Exemplo n.º 1
def SIRT(proj_data, proj_params, miscalib, vol_params, rec_params):
    Wrapper function for SIRT reconstruction for different geometries 
    Inputs: proj_data: Array of size det_row X num views X det_col 
            proj_params: Dictionary of projection data parameters with keys relevant to the specific geometry (see examples for details)
            miscalib: Dictionary of miscalibration parameters relevant to the specific geometry (center of rotation, tilts etc.)
            vol_params: Dictionary with keys relevant to the geometry of the object to be reconstructed 
            rec_params: Dictionary with keys relevant to the reconstruction algorithm 
    Output: rec : Array containing reconstruction 
    proj_data = np.require(proj_data,
                           requirements=['A', 'C'])
    A = generateAmatrix(proj_params, miscalib, vol_params,
    if (proj_params['type'] == 'cone'):
        pix_x = proj_params['cone_params']['pix_x']
        pix_y = proj_params['cone_params']['pix_y']
    elif (proj_params['type'] == 'par'):
        pix_x = proj_params['pix_x']
        pix_y = proj_params['pix_y']
        pix_x = proj_params['pix_x']
        pix_y = proj_params['pix_y']

    if 'vol_row' not in rec_params.keys() or 'vol_col' not in rec_params.keys(
        rec_params['n_vox_z'] = vol_params['n_vox_z']
        rec_params['n_vox_x'] = vol_params['n_vox_x']
        rec_params['n_vox_y'] = vol_params['n_vox_y']

    if 'verbose' not in rec_params.keys():
        rec_params['verbose'] = False

    rec = sirtCudaopTomo(proj_data, A, rec_params)

    return rec
Exemplo n.º 2
proj_params['dims'] = proj_dims
proj_params['angles'] = angles
proj_params['alpha'] = np.array([alpha])
proj_params['forward_model_idx'] = 2

proj_params['pix_x'] = det_x
proj_params['pix_y'] = det_y

vol_params = {}
vol_params['vox_xy'] = vox_xy
vol_params['vox_z'] = vox_z
vol_params['n_vox_x'] = det_col
vol_params['n_vox_y'] = det_col
vol_params['n_vox_z'] = det_row

A = generateAmatrix(proj_params, miscalib, vol_params, gpu_index)
proj_data = A * obj
proj_data = proj_data.astype(np.float32).reshape(det_row, num_angles, det_col)

#Simulate Poisson like statistics using Gaussian approximation
weight_data = createTransmission(proj_data, I0, noise_std)

#Test projector
print('Min/Max %f/%f of weight data' % (weight_data.min(), weight_data.max()))
proj_data = np.log(I0 / weight_data)

#Display object
print('Actual projection shape (%d,%d,%d)' % proj_data.shape)
plt.imshow(proj_data.swapaxes(0, 1)[0], cmap='gray')
plt.title('Projection image')
Exemplo n.º 3
def MBIR(proj_data, weight_data, proj_params, miscalib, vol_params,
    Wrapper function for MBIR reconstruction with different forward models and an MRF prior 
    Inputs: proj_data: Array of size det_row X num views X det_col containing projection data 
            weight_data : Array of size det_row X num views X det_col containing weight data 
            proj_params: Dictionary of projection data parameters with keys relevant to the specific geometry (see examples for details)
            miscalib: Dictionary of miscalibration parameters relevant to the specific geometry (center of rotation, tilts etc.)
            vol_params: Dictionary with keys relevant to the geometry of the object to be reconstructed 
            rec_params: Dictionary with keys relevant to the reconstruction algorithm 
    Output: recon : Array containing 3D reconstruction 
    DEFAULT_STOP_THRESH = .5  #percentage change at which to terminate algorithm

    weight_data = np.require(weight_data,
                             requirements=['A', 'C'])
    weight_data /= weight_data.mean(
    )  #Normalize weight data for intuitive regularization

    #Generate A matrix depending on geometry type
    A = generateAmatrix(proj_params, miscalib, vol_params,

    if (proj_params['type'] == 'cone'):
        pix_x = proj_params['cone_params']['pix_x']
        pix_y = proj_params['cone_params']['pix_y']
    elif (proj_params['type'] == 'par'):
        pix_x = proj_params['pix_x']
        pix_y = proj_params['pix_y']
        pix_x = proj_params['pix_x']
        pix_y = proj_params['pix_y']

    if 'n_vox_x' not in rec_params.keys() or 'vol_col' not in rec_params.keys(
        rec_params['n_vox_z'] = vol_params['n_vox_z']
        rec_params['n_vox_x'] = vol_params['n_vox_x']
        rec_params['n_vox_y'] = vol_params['n_vox_y']

    if 'stop_thresh' not in rec_params.keys():
        rec_params['stop_thresh'] = DEFAULT_STOP_THRESH

    if 'verbose' not in rec_params.keys():
        rec_params['verbose'] = False

    temp_vol_z = rec_params['n_vox_z']
    temp_vol_y = rec_params['n_vox_y']
    temp_vol_x = rec_params['n_vox_x']

    ROI_MASK = np.zeros((temp_vol_z, temp_vol_y, temp_vol_x), dtype=np.bool)
    y, x = np.ogrid[-temp_vol_y / 2:temp_vol_y / 2,
                    -temp_vol_x / 2:temp_vol_x / 2]
    temp_roi_mask = create_circle_mask(y, x, np.array([0, 0]), temp_vol_x / 2)
    ROI_MASK[:] = temp_roi_mask
    rec_params['roi_mask'] = np.reshape(ROI_MASK,
                                        temp_vol_z * temp_vol_y * temp_vol_x)

    if (proj_params['forward_model_idx'] == 1):
        rec, cost = mbiropTomo(proj_data, A, rec_params)
    elif (proj_params['forward_model_idx'] == 2):
        rec, cost = mbiropTomoPoisson(proj_data, weight_data, A, rec_params)
    elif (proj_params['forward_model_idx'] == 3):
        rec, cost, ac = mbiropTomoTalwar(proj_data, weight_data, A, rec_params)
    elif (proj_params['forward_model_idx'] == 4):
        H = np.array(rec_params['H_blur'])
        rec, cost = mbiropDeblurTomoPoisson(proj_data, weight_data, A, H,
    if (rec_params['debug']):
        plt.ylabel('Cost function')

    if 'ac' in locals():
        return rec, ac
        return rec