Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_find_sources(self, fake_manager):
        type_id = 'test_1'
        unit_key = 1
        destination = '/tmp/123'
        url = 'http://redhat.com/repository'

        primary = PrimarySource(None)
        alternatives = dict([(s, ContentSource(s, d)) for s, d in DESCRIPTOR])
        fake_manager().find.return_value = CATALOG

        # test

        request = Request(type_id, unit_key, url, destination)
        request.find_sources(primary, alternatives)

        # validation

        # validate sources sorted by priority with the primary last.
        # should only have matched on s-1 and s-3.

        self.assertEqual(len(request.sources), 5)
        self.assertEqual(request.sources[0][0].id, 's-3')
        self.assertEqual(request.sources[0][1], CATALOG[2][constants.URL])
        self.assertEqual(request.sources[1][0].id, 's-3')
        self.assertEqual(request.sources[1][1], CATALOG[3][constants.URL])
        self.assertEqual(request.sources[2][0].id, 's-1')
        self.assertEqual(request.sources[2][1], CATALOG[0][constants.URL])
        self.assertEqual(request.sources[3][0].id, 's-1')
        self.assertEqual(request.sources[3][1], CATALOG[1][constants.URL])
        self.assertEqual(request.sources[4][0].id, primary.id)
        self.assertEqual(request.sources[4][1], url)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def download(self, downloader, requests, listener=None):
        Download files using available alternate content sources.
        An attempt is made to satisfy each download request using the alternate
        content sources in the order specified by priority.  The specified
        downloader is designated as the primary source and is used in the event that
        the request cannot be completed using alternate sources.

        :param downloader: A primary nectar downloader.  Used to download the
            requested content unit when it cannot be achieved using alternate content sources.
        :type downloader: nectar.downloaders.base.Downloader
        :param requests: An iterable of pulp.server.content.sources.model.Request.
        :type requests: iterable
        :param listener: An optional download request listener.
        :type listener: Listener
        :return: A download report.
        :rtype: DownloadReport
        primary = PrimarySource(downloader)
        if self.threaded:
            method = Threaded
            method = Serial
        batch = method(primary, self, requests, listener)
        report = batch()
        return report
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_download(self, fake_load):
        sources = []
        for n in range(3):
            s = ContentSource('s-%d' % n, {})
            s.get_downloader = Mock()

        fake_load.return_value = sources

        request_list = []
        for n in range(6):
            r = Request('T', {}, 'url-%d' % n, 'path-%d' % n)
            r.find_sources = Mock(return_value=sources[n % 3:])

        collated = [{
            sources[0]: ['nectar-1'],
            sources[1]: ['nectar-2', 'nectar-3', 'nectar-4'],
            sources[2]: ['nectar-5', 'nectar-6']
        }, {}]
        fake_collated = Mock(side_effect=collated)

        fake_listener = Mock()
        canceled = FakeEvent()
        fake_primary = PrimarySource(Mock())

        # test
        container = ContentContainer('')
        container.refresh = Mock()
        container.collated = fake_collated
        report = container.download(canceled, fake_primary, request_list,

        # validation

        for r in request_list:
            r.find_sources.assert_called_with(fake_primary, container.sources)

        self.assertEqual(report.total_passes, 1)
        self.assertEqual(report.total_sources, len(sources))
        self.assertEqual(len(report.downloads), 3)
        for source in sources:
            self.assertEqual(report.downloads[source.id].total_succeeded, 0)
            self.assertEqual(report.downloads[source.id].total_failed, 0)

        for source in sources:
            downloader = source.get_downloader()
            listener = downloader.event_listener
            self.assertEqual(listener.cancel_event, canceled)
            self.assertEqual(listener.downloader, downloader)
            self.assertEqual(listener.listener, fake_listener)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_download_canceled_after_collated(self, fake_load):
        sources = []
        for n in range(3):
            s = ContentSource('s-%d' % n, {})
            s.get_downloader = Mock()

        fake_load.return_value = sources

        request_list = []
        for n in range(6):
            r = Request('T', {}, 'url-%d' % n, 'path-%d' % n)
            r.find_sources = Mock(return_value=sources[n % 3:])

        collated = [{
            sources[0]: ['nectar-1'],
            sources[1]: ['nectar-2', 'nectar-3', 'nectar-4'],
            sources[2]: ['nectar-5', 'nectar-6']
        }, {}]
        fake_collated = Mock(side_effect=collated)

        fake_listener = Mock()
        canceled = Mock()
        canceled.isSet.side_effect = [False, True, True]
        fake_primary = PrimarySource(Mock())

        # test
        container = ContentContainer('')
        container.refresh = Mock()
        container.collated = fake_collated
        report = container.download(canceled, fake_primary, request_list,

        # validation

        for r in request_list:
            r.find_sources.assert_called_with(fake_primary, container.sources)

        called = 0
        for s in sources:
            if s.get_downloader.called:
                called += 1

        self.assertEqual(called, 1)
        self.assertEqual(report.total_passes, 1)
        self.assertEqual(report.total_sources, len(sources))
        self.assertEqual(len(report.downloads), 1)
        self.assertEqual(report.downloads[sources[2].id].total_succeeded, 0)
        self.assertEqual(report.downloads[sources[2].id].total_failed, 0)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def download(self, cancel_event, downloader, request_list, listener=None):
     Download files using available alternate content sources.
     An attempt is made to satisfy each download request using the alternate
     content sources in the order specified by priority.  The specified
     downloader is designated as the primary source and is used in the event that
     the request cannot be completed using alternate sources.
     :param cancel_event: An event that indicates the download has been canceled.
     :type cancel_event: threading.Event
     :param downloader: A primary nectar downloader.  Used to download the
         requested content unit when it cannot be achieved using alternate
         content sources.
     :type downloader: nectar.downloaders.base.Downloader
     :param request_list: A list of pulp.server.content.sources.model.Request.
     :type request_list: list
     :param listener: An optional download request listener.
     :type listener: Listener
     :return: A download report.
     :rtype: DownloadReport
     report = DownloadReport()
     primary = PrimarySource(downloader)
     for request in request_list:
         request.find_sources(primary, self.sources)
     report.total_sources = len(self.sources)
     while not cancel_event.isSet():
         collated = self.collated(request_list)
         if not collated:
             #  Either we have exhausted our content sources or all
             #  of the requests have been satisfied.
         report.total_passes += 1
         for source, nectar_list in collated.items():
             downloader = source.get_downloader()
             nectar_listener = NectarListener(cancel_event, downloader,
             downloader.event_listener = nectar_listener
             downloads = report.downloads.setdefault(
                 source.id, DownloadDetails())
             downloads.total_succeeded += nectar_listener.total_succeeded
             downloads.total_failed += nectar_listener.total_failed
             if cancel_event.isSet():
     return report
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_priority(self):
     primary = PrimarySource(None)
     self.assertEqual(primary.priority, sys.maxint)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_refresh(self):
     # just added for coverage
     primary = PrimarySource(None)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_downloader(self):
     downloader = Mock()
     primary = PrimarySource(downloader)
     self.assertEqual(primary.get_downloader(), downloader)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_construction(self):
     downloader = Mock()
     primary = PrimarySource(downloader)
     self.assertEqual(primary.id, PRIMARY_ID)
     self.assertEqual(primary._downloader, downloader)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_refresh(self):
     # just added for coverage
     primary = PrimarySource(None)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_downloader(self):
     downloader = Mock()
     primary = PrimarySource(downloader)
     self.assertEqual(primary.get_downloader(), downloader)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_max_concurrent(self):
     primary = PrimarySource(None)
     self.assertEqual(primary.max_concurrent, int(DEFAULT[constants.MAX_CONCURRENT]))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_session_has_attribute(self):
     downloader = Mock()
     primary = PrimarySource(downloader)
     self.assertEqual(primary.session, downloader.session)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_session_no_attribute(self):
     primary = PrimarySource(None)
     self.assertEqual(primary.session, None)