Exemplo n.º 1
def _release_resource(resource_id):
    Do not queue this task yourself, but always use the _queue_release_resource() task instead.
    Please see the docblock on that function for an explanation.

    When a resource-reserving task is complete, this method must be called with the
    resource_id so that the we know when it is safe to unmap a resource_id from
    its given queue name.

    :param resource_id: The resource that is no longer in use
    :type  resource_id: basestring
        reserved_resource = ReservedResource(resource_id)
        # Now we need to decrement the AvailabeQueue that the reserved_resource was using. If the
        # ReservedResource does not exist for some reason, we won't know its assigned_queue, but
        # these next lines won't execute anyway.
        available_queue = AvailableQueue(reserved_resource.assigned_queue)
    except DoesNotExist:
        # If we are trying to decrement the count on one of these obejcts, and they don't exist,
        # that's OK