be used to clarify the job process
    graph = Graph("simple job", tags=tags)

    # To define a Task, we need 3 arguments :
    #   - its name
    #   - a runner is a python class that defines the workflow execution for a given job type.
    #     Here, we will use MyRunner which has been declared previously
    #   - an arguments dict
    name = "wait 10s"
    runner = "example.MyRunner"
    arguments = {"wait": 10}

    # Then add a new task to the graph
    graph.addNewTask(name, runner=runner, arguments=arguments)

    # Finally submit the graph to the server
    graph.submit("pulitest", 8004)
Exemplo n.º 6
                    help='Number of task by group.')
                    help='Number of commands by task')
                    help='Name of the server on which to submit job')
parser.add_argument('--sleep', type=int, default=5, help='Sleep duration in s')
args = parser.parse_args()

# Create graph
runner = "puliclient.contrib.generic.GenericRunner"
name = "Job_Test"
tags = {"prod": "mikros_test", "comment": "JOB TEST", "nbFrames": 1}
puliGraph = Graph(name, poolName='mik', tags=tags, maxRN=5)

print "NB_GROUP = " + str(args.nbGroups)
print "NB_TASK = " + str(args.nbTasks)
print "NB_CMD = " + str(args.nbCmds)
print "SERVER = " + args.server

createFolderNodes(puliGraph, args.nbGroups, args.nbTasks, args.nbCmds,

puliGraph.submit(args.server, 8004)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    (options, args) = process_args()

    command = "sleep `shuf -i %d-%d -n 1`" % (options.min, options.max )
    # command = "sleep %%MI_FRAME%%"
    # command = "bash /tmp/test.bash"
    # command = "/datas/jsa/01_test/memcrash/mem.py -l %s -k 0.01" % options.min
    args =  { "cmd":command, "delay": options.min, "start":1, "end":options.num, "packetSize":1, "scriptTimeOut":45 }
    tags =  { "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":options.num }

    # Create custom graph
    simpleTask = Task( name=options.jobname, arguments=args, tags=tags, runner="puliclient.contrib.commandlinerunner.CommandLineRunner", lic="katana" )
    # simpleTask = Task( name="T-Generic", arguments=args, tags=tags, runner="puliclient.contrib.debug.WaitRunner" )
    graph = Graph( options.jobname, simpleTask, tags=tags, poolName='default' )

#    graph.addNewTask( name="T1", arguments={ "args": command, "start":1, "end":5, "packetSize":1 }, tags={ "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":5}, runner=runner )
#    g1 = graph.addNewTaskGroup( name="group1", tags=tags )
#    g1.addTask( simpleTask )
#    g1.addNewTask( name="T2", arguments={ "args": command, "start":1, "end":1, "packetSize":1 }, tags={ "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":1}, runner=runner )
#    g1.addNewTask( name="T3", arguments={ "args": command, "start":1, "end":1, "packetSize":1 }, tags={ "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":1}, runner=runner )
#    graph.addNewTask( name="T4", arguments={ "args": command, "start":1, "end":10, "packetSize":1 }, tags={ "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":10}, runner=runner )

    if options.dump:
        print graph

Exemplo n.º 8
# coding: utf-8

from puliclient import Graph

tags = {
    "prod": "prod_name",
    "shot": "shot_code",
    # Add any valuable info relative to the job here: type, step, version, iteration...

# First we create a graph
# Added to the graph is a dict of tags that will be used to clarify the job process
graph = Graph('simple_job', tags=tags)

# In this example we will create 2 tasks with multiple frames
# The first task executes one process per command, the second will group several processes by commands
# We still need to define its name and arguments dict

# The default runner automatically handles the following arguments:
#   - cmd: a string representing the command to start
#   - start: start frame number
#   - end: end frame number

# First task
name = "multiple commands"

arguments = {
    "cmd": "sleep %%MI_FRAME%%",
    "start": 1,
    "end": 10,
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # In this example we will create 2 tasks to execute custom callables
    # Internally we will use a predefined runner: CallableRunner
    # The function or class method we are asking to execute must be accessible to the render nodes.

    tags = {
        "prod": "prod_name",
        "shot": "shot_code",
        # Add any valuable info relative to the job here: type, step, version, iteration...

    # First we create a graph
    # Added to the graph is a dict of tags that will be used to clarify the job process
    graph = Graph('job with callable', tags=tags)

    # First task
    name = "callable function"

        "callable function",
        user_args=("param1", "param2"),
        user_kwargs={"wait": 10},

    # Second task
    name = "callable method"

Exemplo n.º 10
# coding: utf-8

from puliclient import Graph

tags = {
    "prod": "prod_name",
    "shot": "shot_code",
    # Add any valuable info relative to the job here: type, step, version, iteration...

# First we create a graph
# Added to the graph is a dict of tags that will be used to clarify the job process
graph = Graph('simple_job', tags=tags)

# Then we define a task. A task is basically a group of one or several commands all of the same kind.
# It means, each command will start the same process but might have different params. For instance you will
# create a task to execute a single process or to exec several times the same process like when rendering
# an image sequence.

# In this example we will create a simple task with only one command
# Therefore we need to define only 2 attributes:
#   - its name
#   - a dict of its arguments
name = "my command"

# The arguments dict can handle many arguments.
# When creating a classic command (like a shell command) we internally use a "runner" called "CommandLineRunner".
# This default runner automatically handles the following arguments:
#   - cmd: a string representing the command to start
#   - start: start frame number
1. a task waits the end of a taskgroup --> ok
2. a taskgroup waits the end of a task --> ok
3. a taskgroup waits the end of a taskgroup --> ok

from puliclient import Task, Graph, GraphDumper

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args =  { "cmd":"sleep 30", "start":1, "end":10, "packetSize":1 }
    tags =  { "prod":"test", "shot":"test" }
    decomposer = "puliclient.contrib.generic.GenericDecomposer"

    # 1. a task waits the end of a taskgroup
    graph = Graph('1st case', tags=tags)
    tg1 = graph.addNewTaskGroup( name="TG1" )
    tg1.addNewTask( name="task1", arguments=args, tags=tags, decomposer=decomposer )
    tg1.addNewTask( name="task2", arguments=args, tags=tags, decomposer=decomposer )
    task3 = graph.addNewTask( name="task3", arguments=args, tags=tags, decomposer=decomposer )
    graph.addEdges( [(tg1, task3)] )
    graph.submit("pulitest", 8004)

    # 2. a taskgroup waits the end of a task
    graph = Graph('2nd case', tags=tags)
    tg1 = graph.addNewTaskGroup( name="TG1" )
    tg1.addNewTask( name="task1", arguments=args, tags=tags, decomposer=decomposer )
    tg1.addNewTask( name="task2", arguments=args, tags=tags, decomposer=decomposer )
    # Create custom graph
    command = "sleep `shuf -i %d-%d -n 1`" % (options.min, options.max )
    args =  { "args": command, "start":1, "end":options.num, "packetSize":1 }
    tags =  { "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":options.num }
    runner = "puliclient.contrib.commandlinerunner.CommandLineRunner"
    if options.lic != "":

    simpleTask = Task( name="NoLic", arguments=args, tags=tags, runner=runner, lic=None )

    graph = Graph(options.jobname, poolName='default', tags=tags)
    tg = graph.addNewTaskGroup( name="TG")
    tg.addNewTask( name="Lic", arguments=args, tags=tags, runner=runner, lic=lic )

    tg2 = graph.addNewTaskGroup( name="TG2")
    tg2.addTask( simpleTask )

    if options.dump:
        print graph

    # Execute
    if options.execute:
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    return options, args


if __name__ == '__main__':
    (options, args) = process_args()

    tags = {"prod": "zaza", "shot": "zuzu", "nbFrames": options.num}

    # Create custom graph
        graph = Graph(options.jobname, tags=tags)

        # graph.addNewCallableTaskRAW(
        #     targetCall=myFunction,
        #     name="une_fonction",
        #     user_args=(1, tags)
        # )

        # command = "sleep `shuf -i 20-30 -n 1`"
        # args = {"args": command, "start": 1, "end": 10, "packetSize": 1}
        # runner = "puliclient.contrib.commandlinerunner.CommandLineRunner"
        # graph.addNewTask(name="Timer", arguments=args, tags=tags, runner=runner, timer=time.time()+600)

Exemplo n.º 14
def compile(job):
    g = Graph(job.name, job, username())
    from pprint import pprint
Exemplo n.º 15
def compile(job):
    g = Graph(job.name, job, username())
    from pprint import pprint
# coding: utf-8

import sys

from puliclient import Task, Graph

tags =  { "prod":"test", "shot":"test" }

arguments={ 'cmd':'echo RUUUUUNN !!!' }

graph = Graph('debug', tags=tags, poolName='default' )

graph.addNewTask( "DO_SOMETHING", tags=tags, arguments=arguments )

# graph.submit("puliserver", 8004)
# coding: utf-8

import sys

from puliclient import Task, Graph

# command = "nuke -x -F %%MI_FRAME%% ma_comp.nk"
# command = "nuke -x -F %%MI_START%%-%%MI_END%% ma_comp.nk"
# command = "echo currFrame=%%MI_FRAME%% in [%%MI_START%%-%%MI_END%%]"

command = "sleep %%MI_FRAME%%s"
arguments={ 'cmd':command, 'start':1, 'end':50 , 'packetSize':10}

tags =  { "prod":"test", "shot":"test" }

graph = Graph('Testing DefaultRunner', tags=tags, poolName='default' )
task1 = graph.addNewTask( "TASK_1", tags=tags, arguments=arguments )
graph.submit( "puliserver", 8004)

# Pour une execution en local
# coding: utf-8

from puliclient import Graph

tags = {
    "prod": "prod_name",
    "shot": "shot_code",
    # Add any valuable info relative to the job here: type, step, version, iteration...

# First we create a graph
# Added to the graph is a dict of tags that will be used to clarify the job process
graph = Graph("simple_job", tags=tags)

# In this example we will create 2 tasks with multiple frames
# The first task executes one process per command, the second will group several processes by commands
# We still need to define its name and arguments dict

# The default runner automatically handles the following arguments:
#   - cmd: a string representing the command to start
#   - start: start frame number
#   - end: end frame number

# First task
name = "multiple commands"

arguments = {"cmd": "sleep %%MI_FRAME%%", "start": 1, "end": 10}

graph.addNewTask(name, arguments=arguments)
from puliclient import Task, Graph

if __name__ == '__main__':
    simpleTask = Task(name="simpleTask",
    graph = Graph('simpleGraph', simpleTask)
    host, port = ("", 8004)
    graph.submit(host, port)
- Graph's method addNewTask() will create a task and attach it to the graph
- A chain of dependencies is added to the graph, the default end status is [DONE]
    task1 > task4 > task3 > task2 > task5 > task6
- Classic submission

from puliclient import Task, TaskGroup, Graph, DONE

if __name__ == '__main__':

    args =  { "cmd":"sleep 30", "start":1, "end":10, "packetSize":1 }
    tags =  { "prod":"test", "shot":"test" }
    decomposer = "puliclient.contrib.generic.GenericDecomposer"

    graph = Graph('simpleGraph', tags=tags)
    task1 = graph.addNewTask(name="task1", arguments=args, tags=tags)
    task2 = graph.addNewTask(name="task2", arguments=args, tags=tags)
    task3 = graph.addNewTask(name="task3", arguments=args, tags=tags)    
    task4 = graph.addNewTask(name="task4", arguments=args, tags=tags)    
    task5 = graph.addNewTask(name="task5", arguments=args, tags=tags)    
    task6 = graph.addNewTask(name="task6", arguments=args, tags=tags)    

    # Create a chain of dependencies, execution order will be: 
    # task1 > task4 > task3 > task2 > task5 > task6
    graph.addChain( [task1, task4, task3, task2, task5, task6] )


# PREVIOUS METHOD (still valid)
'proj': mayaProjPath,
'scene': mayaScenePath,

's': startFrame,
'e': endFrame,
'packetSize': packetSize,
'framesList': framesList,

'rx': resX,
'ry': resY,
'cam': camera,

'as': '1',

'o': outFileFormat,
'pad': paddingSize,
'f': renderDirPath,
'p': outFileNamePrefix

tags =  { "prod":"test", "shot":"test" }


graph = Graph('mtoa_graph', tags=tags, poolName='default' )

graph.addNewTask( "mtoa_task", tags=tags, arguments=arguments, decomposer=decomposer, lic="shave&mtoa" )

graph.submit("vfxpc64", 8004)
# graph.execute()
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # In this example we will create 2 tasks to execute custom callables
    # Internally we will use a predefined runner: CallableRunner
    # The function or class method we are asking to execute must be accessible to the render nodes.

    tags = {
        "prod": "prod_name",
        "shot": "shot_code",
        # Add any valuable info relative to the job here: type, step, version, iteration...

    # First we create a graph
    # Added to the graph is a dict of tags that will be used to clarify the job process
    graph = Graph("job with callable", tags=tags)

    # First task
    name = "callable function"

    graph.addNewCallable(myFunction, "callable function", user_args=("param1", "param2"), user_kwargs={"wait": 10})

    # Second task
    name = "callable method"

        "callable method",
        user_kwargs={"param1": "first_param", "param2": "second_param", "wait": 10},