Exemplo n.º 1
def water_viscosity_kinematic(temperature=25*unit('degC'),pressure=1*unit('atm')):
    Return the kinematic viscosity of water in m2/s = Stokes
    at the specified temperature.
    temperature : Quantity, optional
                  The temperature. Defaults to 25 degC if omitted.
    pressure    : Quantity, optional
                  The ambient pressure of the solution. 
                  Defaults to atmospheric pressure (1 atm) if omitted.
            The kinematic viscosity of water in Stokes (m2/s)
    >>> water_viscosity_kinematic()  #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <Quantity(8.899146003595295e-07, 'meter ** 2 / second')>
    See Also
    kviscosity = water_viscosity_dynamic(temperature,pressure) / water_density(temperature,pressure)
    logger.info('Computed kinematic viscosity of water as %s at T=%s and P = %s ' % (kviscosity,temperature,pressure)) 
    return kviscosity.to('m**2 / s')
Exemplo n.º 2
def water_specific_weight(temperature=25*unit('degC'),pressure=1*unit('atm')):
    Return the specific weight of water in N/m3 at the specified temperature and pressure.
    temperature : Quantity, optional
                  The temperature. Defaults to 25 degC if omitted.
    pressure    : Quantity, optional
                  The ambient pressure of the solution. 
                  Defaults to atmospheric pressure (1 atm) if omitted.
            The specific weight of water in N/m3.  
    >>> water_specific_weight() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <Quantity(9777.637025975, 'newton / meter ** 3')>
    See Also
    spweight = water_density(temperature,pressure) * unit.g_n
    logger.info('Computed specific weight of water as %s at T=%s and P = %s' % (spweight,temperature,pressure))
    return spweight.to('N/m ** 3')
Exemplo n.º 3
def _debye_parameter_activity(temperature="25 degC"):
    Return the constant A for use in the Debye-Huckel limiting law (base 10)
    temperature : str Quantity, optional
                  String representing the temperature of the solution. Defaults to '25 degC' if not specified.
    Quantity          The parameter A for use in the Debye-Huckel limiting law (base e)
    The parameter A is equal to: [#]_
    ..  math::    
        A^{\\gamma} = {e^3 ( 2 \\pi N_A {\\rho})^{0.5} \\over (4 \\pi \\epsilon_o \\epsilon_r k T)^{1.5}}
    Note that this equation returns the parameter value that can be used to calculate
    the natural logarithm of the activity coefficient. For base 10, divide the
    value returned by 2.303. The value is often given in base 10 terms (0.509 at
    25 degC) in older textbooks.
    .. [#] Archer, Donald G. and Wang, Peiming. "The Dielectric Constant of Water \
    and Debye-Huckel Limiting Law Slopes." /J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data/ 19(2), 1990.
    >>> _debye_parameter_activity() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    See Also

    debyeparam = (
        unit.elementary_charge ** 3
        * (2 * math.pi * unit.avogadro_number * h2o.water_density(unit(temperature))) ** 0.5
        / (
            * math.pi
            * unit.epsilon_0
            * h2o.water_dielectric_constant(unit(temperature))
            * unit.boltzmann_constant
            * unit(temperature)
        ** 1.5

    logger.info("Computed Debye-Huckel Limiting Law Constant A^{\\gamma} = %s at %s" % (debyeparam, temperature))
    return debyeparam.to("kg ** 0.5 / mol ** 0.5")
Exemplo n.º 4
def water_dielectric_constant(temperature=25*unit('degC')):
    Return the dielectric constant of water at the specified temperature.
    temperature : Quantity, optional
                  The temperature. Defaults to 25 degC if omitted.
            The dielectric constant (or permittivity) of water relative to the
            permittivity of a vacuum. Dimensionless.
    This function implements a quadratic fit of measured permittivity data as
    reported in the CRC Handbook [#]_. The parameters given are valid over the
    range 273 K to 372 K. Permittivity should not be extrapolated beyond this
    .. math:: \\epsilon(T) = a + b T + c T^2
    .. [#] "Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) of Liquids." *CRC Handbook of 
            Chemistry and Physics*, 92nd ed, pp 6-187 - 6-208.
    >>> water_dielectric_constant(unit('20 degC')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Display an error if 'temperature' is outside the valid range
    >>> water_dielectric_constant(-5*unit('degC'))
    # do not return anything if 'temperature' is outside the range for which
    # this fit applies
    if temperature < 273 * unit('K') or temperature > 372 * unit('K'):
        logger.error('Specified temperature (%s) exceeds valid range of data. Cannot extrapolate.' % temperature.to('K'))
        return None
    # otherwise, calculate the dielectric constant using the quadratic fit    
    a = 0.24921e3
    b = -0.79069e0
    c = 0.72997e-3
    dielectric = a + b * temperature.to('K').magnitude + c * temperature.to('K').magnitude ** 2
    logger.info('Computed dielectric constant of water as %s at %s' % (dielectric,temperature))
    logger.debug('Computed dielectric constant of water using empirical equation given in "Permittivity (Dielectric Constant) of Liquids." CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 92nd ed, pp 6-187 - 6-208.')
    return dielectric
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_molar_conductivity_water(self):
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution(temperature='25 degC')
     actual = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('H2O').to('m**2*S/mol')
     expected = pyEQL.unit('0 m**2 * S / mol')
     result = (actual-expected).magnitude
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_molar_conductivity_neutral(self):
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution([['FeCl3','0.001 mol/L']],temperature='25 degC')
     actual = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('FeCl3').to('m**2*S/mol')
     expected = pyEQL.unit('0 m**2 * S / mol')
     result = (actual-expected).magnitude
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_molar_conductivity_chloride(self):
     # Cl- - 76.31 x 10 ** -4 m ** 2 S / mol
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution([['Na+','0.001 mol/L'],['Cl-','0.001 mol/L']],temperature='25 degC')
     result = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('Cl-').to('m**2*S/mol').magnitude
     expected = pyEQL.unit('76.31e-4 m**2 * S / mol').magnitude
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_molar_conductivity_magnesium(self):
     # Mg+2 - 106 x 10 ** -4 m ** 2 S / mol
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution([['Mg+2','0.001 mol/L'],['Cl-','0.002 mol/L']],temperature='25 degC')
     result = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('Mg+2').to('m**2*S/mol').magnitude
     expected = pyEQL.unit('106e-4 m**2 * S / mol').magnitude
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_molar_conductivity_potassium(self):
     # K+ - 73.48 x 10 ** -4 m ** 2 S / mol
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution([['K+','0.001 mol/L'],['Cl-','0.001 mol/L']],temperature='25 degC')
     result = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('K+').to('m**2*S/mol').magnitude
     expected = pyEQL.unit('73.48e-4 m**2 * S / mol').magnitude
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_molar_conductivity_hydrogen(self):
     # H+ - 349.65 x 10 ** -4 m ** 2 S / mol
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution(temperature='25 degC')
     result = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('H+').to('m**2*S/mol').magnitude
     expected = pyEQL.unit('349.65e-4 m**2 * S / mol').magnitude
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_molar_conductivity_hydroxide(self):
     # OH- - 198 x 10 ** -4 m ** 2 S / mol
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution(temperature='25 degC')
     result = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('OH-').to('m**2*S/mol').magnitude
     expected = pyEQL.unit('198e-4 m**2 * S / mol').magnitude
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_molar_conductivity_sulfate(self):
     # SO4-2 - 160 x 10 ** -4 m ** 2 S / mol
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution([['Na+','0.002 mol/L'],['SO4-2','0.001 mol/L']],temperature='25 degC')
     result = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('SO4-2').to('m**2*S/mol').magnitude
     expected = pyEQL.unit('160.0e-4 m**2 * S / mol').magnitude
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_effective_pitzer_mgcl2_activity(self):
     # test the activity coefficient of MgCl2
     # corresponds to 0.515m, 1.03m, 2.58m, and 4.1m
     multiple = [1,2,5,8]
     # import the parameters database
     from pyEQL import paramsDB as db
     for item in range(len(multiple)):
         s1 = self.mock_seawater(multiple[item])
         Salt = pyEQL.salt_ion_match.Salt('Mg+2','Cl-')
         param = db.get_parameter(Salt.formula,'pitzer_parameters_activity')
         alpha1 = 2
         alpha2 = 0
         molality = Salt.get_effective_molality(s1.get_ionic_strength())
         temperature = str(s1.get_temperature())
         activity_coefficient=pyEQL.activity_correction.get_activity_coefficient_pitzer(s1.get_ionic_strength(), \
         molality,alpha1,alpha2,param.get_value()[0],param.get_value()[1],param.get_value()[2],param.get_value()[3], \
         # convert the result to a rational activity coefficient
         result = activity_coefficient * (1+pyEQL.unit('0.018 kg/mol')*s1.get_total_moles_solute()/s1.get_solvent_mass())
Exemplo n.º 14
def _debye_parameter_B(temperature='25 degC'):
    Return the constant B used in the extended Debye-Huckel equation
    temperature : str Quantity, optional
                  String representing the temperature of the solution. Defaults to '25 degC' if not specified.
    The parameter B is equal to: [#]_

    .. math:: B = ( {8 \\pi N_A e^2 \\over 1000 \\epsilon k T} ) ^ {1 \\over 2}
    .. [#] Bockris and Reddy. /Modern Electrochemistry/, vol 1. Plenum/Rosetta, 1977, p.210.    
    >>> _debye_parameter_B() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    # TODO - fix this and resolve units
    param_B = ( 8 * math.pi * unit.avogadro_number * unit.elementary_charge ** 2 
    / (h2o.water_density(unit(temperature)) * unit.epsilon_0 * h2o.water_dielectric_constant(unit(temperature)) * unit.boltzmann_constant * unit(temperature)) )** 0.5
    return param_B.to_base_units()
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_molar_conductivity_hydrogen(self):
     # H+ - 349.65 x 10 ** -4 m ** 2 S / mol
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution(temperature='25 degC')
     actual = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('H+').to('m**2*S/mol')
     expected = pyEQL.unit('349.65e-4 m**2 * S / mol')
     result = (actual-expected).magnitude
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_molar_conductivity_sulfate(self):
     # SO4-2 - 160 x 10 ** -4 m ** 2 S / mol
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution([['Na+','0.002 mol/L'],['SO4-2','0.001 mol/L']],temperature='25 degC')
     actual = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('SO4-2').to('m**2*S/mol')
     expected = pyEQL.unit('160.0e-4 m**2 * S / mol')
     result = (actual-expected).magnitude
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_molar_conductivity_magnesium(self):
     # Mg+2 - 106 x 10 ** -4 m ** 2 S / mol
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution([['Mg+2','0.001 mol/L'],['Cl-','0.002 mol/L']],temperature='25 degC')
     actual = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('Mg+2').to('m**2*S/mol')
     expected = pyEQL.unit('106e-4 m**2 * S / mol')
     result = (actual-expected).magnitude
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_molar_conductivity_chloride(self):
     # Cl- - 76.31 x 10 ** -4 m ** 2 S / mol
     self.s1 = pyEQL.Solution([['Na+','0.001 mol/L'],['Cl-','0.001 mol/L']],temperature='25 degC')
     actual = self.s1.get_molar_conductivity('Cl-').to('m**2*S/mol')
     expected = pyEQL.unit('76.31e-4 m**2 * S / mol')
     result = (actual-expected).magnitude
Exemplo n.º 19
def water_density(temperature=25*unit('degC'),pressure=1*unit('atm')):
    # TODO add pressure??
    # TODO more up to date equation??
    Return the density of water in kg/m3 at the specified temperature and pressure.
    temperature : float or int, optional
                  The temperature in Celsius. Defaults to 25 degrees if not specified.
    pressure    : float or int, optional
                  The ambient pressure of the solution in Pascals (N/m2). 
                  Defaults to atmospheric pressure (101325 Pa) if not specified.
            The density of water in kg/m3.
    Based on the following empirical equation reported in [#]_
    .. math:: \\rho_W = 999.65 + 0.20438 T - 6.1744e-2 T ^ {1.5}
    Where :math:`T` is the temperature in Celsius.
    .. [#] Sohnel, O and Novotny, P. *Densities of Aqueous Solutions of Inorganic Substances.* Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1985.
    >>> water_density(25*unit('degC')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <Quantity(997.0415, 'kilogram / meter ** 3')>
    # calculate the magnitude
    density = 999.65 + 0.20438 * temperature.to('degC').magnitude - 6.1744e-2 * temperature.to('degC').magnitude ** 1.5
    # assign the proper units
    density = density  * unit('kg/m**3')
    logger.info('Computed density of water as %s at T= %s and P = %s' % (density,temperature,pressure))
    logger.debug('Computed density of water using empirical relation in Sohnel and Novotny, "Densities of Aqueous Solutions of Inorganic Substances," 1985' )
    return density.to('kg/m**3')
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self,formula,amount,volume,solvent_mass,parameters={}):
        formula : str
                    Chemical formula for the solute. 
                    Charged species must contain a + or - and (for polyvalent solutes) a number representing the net charge (e.g. 'SO4-2').
        amount : str
                    The amount of substance in the specified unit system. The string should contain both a quantity and
                    a pint-compatible representation of a unit. e.g. '5 mol/kg' or '0.1 g/L'
        volume : pint Quantity
                    The volume of the solution
        solvent_mass : pint Quantity
                    The mass of solvent in the parent solution.
        parameters : dictionary, optional
                    Dictionary of custom parameters, such as diffusion coefficients, transport numbers, etc. Specify parameters as key:value pairs separated by commas within curly braces, e.g. {diffusion_coeff:5e-10,transport_number:0.8}. The 'key' is the name that will be used to access the parameter, the value is its value.
        # import the chemical formula interpreter module
        import pyEQL.chemical_formula as chem
        # check that 'formula' is a valid chemical formula
        if not chem.is_valid_formula:
            logger.error('Invalid chemical formula specified.')
            return None
            self.formula = formula

            # set molecular weight 
            self.mw = chem.get_molecular_weight(formula) * unit('g/mol')
            # set formal charge
            self.charge = chem.get_formal_charge(formula)
            # translate the 'amount' string into a pint Quantity
            quantity = unit(amount)
            self.moles = quantity.to('moles','chem',mw=self.mw,volume=volume,solvent_mass=solvent_mass)                

            # trigger the function that checks whether parameters already exist for this species, and if not,
            # searches the database files and creates them
Exemplo n.º 21
def _debye_parameter_volume(temperature='25 degC'):
    Return the constant A_V, the Debye-Huckel limiting slope for apparent
    molar volume.
    temperature : str Quantity, optional
                  String representing the temperature of the solution. Defaults to '25 degC' if not specified.
    Takes the value 1.8305 cm ** 3 * kg ** 0.5 /  mol ** 1.5 at 25 C.
    This constant is calculated according to: [#]_

     .. math:: A_V = -2 A_{\\phi} R T [ {3 \\over \\epsilon} {{\\partial \\epsilon \\over \\partial p} \
     } - {{1 \\over \\rho}{\\partial \\rho \\over \\partial p} }]
    NOTE: at this time, the term in brackets (containing the partial derivatives) is approximate.
    These approximations give the correct value of the slope at 25 degC and 
    produce estimates with less than 10% error between 0 and 60 degC.
    The derivative of epsilon with respect to pressure is assumed constant (for atmospheric pressure)
    at -0.01275 1/MPa. Note that the negative sign does not make sense in light
    of real data, but is required to give the correct result.
    The second term is equivalent to the inverse of the bulk modulus of water, which
    is taken to be 2.2 GPa. [#]_
    .. [#] Archer, Donald G. and Wang, Peiming. "The Dielectric Constant of Water \
    and Debye-Huckel Limiting Law Slopes." /J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data/ 19(2), 1990.
    .. [#] http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/permot3.html
    See Also
    # TODO - add partial derivatives to calculation
    epsilon = h2o.water_dielectric_constant(unit(temperature))
    dedp = unit('-0.01275 1/MPa')
    result = -2 * _debye_parameter_osmotic(temperature) * unit.R * unit(temperature) * \
    (3 / epsilon * dedp - 1/unit('2.2 GPa'))
    #result = unit('1.898 cm ** 3 * kg ** 0.5 /  mol ** 1.5')
    if unit(temperature) != unit('25 degC'):
        logger.warning('Debye-Huckel limiting slope for volume is approximate when T is not equal to 25 degC')
    logger.info('Computed Debye-Huckel Limiting Slope for volume A^V = %s at %s' % (result,temperature))
    return result.to('cm ** 3 * kg ** 0.5 /  mol ** 1.5')
Exemplo n.º 22
 def set_moles(self,amount,volume,solvent_mass):
     Set the amount of a substance present in the solution
     amount: str quantity
             Desired amount of substance. Must be greater than or equal to 
             zero and given in mass or substance units.
     quantity = unit(amount)
     self.moles = quantity.to('moles','chem',mw=self.mw,volume=volume,solvent_mass=solvent_mass)  
Exemplo n.º 23
 def add_moles(self,amount,volume,solvent_mass):
     Increase or decrease the amount of a substance present in the solution
     amount: str quantity
             Amount of substance to add. Must be in mass or substance units.
             Negative values indicate subtraction of material.
     quantity = unit(amount)
     self.moles += quantity.to('moles','chem',mw=self.mw,volume=volume,solvent_mass=solvent_mass)
Exemplo n.º 24
def get_activity_coefficient_davies(ionic_strength, formal_charge=1, temperature="25 degC"):
    Return the activity coefficient of solute in the parent solution according to the Davies equation.
    formal_charge : int, optional      
                    The charge on the solute, including sign. Defaults to +1 if not specified.
    ionic_strength : Quantity
                     The ionic strength of the parent solution, mol/kg
    temperature : str Quantity, optional
                     String representing the temperature of the solution. Defaults to '25 degC' if not specified.
         The mean molal (mol/kg) scale ionic activity coefficient of solute, dimensionless.

    See Also
    Activity coefficient is calculated according to: [#]_

    .. math:: \\ln \\gamma = A^{\\gamma} z_i^2 ({\sqrt I \\over (1 + \sqrt I)} + 0.2 I)
    Valid for 0.1 < I < 0.5
    .. [#] Stumm, Werner and Morgan, James J. Aquatic Chemistry, 3rd ed, 
           pp 103. Wiley Interscience, 1996.
    # check if this method is valid for the given ionic strength
    if not ionic_strength.magnitude <= 0.5 and ionic_strength.magnitude >= 0.1:
        logger.warning("Ionic strength exceeds valid range of the Davies equation")

    # the units in this empirical equation don't work out, so we must use magnitudes
    log_f = (
        * formal_charge ** 2
        * (ionic_strength.magnitude ** 0.5 / (1 + ionic_strength.magnitude ** 0.5) - 0.2 * ionic_strength.magnitude)

    return math.exp(log_f) * unit("1 dimensionless")
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_activity_coefficient_debyehuckel(ionic_strength, formal_charge=1, temperature="25 degC"):
    Return the activity coefficient of solute in the parent solution according to the Debye-Huckel limiting law.
    formal_charge : int, optional      
                    The charge on the solute, including sign. Defaults to +1 if not specified.
    ionic_strength : Quantity
                     The ionic strength of the parent solution, mol/kg
    temperature : str Quantity, optional
                     String representing the temperature of the solution. Defaults to '25 degC' if not specified.
         The mean molal (mol/kg) scale ionic activity coefficient of solute, dimensionless.

    See Also
    Activity coefficient is calculated according to: [#]_ 

    .. math:: \\ln \\gamma = A^{\\gamma} z_i^2 \sqrt I
    Valid only for I < 0.005
    .. [#] Stumm, Werner and Morgan, James J. Aquatic Chemistry, 3rd ed, 
           pp 103. Wiley Interscience, 1996.
    # check if this method is valid for the given ionic strength
    if not ionic_strength.magnitude <= 0.005:
        logger.warning("Ionic strength exceeds valid range of the Debye-Huckel limiting law")

    log_f = -_debye_parameter_activity(temperature) * formal_charge ** 2 * ionic_strength ** 0.5

    return math.exp(log_f) * unit("1 dimensionless")
Exemplo n.º 26
def get_activity_coefficient_guntelberg(ionic_strength,formal_charge=1,temperature='25 degC'):
    Return the activity coefficient of solute in the parent solution according to the Guntelberg approximation.
    formal_charge : int, optional      
                    The charge on the solute, including sign. Defaults to +1 if not specified.
    ionic_strength : Quantity
                     The ionic strength of the parent solution, mol/kg
    temperature : str Quantity, optional
                     String representing the temperature of the solution. Defaults to '25 degC' if not specified.
         The mean molal (mol/kg) scale ionic activity coefficient of solute, dimensionless.
    See Also
    Activity coefficient is calculated according to: [#]_ 

    .. math:: \\ln \\gamma = A^{\\gamma} z_i^2 {\sqrt I \\over (1 + \sqrt I)}
    Valid for I < 0.1
    .. [#] Stumm, Werner and Morgan, James J. Aquatic Chemistry, 3rd ed, 
           pp 103. Wiley Interscience, 1996.
    # check if this method is valid for the given ionic strength
    if not ionic_strength.magnitude <= 0.1:
        logger.warning('Ionic strength exceeds valid range of the Guntelberg approximation')
    log_f = - _debye_parameter_activity(temperature) * formal_charge ** 2 * ionic_strength ** 0.5 / (1+ionic_strength.magnitude ** 0.5)

    return math.exp(log_f) * unit('1 dimensionless')
Exemplo n.º 27
def adjust_temp_pitzer(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,temp,temp_ref=unit('298.15 K')):
    Calculate a parameter for th e Pitzer model based on temperature-dependent
    coefficients c1,c2,c3,c4,and c5.
    c1, c2, c3, c4, c5: float
                Temperature-dependent coefficients for the pitzer parameter of 
    temp: Quantity
                The temperature at which the Pitzer parameter is to be calculated
    temp_ref: Quantity, optional
                The reference temperature on which the parameters are based.
                298.15 K if omitted.
    As described in the PHREEQC documentation
    pitzer_param = c1 + c2 * (1/temp + 1/temp_ref) + c2 * math.log(temp/temp_ref) \
    + c3 * (temp - temp_ref) + c4 * (temp ** 2 - temp_ref ** 2) + c5 * (temp ** -2 - temp_ref ** -2)
    return pitzer_param
Exemplo n.º 28
def _debye_parameter_volume(temperature='25 degC'):
    Return the constant A_V, the Debye-Huckel limiting slope for apparent
    molar volume.
    temperature : str Quantity, optional
                  String representing the temperature of the solution. Defaults to '25 degC' if not specified.
    Takes the value 1.8305 cm ** 3 * kg ** 0.5 /  mol ** 1.5 at 25 C.
    This constant is calculated according to: [#]_

     .. math:: A_V = -2 A_{\\phi} R T [ {3 \\over \\epsilon} {{\\partial \\epsilon \\over \\partial p} \
     } - {{1 \\over \\rho}{\\partial \\rho \\over \\partial p} }]
    NOTE: at this time, the term in brackets (containing the partial derivatives) is approximate.
    These approximations give the correct value of the slope at 25 degC and 
    produce estimates with less than 10% error between 0 and 60 degC.
    The derivative of epsilon with respect to pressure is assumed constant (for atmospheric pressure)
    at -0.01275 1/MPa. Note that the negative sign does not make sense in light
    of real data, but is required to give the correct result.
    The second term is equivalent to the inverse of the bulk modulus of water, which
    is taken to be 2.2 GPa. [#]_
    .. [#] Archer, Donald G. and Wang, Peiming. "The Dielectric Constant of Water \
    and Debye-Huckel Limiting Law Slopes." /J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data/ 19(2), 1990.
    .. [#] http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/permot3.html
    See Also

    # TODO - add partial derivatives to calculation
    epsilon = h2o.water_dielectric_constant(unit(temperature))
    dedp = unit('-0.01275 1/MPa')
    result = -2 * _debye_parameter_osmotic(temperature) * unit.R * unit(temperature) * \
    (3 / epsilon * dedp - 1/unit('2.2 GPa'))
    #result = unit('1.898 cm ** 3 * kg ** 0.5 /  mol ** 1.5')

    if unit(temperature) != unit('25 degC'):
            'Debye-Huckel limiting slope for volume is approximate when T is not equal to 25 degC'

        'Computed Debye-Huckel Limiting Slope for volume A^V = %s at %s' %
        (result, temperature))

    return result.to('cm ** 3 * kg ** 0.5 /  mol ** 1.5')
Exemplo n.º 29
def water_viscosity_dynamic(temperature=25*unit('degC'),pressure=1*unit('atm')):
    Return the dynamic (absolute) viscosity of water in N-s/m2 = Pa-s = kg/m-s
    at the specified temperature.
    temperature : Quantity, optional
                  The temperature. Defaults to 25 degC if omitted.
    pressure    : Quantity, optional
                  The ambient pressure of the solution. 
                  Defaults to atmospheric pressure (1 atm) if omitted.
                The dynamic (absolute) viscosity of water in N-s/m2 = Pa-s = kg/m-s
    Implements the international equation for viscosity of water as specified by NIST [#]_
    Valid for 273 < temperature < 1073 K and 0 < pressure < 100,000,000 Pa
    .. [#] Sengers, J.V. "Representative Equations for the Viscosity of Water Substance." 
        *J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data* 13(1), 1984.http://www.nist.gov/data/PDFfiles/jpcrd243.pdf
    >>> water_viscosity_dynamic(20*unit('degC')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <Quantity(0.000998588610804179, 'kilogram / meter / second')>
    >>> water_viscosity_dynamic(unit('100 degC'),unit('25 MPa')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <Quantity(0.00028165034364318573, 'kilogram / meter / second')>
    >>> water_viscosity_dynamic(25*unit('degC'),0.1*unit('MPa')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <Quantity(0.0008872817880143659, 'kilogram / meter / second')>
    #TODO - check these again after I implement pressure-dependent density function
    # generate warnings if temp or pressure are outside valid range of equation
    if temperature < 273 * unit('K') or temperature > 1073 * unit('K'):
        logger.error('Specified temperature (%s) exceeds valid range of NIST equation for viscosity of water. Cannot extrapolate.' % temperature)
        return None
    if pressure < 0 * unit('Pa') or pressure > 100000000 * unit ('Pa'):
        logger.error('Specified pressure (%s) exceeds valid range of NIST equation for viscosity of water. Cannot extrapolate.' % pressure)
        return None
    # calculate dimensionless temperature and pressure
    T_star = 647.27 #K
    P_star = 22115000 #Pa
    rho_star = 317.763 #kg/m3
    T_bar = temperature.to('K').magnitude / T_star
    P_bar = pressure.to('Pa').magnitude / P_star
    rho_bar = water_density(temperature,pressure).magnitude / rho_star
    # calculate the first function, mu_o
    mu_star = 1e-6 #Pa-s
    a = [0.0181583,0.0177624,0.0105287,-0.0036477]
    sum_o = 0
    mu_temp = 0
    for index in range(len(a)):
        sum_o += a[index] * T_bar ** -index
    mu_o = mu_star * math.sqrt(T_bar) / sum_o
    # calculate the second fucntion, mu_1
    mu_1 = 0
    for i in range(len(b)):
        for j in range(len(b[i])):
            mu_temp += rho_bar * b[i][j] * (1/T_bar -1 ) ** i * (rho_bar -1) ** j
    mu_1 = math.exp(mu_temp)
    # multiply the functions to return the viscosity
    viscosity = mu_o * mu_1 *unit('kg/m/s')
    logger.info('Computed dynamic (absolute) viscosity of water as %s at T=%s and P = %s'  % (viscosity,temperature,pressure)) 
    logger.debug('Computed dynamic (absolute) viscosity of water using empirical NIST equation described in Sengers, J.V. "Representative Equations for the Viscosity of Water Substance." J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 13(1), 1984.')
    return viscosity.to('kg/m/s')
Exemplo n.º 30
def donnan_eql(solution,fixed_charge):
    Return a solution object in equilibrium with fixed_charge
    Solution : Solution object
        The external solution to be brought into equilibrium with the fixed
    fixed_charge : str quantity
        String representing the concentration of fixed charges, including sign. 
        May be specified in mol/L or mol/kg units. e.g. '1 mol/kg'
        A solution that has established Donnan equilibrium with the external
        (input) Solution
    The general equation representing the equilibrium between an external 
    electrolyte solution and an ion-exchange medium containing fixed charges
    .. math:: {a_- \\over \\bar a_-}^{1 \\over z_-} {\\bar a_+ \\over a_+}^{1 \\over z_+} \
    = exp({\\Delta \\pi \\bar V \\over {RT z_+ \\nu_+}})
    Where subscripts :math:`+` and :math:`-` indicate the cation and anion, respectively, 
    the overbar indicates the membrane phase,
    :math:`a` represents activity, :math:`z` represents charge, :math:`\\nu` represents the stoichiometric
    coefficient, :math:`V` represents the partial molar volume of the salt, and 
    :math:`\\Delta \\pi` is the difference in osmotic pressure between the membrane and the
    solution phase.
    In addition, electroneutrality must prevail within the membrane phase:
    .. math:: \\bar C_+ z_+ + \\bar X + \\bar C_- z_- = 0
    Where :math:`C` represents concentration and :math:`X` is the fixed charge concentration
    in the membrane or ion exchange phase.
    This function solves these two equations simultaneously to arrive at the 
    concentrations of the cation and anion in the membrane phase. It returns
    a solution equal to the input solution except that the concentrations of
    the predominant cation and anion have been adjusted according to this 
    NOTE that this treatment is only capable of equilibrating a single salt.
    This salt is identified by the get_salt() method.
    .. [#] Strathmann, Heiner, ed. *Membrane Science and Technology* vol. 9, 2004. \
           Chapter 2, p. 51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0927-5193(04)80033-0

    See Also
    # identify the salt
    salt = solution.get_salt()
    # convert fixed_charge in to a quantity
    fixed_charge = unit(fixed_charge)
    # identify variables from the external solution
    conc_cation_soln = solution.get_amount(salt.cation,str(fixed_charge.units))
    conc_anion_soln = solution.get_amount(salt.anion,str(fixed_charge.units))
    act_cation_soln = solution.get_activity(salt.cation)
    act_anion_soln = solution.get_activity(salt.anion)
    z_cation= salt.z_cation
    z_anion = salt.z_anion
    nu_cation = salt.nu_cation
    # get the partial molar volume for the salt, or calculate it from the ions
    # TODO - consider how to incorporate pitzer parameters
    if db.has_parameter(salt.formula,'partial_molar_volume'):
            item = db.get_parameter(salt.formula,'partial_molar_volume')  
            molar_volume = item.get_value()
    elif db.has_parameter(salt.cation,'partial_molar_volume') and db.has_parameter(salt.anion,'partial_molar_volume'):
        cation_vol = solution.get_solute(salt.cation).get_parameter('partial_molar_volume')
        anion_vol = solution.get_solute(salt.anion).get_parameter('partial_molar_volume')
        molar_volume = cation_vol + anion_vol
        logger.error('Required partial molar volume information not available. Aborting.')
        return None
    # initialize the equilibrated solution - start with a direct copy of the 
    # input / external solution
    donnan_soln = solution.copy()
    # do nothing if either of the ion concentrations is zero
    if conc_cation_soln.magnitude == 0 or conc_anion_soln.magnitude == 0:
        return donnan_soln
    # define a function representing the donnan equilibrium as a function
    # of the two unknown actvities to feed to the nonlinear solver
    # the stuff in the term below doesn't change on iteration, so calculate it up-front
    # assign it the correct units and extract the magnitude for a performance gain
    exp_term =  (molar_volume / (unit.R * solution.get_temperature() * z_cation * nu_cation)).to('1/Pa').magnitude
    def donnan_solve(x):
        '''Where x is the magnitude of co-ion concentration
        # solve for the counter-ion concentration by enforcing electroneutrality
        # using only floats / ints here instead of quantities helps performance
        if fixed_charge.magnitude >= 0:
            # counter-ion is the anion
            conc_cation_mem = x / abs(z_cation)
            conc_anion_mem = -(conc_cation_mem * z_cation + fixed_charge.magnitude) / z_anion
        elif fixed_charge.magnitude < 0:
            # counter-ion is the cation
            conc_anion_mem = x / abs(z_anion) 
            conc_cation_mem = -(conc_anion_mem * z_anion + fixed_charge.magnitude) / z_cation
        # match the units given for fixed_charge
        units = str(fixed_charge.units)
        # set the cation and anion concentrations in the membrane phase equal
        # to the current guess

        # get the new concentrations and activities
        act_cation_mem = donnan_soln.get_activity(salt.cation)
        act_anion_mem = donnan_soln.get_activity(salt.anion)
        # compute the difference in osmotic pressure
        # using the magnitudes here helps performance
        delta_pi = donnan_soln.get_osmotic_pressure().magnitude - solution.get_osmotic_pressure().magnitude
        return (act_cation_mem/act_cation_soln) ** (1/z_cation) * (act_anion_soln/act_anion_mem)**(1/z_anion) - math.exp(delta_pi * exp_term)

    # solve the function above using one of scipy's nonlinear solvers

    from scipy.optimize import brentq
    # determine which ion concentration represents the co-ion
    # call a nonlinear solver to adjust the concentrations per the donnan
    # equilibrium, unless the membrane is uncharged
    # the initial guess is to set the co-ion concentration in the membrane
    # equal to that in the solution
    if fixed_charge.magnitude >0:
        x = conc_cation_soln.magnitude
    elif fixed_charge.magnitude <0:
        x = conc_anion_soln.magnitude

    # return the equilibrated solution
    return donnan_soln
Exemplo n.º 31
def adjust_temp_vanthoff(
    equilibrium_constant, enthalpy, temperature, reference_temperature=25 * unit("degC")
    """(float,float,number, optional number) -> float

    Adjust a reaction equilibrium constant from one temperature to another.

    equilibrium_constant : float
                           The reaction equilibrium constant for the reaction
    enthalpy : Quantity
               The enthalpy change (delta H) for the reaction in kJ/mol. Assumed
               independent of temperature (see Notes).
    temperature : Quantity
                  the desired reaction temperature in degrees Celsius
    reference_temperature : Quantity, optional
                      the temperature at which equilibrium_constant is valid. (25 degrees C if omitted).

        adjusted reaction equilibrium constant

    This function implements the Van't Hoff equation to adjust measured
    equilibrium constants to other temperatures.

    .. math::

        ln(K2 / K1) = {\\delta H \\over R} ( {1 \\over T_1} - {1 \\over T_2} )

    This implementation assumes that the enthalpy is independent of temperature
    over the range of interest.[1]

    .. [1] Stumm, Werner and Morgan, James J. Aquatic Chemistry, 3rd ed, pp 53.
        Wiley Interscience, 1996.

    >>> adjust_temp_vanthoff(0.15,-197.6*unit('kJ/mol'),42*unit('degC'),25*unit('degC')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    If the 'ref_temperature' parameter is omitted, a default of 25 C is used.

    >>> adjust_temp_vanthoff(0.15,-197.6*unit('kJ/mol'),42*unit('degC')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    output = equilibrium_constant * math.exp(
        / unit.R
        * (1 / reference_temperature.to("K") - 1 / temperature.to("K"))

        "Adjusted equilibrium constant K=%s from %s to %s degrees Celsius with Delta H = %s. "
        "Adjusted K = %s % equilibrium_constant,reference_temperature,temperature,enthalpy,output"

        "Van't Hoff equation assumes enthalpy is independent of temperature over the range of interest"
    return output
Exemplo n.º 32
def mix(Solution1, Solution2):
    Mix two solutions together    
    Returns a new Solution object that results from the mixing of Solution1
    and Solution2
    Solution1, Solution2 : Solution objects
        The two solutions to be mixed.
        A Solution object representing the mixed solution.
    # check to see if the two solutions have the same solvent
    if not Solution1.solvent_name == Solution2.solvent_name:
        logger.error('mix() function does not support solutions with different solvents. Aborting.')
    if not Solution1.solvent_name == 'H2O' or Solution1.solvent_name == 'water':
        logger.error('mix() function does not support non-water solvents. Aborting.')

    # set the pressure for the new solution
    p1 = Solution1.get_pressure()
    t1 = Solution1.get_temperature()
    v1 = Solution1.get_volume()
    p2 = Solution2.get_pressure()
    t2 = Solution2.get_temperature()
    v2 = Solution2.get_volume()

    # check to see if the solutions have the same temperature and pressure
    if not p1 == p2:
        logger.info('mix() function called between two solutions of different pressure. Pressures will be averaged (weighted by volume)')
    blend_pressure = str((p1 * v1 + p2 * v2) / (v1 + v2))
    if not t1 == t2:
        logger.info('mix() function called between two solutions of different temperature. Temperatures will be averaged (weighted by volume)')
    blend_temperature = str((t1 * v1 + t2 * v2) / (v1 + v2))
    # retrieve the amount of each component in the parent solution and 
    # store in a list.
    for item in Solution1.components:
    for item in Solution2.components:
        if item in mix_species:
            new_amt = str(unit(mix_species[item]) + Solution2.get_amount(item,'mol'))
    # create an empty solution for the mixture
    Blend = pyEQL.Solution(temperature = blend_temperature,pressure= blend_pressure)
    # set or add the appropriate amount of all the components
    for item in mix_species.keys():
        if item in Blend.components:
            # if already present (e.g. H2O, H+), modify the amount
            # if not already present, add the component
    return Blend
Exemplo n.º 33
def adjust_temp_arrhenius(
    reference_temperature=25 * unit("degC"),
    """(float,float,number, optional number) -> float

    Adjust a reaction equilibrium constant from one temperature to another.

    rate_constant : Quantity
                The parameter value (usually a rate constant) being adjusted
    activation_energy : Quantity
               The activation energy of the process, in kJ/mol
    temperature : Quantity
                  the desired reaction temperature.
    reference_temperature : Quantity, optional
                      the temperature at which equilibrium_constant is valid
                      Defaults to 25 degrees C if omitted.

        The adjusted reaction equilibrium constant

    See Also

    This function implements the Arrhenius equation to adjust measured rate
    constants to other temperatures. [1]

    .. math::

        ln(K2 / K1) = {E_a \\over R} ( {1 \\over T_1} - {1 \\over T_2} )

    .. [1] http://chemwiki.ucdavis.edu/Physical_Chemistry/Kinetics/Reaction_Rates/\
    TODO - add better reference

    >>> adjust_temp_arrhenius(7,900*unit('kJ/mol'),37*unit('degC'),97*unit('degC')) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    output = rate_constant * math.exp(
        / unit.R
        * (1 / reference_temperature.to("K") - 1 / temperature.to("K"))

        "Adjusted parameter %s from %s to %s degrees Celsius with Activation Energy = %s kJ/mol. "
        "Adjusted value = %s % rate_constant,reference_temperature,temperature,activation_energy,output"

    return output