Exemplo n.º 1
class GraphNode:

    def __init__(self, node=None):

        if node is None:
            self.node = Node()
            self.node = node

    def id(self):
        :return: node's unique Id

        return self.node._id

    def labels(self):
        :return: labels set
        return self.node.labels

    def degree(self):
        :return: number of relations
        return self.node.degree

    def property(self, key):
        :param key: property name
        :return: property value
        return self.node.properties[key]

    def properties(self):
        :return: node's properties dict
        return self.node.properties

    def relationships(self):
        :return: node's relationships iterator
        for rel in self.node.match():
            i_rel = GraphRelation(rel)
            yield i_rel

    def outgoing_relationships(self):
        :return: node's outgoing relationships iterator
        for rel in self.node.match_outgoing():
            i_rel = GraphRelation(rel)
            yield i_rel
Exemplo n.º 2
def loadAuthorFilter():
    @return A list of author names
    profList = list()
    seqAuthor = 1

    filterFiles = ['docentes-unb.json',

    lastAuthorid = graph.run('''MATCH (a:Author)
                             WHERE a.authorid is not null
                             RETURN a.authorid as authorid ORDER BY authorid DESC limit 1'''

    if lastAuthorid.current() is not None:
        seqAuthor = lastAuthorid.current() + 1

    for j in filterFiles:
        print("Loading filter %s" % j)
        instName = j.split('.')[0].split('-')[1]

        institution = graph.find_one("Institution", property_key='name',
        if institution is None:
            institution = Node("Institution", name=instName)
            for p in json.load(open(j, 'r', encoding='latin-1')):
                if p is not None:
                    author = Node("Author", name=p['name'],
                    author['authorid'] = seqAuthor

                    graph.create(Relationship(author, "ASSOCIATED TO", institution))
                    #del author
                    seqAuthor += 1
            print("\tFilter load SKIPPED")
            for rel in institution.match(rel_type='ASSOCIATED TO'):
        del institution
    return profList