def get_socket(self, pair=None, force=False): if self.pool is None: self.pool = Pool(self._create_connection, pool_size=self.max_size, self.pool_id += 1 if force: return self._create_connection(pair) else: return self.pool.connect()
def _init(self, namespace=None, parser_class=None, pool_size=50, decode_responses=False, **kwargs): self._decode_responses = decode_responses if not parser_class: actor = get_actor() pyparser = actor.cfg.redis_py_parser if actor else False parser_class = redis_parser(pyparser) self._parser_class = parser_class if namespace: self._urlparams['namespace'] = namespace self._pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size=pool_size, loop=self._loop) self.loaded_scripts = {}
class EchoGreen(AbstractClient): """A client for the echo server. """ protocol_factory = partial(Connection, EchoProtocol) def __init__(self, address, wait, pool_size=10, loop=None): super().__init__(loop) self.address = address self.wait = wait self.pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size, self._loop) def connect(self): return self.create_connection(self.address) def __call__(self, message): return self.wait(self._call(message)) @asyncio.coroutine def _call(self, message): connection = yield from self.pool.connect() with connection: consumer = connection.current_consumer() consumer.start(message) yield from consumer.on_finished return consumer.buffer
class MongoDbPool(object): '''A connection pool for pymongo client ''' def __init__(self, store, pair, max_size, net_timeout, conn_timeout, use_ssl, use_greenlets, ssl_keyfile=None, ssl_certfile=None, ssl_cert_reqs=None, ssl_ca_certs=None, wait_queue_timeout=None, wait_queue_multiple=None): self.pool = None = store self.max_size = max_size self.pool_id = 0 self.pair = pair @property def _loop(self): return def _create_connection(self, pair=None): '''Default method for connecting to remote datastore. ''' protocol_factory = host, port = pair or _, protocol = yield self._loop.create_connection( protocol_factory, host, port) socket_info = SocketInfo(protocol, self.pool_id) coroutine_return(socket_info) def reset(self): if self.pool is not None: self.pool.close() self.pool = None @green_run def get_socket(self, pair=None, force=False): if self.pool is None: self.pool = Pool(self._create_connection, pool_size=self.max_size, self.pool_id += 1 if force: return self._create_connection(pair) else: return self.pool.connect() def maybe_return_socket(self, sock_info): pass
class Echo(AbstractClient): '''A client for the echo server. :param address: set the :attr:`address` attribute :param full_response: set the :attr:`full_response` attribute :param pool_size: used when initialising the connetion :attr:`pool`. :param loop: Optional event loop to set the :attr:`_loop` attribute. .. attribute:: _loop The event loop used by the client IO requests. The event loop is stored at this attribute so that asynchronous method decorators such as :func:`.task` can be used. .. attribute:: address remote server TCP address. .. attribute:: pool Asynchronous connection :class:`.Pool`. .. attribute:: full_response Flag indicating if the callable method should return the :class:`EchoProtocol` handling the request (``True``) or the server response message (``False``). Default: ``False`` ''' protocol_factory = partial(Connection, EchoProtocol) def __init__(self, address, full_response=False, pool_size=10, loop=None): super(Echo, self).__init__(loop) self.address = address self.full_response = full_response self.pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size, self._loop) def connect(self): return self.create_connection(self.address) @task def __call__(self, message): '''Send a ``message`` to the server and wait for a response. :return: a :class:`.Future` ''' connection = yield self.pool.connect() with connection: consumer = connection.current_consumer() consumer.start(message) result = yield consumer.on_finished result = consumer if self.full_response else consumer.buffer coroutine_return(result)
class Echo(pulsar.AbstractUdpClient): '''A client for the echo server. :param address: set the :attr:`address` attribute :param pool_size: used when initialising the connetion :attr:`pool`. :param loop: Optional event loop to set the :attr:`_loop` attribute. .. attribute:: _loop The event loop used by the client IO requests. The event loop is stored at this attribute so that asynchronous method decorators such as :func:`.task` can be used. .. attribute:: address remote server UDP address. .. attribute:: pool Asynchronous client protocol :class:`.Pool`. ''' protocol_factory = EchoUdpClientProtocol def __init__(self, address, pool_size=5, loop=None): super().__init__(loop) self.address = address self.pool = Pool(self.create_endpoint, pool_size, self._loop) def create_endpoint(self): return self.create_datagram_endpoint(remote_addr=self.address) def __call__(self, message): '''Send a ``message`` to the server and wait for a response. :return: a :class:`.Future` ''' result = self._call(message) if not self._loop.is_running(): return self._loop.run_until_complete(result) else: return result @asyncio.coroutine def _call(self, message): protocol = yield from self.pool.connect() with protocol: result = yield from protocol.send(message) return result
class Echo(pulsar.AbstractUdpClient): '''A client for the echo server. :param address: set the :attr:`address` attribute :param pool_size: used when initialising the connetion :attr:`pool`. :param loop: Optional event loop to set the :attr:`_loop` attribute. .. attribute:: _loop The event loop used by the client IO requests. The event loop is stored at this attribute so that asynchronous method decorators such as :func:`.task` can be used. .. attribute:: address remote server UDP address. .. attribute:: pool Asynchronous client protocol :class:`.Pool`. ''' protocol_factory = EchoUdpClientProtocol def __init__(self, address, pool_size=5, loop=None): super(Echo, self).__init__(loop) self.address = address self.pool = Pool(self.create_endpoint, pool_size, self._loop) def create_endpoint(self): return self.create_datagram_endpoint(remote_addr=self.address) def __call__(self, message): '''Send a ``message`` to the server and wait for a response. :return: a :class:`.Future` ''' result = self._call(message) if not self._loop.is_running(): return self._loop.run_until_complete(result) else: return result def _call(self, message): protocol = yield from self.pool.connect() with protocol: result = yield from protocol.send(message) return result
def __init__(self, appname, wait, pool_size=5, loop=None): super().__init__(loop) self.app_name = appname self.wait = wait self.pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size, self._loop)
class RedisStore(RemoteStore): '''Redis :class:`.Store` implementation. ''' protocol_factory = partial(RedisStoreConnection, Consumer) supported_queries = frozenset(('filter', 'exclude')) def _init(self, namespace=None, parser_class=None, pool_size=50, decode_responses=False, **kwargs): self._decode_responses = decode_responses if not parser_class: actor = get_actor() pyparser = actor.cfg.redis_py_parser if actor else False parser_class = redis_parser(pyparser) self._parser_class = parser_class if namespace: self._urlparams['namespace'] = namespace self._pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size=pool_size, loop=self._loop) if self._database is None: self._database = 0 self._database = int(self._database) self.loaded_scripts = {} @property def pool(self): return self._pool @property def namespace(self): '''The prefix namespace to append to all transaction on keys ''' n = self._urlparams.get('namespace') return '%s:' % n if n else '' def key(self): return (self._dns, self._encoding) def client(self): '''Get a :class:`.RedisClient` for the Store''' return RedisClient(self) def pipeline(self): '''Get a :class:`.Pipeline` for the Store''' return Pipeline(self) def pubsub(self, protocol=None): return RedisPubSub(self, protocol=protocol) def ping(self): return self.client().ping() def execute(self, *args, **options): connection = yield from self._pool.connect() with connection: result = yield from connection.execute(*args, **options) return result def execute_pipeline(self, commands, raise_on_error=True): conn = yield from self._pool.connect() with conn: result = yield from conn.execute_pipeline(commands, raise_on_error) return result def connect(self, protocol_factory=None): protocol_factory = protocol_factory or self.create_protocol if isinstance(self._host, tuple): host, port = self._host transport, connection = yield from self._loop.create_connection( protocol_factory, host, port) else: raise NotImplementedError('Could not connect to %s' % str(self._host)) if self._password: yield from connection.execute('AUTH', self._password) if self._database: yield from connection.execute('SELECT', self._database) return connection def flush(self): return self.execute('flushdb') def close(self): '''Close all open connections.''' return self._pool.close() def has_query(self, query_type): return query_type in self.supported_queries def basekey(self, meta, *args): key = '%s%s' % (self.namespace, meta.table_name) postfix = ':'.join((to_string(p) for p in args if p is not None)) return '%s:%s' % (key, postfix) if postfix else key def meta(self, meta): '''Extract model metadata for lua script stdnet/lib/lua/odm.lua''' # indices = dict(((idx.attname, idx.unique) for idx in meta.indices)) data = meta.as_dict() data['namespace'] = self.basekey(meta) return data
def __init__(self, address, pool_size=5, loop=None): super().__init__(loop) self.address = address self.pool = Pool(self.create_endpoint, pool_size, self._loop)
def __init__(self, address, pool_size=5, loop=None): super(Echo, self).__init__(loop) self.address = address self.pool = Pool(self.create_endpoint, pool_size, self._loop)
class RedisStore(RemoteStore): '''Redis :class:`.Store` implementation. ''' protocol_factory = partial(RedisStoreConnection, Consumer) supported_queries = frozenset(('filter', 'exclude')) def _init(self, namespace=None, parser_class=None, pool_size=50, decode_responses=False, **kwargs): self._decode_responses = decode_responses if not parser_class: actor = get_actor() pyparser = actor.cfg.redis_py_parser if actor else False parser_class = redis_parser(pyparser) self._parser_class = parser_class if namespace: self._urlparams['namespace'] = namespace self._pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size=pool_size, loop=self._loop) if self._database is None: self._database = 0 self._database = int(self._database) self.loaded_scripts = set() @property def pool(self): return self._pool @property def namespace(self): '''The prefix namespace to append to all transaction on keys ''' n = self._urlparams.get('namespace') return '%s:' % n if n else '' def key(self): return (self._dns, self._encoding) def client(self): '''Get a :class:`.RedisClient` for the Store''' return RedisClient(self) def pipeline(self): '''Get a :class:`.Pipeline` for the Store''' return Pipeline(self) def pubsub(self, protocol=None): return RedisPubSub(self, protocol=protocol) def ping(self): return self.client().ping() async def execute(self, *args, **options): connection = await self._pool.connect() with connection: result = await connection.execute(*args, **options) return result async def execute_pipeline(self, commands, raise_on_error=True): conn = await self._pool.connect() with conn: result = await conn.execute_pipeline(commands, raise_on_error) return result async def connect(self, protocol_factory=None): protocol_factory = protocol_factory or self.create_protocol if isinstance(self._host, tuple): host, port = self._host transport, connection = await self._loop.create_connection( protocol_factory, host, port) else: raise NotImplementedError('Could not connect to %s' % str(self._host)) if self._password: await connection.execute('AUTH', self._password) if self._database: await connection.execute('SELECT', self._database) return connection def flush(self): return self.execute('flushdb') def close(self): '''Close all open connections.''' return self._pool.close() def has_query(self, query_type): return query_type in self.supported_queries def basekey(self, meta, *args): key = '%s%s' % (self.namespace, meta.table_name) postfix = ':'.join((to_string(p) for p in args if p is not None)) return '%s:%s' % (key, postfix) if postfix else key def meta(self, meta): '''Extract model metadata for lua script stdnet/lib/lua/odm.lua''' # indices = dict(((idx.attname, idx.unique) for idx in meta.indices)) data = meta.as_dict() data['namespace'] = self.basekey(meta) return data
class RedisStore(Store): '''Redis :class:`.Store` implementation. ''' protocol_factory = partial(RedisStoreConnection, Consumer) supported_queries = frozenset(('filter', 'exclude')) def _init(self, namespace=None, parser_class=None, pool_size=50, decode_responses=False, **kwargs): self._decode_responses = decode_responses if not parser_class: actor = get_actor() pyparser = actor.cfg.redis_py_parser if actor else False parser_class = redis_parser(pyparser) self._parser_class = parser_class if namespace: self._urlparams['namespace'] = namespace self._pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size=pool_size, loop=self._loop) self.loaded_scripts = {} @property def pool(self): return self._pool @property def namespace(self): '''The prefix namespace to append to all transaction on keys ''' n = self._urlparams.get('namespace') return '%s:' % n if n else '' def key(self): return (self._dns, self._encoding) def client(self): '''Get a :class:`.RedisClient` for the Store''' return RedisClient(self) def pipeline(self): '''Get a :class:`.Pipeline` for the Store''' return Pipeline(self) def pubsub(self, protocol=None): return PubSub(self, protocol=protocol) def ping(self): return self.client().ping() @task def execute(self, *args, **options): connection = yield self._pool.connect() with connection: result = yield connection.execute(*args, **options) if isinstance(result, ResponseError): raise result.exception coroutine_return(result) @task def execute_pipeline(self, commands, raise_on_error=True): conn = yield self._pool.connect() with conn: result = yield conn.execute_pipeline(commands, raise_on_error) if isinstance(result, ResponseError): raise result.exception coroutine_return(result) def connect(self, protocol_factory=None): protocol_factory = protocol_factory or self.create_protocol if isinstance(self._host, tuple): host, port = self._host transport, connection = yield self._loop.create_connection( protocol_factory, host, port) else: raise NotImplementedError('Could not connect to %s' % str(self._host)) if self._password: yield connection.execute('AUTH', self._password) if self._database: yield connection.execute('SELECT', self._database) coroutine_return(connection) def execute_transaction(self, transaction): '''Execute a :class:`.Transaction` ''' pipe = self.pipeline() update_insert = set((Command.INSERT, Command.UPDATE)) # for command in transaction.commands: action = command.action if not action: pipe.execute(*command.args) elif action in update_insert: model = command.args key = self.basekey(model._meta, pipe.hmset(key, self.model_data(model, action)) else: raise NotImplementedError response = yield pipe.commit() for command in transaction.commands: if command.action == Command.INSERT: model = command.args model['_rev'] = 1 def get_model(self, manager, pk): key = '%s%s:%s' % (self.namespace, manager._meta.table_name, to_string(pk)) return self.execute('hgetall', key, factory=partial(self.build_model, manager)) def compile_query(self, query): compiled = CompiledQuery(self.pipeline()) return compiled def flush(self): return self.execute('flushdb') def close(self): '''Close all open connections.''' return self._pool.close() def has_query(self, query_type): return query_type in self.supported_queries def basekey(self, meta, *args): key = '%s%s' % (self.namespace, meta.table_name) postfix = ':'.join((to_string(p) for p in args if p is not None)) return '%s:%s' % (key, postfix) if postfix else key def meta(self, meta): '''Extract model metadata for lua script stdnet/lib/lua/odm.lua''' indices = dict(((idx.attname, idx.unique) for idx in meta.indices)) data = meta.as_dict() data['namespace'] = self.basekey(meta) return data
def _init(self, pool_size=50, auth_key='', **kwargs): self.auth_key = auth_key.encode('ascii') self._pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size=pool_size, loop=self._loop)
def __init__(self, address, full_response=False, pool_size=10, loop=None): super(Echo, self).__init__(loop) self.address = address self.full_response = full_response self.pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size, self._loop)
def __init__(self, address, wait, pool_size=10, loop=None): super().__init__(loop) self.address = address self.wait = wait self.pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size, self._loop)
class RedisStore(Store): '''Redis :class:`.Store` implementation. ''' protocol_factory = partial(RedisStoreConnection, Consumer) supported_queries = frozenset(('filter', 'exclude')) def _init(self, namespace=None, parser_class=None, pool_size=50, decode_responses=False, **kwargs): self._decode_responses = decode_responses if not parser_class: actor = get_actor() pyparser = actor.cfg.redis_py_parser if actor else False parser_class = redis_parser(pyparser) self._parser_class = parser_class if namespace: self._urlparams['namespace'] = namespace self._pool = Pool(self.connect, pool_size=pool_size, loop=self._loop) self.loaded_scripts = {} @property def pool(self): return self._pool @property def namespace(self): '''The prefix namespace to append to all transaction on keys ''' n = self._urlparams.get('namespace') return '%s:' % n if n else '' def key(self): return (self._dns, self._encoding) def client(self): '''Get a :class:`.RedisClient` for the Store''' return RedisClient(self) def pipeline(self): '''Get a :class:`.Pipeline` for the Store''' return Pipeline(self) def pubsub(self, protocol=None): return PubSub(self, protocol=protocol) def ping(self): return self.client().ping() @task def execute(self, *args, **options): connection = yield self._pool.connect() with connection: result = yield connection.execute(*args, **options) if isinstance(result, ResponseError): raise result.exception coroutine_return(result) @task def execute_pipeline(self, commands, raise_on_error=True): conn = yield self._pool.connect() with conn: result = yield conn.execute_pipeline(commands, raise_on_error) if isinstance(result, ResponseError): raise result.exception coroutine_return(result) def connect(self, protocol_factory=None): protocol_factory = protocol_factory or self.create_protocol if isinstance(self._host, tuple): host, port = self._host transport, connection = yield From(self._loop.create_connection( protocol_factory, host, port)) else: raise NotImplementedError('Could not connect to %s' % str(self._host)) if self._password: yield From(connection.execute('AUTH', self._password)) if self._database: yield From(connection.execute('SELECT', self._database)) coroutine_return(connection) def execute_transaction(self, transaction): '''Execute a :class:`.Transaction` ''' models = [] pipe = self.pipeline() update_insert = set((Command.INSERT, Command.UPDATE)) # for command in transaction.commands: action = command.action if not action: pipe.execute(*command.args) elif action in update_insert: model = command.args model['_rev'] = model.get('_rev', 0) + 1 models.append(model) key = self.basekey(model._meta, pipe.hmset(key, self.model_data(model, action)) else: raise NotImplementedError yield From(pipe.commit()) coroutine_return(models) def get_model(self, manager, pk): key = '%s%s:%s' % (self.namespace, manager._meta.table_name, to_string(pk)) return self.execute('hgetall', key, factory=partial(self.build_model, manager)) def compile_query(self, query): compiled = CompiledQuery(self.pipeline()) return compiled def flush(self): return self.execute('flushdb') def close(self): '''Close all open connections.''' return self._pool.close() def has_query(self, query_type): return query_type in self.supported_queries def basekey(self, meta, *args): key = '%s%s' % (self.namespace, meta.table_name) postfix = ':'.join((to_string(p) for p in args if p is not None)) return '%s:%s' % (key, postfix) if postfix else key def meta(self, meta): '''Extract model metadata for lua script stdnet/lib/lua/odm.lua''' # indices = dict(((idx.attname, idx.unique) for idx in meta.indices)) data = meta.as_dict() data['namespace'] = self.basekey(meta) return data