Exemplo n.º 1
def rod_setup(dim1: Tuple[float], dim2: Tuple[float]) -> Faces:  # validated
    """defines points in a circle with triangle based end caps"""
    # 4,8,12,16,... becomes 5,9,13,17,...
    ntheta = 17
    thetas = np.radians(np.linspace(0., 360., ntheta))

    nfaces = 0
    all_faces = []
    points_list = []
    x = np.zeros(ntheta)
    for dim in (dim1, dim2):
        radius, = dim
        y = radius * np.cos(thetas)
        z = radius * np.sin(thetas)
        xyz = np.vstack([x, y, z]).T
        assert xyz.shape == (ntheta, 3), xyz.shape

        # the tri_cap buils triangles that fan out from the first node
        tris = tri_cap(ntheta)

        # we need to use the tolist because we're going to
        # combine quads and tris (the elements have different
        # lengths)
        all_faces += (nfaces + tris).tolist()
        nfaces += tris.shape[0]

    # the main cylinder uses the points defined independent
    # of the points n1/n2
    faces = elements_from_quad(2, ntheta)
    all_faces += faces.tolist()
    return all_faces, points_list[0], points_list[1]
Exemplo n.º 2
def rod_faces(n1: int, n2: int, xform, dim1: Tuple[float, float],
              dim2: Tuple[float, float]):  # validated
    defines points in a circle with triangle based end caps
    # 4,8,12,16,... becomes 5,9,13,17,...
    thetas = np.radians(np.linspace(0., 360., 17))
    ntheta = len(thetas)

    nfaces = 0
    all_faces = []
    points_list = []
    x = np.zeros(ntheta)
    for nid, dim in [(n1, dim1), (n2, dim2)]:
        radius, = dim
        y = radius * np.cos(thetas)
        z = radius * np.sin(thetas)
        xyz = np.vstack([x, y, z]).T
        assert xyz.shape == (ntheta, 3), xyz.shape

        pointsi = xyz @ xform + nid

        # the tri_cap is made from points that aren't defined yet
        # (the n1/n2 end points)
        tris = tri_cap(ntheta)

        # we need to use the tolist because we're going to
        # combine quads and tris (the elements have different
        # lengths)
        all_faces += (nfaces + tris).tolist()
        nfaces += tris.shape[0]

    # the main cylinder uses the points defined independent
    # of the points n1/n2
    faces = elements_from_quad(2, ntheta)
    all_faces += faces.tolist()

    # used by the tri_caps
    points = np.vstack(points_list)
    return all_faces, points, points.shape[0]