Exemplo n.º 1
def checkmat(m, name):
    """If run on one processor it will save m. If run on multiple processors it will load the one-proc m and compare it to the argument and complain if they don't match. """
    import pyCombBLAS as pcb

    if pcb._nprocs() == 1:
        m.save("checkfile_%s" % (name))
        one = pcb.pySpParMat()
        one.load("checkfile_%s" % (name))
        test = pcb.EWiseApply(m, one, pcb.equal_to())
        if test.Count(pcb.bind2nd(pcb.equal_to(), 1)) != test.getnee():
            if pcb.root():
                print "%s failed." % (name)
Exemplo n.º 2
def checkvect(v, name):
    """If run on one processor it will save v. If run on multiple processors it will load the one-proc v and compare it to the argument and complain if they don't match. """
    import pyCombBLAS as pcb

    if pcb._nprocs() == 1:
        saveVect(v, "checkfile_%s" % (name))
        one = loadDenseVect("checkfile_%s" % (name), len(v))
        if len(one) != len(v):
            print "%s failed. length_1 = %d, lengh_p = %d" % (name, len(one), len(v))
        one.EWiseApply(v, pcb.equal_to())
        if one.Count(pcb.bind2nd(pcb.equal_to(), 1)) != v.getnee():
            if pcb.root():
                print "%s failed." % (name)
Exemplo n.º 3
def k2Validate(G, start, parents):
	good = True
	[valid, levels] = G.isBfsTree(start, parents)
	#	isBfsTree implements Graph500 tests 1 and 2 
	if not valid:
		if kdt.master():
			print "isBfsTree detected failure of Graph500 test %d" % abs(ret)
		return False

	# Spec test #3:
	# every input edge has vertices whose levels differ by no more than 1
	edgeMax = kdt.SpParVec.toSpParVec(G._spm.SpMV_SelMax(levels.toSpParVecAll()._spv))
	edgeMin = -kdt.SpParVec.toSpParVec(G._spm.SpMV_SelMax((-levels).toSpParVecAll()._spv))
	if ((edgeMax-edgeMin) > 1).any():
		if kdt.master():
			print "At least one graph edge has endpoints whose levels differ by more than one"
		good = False

	# Spec test #4:
	# the BFS tree spans a connected component's vertices (== all edges 
	# either have both endpoints in the tree or not in the tree, or 
	# source is not in tree and destination is the root)

	# set not-in-tree vertices' levels to -2
	import pyCombBLAS as pcb
	levels._dpv.Apply(pcb.ifthenelse(pcb.bind2nd(pcb.equal_to(),-1), pcb.set(-2), pcb.identity()))
	edgeMax = kdt.SpParVec.toSpParVec(G._spm.SpMV_SelMax(levels.toSpParVecAll()._spv))
	edgeMin = -kdt.SpParVec.toSpParVec(G._spm.SpMV_SelMax((-levels).toSpParVecAll()._spv))
	if ((edgeMax-edgeMin) > 1).any():
		if kdt.master():
			print "The tree does not span exactly the connected component, root=%d"
		good = False

	# Spec test #5:
	# a vertex and its parent are joined by an edge of the original graph,
	# except for the root, which has no parent in the tree
	Gnv = G.nvert(); Gne = G.nedge()
	[Gi, Gj, ign] = G.toParVec()
	del ign
	# non-root tree vertices == NRT Vs
	NRTVs = (levels!=-2) & (parents!=kdt.ParVec.range(Gnv))
	nNRTVs = NRTVs.nnz()
	TGi = kdt.ParVec.range(nNRTVs)
	TGj1 = kdt.ParVec.range(Gnv)[NRTVs]
	TGj2 = parents[NRTVs]
	M = max(Gne, Gnv)
	#FIX:  really should use SpParMats here, as don't need spm and spmT	
	tmpG1 = kdt.HyGraph(TGi, TGj1, 1, M, Gnv)
	tmpG2 = kdt.HyGraph(TGi, TGj2, 1, M, Gnv)
	tmpG1._spm  += tmpG2._spm
	tmpG1._spmT += tmpG2._spmT
	del tmpG2
	tmpG3 = kdt.HyGraph(Gi, Gj, 1, M, Gnv)
	tmpG4 = kdt.DiGraph()
	tmpG4._spm = tmpG1._spm.SpMM(tmpG3._spmT)  #!?  not tmp3._spmT ?
	maxIncid = tmpG4.max(kdt.DiGraph.Out)[kdt.ParVec.range(Gnv) < nNRTVs]
	if (maxIncid != 2).any():
		if kdt.master():
			print "At least one vertex and its parent are not joined by an original edge"
		good = False

	return good