Exemplo n.º 1
    def perform_sync(self, repo, sync_conduit, config):
        Perform the sync operation accoring to the config for the given repo, and return a report.
        The sync progress will be reported through the sync_conduit.

        :param repo:         Metadata describing the repository
        :type  repo:         pulp.server.plugins.model.Repository
        :param sync_conduit: The sync_conduit that gives us access to the local repository
        :type  sync_conduit: pulp.server.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSyncConduit
        :param config:       The configuration for the importer
        :type  config:       pulp.server.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
        :return:             The sync report
        :rtype:              pulp.plugins.model.SyncReport
        # Build the progress report and set it to the running state
        progress_report = SyncProgressReport(sync_conduit)

        # Cast our config parameters to the correct types and use them to build an ISOBumper
        max_speed = config.get(constants.CONFIG_MAX_SPEED)
        if max_speed is not None:
            max_speed = float(max_speed)
        num_threads = config.get(constants.CONFIG_NUM_THREADS)
        if num_threads is not None:
            num_threads = int(num_threads)
            num_threads = constants.DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS
        progress_report.metadata_state = STATE_RUNNING
        self.bumper = ISOBumper(
                           max_speed=max_speed, num_threads=num_threads,

        # Get the manifest and download the ISOs that we are missing
        manifest = self.bumper.get_manifest()
        progress_report.metadata_state = STATE_COMPLETE
        progress_report.modules_state = STATE_RUNNING
        missing_isos = self._filter_missing_isos(sync_conduit, manifest)
        new_isos = self.bumper.download_resources(missing_isos)

        # Move the downloaded stuff and junk to the permanent location
        self._create_units(sync_conduit, new_isos)

        # Report that we are finished
        progress_report.modules_state = STATE_COMPLETE
        report = progress_report.build_final_report()
        return report
Exemplo n.º 2
class ISOSyncRun(object):
    This class maintains state for a single repository sync. We need to keep the state so that we
    can cancel a sync that is in progress.
    def cancel_sync(self):
        This method will cancel a sync that is in progress.

    def perform_sync(self, repo, sync_conduit, config):
        Perform the sync operation accoring to the config for the given repo, and return a report.
        The sync progress will be reported through the sync_conduit.

        :param repo:         Metadata describing the repository
        :type  repo:         pulp.server.plugins.model.Repository
        :param sync_conduit: The sync_conduit that gives us access to the local repository
        :type  sync_conduit: pulp.server.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSyncConduit
        :param config:       The configuration for the importer
        :type  config:       pulp.server.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
        :return:             The sync report
        :rtype:              pulp.plugins.model.SyncReport
        # Build the progress report and set it to the running state
        progress_report = SyncProgressReport(sync_conduit)

        # Cast our config parameters to the correct types and use them to build an ISOBumper
        max_speed = config.get(constants.CONFIG_MAX_SPEED)
        if max_speed is not None:
            max_speed = float(max_speed)
        num_threads = config.get(constants.CONFIG_NUM_THREADS)
        if num_threads is not None:
            num_threads = int(num_threads)
            num_threads = constants.DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS
        progress_report.metadata_state = STATE_RUNNING
        self.bumper = ISOBumper(
                           max_speed=max_speed, num_threads=num_threads,

        # Get the manifest and download the ISOs that we are missing
        manifest = self.bumper.get_manifest()
        progress_report.metadata_state = STATE_COMPLETE
        progress_report.modules_state = STATE_RUNNING
        missing_isos = self._filter_missing_isos(sync_conduit, manifest)
        new_isos = self.bumper.download_resources(missing_isos)

        # Move the downloaded stuff and junk to the permanent location
        self._create_units(sync_conduit, new_isos)

        # Report that we are finished
        progress_report.modules_state = STATE_COMPLETE
        report = progress_report.build_final_report()
        return report

    def _filter_missing_isos(self, sync_conduit, manifest):
        Use the sync_conduit and the ISOBumper manifest to determine which ISOs are at the feed_url
        that are not in our local store. Return a subset of the given manifest that represents the
        missing ISOs. The manifest format is described in the docblock for

        :param sync_conduit: The sync_conduit that gives us access to the local repository
        :type  sync_conduit: pulp.server.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSyncConduit
        :param manifest:     A list of dictionaries that describe the ISOs that are available at the
                             feed_url that we are syncing with
        :type  manifest:     list
        :return:             A list of dictionaries that describe the ISOs that we should retrieve
                             from the feed_url. These dictionaries are in the same format as they
                             were in the manifest.
        :rtype:              list
        def _unit_key_str(unit_key_dict):
            return '%s-%s-%s'%(unit_key_dict['name'], unit_key_dict['checksum'],

        available_units_by_key = dict([(_unit_key_str(u), u) for u in manifest])

        module_criteria = UnitAssociationCriteria(type_ids=[ids.TYPE_ID_ISO])
        existing_isos = sync_conduit.get_units(criteria=module_criteria)
        existing_iso_keys = set([_unit_key_str(m.unit_key) for m in existing_isos])
        available_iso_keys = set([_unit_key_str(u) for u in manifest])

        missing_iso_keys = list(available_iso_keys - existing_iso_keys)
        missing_isos = [available_units_by_key[k] for k in missing_iso_keys]
        return missing_isos

    def _create_units(self, sync_conduit, new_isos):
        For each ISO specified in new_isos, create a new Pulp Unit and move the file from its
        temporary storage location to the storage location specified by the Unit. new_isos is a list
        of dictionaries that describe the isos that have been downloaded, and is the same format as
        the return value from

        :param sync_conduit: The sync_conduit that gives us access to the local repository
        :type  sync_conduit: pulp.server.conduits.repo_sync.RepoSyncConduit
        :param new_isos:     A list of dictionaries describing the newly downloaded ISOs.
        :type  new_isos:     list
        for iso in new_isos:
            unit_key = {'name': iso['name'], 'size': iso['size'], 'checksum': iso['checksum']}
            metadata = {}
            relative_path = os.path.join(unit_key['name'], unit_key['checksum'],
                                         str(unit_key['size']), unit_key['name'])
            unit = sync_conduit.init_unit(ids.TYPE_ID_ISO, unit_key, metadata, relative_path)
            # Move the unit to the storage_path
            temporary_file_location = iso['destination']
            permanent_file_location = unit.storage_path
            shutil.move(temporary_file_location, permanent_file_location)
            unit = sync_conduit.save_unit(unit)