Exemplo n.º 1
def test_angle():
    # CaCl struct, the supercell will have 0 and 180 degrees -> check corner
    # cases
    st = io.read_cif('files/angle/rs.cif')
    st = crys.scell(st, (2,1,1))
    nang = st.natoms*(st.natoms-1)*(st.natoms-2)
    mask_val = 999.0
    for deg in [True,False]:
        for pbc in [True,False]:
            agf = crys.angles(st, pbc=pbc, mask_val=mask_val)
            agpy, aipy = angles(st, pbc=pbc, mask_val=mask_val)
            eps = np.finfo(float).eps*5
            assert np.allclose(agf, agpy)
            assert aipy.shape[0] == nang
            assert len((agf != mask_val).nonzero()[0]) == nang
            angleidx = np.array(zip(*(agf != mask_val).nonzero()))
            assert (angleidx == aipy).all()       
            assert not np.isnan(agpy).any(), "python angle nan"
            assert not np.isnan(agf).any(), "fortran angle nan"
            # do we have 0 and 180 degrees?
            assert (agf < eps).any(), "no zero degree cases"
            assert (agf - 180.0 < eps).any(), "no 180 degree cases"
            assert (agf >= 0.0).all(), "negative angles"
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_angle():
    # CaCl struct, the supercell will have 0 and 180 degrees -> check corner
    # cases
    st = io.read_cif('files/angle/rs.cif')
    st = crys.scell(st, (2, 1, 1))
    nang = st.natoms * (st.natoms - 1) * (st.natoms - 2)
    mask_val = 999.0
    for deg in [True, False]:
        for pbc in [True, False]:
            agf = crys.angles(st, pbc=pbc, mask_val=mask_val)
            agpy, aipy = angles(st, pbc=pbc, mask_val=mask_val)
            eps = np.finfo(float).eps * 5
            assert np.allclose(agf, agpy)
            assert aipy.shape[0] == nang
            assert len((agf != mask_val).nonzero()[0]) == nang
            angleidx = np.array(list(zip(*(agf != mask_val).nonzero())))
            assert (angleidx == aipy).all()
            assert not np.isnan(agpy).any(), "python angle nan"
            assert not np.isnan(agf).any(), "fortran angle nan"
            # do we have 0 and 180 degrees?
            assert (agf < eps).any(), "no zero degree cases"
            assert (agf - 180.0 < eps).any(), "no 180 degree cases"
            assert (agf >= 0.0).all(), "negative angles"
Exemplo n.º 3
import sys
import numpy as np

from pwtools import crys, atomic_data, pwscf, io
from pwtools.common import str_arr, seq2str
from pwtools.constants import Bohr, Angstrom

def indent(txt, num=4):
    """Indent text block by `num` white spaces."""
    space = " "*num
    return '\n'.join(space + line for line in txt.splitlines())

# All lengths in Bohr
struct = io.read_cif(sys.argv[1], units={'length': Angstrom/Bohr})
rcell = crys.recip_cell(struct.cell)
norms = np.sqrt((rcell**2.0).sum(axis=1))
bar = '-'*78
mass_unique = [atomic_data.pt[sym]['mass'] for sym in struct.symbols_unique]                 
atspec = pwscf.atspec_str(struct.symbols_unique, 
                          [sym + '.UPF' for sym in struct.symbols_unique])
celldm = crys.cc2celldm(struct.cryst_const)
atpos_frac = pwscf.atpos_str(struct.symbols, struct.coords_frac)

The .cif file is assumed to contain NO symmetry information:
    _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M          'P 1'
Exemplo n.º 4
#!/usr/bin/env python
# cif2sgroup.py
# Extract information from a .cif file and print an input file for WIEN2k's
# "sgroup" symmetry analysis tool. Note that the Cif reader assumes P1
# symmetry, i.e. symmetry information in the cif file is ignored. Use
# ase.io.read(), which seems to parse symmetry information.
# usage::
#   $ cif2sgroup.py foo.cif > foo.sgroup.in
#   # Find primitive cell
#   $ sgroup -prim [-set-TOL=1e-4] foo.sgroup.in
# See ``sgroup -help`` for more options.
# Notes
# -----
# The unit of length of a,b,c is not important (Angstrom, Bohr,...).

import sys
from pwtools import io
fn = sys.argv[1]
struct = io.read_cif(fn)
print io.wien_sgroup_input(struct, lat_symbol='P')
Exemplo n.º 5
import sys
import numpy as np

from pwtools import crys, atomic_data, pwscf, io
from pwtools.common import str_arr, seq2str
from pwtools.constants import Bohr, Angstrom

def indent(txt, num=4):
    """Indent text block by `num` white spaces."""
    space = " " * num
    return '\n'.join(space + line for line in txt.splitlines())

# All lengths in Bohr
struct = io.read_cif(sys.argv[1], units={'length': Angstrom / Bohr})
rcell = crys.recip_cell(struct.cell)
norms = np.sqrt((rcell**2.0).sum(axis=1))
bar = '-' * 78
mass_unique = [atomic_data.pt[sym]['mass'] for sym in struct.symbols_unique]
atspec = pwscf.atspec_str(struct.symbols_unique, mass_unique,
                          [sym + '.UPF' for sym in struct.symbols_unique])
celldm = crys.cc2celldm(struct.cryst_const)
atpos_frac = pwscf.atpos_str(struct.symbols, struct.coords_frac)

The .cif file is assumed to contain NO symmetry information:
    _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M          'P 1'
    _symmetry_Int_Tables_number             1
Exemplo n.º 6
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# cif2sgroup.py
# Extract information from a .cif file and print an input file for WIEN2k's
# "sgroup" symmetry analysis tool. Note that the Cif reader assumes P1
# symmetry, i.e. symmetry information in the cif file is ignored. Use
# ase.io.read(), which seems to parse symmetry information.
# usage::
#   $ cif2sgroup.py foo.cif > foo.sgroup.in
#   # Find primitive cell
#   $ sgroup -prim [-set-TOL=1e-4] foo.sgroup.in
# See ``sgroup -help`` for more options.
# Notes
# -----
# The unit of length of a,b,c is not important (Angstrom, Bohr,...).

import sys
from pwtools import io
fn = sys.argv[1]
struct = io.read_cif(fn)
print(io.wien_sgroup_input(struct, lat_symbol='P'))