Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, instrument_id, time_frame, start_asset):     # 策略初始化时需传入合约id、k线周期、初始资金参数
     print("{} {} 海龟交易策略已启动!".format(get_localtime(), instrument_id))    # 程序启动时打印提示信息
     config.loads("config.json")     # 载入配置文件
     self.instrument_id = instrument_id  # 合约id
     self.time_frame = time_frame    # k线周期
     self.exchange = OKEXFUTURES(config.access_key, config.secret_key, config.passphrase, self.instrument_id, leverage=20)   # 初始化交易所
     self.market = MARKET(self.exchange, self.instrument_id, self.time_frame)    # 初始化market
     self.position = POSITION(self.exchange, self.instrument_id, self.time_frame)    # 初始化position
     self.indicators = INDICATORS(self.exchange, self.instrument_id, self.time_frame)    # 初始化indicators
     self.database = "回测"  # 如从purequant服务器的数据库上获取历史k线数据进行回测,必须为"回测"
     self.datasheet = self.instrument_id.split("-")[0].lower() + "_" + time_frame    # 数据表
     if config.first_run == "true":  # 程序第一次启动时保存数据,实盘时如策略中止再重启时,可以将配置文件中的first_run改成"false",程序再次启动会直接读取数据库中保存的数据
         storage.mysql_save_strategy_run_info(self.database, self.datasheet, get_localtime(),
                                              "none", 0, 0, 0, 0, "none", 0, 0, 0, start_asset)
     # 读取数据库中保存的总资金、总盈亏数据
     self.total_asset = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, self.database, self.datasheet, "总资金", ">")[-1][-1]
     self.total_profit = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, self.database, self.datasheet, "总资金", ">")[-1][-2]  # 策略总盈亏
     # 一些策略参数
     self.contract_value = self.market.contract_value()  # 合约面值
     self.ATRLength = 20    # 平均波动周期
     self.boLength = 20  # 短周期 BreakOut Length
     self.fsLength = 55  # 长周期 FailSafe Length
     self.teLength = 10   # 离市周期 Trailing Exit Length
     self.LastProfitableTradeFilter = 1   # 使用入市过滤条件
     self.PreBreakoutFailure = False  # 前一次是否突破失败
     self.CurrentEntries = 0  # 当前持仓的开仓次数
     self.counter = 0    # 计数器,用以控制单根bar最大交易次数
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, instrument_id, time_frame, fast_length, slow_length, long_stop, short_stop, start_asset):
         print("{} {} 双均线多空策略已启动!".format(get_localtime(), instrument_id))   # 程序启动时打印提示信息
         config.loads('config.json')  # 载入配置文件
         self.instrument_id = instrument_id  # 合约ID
         self.time_frame = time_frame  # k线周期
         self.exchange = OKEXFUTURES(config.access_key, config.secret_key, config.passphrase, self.instrument_id)  # 初始化交易所
         self.position = POSITION(self.exchange, self.instrument_id, self.time_frame)  # 初始化potion
         self.market = MARKET(self.exchange, self.instrument_id, self.time_frame)  # 初始化market
         self.indicators = INDICATORS(self.exchange, self.instrument_id, self.time_frame)    # 初始化indicators
         # 在第一次运行程序时,将初始资金数据保存至数据库中
         self.database = "回测"    # 回测时必须为"回测"
         self.datasheet = self.instrument_id.split("-")[0].lower() + "_" + time_frame
         if config.first_run == "true":
             storage.mysql_save_strategy_run_info(self.database, self.datasheet, get_localtime(),
                                             "none", 0, 0, 0, 0, "none", 0, 0, 0, start_asset)
         # 读取数据库中保存的总资金数据
         self.total_asset = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, self.database, self.datasheet, "总资金", ">")[-1][-1]
         self.total_profit = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, self.database, self.datasheet, "总资金", ">")[-1][-2]  # 策略总盈亏
         self.counter = 0  # 计数器
         self.fast_length = fast_length  # 短周期均线长度
         self.slow_length = slow_length  # 长周期均线长度
         self.long_stop = long_stop   # 多单止损幅度
         self.short_stop = short_stop    # 空单止损幅度
         self.contract_value = self.market.contract_value()  # 合约面值,每次获取需发起网络请求,故于此处声明变量,优化性能
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, instrument_id, time_frame, fast_length, slow_length, long_stop, short_stop, start_asset):
     config.loads('config.json')  # 载入配置文件
     self.instrument_id = instrument_id  # 合约ID
     self.time_frame = time_frame  # k线周期
     self.exchange = OKEXFUTURES(config.access_key, config.secret_key, config.passphrase, self.instrument_id)  # 初始化交易所
     self.position = POSITION(self.exchange, self.instrument_id, self.time_frame)  # 初始化potion
     self.market = MARKET(self.exchange, self.instrument_id, self.time_frame)  # 初始化market
     self.indicators = INDICATORS(self.exchange, self.instrument_id, self.time_frame)    # 初始化indicators
     # 在第一次运行程序时,将初始资金数据保存至数据库中
     self.database = "回测"    # 无论实盘或回测,此处database名称可以任意命名
     self.datasheet = self.instrument_id.split("-")[0].lower() + "_" + time_frame
     if config.first_run:
         storage.mysql_save_strategy_run_info(self.database, self.datasheet, "策略参数为" + str(fast_length) + "&" + str(slow_length),
                                         "none", 0, 0, 0, 0, "none", 0, 0, 0, start_asset)
     # 读取数据库中保存的总资金数据
     self.total_asset = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, self.database, self.datasheet, "总资金", ">")[-1][-1]
     self.counter = 0  # 计数器
     self.fast_length = fast_length  # 短周期均线长度
     self.slow_length = slow_length  # 长周期均线长度
     self.long_stop = long_stop   # 多单止损幅度
     self.short_stop = short_stop    # 空单止损幅度
     self.total_profit = 0
     self.contract_value = self.market.contract_value()  # 合约面值,每次获取需发起网络请求,故于此处声明变量,优化性能
     # 声明持仓方向、数量与价格变量,每次开平仓后手动重新赋值
     self.hold_direction = "none"
     self.hold_amount = 0
     self.hold_price = 0
     print("{} {} 双均线多空策略已启动!".format(get_localtime(), instrument_id))  # 程序启动时打印提示信息
Exemplo n.º 4
 def direction(self):
     if config.backtest is False:    # 实盘模式下实时获取账户实际持仓方向,仅支持单向持仓模式下的查询
         result = self.__platform.get_position()['direction']
         return result
     else:   # 回测模式下从数据库中读取持仓方向
         result = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, "回测", self.__instrument_id.split("-")[0].lower() + "_" + self.__time_frame, "总资金", ">")[-1][6]
         return result
 def __init__(self, instrument_id, time_frame, bollinger_lengths,
              filter_length, start_asset):
         # 策略启动时控制台输出提示信息
         print("{} {} 布林强盗突破策略已启动!".format(get_localtime(),
                                           instrument_id))  # 程序启动时打印提示信息
         config.loads("config.json")  # 载入配置文件
         # 初始化
         self.instrument_id = instrument_id  # 合约ID
         self.time_frame = time_frame  # k线周期
         self.exchange = OKEXFUTURES(config.access_key, config.secret_key,
                                     self.instrument_id)  # 交易所
         self.market = MARKET(self.exchange, self.instrument_id,
                              self.time_frame)  # 行情
         self.position = POSITION(self.exchange, self.instrument_id,
                                  self.time_frame)  # 持仓
         self.indicators = INDICATORS(self.exchange, self.instrument_id,
                                      self.time_frame)  # 指标
         # 在第一次运行程序时,将初始资金、总盈亏等数据保存至数据库中
         self.database = "回测"  # 数据库,回测时必须为"回测"
         self.datasheet = self.instrument_id.split(
             "-")[0].lower() + "_" + time_frame  # 数据表
         if config.first_run == "true":
                                                  get_localtime(), "none",
                                                  0, 0, 0, 0, "none", 0, 0,
                                                  0, start_asset)
         # 读取数据库中保存的总资金数据
         self.total_asset = storage.read_mysql_datas(
             0, self.database, self.datasheet, "总资金", ">")[-1][-1]
         self.total_profit = storage.read_mysql_datas(
             0, self.database, self.datasheet, "总资金", ">")[-1][-2]  # 策略总盈亏
         # 策略参数
         self.contract_value = self.market.contract_value()  # 合约面值
         self.counter = 0  # 计数器
         self.bollinger_lengths = bollinger_lengths  # 布林通道参数
         self.filter_length = filter_length  # 过滤器参数
         self.out_day = 50  # 自适应出场ma的初始值为50,开仓后赋值为布林通道参数的值
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, instrument_id, time_frame, fast_length, slow_length,
              long_stop, short_stop, start_asset, precision):
         print("{} {} 双均线多空策略已启动!".format(get_localtime(),
                                          instrument_id))  # 程序启动时打印提示信息
         config.loads('config.json')  # 载入配置文件
         self.instrument_id = instrument_id  # 合约ID
         self.time_frame = time_frame  # k线周期
         self.precision = precision  # 精度,即币对的最小交易数量
         self.exchange = OKEXSPOT(config.access_key, config.secret_key,
                                  self.instrument_id)  # 初始化交易所
         self.position = POSITION(self.exchange, self.instrument_id,
                                  self.time_frame)  # 初始化potion
         self.market = MARKET(self.exchange, self.instrument_id,
                              self.time_frame)  # 初始化market
         self.indicators = INDICATORS(self.exchange, self.instrument_id,
                                      self.time_frame)  # 初始化indicators
         # 在第一次运行程序时,将初始资金数据保存至数据库中
         self.database = "回测"  # 回测时必须为"回测"
         self.datasheet = self.instrument_id.split(
             "-")[0].lower() + "_" + time_frame
         if config.first_run == "true":
                                                  get_localtime(), "none",
                                                  0, 0, 0, 0, "none", 0, 0,
                                                  0, start_asset)
         # 读取数据库中保存的总资金数据
         self.total_asset = storage.read_mysql_datas(
             0, self.database, self.datasheet, "总资金", ">")[-1][-1]
         self.total_profit = storage.read_mysql_datas(
             0, self.database, self.datasheet, "总资金", ">")[-1][-2]  # 策略总盈亏
         self.counter = 0  # 计数器
         self.fast_length = fast_length  # 短周期均线长度
         self.slow_length = slow_length  # 长周期均线长度
         self.long_stop = long_stop  # 多单止损幅度
         self.short_stop = short_stop  # 空单止损幅度
         self.hold_price = 0  # 注意:okex的现货没有获取持仓均价的接口,故需实盘时需要手动记录入场价格。此种写法对于不同的交易所是通用的。
         # 此种写法,若策略重启,持仓价格会回归0
Exemplo n.º 7
 def price(self):
     if config.backtest != "enabled":  # 实盘模式下实时获取账户实际持仓价格
         result = self.__platform.get_position()['price']
         return result
     else:  # 回测模式下从数据库中读取持仓价格
         result = storage.read_mysql_datas(
             0, "回测",
             self.__instrument_id.split("-")[0].lower() + "_" +
             self.__time_frame, "总资金", ">")[-1][5]
         return result
Exemplo n.º 8
 def price(self, mode=None, side=None):
     if config.backtest is False:    # 实盘模式下实时获取账户实际持仓价格
         if mode == "both":  # 如果传入参数"both",查询双向持仓模式的持仓价格
             result = self.__platform.get_position(mode=mode)
             if side == "long":
                 long_price = result["long"]["price"]
                 return long_price
             elif side == "short":
                 short_price = result["short"]["price"]
                 return short_price
             result = self.__platform.get_position()['price']
             return result
     else:   # 回测模式下从数据库中读取持仓价格
         result = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, "回测", self.__instrument_id.split("-")[0].lower() + "_" + self.__time_frame, "总资金", ">")[-1][5]
         return result
Exemplo n.º 9
 def amount(self, mode=None, side=None):
     if config.backtest != "enabled":    # 实盘模式下实时获取账户实际持仓数量
         if mode == "both":  # 如果传入参数"both",查询双向持仓模式的持仓数量
             result = self.__platform.get_position(mode=mode)
             if side == "long":
                 long_amount = result["long"]["amount"]
                 return long_amount
             elif side == "short":
                 short_amount = result["short"]["amount"]
                 return short_amount
             result = self.__platform.get_position()['amount']
             return result
     else:   # 回测模式下从数据库中读取持仓数量
         result = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, "回测", self.__instrument_id.split("-")[0].lower() + "_" + self.__time_frame, "总资金", ">")[-1][7]
         return result
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, instrument_id, time_frame, fast_length, slow_length,
                 long_stop, short_stop):

        config.loads('config.json')  # 载入配置文件

        # 在第一次运行程序时,将总资金数据保存至数据库中
        start_asset = 20
        storage.save_asset_and_profit('trade', 'asset', get_localtime(), 0,

        # 读取数据库中保存的总资金数据
        self.total_asset = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, 'trade', 'asset',
                                                    'asset', '>')[-1][-1]

        self.counter = 0  # 计数器
        self.long_stop = long_stop  # 多单止损幅度
        self.short_stop = short_stop  # 空单止损幅度
        self.access_key = config.access_key  # 读取配置文件中保存的api信息
        self.secret_key = config.secret_key
        self.passphrase = config.passphrase

        self.instrument_id = instrument_id  # 合约ID
        self.time_frame = time_frame  # k线周期
        self.fast_length = fast_length  # 短周期均线长度
        self.slow_length = slow_length  # 长周期均线长度
        self.exchange = OkexFutures(self.access_key, self.secret_key,
                                    self.instrument_id)  # 初始化交易所
        self.position = Position(self.exchange, self.instrument_id,
                                 self.time_frame)  # 初始化potion
        self.market = Market(self.exchange, self.instrument_id,
                             self.time_frame)  # 初始化market
        self.logger = Logger("config.json")  # 初始化logger
        self.indicators = Indicators(self.exchange, self.instrument_id,
Exemplo n.º 11
    def match(self):
        # 获取当前账户持仓信息
        account_direction = self.__position.direction()
        account_amount = self.__position.amount()

        # 获取当前策略应持仓位信息
        if self.__databank == "mysql":
            strategy_direction = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, self.__database, self.__datasheet, "amount", ">=")[-1][-2]
            strategy_amount = storage.read_mysql_datas(0, self.__database, self.__datasheet, "amount", ">=")[-1][-1]
        elif self.__databank == "mongodb":
            strategy_direction = storage.mongodb_read_data(self.__database, self.__datasheet)[-1][0]["strategy_direction"]
            strategy_amount = int(storage.mongodb_read_data(self.__database, self.__datasheet)[-1][0]["strategy_amount"])
            strategy_direction = None
            strategy_amount = None
            raise DataBankError

        # 比较账户持仓与策略持仓,如不匹配则同步之
        if strategy_direction == "long" and account_direction == "long":
            if account_amount < strategy_amount:
                receipt = self.__exchange.buy(self.__market.last() * (1 + self.__overprice_range), strategy_amount - account_amount, 0)
                return "当前持多,当前实际持仓小于策略应持仓位数量,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt)
            elif account_amount > strategy_amount:
                receipt = self.__exchange.sell(self.__market.last() * (1 - self.__overprice_range), account_amount - strategy_amount, 0)
                return "当前持多,当前实际持仓大于策略应持仓位数量,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt)
        if strategy_direction == "short" and account_direction == "short": # 策略与账户均持空时
            if account_amount < strategy_amount:
                receipt = self.__exchange.sellshort(self.__market.last() * (1 - self.__overprice_range), strategy_amount - account_amount, 0)
                return "当前持空,当前实际持仓小于策略应持仓位数量,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt)
            elif account_amount > strategy_amount:
                receipt = self.__exchange.buytocover(self.__market.last() * (1 + self.__overprice_range), account_amount - strategy_amount, 0)
                return "当前持空,当前实际持仓大于策略应持仓位数量,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt)
        if strategy_direction == "long" and account_direction == "short": # 策略持多,账户却持空时
            receipt1 = self.__exchange.buytocover(self.__market.last() * (1 + self.__overprice_range), account_amount, 0)
            if "完全成交" not in receipt1:
                return "策略应持多,当前实际持空,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt1)
                receipt2 = self.__exchange.buy(self.__market.last() * (1 + self.__overprice_range), strategy_amount, 0)
                return "策略应持多,当前实际持空,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt1 + receipt2)
        if strategy_direction == "short" and account_direction == "long": # 策略持空,账户却持多时
            receipt1 = self.__exchange.sell(self.__market.last() * (1 - self.__overprice_range), account_amount, 0)
            if "完全成交" not in receipt1:
                return "策略应持空,当前实际持多,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt1)
                receipt2 = self.__exchange.sellshort(self.__market.last() * (1 - self.__overprice_range), strategy_amount, 0)
                return "策略应持空,当前实际持多,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt1 + receipt2)
        if strategy_direction == "none" and account_direction == "long":    # 策略无持仓,账户却持多时
            receipt = self.__exchange.sell(self.__market.last() * (1 - self.__overprice_range), account_amount, 0)
            return "策略应无持仓,当前实际持多,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt)
        if strategy_direction == "none" and account_direction == "short":     # 策略无持仓,账户却持空时
            receipt = self.__exchange.buytocover(self.__market.last() * (1 + self.__overprice_range), account_amount, 0)
            return "策略应无持仓,当前实际持空,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt)
        if account_direction == "none" and strategy_direction == "long":     # 账户无持仓,策略却应持多时
            receipt = self.__exchange.buy(self.__market.last() * (1 + self.__overprice_range), strategy_amount, 0)
            return "策略应持多仓,当前实际无持仓,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt)
        if account_direction == "none" and strategy_direction == "short":     # 账户无持仓,策略却应持空
            receipt = self.__exchange.sellshort(self.__market.last() * (1 - self.__overprice_range), strategy_amount, 0)
            return "策略应持空仓,当前实际无持仓,自动同步结果:{}".format(receipt)
        if account_amount == strategy_amount and account_direction == strategy_direction:
            dict = {"策略持仓方向": strategy_direction, "策略持仓数量": strategy_amount, "账户实际持仓方向": account_direction,
                    "账户实际持仓数量": account_amount}
            return "策略持仓与账户持仓匹配! {}".format(dict)
            raise MatchError