Exemplo n.º 1
    def generate_task_ids(self, job, kwargs):
        '''An internal method to generate task unique identifiers.

        :parameter job: The :class:`.Job` creating the task.
        :parameter kwargs: dictionary of key-valued parameters passed to the
            :ref:`job callable <job-callable>` method.
        :return: a two-elements tuple containing the unique id and an
            identifier for overlapping tasks if the :attr:`.Job.can_overlap`
            results in ``False``.

        Called by the :ref:`TaskBackend <apps-taskqueue-backend>` when
        creating a new task.
        can_overlap = job.can_overlap
        if hasattr(can_overlap, '__call__'):
            can_overlap = can_overlap(**kwargs)
        tid = gen_unique_id()
        if can_overlap:
            return tid, None
            if kwargs:
                kw = ('%s=%s' % (k, kwargs[k]) for k in sorted(kwargs))
                name = '%s %s' % (self.name, ', '.join(kw))
                name = self.name
            return tid, sha1(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def generate_task_ids(self, job, kwargs):
        '''An internal method to generate task unique identifiers.

        :parameter job: The :class:`.Job` creating the task.
        :parameter kwargs: dictionary of key-valued parameters passed to the
            :ref:`job callable <job-callable>` method.
        :return: a two-elements tuple containing the unique id and an
            identifier for overlapping tasks if the :attr:`.Job.can_overlap`
            results in ``False``.

        Called by the :ref:`TaskBackend <apps-taskqueue-backend>` when
        creating a new task.
        can_overlap = job.can_overlap
        if hasattr(can_overlap, '__call__'):
            can_overlap = can_overlap(**kwargs)
        tid = gen_unique_id()
        if can_overlap:
            return tid, None
            if kwargs:
                kw = ('%s=%s' % (k, kwargs[k]) for k in sorted(kwargs))
                name = '%s %s' % (self.name, ', '.join(kw))
                name = self.name
            return tid, sha1(name.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
Exemplo n.º 3
def _spawn_actor(cls, monitor, cfg=None, name=None, aid=None, **kw):
    # Internal function which spawns a new Actor and return its
    # ActorProxyMonitor.
    # *cls* is the Actor class
    # *monitor* can be either the ariber or a monitor
    kind = None
    if issubclass(cls, PoolMixin):
        kind = 'monitor'
    if monitor:
        params = monitor.actorparams()
        name = params.pop('name', name)
        aid = params.pop('aid', aid)
        cfg = params.pop('cfg', cfg)

    # get config if not available
    if cfg is None:
        if monitor:
            cfg = monitor.cfg.copy()
            cfg = Config()

    if not monitor:  # monitor not available, this is the arbiter
        if kind != 'monitor':
            raise TypeError('class %s not a valid monitor' % cls)
        kind = 'arbiter'
        params = {}
        if not cfg.exc_id:
            if not aid:
                aid = gen_unique_id()[:8]
            cfg.set('exc_id', aid)
    for key, value in iteritems(kw):
        if key in cfg.settings:
            cfg.set(key, value)
            params[key] = value
    if monitor:
        if not kind:
            if not issubclass(cls, Actor):
                raise TypeError('Class %s not a valid actor.' % cls)
            kind = cfg.concurrency
    if not kind:
        raise TypeError('Cannot spawn class %s. not a valid concurrency.'
                        % cls)
    actor_proxy = concurrency(kind, cls, monitor, cfg, name=name,
                              aid=aid, **params)
    # Add to the list of managed actors if this is a remote actor
    if isinstance(actor_proxy, Actor):
        return actor_proxy
        actor_proxy.monitor = monitor
        monitor.managed_actors[actor_proxy.aid] = actor_proxy
        future = actor_proxy_future(actor_proxy)
        return future
Exemplo n.º 4
    def create_id(self, kwargs):
        '''Create a unique id for a task.

        Called by the :class:`.TaskBackend` when a new task is about to be

        :parameter kwargs: dictionary of parameters passed to the
            :ref:`job callable method <job-callable>`.
        return gen_unique_id()[:8]
Exemplo n.º 5
 def make(self, kind, actor_class, monitor, cfg, name=None, aid=None, **kw):
     self.__class__._creation_counter += 1
     self.aid = aid or gen_unique_id()[:8]
     self.age = self.__class__._creation_counter
     self.name = name or actor_class.__name__.lower()
     self.kind = kind
     self.cfg = cfg
     self.actor_class = actor_class
     self.params = kw
     self.params['monitor'] = monitor
     return self.get_actor()
Exemplo n.º 6
 def make(self, kind, actor_class, monitor, cfg, name=None, aid=None, **kw):
     self.__class__._creation_counter += 1
     self.aid = aid or gen_unique_id()[:8]
     self.age = self.__class__._creation_counter
     self.name = name or actor_class.__name__.lower()
     self.kind = kind
     self.cfg = cfg
     self.actor_class = actor_class
     self.params = kw
     self.params['monitor'] = monitor
     return self.get_actor()
Exemplo n.º 7
 def make(self, kind, actor_class, monitor, commands_set, cfg, name=None,
          aid=None, **params):
     self.__class__._creation_counter += 1
     self.aid = aid or gen_unique_id()[:8]
     self.age = self.__class__._creation_counter
     self.name = name or actor_class.__name__.lower()
     self.kind = kind
     self.commands_set = commands_set
     self.cfg = cfg
     self.actor_class = actor_class
     self.params = params
     return self.get_actor(monitor)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def command(cls, command, sender, target, args, kwargs):
     command = get_command(command)
     data = {'command': command.__name__,
             'sender': actor_identity(sender),
             'target': actor_identity(target),
             'args': args if args is not None else (),
             'kwargs': kwargs if kwargs is not None else {}}
     if command.ack:
         future = Future()
         data['ack'] = gen_unique_id()[:8]
         future = None
     return cls(data, future)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def command(cls, command, sender, target, args, kwargs):
     command = get_command(command)
     data = {'command': command.__name__,
             'sender': actorid(sender),
             'target': actorid(target),
             'args': args if args is not None else (),
             'kwargs': kwargs if kwargs is not None else {}}
     if command.ack:
         future = Future()
         data['ack'] = gen_unique_id()[:8]
         future = None
     return cls(data, future)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def command(cls, command, sender, target, args, kwargs, address=None,
     command = get_command(command)
     data = {'command': command.__name__,
             'sender': actorid(sender),
             'target': actorid(target),
             'args': args if args is not None else (),
             'kwargs': kwargs if kwargs is not None else {}}
     if command.ack:
         future = Deferred()
         data['ack'] = gen_unique_id()[:8]
         future = None
     return cls(data, future, address, timeout)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.exc_id = gen_unique_id()[:8]
     name = cls.__name__.lower()
     argv = [
         __file__, 'pulse', '-b', '', '--concurrency',
         cls.concurrency, '--exc-id', cls.exc_id, '--pulse-app-name', name,
         '--data-store', 'pulsar://'
     cls.app_cfg = yield send('arbiter', 'run', start_server, name, argv)
     assert cls.app_cfg.exc_id == cls.exc_id, "Bad execution id"
     addr = cls.app_cfg.addresses[0]
     cls.uri = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(*addr)
     cls.ws = 'ws://{0}:{1}/message'.format(*addr)
     cls.http = http.HttpClient()
Exemplo n.º 12
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.exc_id = gen_unique_id()[:8]
     name = cls.__name__.lower()
     argv = [__file__, 'pulse',
             '-b', '',
             '--concurrency', cls.concurrency,
             '--exc-id', cls.exc_id,
             '--pulse-app-name', name,
             '--data-store', 'pulsar://']
     cls.app_cfg = yield send('arbiter', 'run', start_server, name, argv)
     assert cls.app_cfg.exc_id == cls.exc_id, "Bad execution id"
     addr = cls.app_cfg.addresses[0]
     cls.uri = 'http://{0}:{1}'.format(*addr)
     cls.ws = 'ws://{0}:{1}/message'.format(*addr)
     cls.http = http.HttpClient()
Exemplo n.º 13
def spawn(cfg=None, **kwargs):
    '''Spawn a new :class:`Actor` and return an :class:`ActorProxyDeferred`.

    This method can be used from any :class:`Actor`.
    If not in the :class:`Arbiter` domain, the method sends a request
    to the :class:`Arbiter` to spawn a new actor.
    Once the arbiter creates the actor it returns the ``proxy`` to the
    original caller.

    **Parameter kwargs**

    These optional parameters are:

    * ``actor_class`` a custom :class:`Actor` subclass
    * ``aid`` the actor id
    * ``name`` the actor name
    * :ref:`actor hooks <actor-hooks>` such as ``start``, ``stopping``
      and ``stop``

    :return: an :class:`ActorProxyDeferred`.

    A typical usage::

        >>> def do_something(actor):
        >>> a = spawn(start=do_something, ...)
        >>> a.aid
        >>> a.called
        >>> p = a.result
        >>> p.address
        ('', 46691)
    aid = gen_unique_id()[:8]
    kwargs['aid'] = aid
    actor = get_actor()
    # The actor is not the Arbiter domain.
    # We send a message to the Arbiter to spawn a new Actor
    if not isinstance(actor, Arbiter):
        # send the request to the arbiter
        msg = actor.send('arbiter', 'spawn', **kwargs)
        return proxy.ActorProxyDeferred(aid, msg)
        return actor.spawn(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 14
def spawn(**kwargs):
    '''Spawn a new :class:`.Actor` and return an :class:`.ActorProxyFuture`.

    This method can be used from any :class:`.Actor`.
    If not in the :class:`.Arbiter` domain, the method sends a request
    to the :class:`.Arbiter` to spawn a new actor.
    Once the arbiter creates the actor it returns the ``proxy`` to the
    original caller.

    **Parameter kwargs**

    These optional parameters are:

    * ``aid`` the actor id
    * ``name`` the actor name
    * :ref:`actor hooks <actor-hooks>` such as ``start``, ``stopping``
      and ``stop``
    * ``actor_class`` a custom :class:`.Actor` subclass (never used)

    :return: an :class:`.ActorProxyFuture`.

    A typical usage::

        >>> def do_something(actor):
        >>> a = spawn(start=do_something, ...)
        >>> a.aid
        >>> a.called
        >>> p = a.result()
        >>> p.address
        ('', 46691)
    aid = gen_unique_id()[:8]
    kwargs['aid'] = aid
    actor = get_actor()
    # The actor is not the Arbiter domain.
    # We send a message to the Arbiter to spawn a new Actor
    if not isinstance(actor, Arbiter):
        # send the request to the arbiter
        future = actor.send('arbiter', 'spawn', **kwargs)
        return actor_proxy_future(aid, future)
        return actor.spawn(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 15
def spawn(cfg=None, **kwargs):
    '''Spawn a new :class:`Actor` and return an :class:`ActorProxyDeferred`.
This method can be used from any :class:`Actor`.
If not in the :class:`Arbiter` domain,
the method send a request to the :class:`Arbiter` to spawn a new actor, once
the arbiter creates the actor it returns the proxy to the original caller.

**Parameter kwargs**

These optional parameters are:
    * *actor_class* a custom :class:`Actor` subclass.
    * *aid* the actor id
    * *commands_set* the set of :ref:`remote commands <api-remote_commands>`
      the :class:`Actor` can respond to.
:rtype: an :class:`ActorProxyDeferred`.

A typical usage::

    >>> a = spawn()
    >>> a.aid
    >>> a.called
    >>> p = a.result
    >>> p.address
    ('', 46691)
    aid = gen_unique_id()[:8]
    kwargs['aid'] = aid
    actor = get_actor()
    # The actor is not the Arbiter domain.
    # We send a message to the Arbiter to spawn a new Actor
    if not isinstance(actor, Arbiter):
        msg = actor.send('arbiter', 'spawn', **kwargs)\
        return proxy.ActorProxyDeferred(aid, msg)
        return actor.spawn(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.exc_id = gen_unique_id()[:8]
     name = cls.__name__.lower()
     argv = [
     cls.app_cfg = yield send("arbiter", "run", start_server, name, argv)
     assert cls.app_cfg.exc_id == cls.exc_id, "Bad execution id"
     addr = cls.app_cfg.addresses[0]
     cls.uri = "http://{0}:{1}".format(*addr)
     cls.ws = "ws://{0}:{1}/message".format(*addr)
     cls.http = http.HttpClient()
Exemplo n.º 17
 def send_message(self, msg):
     id = to_bytes(gen_unique_id()[:8])
     self.requests[id] = Deferred()
     self.transport.write(id + to_bytes(msg) + self.separator)
     return self.requests[id]
Exemplo n.º 18
def create_task_id():
    return gen_unique_id()[:8]
Exemplo n.º 19
from pulsar.utils.security import gen_unique_id
from pulsar.apps.data import odm
from pulsar.apps.tasks import Task

models = odm.Mapper('couchdb://')
store = models.default_store
    ok = store.delete_database()
except Exception:
ok = store.create_database()

ok = models.create_tables()

tasks = models.task
task1 = tasks.create(name='bla', id=gen_unique_id())
assert task1.name == 'bla'
task2 = tasks.create(name='foo', id=gen_unique_id())
assert task2.name == 'foo'
task3 = tasks.create(name='foo', id=gen_unique_id())
assert task3.name == 'foo'

objs = store.table_info(Task)

ok = models.drop_tables()
Exemplo n.º 20
 def makeid(self):
     '''Can be re-implemented by your own Proxy'''
     return gen_unique_id()
Exemplo n.º 21
__test__ = False

    from example.luxweb.settings import *
except ImportError:
    import sys

    print("Add a settings file in the example.luxweb module")

EXTENSIONS = ["lux.extensions.base"]

from stdnet import getdb
from pulsar.utils.security import gen_unique_id

c = getdb(DATASTORE[""], db=7, namespace="luxtest:%s:" % gen_unique_id()[:8])
DATASTORE = {"": c.connection_string}
Exemplo n.º 22
def create_task_id():
    return gen_unique_id()[:8]
Exemplo n.º 23
 def pubsub(self, tag=None, **kwargs):
     tag = tag or gen_unique_id()
     ps = PubSub(self.backend(tag), **kwargs)
     return ps
Exemplo n.º 24
 def pubsub(self, tag=None, **kwargs):
     tag = tag or gen_unique_id()
     ps = PubSub(self.backend(tag), **kwargs)
     return ps
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __call__(self, msg):
     id = to_bytes(gen_unique_id()[:8])
     self.requests[id] = d = Deferred()
     self.transport.write(id + to_bytes(msg) + self.separator)
     return d
Exemplo n.º 26
__test__ = False

    from example.luxweb.settings import *
except ImportError:
    import sys
    print('Add a settings file in the example.luxweb module')

EXTENSIONS = ['lux.extensions.base']

from stdnet import getdb
from pulsar.utils.security import gen_unique_id

c = getdb(DATASTORE[''], db=7, namespace='luxtest:%s:' % gen_unique_id()[:8])
DATASTORE = {'': c.connection_string}
Exemplo n.º 27
from pulsar.utils.security import gen_unique_id
from pulsar.apps.data import odm
from pulsar.apps.tasks import Task

models = odm.Mapper('couchdb://')
store = models.default_store
    ok = store.delete_database()
except Exception:
ok = store.create_database()

ok = models.create_tables()

tasks = models.task
task1 = tasks.create(name='bla', id=gen_unique_id())
assert task1.name == 'bla'
task2 = tasks.create(name='foo', id=gen_unique_id())
assert task2.name == 'foo'
task3 = tasks.create(name='foo', id=gen_unique_id())
assert task3.name == 'foo'

objs = store.table_info(Task)


ok = models.drop_tables()
Exemplo n.º 28
def create_aid():
    return gen_unique_id()[:8]
Exemplo n.º 29
Arquivo: tx.py Projeto: japaks/pulsar
 def send_message(self, msg):
     id = to_bytes(gen_unique_id()[:8])
     self.requests[id] = Deferred()
     self.transport.write(id + to_bytes(msg) + self.separator)
     return self.requests[id]