Exemplo n.º 1
def normalize_argv_env(argv, env, log, level=2):
    # Validate argv
    # - Must be a list/tuple of strings
    # - Each string must not contain '\x00'
    argv = argv or []
    if isinstance(argv, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)):
        argv = [argv]

    if not isinstance(argv, (list, tuple)):
        log.error('argv must be a list or tuple: %r' % argv)

    if not all(
            isinstance(arg, (six.text_type, bytes, bytearray))
            for arg in argv):
        log.error("argv must be strings or bytes: %r" % argv)

    # Create a duplicate so we can modify it
    argv = list(argv)

    for i, oarg in enumerate(argv):
        arg = packing._need_bytes(oarg, level, 0x80)  # ASCII text is okay
        if b'\x00' in arg[:-1]:
            log.error('Inappropriate nulls in argv[%i]: %r' % (i, oarg))
        argv[i] = bytearray(arg.rstrip(b'\x00'))

    # Validate environment
    # - Must be a dictionary of {string:string}
    # - No strings may contain '\x00'

    # Create a duplicate so we can modify it safely
    env2 = []
    if hasattr(env, 'items'):
        env_items = env.items()
        env_items = env
    if env:
        for k, v in env_items:
            if not isinstance(k, (bytes, six.text_type)):
                log.error('Environment keys must be strings: %r' % k)
            if not isinstance(k, (bytes, six.text_type)):
                log.error('Environment values must be strings: %r=%r' % (k, v))
            k = packing._need_bytes(k, level, 0x80)  # ASCII text is okay
            v = packing._need_bytes(v, level, 0x80)  # ASCII text is okay
            if b'\x00' in k[:-1]:
                log.error('Inappropriate nulls in env key: %r' % (k))
            if b'\x00' in v[:-1]:
                log.error('Inappropriate nulls in env value: %r=%r' % (k, v))
                (bytearray(k.rstrip(b'\x00')), bytearray(v.rstrip(b'\x00'))))

    return argv, env2 or env
Exemplo n.º 2
    def resolve(self, addr=None):
        Return a flat list of ``int`` or ``bytes`` objects which can be
        passed to :func:`.flat`.

            addr(int): Address at which the data starts in memory.
                If :const:`None`, ``self.addr`` is used.
        if addr is None:
            addr = self.address
        with self.local(addr):
            self.address = addr
            rv = [None] * len(self.values)
            for i, value in enumerate(self.values):
                if isinstance(value, six.integer_types):
                    rv[i] = value
                elif isinstance(value, six.text_type):
                    value = packing._need_bytes(value)
                if isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray)):
                    value += b'\x00'
                    while len(value) % context.bytes:
                        value += b'$'

                    rv[i] = value
                elif isinstance(value, Unresolved):
                    rv[i] = value.address
                assert rv[i] is not None

        return rv
Exemplo n.º 3
    def recvline_regex(self,
        """recvline_regex(regex, exact=False, keepends=False, timeout=default) -> bytes

        Wrapper around :func:`recvline_pred`, which will return when a regex
        matches a line.

        By default :func:`re.RegexObject.search` is used, but if `exact` is
        set to True, then :func:`re.RegexObject.match` will be used instead.

        If the request is not satisfied before ``timeout`` seconds pass,
        all data is buffered and an empty string (``''``) is returned.

        if isinstance(regex, (bytes, bytearray, six.text_type)):
            regex = packing._need_bytes(regex)
            regex = re.compile(regex)

        if exact:
            pred = regex.match
            pred = regex.search

        return self.recvline_pred(pred, keepends=keepends, timeout=timeout)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, elf, symbol, args, data_addr=None):
        self.elf = elf
        self.elf_load_address_fixup = self.elf.address - self.elf.load_addr
        self.strtab = elf.dynamic_value_by_tag(
            "DT_STRTAB") + self.elf_load_address_fixup
        self.symtab = elf.dynamic_value_by_tag(
            "DT_SYMTAB") + self.elf_load_address_fixup
        self.jmprel = elf.dynamic_value_by_tag(
            "DT_JMPREL") + self.elf_load_address_fixup
        self.versym = elf.dynamic_value_by_tag(
            "DT_VERSYM") + self.elf_load_address_fixup
        self.symbol = _need_bytes(symbol, min_wrong=0x80)
        self.args = args
        self.real_args = self._format_args()
        self.unreliable = False

        self.data_addr = data_addr if data_addr is not None else self._get_recommended_address(

        # Will be set when built
        self.reloc_index = -1
        self.payload = b""

        # PIE is untested, gcc forces FULL-RELRO when PIE is set
        if self.elf.pie and self.elf_load_address_fixup == 0:
            log.warning("WARNING: ELF is PIE but has no base address set")

Exemplo n.º 5
    def recvline_endswith(self, delims, keepends=False, timeout=default):
        r"""recvline_endswith(delims, keepends=False, timeout=default) -> bytes

        Keep receiving lines until one is found that ends with one of
        `delims`.  Returns the last line received.

        If the request is not satisfied before ``timeout`` seconds pass,
        all data is buffered and an empty string (``''``) is returned.

        See :meth:`recvline_startswith` for more details.


            >>> t = tube()
            >>> t.recv_raw = lambda n: b'Foo\nBar\nBaz\nKaboodle\n'
            >>> t.recvline_endswith(b'r')
            >>> t.recvline_endswith((b'a',b'b',b'c',b'd',b'e'), True)
            >>> t.recvline_endswith(b'oodle')
        # Convert string into singleton tupple
        if isinstance(delims, (bytes, bytearray, six.text_type)):
            delims = (delims, )

        delims = tuple(
            packing._need_bytes(delim) + self.newline for delim in delims)

        return self.recvline_pred(lambda line: any(map(line.endswith, delims)),
Exemplo n.º 6
    def send(self, data):

        Sends data.

        If log level ``DEBUG`` is enabled, also prints out the data

        If it is not possible to send anymore because of a closed
        connection, it raises ``exceptions.EOFError``


            >>> def p(x): print(repr(x))
            >>> t = tube()
            >>> t.send_raw = p
            >>> t.send(b'hello')

        data = packing._need_bytes(data)

        if self.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            self.debug('Sent %#x bytes:' % len(data))
            if len(set(data)) == 1:
                self.indented('%r * %#x' % (data[0], len(data)))
            elif all(c in string.printable.encode() for c in data):
                for line in data.splitlines(True):
                    self.indented(repr(line), level = logging.DEBUG)
                self.indented(fiddling.hexdump(data), level = logging.DEBUG)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def send(self, data):

        Sends data.

        If log level ``DEBUG`` is enabled, also prints out the data

        If it is not possible to send anymore because of a closed
        connection, it raises ``exceptions.EOFError``


            >>> def p(x): print(repr(x))
            >>> t = tube()
            >>> t.send_raw = p
            >>> t.send(b'hello')

        data = packing._need_bytes(data)

        if self.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            self.debug('Sent %#x bytes:' % len(data))
            self.maybe_hexdump(data, level=logging.DEBUG)

Exemplo n.º 8
    def sendlinethen(self, delim, data, timeout=default):
        """sendlinethen(delim, data, timeout = default) -> str

        A combination of ``sendline(data)`` and ``recvuntil(delim, timeout=timeout)``."""

        data = packing._need_bytes(data)
        return self.recvuntil(delim, timeout=timeout)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def newline(self, v):
        """Line ending used for Tubes by default.

        This configures the newline emitted by e.g. ``sendline`` or that is used
        as a delimiter for e.g. ``recvline``.
        # circular imports
        from pwnlib.util.packing import _need_bytes
        return _need_bytes(v)
Exemplo n.º 10
def gnu_hash(s):
    """gnu_hash(str) -> int

    Function used to generated GNU-style hashes for strings.
    s = bytearray(_need_bytes(s, 4, 0x80))
    h = 5381
    for c in s:
        h = h * 33 + c
    return h & 0xffffffff
Exemplo n.º 11
    def sendafter(self, delim, data, timeout=default):
        """sendafter(delim, data, timeout = default) -> str

        A combination of ``recvuntil(delim, timeout=timeout)`` and ``send(data)``.

        data = packing._need_bytes(data)
        res = self.recvuntil(delim, timeout=timeout)
        return res
Exemplo n.º 12
def js_escape(data, padding=context.cyclic_alphabet[0:1], **kwargs):
    r"""js_escape(data, padding=context.cyclic_alphabet[0:1], endian = None, **kwargs) -> str

    Pack data as an escaped Unicode string for use in JavaScript's `unescape()` function

        data (bytes): Bytes to pack
        padding (bytes): A single byte to use as padding if data is of uneven length
        endian (str): Endianness with which to pack the string ("little"/"big")

        A string representation of the packed data

    >>> js_escape(b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef')

    >>> js_escape(b'\xde\xad\xbe\xef', endian='big')

    >>> js_escape(b'\xde\xad\xbe')

    >>> js_escape(b'aaaa')
    data = packing._need_bytes(data)

    padding = packing._need_bytes(padding)
    if len(padding) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Padding must be a single byte")

    if len(data) % 2:
        data += padding[0:1]

    data = bytearray(data)

    if context.endian == 'little':
        return ''.join('%u{a:02x}{b:02x}'.format(a=a, b=b)
                       for b, a in iters.group(2, data))
        return ''.join('%u{a:02x}{b:02x}'.format(a=a, b=b)
                       for a, b in iters.group(2, data))
Exemplo n.º 13
def sysv_hash(symbol):
    """sysv_hash(str) -> int

    Function used to generate SYSV-style hashes for strings.
    h = 0
    g = 0
    for c in bytearray(_need_bytes(symbol, 4, 0x80)):
        h = (h << 4) + c
        g = h & 0xf0000000
        h ^= (g >> 24)
        h &= ~g
    return h & 0xffffffff
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _dynamic_load_dynelf(self, libname):
        """_dynamic_load_dynelf(libname) -> DynELF

        Looks up information about a loaded library via the link map.

            libname(str):  Name of the library to resolve, or a substring (e.g. 'libc.so')

            A DynELF instance for the loaded library, or None.
        cur = self.link_map
        leak = self.leak
        LinkMap = {
            32: elf.Elf32_Link_Map,
            64: elf.Elf64_Link_Map

        # make sure we rewind to the beginning!
        while leak.field(cur, LinkMap.l_prev):
            cur = leak.field(cur, LinkMap.l_prev)

        libname = _need_bytes(libname, 2, 0x80)

        while cur:
            self.status("link_map entry %#x" % cur)
            p_name = leak.field(cur, LinkMap.l_name)
            name = leak.s(p_name)

            if libname in name:

            if name:
                self.status('Skipping %s' % name)

            cur = leak.field(cur, LinkMap.l_next)
            self.failure("Could not find library with name containing %r" %
            return None

        libbase = leak.field(cur, LinkMap.l_addr)

        self.status("Resolved library %r at %#x" % (libname, libbase))

        lib = DynELF(leak, libbase)
        lib._dynamic = leak.field(cur, LinkMap.l_ld)
        lib._waitfor = self._waitfor
        return lib
Exemplo n.º 15
    def sendline(self, line=b''):

        Shorthand for ``t.send(data + t.newline)``.


            >>> def p(x): print(repr(x))
            >>> t = tube()
            >>> t.send_raw = p
            >>> t.sendline(b'hello')
            >>> t.newline = b'\r\n'
            >>> t.sendline(b'hello')

        line = packing._need_bytes(line)

        self.send(line + self.newline)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, value, address=0):
     if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
         value = [value]
     self.values = []
     self.address = address
     for v in value:
         if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
             self.size += context.bytes
             if isinstance(v, six.text_type):
                 v = packing._need_bytes(v)
                 self.size += align(context.bytes, len(v))
             except TypeError:  # no 'len'
                 self.size += context.bytes
     for v in value:
         if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
             arg = AppendedArgument(v, self.address + self.size)
             self.size += arg.size
Exemplo n.º 17
    def unrecv(self, data):

        Puts the specified data back at the beginning of the receive


            >>> t = tube()
            >>> t.recv_raw = lambda n: b'hello'
            >>> t.recv()
            >>> t.recv()
            >>> t.unrecv(b'world')
            >>> t.recv()
            >>> t.recv()
        data = packing._need_bytes(data)
Exemplo n.º 18
def attach(target,
    Start GDB in a new terminal and attach to `target`.

        target: The target to attach to.
        gdbscript(:obj:`str` or :obj:`file`): GDB script to run after attaching.
        exe(str): The path of the target binary.
        arch(str): Architechture of the target binary.  If `exe` known GDB will
          detect the architechture automatically (if it is supported).
        gdb_args(list): List of additional arguments to pass to GDB.
        sysroot(str): Foreign-architecture sysroot, used for QEMU-emulated binaries
            and Android targets.
        api(bool): Enable access to GDB Python API.

        PID of the GDB process (or the window which it is running in).
        When ``api=True``, a (PID, :class:`Gdb`) tuple.


        The ``target`` argument is very robust, and can be any of the following:

            PID of a process
            Process name.  The youngest process is selected.
            Host, port pair of a listening ``gdbserver``
            Process to connect to
            Connected socket. The executable on the other end of the connection is attached to.
            Can be any socket type, including :class:`.listen` or :class:`.remote`.
            Remote process spawned via :meth:`.ssh.process`.
            This will use the GDB installed on the remote machine.
            If a password is required to connect, the ``sshpass`` program must be installed.


        Attach to a process by PID

        >>> pid = gdb.attach(1234) # doctest: +SKIP

        Attach to the youngest process by name

        >>> pid = gdb.attach('bash') # doctest: +SKIP

        Attach a debugger to a :class:`.process` tube and automate interaction

        >>> io = process('bash')
        >>> pid = gdb.attach(io, gdbscript='''
        ... call puts("Hello from process debugger!")
        ... detach
        ... quit
        ... ''')
        >>> io.recvline()
        b'Hello from process debugger!\n'
        >>> io.sendline(b'echo Hello from bash && exit')
        >>> io.recvall()
        b'Hello from bash\n'

        Using GDB Python API:

        .. doctest
           :skipif: six.PY2

            >>> io = process('bash')

            Attach a debugger

            >>> pid, io_gdb = gdb.attach(io, api=True)

            Force the program to write something it normally wouldn't

            >>> io_gdb.execute('call puts("Hello from process debugger!")')

            Resume the program

            >>> io_gdb.continue_nowait()

            Observe the forced line

            >>> io.recvline()
            b'Hello from process debugger!\n'

            Interact with the program in a regular way

            >>> io.sendline(b'echo Hello from bash && exit')

            Observe the results

            >>> io.recvall()
            b'Hello from bash\n'

        Attach to the remote process from a :class:`.remote` or :class:`.listen` tube,
        as long as it is running on the same machine.

        >>> server = process(['socat', 'tcp-listen:12345,reuseaddr,fork', 'exec:/bin/bash,nofork'])
        >>> sleep(1) # Wait for socat to start
        >>> io = remote('', 12345)
        >>> sleep(1) # Wait for process to fork
        >>> pid = gdb.attach(io, gdbscript='''
        ... call puts("Hello from remote debugger!")
        ... detach
        ... quit
        ... ''')
        >>> io.recvline()
        b'Hello from remote debugger!\n'
        >>> io.sendline(b'echo Hello from bash && exit')
        >>> io.recvall()
        b'Hello from bash\n'

        Attach to processes running on a remote machine via an SSH :class:`.ssh` process

        >>> shell = ssh('travis', 'example.pwnme', password='******')
        >>> io = shell.process(['cat'])
        >>> pid = gdb.attach(io, gdbscript='''
        ... call sleep(5)
        ... call puts("Hello from ssh debugger!")
        ... detach
        ... quit
        ... ''')
        >>> io.recvline(timeout=5)  # doctest: +SKIP
        b'Hello from ssh debugger!\n'
        >>> io.sendline(b'This will be echoed back')
        >>> io.recvline()
        b'This will be echoed back\n'
        >>> io.close()
    if context.noptrace:
        log.warn_once("Skipping debug attach since context.noptrace==True")

    # if gdbscript is a file object, then read it; we probably need to run some
    # more gdb script anyway
    if hasattr(gdbscript, 'read'):
        with gdbscript:
            gdbscript = gdbscript.read()

    # enable gdb.attach(p, 'continue')
    if gdbscript and not gdbscript.endswith('\n'):
        gdbscript += '\n'

    # Use a sane default sysroot for Android
    if not sysroot and context.os == 'android':
        sysroot = 'remote:/'

    # gdb script to run before `gdbscript`
    pre = ''
    if not context.native:
        pre += 'set endian %s\n' % context.endian
        pre += 'set architecture %s\n' % get_gdb_arch()
        if sysroot:
            pre += 'set sysroot %s\n' % sysroot

        if context.os == 'android':
            pre += 'set gnutarget ' + _bfdname() + '\n'

        if exe and context.os != 'baremetal':
            pre += 'file "%s"\n' % exe

    # let's see if we can find a pid to attach to
    pid = None
    if isinstance(target, six.integer_types):
        # target is a pid, easy peasy
        pid = target
    elif isinstance(target, str):
        # pidof picks the youngest process
        pidof = proc.pidof

        if context.os == 'android':
            pidof = adb.pidof

        pids = list(pidof(target))
        if not pids:
            log.error('No such process: %s', target)
        pid = pids[0]
        log.info('Attaching to youngest process "%s" (PID = %d)' %
                 (target, pid))
    elif isinstance(target, tubes.ssh.ssh_channel):
        if not target.pid:
            log.error("PID unknown for channel")

        shell = target.parent

        tmpfile = shell.mktemp()
        gdbscript = b'shell rm %s\n%s' % (
            tmpfile, packing._need_bytes(gdbscript, 2, 0x80))
        shell.upload_data(gdbscript or b'', tmpfile)

        cmd = [
            'ssh', '-C', '-t', '-p',
            str(shell.port), '-l', shell.user, shell.host
        if shell.password:
            if not misc.which('sshpass'):
                log.error("sshpass must be installed to debug ssh processes")
            cmd = ['sshpass', '-p', shell.password] + cmd
        if shell.keyfile:
            cmd += ['-i', shell.keyfile]
        cmd += ['gdb', '-q', target.executable, str(target.pid), '-x', tmpfile]


    elif isinstance(target, tubes.sock.sock):
        pids = proc.pidof(target)
        if not pids:
            log.error('Could not find remote process (%s:%d) on this machine' %
        pid = pids[0]

        # Specifically check for socat, since it has an intermediary process
        # if you do not specify "nofork" to the EXEC: argument
        # python(2640)───socat(2642)───socat(2643)───bash(2644)
        if proc.exe(pid).endswith('/socat') and time.sleep(
                0.1) and proc.children(pid):
            pid = proc.children(pid)[0]

        # We may attach to the remote process after the fork but before it performs an exec.
        # If an exe is provided, wait until the process is actually running the expected exe
        # before we attach the debugger.
        t = Timeout()
        with t.countdown(2):
            while exe and os.path.realpath(
                    proc.exe(pid)) != os.path.realpath(exe) and t.timeout:

    elif isinstance(target, tubes.process.process):
        pid = proc.pidof(target)[0]
        exe = exe or target.executable
    elif isinstance(target, tuple) and len(target) == 2:
        host, port = target

        if context.os != 'android':
            pre += 'target remote %s:%d\n' % (host, port)
            # Android debugging is done over gdbserver, which can't follow
            # new inferiors (tldr; follow-fork-mode child) unless it is run
            # in extended-remote mode.
            pre += 'target extended-remote %s:%d\n' % (host, port)
            pre += 'set detach-on-fork off\n'

        def findexe():
            for spid in proc.pidof(target):
                sexe = proc.exe(spid)
                name = os.path.basename(sexe)
                # XXX: parse cmdline
                if name.startswith('qemu-') or name.startswith('gdbserver'):
                    exe = proc.cmdline(spid)[-1]
                    return os.path.join(proc.cwd(spid), exe)

        exe = exe or findexe()
    elif isinstance(target, elf.corefile.Corefile):
        pre += 'target core "%s"\n' % target.path
        log.error("don't know how to attach to target: %r", target)

    # if we have a pid but no exe, just look it up in /proc/
    if pid and not exe:
        exe_fn = proc.exe
        if context.os == 'android':
            exe_fn = adb.proc_exe
        exe = exe_fn(pid)

    if not pid and not exe and not ssh:
        log.error('could not find target process')

    gdb_binary = binary()
    cmd = [gdb_binary]

    if gdb_args:
        cmd += gdb_args

    if context.gdbinit:
        cmd += ['-nh']  # ignore ~/.gdbinit
        cmd += ['-x', context.gdbinit]  # load custom gdbinit

    cmd += ['-q']

    if exe and context.native:
        if not ssh and not os.path.isfile(exe):
            log.error('No such file: %s', exe)
        cmd += [exe]

    if pid and not context.os == 'android':
        cmd += [str(pid)]

    if context.os == 'android' and pid:
        runner = _get_runner()
        which = _get_which()
        gdb_cmd = _gdbserver_args(pid=pid, which=which)
        gdbserver = runner(gdb_cmd)
        port = _gdbserver_port(gdbserver, None)
        host = context.adb_host
        pre += 'target extended-remote %s:%i\n' % (context.adb_host, port)

        # gdbserver on Android sets 'detach-on-fork on' which breaks things
        # when you're trying to debug anything that forks.
        pre += 'set detach-on-fork off\n'

    if api:
        # create a UNIX socket for talking to GDB
        socket_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        socket_path = os.path.join(socket_dir, 'socket')
        bridge = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'gdb_api_bridge.py')

        # inject the socket path and the GDB Python API bridge
        pre = 'python socket_path = ' + repr(socket_path) + '\n' + \
              'source ' + bridge + '\n' + \

    gdbscript = pre + (gdbscript or '')

    if gdbscript:
        tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='pwn',
        log.debug('Wrote gdb script to %r\n%s', tmp.name, gdbscript)
        gdbscript = 'shell rm %s\n%s' % (tmp.name, gdbscript)

        cmd += ['-x', tmp.name]

    log.info('running in new terminal: %s', cmd)

    if api:
        # prevent gdb_faketerminal.py from messing up api doctests
        def preexec_fn():
            os.environ['GDB_FAKETERMINAL'] = '0'
        preexec_fn = None
    gdb_pid = misc.run_in_new_terminal(cmd, preexec_fn=preexec_fn)

    if pid and context.native:
        proc.wait_for_debugger(pid, gdb_pid)

    if not api:
        return gdb_pid

    # connect to the GDB Python API bridge
    from rpyc import BgServingThread
    from rpyc.utils.factory import unix_connect
    if six.PY2:
        retriable = socket.error
        retriable = ConnectionRefusedError, FileNotFoundError

    t = Timeout()
    with t.countdown(10):
        while t.timeout:
                conn = unix_connect(socket_path)
            except retriable:
            # Check to see if RPyC is installed at all in GDB
            rpyc_check = [
                gdb_binary, '--nx', '-batch', '-ex',
                'python import rpyc; import sys; sys.exit(123)'

            if 123 != tubes.process.process(rpyc_check).poll(block=True):
                log.error('Failed to connect to GDB: rpyc is not installed')

            # Check to see if the socket ever got created
            if not os.path.exists(socket_path):
                    'Failed to connect to GDB: Unix socket %s was never created',

            # Check to see if the remote RPyC client is a compatible version
            version_check = [
                gdb_binary, '--nx', '-batch', '-ex',
                'python import platform; print(platform.python_version())'
            gdb_python_version = tubes.process.process(
            python_version = str(platform.python_version())

            if gdb_python_version != python_version:
                    'Failed to connect to GDB: Version mismatch (%s vs %s)',
                    gdb_python_version, python_version)

            # Don't know what happened
            log.error('Failed to connect to GDB: Unknown error')

    # now that connection is up, remove the socket from the filesystem

    # create a thread for receiving breakpoint notifications
    BgServingThread(conn, callback=lambda: None)

    return gdb_pid, Gdb(conn)
Exemplo n.º 19
def cyclic_find(subseq, alphabet = None, n = None):
    """cyclic_find(subseq, alphabet = None, n = None) -> int

    Calculates the position of a substring into a De Bruijn sequence.

    .. todo:

       "Calculates" is an overstatement. It simply traverses the list.

       There exists better algorithms for this, but they depend on generating
       the De Bruijn sequence in another fashion. Somebody should look at it:


        subseq: The subsequence to look for. This can be a string, a list or an
                integer. If an integer is provided it will be packed as a
                little endian integer.
        alphabet: List or string to generate the sequence over.
                  By default, uses :obj:`.context.cyclic_alphabet`.
        n(int): The length of subsequences that should be unique.
                By default, uses :obj:`.context.cyclic_size`.


        Let's generate an example cyclic pattern.

        >>> cyclic(16)

        Note that 'baaa' starts at offset 4.  The `cyclic_find` routine shows us this:

        >>> cyclic_find(b'baaa')

        The *default* length of a subsequence generated by `cyclic` is `4`.
        If a longer value is submitted, it is automatically truncated to four bytes.

        >>> cyclic_find(b'baaacaaa')

        If you provided e.g. `n=8` to `cyclic` to generate larger subsequences,
        you must explicitly provide that argument.

        >>> cyclic_find(b'baaacaaa', n=8)

        We can generate a large cyclic pattern, and grab a subset of it to
        check a deeper offset.

        >>> cyclic_find(cyclic(1000)[514:518])

        Instead of passing in the byte representation of the pattern, you can
        also pass in the integer value.  Note that this is sensitive to the
        selected endianness via `context.endian`.

        >>> cyclic_find(0x61616162)
        >>> cyclic_find(0x61616162, endian='big')

        You can use anything for the cyclic pattern, including non-printable

        >>> cyclic_find(0x00000000, alphabet=unhex('DEADBEEF00'))

    if n is None:
        n = context.cyclic_size

    if isinstance(subseq, six.integer_types):
        subseq = packing.pack(subseq, bytes=n)
    subseq = packing._need_bytes(subseq, 2, 0x80)

    if len(subseq) != n:
        log.warn_once("cyclic_find() expects %i-byte subsequences by default, you gave %r\n"
            "Unless you specified cyclic(..., n=%i), you probably just want the first 4 bytes.\n"
            "Truncating the data at 4 bytes.  Specify cyclic_find(..., n=%i) to override this.",
            n, subseq, len(subseq), len(subseq))
        subseq = subseq[:n]

    if alphabet is None:
        alphabet = context.cyclic_alphabet
    alphabet = packing._need_bytes(alphabet, 2, 0x80)

    if any(c not in alphabet for c in subseq):
        return -1

    n = n or len(subseq)

    return _gen_find(subseq, de_bruijn(alphabet, n))
Exemplo n.º 20
 def aux(args):
     for i, arg in enumerate(args):
         if isinstance(arg, (str, bytes)):
             args[i] = _need_bytes(args[i], min_wrong=0x80) + b"\x00"
         elif isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
Exemplo n.º 21
    def lookup(self, symb=None, lib=None):
        """lookup(symb = None, lib = None) -> int

        Find the address of ``symbol``, which is found in ``lib``.

            symb(str): Named routine to look up
              If omitted, the base address of the library will be returned.
            lib(str): Substring to match for the library name.
              If omitted, the current library is searched.
              If set to ``'libc'``, ``'libc.so'`` is assumed.

            Address of the named symbol, or :const:`None`.
        result = None

        if lib == 'libc':
            lib = 'libc.so'

        if symb:
            symb = _need_bytes(symb, min_wrong=0x80)

        # Get a pretty name for the symbol to show the user
        if symb and lib:
            pretty = '%r in %r' % (symb, lib)
            pretty = repr(symb or lib)

        if not pretty:
            self.failure("Must specify a library or symbol")

        self.waitfor('Resolving %s' % pretty)

        # If we are loading from a different library, create
        # a DynELF instance for it.
        if lib is not None: dynlib = self._dynamic_load_dynelf(lib)
        else: dynlib = self

        if dynlib is None:
            log.failure("Could not find %r", lib)
            return None

        # If we are resolving a symbol in the library, find it.
        if symb and self.libcdb:
            # Try a quick lookup by build ID
            self.status("Trying lookup based on Build ID")
            build_id = dynlib._lookup_build_id(lib=lib)
            if build_id:
                log.info("Trying lookup based on Build ID: %s", build_id)
                path = libcdb.search_by_build_id(build_id)
                if path:
                    with context.local(log_level='error'):
                        e = ELF(path)
                        e.address = dynlib.libbase
                        result = e.symbols[symb]
        if symb and not result:
            self.status("Trying remote lookup")
            result = dynlib._lookup(symb)
        if not symb:
            result = dynlib.libbase

        # Did we win?
        if result: self.success("%#x" % result)
        else: self.failure("Could not find %s" % pretty)

        return result
Exemplo n.º 22
 def sendlines(self, lines=[]):
     for line in lines:
         line = packing._need_bytes(line)
Exemplo n.º 23
def cyclic_find(subseq, alphabet=None, n=None):
    """cyclic_find(subseq, alphabet = None, n = None) -> int

    Calculates the position of a substring into a De Bruijn sequence.

    .. todo:

       "Calculates" is an overstatement. It simply traverses the list.

       There exists better algorithms for this, but they depend on generating
       the De Bruijn sequence in another fashion. Somebody should look at it:


        subseq: The subsequence to look for. This can be a string, a list or an
                integer. If an integer is provided it will be packed as a
                little endian integer.
        alphabet: List or string to generate the sequence over.
                  By default, uses :obj:`.context.cyclic_alphabet`.
        n(int): The length of subsequences that should be unique.
                By default, uses :obj:`.context.cyclic_size`.


        Let's generate an example cyclic pattern.

        >>> cyclic(16)

        Note that 'baaa' starts at offset 4.  The `cyclic_find` routine shows us this:

        >>> cyclic_find(b'baaa')

        The *default* length of a subsequence generated by `cyclic` is `4`.
        If a longer value is submitted, it is automatically truncated to four bytes.

        >>> cyclic_find(b'baaacaaa')

        If you provided e.g. `n=8` to `cyclic` to generate larger subsequences,
        you must explicitly provide that argument.

        >>> cyclic_find(b'baaacaaa', n=8)

        We can generate a large cyclic pattern, and grab a subset of it to
        check a deeper offset.

        >>> cyclic_find(cyclic(1000)[514:518])

        Instead of passing in the byte representation of the pattern, you can
        also pass in the integer value.  Note that this is sensitive to the
        selected endianness via `context.endian`.

        >>> cyclic_find(0x61616162)
        >>> cyclic_find(0x61616162, endian='big')

        Similarly to the case where you can provide a bytes value that is longer
        than four bytes, you can provided an integer value that is larger than
        what can be held in four bytes. If such a large value is given, it is
        automatically truncated.

        >>> cyclic_find(0x6161616361616162)
        >>> cyclic_find(0x6261616163616161, endian='big')

        You can use anything for the cyclic pattern, including non-printable

        >>> cyclic_find(0x00000000, alphabet=unhex('DEADBEEF00'))

    if n is None:
        n = context.cyclic_size

    if isinstance(subseq, six.integer_types):
        if subseq >= 2**(8 * n):
            # Assumption: The user has given an integer that is more than 2**(8n) bits, but would otherwise fit within
            #  a register of size 2**(8m) where m is a multiple of four
            notice = (
                "cyclic_find() expected an integer argument <= {cap:#x}, you gave {gave:#x}\n"
                "Unless you specified cyclic(..., n={fits}), you probably just want the first {n} bytes.\n"
                "Truncating the data at {n} bytes.  Specify cyclic_find(..., n={fits}) to override this."
                cap=2**(8 * n) - 1,
                # The number of bytes needed to represent subseq, rounded to the next 4
                fits=int(round(float(subseq.bit_length()) / 32 + 0.5) * 32) //
            if context.endian == 'little':
                subseq &= 2**(8 * n) - 1
                while subseq >= 2**(8 * n):
                    subseq >>= 8 * n
        subseq = packing.pack(subseq, bytes=n)
    subseq = packing._need_bytes(subseq, 2, 0x80)

    if len(subseq) != n:
            "cyclic_find() expected a %i-byte subsequence, you gave %r\n"
            "Unless you specified cyclic(..., n=%i), you probably just want the first %d bytes.\n"
            "Truncating the data at %d bytes.  Specify cyclic_find(..., n=%i) to override this.",
            n, subseq, len(subseq), n, n, len(subseq))
        subseq = subseq[:n]

    if alphabet is None:
        alphabet = context.cyclic_alphabet
    alphabet = packing._need_bytes(alphabet, 2, 0x80)

    if any(c not in alphabet for c in subseq):
        return -1

    n = n or len(subseq)

    return _gen_find(subseq, de_bruijn(alphabet, n))
Exemplo n.º 24
 def newline(self, newline):
     self._newline = packing._need_bytes(newline)