Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.plant_deck = {
            "sunflower": Sunflower,
            "peashooter": Peashooter,
            "wall-nut": Wallnut

        self.action_space = Discrete(
            len(self.plant_deck) * config.N_LANES * config.LANE_LENGTH + 1)
        # self.action_space = MultiDiscrete([len(self.plant_deck), config.N_LANES, config.LANE_LENGTH]) # plant, lane, pos
        self.observation_space = Tuple([
            MultiDiscrete([len(self.plant_deck) + 1] *
                          (config.N_LANES * config.LANE_LENGTH)),
            MultiDiscrete([MAX_ZOMBIE_PER_CELL + 1] *
                          (config.N_LANES * config.LANE_LENGTH)),
        ])  # Action available

        "Which plant on the cell, is the lane attacked, is there a mower on the lane"
        self._plant_names = [plant_name for plant_name in self.plant_deck]
        self._plant_classes = [
            for plant_name in self.plant_deck
        self._plant_no = {
            self._plant_classes[i]: i
            for i in range(len(self._plant_names))
        self._scene = Scene(self.plant_deck, BasicZombieSpawner())
        self._reward = 0
Exemplo n.º 2
class PVZEnv_V1(gym.Env):
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}

    def __init__(self):
        self.plant_deck = {
            "sunflower": Sunflower,
            "peashooter": Peashooter,
            "wall-nut": Wallnut

        self.action_space = Discrete(
            len(self.plant_deck) * config.N_LANES * config.LANE_LENGTH + 1)
        # self.action_space = MultiDiscrete([len(self.plant_deck), config.N_LANES, config.LANE_LENGTH]) # plant, lane, pos
        self.observation_space = Tuple([
            MultiDiscrete([len(self.plant_deck) + 1] *
                          (config.N_LANES * config.LANE_LENGTH)),
            MultiDiscrete([MAX_ZOMBIE_PER_CELL + 1] *
                          (config.N_LANES * config.LANE_LENGTH)),
        ])  # Action available

        "Which plant on the cell, is the lane attacked, is there a mower on the lane"
        self._plant_names = [plant_name for plant_name in self.plant_deck]
        self._plant_classes = [
            for plant_name in self.plant_deck
        self._plant_no = {
            self._plant_classes[i]: i
            for i in range(len(self._plant_names))
        self._scene = Scene(self.plant_deck, BasicZombieSpawner())
        self._reward = 0

    def step(self, action):

        action :

        ob, reward, episode_over, info : tuple
            ob (object) :
                an environment-specific object representing your observation of
                the environment.
            reward (float) :
                amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale
                varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase
                your total reward.
            episode_over (bool) :
                whether it's time to reset the environment again. Most (but not
                all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done
                being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example,
                perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.)
            info (dict) :
                 diagnostic information useful for debugging. It can sometimes
                 be useful for learning (for example, it might contain the raw
                 probabilities behind the environment's last state change).
                 However, official evaluations of your agent are not allowed to
                 use this for learning.

        self._scene.step()  #Minimum one step
        reward = self._scene.score
        while (not self._scene.move_available()):
            reward += self._scene.score
        ob = self._get_obs()
        episode_over = self._scene.lives <= 0
        self._reward = reward
        return ob, reward, episode_over, {}

    def _get_obs(self):
        obs_grid = np.zeros(config.N_LANES * config.LANE_LENGTH, dtype=int)
        zombie_grid = np.zeros(config.N_LANES * config.LANE_LENGTH, dtype=int)
        for plant in self._scene.plants:
            obs_grid[plant.lane * config.LANE_LENGTH +
                     plant.pos] = self._plant_no[plant.__class__.__name__] + 1
        for zombie in self._scene.zombies:
            zombie_grid[zombie.lane * config.LANE_LENGTH + zombie.pos] += 1
        action_available = np.array([
            self._scene.plant_cooldowns[plant_name] <= 0
            for plant_name in self.plant_deck
        action_available *= np.array([
            self._scene.sun >= self.plant_deck[plant_name].COST
            for plant_name in self.plant_deck
        return np.concatenate(
            [obs_grid, zombie_grid, [self._scene.sun], action_available])

    def reset(self):
        self._scene = Scene(self.plant_deck, BasicZombieSpawner())
        return self._get_obs()

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        print("Score since last action: " + str(self._reward))

    def close(self):

    def _take_action(self, action):
        if action > 0:  # action = 0 : no action
            # action = no_plant + n_plants * (lane + n_lanes * pos)
            action -= 1
            a = action // len(self.plant_deck)
            no_plant = action - len(self.plant_deck) * a
            pos = a // config.N_LANES
            lane = a - pos * config.N_LANES
            move = Move(self._plant_names[no_plant], lane, pos)
            if move.is_valid(self._scene):

    def num_observations(self):
        return 2 * config.N_LANES * config.LANE_LENGTH + len(
            self.plant_deck) + 1
Exemplo n.º 3
 def reset(self):
     self._scene = Scene(self.plant_deck, BasicZombieSpawner())
     return self._get_obs()