def _try_parse(t : 'Token', add_units : 'TerminCollection', second : bool, can_omit_number : bool, can_be_nan : bool) -> 'NumbersWithUnitToken':
     if (t is None): 
         return None
     while t is not None:
         if (t.is_comma_and or t.is_value("НО", None)): 
             t = t.next0_
     t0 = t
     about_ = False
     has_keyw = False
     is_diap_keyw = False
     min_max = 0
     wrapmin_max1633 = RefOutArgWrapper(min_max)
     ttt = NumbersWithUnitToken._is_min_or_max(t, wrapmin_max1633)
     min_max = wrapmin_max1633.value
     if (ttt is not None): 
         t = ttt.next0_
         if (t is None): 
             return None
     if (t is None): 
         return None
     if (t.is_char('~') or t.is_value("ОКОЛО", None) or t.is_value("ПРИМЕРНО", None)): 
         t = t.next0_
         about_ = True
         has_keyw = True
         if (t is None): 
             return None
     if (t.is_value("В", None) and t.next0_ is not None): 
         if (t.next0_.is_value("ПРЕДЕЛ", None) or t.is_value("ДИАПАЗОН", None)): 
             t = t.next0_.next0_
             if (t is None): 
                 return None
             is_diap_keyw = True
     if (t0.is_char('(')): 
         mt0 = NumbersWithUnitToken._try_parse(t.next0_, add_units, False, False, False)
         if (mt0 is not None and mt0.end_token.next0_ is not None and mt0.end_token.next0_.is_char(')')): 
             if (second): 
                 if (mt0.from_val is not None and mt0.to_val is not None and mt0.from_val == (- mt0.to_val)): 
                     return None
             mt0.begin_token = t0
             mt0.end_token = mt0.end_token.next0_
             uu = UnitToken.try_parse_list(mt0.end_token.next0_, add_units, False)
             if (uu is not None and len(mt0.units) == 0): 
                 mt0.units = uu
                 mt0.end_token = uu[len(uu) - 1].end_token
             return mt0
     plusminus = False
     unit_before = False
     is_age_ = False
     dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.UNDEFINED
     whd = None
     uni = None
     tok = (None if NumbersWithUnitToken.M_TERMINS is None else NumbersWithUnitToken.M_TERMINS.try_parse(t, TerminParseAttr.NO))
     if (tok is not None): 
         if (tok.end_token.is_value("СТАРШЕ", None) or tok.end_token.is_value("МЛАДШЕ", None)): 
             is_age_ = True
         t = tok.end_token.next0_
         dty = (Utils.valToEnum(tok.termin.tag, NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp))
         has_keyw = True
         if (not tok.is_whitespace_after): 
             if (t is None): 
                 return None
             if (isinstance(t, NumberToken)): 
                 if (tok.begin_token == tok.end_token and not tok.chars.is_all_lower): 
                     return None
             elif (t.is_comma and t.next0_ is not None and t.next0_.is_value("ЧЕМ", None)): 
                 t = t.next0_.next0_
                 if (t is not None and t.morph.class0_.is_preposition): 
                     t = t.next0_
             elif (t.is_char_of(":,(") or t.is_table_control_char): 
                 return None
         if (t is not None and t.is_char('(')): 
             uni = UnitToken.try_parse_list(t.next0_, add_units, False)
             if (uni is not None): 
                 t = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token.next0_
                 while t is not None:
                     if (t.is_char_of("):")): 
                         t = t.next0_
                 mt0 = NumbersWithUnitToken._try_parse(t, add_units, False, can_omit_number, False)
                 if (mt0 is not None and len(mt0.units) == 0): 
                     mt0.begin_token = t0
                     mt0.units = uni
                     return mt0
             whd = NumbersWithUnitToken._try_parsewhl(t)
             if (whd is not None): 
                 t = whd.end_token.next0_
         elif (t is not None and t.is_value("IP", None)): 
             uni = UnitToken.try_parse_list(t, add_units, False)
             if (uni is not None): 
                 t = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token.next0_
         if ((t is not None and t.is_hiphen and t.is_whitespace_before) and t.is_whitespace_after): 
             t = t.next0_
     elif (t.is_char('<')): 
         dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.LS
         t = t.next0_
         has_keyw = True
         if (t is not None and t.is_char('=')): 
             t = t.next0_
             dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.LE
     elif (t.is_char('>')): 
         dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GT
         t = t.next0_
         has_keyw = True
         if (t is not None and t.is_char('=')): 
             t = t.next0_
             dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GE
     elif (t.is_char('≤')): 
         dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.LE
         has_keyw = True
         t = t.next0_
     elif (t.is_char('≥')): 
         dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GE
         has_keyw = True
         t = t.next0_
     elif (t.is_value("IP", None)): 
         uni = UnitToken.try_parse_list(t, add_units, False)
         if (uni is not None): 
             t = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token.next0_
     elif (t.is_value("ЗА", None) and (isinstance(t.next0_, NumberToken))): 
         dty = NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GE
         t = t.next0_
     while t is not None and ((t.is_char_of(":,") or t.is_value("ЧЕМ", None) or t.is_table_control_char)):
         t = t.next0_
     if (t is not None): 
         if (t.is_char('+') or t.is_value("ПЛЮС", None)): 
             t = t.next0_
             if (t is not None and not t.is_whitespace_before): 
                 if (t.is_hiphen): 
                     t = t.next0_
                     plusminus = True
                 elif ((t.is_char_of("\\/") and t.next0_ is not None and not t.is_newline_after) and t.next0_.is_hiphen): 
                     t = t.next0_.next0_
                     plusminus = True
         elif (second and ((t.is_char_of("\\/÷…~")))): 
             t = t.next0_
         elif ((t.is_hiphen and t == t0 and not second) and NumbersWithUnitToken.M_TERMINS.try_parse(t.next0_, TerminParseAttr.NO) is not None): 
             tok = NumbersWithUnitToken.M_TERMINS.try_parse(t.next0_, TerminParseAttr.NO)
             t = tok.end_token.next0_
             dty = (Utils.valToEnum(tok.termin.tag, NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp))
         elif (t.is_hiphen and t == t0 and ((t.is_whitespace_after or second))): 
             t = t.next0_
         elif (t.is_char('±')): 
             t = t.next0_
             plusminus = True
             has_keyw = True
         elif ((second and t.is_char('.') and t.next0_ is not None) and t.next0_.is_char('.')): 
             t = t.next0_.next0_
             if (t is not None and t.is_char('.')): 
                 t = t.next0_
     num = NumberHelper.try_parse_real_number(t, True, False)
     if (num is None): 
         uni = UnitToken.try_parse_list(t, add_units, False)
         if (uni is not None): 
             unit_before = True
             t = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token.next0_
             delim = False
             while t is not None:
                 if (t.is_char_of(":,")): 
                     delim = True
                     t = t.next0_
                 elif (t.is_hiphen and t.is_whitespace_after): 
                     delim = True
                     t = t.next0_
             if (not delim): 
                 if (t is None): 
                     if (has_keyw and can_be_nan): 
                         return None
                 elif (not t.is_whitespace_before): 
                     return None
                 if (t.next0_ is not None and t.is_hiphen and t.is_whitespace_after): 
                     delim = True
                     t = t.next0_
             num = NumberHelper.try_parse_real_number(t, True, False)
     res = None
     rval = 0
     if (num is None): 
         tt = NumbersWithUnitToken.M_SPEC.try_parse(t, TerminParseAttr.NO)
         if (tt is not None): 
             rval = (tt.termin.tag)
             unam = tt.termin.tag2
             for u in UnitsHelper.UNITS: 
                 if (u.fullname_cyr == unam): 
                     uni = list()
                     uni.append(UnitToken._new1626(t, t, u))
             if (uni is None): 
                 return None
             res = NumbersWithUnitToken._new1628(t0, tt.end_token, about_)
             t = tt.end_token.next0_
             if (not can_omit_number and not has_keyw and not can_be_nan): 
                 return None
             if ((uni is not None and len(uni) == 1 and uni[0].begin_token == uni[0].end_token) and uni[0].length_char > 3): 
                 rval = (1)
                 res = NumbersWithUnitToken._new1628(t0, uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token, about_)
                 t = res.end_token.next0_
             elif (has_keyw and can_be_nan): 
                 rval = math.nan
                 res = NumbersWithUnitToken._new1628(t0, t0, about_)
                 if (t is not None): 
                     res.end_token = t.previous
                     t = t0
                     while t is not None: 
                         res.end_token = t
                         t = t.next0_
                 return None
         if ((t == t0 and t0.is_hiphen and not t.is_whitespace_before) and not t.is_whitespace_after and (num.real_value < 0)): 
             num = NumberHelper.try_parse_real_number(t.next0_, True, False)
             if (num is None): 
                 return None
         if (t == t0 and (isinstance(t, NumberToken)) and t.morph.class0_.is_adjective): 
             nn = Utils.asObjectOrNull(t.end_token, TextToken)
             if (nn is None): 
                 return None
             norm = nn.get_normal_case_text(MorphClass.ADJECTIVE, MorphNumber.SINGULAR, MorphGender.UNDEFINED, False)
             if ((norm.endswith("Ь") or norm == "ЧЕТЫРЕ" or norm == "ТРИ") or norm == "ДВА"): 
                 mi = MorphologyService.get_word_base_info("КОКО" + nn.term, None, False, False)
                 if (mi.class0_.is_adjective): 
                     return None
         t = num.end_token.next0_
         res = NumbersWithUnitToken._new1628(t0, num.end_token, about_)
         rval = num.real_value
     if (uni is None): 
         uni = UnitToken.try_parse_list(t, add_units, False)
         if (uni is not None): 
             if ((plusminus and second and len(uni) >= 1) and uni[0].unit == UnitsHelper.UPERCENT): 
                 res.end_token = uni[0].end_token
                 res.plus_minus_percent = True
                 tt1 = uni[0].end_token.next0_
                 uni = UnitToken.try_parse_list(tt1, add_units, False)
                 if (uni is not None): 
                     res.units = uni
                     res.end_token = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token
                 res.units = uni
                 res.end_token = uni[len(uni) - 1].end_token
             t = res.end_token.next0_
         res.units = uni
         if (len(uni) > 1): 
             uni1 = UnitToken.try_parse_list(t, add_units, False)
             if (((uni1 is not None and uni1[0].unit == uni[0].unit and (len(uni1) < len(uni))) and uni[len(uni1)].pow0_ == -1 and uni1[len(uni1) - 1].end_token.next0_ is not None) and uni1[len(uni1) - 1].end_token.next0_.is_char_of("/\\")): 
                 num2 = NumbersWithUnitToken._try_parse(uni1[len(uni1) - 1].end_token.next0_.next0_, add_units, False, False, False)
                 if (num2 is not None and num2.units is not None and num2.units[0].unit == uni[len(uni1)].unit): 
                     res.units = uni1
                     res.div_num = num2
                     res.end_token = num2.end_token
     res.whl = whd
     if (dty != NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.UNDEFINED): 
         if (dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GE or dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.FROM): 
             res.from_include = True
             res.from_val = rval
         elif (dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.GT): 
             res.from_include = False
             res.from_val = rval
         elif (dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.LE or dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.TO): 
             res.to_include = True
             res.to_val = rval
         elif (dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.LS): 
             res.to_include = False
             res.to_val = rval
     is_second_max = False
     if (not second): 
         iii = 0
         wrapiii1632 = RefOutArgWrapper(iii)
         ttt = NumbersWithUnitToken._is_min_or_max(t, wrapiii1632)
         iii = wrapiii1632.value
         if (ttt is not None and iii > 0): 
             is_second_max = True
             t = ttt.next0_
     next0__ = (None if second or plusminus or ((t is not None and ((t.is_table_control_char or t.is_newline_before)))) else NumbersWithUnitToken._try_parse(t, add_units, True, False, can_be_nan))
     if (next0__ is not None and (isinstance(t.previous, NumberToken))): 
         if (MeasureHelper.is_mult_char(t.previous.end_token)): 
             next0__ = (None)
     if (next0__ is not None and ((next0__.to_val is not None or next0__.single_val is not None)) and next0__.from_val is None): 
         if ((((next0__.begin_token.is_char('+') and next0__.single_val is not None and not math.isnan(next0__.single_val)) and next0__.end_token.next0_ is not None and next0__.end_token.next0_.is_char_of("\\/")) and next0__.end_token.next0_.next0_ is not None and next0__.end_token.next0_.next0_.is_hiphen) and not has_keyw and not math.isnan(rval)): 
             next2 = NumbersWithUnitToken._try_parse(next0__.end_token.next0_.next0_.next0_, add_units, True, False, False)
             if (next2 is not None and next2.single_val is not None and not math.isnan(next2.single_val)): 
                 res.from_val = (rval - next2.single_val)
                 res.from_include = True
                 res.to_val = (rval + next0__.single_val)
                 res.to_include = True
                 if (next2.units is not None and len(res.units) == 0): 
                     res.units = next2.units
                 res.end_token = next2.end_token
                 return res
         if (len(next0__.units) > 0): 
             if (len(res.units) == 0): 
                 res.units = next0__.units
             elif (not UnitToken.can_be_equals(res.units, next0__.units)): 
                 next0__ = (None)
         elif (len(res.units) > 0 and not unit_before and not next0__.plus_minus_percent): 
             next0__ = (None)
         if (next0__ is not None): 
             res.end_token = next0__.end_token
         if (next0__ is not None and next0__.to_val is not None): 
             res.to_val = next0__.to_val
             res.to_include = next0__.to_include
         elif (next0__ is not None and next0__.single_val is not None): 
             if (next0__.begin_token.is_char_of("/\\")): 
                 res.div_num = next0__
                 res.single_val = rval
                 return res
             elif (next0__.plus_minus_percent): 
                 res.single_val = rval
                 res.plus_minus = next0__.single_val
                 res.plus_minus_percent = True
                 res.to_include = True
                 res.to_val = next0__.single_val
                 res.to_include = True
         if (next0__ is not None): 
             if (res.from_val is None): 
                 res.from_val = rval
                 res.from_include = True
             return res
     elif ((next0__ is not None and next0__.from_val is not None and next0__.to_val is not None) and next0__.to_val == (- next0__.from_val)): 
         if (len(next0__.units) == 1 and next0__.units[0].unit == UnitsHelper.UPERCENT and len(res.units) > 0): 
             res.single_val = rval
             res.plus_minus = next0__.to_val
             res.plus_minus_percent = True
             res.end_token = next0__.end_token
             return res
         if (len(next0__.units) == 0): 
             res.single_val = rval
             res.plus_minus = next0__.to_val
             res.end_token = next0__.end_token
             return res
         res.from_val = (next0__.from_val + rval)
         res.from_include = True
         res.to_val = (next0__.to_val + rval)
         res.to_include = True
         res.end_token = next0__.end_token
         if (len(next0__.units) > 0): 
             res.units = next0__.units
         return res
     if (dty == NumbersWithUnitToken.DiapTyp.UNDEFINED): 
         if (plusminus and ((not res.plus_minus_percent or not second))): 
             res.from_include = True
             res.from_val = (- rval)
             res.to_include = True
             res.to_val = rval
             res.single_val = rval
             res.plus_minus_percent = plusminus
     if (is_age_): 
         res.is_age = True
     return res
 def try_parse_multi(t : 'Token', add_units : 'TerminCollection', can_omit_number : bool=False, not0__ : bool=False, can_be_non : bool=False, is_resctriction : bool=False) -> typing.List['NumbersWithUnitToken']:
     if (t is None or (isinstance(t, ReferentToken))): 
         return None
     tt0 = t
     if (tt0.is_char('(')): 
         whd = NumbersWithUnitToken._try_parsewhl(tt0)
         if (whd is not None): 
             tt0 = whd.end_token
         res0 = NumbersWithUnitToken.try_parse_multi(tt0.next0_, add_units, False, can_omit_number, can_be_non, False)
         if (res0 is not None): 
             res0[0].whl = whd
             tt2 = res0[len(res0) - 1].end_token.next0_
             if (tt2 is not None and tt2.is_char_of(",")): 
                 tt2 = tt2.next0_
             if (whd is not None): 
                 return res0
             if (tt2 is not None and tt2.is_char(')')): 
                 res0[len(res0) - 1].end_token = tt2
                 return res0
     mt = NumbersWithUnitToken.try_parse(t, add_units, can_omit_number, not0__, can_be_non, is_resctriction)
     if (mt is None): 
         return None
     res = list()
     nnn = None
     if (mt.whitespaces_after_count < 2): 
         if (MeasureHelper.is_mult_char(mt.end_token.next0_)): 
             nnn = mt.end_token.next0_.next0_
         elif ((isinstance(mt.end_token, NumberToken)) and MeasureHelper.is_mult_char(mt.end_token.end_token)): 
             nnn = mt.end_token.next0_
     if (nnn is not None): 
         mt2 = NumbersWithUnitToken.try_parse(nnn, add_units, not0__, False, False, False)
         if (mt2 is not None): 
             mt3 = None
             nnn = (None)
             if (mt2.whitespaces_after_count < 2): 
                 if (MeasureHelper.is_mult_char(mt2.end_token.next0_)): 
                     nnn = mt2.end_token.next0_.next0_
                 elif ((isinstance(mt2.end_token, NumberToken)) and MeasureHelper.is_mult_char(mt2.end_token.end_token)): 
                     nnn = mt2.end_token.next0_
             if (nnn is not None): 
                 mt3 = NumbersWithUnitToken.try_parse(nnn, add_units, False, False, False, False)
             if (mt3 is None): 
                 tt2 = mt2.end_token.next0_
                 if (tt2 is not None and not tt2.is_whitespace_before): 
                     if (not tt2.is_char_of(",.;")): 
                         return None
             if (mt3 is not None and len(mt3.units) > 0): 
                 if (len(mt2.units) == 0): 
                     mt2.units = mt3.units
             if (mt2 is not None): 
                 if (len(mt2.units) > 0 and len(mt.units) == 0): 
                     mt.units = mt2.units
                 if (mt3 is not None): 
             return res
     if ((not mt.is_whitespace_after and MeasureHelper.is_mult_char_end(mt.end_token.next0_) and (isinstance(mt.end_token.next0_.next0_, NumberToken))) and len(mt.units) == 0): 
         utxt = mt.end_token.next0_.term
         utxt = utxt[0:0+len(utxt) - 1]
         terms = UnitsHelper.TERMINS.find_termins_by_string(utxt, None)
         if (terms is not None and len(terms) > 0): 
             mt.units.append(UnitToken._new1626(mt.end_token.next0_, mt.end_token.next0_, Utils.asObjectOrNull(terms[0].tag, Unit)))
             mt.end_token = mt.end_token.next0_
             res1 = NumbersWithUnitToken.try_parse_multi(mt.end_token.next0_, add_units, False, False, False, False)
             if (res1 is not None): 
                 res1.insert(0, mt)
                 return res1
     return res