Exemplo n.º 1
    def make_repo(self, cfg, dist_cfg_updates):
        """Create a repository with an importer and pair of distributors.

        Create an RPM repository with:

        * A yum importer with a valid feed.
        * A yum distributor.
        * An RPM rsync distributor referencing the yum distributor.

        In addition, schedule the repository for deletion.

        :param pulp_smash.config.ServerConfig cfg: Information about the Pulp
            server being targeted.
        :param dist_cfg_updates: A dict to be merged into the RPM rsync
            distributor's ``distributor_config`` dict. At a minimum, this
            argument should have a value of ``{'remote': {…}}``.
        :returns: A detailed dict of information about the repo.
        api_client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
            'distributor_id': utils.uuid4(),
            'distributor_type_id': 'rpm_rsync_distributor',
            'distributor_config': {
                'predistributor_id': body['distributors'][0]['distributor_id'],
        repo = api_client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        self.addCleanup(api_client.delete, repo['_href'])
        return api_client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
Exemplo n.º 2
    def health_check(self):
        """Execute step three of the test plan."""
        client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        self.addCleanup(api.Client(self.cfg).delete, repo['_href'])
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/sync/'),
            {'override_config': {}},
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler
        url = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url'])
        url = urljoin(url, RPM)
        pulp_rpm = client.get(url).content

        # Does this RPM match the original RPM?
        rpm = client.get(urljoin(RPM_FEED_URL, RPM)).content
        self.assertEqual(rpm, pulp_rpm)
    def test_publish_override_config(self):
        """Use the ``packages_directory`` publish override option.

        Create a distributor with default options, and use it to publish the
        repository. Specify the ``packages_directory`` option during the
        publish as an override option. Verify packages end up in the specified
        directory, relative to the published repository's root.
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(1976, self.cfg.version):
        client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler)
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(self.repo_href, 'distributors/'),
        packages_dir = utils.uuid4()
            urljoin(self.repo_href, 'actions/publish/'), {
                'id': distributor['id'],
                'override_config': {
                    'packages_directory': packages_dir
        primary_xml = get_parse_repodata_primary_xml(self.cfg, distributor)
        package_hrefs = get_package_hrefs(primary_xml)
        self.assertGreater(len(package_hrefs), 0)
        for package_href in package_hrefs:
            with self.subTest(package_href=package_href):
                self.assertEqual(os.path.dirname(package_href), packages_dir)
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create a schedule to publish the repository.

        Do the following:

        1. Create a repository with a valid feed
        2. Sync it
        3. Schedule publish to run every 30 seconds
        super(CreateSuccessTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg)

        # Create a repo with a valid feed and sync it
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])

        # Schedule a publish to run every 30 seconds
        distributor = gen_distributor()
        distributor_url = urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/')
        scheduling_url = urljoin(
        cls.response = client.post(
            {'schedule': 'PT30S'}
        cls.attrs = cls.response.json()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Bind a consumer to a distributor.

        Do the following:

        1. Add a consumer.
        2. Add a repository.
        3. Add a distributor to the repository.
        4. Bind the consumer to the distributor.
        super(BindConsumerTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        # Steps 1–3
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        cls.consumer = client.post(CONSUMER_PATH, {'id': utils.uuid4()})
        repository = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repository['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # Step 4
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler
        path = urljoin(CONSUMER_PATH, cls.consumer['consumer']['id'] + '/')
        path = urljoin(path, 'bindings/')
        cls.request = {
            'binding_config': {'B': 21},
            'distributor_id': distributor['id'],
            'notify_agent': False,
            'repo_id': distributor['repo_id'],
        cls.response = client.post(path, cls.request)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Publish a yum repo containing some updates."""
        super(UpdateInfoTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        cls.tasks = {}
        cls.errata = {}

        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)

        # Create a repository for use by the test.
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())

        # add yum distributor to the repo
        distribute = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # import some errata
        cls.import_updates(client, repo)

        # ask for it to be published
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distribute['id']})

        repo_url = urljoin('/pulp/repos/',
        cls.updateinfo_tree = cls.get_repodata_xml(repo_url, 'updateinfo')
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create a schedule to publish a repo, verify the ``total_run_count``.

        Do the following:

        1. Create a repository with a valid feed
        2. Sync it
        3. Schedule publish to run every 2 minutes
        4. Wait for 130 seconds and read the schedule to get the number of
           "publish" runs
        super(ScheduledPublishTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)

        # Create a repo with a valid feed and sync it
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])

        # Schedule a publish to run every 2 minutes
        distributor = gen_distributor()
        client.post(urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'), distributor)
        scheduling_url = '/'.join([
            'distributors', distributor['distributor_id'], 'schedules/publish/'
        schedule_path = urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url)
        schedule = client.post(schedule_path, {'schedule': 'PT2M'})

        # Wait for publish to run

        # Read the schedule
        cls.response = client.get(schedule['_href'])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_update_checksum_type(self):
        """Check if RPM distributor can receive null checksum_type.

        See: https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2134.
        if self.cfg.version < version.Version('2.9'):
            raise unittest.SkipTest('This test requires Pulp 2.9 or above.')
        client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler)
        distributor = gen_distributor()
        body = gen_repo()
        body['distributors'] = [distributor]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href'])
        for checksum_type in (None, 'sha256', None):
                repo['_href'], {
                    'distributor_configs': {
                        distributor['distributor_id']: {
                            'checksum_type': checksum_type,
            repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
            config = repo['distributors'][0]['config']
            self.assertEqual(config.get('checksum_type'), checksum_type)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Generate, fetch and parse a ``repomd.xml`` file.

        Do the following:

        1. Create an RPM repository, add a YUM distributor, and publish the
        2. Fetch the ``repomd.xml`` file from the distributor, and parse it.
        super(RepoMDTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        if check_issue_2277(cls.cfg):
            raise unittest.SkipTest('https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2277')

        # Create a repository. Add a yum distributor and publish it.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},

        # Fetch and parse repomd.xml
        client.response_handler = xml_handler
        path = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url'])
        path = urljoin(path, 'repodata/repomd.xml')
        cls.root_element = client.get(path)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Upload an erratum to a repo, publish, and download the erratum.

        Do the following:

        1. Create an RPM repository with a distributor.
        2. Upload an erratum to the repository.
        3. Publish the repository.
        4. Fetch the repository's ``updateinfo.xml`` file.
        super(UploadErratumTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        cls.erratum = gen_erratum()

        # Create an RPM repository with a feed and distributor.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)

        # Sync content into the repository, and give it an erratum.
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])
        utils.upload_import_erratum(cls.cfg, cls.erratum, repo['_href'])
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})

        # Publish the repository, and fetch and parse updateinfo.xml
        distributor = repo['distributors'][0]
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},
        path = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url'])
        cls.updateinfo = get_repomd_xml(cls.cfg, path, 'updateinfo')
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create, sync and publish a repository. Fetch its ``comps.xml``."""
        super(SyncRepoTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)

        # Create a repo.
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)

        # Sync and publish the repo.
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': repo['distributors'][0]['id']},
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})

        # Fetch and parse comps.xml.
        dist = repo['distributors'][0]
        dist_url = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', dist['config']['relative_url'])
        cls.root_element = get_repomd_xml(cls.cfg, dist_url, 'group')
        cls.xml_as_str = ElementTree.tostring(cls.root_element)
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create, sync and publish a repository. Fetch its ``comps.xml``."""
        super(SyncRepoTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)

        # Create a repo.
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)

        # Sync and publish the repo.
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': repo['distributors'][0]['id']},
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})

        # Fetch and parse comps.xml.
        dist = repo['distributors'][0]
        dist_url = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', dist['config']['relative_url'])
        cls.root_element = get_repomd_xml(cls.cfg, dist_url, 'group')
        cls.xml_as_str = ElementTree.tostring(cls.root_element)
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create an RPM repository, upload package groups, and publish."""
        super(UploadPackageGroupsTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        # Create a repository and add a distributor to it.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # Generate several package groups, import them into the repository, and
        # publish the repository.
        cls.package_groups = {
            'minimal': _gen_minimal_group(),
            'realistic': _gen_realistic_group(),
        cls.tasks = {}
        for key, package_group in cls.package_groups.items():
            report = _upload_import_package_group(cls.cfg, repo, package_group)
            cls.tasks[key] = tuple(api.poll_spawned_tasks(cls.cfg, report))
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},

        # Fetch the generated repodata of type 'group' (a.k.a. 'comps')
        cls.root_element = get_repomd_xml(
            urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url']),
Exemplo n.º 14
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Publish a yum repo containing some updates."""
        super(UpdateInfoTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        cls.tasks = {}
        cls.errata = {}

        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)

        # Create a repository for use by the test.
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())

        # add yum distributor to the repo
        distribute = client.post(urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # import some errata
        cls.import_updates(client, repo)

        # ask for it to be published
        client.post(urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
                    {'id': distribute['id']})

        repo_url = urljoin('/pulp/repos/',
        cls.updateinfo_tree = cls.get_repodata_xml(repo_url, 'updateinfo')
Exemplo n.º 15
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Generate, fetch and parse a ``repomd.xml`` file.

        Do the following:

        1. Create an RPM repository with a YUM distributor and publish it.
        2. Fetch the ``repomd.xml`` file from the distributor, and parse it.
        super(RepoMDTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        if check_issue_2277(cls.cfg):
            raise unittest.SkipTest('https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2277')

        # Create a repository with a yum distributor and publish it.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
        utils.publish_repo(cls.cfg, repo)

        # Fetch and parse repomd.xml
        client.response_handler = xml_handler
        path = urljoin(
        path = urljoin(path, 'repodata/repomd.xml')
        cls.root_element = client.get(path)
    def test_publish_override_config(self):
        """Use the ``packages_directory`` publish override option.

        Create a distributor with default options, and use it to publish the
        repository. Specify the ``packages_directory`` option during the
        publish as an override option. Verify packages end up in the specified
        directory, relative to the published repository's root.
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(1976, self.cfg.version):
        client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler)
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(self.repo_href, 'distributors/'),
        packages_dir = utils.uuid4()
        client.post(urljoin(self.repo_href, 'actions/publish/'), {
            'id': distributor['id'],
            'override_config': {'packages_directory': packages_dir},
        primary_xml = get_parse_repodata_primary_xml(self.cfg, distributor)
        package_hrefs = get_package_hrefs(primary_xml)
        self.assertGreater(len(package_hrefs), 0)
        for package_href in package_hrefs:
            with self.subTest(package_href=package_href):
                self.assertEqual(os.path.dirname(package_href), packages_dir)
    def make_repo(self, cfg, remote):
        """Create a repository with an importer and pair of distributors.

        Create an RPM repository with:

        * A yum importer with a valid feed.
        * A yum distributor.
        * An RPM rsync distributor referencing the yum distributor.

        In addition, schedule the repository for deletion.

        :param pulp_smash.config.ServerConfig cfg: Information about the Pulp
            server being targeted.
        :param remote: A dict for the RPM rsync distributor's ``remote``
        :returns: The repository's href, as a string.
        api_client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
            'distributor_id': utils.uuid4(),
            'distributor_type_id': 'rpm_rsync_distributor',
            'distributor_config': {
                'predistributor_id': body['distributors'][0]['distributor_id'],
                'remote': remote,
        repo_href = api_client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)['_href']
        self.addCleanup(api_client.delete, repo_href)
        return repo_href
Exemplo n.º 18
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Bind a consumer to a distributor.

        Do the following:

        1. Add a consumer.
        2. Add a repository.
        3. Add a distributor to the repository.
        4. Bind the consumer to the distributor.
        super(BindConsumerTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        # Steps 1–3
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        cls.consumer = client.post(CONSUMER_PATH, {'id': utils.uuid4()})
        repository = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repository['_href'], 'distributors/'), gen_distributor())

        # Step 4
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler
        path = urljoin(CONSUMER_PATH, cls.consumer['consumer']['id'] + '/')
        path = urljoin(path, 'bindings/')
        cls.request = {
            'binding_config': {
                'B': 21
            'distributor_id': distributor['id'],
            'notify_agent': False,
            'repo_id': distributor['repo_id'],
        cls.response = client.post(path, cls.request)
    def make_repo(self, cfg, dist_cfg_updates):
        """Create a repository with an importer and pair of distributors.

        Create an RPM repository with:

        * A yum importer with a valid feed.
        * A yum distributor.
        * An RPM rsync distributor referencing the yum distributor.

        In addition, schedule the repository for deletion.

        :param pulp_smash.config.ServerConfig cfg: Information about the Pulp
            server being targeted.
        :param dist_cfg_updates: A dict to be merged into the RPM rsync
            distributor's ``distributor_config`` dict. At a minimum, this
            argument should have a value of ``{'remote': {…}}``.
        :returns: The repository's href, as a string.
        api_client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
            'distributor_id': utils.uuid4(),
            'distributor_type_id': 'rpm_rsync_distributor',
            'distributor_config': {
                'predistributor_id': body['distributors'][0]['distributor_id'],
        repo_href = api_client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)['_href']
        self.addCleanup(api_client.delete, repo_href)
        return repo_href
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create a schedule to publish the repository.

        Do the following:

        1. Create a repository with a valid feed
        2. Sync it
        3. Schedule publish to run every 30 seconds
        super(CreateSuccessTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg)

        # Create a repo with a valid feed and sync it
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])

        # Schedule a publish to run every 30 seconds
        distributor = gen_distributor()
        distributor_url = urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/')
        client.post(distributor_url, distributor)
        scheduling_url = urljoin(
        cls.response = client.post(scheduling_url, {'schedule': 'PT30S'})
        cls.attrs = cls.response.json()
Exemplo n.º 21
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Creates, publishes repo and fetches repomd.xml."""
        super(RepoMDTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        cls.tasks = {}
        cls.errata = {}

        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)

        # Create a repository for use by the test.
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())

        # add yum distributor to the repo
        distribute = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # ask for it to be published
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distribute['id']})

        # fetch the repomd.xml
        repo_url = urljoin('/pulp/repos/',
        repomd_url = urljoin(repo_url, 'repodata/repomd.xml')

        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, xml_handler)
        cls.repomd_tree = client.get(repomd_url)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def health_check(self):
        """Execute step three of the test plan."""
        client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        self.addCleanup(api.Client(self.cfg).delete, repo['_href'])
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/sync/'),
            {'override_config': {}},
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler
        url = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url'])
        url = urljoin(url, RPM)
        pulp_rpm = client.get(url).content

        # Does this RPM match the original RPM?
        rpm = client.get(urljoin(RPM_FEED_URL, RPM)).content
        self.assertEqual(rpm, pulp_rpm)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create a schedule to publish a repo, verify the ``total_run_count``.

        Do the following:

        1. Create a repository with a valid feed
        2. Sync it
        3. Schedule publish to run every 2 minutes
        4. Wait for 130 seconds and read the schedule to get the number of
           "publish" runs
        super(ScheduledPublishTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)

        # Create a repo with a valid feed and sync it
        body = gen_repo()
        body["importer_config"]["feed"] = RPM_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo["_href"])

        # Schedule a publish to run every 2 minutes
        distributor = gen_distributor()
        client.post(urljoin(repo["_href"], "distributors/"), distributor)
        scheduling_url = "/".join(["distributors", distributor["distributor_id"], "schedules/publish/"])
        schedule_path = urljoin(repo["_href"], scheduling_url)
        schedule = client.post(schedule_path, {"schedule": "PT2M"})

        # Wait for publish to run

        # Read the schedule
        cls.response = client.get(schedule["_href"])
Exemplo n.º 24
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Generate, fetch and parse a ``repomd.xml`` file.

        Do the following:

        1. Create an RPM repository, add a YUM distributor, and publish the
        2. Fetch the ``repomd.xml`` file from the distributor, and parse it.
        super(RepoMDTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        # Create a repository. Add a yum distributor and publish it.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},

        # Fetch and parse repomd.xml
        client.response_handler = xml_handler
        path = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url'])
        path = urljoin(path, 'repodata/repomd.xml')
        cls.root_element = client.get(path)
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create an RPM repository, upload package groups, and publish."""
        super(UploadPackageGroupsTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        # Create a repository and add a distributor to it.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # Generate several package groups, import them into the repository, and
        # publish the repository.
        cls.package_groups = {
            'minimal': _gen_minimal_group(),
            'realistic': _gen_realistic_group(),
        cls.tasks = {}
        for key, package_group in cls.package_groups.items():
            report = _upload_import_package_group(cls.cfg, repo, package_group)
            cls.tasks[key] = tuple(api.poll_spawned_tasks(cls.cfg, report))
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},

        # Fetch the generated repodata of type 'group' (a.k.a. 'comps')
        cls.root_element = get_repomd_xml(
            urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url']),
Exemplo n.º 26
def _create_distributor(
        server_config, href, distributor_type_id, checksum_type=None):
    """Create an export distributor for the entity at ``href``."""
    path = urljoin(href, 'distributors/')
    body = gen_distributor()
    body['distributor_type_id'] = distributor_type_id
    if checksum_type is not None:
        body['distributor_config']['checksum_type'] = checksum_type
    return api.Client(server_config).post(path, body).json()
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_all(self):
        """Sync a repo whose updateinfo file has multiple pkglist sections.

        Do the following:

        1. Create and sync a repository with an importer and distributor.
           Ensure the importer's feed is set to
        2. Publish the repository, and fetch and parse its updateinfo file.
        3. Verify the updateinfo contains the correct number of ``<pkglists>``
           sections, with the correct contents in each.
        cfg = config.get_config()
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2227, cfg.version):

        # Create and sync a repository.
        client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_PKGLISTS_UPDATEINFO_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href'])
        utils.sync_repo(cfg, repo['_href'])

        # Publish the repository, and fetch and parse its updateinfo file.
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
        self.assertEqual(len(repo['distributors']), 1, repo['distributors'])
        distributor = repo['distributors'][0]
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},
        root_element = get_repomd_xml(
            urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url']),

        # Verify the contents of the updateinfo file.
        debug = ElementTree.tostring(root_element)
        pkglists = root_element.find('update').findall('pkglist')
        self.assertEqual(len(pkglists), 3, debug)

        collections = [pkglist.find('collection') for pkglist in pkglists]
        names = {collection.find('name').text for collection in collections}
        self.assertEqual(names, {'1', '2', '3'}, debug)

        packages = {
            for collection in collections
        self.assertEqual(packages, {
        }, debug)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def setUpClass(cls):  # pylint:disable=arguments-differ
        """Create two repositories, first is feed of second one.

        Provides server config and set of iterable to delete. Following steps
        are executed:

        1. Create repository foo with feed, sync and publish it.
        2. Create repository bar with foo as a feed with
        3. Run sync of repo foo.
        4. Get information on both repositories.
        super(RetainOldCountTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg)
        cls.responses = {}
        hrefs = []  # repository hrefs

        # Create and sync the first repository.
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_FEED_URL
        hrefs.append(client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()['_href'])
        cls.responses['first sync'] = client.post(
            urljoin(hrefs[0], 'actions/sync/'),
            {'override_config': {}}

        # Add distributor and publish
        cls.responses['distribute'] = client.post(
            urljoin(hrefs[0], 'distributors/'),
        cls.responses['publish'] = client.post(
            urljoin(hrefs[0], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': cls.responses['distribute'].json()['id']},

        # Create and sync the second repository. Ensure it fetches content from
        # the first, and that the `retain_old_count` option is set correctly.
        # We disable SSL validation for a practical reason: each HTTPS feed
        # must have a certificate to work, which is burdensome to do here.
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = urljoin(
            _PUBLISH_DIR +
        body['importer_config']['retain_old_count'] = 0  # see docstring
        body['importer_config']['ssl_validation'] = False
        hrefs.append(client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()['_href'])
        cls.responses['second sync'] = client.post(
            urljoin(hrefs[1], 'actions/sync/'),
            {'override_config': {}}

        # Read the repositories and mark them for deletion.
        cls.repos = [client.get(href).json() for href in hrefs]
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create several schedules.

        Each schedule is created to test a different failure scenario.
        super(CreateFailureTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg)

        # Create a repo with a valid feed and sync it
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])

        # Add a distibutor
        distributor = gen_distributor()
        client.post(urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'), distributor)
        client.response_handler = api.echo_handler
        cls.bodies = (
                'schedule': None
            },  # 400
                'unknown': 'parameter',
                'schedule': 'PT30S'
            },  # 400
            ['Incorrect data type'],  # 400
                'missing_required_keys': 'schedule'
            },  # 400
                'schedule': 'PT30S'
            },  # tests incorrect distributor in url, 404
                'schedule': 'PT30S'
            },  # tests incorrect repo in url, 404
        scheduling_url = '/'.join([
            'distributors', distributor['distributor_id'], 'schedules/publish/'
        bad_distributor_url = '/'.join(
             utils.uuid4(), 'schedules/publish/'])
        bad_repo_path = '/'.join([REPOSITORY_PATH, utils.uuid4()])
        cls.paths = (urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url),
                     urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url),
                     urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url),
                     urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url),
                     urljoin(repo['_href'], bad_distributor_url),
                     urljoin(bad_repo_path, scheduling_url))
        cls.status_codes = (400, 400, 400, 400, 404, 404)
        cls.responses = [
            client.post(path, req_body)
            for path, req_body in zip(cls.paths, cls.bodies)
Exemplo n.º 30
def _create_distributor(server_config,
    """Create an export distributor for the entity at ``href``."""
    path = urljoin(href, 'distributors/')
    body = gen_distributor()
    body['distributor_type_id'] = distributor_type_id
    if checksum_type is not None:
        body['distributor_config']['checksum_type'] = checksum_type
    return api.Client(server_config).post(path, body).json()
 def setUpClass(cls):
     """Create and sync a repository."""
     super(ForceFullTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
     client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
     body = gen_repo()
     body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
     body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
     repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
     utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])
     cls.repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
Exemplo n.º 32
 def setUpClass(cls):
     """Create and sync a repository."""
     super(ForceFullTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
     client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
     body = gen_repo()
     body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_FEED_URL
     body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
     repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
     utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])
     cls.repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
    def setUpClass(cls):  # pylint:disable=arguments-differ
        """Create two repositories, first is feed of second one.

        Provides server config and set of iterable to delete. Following steps
        are executed:

        1. Create repository foo with feed, sync and publish it.
        2. Create repository bar with foo as a feed with
        3. Run sync of repo foo.
        4. Get information on both repositories.
        super(RetainOldCountTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        if check_issue_2277(cls.cfg):
            raise unittest.SkipTest('https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2277')
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg)
        cls.responses = {}
        hrefs = []  # repository hrefs

        # Create and sync the first repository.
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        hrefs.append(client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()['_href'])
        cls.responses['first sync'] = utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, hrefs[0])

        # Add distributor and publish
        cls.responses['distribute'] = client.post(
            urljoin(hrefs[0], 'distributors/'),
        cls.responses['publish'] = client.post(
            urljoin(hrefs[0], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': cls.responses['distribute'].json()['id']},

        # Create and sync the second repository. Ensure it fetches content from
        # the first, and that the `retain_old_count` option is set correctly.
        # We disable SSL validation for a practical reason: each HTTPS feed
        # must have a certificate to work, which is burdensome to do here.
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = urljoin(
            _PUBLISH_DIR +
        body['importer_config']['retain_old_count'] = 0  # see docstring
        body['importer_config']['ssl_validation'] = False
        hrefs.append(client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()['_href'])
        cls.responses['second sync'] = utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, hrefs[1])

        # Read the repositories and mark them for deletion.
        cls.repos = [client.get(href).json() for href in hrefs]
Exemplo n.º 34
    def test_all(self):
        """Publish a repository with the repoview feature on and off."""
        cfg = config.get_config()
        if cfg.version < Version('2.9'):

        # Create a repo, and add content
        client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo_href = client.post(constants.REPOSITORY_PATH, body)['_href']
        self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo_href)
        rpm = utils.http_get(constants.RPM_UNSIGNED_URL)
        utils.upload_import_unit(cfg, rpm, 'rpm', repo_href)

        # Gather some facts about the repo distributor
        dist = client.get(urljoin(repo_href, 'distributors/'))[0]
        dist_url = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', dist['config']['relative_url'])

        # Publish the repo
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler
        client.post(urljoin(repo_href, 'actions/publish/'), {'id': dist['id']})
        response = client.get(dist_url)
        with self.subTest(comment='first publish'):
            self.assertEqual(len(response.history), 0, response.history)

        # Publish the repo a second time
            urljoin(repo_href, 'actions/publish/'),
                'id': dist['id'],
                'override_config': {
                    'generate_sqlite': True,
                    'repoview': True,
        response = client.get(dist_url)
        with self.subTest(comment='second publish'):
            self.assertEqual(len(response.history), 1, response.history)

        # Publish the repo a third time
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2349, cfg.version):
        client.post(urljoin(repo_href, 'actions/publish/'), {'id': dist['id']})
        response = client.get(dist_url)
        with self.subTest(comment='third publish'):
            self.assertEqual(len(response.history), 0, response.history)
Exemplo n.º 35
    def _create_sync_repo(self, cfg):
        """Create and sync a repository. Return a detailed dict of repo info.

        Also, schedule the repository for deletion with ``addCleanup()``.
        client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_UNSIGNED_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href'])
        utils.sync_repo(cfg, repo['_href'])
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
        return client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
Exemplo n.º 36
    def _create_sync_repo(self, cfg):
        """Create and sync a repository. Return a detailed dict of repo info.

        Also, schedule the repository for deletion with ``addCleanup()``.
        client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_UNSIGNED_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href'])
        utils.sync_repo(cfg, repo['_href'])
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
        return client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
def _create_repo(server_config, download_policy):
    """Create an RPM repository with the given download policy.

    The repository has a valid feed and is configured to auto-publish. Return
    the JSON-decoded response body.
    body = gen_repo()
    body['importer_config']['download_policy'] = download_policy
    body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
    distributor = gen_distributor()
    distributor['auto_publish'] = True
    distributor['distributor_config']['relative_url'] = body['id']
    body['distributors'] = [distributor]
    return api.Client(server_config).post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()
Exemplo n.º 38
def _create_repo(server_config, download_policy):
    """Create an RPM repository with the given download policy.

    The repository has a valid feed and is configured to auto-publish. Return
    the JSON-decoded response body.
    body = gen_repo()
    body['importer_config']['download_policy'] = download_policy
    body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
    distributor = gen_distributor()
    distributor['auto_publish'] = True
    distributor['distributor_config']['relative_url'] = body['id']
    body['distributors'] = [distributor]
    return api.Client(server_config).post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create several schedules.

        Each schedule is created to test a different failure scenario.
        super(CreateFailureTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg)

        # Create a repo with a valid feed and sync it
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])

        # Add a distibutor
        distributor = gen_distributor()
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),
        client.response_handler = api.echo_handler
        cls.bodies = (
            {'schedule': None},  # 400
            {'unknown': 'parameter', 'schedule': 'PT30S'},  # 400
            ['Incorrect data type'],  # 400
            {'missing_required_keys': 'schedule'},  # 400
            {'schedule': 'PT30S'},  # tests incorrect distributor in url, 404
            {'schedule': 'PT30S'},  # tests incorrect repo in url, 404
        scheduling_url = '/'.join([
            'distributors', distributor['distributor_id'], 'schedules/publish/'
        bad_distributor_url = '/'.join([
            'distributors', utils.uuid4(), 'schedules/publish/'
        bad_repo_path = '/'.join([REPOSITORY_PATH, utils.uuid4()])
        cls.paths = (
            urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url),
            urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url),
            urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url),
            urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url),
            urljoin(repo['_href'], bad_distributor_url),
            urljoin(bad_repo_path, scheduling_url)
        cls.status_codes = (400, 400, 400, 400, 404, 404)
        cls.responses = [
            client.post(path, req_body) for path, req_body in zip(
                cls.paths, cls.bodies)
Exemplo n.º 40
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create RPM repository, delete a package, and publish the repository.

        More specifically, do the following:

        1. Create an RPM repository.
        2. Add a YUM distributor.
        3. Sync the created repository.
        4. Remove the ``gorilla`` package
        5. Publish the repository. Fetch the ``updateinfo.xml`` file from the
           distributor (via ``repomd.xml``), and parse it.
        super(ErratumPkgListCountTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        # Create a repository, sync it, and add a yum distributor.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # Remove the gorilla package unit
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/unassociate/'),
            {'criteria': get_unit_unassociate_criteria(RPM_ERRATUM_RPM_NAME)},

        # Publish the repository
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},

        # Fetch and parse updateinfo.xml (or updateinfo.xml.gz), via repomd.xml
        root_element = get_repomd_xml(
            urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url']),

        # Fetch the erratum and erratum pkglist for the gorilla package
        updates = _get_updates_by_id(root_element)
        erratum = updates[RPM_ERRATUM_ID]
        cls.erratum_pkglists = erratum.findall('pkglist')
Exemplo n.º 41
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create RPM repository, delete a package, and publish the repository.

        More specifically, do the following:

        1. Create an RPM repository.
        2. Add a YUM distributor.
        3. Sync the created repository.
        4. Remove the ``gorilla`` package
        5. Publish the repository. Fetch the ``updateinfo.xml`` file from the
           distributor (via ``repomd.xml``), and parse it.
        super(ErratumPkgListCountTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        # Create a repository, sync it, and add a yum distributor.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # Remove the gorilla package unit
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/unassociate/'),
            {'criteria': get_unit_unassociate_criteria(RPM_ERRATUM_RPM_NAME)},

        # Publish the repository
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},

        # Fetch and parse updateinfo.xml (or updateinfo.xml.gz), via repomd.xml
        root_element = get_repomd_xml(
            urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url']),

        # Fetch the erratum and erratum pkglist for the gorilla package
        updates = _get_updates_by_id(root_element)
        erratum = updates[RPM_ERRATUM_ID]
        cls.erratum_pkglists = erratum.findall('pkglist')
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create three schedules and read, update and delete them."""
        super(ReadUpdateDeleteTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)

        # Create a repo with a valid feed and sync it
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])

        # Create schedules
        distributor = gen_distributor()
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),
        scheduling_url = '/'.join([
            'distributors', distributor['distributor_id'], 'schedules/publish/'
        scheduling_path = urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url)
        cls.schedules = tuple((
            client.post(scheduling_path, {'schedule': 'PT30S'})
            for _ in range(3)
        cls.responses = {}
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler

        # Attributes that may be changed after creation
        cls.mutable_attrs = [
            'consecutive_failures', 'last_run_at', 'last_updated', 'next_run',
            'first_run', 'remaining_runs', 'total_run_count'

        # Read the first schedule
        cls.responses['read_one'] = client.get(cls.schedules[0]['_href'])

        # Read all schedules for the repo
        cls.responses['read_many'] = client.get(scheduling_path)

        # Update the second schedule
        cls.update_body = {'schedule': 'PT1M'}
        cls.responses['update'] = client.put(
            cls.schedules[1]['_href'], cls.update_body

        # Delete the third schedule
        cls.responses['delete'] = client.delete(cls.schedules[2]['_href'])
Exemplo n.º 43
    def test_all(self):
        """Publish a repository with the repoview feature on and off."""
        cfg = config.get_config()
        if cfg.version < Version('2.9'):

        # Create a repo, and add content
        client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo_href = client.post(constants.REPOSITORY_PATH, body)['_href']
        self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo_href)
        rpm = utils.http_get(constants.RPM_UNSIGNED_URL)
        utils.upload_import_unit(cfg, rpm, 'rpm', repo_href)

        # Gather some facts about the repo distributor
        dist = client.get(urljoin(repo_href, 'distributors/'))[0]
        dist_url = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', dist['config']['relative_url'])

        # Publish the repo
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler
        client.post(urljoin(repo_href, 'actions/publish/'), {'id': dist['id']})
        response = client.get(dist_url)
        with self.subTest(comment='first publish'):
            self.assertEqual(len(response.history), 0, response.history)

        # Publish the repo a second time
            urljoin(repo_href, 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': dist['id'], 'override_config': {
                'generate_sqlite': True,
                'repoview': True,
        response = client.get(dist_url)
        with self.subTest(comment='second publish'):
            self.assertEqual(len(response.history), 1, response.history)
                urljoin(response.history[0].request.url, 'repoview/index.html')

        # Publish the repo a third time
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2349, cfg.version):
        client.post(urljoin(repo_href, 'actions/publish/'), {'id': dist['id']})
        response = client.get(dist_url)
        with self.subTest(comment='third publish'):
            self.assertEqual(len(response.history), 0, response.history)
Exemplo n.º 44
    def test_all(self):
        """Publish a repository with the repoview feature on and off."""
        cfg = config.get_config()
        if cfg.version < Version('2.9'):

        # Create a repo, and add content
        client = api.Client(cfg)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(constants.REPOSITORY_PATH, body).json()
        self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href'])
        rpm = utils.http_get(constants.RPM_UNSIGNED_URL)
        utils.upload_import_unit(cfg, rpm, 'rpm', repo['_href'])

        # Get info about the repo distributor
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True}).json()
        pub_path = urljoin(

        # Publish the repo
        utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo)
        response = client.get(pub_path)
        with self.subTest(comment='first publish'):
            self.assertEqual(len(response.history), 0, response.history)

        # Publish the repo a second time
        utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo, {
            'id': repo['distributors'][0]['id'],
            'override_config': {'generate_sqlite': True, 'repoview': True},
        response = client.get(pub_path)
        with self.subTest(comment='second publish'):
            self.assertEqual(len(response.history), 1, response.history)
                urljoin(response.history[0].request.url, 'repoview/index.html')

        # Publish the repo a third time
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2349, cfg.version):
        utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo)
        response = client.get(pub_path)
        with self.subTest(comment='third publish'):
            self.assertEqual(len(response.history), 0, response.history)
Exemplo n.º 45
    def health_check(self):
        """Execute step three of the test plan."""
        client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href'])
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
        utils.sync_repo(self.cfg, repo['_href'])
        utils.publish_repo(self.cfg, repo)
        pulp_rpm = get_unit(self.cfg, repo, RPM).content

        # Does this RPM match the original RPM?
        rpm = utils.http_get(RPM_SIGNED_URL)
        self.assertEqual(rpm, pulp_rpm)
Exemplo n.º 46
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create an RPM repository, upload errata, and publish the repository.

        More specifically, do the following:

        1. Create an RPM repository.
        2. Add a YUM distributor.
        3. Generate a pair of errata. Upload them to Pulp and import them into
           the repository.
        4. Publish the repository. Fetch the ``updateinfo.xml`` file from the
           distributor (via ``repomd.xml``), and parse it.
        super(UpdateInfoTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        cls.errata = {
            'import_no_pkglist': _gen_errata_no_pkglist(),
            'import_typical': _gen_errata_typical(),
        cls.tasks = {}  # {'import_no_pkglist': (…), 'import_typical': (…)}

        # Create a repository and add a yum distributor.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # Import errata into our repository. Publish the repository.
        for key, erratum in cls.errata.items():
            report = utils.upload_import_erratum(
            cls.tasks[key] = tuple(api.poll_spawned_tasks(cls.cfg, report))
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},

        # Fetch and parse updateinfo.xml (or updateinfo.xml.gz), via repomd.xml
        cls.root_element = get_repomd_xml(
            urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url']),
Exemplo n.º 47
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create an RPM repository, upload errata, and publish the repository.

        More specifically, do the following:

        1. Create an RPM repository.
        2. Add a YUM distributor.
        3. Generate a pair of errata. Upload them to Pulp and import them into
           the repository.
        4. Publish the repository. Fetch the ``updateinfo.xml`` file from the
           distributor (via ``repomd.xml``), and parse it.
        super(UpdateInfoTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        cls.errata = {
            'import_no_pkglist': _gen_errata_no_pkglist(),
            'import_typical': _gen_errata_typical(),
        cls.tasks = {}  # {'import_no_pkglist': (…), 'import_typical': (…)}

        # Create a repository and add a yum distributor.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # Import errata into our repository. Publish the repository.
        for key, erratum in cls.errata.items():
            report = utils.upload_import_erratum(
            cls.tasks[key] = tuple(api.poll_spawned_tasks(cls.cfg, report))
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},

        # Fetch and parse updateinfo.xml (or updateinfo.xml.gz), via repomd.xml
        cls.root_element = get_repomd_xml(
            urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url']),
Exemplo n.º 48
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create an RPM repository with a valid feed and sync it.

        Do the following:

        1. Reset Pulp, including the Squid cache.
        2. Create a repository. Sync and publish it using the 'on_demand'
           download policy.
        3. Download an RPM from the published repository.
        4. Download the same RPM to ensure it is served by the cache.
        super(SyncOnDemandTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        if cls.cfg.version < Version('2.8'):
            raise unittest2.SkipTest('This test requires Pulp 2.8 or greater.')

        # Ensure `locally_stored_units` is 0 before we start.

        # Create a repository
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config'] = {
            'download_policy': 'on_demand',
            'feed': RPM_FEED_URL,
        distributor = gen_distributor()
        distributor['auto_publish'] = True
        distributor['distributor_config']['relative_url'] = body['id']
        body['distributors'] = [distributor]

        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)

        # Sync and read the repository
        sync_path = urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/sync/')
        client.post(sync_path, {'override_config': {}})
        cls.repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})

        # Download the same RPM twice.
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler
        path = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', repo['id'] + '/')
        path = urljoin(path, RPM)
        cls.rpm = client.get(path)
        cls.same_rpm = client.get(path)
Exemplo n.º 49
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create an RPM repository with a valid feed and sync it.

        Do the following:

        1. Reset Pulp, including the Squid cache.
        2. Create a repository. Sync and publish it using the 'on_demand'
           download policy.
        3. Download an RPM from the published repository.
        4. Download the same RPM to ensure it is served by the cache.
        super(SyncOnDemandTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        if cls.cfg.version < Version('2.8'):
            raise unittest2.SkipTest('This test requires Pulp 2.8 or greater.')

        # Ensure `locally_stored_units` is 0 before we start.

        # Create a repository
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config'] = {
            'download_policy': 'on_demand',
            'feed': RPM_FEED_URL,
        distributor = gen_distributor()
        distributor['auto_publish'] = True
        distributor['distributor_config']['relative_url'] = body['id']
        body['distributors'] = [distributor]

        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)

        # Sync and read the repository
        sync_path = urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/sync/')
        client.post(sync_path, {'override_config': {}})
        cls.repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})

        # Download the same RPM twice.
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler
        path = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', repo['id'] + '/')
        path = urljoin(path, RPM)
        cls.rpm = client.get(path)
        cls.same_rpm = client.get(path)
Exemplo n.º 50
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create an RPM repository, upload comps metadata, and publish.

        More specifically:

        1. Create a repository.
        2. Add yum distributor to it.
        3. Import fixture group units.
        4. Publish repository.
        5. Fetch and parse generated ``comps.xml``.
        super(CompsGroupsTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        # Create a repository and add a distributor to it.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),

        # Generate several package groups, import them into the repository, and
        # publish the repository.
        # NOTE: The ordering of cls.package_groups matters to test methods! It
        # may be better to make this a dict in the form {label: package_group}.
        cls.package_groups = (_gen_minimal_group(), _gen_realistic_group())
        cls.tasks = {}
        for package_group in cls.package_groups:
            report = _upload_import_package_group(cls.cfg, repo, package_group)
            cls.tasks[package_group['id']] = tuple(
                api.poll_spawned_tasks(cls.cfg, report)
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},

        # Fetch the generated repodata of type 'group' (a.k.a. 'comps')
        cls.root_element = get_repomd_xml(
            urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url']),
Exemplo n.º 51
    def health_check(self):
        """Execute step three of the test plan."""
        client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body["importer_config"]["feed"] = RPM_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        self.addCleanup(api.Client(self.cfg).delete, repo["_href"])
        utils.sync_repo(self.cfg, repo["_href"])
        distributor = client.post(urljoin(repo["_href"], "distributors/"), gen_distributor())
        client.post(urljoin(repo["_href"], "actions/publish/"), {"id": distributor["id"]})
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler
        url = urljoin("/pulp/repos/", distributor["config"]["relative_url"])
        url = urljoin(url, RPM)
        pulp_rpm = client.get(url).content

        # Does this RPM match the original RPM?
        rpm = utils.http_get(RPM_URL)
        self.assertEqual(rpm, pulp_rpm)
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create three schedules and read, update and delete them."""
        super(ReadUpdateDeleteTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)

        # Create a repo with a valid feed and sync it
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])

        # Create schedules
        distributor = gen_distributor()
        client.post(urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'), distributor)
        scheduling_url = '/'.join([
            'distributors', distributor['distributor_id'], 'schedules/publish/'
        scheduling_path = urljoin(repo['_href'], scheduling_url)
        cls.schedules = tuple((client.post(scheduling_path,
                                           {'schedule': 'PT30S'})
                               for _ in range(3)))
        cls.responses = {}
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler

        # Attributes that may be changed after creation
        cls.mutable_attrs = [
            'consecutive_failures', 'last_run_at', 'last_updated', 'next_run',
            'first_run', 'remaining_runs', 'total_run_count'

        # Read the first schedule
        cls.responses['read_one'] = client.get(cls.schedules[0]['_href'])

        # Read all schedules for the repo
        cls.responses['read_many'] = client.get(scheduling_path)

        # Update the second schedule
        cls.update_body = {'schedule': 'PT1M'}
        cls.responses['update'] = client.put(cls.schedules[1]['_href'],

        # Delete the third schedule
        cls.responses['delete'] = client.delete(cls.schedules[2]['_href'])
    def test_default_behaviour(self):
        """Do not use the ``packages_directory`` option.

        Create a distributor with default options, and use it to publish the
        repository. Verify packages end up in the current directory, relative
        to the published repository's root. (This same directory contains the
        ``repodata`` directory, and it may be changed by setting the
        distributor's ``relative_url``.)
        client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler)
        distributor = client.post(
            urljoin(self.repo_href, 'distributors/'),
        client.post(urljoin(self.repo_href, 'actions/publish/'),
                    {'id': distributor['id']})
        primary_xml = get_parse_repodata_primary_xml(self.cfg, distributor)
        package_hrefs = get_package_hrefs(primary_xml)
        self.assertGreater(len(package_hrefs), 0)
        for package_href in package_hrefs:
            with self.subTest(package_href=package_href):
                self.assertEqual(os.path.dirname(package_href), '')
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Publish a repository, remove a unit, and publish it again.

        Specifically, do the following:

        1. Create a repository with a feed and sync it.
        2. Add a distributor to the repository and publish the repository.
        3. Select a content unit at random. Remove it from the repository, and
           re-publish the repository.
        super(RemoveAndRepublishTestCase, cls).setUpClass()

        # Create and sync a repository.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        cls.resources.add(repo['_href'])  # mark for deletion
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])

        # Add a distributor and publish the repository to it.
        path = urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/')
        distributor = client.post(path, gen_distributor())
        path = urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/')
        client.post(path, {'id': distributor['id']})

        # List RPM content units in the repository. Pick one and remove it.
        # NOTE: There are two versions of the "walrus" RPM, and this works even
        # when that name is picked.
        unit = random.choice(_search_units(cls.cfg, repo['_href'], ('rpm',)))
        cls.unit_id = _get_unit_id(unit)
        _remove_unit(cls.cfg, repo['_href'], unit)

        # Re-publish the repository. sleep() for test_compare_timestamps.
        # Re-read the repository so the test methods have fresh data.
        path = urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/')
        client.post(path, {'id': distributor['id']})
        cls.repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Create a repository with a distributor, and populate it.

        In addition, create several variables for use by the test methods.
        if inspect.getmro(cls)[0] == BaseTestCase:
            raise unittest.SkipTest('Abstract base class.')
        super(BaseTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        repo_href = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo())['_href']
        cls.resources.add(repo_href)  # mark for deletion
            urljoin(repo_href, 'actions/associate/'),
            {'source_repo_id': _REPO['id']},
        client.post(urljoin(repo_href, 'distributors/'), gen_distributor())

        # For use by sub-classes and test methods
        cls.repo = client.get(repo_href, params={'details': True})
        assert len(cls.repo['distributors']) == 1
        cls.call_reports = []  # dicts
        cls.repomd_xmls = []  # Response objects
    def create_repo(self, cfg, feed, relative_url=None):
        """Create an RPM repository with a yum importer and distributor.

        In addition, schedule the repository for deletion with ``addCleanup``.

        :param pulp_smash.config.ServerConfig cfg: The Pulp server on which to
            create a repository.
        :param feed: A value for the yum importer's ``feed`` option.
        :param relative_url: A value for the yum distributor's ``relative_url``
            option. If ``None``, this option is not passed to Pulp.
        :returns: The repository's href.
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = feed
        distributor = gen_distributor()
        if relative_url is not None:
            distributor['distributor_config']['relative_url'] = relative_url
        body['distributors'] = [distributor]
        client = api.Client(cfg, api.json_handler)
        repo_href = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)['_href']
        self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo_href)
        return repo_href
 def test_predistributor_id(self):
     """Pass a bogus ID as the ``predistributor_id`` config option."""
     if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2191, self.cfg.version):
         raise self.skipTest('https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2191')
     api_client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler)
     body = gen_repo()
     body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
     body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
         'distributor_id': utils.uuid4(),
         'distributor_type_id': 'rpm_rsync_distributor',
         'distributor_config': {
             'predistributor_id': utils.uuid4(),
             'remote': self.remote,
         with self.assertRaises(HTTPError, msg=body):
             repo_href = api_client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)['_href']
     except AssertionError as err:
         self.addCleanup(api_client.delete, repo_href)
         raise err
Exemplo n.º 58
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Upload an erratum to a repo, publish, and download the erratum.

        Do the following:

        1. Create an RPM repository with a distributor.
        2. Upload an erratum to the repository.
        3. Publish the repository.
        4. Fetch the repository's ``updateinfo.xml`` file.
        super(UploadErratumTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        if check_issue_2277(cls.cfg):
            raise unittest.SkipTest('https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2277')
        cls.erratum = gen_erratum()

        # Create an RPM repository with a feed and distributor.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)

        # Sync content into the repository, and give it an erratum.
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])
        utils.upload_import_erratum(cls.cfg, cls.erratum, repo['_href'])
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})

        # Publish the repository, and fetch and parse updateinfo.xml
        distributor = repo['distributors'][0]
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
            {'id': distributor['id']},
        path = urljoin('/pulp/repos/', distributor['config']['relative_url'])
        cls.updateinfo = get_repomd_xml(cls.cfg, path, 'updateinfo')