Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: editor.py Projeto: ikn/brjaf
class Editor (object):
    """A puzzle editor (Game backend).

Takes arguments to pass to Editor.load.




game: as given.
event_handler: as given.
ID: as given.
selector: puzzle used to select blocks/surfaces to add.
editor: the puzzle being edited.
editor_rect: the rect the editor puzzle is drawn in, or None if unknown.
puzzle: the current visible puzzle (editor or selector).
editing: whether the current puzzle is editor.
changes: a list of changes that have been made to the puzzle.
state: the current position in the changes list.


    def __init__ (self, game, event_handler, ID = None, defn = None):
        self.game = game
        # add event handlers
            pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self._click,
            pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self._unclick,
            pygame.MOUSEMOTION: lambda e: setattr(self, 'mouse_moved', True)
        pzl_args = (
            max(int(conf.MOVE_INITIAL_DELAY * conf.FPS), 1),
            max(int(conf.MOVE_REPEAT_DELAY * conf.FPS), 1)
        menu_args = (
            max(int(conf.MENU_INITIAL_DELAY * conf.FPS), 1),
            max(int(conf.MENU_REPEAT_DELAY * conf.FPS), 1)
        od = eh.MODE_ONDOWN
        held = eh.MODE_HELD
        l = conf.KB_LAYOUT
            (conf.KEYS_MOVE_LEFT[l], [(self._move, (0,))]) + pzl_args,
            (conf.KEYS_MOVE_UP[l], [(self._move, (1,))]) + pzl_args,
            (conf.KEYS_MOVE_RIGHT[l], [(self._move, (2,))]) + pzl_args,
            (conf.KEYS_MOVE_DOWN[l], [(self._move, (3,))]) + pzl_args,
            (conf.KEYS_BACK, self.menu, od),
            (conf.KEYS_TAB, self.switch_puzzle, od),
            (conf.KEYS_INSERT, self._insert_cb, od),
            (conf.KEYS_DEL, self.delete, od),
            (conf.KEYS_UNDO, self.undo) + menu_args,
            (conf.KEYS_REDO, self.redo) + menu_args,
            (conf.KEYS_RESET, self.reset, od)
        self.event_handler = event_handler

        # create block/surface selection grid
        blocks = xrange(conf.MAX_ID + 1)
        surfaces = xrange(-1, conf.MIN_ID - 1, -1)
        self._selector_defn = '3 {0}\n{1}\n\n{2}\n{3}'.format(
            max(len(blocks), len(surfaces)),
            '\n'.join('{0} 0 {1}'.format(b, i) for i, b in enumerate(blocks)),
            '\n'.join('{0} 1 {1}'.format(b, i) for i, b in enumerate(blocks)),
            '\n'.join('{0} 2 {1}'.format(s, i) for i, s in enumerate(surfaces))
        self.selector = Puzzle(game, self._selector_defn)

        self.FRAME = conf.FRAME
        self.load(ID, defn)

    def load (self, ID = None, defn = None):
        """Load a level.

load([ID][, defn])

ID: custom level ID.
defn: if ID is not given, load a level from this definition; if this is not
      given, load a blank level.

        if ID is None:
            if defn is None:
                # blank grid
                defn = conf.BLANK_LEVEL
            self.ID = None
            # get data from file
            d = conf.LEVEL_DIR_DRAFT if ID[0] == 2 else conf.LEVEL_DIR_CUSTOM
            with open(d + ID[1]) as f:
                defn = f.read()
            self.ID = ID[1]
        if hasattr(self, 'editor'):
            self.editor = Puzzle(self.game, defn)
        self.editor_rect = None
        self.editor.select((0, 0))
        self.selector.select((0, 0), True)
        self.puzzle = self.editor
        self.editing = True
        self.dirty = True
        self.changes = []
        self.state = 0
        self.mouse_moved = False
        self.resizing = False

    def change (self, *data):
        """Make a change to the puzzle; takes data to store in self.changes."""
        cs = self.changes
        # purge 'future' states
        cs = cs[:self.state]
        # purge oldest state if need to (don't need to increment state, then)
        if len(cs) > conf.UNDO_LEVELS > 0:
            self.state += 1
        self.changes = cs

    def resize (self, amount, dirn):
        """Like Editor.editor.resize, but do some wrapper stuff."""
        lost = self.editor.resize(amount, dirn)
        # might not have changed
        if lost is not False:
            self.dirty = True
            self.change('resize', amount, dirn, lost)

    def _move (self, key, event, mods, direction):
        """Callback for arrow keys."""
        resize = False
        mods = (mods & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT, mods & pygame.KMOD_ALT)
        shrink = bool(mods[direction <= 1])
        grow = bool(mods[direction > 1])
        resize = shrink ^ grow
        if resize:
            # things could get messy if we're already mouse-resizing
            if not self.resizing:
                self.resize(1 if grow else -1, direction)
            # move selection

    def insert (self):
        """Insert a block or surface at the current position."""
        if not self.editing:
        # get type and ID of selected tile in selector puzzle
        col, row = self.selector.selected.keys()[0]
        x, y = self.editor.selected.keys()[0]
        is_block = col == 0 and row <= conf.MAX_ID
        if is_block:
            ID = row
        # will be here for col = 0 if past end of blocks
        elif col == 0 or col == 1:
            ID = row
            if ID > conf.MAX_ID:
                ID = conf.DEFAULT_SURFACE
            ID = -row - 1
            if ID >= 0:
                ID = conf.DEFAULT_SURFACE
        # make changes to selected tile in editor puzzle if necessary
        current = self.editor.grid[x][y]
        if is_block:
            if current[1] is None or current[1].type != ID:
                old_b = current[1]
                b = self.editor.add_block((BoringBlock, ID), x, y)
                self.change('set_block', old_b, b, x, y)
            if current[0] != ID:
                old_ID = current[0]
                self.editor.set_surface(x, y, ID)
                self.change('set_surface', old_ID, ID, x, y)

    def _insert_cb (self, *args):
        """Callback for conf.KEYS_INSERT."""
        if self.editing:

    def delete (self, *args):
        """Delete a block or surface in the currently selected tile."""
        if self.editing:
            x, y = self.editor.selected.keys()[0]
            data = self.editor.grid[x][y]
            snd = True
            # delete block, if any
            if data[1] is not None:
                b = self.editor.rm_block(None, x, y)
                self.change('set_block', b, None, x, y)
            # set surface to blank if not already
            elif data[0] != conf.S_BLANK:
                s = self.editor.set_surface(x, y, conf.S_BLANK)
                self.change('set_surface', s, conf.S_BLANK, x, y)
                snd = False
            if snd:

    def set_block (self, b, x, y):
        """Add or remove a block to or from the puzzle.

set_block(b, x, y)

b: BoringBlock instance, or None to remove.
x, y: tile position.

        if b is None:
            self.editor.rm_block(None, x, y)
            self.editor.add_block(b, x, y)

    def undo (self, *args):
        """Undo changes to the puzzle."""
        if self.state > 0:
            self.state -= 1
            # get change data
            data = self.changes[self.state]
            c, data = data[0], data[1:]
            # make the change to the puzzle
            if c == 'set_block':
                old_b, new_b, x, y = data
                self.set_block(old_b, x, y)
            elif c == 'set_surface':
                old, new, x, y = data
                self.editor.set_surface(x, y, old)
            elif c == 'resize':
                amount, direction, lost = data
                self.editor.resize(-amount, (direction - 2) % 4)
                # restore stuff that was lost in the resize
                for obj, x, y in lost:
                    if isinstance(obj, int):
                        self.editor.set_surface(x, y, obj)
                        self.set_block(obj, x, y)
                self.dirty = True

    def redo (self, *args):
        """Redo undone changes."""
        if self.state < len(self.changes):
            # get change data
            data = self.changes[self.state]
            c, data = data[0], data[1:]
            self.state += 1
            # make the change to the puzzle
            if c == 'set_block':
                old_b, new_b, x, y = data
                self.set_block(new_b, x, y)
            elif c == 'set_surface':
                old, new, x, y = data
                self.editor.set_surface(x, y, new)
            elif c == 'resize':
                amount, direction, lost = data
                self.editor.resize(amount, direction)
                self.dirty = True

    def click_tile (self, insert, pos):
        """Insert or delete a block or surface at the given position.

click_tile(insert, pos)

insert: whether to insert the current block or surface (else delete).
pos: on-screen position to try to perform the action at.

        # get clicked tile
        p = self.editor.point_tile(pos)
        if p:
            # clicked a tile in self.editor: switch to and select
            if not self.editing:
            (self.insert if insert else self.delete)()
            p = self.selector.point_tile(pos)
            if p:
                # clicked a tile in self.selector: switch to selector, then
                # select the tile
                if self.editing:

    def _click (self, evt):
        """Handle mouse clicks."""
        button = evt.button
        pos = evt.pos
        if button in (1, 3):
            # left-click to insert, right-click to delete
            self.click_tile(button == 1, pos)
        elif button == 2:
            rel_pos = self.editor.point_pos(pos)
            # make sure we're clicking in the grid
            if rel_pos is None:
            self._resize_sides = []
            # exclude a zone in the middle
            b = conf.RESIZE_DEAD_ZONE_BOUNDARY
            for i in (0, 1):
                if b < rel_pos[i] < 1 - b:
                    # the axes we can resize on depends on where we start from
                    self._resize_sides.append(1 if rel_pos[i] > .5 else -1)
            if self._resize_sides == [None, None]:
            self.resizing = list(pos)

    def _unclick (self, evt):
        """Handle mouse click release."""
        if evt.button == 2 and self.resizing:
            self.resizing = False
            del self._resize_sides

    def switch_puzzle (self, *args):
        """Switch selected puzzle between editor and block selector."""
        self.editing = not self.editing
        pzls = (self.editor, self.selector)
        if self.editing:
            new, old = pzls
            old, new = pzls
        # deselect old and select new
        for colour, pzl in enumerate((new, old)):
            pos = pzl.selected.keys()[0]
            pzl.select(pos, colour)
        self.puzzle = new

    def reset (self, *args):
        """Confirm resetting the puzzle."""
        if self.state > 0:
            self.game.start_backend(Menu, 1, self)
        # else nothing to reset

    def menu (self, *args):
        """Show the editor menu."""
        self.game.start_backend(Menu, 0, self)

    def _do_reset (self):
        """Actually reset the puzzle."""
        # just reset to original state - to whatever was loaded, if anything
        while self.state > 0:

    def update (self):
        """Handle mouse movement."""
        if self.mouse_moved:
            pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
            if self.resizing:
                # change puzzle size if middle-click-dragging
                old_pos = self.resizing
                for i in (0, 1):
                    side = self._resize_sides[i]
                    if side is None:
                        # can't resize on this axis
                    diff = pos[i] - old_pos[i]
                    threshold = min(conf.RESIZE_LENGTH * conf.RES[0],
                    while abs(diff) >= threshold:
                        # resize
                        sign = 1 if diff > 0 else -1
                        self.resize(sign * side, i + 2 * (sign == 1))
                        # prepare for resizing again
                        old_pos[i] += sign * threshold
                        diff -= sign * threshold
                # change selection based on mouse position
                # get tile under mouse
                tile = self.editor.point_tile(pos)
                if tile:
                    # editor: select tile under mouse
                    if not self.editing:
                    # selector: just make sure it's the current puzzle
                    tile = self.selector.point_tile(pos)
                    if tile:
                        if self.editing:
            self.mouse_moved = False

    def draw (self, screen):
        """Draw the puzzles."""
        w, h = screen.get_size()
        w1 = int(conf.EDITOR_WIDTH * w)
        w2 = w - w1
        pad = int(conf.EDITOR_ARROW_PADDING * w)
        if self.dirty:
            # get puzzle sizes
            e = self.editor.tiler
            s = self.selector.tiler
            if w1 != s.offset[0]:
                # screen size changed: need to change puzzle positions
                e.offset = (pad, pad)
                s.offset = (w1, 0)
        # draw puzzles
        drawn1 = self.editor.draw(screen, self.dirty,
                                  (w1 - 2 * pad, h - 2 * pad))
        drawn2 = self.selector.draw(screen, self.dirty, (w2, h))
        # and return the sum list of rects to draw in
        drawn = []
        for d in (drawn1, drawn2):
            if d:
                drawn += d
        # draw arrows
        if self.dirty:
            self.editor_rect = drawn1
            # TODO
            to_draw = range(8)
            special = []
            drawn = True
            # TODO
            to_draw = []
            special = []
            drawn += []
        if to_draw:
            # get draw area position and size
            l, t, w, h = self.editor_rect[0]
            tl = (l - pad, t - pad)
            br = (l + w, t + h)
            sz = (w + 2 * pad, h + 2 * pad)
            # generate required arrow images
            fn = conf.IMG_DIR + conf.THEME + os.sep + '{0}.png'
            imgs = []
            for ID in ('arrow', 'arrow-special'):
                imgs.append(self.game.img(fn.format(ID), (pad / 2, None)))
                for i in xrange(1, 4):
            img_s = [img for img in imgs if img is not None][0].get_size()
            # draw
            for i in to_draw:
                p = [0, 0]
                axis = (i / 2) % 2
                p[axis] = (br if i > 3 else tl)[axis] + img_s[0] * (i % 2)
                p[not axis] = tl[not axis] + (sz[not axis] - img_s[1]) / 2
                img = (axis + 2 * (i % 2)) % 4
                if i in special:
                    img += 4
                if imgs[img] is None:
                    source = imgs[4 * (i in special)]
                    imgs[img] = pygame.transform.rotate(source, -90 * img)
                screen.blit(imgs[img], p)
        self.dirty = False
        return drawn