Exemplo n.º 1
    def _uhat(self, results):
        nc = len(self.grid[:, 0])
        ndim = len(self.params)
        level = self.level
        x = self.grid
        weight = x[:, ndim]
        weight = weight / np.sum(weight)
        x = x[:, 0:ndim]
        nterm = nelms(self.level, ndim)
        jf = np.zeros((nc, nterm))
        h2 = jacobi_e2_nd(ndim, self.level, 0, 0)
        for i in range(0, nc):
            jf[i, :] = legendre_nd(x[i, :], ndim, level)

        # calculate uhat
        uhat = np.zeros((nterm))
        for i in range(0, nterm):
            uhat[i] = np.sum(results.T * jf[:, i] * weight) / h2[i]

        poly = self.polyrs(uhat)

        # collect parameters and results in one array
        pgrid = self.grid.copy()
        for i, p in enumerate(self.params):
            pmin, pmax = p.pdf.srange
            pgrid[:, i] *= (pmax - pmin) / 2.0
            pgrid[:, i] += (pmax + pmin) / 2.0
        actual_data = np.column_stack((pgrid[:, :-1], results))
        rs = ResponseFunc(poly, params=self.params, data=actual_data)
        vprint(1, "\tSurface   = %s" % rs.eqn)
        srmse, srmsep = rs.rmse()
        vprint(1, "\tRMSE      = %.2e (%.2e %%)" % (srmse, srmsep))
        return rs
Exemplo n.º 2
def start(*args):
    usage = """Usage: puq start [-f file.hdf5] script.py [args].
    where 'script' is a PUQ control script and
    'args' are optional arguments passed to run() in the control script."""
    parser = OptionParser(usage)
    parser.add_option("-f", type='string',
        help="Output filename. '.hdf5' will be appended if necessary. Default is 'sweep_' followed by a timestamp.")
    (opt, ar) = parser.parse_args(args=list(args))

    if len(ar) == 0:

    scriptname = ar[0]

    vprint(2, "Start %s" % scriptname)
    module = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(scriptname)[1])[0]
    sys.path = [os.getcwd()] + sys.path

        _temp = __import__(module, globals(), locals(), [], 0)
    except ImportError:
        exception("Error importing '%s'" % scriptname)

    sw = _temp.run(*ar[1:])

    if not scriptname.endswith(".py"):
        scriptname += ".py"
    sw.input_script = os.path.abspath(scriptname)

    res = sw.run(opt.f)
    if res:
    return res
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: smolyak.py Projeto: zoidy/puq
    def _uhat(self, results):
        nc = len(self.grid[:, 0])
        ndim = len(self.params)
        level = self.level
        x = self.grid
        weight = x[:, ndim]
        weight = weight / np.sum(weight)
        x = x[:, 0:ndim]
        nterm = nelms(self.level, ndim)
        jf = np.zeros((nc, nterm))
        h2 = jacobi_e2_nd(ndim, self.level, 0, 0)
        for i in range(0, nc):
            jf[i, :] = legendre_nd(x[i, :], ndim, level)

        # calculate uhat
        uhat = np.zeros((nterm))
        for i in range(0, nterm):
            uhat[i] = np.sum(results.T * jf[:, i] * weight) / h2[i]

        poly = self.polyrs(uhat)

        # collect parameters and results in one array
        pgrid = self.grid.copy()
        for i, p in enumerate(self.params):
            pmin, pmax = p.pdf.srange
            pgrid[:, i] *= (pmax - pmin) / 2.0
            pgrid[:, i] += (pmax + pmin) / 2.0
        actual_data = np.column_stack((pgrid[:, :-1], results))
        rs = ResponseFunc(poly, params=self.params, data=actual_data)
        vprint(1, "\tSurface   = %s" % rs.eqn)
        srmse, srmsep = rs.rmse()
        vprint(1, "\tRMSE      = %.2e (%.2e %%)" % (srmse, srmsep))
        return rs
Exemplo n.º 4
def extend(*args):
    usage = "Usage: sweep extend [--num num] hdf5_filename."
    parser = OptionParser(usage)
    parser.add_option("--num", type='int', default=0)
    (opt, ar) = parser.parse_args(args=list(args))
    sweep = load_internal(ar)
    cname = sweep.psweep.__class__.__name__
    vprint(1, "Extending %s.hdf5 using %s" % (sweep.fname, cname))
    if cname == 'MonteCarlo':
        if opt.num <= 0:
            print("Monte Carlo extend requires a valid num argument.")
    return sweep.run()
Exemplo n.º 5
def extend(*args):
    usage = "Usage: sweep extend [--num num] hdf5_filename."
    parser = OptionParser(usage)
    parser.add_option("--num", type='int', default=0)
    (opt, ar) = parser.parse_args(args=list(args))
    sweep = load_internal(ar)
    cname = sweep.psweep.__class__.__name__
    vprint(1, "Extending %s.hdf5 using %s" % (sweep.fname, cname))
    if cname == 'MonteCarlo':
        if opt.num <= 0:
            print "Monte Carlo extend requires a valid num argument."
            print usage
    return sweep.run()
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: sweep.py Projeto: zoidy/puq
    def run(self, fn=None, overwrite=False, dryrun=False):  #FR
        Calls PSweep.run() to run all the jobs in the Sweep.  Collect the data
        from the outputs and call the PSweep analyze method.  If the PSweep method
        has an iterative callback defined, call it, otherwise return.

          fn(string): HDF5 filename for output. '.hdf5' will be
            appended to the filename if necessary. If fn is None,
            a filename will be generated starting with "sweep\_"
            followed by a timestamp.
          overwrite(boolean): If True and fn is not None, will
            silently overwrite any previous files of the same name.
          True on success.

        if fn is not None:
            self.fname = os.path.splitext(fn)[0]
            fn = self.fname + '.hdf5'
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                if not overwrite:
                    done = False
                    while 1:
                        ans = raw_input('%s already exists.  Replace (Y/N):' %
                            if ans.upper() == 'N':
                                done = True
                            elif ans.upper() == 'Y':
                        print "Please answer with 'Y' or 'N'\n"
                    if done:
        vprint(1, 'Saving run to %s.hdf5' % self.fname)
        return self.psweep.run(self, dryrun)  #FR
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: sweep.py Projeto: wang159/puq
    def run(self, fn=None, overwrite=False):
        Calls PSweep.run() to run all the jobs in the Sweep.  Collect the data
        from the outputs and call the PSweep analyze method.  If the PSweep method
        has an iterative callback defined, call it, otherwise return.

          fn(string): HDF5 filename for output. '.hdf5' will be
            appended to the filename if necessary. If fn is None,
            a filename will be generated starting with "sweep\_"
            followed by a timestamp.
          overwrite(boolean): If True and fn is not None, will
            silently overwrite any previous files of the same name.
          True on success.

        if fn is not None:
            self.fname = os.path.splitext(fn)[0]
            fn = self.fname + '.hdf5'
            if os.path.exists(fn):
                if not overwrite:
                    done = False
                    while 1:
                        ans = raw_input('%s already exists.  Replace (Y/N):' % fn)
                            if ans.upper() == 'N':
                                done = True
                            elif ans.upper() == 'Y':
                        print "Please answer with 'Y' or 'N'\n"
                    if done:
        vprint(1, 'Saving run to %s.hdf5' % self.fname)
        return self.psweep.run(self)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def extend(self, num=None):
     self.level += 1
     vprint(1, "Extending Smolyak to level %d" % self.level)
     oldsize = self.grid.shape[0]
     self.pgrid = self.pgrid[oldsize:]
Exemplo n.º 9
    def sensitivity(self, data):
        Elementary Effects Screening
        see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elementary_effects_method

        vprint(1, "\nSENSITIVITY:")
        ee = {}

        # strip out weight column and rescale to [0,1]
        grid = (self.grid[:, :-1] + 1) / 2
        vgrid = np.column_stack((grid, data))

        numcols = grid.shape[1]

        # Each parameter's value is in a column, so for each
        # column, create a new grid without that column, then look for
        # duplicate rows.
        for coln in range(0, numcols):
            ee[coln] = []
            newgrid = grid[:, [x for x in range(0, numcols) if x != coln]]
            # (alternative) newgrid = np.delete(grid, coln, axis=1)
            rowlist = defaultdict(list)
            for n, row in enumerate(newgrid):
            for r in list(rowlist.keys()):
                if len(rowlist[r]) < 2:
                    del rowlist[r]

            # For each list of duplicate rows, create an array with all the
            # parameter values and the output value.  Iterate through it to
            for r in rowlist:
                rdata = None
                for rr in rowlist[r]:
                    if rdata is None:
                        rdata = vgrid[rr]
                        rdata = np.vstack((rdata, vgrid[rr]))
                rdata = rdata[rdata[:, coln].argsort()]
                Y = None
                for d in rdata:
                    if Y is not None:
                        ee[coln] = np.append(ee[coln],
                                             (d[-1] - Y) / (d[coln] - X))
                        #print (d[-1] - Y) / (d[coln] - X)
                    Y = d[-1]
                    X = d[coln]

        max_name_len = max(map(len, [p.name for p in self.params]))
        sens = {}
        for n, p in enumerate(self.params):
            std = np.std(ee[n])
            ustar = np.mean(np.abs(ee[n]))
            sens[p.name] = {'std': std, 'ustar': ustar}
            #p.sensitivity_ustar = ustar
            #p.sensitivity_dev = std
        sorted_list = sorted(list(sens.items()),
                             key=lambda a: a[1]['ustar'],

        vprint(1, "Var%s     u*            dev" % (' ' * (max_name_len)))
        vprint(1, '-' * (28 + max_name_len))
        for item in sorted_list:
            pad = ' ' * (max_name_len - len(item[0]))
                1, "%s%s    %.4e    %.4e" %
                (pad, item[0], item[1]['ustar'], item[1]['std']))
        return pickle(sorted_list)
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: smolyak.py Projeto: zoidy/puq
 def extend(self, num=None):
     self.level += 1
     vprint(1, "Extending Smolyak to level %d" % self.level)
     oldsize = self.grid.shape[0]
     self.pgrid = self.pgrid[oldsize:]
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: smolyak.py Projeto: zoidy/puq
    def sensitivity(self, data):
        Elementary Effects Screening
        see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elementary_effects_method

        vprint(1, "\nSENSITIVITY:")
        ee = {}

        # strip out weight column and rescale to [0,1]
        grid = (self.grid[:, :-1] + 1) / 2
        vgrid = np.column_stack((grid, data))

        numcols = grid.shape[1]

        # Each parameter's value is in a column, so for each
        # column, create a new grid without that column, then look for
        # duplicate rows.
        for coln in range(0, numcols):
            ee[coln] = []
            newgrid = grid[:, [x for x in range(0, numcols) if x != coln]]
            # (alternative) newgrid = np.delete(grid, coln, axis=1)
            rowlist = defaultdict(list)
            for n, row in enumerate(newgrid):
            for r in rowlist.keys():
                if len(rowlist[r]) < 2:
                    del rowlist[r]

            # For each list of duplicate rows, create an array with all the
            # parameter values and the output value.  Iterate through it to
            for r in rowlist:
                rdata = None
                for rr in rowlist[r]:
                    if rdata is None:
                        rdata = vgrid[rr]
                        rdata = np.vstack((rdata, vgrid[rr]))
                rdata = rdata[rdata[:, coln].argsort()]
                Y = None
                for d in rdata:
                    if Y is not None:
                        ee[coln] = np.append(ee[coln], (d[-1] - Y) / (d[coln] - X))
                        #print (d[-1] - Y) / (d[coln] - X)
                    Y = d[-1]
                    X = d[coln]

        max_name_len = max(map(len, [p.name for p in self.params]))
        sens = {}
        for n, p in enumerate(self.params):
            std = np.std(ee[n])
            ustar = np.mean(np.abs(ee[n]))
            sens[p.name] = {'std': std, 'ustar': ustar}
            #p.sensitivity_ustar = ustar
            #p.sensitivity_dev = std
        sorted_list = sorted(sens.items(), lambda x, y: cmp(y[1]['ustar'], x[1]['ustar']))

        vprint(1, "Var%s     u*            dev" % (' '*(max_name_len)))
        vprint(1, '-'*(28+max_name_len))
        for item in sorted_list:
            pad = ' '*(max_name_len - len(item[0]))
            vprint(1, "%s%s    %.4e    %.4e" % (pad, item[0], item[1]['ustar'], item[1]['std']))
        return pickle(sorted_list)