Exemplo n.º 1
def verify_download(missing_rpms, new_rpms, new_units, verify_options={}):
    Will verify that intended items have been downloaded.
    Items not downloaded will be removed from passed in dicts

    @param missing_rpms dict of rpms determined to be missing from repo prior to sync
    @type missing_rpms {}

    @param new_rpms dict of rpms determined to be new to repo prior to sync
    @type new_rpms {}

    @param new_units
    @type new_units {key:pulp.server.content.plugins.model.Unit}

    @return dict of rpms which have not been downloaded
    @rtype {}
    not_synced = {}
    for key in new_rpms.keys():
        rpm = new_rpms[key]
        rpm_path = os.path.join(rpm["pkgpath"], rpm["filename"])
        if not util.verify_exists(rpm_path, rpm['checksum'], rpm['checksumtype'], rpm['size'], verify_options):
            not_synced[key] = rpm
            del new_rpms[key]
    for key in missing_rpms.keys():
        rpm = missing_rpms[key]
        rpm_path = os.path.join(rpm["pkgpath"], rpm["filename"])
        if not util.verify_exists(rpm_path, rpm['checksum'], rpm['checksumtype'], rpm['size'], verify_options):
            not_synced[key] = rpm
            del missing_rpms[key]
    for key in not_synced:
        del new_units[key]
    return not_synced
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_missing_distros_and_units(available_distro, existing_distro_units, verify_options={}):
    @param available_distro dict of available distributions
    @type available_distro {}

    @param existing_distro_units dict of existing Units
    @type existing_distro_units {key:pulp.server.content.plugins.model.Unit}

    @return a tuple of 2 dictionaries.  First dict is of missing distros files, second dict is of missing units
    @rtype ({}, {})
    missing_distro = {}
    missing_units = {}
    missing_distro_files = {}
    for key in available_distro:
        if key in existing_distro_units:
            missing_distro_files[key] = []
            for ksfile in existing_distro_units[key].metadata.get("files"):
                distro_file_path = os.path.join(existing_distro_units[key].storage_path, ksfile["fileName"])
                if not util.verify_exists(distro_file_path, ksfile['checksum'],
                    ksfile['checksumtype'], verify_options):
                    _LOG.debug("Missing an existing unit: %s.  Will add to resync." % distro_file_path)
                    # Adjust storage path to match intended location
                    # Grinder will use this 'pkgpath' to write the file
                    ksfile["pkgpath"] = os.path.dirname(distro_file_path)
                    missing_distro[key] = available_distro[key]
                    missing_units[key] = existing_distro_units[key]
    return missing_distro_files, missing_units
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_missing_rpms_and_units(available_rpms, existing_units, verify_options={}):
    @param available_rpms dict of available rpms
    @type available_rpms {}

    @param existing_units dict of existing Units
    @type existing_units {key:pulp.server.content.plugins.model.Unit}

    @return a tuple of 2 dictionaries.  First dict is of missing rpms, second dict is of missing units
    @rtype ({}, {})
    missing_rpms = {}
    missing_units = {}
    for key in available_rpms:
        if key in existing_units:
            rpm_path = existing_units[key].storage_path
            if not util.verify_exists(rpm_path, existing_units[key].unit_key.get('checksum'),
                existing_units[key].unit_key.get('checksumtype'), verify_options):
                _LOG.debug("Missing an existing unit: %s.  Will add to resync." % (rpm_path))
                missing_rpms[key] = available_rpms[key]
                missing_units[key] = existing_units[key]
                # Adjust storage path to match intended location
                # Grinder will use this 'pkgpath' to write the file
                missing_rpms[key]["pkgpath"] = os.path.dirname(missing_units[key].storage_path)
    return missing_rpms, missing_units
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_verify_options(self):
        def side_effect(path):
            # no-op to override file removal

        util.cleanup_file = mock.Mock()
        util.cleanup_file = side_effect
        test_pkg_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "test_repo", "pulp-test-package-0.2.1-1.fc11.x86_64.rpm")
        verify_options = dict(checksum=True, size=True)
        size = 2216
        checksum = "4dbde07b4a8eab57e42ed0c9203083f1d61e0b13935d1a569193ed8efc9ecfd7"
        checksum_type = "sha256"
        exists = util.verify_exists(test_pkg_path, checksum, checksum_type, size, verify_options)

        # check invalid size
        size = 1232
        t_exists = util.verify_exists(test_pkg_path, checksum, checksum_type, size, verify_options)

        # check None size
        size = None
        exists = util.verify_exists(test_pkg_path, checksum, checksum_type, size, verify_options)

        # check invalid checksum
        checksum = "test_value"
        exists = util.verify_exists(test_pkg_path, checksum, checksum_type, size, verify_options)

        # skip size/checksum checks
        verify_options = dict(checksum=False, size=False)
        exists = util.verify_exists(test_pkg_path, checksum, checksum_type, size, verify_options)

        # invalid path
        test_pkg_fake_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "test_fake_repo", "pulp-test-package-0.2.1-1.fc11.x86_64.rpm")
        exists = util.verify_exists(test_pkg_fake_path, checksum, checksum_type, size, verify_options)