Exemplo n.º 1
def aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az):
    Calculates the dot product of the solar vector and the surface normal.
    Input all angles in degrees.
    surf_tilt : float or Series. 
        Panel tilt from horizontal.
    surf_az : float or Series. 
        Panel azimuth from north.
    sun_zen : float or Series. 
        Solar zenith angle.
    sun_az : float or Series. 
        Solar azimuth angle.
    float or Series. Dot product of panel normal and solar angle.
    projection = pvl_tools.cosd(surf_tilt)*pvl_tools.cosd(sun_zen) + pvl_tools.sind(surf_tilt)*pvl_tools.sind(sun_zen)*pvl_tools.cosd(sun_az - surf_az)
        projection.name = 'aoi_projection'
    except AttributeError:
    return projection
Exemplo n.º 2
def poa_horizontal_ratio(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az):
    Calculates the ratio of the beam components of the
    plane of array irradiance and the horizontal irradiance. 
    Input all angles in degrees.
    :param surf_tilt: float or Series. Panel tilt from horizontal.
    :param surf_az: float or Series. Panel azimuth from north.
    :param sun_zen: float or Series. Solar zenith angle.
    :param sun_az: float or Series. Solar azimuth angle.
    :returns: float or Series. Ratio of the plane of array irradiance to the
              horizontal plane irradiance
    cos_poa_zen = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)
    cos_sun_zen = pvl_tools.cosd(sun_zen)
    # ratio of titled and horizontal beam irradiance
    ratio = cos_poa_zen / cos_sun_zen
        ratio.name = 'poa_ratio'
    except AttributeError:
    return ratio
Exemplo n.º 3
def king(surf_tilt, DHI, GHI, sun_zen):
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a tilted surface using the King model

    King's model determines the diffuse irradiance from the sky
    (ground reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a
    tilted surface using the surface tilt angle, diffuse horizontal
    irradiance, global horizontal irradiance, and sun zenith angle. Note
    that this model is not well documented and has not been published in
    any fashion (as of January 2012).


    surf_tilt : float or Series
          Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
          The tilt angle is defined as
          degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
          horizon = 90)
    DHI : float or Series
          diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2. 
    GHI : float or Series
          global horizontal irradiance in W/m^2. 

    sun_zen : float or Series
          apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
          angles in decimal degrees. 


    SkyDiffuse : float or Series

            the diffuse component of the solar radiation  on an
            arbitrarily tilted surface as given by a model developed by David L.
            King at Sandia National Laboratories. 

    See Also



    sky_diffuse = DHI * ((1 + pvl_tools.cosd(surf_tilt))) / 2 + GHI*((0.012 * sun_zen - 0.04))*((1 - pvl_tools.cosd(surf_tilt))) / 2
    sky_diffuse[sky_diffuse < 0] = 0
    return sky_diffuse
Exemplo n.º 4
def haurwitz(ApparentZenith):
    Determine clear sky GHI from Haurwitz model
    Implements the Haurwitz clear sky model for global horizontal
    irradiance (GHI) as presented in [1, 2]. A report on clear
    sky models found the Haurwitz model to have the best performance of
    models which require only zenith angle [3]. Extreme care should
    be taken in the interpretation of this result! 

    ApparentZenith : DataFrame

                     The apparent (refraction corrected) sun zenith angle
                    in degrees.

    ClearSkyGHI : DataFrame
                 the modeled global horizonal irradiance in W/m^2 provided
                  by the Haurwitz clear-sky model.

                   Initial implementation of this algorithm by Matthew Reno.


    [1] B. Haurwitz, "Insolation in Relation to Cloudiness and Cloud 
     Density," Journal of Meteorology, vol. 2, pp. 154-166, 1945.

    [2] B. Haurwitz, "Insolation in Relation to Cloud Type," Journal of 
     Meteorology, vol. 3, pp. 123-124, 1946.

    [3] M. Reno, C. Hansen, and J. Stein, "Global Horizontal Irradiance Clear
     Sky Models: Implementation and Analysis", Sandia National
     Laboratories, SAND2012-2389, 2012.

    See Also

    cos_zenith = pvl_tools.cosd(ApparentZenith)

    clearsky_GHI = 1098.0 * cos_zenith * np.exp(-0.059/cos_zenith)

    clearsky_GHI[clearsky_GHI < 0] = 0
    df_out = pd.DataFrame({'GHI':clearsky_GHI})
    return df_out
Exemplo n.º 5
def perez(surf_tilt, surf_az, DHI, DNI, DNI_ET, sun_zen, sun_az, AM, 
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a tilted surface using one of the Perez models

    Perez models determine the diffuse irradiance from the sky (ground
    reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a tilted
    surface using the surface tilt angle, surface azimuth angle, diffuse
    horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, extraterrestrial
    irradiance, sun zenith angle, sun azimuth angle, and relative (not
    pressure-corrected) airmass. Optionally a selector may be used to use
    any of Perez's model coefficient sets.


    surf_tilt : float or Series
          Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
          surf_tilt must be >=0 and <=180. The tilt angle is defined as
          degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
          horizon = 90)

    surf_az : float or Series
          Surface azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
          surf_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
          as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, South=180 East = 90, West = 270).

    DHI : float or Series
          diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2. 
          DHI must be >=0.

    DNI : float or Series
          direct normal irradiance in W/m^2. 
          DNI must be >=0.

    DNI_ET : float or Series
          extraterrestrial normal irradiance in W/m^2. 
           DNI_ET must be >=0.

    sun_zen : float or Series
          apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
          angles in decimal degrees. 
          sun_zen must be >=0 and <=180.

    sun_az : float or Series
          Sun azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
          sun_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
          as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, East = 90, West = 270).

    AM : float or Series
          relative (not pressure-corrected) airmass 
          values. If AM is a DataFrame it must be of the same size as all other 
          DataFrame inputs. AM must be >=0 (careful using the 1/sec(z) model of AM

    Other Parameters

    model : string (optional, default='allsitescomposite1990')

          a character string which selects the desired set of Perez
          coefficients. If model is not provided as an input, the default,
          '1990' will be used.
          All possible model selections are: 

          * '1990'
          * 'allsitescomposite1990' (same as '1990')
          * 'allsitescomposite1988'
          * 'sandiacomposite1988'
          * 'usacomposite1988'
          * 'france1988'
          * 'phoenix1988'
          * 'elmonte1988'
          * 'osage1988'
          * 'albuquerque1988'
          * 'capecanaveral1988'
          * 'albany1988'


    float or Series

          the diffuse component of the solar radiation  on an
          arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the Perez model as given in
          reference [3].
          SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the ground
          reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.


    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Perez, R., Seals, R., Ineichen, P., Stewart, R., Menicucci, D., 1987. A new
    simplified version of the Perez diffuse irradiance model for tilted
    surfaces. Solar Energy 39(3), 221-232.

    [3] Perez, R., Ineichen, P., Seals, R., Michalsky, J., Stewart, R., 1990.
    Modeling daylight availability and irradiance components from direct
    and global irradiance. Solar Energy 44 (5), 271-289. 

    [4] Perez, R. et. al 1988. "The Development and Verification of the
    Perez Diffuse Radiation Model". SAND88-7030

    See also



    kappa = 1.041 #for sun_zen in radians
    z = np.radians(sun_zen) # convert to radians

    # epsilon is the sky's "clearness"
    eps = ( (DHI + DNI)/DHI + kappa*(z**3) ) / ( 1 + kappa*(z**3) )
    # Perez et al define clearness bins according to the following rules.
    # 1 = overcast ... 8 = clear 
    # (these names really only make sense for small zenith angles, but...)
    # these values will eventually be used as indicies for coeffecient look ups
    ebin = eps.copy()
    ebin[(eps<1.065)] = 1
    ebin[(eps>=1.065) & (eps<1.23)] = 2
    ebin[(eps>=1.23) & (eps<1.5)] = 3
    ebin[(eps>=1.5) & (eps<1.95)] = 4
    ebin[(eps>=1.95) & (eps<2.8)] = 5
    ebin[(eps>=2.8) & (eps<4.5)] = 6
    ebin[(eps>=4.5) & (eps<6.2)] = 7
    ebin[eps>=6.2] = 8

    ebin = ebin - 1 #correct for 0 indexing in coeffecient lookup

    # remove night time values
    ebin = ebin.dropna().astype(int)

    # This is added because in cases where the sun is below the horizon
    # (var.sun_zen > 90) but there is still diffuse horizontal light (var.DHI>0), it is
    # possible that the airmass (var.AM) could be NaN, which messes up later
    # calculations. Instead, if the sun is down, and there is still var.DHI, we set
    # the airmass to the airmass value on the horizon (approximately 37-38).
    #var.AM(var.sun_zen >=90 & var.DHI >0) = 37;

    #var.DNI_ET[var.DNI_ET==0] = .00000001 #very hacky, fix this
    # delta is the sky's "brightness"
    delta = DHI * AM / DNI_ET
    # keep only valid times
    delta = delta[ebin.index]
    z = z[ebin.index]

    # The various possible sets of Perez coefficients are contained
    # in a subfunction to clean up the code.
    F1c, F2c = _get_perez_coefficients(modelt)

    F1 = F1c[ebin,0] + F1c[ebin,1]*delta + F1c[ebin,2]*z
    F1[F1 < 0] = 0;
    F1 = F1.astype(float)

    F2 = F2c[ebin,0] + F2c[ebin,1]*delta + F2c[ebin,2]*z
    F2[F2 < 0] = 0
    F2 = F2.astype(float)

    A = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)
    A[A < 0] = 0

    B = pvl_tools.cosd(sun_zen);
    B[B < pvl_tools.cosd(85)] = pvl_tools.cosd(85)

    #Calculate Diffuse POA from sky dome
    term1 = 0.5 * (1 - F1) * (1 + pvl_tools.cosd(surf_tilt))
    term2 = F1 * A[ebin.index] / B[ebin.index]
    term3 = F2*pvl_tools.sind(surf_tilt)
    sky_diffuse = DHI[ebin.index] * (term1 + term2 + term3)
    sky_diffuse[sky_diffuse < 0] = 0

    return sky_diffuse
Exemplo n.º 6
def reindl(surf_tilt, surf_az, DHI, DNI, GHI, DNI_ET, sun_zen, sun_az):
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a 
    tilted surface using Reindl's 1990 model

    .. math::

       I_{d} = DHI (A R_b + (1 - A) (\frac{1 + \cos\beta}{2}) (1 + \sqrt{\frac{I_{hb}}{I_h}} \sin^3(\beta/2)) )

    Reindl's 1990 model determines the diffuse irradiance from the sky
    (ground reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a
    tilted surface using the surface tilt angle, surface azimuth angle,
    diffuse horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, global
    horizontal irradiance, extraterrestrial irradiance, sun zenith angle,
    and sun azimuth angle.


    surf_tilt : float or Series.
          Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
          The tilt angle is defined as
          degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
          horizon = 90)

    surf_az : float or Series.
          Surface azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
          The Azimuth convention is defined
          as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, South=180 East = 90, West = 270).

    DHI : float or Series.
          diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2. 

    DNI : float or Series.
          direct normal irradiance in W/m^2. 

    GHI: float or Series.
          Global irradiance in W/m^2. 

    DNI_ET : float or Series.
          extraterrestrial normal irradiance in W/m^2. 

    sun_zen : float or Series.
          apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
          angles in decimal degrees. 

    sun_az : float or Series.
          Sun azimuth angles in decimal degrees. 
          The Azimuth convention is defined
          as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, East = 90, West = 270).


    SkyDiffuse : float or Series.

           the diffuse component of the solar radiation  on an
           arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the Reindl model as given in
           Loutzenhiser et. al (2007) equation 8.
           SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the ground
           reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.
           SkyDiffuse is a column vector vector with a number of elements equal to
           the input vector(s).


     The POAskydiffuse calculation is generated from the Loutzenhiser et al.
     (2007) paper, equation 8. Note that I have removed the beam and ground
     reflectance portion of the equation and this generates ONLY the diffuse
     radiation from the sky and circumsolar, so the form of the equation
     varies slightly from equation 8.


    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Reindl, D.T., Beckmann, W.A., Duffie, J.A., 1990a. Diffuse fraction
    correlations. Solar Energy 45(1), 1-7.

    [3] Reindl, D.T., Beckmann, W.A., Duffie, J.A., 1990b. Evaluation of hourly
    tilted surface radiation models. Solar Energy 45(1), 9-17.

    See Also 

    cos_tt = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)
    cos_sun_zen = pvl_tools.cosd(sun_zen)
    # ratio of titled and horizontal beam irradiance
    Rb = cos_tt / cos_sun_zen
    # Anisotropy Index
    AI = DNI / DNI_ET
    # DNI projected onto horizontal
    HB = DNI * cos_sun_zen   
    HB[HB < 0] = 0

    # these are actually the () and [] sub-terms of the second term of eqn 8
    term1 = 1 - AI
    term2 = 0.5 * (1 + pvl_tools.cosd(surf_tilt))
    term3 = 1 + np.sqrt(HB / GHI) * (pvl_tools.sind(0.5*surf_tilt) ** 3)

    sky_diffuse = DHI * ( AI*Rb + term1 * term2 * term3 )
    sky_diffuse[sky_diffuse < 0] = 0
    return sky_diffuse
Exemplo n.º 7
def haydavies(surf_tilt, surf_az, DHI, DNI, DNI_ET, sun_zen, sun_az):

    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a 
    tilted surface using Hay & Davies' 1980 model

    .. math::

       I_{d} = DHI ( A R_b + (1 - A) (\frac{1 + \cos\beta}{2}) )

    Hay and Davies' 1980 model determines the diffuse irradiance from the sky
    (ground reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a
    tilted surface using the surface tilt angle, surface azimuth angle,
    diffuse horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, 
    extraterrestrial irradiance, sun zenith angle, and sun azimuth angle.


    surf_tilt : float or Series
          Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
          The tilt angle is defined as
          degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
          horizon = 90)

    surf_az : float or Series
          Surface azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
          The Azimuth convention is defined
          as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, South=180 East = 90, West = 270).

    DHI : float or Series
          diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2. 

    DNI : float or Series
          direct normal irradiance in W/m^2. 

    DNI_ET : float or Series
          extraterrestrial normal irradiance in W/m^2. 

    sun_zen : float or Series
          apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
          angles in decimal degrees. 

    sun_az : float or Series
          Sun azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
          The Azimuth convention is defined
          as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, East = 90, West = 270).


    SkyDiffuse : float or Series

          the diffuse component of the solar radiation  on an
          arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the Perez model as given in
          reference [3].
          SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the ground
          reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.

    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Hay, J.E., Davies, J.A., 1980. Calculations of the solar radiation incident
    on an inclined surface. In: Hay, J.E., Won, T.K. (Eds.), Proc. of First
    Canadian Solar Radiation Data Workshop, 59. Ministry of Supply
    and Services, Canada.

    See Also

    cos_tt = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)
    cos_sun_zen = pvl_tools.cosd(sun_zen)
    # ratio of titled and horizontal beam irradiance
    Rb = cos_tt / cos_sun_zen
    # Anisotropy Index
    AI = DNI / DNI_ET

    # these are actually the () and [] sub-terms of the second term of eqn 7
    term1 = 1 - AI
    term2 = 0.5 * (1 + pvl_tools.cosd(surf_tilt))

    sky_diffuse = DHI * ( AI*Rb + term1 * term2 )
    sky_diffuse[sky_diffuse < 0] = 0
    return sky_diffuse
Exemplo n.º 8
def klucher(surf_tilt, surf_az, DHI, GHI, sun_zen, sun_az):
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a tilted surface 
    using Klucher's 1979 model

    .. math::

       I_{d} = DHI \frac{1 + \cos\beta}{2} (1 + F' \sin^3(\beta/2)) (1 + F' \cos^2\theta\sin^3\theta_z)

    .. math::
       F' = 1 - (I_{d0} / GHI)

    Klucher's 1979 model determines the diffuse irradiance from the sky
    (ground reflected irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a
    tilted surface using the surface tilt angle, surface azimuth angle,
    diffuse horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, global
    horizontal irradiance, extraterrestrial irradiance, sun zenith angle,
    and sun azimuth angle.


    surf_tilt : float or Series
            Surface tilt angles in decimal degrees.
            surf_tilt must be >=0 and <=180. The tilt angle is defined as
            degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
            horizon = 90)

    surf_az : float or Series
            Surface azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
            surf_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
            as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, South=180 East = 90, West = 270).

    DHI : float or Series
            diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2. 
            DHI must be >=0.

    GHI : float or Series
            Global  irradiance in W/m^2. 
            DNI must be >=0.

    sun_zen : float or Series
            apparent (refraction-corrected) zenith
            angles in decimal degrees. 
            sun_zen must be >=0 and <=180.

    sun_az : float or Series
            Sun azimuth angles in decimal degrees.
            sun_az must be >=0 and <=360. The Azimuth convention is defined
            as degrees east of north (e.g. North = 0, East = 90, West = 270).

    float or Series

                the diffuse component of the solar radiation on an
                arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the Klucher model as given in
                Loutzenhiser et. al (2007) equation 4.
                SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the ground
                reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.
                SkyDiffuse is a column vector vector with a number of elements equal to
                the input vector(s).

    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Klucher, T.M., 1979. Evaluation of models to predict insolation on tilted
    surfaces. Solar Energy 23 (2), 111-114.

    See also



    # zenith angle with respect to panel normal.
    cos_tt = aoi_projection(surf_tilt, surf_az, sun_zen, sun_az)
    F = 1 - ((DHI / GHI) ** 2)
        # fails with single point input
        F.fillna(0, inplace=True)
    except AttributeError:
        F = 0

    term1 = 0.5 * (1 + pvl_tools.cosd(surf_tilt))
    term2 = 1 + F * (pvl_tools.sind(0.5*surf_tilt) ** 3)
    term3 = 1 + F * (cos_tt ** 2) * (pvl_tools.sind(sun_zen) ** 3)

    sky_diffuse = DHI * term1 * term2 * term3

    return sky_diffuse
Exemplo n.º 9
def isotropic(surf_tilt, DHI):
    Determine diffuse irradiance from the sky on a 
    tilted surface using the isotropic sky model.

    .. math::

       I_{d} = DHI \frac{1 + \cos\beta}{2}

    Hottel and Woertz's model treats the sky as a uniform source of diffuse
    irradiance. Thus the diffuse irradiance from the sky (ground reflected
    irradiance is not included in this algorithm) on a tilted surface can
    be found from the diffuse horizontal irradiance and the tilt angle of
    the surface.


    surf_tilt : float or Series
            Surface tilt angle in decimal degrees. 
            surf_tilt must be >=0 and <=180. The tilt angle is defined as
            degrees from horizontal (e.g. surface facing up = 0, surface facing
            horizon = 90)

    DHI : float or Series
            Diffuse horizontal irradiance in W/m^2.
            DHI must be >=0.


    float or Series

            The diffuse component of the solar radiation  on an
            arbitrarily tilted surface defined by the isotropic sky model as
            given in Loutzenhiser et. al (2007) equation 3.
            SkyDiffuse is the diffuse component ONLY and does not include the ground
            reflected irradiance or the irradiance due to the beam.
            SkyDiffuse is a column vector vector with a number of elements equal to
            the input vector(s).


    [1] Loutzenhiser P.G. et. al. "Empirical validation of models to compute
    solar irradiance on inclined surfaces for building energy simulation"
    2007, Solar Energy vol. 81. pp. 254-267

    [2] Hottel, H.C., Woertz, B.B., 1942. Evaluation of flat-plate solar heat
    collector. Trans. ASME 64, 91.

    See also    



    sky_diffuse = DHI * (1 + pvl_tools.cosd(surf_tilt)) * 0.5

    return sky_diffuse
Exemplo n.º 10
def physicaliam(K,L,n,theta):

    Determine the incidence angle modifier using refractive 
    index, glazing thickness, and extinction coefficient

    pvl_physicaliam calculates the incidence angle modifier as described in
    De Soto et al. "Improvement and validation of a model for photovoltaic
    array performance", section 3. The calculation is based upon a physical
    model of absorbtion and transmission through a cover. Required
    information includes, incident angle, cover extinction coefficient,
    cover thickness

    Note: The authors of this function believe that eqn. 14 in [1] is
    incorrect. This function uses the following equation in its place:
    theta_r = arcsin(1/n * sin(theta))


    K : float

            The glazing extinction coefficient in units of 1/meters. Reference
            [1] indicates that a value of  4 is reasonable for "water white"
            glass. K must be a numeric scalar or vector with all values >=0. If K
            is a vector, it must be the same size as all other input vectors.

    L : float

            The glazing thickness in units of meters. Reference [1] indicates
            that 0.002 meters (2 mm) is reasonable for most glass-covered
            PV panels. L must be a numeric scalar or vector with all values >=0. 
            If L is a vector, it must be the same size as all other input vectors.

    n : float

            The effective index of refraction (unitless). Reference [1]
            indicates that a value of 1.526 is acceptable for glass. n must be a 
            numeric scalar or vector with all values >=0. If n is a vector, it 
            must be the same size as all other input vectors.

    theta :float

            The angle of incidence between the module normal vector and the
            sun-beam vector in degrees. Theta must be a numeric scalar or vector.
            For any values of theta where abs(theta)>90, IAM is set to 0. For any
            values of theta where -90 < theta < 0, theta is set to abs(theta) and
            evaluated. A warning will be generated if any(theta<0 or theta>90).


    IAM : float

       The incident angle modifier as specified in eqns. 14-16 of [1].
         IAM is a column vector with the same number of elements as the
         largest input vector.


    [1] W. De Soto et al., "Improvement and validation of a model for
     photovoltaic array performance", Solar Energy, vol 80, pp. 78-88,

    [2] Duffie, John A. & Beckman, William A.. (2006). Solar Engineering 
     of Thermal Processes, third edition. [Books24x7 version] Available 
     from http://common.books24x7.com/toc.aspx?bookid=17160. 

    See Also 


    Expect={'K':'x >= 0',
            'L':'x >= 0',
            'n':'x >= 0',

    if any((var.theta < 0) | (var.theta >= 90)):
        print('Input incident angles <0 or >=90 detected For input angles with absolute value greater than 90, the ' + 'modifier is set to 0. For input angles between -90 and 0, the ' + 'angle is changed to its absolute value and evaluated.')
        var.theta[(var.theta < 0) | (var.theta >= 90)]=abs((var.theta < 0) | (var.theta >= 90))

    thetar_deg=pvl_tools.asind(1.0 / n*(pvl_tools.sind(theta)))

    tau=np.exp(- 1.0 * (K*(L) / pvl_tools.cosd(thetar_deg)))*((1 - 0.5*((((pvl_tools.sind(thetar_deg - theta)) ** 2) / ((pvl_tools.sind(thetar_deg + theta)) ** 2) + ((pvl_tools.tand(thetar_deg - theta)) ** 2) / ((pvl_tools.tand(thetar_deg + theta)) ** 2)))))
    thetar_deg0=pvl_tools.asind(1.0 / n*(pvl_tools.sind(zeroang)))
    tau0=np.exp(- 1.0 * (K*(L) / pvl_tools.cosd(thetar_deg0)))*((1 - 0.5*((((pvl_tools.sind(thetar_deg0 - zeroang)) ** 2) / ((pvl_tools.sind(thetar_deg0 + zeroang)) ** 2) + ((pvl_tools.tand(thetar_deg0 - zeroang)) ** 2) / ((pvl_tools.tand(thetar_deg0 + zeroang)) ** 2)))))
    IAM=tau / tau0
    IAM[theta == 0]=1
    IAM[abs(theta) > 90 | (IAM < 0)]=0
    return IAM
Exemplo n.º 11
def ineichen(time, location, linke_turbidity=None, 
             solarposition_method='pyephem', zenith_data=None,
             airmass_model='young1994', airmass_data=None,
    Determine clear sky GHI, DNI, and DHI from Ineichen/Perez model

    Implements the Ineichen and Perez clear sky model for global horizontal
    irradiance (GHI), direct normal irradiance (DNI), and calculates
    the clear-sky diffuse horizontal (DHI) component as the difference
    between GHI and DNI*cos(zenith) as presented in [1, 2]. A report on clear
    sky models found the Ineichen/Perez model to have excellent performance
    with a minimal input data set [3]. Default values for Linke turbidity
    provided by SoDa [4, 5].

    time : pandas.DatetimeIndex
    location : pvlib.Location
    linke_turbidity : None or float
    solarposition_method : string
        See pvlib.solarposition.get_solarposition()
    zenith_data : None or pandas.Series
        If None, ephemeris data will be calculated using ``solarposition_method``.
    airmass_model : string
        See pvlib.airmass.relativeairmass().
    airmass_data : None or pandas.Series
        If None, absolute air mass data will be calculated using 
        ``airmass_model`` and location.alitude.


    ClearSkyGHI : Dataframe

         the modeled global horizonal irradiance in W/m^2 provided
          by the Ineichen clear-sky model.

    ClearSkyDNI : Dataframe

        the modeled direct normal irradiance in W/m^2 provided
        by the Ineichen clear-sky model.

    ClearSkyDHI : Dataframe

        the calculated diffuse horizonal irradiance in W/m^2 
        provided by the Ineichen clear-sky model.

    If you are using this function
    in a loop, it may be faster to load LinkeTurbidities.mat outside of
    the loop and feed it in as a variable, rather than
    having the function open the file each time it is called.


    [1] P. Ineichen and R. Perez, "A New airmass independent formulation for
        the Linke turbidity coefficient", Solar Energy, vol 73, pp. 151-157, 2002.

    [2] R. Perez et. al., "A New Operational Model for Satellite-Derived
        Irradiances: Description and Validation", Solar Energy, vol 73, pp.
        307-317, 2002.

    [3] M. Reno, C. Hansen, and J. Stein, "Global Horizontal Irradiance Clear
        Sky Models: Implementation and Analysis", Sandia National
        Laboratories, SAND2012-2389, 2012.

    [4] http://www.soda-is.com/eng/services/climat_free_eng.php#c5 (obtained
        July 17, 2012).

    [5] J. Remund, et. al., "Worldwide Linke Turbidity Information", Proc.
        ISES Solar World Congress, June 2003. Goteborg, Sweden.
    # Initial implementation of this algorithm by Matthew Reno.
    # Ported to python by Rob Andrews
    # Added functionality by Will Holmgren
    I0 = irradiance.extraradiation(time.dayofyear)
    if zenith_data is None:
        ephem_data = solarposition.get_solarposition(time, location, 
        time = ephem_data.index # fixes issue with time possibly not being tz-aware    
            ApparentZenith = ephem_data['apparent_zenith']
        except KeyError:
            ApparentZenith = ephem_data['zenith']
            pvl_logger.warning('could not find apparent_zenith. using zenith')
        ApparentZenith = zenith_data
    #ApparentZenith[ApparentZenith >= 90] = 90 # can cause problems in edge cases

    if linke_turbidity is None:
        # The .mat file 'LinkeTurbidities.mat' contains a single 2160 x 4320 x 12
        # matrix of type uint8 called 'LinkeTurbidity'. The rows represent global
        # latitudes from 90 to -90 degrees; the columns represent global longitudes
        # from -180 to 180; and the depth (third dimension) represents months of
        # the year from January (1) to December (12). To determine the Linke
        # turbidity for a position on the Earth's surface for a given month do the
        # following: LT = LinkeTurbidity(LatitudeIndex, LongitudeIndex, month).  
        # Note that the numbers within the matrix are 20 * Linke Turbidity, 
        # so divide the number from the file by 20 to get the
        # turbidity.
        # consider putting this code at module level
        this_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        mat = scipy.io.loadmat(os.path.join(this_path, 'data', 'LinkeTurbidities.mat'))
        linke_turbidity = mat['LinkeTurbidity']
        LatitudeIndex = np.round_(_linearly_scale(location.latitude,90,- 90,1,2160))
        LongitudeIndex = np.round_(_linearly_scale(location.longitude,- 180,180,1,4320))
        g = linke_turbidity[LatitudeIndex][LongitudeIndex]
        if interp_turbidity:
            pvl_logger.info('interpolating turbidity to the day')
            g2 = np.concatenate([[g[-1]], g, [g[0]]]) # wrap ends around
            days = np.linspace(-15, 380, num=14) # map day of year onto month (approximate)
            LT = pd.Series(np.interp(time.dayofyear, days, g2), index=time)
            pvl_logger.info('using monthly turbidity')
            ApplyMonth = lambda x:g[x[0]-1]
            LT = pd.DataFrame(time.month, index=time)
            LT = LT.apply(ApplyMonth, axis=1)
        TL = LT / 20.
        pvl_logger.info('using TL=\n{}'.format(TL))
        TL = linke_turbidity

    # Get the absolute airmass assuming standard local pressure (per
    # pvl_alt2pres) using Kasten and Young's 1989 formula for airmass.
    if airmass_data is None:
        AMabsolute = atmosphere.absoluteairmass(AMrelative=atmosphere.relativeairmass(ApparentZenith, airmass_model),
        AMabsolute = airmass_data
    fh1 = np.exp(-location.altitude/8000.)
    fh2 = np.exp(-location.altitude/1250.)
    cg1 = 5.09e-05 * location.altitude + 0.868
    cg2 = 3.92e-05 * location.altitude + 0.0387
    pvl_logger.debug('fh1={}, fh2={}, cg1={}, cg2={}'.format(fh1, fh2, cg1, cg2))

    #  Dan's note on the TL correction: By my reading of the publication on
    #  pages 151-157, Ineichen and Perez introduce (among other things) three
    #  things. 1) Beam model in eqn. 8, 2) new turbidity factor in eqn 9 and
    #  appendix A, and 3) Global horizontal model in eqn. 11. They do NOT appear
    #  to use the new turbidity factor (item 2 above) in either the beam or GHI
    #  models. The phrasing of appendix A seems as if there are two separate
    #  corrections, the first correction is used to correct the beam/GHI models,
    #  and the second correction is used to correct the revised turibidity
    #  factor. In my estimation, there is no need to correct the turbidity
    #  factor used in the beam/GHI models.

    #  Create the corrected TL for TL < 2
    #  TLcorr = TL;
    #  TLcorr(TL < 2) = TLcorr(TL < 2) - 0.25 .* (2-TLcorr(TL < 2)) .^ (0.5);

    #  This equation is found in Solar Energy 73, pg 311. 
    #  Full ref: Perez et. al., Vol. 73, pp. 307-317 (2002).
    #  It is slightly different than the equation given in Solar Energy 73, pg 156. 
    #  We used the equation from pg 311 because of the existence of known typos 
    #  in the pg 156 publication (notably the fh2-(TL-1) should be fh2 * (TL-1)). 
    cos_zenith = pvl_tools.cosd(ApparentZenith)
    clearsky_GHI = cg1 * I0 * cos_zenith * np.exp(-cg2*AMabsolute*(fh1 + fh2*(TL - 1))) * np.exp(0.01*AMabsolute**1.8)
    clearsky_GHI[clearsky_GHI < 0] = 0
    # BncI == "normal beam clear sky radiation"
    b = 0.664 + 0.163/fh1
    BncI = b * I0 * np.exp( -0.09 * AMabsolute * (TL - 1) )
    # "empirical correction" SE 73, 157 & SE 73, 312.
    BncI_2 = clearsky_GHI * ( 1 - (0.1 - 0.2*np.exp(-TL))/(0.1 + 0.882/fh1) ) / cos_zenith
    #return BncI, BncI_2
    clearsky_DNI = np.minimum(BncI, BncI_2) # Will H: use np.minimum explicitly
    clearsky_DHI = clearsky_GHI - clearsky_DNI*cos_zenith
    df_out = pd.DataFrame({'GHI':clearsky_GHI, 'DNI':clearsky_DNI, 
    df_out.fillna(0, inplace=True)
    #df_out['BncI'] = BncI
    #df_out['BncI_2'] = BncI
    return df_out