Exemplo n.º 1
    def initialize(self):
        """Load the necessary settings from the config file."""
        self.p_objects     = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'objects')
        self.p_scalefactor = config.str2bool(self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'eventweights'))
        self.p_lepton      = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'lepton')
        self.p_extra_save  = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'extra_saveAs')
        self.p_plot_type   = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'plot_framework') # python/root
        self.p_plot1d      = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'1dplot') # for saving data
        self.p_plot2d      = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'2dplot') # for saving data
        self.p_cuts        = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'cutsfile')
        self.p_cuts        = config.processCuts(self.p_cuts)
        self.p_variables   = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'variables').split(',')
        self.p_eff_x_vars  = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'eff_x').split(',')
        self.p_treename    = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'treename')
        self.eff_conditions = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'eff_y').split(',')
        self.p_nevents     = int(self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'NEvents'))
        p_files            = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'files')
        self.p_files       = open(p_files,'r').readlines()
        self.p_read_data   = config.str2bool(self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'read_data'))
        p_custom_vars      = self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'custom_variables')
        if p_custom_vars == 'None':
            self.p_custom_vars = ''
            self.p_custom_vars = p_custom_vars

        ## --  Easy variables to initialize  -- ##
        self.p_btag_wkpt     = info.btagging_WP(self.p_settings.get(self.p_cfg_name,'btag_wkpt'))
        self.outputfilenames = ['data/'+fname.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]+'_'+self.p_lepton+'_'+self.p_extra_save for fname in self.p_files]

        return self.p_settings
Exemplo n.º 2
    def main(self,parser):
        Main function in the systematics class -- does all the directing for
        creating histograms and json files.
        ## -- Configuration -- ##
        p_selection   = parser.get('systematics','selection')             # ex. pyMiniSL/SelectionBase.py
        p_make_ntuple = str2bool(parser.get('systematics','make_ntuple')) # ex. True
        p_make_jsons  = str2bool(parser.get('systematics','make_jsons'))  # ex. True
        p_make_hists  = str2bool(parser.get('systematics','make_hists'))  # ex. True
        ## ------------------- ##

        selection = p_selection.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] # pyMiniSL/SelectionBase.py -> SelectionBase

        if p_make_ntuple and p_make_jsons and p_make_hists:
            print " You have chosen to produce a new ntuples,"
            print " json, and histogram outputs."
            print " This will take a long time to do."
            print " If this is not what you meant to do, please"
            print " exit the program and modify PyMiniAna.cfg."
            print " Will continue with the program."

        if p_make_ntuple:
            ## Using the same miniSL code to make ntuples for the systematics
            ## This ensures that the systematics get the same treatment as the nominal
            from miniSL import MiniSL
            MakeMiniNtuple = MiniSL()
            logging.info(" -- Make new ntuples ")
            print " -- Make new ntuples for a given selection"
            if selection == 'pre2preSelection':
                nplist = nuisparams.npdict()
                for np in nplist:

        if p_make_jsons or p_make_hists:
            logging.info(" -- Make histograms and json files ")
            print " -- Make histograms for TXFITTER && json files for Data/Pred. plots"
            from pySystematics.tree2hist import Tree2Hist
            MakeHist = Tree2Hist(parser)

        logging.critical(" Finished systematics.py class Systematics")

Exemplo n.º 3
    def initialize(self):
        """initialize some variables using the settings file"""
        self.p_lepton       = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'lepton')                 # ex. muel
        self.p_logplot      = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'logplot'))      # ex. False
        self.p_systematics  = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'systematics'))  # ex. True
        self.p_ana_status   = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'ana_status')             # ex. "Internal"
        self.p_extra_save   = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'extra_saveAs')
        self.p_underflow    = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'underflow'))    # ex. True
        self.p_overflow     = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'overflow'))     # ex. True
        self.p_scalefactor  = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'eventweights'))
        self.p_plot1d_type  = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'1dplot')
        self.p_plot2d_type  = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'2dplot')
        self.p_2dvariables  = self.m_cfg_parser.get('plot_variables','2dplots') # variables in 2-D plot
        self.p_1dvariables  = self.m_cfg_parser.get('plot_variables','1dplots') # variables in 1-D plot
        self.eff_conditions = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'eff_y').split(',')
        p_files             = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'files')
        p_files             = open(p_files,'r').readlines()
        ## ------------------- ##

        if self.p_plot1d_type == 'efficiency' and self.p_1dvariables:
            self.file_type = 'root'
            self.file_type = 'json'
        self.inputfilenames  = ['data/'+fname.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]+'_'+self.p_lepton+'_'+self.p_extra_save+'.'+self.file_type for fname in p_files]

        if self.p_scalefactor:
            if 'pb' in self.lumi['unit']:
                lumi = "{0:.1f}".format(self.lumi['lumi']/1000.)
                unit = 'fb'
            elif 'fb' in self.lumi['unit']:
                lumi = "{0:.1f}".format(self.lumi['lumi'])
                unit = 'fb'
                lumi = "{0}".format(self.lumi['lumi'])
                unit = self.lumi['unit'].strip('i')
            self.plot_energy_lumi = self.lumi_label             # plot the luminosity
            self.lumi             = {'lumi':lumi,'unit':unit}   # reset for use later
            self.plot_energy_lumi = self.PMA_energy_label           # plot only sqrt(s)

        ## - 1D plotting method (use function-pointer syntax to avoid if/else statements)
        self.p_plot1d = [self.PMA_errorbar,self.PMA_hist_1d][(self.p_plot1d_type.startswith('hist'))]

        ## - 2D plotting method (use function-pointer syntax to avoid if/else statements)
        self.p_plot2d = [self.PMA_scatter, self.PMA_hist_2d][(self.p_plot2d_type=='hist')]

Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self,cfg_parser):
        Initialize the parameters from the config file.
        @param cfg_parser   Object that parsed the configuration file
        loggingLEVEL = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() # DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, etc.
        logging.critical(" -- In tree2hist.py")
        logging.info("  ------------  ")
        logging.info("  Initializing the config file.")

        self.GeV  = 1000.

        ## -- Configuration -- ##
        self.p_varList    = cfg_parser.get('systematics','vars')       # ex. share/varNames.txt
        self.p_rootfiles  = cfg_parser.get('systematics','inputfile')  # ex. share/systematics_ntuples.txt
        self.p_selection  = cfg_parser.get('systematics','selection')  # ex. pre2pre
        self.p_outputname = cfg_parser.get('systematics','outputname') # ex. pre
        self.p_makejsons  = config.str2bool(cfg_parser.get('systematics','make_jsons'))  # ex. True
        self.p_makehists  = config.str2bool(cfg_parser.get('systematics','make_hists'))  # ex. True
        self.p_lepton     = cfg_parser.get('systematics','lepton')     # ex. muel
        self.p_nEvents    = cfg_parser.get('systematics','nevents')    # ex. -1
        ## ------------------- ##

        self.p_varList  = open(self.p_varList,'r').readlines() # update the variable
        self.p_varList  = [v.rstrip('\n') for v in self.p_varList]

        if not self.p_makejsons and not self.p_makehists:
            print " You didn't specify outputs (either json, hist, or both)"
            print " for the systematics output."

        self.json_path = info.getJsonPath()+self.p_lepton
        self.hist_path = self.json_path.split('json')[0]+'hists/'+self.p_lepton

        ## Run the program

Exemplo n.º 5
def getConfig(cfg_parser):
    Determine the configuration option from the config file.
    Only keeping track of 'miniSL', 'datamc', and 'systematics' by hand --
    need to manually insert the configuration options.
    config_options = {'miniSL':False,\

    for key in config_options.keys():
        config_options[key] = config.str2bool(cfg_parser.get('configuration',key.lower()))

    # Now safe-guard against incorrect things in the config file
    #    Note: the 'str2bool' function in config.py returns '-1' if
    #          the value given is not related to True or False
    config_booleans = []
    true_configs    = []
    for k in config_options.keys():
        config_booleans.append(config_options[k])  # all options
        if config_options[k]:
            true_configs.append(k)                 # only true options

    ## Make sure the configurations make sense
    if any(config_booleans) == -1:
        print " Please choose one of the configurations: "
        print "   >> {0}".format(config_options.keys())
        print " under the [configuration] section in 'share/PyMiniAna.cfg'."
        print " with either 'True' or 'False'."

    ## Make sure at least one of them is chosen
    if not any(config_booleans):
        print " Please choose one of the configurations: "
        print "   >> {0}".format(config_options.keys())
        print " under the [configuration] section in 'share/PyMiniAna.cfg'."

    ## Make sure only one of them is chosen
    if len(true_configs)>1:
        print " Please choose only one of the configurations: "
        print "   >> {0}".format(config_options.keys())
        print " under the [configuration] section in 'share/PyMiniAna.cfg'."

    return true_configs[0]
Exemplo n.º 6
    def initialize(self):
        """Initialize the class by setting up parameters from the config file"""
        ## -- Configuration -- ##
        self.p_lepton       = self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','lepton')                 # ex. muel
        self.p_plot_signal  = self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','plot_signal')            # ex. -1; if not all, plot only the one we are sensitive to?
        self.p_signal_mag   = float(self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','signal_mag'))      # ex. 10 (increase signal by factor of 10 on plot)
        self.p_stack_signal = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','stack_signal')) # ex. True
        self.p_blind        = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','blind'))        # ex. True
        self.p_logplot      = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','logplot'))      # ex. False
        self.p_systematics  = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','systematics'))  # ex. True
        self.p_jsonfilename = self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','jsonfilename')           # ex. 'elLHMedium_pre_1tagin'
        self.p_ana_status   = self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','ana_status')             # ex. "Internal", "Preliminary", or "" (final)
        self.p_merged_hists = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','merged_hists')) # ex. True
        self.p_extra_saveAs = self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','extra_saveAs')           # ex. "1btag"
        self.p_new_lumi     = self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','new_lumi')               # ex. 1.307 ifb
        self.p_underflow    = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','underflow'))    # ex. True
        self.p_overflow     = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','overflow'))     # ex. True
        self.p_format       = self.m_cfg_parser.get('datamc','format')                 # ex. pdf
        ## ------------------- ##

        ##                                                              ##
        ## ---- Set up some things that are universal to all plots ---- ##
        ##                                                              ##

        ## -- Setting up the output file
        self.pathSave   = info.getFigurePath()+"{0}/".format(self.p_lepton)
        if not os.path.isdir(self.pathSave):

        if self.p_extra_saveAs: # want something else in the saved filename
            self.p_extra_saveAs = '_'+self.p_extra_saveAs

        self.p_hatch_args = {'hatch':'',\
        if self.p_format=='png':
            self.p_hatch_args['hatch'] = '/'
        elif self.p_format=='eps':
            self.p_hatch_args['hatch'] = None
            self.p_hatch_args['color'] = '#C1E1C0'
            self.p_hatch_args['edgecolor'] = '#C1E1C0'
            self.p_hatch_args['hatch'] = '/////'

        self.plot_order = ['ttbarV','diboson','singletop',\
                           'ttbar']  # plot order for background samples (stacked)

Exemplo n.º 7
    def initialize(self):
        ## -- Configuration -- ##
        self.p_lepton       = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'lepton')                 # ex. muel
        self.p_logplot      = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'logplot'))      # ex. False
        self.p_ana_status   = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'ana_status')             # ex. "Internal"
        self.p_extra_save   = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'extra_saveAs')
        self.p_scalefactor  = str2bool(self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'eventweights'))
        self.p_plot1d_type  = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'1dplot')
        self.p_plot2d_type  = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'2dplot')
        self.p_2dvariables  = self.m_cfg_parser.get('plot_variables','2dplots')
        self.p_1dvariables  = self.m_cfg_parser.get('plot_variables','1dplots')
        p_files             = self.m_cfg_parser.get(self.p_cfg_name,'files')
        p_files             = open(p_files,'r').readlines()
        ## ------------------- ##

        self.inputfilenames  = ['data/'+fname.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]+'_'+self.p_lepton+'_'+self.p_extra_save+'.json' for fname in p_files]

        if self.p_scalefactor:
            if 'pb' in self.lumi['unit']:
                lumi = "{0:.1f}".format(self.lumi['lumi']/1000.)
                unit = 'fb'
            elif 'fb' in self.lumi['unit']:
                lumi = "{0:.1f}".format(self.lumi['lumi'])
                unit = 'fb'
                lumi = "{0}".format(self.lumi['lumi'])
                unit = self.lumi['unit'].strip('i')
            self.plot_energy_lumi = self.lumi_label
            self.lumi = {'lumi':lumi,'unit':unit}   # reset for use later
            self.plot_energy_lumi = self.PMA_energy_label

        ## - 1D plotting method (use this syntax to avoid if/else statements)
        self.p_plot1d = self.PMA_errorbar

        ## - 2D plotting method (use this syntax to avoid if/else statements)
        self.p_plot2d = self.PMA_hist_2d
Exemplo n.º 8
    def execute(self,parser,treename=''):
        Main function in the miniSL class -- does all the reading/writing
        of the flat ntuples.
        Just added the systematics functionality, so we've made this
        a hybrid class that can run over the nominal tree and 
        trees for each systematics.

        @param treename The treename that we need to access for data
                        This is now an option because of the systematics
        self.timeStamp = strftime("%d%b%Y",localtime())
        cfg_name  = 'miniSL' if not treename else 'systematics'

        ## -- Configuration -- ##
        p_sel_script = parser.get(cfg_name,'selection')       # ex. pyMiniSL/SelectionBase.py
        p_nEvents    = int(parser.get(cfg_name,'nEvents'))    # ex. -1
        p_firstEvent = int(parser.get(cfg_name,'firstevent')) # ex. 0
        p_cutsfile   = parser.get(cfg_name,'cutsfile')        # ex. share/pre2loose_cuts.txt
        p_inputfile  = parser.get(cfg_name,'inputfile')       # ex. share/miniSL_ntuples.txt
        p_outputname = parser.get(cfg_name,'outputname')      # ex. loose
        p_isLoose    = config.str2bool(parser.get(cfg_name,'isLoose'))  # ex. False
        ## ------------------- ##

        files              = open(p_inputfile,'r').readlines()
        sel_path,selection = p_sel_script.split('.py')[0].split('/')
        self.selection     = selection  # for access later
        selClassName       = selection[0].upper()+selection[1:]
        self.LUMI          = info.LUMI()
        signalIDs          = [i for key in info.dsids()['signal'].keys() for i in info.dsids()['signal'][key]] # TTS and XX signals
        ttbarIDs           = [i for i in info.dsids()['background']['ttbar'].keys()]

        # Dynamic import the file without needing any hard-coding
        # Assumes that the class is the same as the filename just capitalized!
        pyEventFile = importlib.import_module(sel_path+"."+selection)
        pyEventSel  = getattr(pyEventFile,selClassName)

        loggingLEVEL = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel()
        logging.info(" -- In file       {0}".format(os.path.basename(__file__)))
        logging.info(" -- Files: ")
        for i in files:
            logging.info("           "+i.rstrip('\n'))

        ## -- Load the selection script
        evtSel = pyEventSel(parser)      # imported using 'importlib' above
        evtSel.initialize(cfg_name)      # setup some of the configurations
       # ----------------------------------------- #
       # File Loop                                 #
       # ----------------------------------------- #
        total_num_files = len(files)
        for ff,file in enumerate(files):

            ## -- Open the current file
            f = ROOT.TFile.Open("{0}".format(file.strip()))

            if not f or f.IsZombie():
                print " FILE {0} DOES NOT EXIST".format(f.GetName())
                print " Continuing to next file in the loop. "

            ## -- Load the TTree
            #     For nominal, treename is an empty string
            #     For systematics, pre2preSelection: it's the treename for a systematic
            #                      SelectionBase:    it's a dummy string
            if cfg_name != 'miniSL':
                if treename == 'systs':
                    treename = f.GetListOfKeys()[0].GetName()  # only 1 tree and it's the systematic
                systname     = '_'+treename
                new_treename = treename
                if p_isLoose:
                    treename     = 'nominal_Loose'
                    treename = info.treename() # nominal
                new_treename = 'nominal'
                systname = ''

            t = f.Get(treename)
                t.GetEntry(0)       # to get the mcChannelNumber
            except AttributeError:
                print " File {0} does not have the GetEntry() attribute.".format(f.GetName())
                print " Skipping and going to the next file.\n"

            ## New File Stuff (the one to which we're writing)
            name,isMC    = self.getName(t)

            newfilename  = "data/{0}{1}_{2}.root".format(name,systname,p_outputname)
            newfile      = ROOT.TFile(newfilename,"RECREATE")
            self.newtree = ROOT.TTree(new_treename,"Event Information")

            ## Metadata

            ## Log and print to the console before doing anything
            print " ++ Running over file ({0}/{1}):  {2}".format(ff+1,total_num_files,file.strip())
            print " ++ Producing new file: {0}{1}_{2}.root".format(name,systname,p_outputname)
            logging.info(" ----")
            logging.info(" {0} Selection".format(p_outputname.title()))
            logging.info(" File: {0}".format(file.strip()))
            logging.info(" {0}".format(self.timeStamp))
            logging.info(" ---- \n")

           # ----------------------------------------- #
           # Initialize the branches                   #
           # ----------------------------------------- #

           # ----------------------------------------- #
           # Event Loop                                #
           # ----------------------------------------- #
            maxEntries = t.GetEntries()
            if p_nEvents < 0 or p_nEvents > maxEntries:
                nEvents = maxEntries
                logging.info(" Selected nEvents = {0}; running {1}".format(nEvents,maxEntries))
                nEvents = p_nEvents

            ## -- While-loop (no list generation with for loop)
            evtSel.execute(t,f)     # setup the details for this particular file in selection

            entry = p_firstEvent    # in case the user has split the file into pieces
            while entry < nEvents:

                #### -- APPLY THE SELECTION -- ####
                results = evtSel.event_loop(entry)
                #### ------------------------- ####
                if not results['result']:
                    logging.info(" ---- ")
                    logging.info(" miniSL::Event {0} Failed Selection ".format(entry))
                    logging.info(" ---- ")
                    entry+=1               # iterate entry to go to the next one


               # ----------------------------------------- #
               # Clear the ROOT Vectors                    #
               # ----------------------------------------- #

                ## increment the while loop

           # ----------------------------------------- #
           # Write the new file                        #
           # ----------------------------------------- #
            print " New output file: {0}".format(newfilename)
            print " Ended at:        {0}".format(strftime("%c",localtime()))

Exemplo n.º 9
    def main(self,parser):
        Main function in the datamc class -- does all the directing for
        reading/writing of data from ROOT to json files, and plotting histograms.
        ## -- Configuration -- ##
        self.p_vars_file    = parser.get('datamc','vars')                   # ex. share/varNames.txt
        self.p_jsonoutput   = str2bool(parser.get('datamc','makejsonfile')) # ex. False
        self.p_plotoutput   = str2bool(parser.get('datamc','makeplot'))     # ex. True
        self.p_mergejson    = str2bool(parser.get('datamc','mergejson'))    # ex. True
        self.p_outfile      = parser.get('datamc','jsonfilename')           # ex. pre
        self.p_lepton       = parser.get('datamc','lepton')                 # ex. muel
        ## ------------------- ##

        ## -- Sanity check -- ##
        if not any([self.p_plotoutput,self.p_jsonoutput,self.p_mergejson]):
            print " You have specified that you don't want to "
            print " make json outputs, don't want to make "
            print " plots, and don't want to merge json files. "
            print " There's nothing left to do. "
            print " Exiting. "
        ## ------------------ ##

        self.p_varlist = info.read_txt_file(self.p_vars_file) # variables from text file
        # for variables that may have [N], e.g., jet_pt[0], make a list
        # that just contains the name, e.g., jet_pt.
        # Plan to is to make a single json file for jet_pt, but
        # only plot [N], or [N+1] (e.g., the user specifies both jet_pt[0] and jet_pt[1]
        # in the text file)
        self.p_varlist_nolead = list(set([p_var.split('[')[0] for p_var in self.p_varlist]))

        loggingLEVEL     = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel()
        logging.info(" -- In file dataMC.py")
        logging.info(" -- Make json output: {0} ".format(self.p_jsonoutput))

        ## -- Conver ROOT to JSON -- ##
        if self.p_jsonoutput:

            import pyDataMC.root2json as root2json

            logging.info(" > Specified json output ")
            logging.info("   Will produce json files and then plots automatically ")
            logging.info(" -- Making json output")

            print "\n   -- Converting ROOT to json output -- \n"

            ## Making json output, and then making plots (one step is easier...)

        ## -- Merge json files -- ##
        if self.p_mergejson:
            ## merge before plotting!!

        ## -- Plot Histograms -- ##
        if self.p_plotoutput:
            from pyDataMC.json2hist import DataMCPlotter
            logging.info(" -- Making plots from json output")
            print "\n   -- Producing figures -- \n"

            plotter = DataMCPlotter(parser)
            for var in self.p_varlist:

                print "   ++ Plotting {0} ++\n".format(var)
                logging.info("   ++ Plotting {0} ++".format(var))


        logging.info(" Finished datamc.py class DataMC")
