Exemplo n.º 1
def check(stocks, strategy, strategy_func):
    end = None
    m_filter = check_enter(end_date=end, strategy_fun=strategy_func)
    results = list(filter(m_filter, stocks))
        .format(strategy, results))
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_exit():
    t_shelve = db.ShelvePersistence()
    file = t_shelve.open()
    for key in file:
        code_name = file[key]['code_name']
        data = utils.read_data(code_name)
        if turtle_trade.check_exit(code_name, data):
            push.strategy("{0} 达到退出条件".format(code_name))
            del file[key]
        elif turtle_trade.check_stop(code_name, data, file[key]):
            push.strategy("{0} 达到止损条件".format(code_name))
            del file[key]

Exemplo n.º 3
def check(code_name, data, end_date=None, threshold=60):
    origin_data = data
    if len(data) < threshold:
        logging.debug("{0}:样本小于{1}天...\n".format(code_name, threshold))
    data['ma60'] = pd.Series(tl.MA(data['close'].values, 60), index=data.index.values)

    begin_date = data.iloc[0].date
    if end_date is not None:
        if end_date < begin_date:  # 该股票在end_date时还未上市
            logging.debug("{}在{}时还未上市".format(code_name, end_date))
            return False

    if end_date is not None:
        mask = (data['date'] <= end_date)
        data = data.loc[mask]

    data = data.tail(n=threshold)

    breakthrough_row = None

    for index, row in data.iterrows():
        if row['open'] < row['ma60'] <= row['close']:
            if enter.check_volume(code_name, origin_data, row['date'], threshold):
                breakthrough_row = row

    if breakthrough_row is None:
        return False

    data_front = data.loc[(data['date'] < breakthrough_row['date'])]
    data_end = data.loc[(data['date'] >= breakthrough_row['date'])]

    for index, row in data_front.iterrows():
        if not (-0.05 < (row['ma60'] - row['close']) / row['ma60'] < 0.2):
            return False

    push.strategy("股票{0} 突破日期:{1}".format(code_name, breakthrough_row['date']))
    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
def check(code_name, data, end_date=None, threshold=60):
    if len(data) < 250:
    data['ma250'] = pd.Series(tl.MA(data['close'].values, 250),

    begin_date = data.iloc[0].date
    if end_date is not None:
        if end_date < begin_date:  # 该股票在end_date时还未上市
            logging.debug("{}在{}时还未上市".format(code_name, end_date))
            return False

    if end_date is not None:
        mask = (data['date'] <= end_date)
        data = data.loc[mask]

    data = data.tail(n=threshold)

    last_close = data.iloc[-1]['close']

    # 区间最低点
    lowest_row = data.iloc[-1]
    # 区间最高点
    highest_row = data.iloc[-1]

    # 近期低点
    recent_lowest_row = data.iloc[-1]

    # 计算区间最高、最低价格
    for index, row in data.iterrows():
        if row['close'] > highest_row['close']:
            highest_row = row
        elif row['close'] < lowest_row['close']:
            lowest_row = row

    if lowest_row['volume'] == 0 or highest_row['volume'] == 0:
        return False

    data_front = data.loc[(data['date'] < highest_row['date'])]
    data_end = data.loc[(data['date'] >= highest_row['date'])]

    if data_front.empty:
        return False
    # 前半段由年线以下向上突破
    if not (data_front.iloc[0]['close'] < data_front.iloc[0]['ma250']
            and data_front.iloc[-1]['close'] > data_front.iloc[-1]['ma250']):
        return False

    if not data_end.empty:
        # 后半段必须在年线以上运行(回踩年线)
        for index, row in data_end.iterrows():
            if row['close'] < row['ma250']:
                return False
            if row['close'] < recent_lowest_row['close']:
                recent_lowest_row = row

    date_diff = datetime.date(datetime.strptime(recent_lowest_row['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')) - \
                datetime.date(datetime.strptime(highest_row['date'], '%Y-%m-%d'))

    if not (timedelta(days=10) <= date_diff <= timedelta(days=50)):
        return False
    # 回踩伴随缩量
    vol_ratio = highest_row['volume'] / recent_lowest_row['volume']
    back_ratio = recent_lowest_row['close'] / highest_row['close']

    if not (vol_ratio > 2 and back_ratio < 0.8):
        return False

    push.strategy("{0} 回撤幅度: {1}".format(code_name, 1 - back_ratio))
    return True
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_strategy():