Exemplo n.º 1
    def config(self):
        '''The :ref:`configuration <configuration>` dictionary for this

        Evaluated lazily when :attr:`extensions` are loaded.
        parser = self.get_parser(with_commands=False, add_help=False)
        options, _ = parser.parse_known_args(self.meta.argv)
        config_module = import_module(options.config)
        if options.config != self.config_module:
            # Different config file, configure again
        # setup application
        config = self.setup(config_module, options.debug, options.loglevel,
        # Load extensions
        self.logger.debug('Setting up extensions')
        apps = list(config['EXTENSIONS'])
        add_app(apps, 'lux', 0)
        add_app(apps, self.meta.name)
        config['MEDIA_URL'] = remove_double_slash('/%s/' % config['MEDIA_URL'])
        config['EXTENSIONS'] = tuple(apps)
        config['EXTENSION_HANDLERS'] = extensions = OrderedDict()
        for name in config['EXTENSIONS'][1:]:
            Ext = self.load_extension(name)
            if Ext:
                extension = Ext()
                extensions[extension.meta.name] = extension
                    extension.setup(config_module, options.debug,
                                    options.loglevel, self._params))
        return config
Exemplo n.º 2
    def absolute_path(self, path):
        '''Return a suitable absolute url for ``path``.

        The url is calculated in the following way:

        * Check if ``path`` is an entry in the :attr:`known_libraries`
          dictionary. In this case replace ``path`` with
        * If ``path`` :meth:`is_relative` build a sutable url by prepending
          the :attr:`media_path` attribute.

        :return: A url path to insert in a HTML ``link`` or ``script``.
        if path in self.known_libraries:
            path = self.known_libraries[path]
        if self.is_relative(path):
            if self.minified:
                for media in self.mediatype:
                    media = '.%s' % media
                    if path.endswith(media):
                        path = self._minify(path, media)
            return remove_double_slash('/%s/%s' % (self.media_path, path))
            return path
Exemplo n.º 3
    def absolute_path(self, path):
        '''Return a suitable absolute url for ``path``.

        The url is calculated in the following way:

        * Check if ``path`` is an entry in the :attr:`known_libraries`
          dictionary. In this case replace ``path`` with
        * If ``path`` :meth:`is_relative` build a sutable url by prepending
          the :attr:`media_path` attribute.

        :return: A url path to insert in a HTML ``link`` or ``script``.
        if path in self.known_libraries:
            path = self.known_libraries[path]
        if self.is_relative(path):
            if self.minified:
                for media in self.mediatype:
                    media = '.%s' % media
                    if path.endswith(media):
                        path = self._minify(path, media)
            return remove_double_slash('/%s/%s' % (self.media_path, path))
            return path
Exemplo n.º 4
    def absolute_path(self, path, with_media_ending=True):
        '''Return a suitable absolute url for ``path``.

        The url is calculated in the following way:

        * Check if ``path`` is an entry in the :attr:`known_libraries`
          dictionary. In this case replace ``path`` with
        * If ``path`` :meth:`is_relative` build a sutable url by prepending
          the :attr:`media_path` attribute.

        :return: A url path to insert in a HTML ``link`` or ``script``.
        urlparams = ''
        ending = '.%s' % self.mediatype
        if path in self.known_libraries:
            lib = self.known_libraries[path]
            if isinstance(lib, dict):
                urlparams = lib.get('urlparams', '')
                lib = lib['url']
            path = '%s%s' % (lib, ending)
        if self.minified:
            if path.endswith(ending):
                path = self._minify(path, ending)
        if not with_media_ending:
            path = path[:-len(ending)]
        if urlparams:
            path = '%s?%s' % (path, urlparams)
        if self.is_relative(path):
            return remove_double_slash('/%s/%s' % (self.media_path, path))
            return path
Exemplo n.º 5
    def config(self):
        '''The :ref:`configuration <configuration>` dictionary for this

        Evaluated lazily when :attr:`extensions` are loaded.
        parser = self.get_parser(with_commands=False, add_help=False)
        options, _ = parser.parse_known_args(self.meta.argv)
        config_module = import_module(options.config)
        if options.config != self.config_module:
            # Different config file, configure again
        # setup application
        config = self.setup(config_module, options.debug, options.loglevel,
        # Load extensions
        self.logger.debug('Setting up extensions')
        apps = list(config['EXTENSIONS'])
        add_app(apps, 'lux', 0)
        add_app(apps, self.meta.name)
        config['MEDIA_URL'] = remove_double_slash('/%s/' % config['MEDIA_URL'])
        config['EXTENSIONS'] = tuple(apps)
        config['EXTENSION_HANDLERS'] = extensions = OrderedDict()
        for name in config['EXTENSIONS'][1:]:
            Ext = self.load_extension(name)
            if Ext:
                extension = Ext()
                extensions[extension.meta.name] = extension
                config.update(extension.setup(config_module, options.debug,
                                              options.loglevel, self._params))
        return config
Exemplo n.º 6
    def middleware(self, app):
        # API urls not available - no middleware to add
        if not app.apis:

        middleware = []

        # Add routers and models
        routes = OrderedDict()

        for extension in app.extensions.values():
            api_sections = getattr(extension, "api_sections", None)
            if api_sections:
                for router in api_sections(app) or ():
                    routes[router.route.path] = router

        # Allow router override
        for router in routes.values():
            if isinstance(router, RestRouter):
                # Register model
                router.model = app.models.register(router.model)
                if router.model:
                    router.model.api_route = router.route
            # Add router to API root-router

        # Create the rest-api handler
        app.api = app.providers["Api"](app)

        # Create paginator
        dotted_path = app.config["PAGINATION"]
        pagination = module_attribute(dotted_path)
        if not pagination:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured('Could not load paginator "%s"', dotted_path)
        app.pagination = pagination()
        has_api = False

        for api in app.apis:

            # router not required when api is remote
            if api.netloc:

            has_api = True
            # Add API root-router to middleware
            url = str(api.router)
            if url != "/":
                # when the api is served by a path, make sure 404 is raised
                # when no suitable routes are found
                middleware.append(Rest404(remove_double_slash("%s/<path:path>" % url)))
        # Add the preflight and token events
        if has_api:
            app.add_events(("on_preflight", "on_token"))

        return middleware
Exemplo n.º 7
    def middleware(self, app):
        '''Build the API middleware.

        If :setting:`API_URL` is defined, it loops through all extensions
        and checks if the ``api_sections`` method is available.
        middleware = []
        url = app.config['API_URL']
        if url:
            app.config['API_URL'] = url = remove_double_slash('/%s/' % url)
            sections = {}
            self.api = api = Api(url, sections=sections)
            docs = None
            url = app.config['API_DOCS_URL']
            if url:
                app.config['API_DOCS_URL'] = url = remove_double_slash('/%s/' %
                self.docs = Router(url, sections=sections)
            for extension in itervalues(app.extensions):
                api_sections = getattr(extension, 'api_sections', None)
                if api_sections:
                    for name, routers in api_sections(app):
                        # Routes must be instances of CRUD
                        # name is the section name
                        if name not in sections:
                            sections[name] = ApiSection()
                        section = sections[name]
                        for router in routers:
                            manager = router.manager
                            self.api_crud_routers[manager] = manager
        url = app.config['ADMIN_URL']
        if url:
            app.config['ADMIN_URL'] = url = remove_double_slash('/%s/' % url)
            sections = {}
            admin = Admin(url, sections=sections)
            #for extension in itervalues(app.extensions):
            #    api_sections = getattr(extension, 'api_sections', None)
            #    if api_sections:
            #        pass
        return middleware
Exemplo n.º 8
    def middleware(self, app):
        '''Build the API middleware.

        If :setting:`API_URL` is defined, it loops through all extensions
        and checks if the ``api_sections`` method is available.
        middleware = []
        url = app.config['API_URL']
        if url:
            app.config['API_URL'] = url = remove_double_slash('/%s/' % url)
            sections = {}
            self.api = api = Api(url, sections=sections)
            docs = None
            url = app.config['API_DOCS_URL']
            if url:
                app.config['API_DOCS_URL'] = url = remove_double_slash('/%s/'
                                                                       % url)
                self.docs = Router(url, sections=sections)
            for extension in itervalues(app.extensions):
                api_sections = getattr(extension, 'api_sections', None)
                if api_sections:
                    for name, routers in api_sections(app):
                        # Routes must be instances of CRUD
                        # name is the section name
                        if name not in sections:
                            sections[name] = ApiSection()
                        section = sections[name]
                        for router in routers:
                            manager = router.manager
                            self.api_crud_routers[manager] = manager
        url = app.config['ADMIN_URL']
        if url:
            app.config['ADMIN_URL'] = url = remove_double_slash('/%s/' % url)
            sections = {}
            admin = Admin(url, sections=sections)
            #for extension in itervalues(app.extensions):
            #    api_sections = getattr(extension, 'api_sections', None)
            #    if api_sections:
            #        pass
        return middleware
Exemplo n.º 9
 def url(self, request, path=None):
     urlp = list(self.urlp)
     if path:
         urlp[2] = remove_double_slash('%s/%s' % (urlp[2], str(path)))
     if not urlp[1]:
         r_url = urlparse(request.absolute_uri('/'))
         urlp[0] = r_url.scheme
         urlp[1] = r_url.netloc
     return urlunparse(urlp)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def on_html_document(self, app, request, doc):
     favicon = app.config['FAVICON']
     if favicon:
         parsed = urlparse(favicon)
         if not parsed.scheme and not parsed.netloc:
             media = app.config['MEDIA_URL']
             if not favicon.startswith(media):
                 favicon = remove_double_slash('%s%s' % (media, favicon))
         doc.head.links.append(favicon, rel="icon",
Exemplo n.º 11
 def full_path(self, *args, **query):
     """Return a full path"""
     path = None
     if args:
         if len(args) > 1:
             raise TypeError("full_url() takes exactly 1 argument " "(%s given)" % len(args))
         path = args[0]
     if not path:
         path = self.path
     elif not path.startswith("/"):
         path = remove_double_slash("%s/%s" % (self.path, path))
     return iri_to_uri(path, query)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def full_path(self, *args, **query):
     """Return a full path"""
     path = None
     if args:
         if len(args) > 1:
             raise TypeError("full_url() takes exactly 1 argument "
                             "(%s given)" % len(args))
         path = args[0]
     if not path:
         path = self.path
     elif not path.startswith('/'):
         path = remove_double_slash('%s/%s' % (self.path, path))
     return iri_to_uri(path, query)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def add_router(self, router, sitemap=True):
        if isinstance(router, Content):
            router = TextCMS(router)

        if sitemap:
            path = str(router.route)
            if path != '/':
                url = remove_double_slash('%s/sitemap.xml' % path)
                url = '/sitemap1.xml'
            sitemap = RouterMap(url, content_router=router)

Exemplo n.º 14
 def full_path(self, *args, **query):
     '''Return a full path'''
     path = None
     if args:
         if len(args) > 1:
             raise TypeError("full_url() takes exactly 1 argument "
                             "(%s given)" % len(args))
         path = args[0]
     if path is None:
         path = self.path
         if not query:
             query = self.url_data
     elif not path.startswith('/'):
         path = remove_double_slash('%s/%s' % (self.path, path))
     return iri_to_uri(path, **query)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def routes(self):
        """Build the API routes

        This method generates routes only when it is a server side API
        # Create paginator
        dotted_path = self.config['PAGINATION']
        pagination = module_attribute(dotted_path)
        if not pagination:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured('Could not load paginator "%s"',
        self.app.pagination = pagination()
        api_routers = OrderedDict()

        # Allow router override
        for extension in self.app.extensions.values():
            api_sections = getattr(extension, 'api_sections', None)
            if api_sections:
                for router in api_sections(self.app) or ():
                    api_routers[router.route.path] = router

        for router in api_routers.values():
            if isinstance(router, RestRouter):
                # Register model
                router.model = self.app.models.register(router.model)
                if router.model:
                    router.model.api_route = router.route
            # Add router to an API

        for api in self:
            # router not required when api is remote
            if api.netloc:
            # Add API root-router to middleware
            router = api.router()
            yield router

            url = str(router)
            if url != '/':
                # when the api is served by a path, make sure 404 is raised
                # when no suitable routes are found
                yield Rest404(remove_double_slash('%s/<path:path>' % url))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, rule, defaults=None):
        rule = remove_double_slash('/%s' % rule)
        self.defaults = defaults if defaults is not None else {}
        self.is_leaf = not rule.endswith('/')
        self.rule = rule[1:]
        self.variables = set(map(str, self.defaults))
        breadcrumbs = []
        self._converters = {}
        regex_parts = []
        if self.rule:
            for bit in self.rule.split('/'):
                if not bit:
                s = bit[0]
                e = bit[-1]
                if s == '<' or e == '>':
                    if s + e != '<>':
                        raise ValueError('malformed rule {0}'.format(
                    converter, parameters, variable = parse_rule(bit[1:-1])
                    if variable in self._converters:
                        raise ValueError('variable name {0} used twice in '
                                         'rule {1}.'.format(
                                             variable, self.rule))
                    convobj = get_converter(converter, parameters)
                    regex_parts.append('(?P<%s>%s)' %
                                       (variable, convobj.regex))
                    breadcrumbs.append((True, variable))
                    self._converters[variable] = convobj
                    variable = bit
                    breadcrumbs.append((False, variable))

        self.breadcrumbs = tuple(breadcrumbs)
        self._regex_string = '/'.join(regex_parts)
        if self._regex_string and not self.is_leaf:
            self._regex_string += '/'
        self._regex = re.compile(self.regex, re.UNICODE)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, rule, defaults=None, is_re=False):
        rule = remove_double_slash('/%s' % rule)
        self.defaults = defaults if defaults is not None else {}
        self.is_leaf = not rule.endswith('/')
        self.rule = rule[1:]
        self.variables = set(map(str, self.defaults))
        breadcrumbs = []
        self._converters = {}
        regex_parts = []
        if self.rule:
            for bit in self.rule.split('/'):
                if not bit:
                s = bit[0]
                e = bit[-1]
                if s == '<' or e == '>':
                    if s + e != '<>':
                        raise ValueError(
                            'malformed rule {0}'.format(self.rule))
                    converter, parameters, variable = parse_rule(bit[1:-1])
                    if variable in self._converters:
                        raise ValueError('variable name {0} used twice in '
                                         'rule {1}.'.format(variable,
                    convobj = get_converter(converter, parameters)
                    regex_parts.append('(?P<%s>%s)' % (variable,
                    breadcrumbs.append((True, variable))
                    self._converters[variable] = convobj
                    variable = bit if is_re else re.escape(bit)
                    breadcrumbs.append((False, bit))

        self.breadcrumbs = tuple(breadcrumbs)
        self._regex_string = '/'.join(regex_parts)
        if self._regex_string and not self.is_leaf:
            self._regex_string += '/'
        self._regex = re.compile(self.regex, re.UNICODE)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def _build_config(self, module_name):
     # Check if an extension module is available
     module = import_module(module_name)
     self.meta = self.meta.copy(module)
     if self.meta.name != 'lux':
         # self.meta.path.add2python(self.meta.name, up=1)
         extension = self.load_extension(self.meta.name)
         if extension:   # extension available, get the version from it
             self.meta.version = extension.meta.version
     parser = self.get_parser(with_commands=False, add_help=False)
     opts, _ = parser.parse_known_args(self.meta.argv)
     config_module = import_module(opts.config)
     if opts.config != self.config_module:
         # Different config file, configure again
         return self._build_config(config_module.__file__)
     # setup application
     config = {}
     self.setup(config, config_module, self.params, opts)
     # Load extensions
     self.logger.debug('Setting up extensions')
     apps = list(config['EXTENSIONS'])
     add_app(apps, 'lux', 0)
     add_app(apps, self.meta.name)
     media_url = config['MEDIA_URL']
     if media_url:
         config['MEDIA_URL'] = remove_double_slash('/%s/' % media_url)
     config['EXTENSIONS'] = tuple(apps)
     config['EXTENSION_HANDLERS'] = extensions = OrderedDict()
     for name in config['EXTENSIONS'][1:]:
         Ext = self.load_extension(name)
         if Ext:
             extension = Ext()
             extensions[extension.meta.name] = extension
             extension.setup(config, config_module, self.params)
     return config
Exemplo n.º 19
 def _build_config(self, module_name):
     # Check if an extension module is available
     module = import_module(module_name)
     self.meta = self.meta.copy(module)
     if self.meta.name != 'lux':
         # self.meta.path.add2python(self.meta.name, up=1)
         extension = self.load_extension(self.meta.name)
         if extension:  # extension available, get the version from it
             self.meta.version = extension.meta.version
     parser = self.get_parser(with_commands=False, add_help=False)
     opts, _ = parser.parse_known_args(self.meta.argv)
     config_module = import_module(opts.config)
     if opts.config != self.config_module:
         # Different config file, configure again
         return self._build_config(config_module.__file__)
     # setup application
     config = {}
     self.setup(config, config_module, self.params, opts)
     # Load extensions
     self.logger.debug('Setting up extensions')
     apps = list(config['EXTENSIONS'])
     add_app(apps, 'lux', 0)
     add_app(apps, self.meta.name)
     media_url = config['MEDIA_URL']
     if media_url:
         config['MEDIA_URL'] = remove_double_slash('/%s/' % media_url)
     config['EXTENSIONS'] = tuple(apps)
     config['EXTENSION_HANDLERS'] = extensions = OrderedDict()
     for name in config['EXTENSIONS'][1:]:
         Ext = self.load_extension(name)
         if Ext:
             extension = Ext()
             extensions[extension.meta.name] = extension
             extension.setup(config, config_module, self.params)
     return config
Exemplo n.º 20
    def absolute_path(self, path, with_media_ending=True):
        '''Return a suitable absolute url for ``path``.

        The url is calculated in the following way:

        * Check if ``path`` is an entry in the :attr:`known_libraries`
          dictionary. In this case replace ``path`` with
        * If ``path`` :meth:`is_relative` build a sutable url by prepending
          the :attr:`media_path` attribute.

        :return: A url path to insert in a HTML ``link`` or ``script``.
        ending = '.%s' % self.mediatype
        minify = True
        urlparams = ''
        if isinstance(path, dict):
            urlparams = path.get('urlparams', urlparams)
            minify = path.get('minify', minify)
            path = path['url']
        if path in self.known_libraries:
            lib = self.known_libraries[path]
            if isinstance(lib, dict):
                urlparams = lib.get('urlparams', '')
                minify = lib.get('minify', minify)
                lib = lib['url']
            path = '%s%s' % (lib, ending)
        if self.minified and minify:
            if path.endswith(ending):
                path = self._minify(path, ending)
        if not with_media_ending:
            path = path[:-len(ending)]
        if urlparams:
            path = '%s?%s' % (path, urlparams)
        if self.is_relative(path):
            return remove_double_slash('%s/%s' % (self.media_path, path))
            return path
Exemplo n.º 21
 def api_url(cls, path=None):
     if 'API_URL' in cls.app.config:
         url = cls.app.config['API_URL']
         return remove_double_slash('%s/%s' % (url, path)) if path else url
Exemplo n.º 22
 def api_url(cls, path=None):
     if 'API_URL' in cls.app.config:
         url = cls.app.config['API_URL']
         return remove_double_slash('%s/%s' % (url, path)) if path else url
Exemplo n.º 23
    def middleware(self, app):
        # API urls not available - no middleware to add
        if not app.apis:

        middleware = []

        # Add routers and models
        routes = OrderedDict()

        for extension in app.extensions.values():
            api_sections = getattr(extension, 'api_sections', None)
            if api_sections:
                for router in api_sections(app) or ():
                    routes[router.route.path] = router

        # Allow router override
        for router in routes.values():
            if isinstance(router, RestRouter):
                # Register model
                router.model = app.models.register(router.model)
                if router.model:
                    router.model.api_route = router.route
            # Add router to API root-router

        # Create the rest-api handler
        app.api = app.providers['Api'](app)

        # Create paginator
        dotted_path = app.config['PAGINATION']
        pagination = module_attribute(dotted_path)
        if not pagination:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured('Could not load paginator "%s"',
        app.pagination = pagination()
        has_api = False

        for api in app.apis:

            # router not required when api is remote
            if api.netloc:

            has_api = True
            # Add API root-router to middleware
            url = str(api.router)
            if url != '/':
                # when the api is served by a path, make sure 404 is raised
                # when no suitable routes are found
                    Rest404(remove_double_slash('%s/<path:path>' % url)))
        # Add the preflight and token events
        if has_api:
            app.add_events(('on_preflight', 'on_token'))

        return middleware
Exemplo n.º 24
 def _path(self, request, path):
     '''Append extension to file name
     return remove_double_slash('/%s/%s' % (self.url, path))