Exemplo n.º 1
    def _parse_entry(self, lines):
        Internal method for parsing a card of the case control deck

        Parses a single case control deck card into 4 sections

        1.  param_name - obvious
        2.  Value      - still kind of obvious
        3.  options    - rarely used data
        4.  param_type - STRESS-type, SUBCASE-type, PARAM-type, SET-type, BEGIN_BULK-type

        It's easier with examples:

        param_type = SUBCASE-type
          SUBCASE 1              ->   paramName=SUBCASE  value=1            options=[]
        param_type = STRESS-type
          STRESS       = ALL     ->   paramName=STRESS    value=ALL         options=[]
          STRAIN(PLOT) = 5       ->   paramName=STRAIN    value=5           options=[PLOT]
          TITLE        = stuff   ->   paramName=TITLE     value=stuff       options=[]
        param_type = SET-type
          SET 1 = 10,20,30       ->   paramName=SET       value=[10,20,30]  options = 1
        param_type = BEGIN_BULK-type
          BEGIN BULK             ->   paramName=BEGIN     value=BULK        options = []
        param_type = CSV-type
          PARAM,FIXEDB,-1        ->   paramName=PARAM     value=FIXEDB      options = [-1]

        The param_type is the "macro" form of the data (similar to integer, float, string).
        The value is generally whats on the RHS of the equals sign (assuming it's there).
        Options are modifiers on the data.  Form things like the PARAM card or the SET card
        they arent as clear, but the param_type lets the program know how to format it
        when writing it out.

        lines : List[str, str, ...]
            list of lines

        paramName : str
            see brief
        value : List[...]
            see brief
        options : List[str/int/float]
            see brief
        param_type : str/int/float/List
            see brief

        i = 0
        options = []
        value = None
        key = None
        param_type = None

        line = lines[i]
        #print("*****lines = ", lines)

        equals_count = 0
        for letter in line:
            if letter == '=':
                equals_count += 1
        line_upper = line.upper().expandtabs()

        #print("line_upper = %r" % line)
        #print('  equals_count = %s' % equals_count)
        if line_upper.startswith('SUBCASE'):
            param_type = split_equal_space(line_upper, 'SUBCASE',
                                           'SUBCASE = 5')
            key = 'SUBCASE'

            #print("key=%r isubcase=%r" % (key, isubcase))
            value = integer(param_type, line_upper)
            #self.isubcase = int(isubcase)
            param_type = 'SUBCASE-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key

        elif line_upper.startswith(
            ('LABEL', 'SUBT', 'TITL')):  # SUBTITLE/TITLE
                eindex = line.index('=')
            except ValueError:
                msg = "cannot find an = sign in LABEL/SUBTITLE/TITLE line\n"
                msg += "line = %r" % line_upper.strip()
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            key = line_upper[0:eindex].strip()
            value = line[eindex + 1:].strip()
            options = []
            param_type = 'STRING-type'
        elif line_upper.startswith('SET ') and equals_count == 1:
            obj = SET.add_from_case_control(line_upper, lines, i)
            #if 0:
            #key = obj.key
            #options = None
            #value = obj
            #param_type = 'OBJ-type'
            key = obj.key
            options = obj.set_id
            value = obj.value
            param_type = 'SET-type'
        elif line_upper.startswith('SETMC ') and equals_count == 1:
            obj = SETMC.add_from_case_control(line_upper, lines, i)
            #if 0:
            #key = obj.key
            #options = None
            #value = obj
            #param_type = 'OBJ-type'
            key = value.key  # type: str
            options = obj.set_id  # type: List[int]
            value = obj.value  # type: int
            param_type = 'SET-type'

        #elif line_upper.startswith(CHECK_CARD_NAMES):
        #if '(' in line:
        #key = line_upper.strip().split('(', 1)[0].strip()
        #elif '=' in line:
        #key = line_upper.strip().split('=', 1)[0].strip()
        #msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=%r' % line.strip()
        #raise RuntimeError(msg)

        #key = update_param_name(key)
        #obj = CHECK_CARD_DICT[key].add_from_case_control(line, line_upper, lines, i)
        #value = obj.value
        #options = obj.options
        #param_type = 'STRESS-type'
        #key = obj.type

        #elif line_upper.startswith(INT_CARD_NAMES):
        #if '=' in line:
        #(name, value) = line_upper.strip().split('=')
        #msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=%r' % line.strip()
        #raise RuntimeError(msg)
        #name = update_param_name(name)
        #obj = INT_CARD_DICT[name].add_from_case_control(line, line_upper, lines, i)
        #key = obj.type
        ##if 0:
        ##value = obj.value
        ##options = []
        ##param_type = 'STRESS-type'
        #value = obj
        #options = None
        #param_type = 'OBJ-type'
        #key = obj.type

        #elif line_upper.startswith(INTSTR_CARD_NAMES):
        #if '=' in line:
        #(name, value) = line_upper.strip().split('=')
        #msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=%r' % line.strip()
        #raise RuntimeError(msg)
        #name = name.strip()
        #obj = INTSTR_CARD_DICT[name].add_from_case_control(line, line_upper, lines, i)
        #key = obj.type
        ##if 0:
        ##value = obj.value
        ##options = []
        ##param_type = 'STRESS-type'
        #value = obj
        #options = None
        #param_type = 'OBJ-type'
        #key = obj.type

        elif line_upper.startswith('EXTSEOUT'):
            options = None
            param_type = 'OBJ-type'
            obj = EXTSEOUT.add_from_case_control(line_upper.strip())
            value = obj
            key = obj.type
        elif line_upper.startswith('WEIGHTCHECK'):
            options = None
            param_type = 'OBJ-type'
            obj = WEIGHTCHECK.add_from_case_control(line, line_upper, lines, i)
            value = obj
            key = obj.type
        elif line_upper.startswith('GROUNDCHECK'):
            options = None
            param_type = 'OBJ-type'
            obj = GROUNDCHECK.add_from_case_control(line, line_upper, lines, i)
            value = obj
            key = obj.type
        elif line_upper.startswith('MODCON'):
            options = None
            param_type = 'OBJ-type'
            obj = MODCON.add_from_case_control(line, line_upper, lines, i)
            value = obj
            key = obj.type
        #elif line_upper.startswith('AUXMODEL'):
        #options = None
        #param_type = 'OBJ-type'
        #value = AUXMODEL.add_from_case_control(line, line_upper, lines, i)
        #key = value.type

        #elif line_upper.startswith(STR_CARD_NAMES):
        #if '=' in line:
        #(name, value) = line_upper.strip().split('=')
        #msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=%r' % line.strip()
        #raise RuntimeError(msg)
        #name = name.strip()
        #obj = STR_CARD_DICT[name].add_from_case_control(line, line_upper, lines, i)
        #value = obj
        #options = None
        #param_type = 'OBJ-type'
        #key = obj.type

        elif line_upper.startswith('TEMP'):
            if '=' in line:
                (key, value) = line_upper.strip().split('=')
                msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=%r' % line.strip(
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            assert equals_count == 1, line_upper
            if '(' in line_upper:
                options = None
                param_type = 'STRESS-type'
                key = key.strip().upper()
                value = value.strip()
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.debug("key=%r value=%r" % (key, value))
                param_type = 'STRESS-type'
                assert key.upper() == key, key

                #param_type = 'STRESS-type'
                sline = key.strip(')').split('(')
                key = sline[0]
                options = sline[1].split(',')

                assert len(options) == 1, line_upper
                # handle TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) and TEMPERATURE(LOAD) cards
                key = 'TEMPERATURE(%s)' % options[0]
                value = value.strip()
                options = []
                key = 'TEMPERATURE(BOTH)'
                options = []
                param_type = 'STRESS-type'
            value = int(value)

        elif line_upper.startswith('RIGID'):
            if '=' in line:
                (key, value) = line_upper.strip().split('=')
                key = key.strip()
                value = value.strip()
                msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=%r' % line.strip(
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            #print('line_upper=%r' % line_upper)
            assert key == 'RIGID', 'key=%r value=%r line=%r' % (key, value,
            param_type = 'STRESS-type'
            options = []
            if value in ['LAGR', 'LAGRAN']:
                value = 'LAGRANGE'
            elif value in ['LGELIM', 'LAGRANGE', 'STIFF', 'LINEAR', 'AUTO']:
                raise NotImplementedError('key=%r value=%r line=%r' %
                                          (key, value, line))

        elif equals_count == 1:  # STRESS
            if '=' in line:
                (key, value) = line_upper.strip().split('=')
                msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=%r' % line.strip(
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            key = key.strip().upper()
            value = value.strip()
            if self.debug:
                self.log.debug("key=%r value=%r" % (key, value))
            param_type = 'STRESS-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key

            if '(' in key:  # comma may be in line - STRESS-type
                #param_type = 'STRESS-type'
                sline = key.strip(')').split('(')
                key = sline[0]
                options = sline[1].split(',')

            elif ',' in value:  # STRESS-type; special TITLE = stuffA,stuffB
                #print('A ??? line = ',line)
                #raise RuntimeError(line)
            else:  # STRESS-type; TITLE = stuff
                #print('B ??? line = ',line)

            key = update_param_name(key)
            verify_card(key, value, options, line)
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        elif equals_count > 2 and '(' in line and 'FLSPOUT' not in line:
            #print('****', lines)
            assert len(lines) == 1, lines
            line = lines[0]
                key, value_options = line.split('(', 1)
            except ValueError:
                msg = 'Expected a "(", but did not find one.\n'
                msg += 'Looking for something of the form:\n'
                msg += '   GROUNDCHECK(PRINT,SET=(G,N,N+AUTOSPC,F,A),DATAREC=NO)=YES\n'
                msg += '%r' % line
                raise ValueError(msg)

                options_paren, value = value_options.rsplit('=', 1)
            except ValueError:
                msg = 'Expected a "=", but did not find one.\n'
                msg += 'Looking for something of the form:\n'
                msg += '   GROUNDCHECK(PRINT,SET=(G,N,N+AUTOSPC,F,A),DATAREC=NO)=YES\n'
                msg += 'value_options=%r\n' % value_options
                msg += '%r' % line
                raise ValueError(msg)
            options_paren = options_paren.strip()

            value = value.strip()
            if value.isdigit():
                value = int(value)
            if not options_paren.endswith(')'):
                raise RuntimeError(line)
            str_options = options_paren[:-1]

            if '(' in str_options:
                options = split_by_mixed_commas_parentheses(str_options)
                options = str_options.split(',')
            param_type = 'STRESS-type'
            key = key.upper()

        elif line_upper.startswith('BEGIN'):  # begin bulk
                (key, value) = line_upper.split(' ')
            except ValueError:
                msg = 'excepted "BEGIN BULK" found=%r' % line
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            key = key.upper()
            param_type = 'BEGIN_BULK-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        elif 'PARAM' in line_upper:  # param
            key, value, options, param_type = _split_param(line, line_upper)
        elif ' ' not in line:
            key = line.strip().upper()
            value = line.strip()
            options = None
            param_type = 'KEY-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
            msg = 'generic catch all...line=%r' % line
            key = ''
            value = line
            options = None
            param_type = 'KEY-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        i += 1
        assert key.upper() == key, 'key=%s param_type=%s' % (key, param_type)

        return (i, key, value, options, param_type)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _parse_entry(self, lines):
        Internal method for parsing a card of the case control deck

        Parses a single case control deck card into 4 sections

        1.  paramName - obvious
        2.  Value     - still kind of obvious
        3.  options   - rarely used data
        4.  paramType - STRESS-type, SUBCASE-type, PARAM-type, SET-type, BEGIN_BULK-type

        It's easier with examples:

        paramType = SUBCASE-type
          SUBCASE 1              ->   paramName=SUBCASE  value=1            options=[]
        paramType = STRESS-type
          STRESS       = ALL     ->   paramName=STRESS    value=ALL         options=[]
          STRAIN(PLOT) = 5       ->   paramName=STRAIN    value=5           options=[PLOT]
          TITLE        = stuff   ->   paramName=TITLE     value=stuff       options=[]
        paramType = SET-type
          SET 1 = 10,20,30       ->   paramName=SET       value=[10,20,30]  options = 1
        paramType = BEGIN_BULK-type
          BEGIN BULK             ->   paramName=BEGIN     value=BULK        options = []
        paramType = CSV-type
          PARAM,FIXEDB,-1        ->   paramName=PARAM     value=FIXEDB      options = [-1]

        The paramType is the "macro" form of the data (similar to integer, float, string).
        The value is generally whats on the RHS of the equals sign (assuming it's there).
        Options are modifiers on the data.  Form things like the PARAM card or the SET card
        they arent as clear, but the paramType lets the program know how to format it
        when writing it out.

        :param self:  the CaseControlDeck object
        :param lines: list of lines
        :return: paramName see brief
        :return: value     see brief
        :return: options   see brief
        :return: paramType see brief
        i = 0
        options = []
        value = None
        key = None
        param_type = None

        line = lines[i]
        #print("*****lines = ", lines)

        equals_count = 0
        for letter in line:
            if letter == '=':
                equals_count += 1
        line_upper = line.upper()

        #print("line_upper = %r" % line)
        if line_upper.startswith('SUBCASE'):
            #print("line = %r" % line)
            line2 = line.replace('=', '')
            sline = line2.split()
            if len(sline) != 2:
                msg = "trying to parse %r..." % line
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            (key, param_type) = sline
            key = key.upper()

            #print("key=%r isubcase=%r" % (key, isubcase))
            value = int(param_type)
            #self.isubcase = int(isubcase)
            param_type = 'SUBCASE-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key

        elif (line_upper.startswith('LABEL') or
              line_upper.startswith('SUBT') or  # SUBTITLE
              line_upper.startswith('TITL')):   # TITLE
                eIndex = line.index('=')
                msg = "cannot find an = sign in LABEL/SUBTITLE/TITLE line\n"
                msg += "line = %r" % line_upper.strip()
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            key = line_upper[0:eIndex].strip()
            value = line[eIndex + 1:].strip()
            options = []
            param_type = 'STRING-type'
        elif line_upper.startswith('SET ') and equals_count == 1:
            # would have been caught by STRESS-type
            sline = line_upper.split('=')
            assert len(sline) == 2, sline

            key, value = sline
                (key, ID) = key.split()
                raise RuntimeError(key)
            key = key + ' ' + ID

            assert key.upper() == key, key
            options = int(ID)

            if self.debug:
                self.log.debug('SET-type key=%r ID=%r' % (key, ID))
            fivalues = value.rstrip(' ,').split(',')  # float/int values

            #: .. todo:: should be more efficient multiline reader...
            # read more lines....
            if line[-1].strip() == ',':
                i += 1
                #print("rawSETLine = %r" % (lines[i]))
                while 1:
                    if ',' == lines[i].strip()[-1]:
                        fivalues += lines[i][:-1].split(',')
                    else:  # last case
                        fivalues += lines[i].split(',')
                        #print("fivalues last = i=%s %r" % (i, lines[i]))
                        i += 1
                    i += 1
            #print("len(fivalues) = ",len(fivalues))
            value = fivalues
            param_type = 'SET-type'

        elif equals_count == 1:  # STRESS
            if '=' in line:
                (key, value) = line_upper.strip().split('=')
                msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=%r' % line.strip()
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            key = key.strip().upper()
            value = value.strip()
            if self.debug:
                self.log.debug("key=%r value=%r" % (key, value))
            param_type = 'STRESS-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key

            if '(' in key:  # comma may be in line - STRESS-type
                #paramType = 'STRESS-type'
                sline = key.strip(')').split('(')
                key = sline[0]
                options = sline[1].split(',')

                # handle TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) and TEMPERATURE(LOAD) cards
                if key == 'TEMPERATURE' or key == 'TEMP':
                    key = 'TEMPERATURE(%s)' % (options[0])
                    options = []
                #print("key=%r options=%s" %(key,options))

            #elif ' ' in key and ',' in value:  # SET-type
                #(key, ID) = key.split()
                #key = key + ' ' + ID

                #if self.debug:
                    #self.log.debug('SET-type key=%r ID=%r' % (key, ID))
                #fivalues = value.rstrip(' ,').split(',')  # float/int values

                ##: .. todo:: should be more efficient multiline reader...
                ## read more lines....
                #if line[-1].strip() == ',':
                    #i += 1
                    ##print("rawSETLine = %r" % (lines[i]))
                    #while 1:
                        #if ',' == lines[i].strip()[-1]:
                            #fivalues += lines[i][:-1].split(',')
                        #else:  # last case
                            #fivalues += lines[i].split(',')
                            ##print("fivalues last = i=%s %r" % (i, lines[i]))
                            #i += 1
                        #i += 1
                ##print("len(fivalues) = ",len(fivalues))
                #value = fivalues

                #options = ID  # needed a place to put it...
                #param_type = 'SET-type'
            elif ',' in value:  # STRESS-type; special TITLE = stuffA,stuffB
                #print('A ??? line = ',line)
                #raise RuntimeError(line)
            else:  # STRESS-type; TITLE = stuff
                #print('B ??? line = ',line)

            key = update_param_name(key.strip().upper())
            verify_card(key, value, options, line)
            assert key.upper() == key, key

        elif line_upper.startswith('BEGIN'):  # begin bulk
                (key, value) = line_upper.split(' ')
                msg = 'excepted "BEGIN BULK" found=%r' % line
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            key = key.upper()
            param_type = 'BEGIN_BULK-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        elif 'PARAM' in line_upper:  # param
            sline = line_upper.split(',')
            if len(sline) != 3:
                raise SyntaxError("trying to parse %r..." % line)
            (key, value, options) = sline
            param_type = 'CSV-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        elif ' ' not in line:
            key = line.strip().upper()
            value = line.strip()
            options = None
            param_type = 'KEY-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
            msg = 'generic catch all...line=|%r|' % line
            key = ''
            value = line
            options = None
            param_type = 'KEY-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        i += 1
        assert key.upper() == key, key

        return (i, key, value, options, param_type)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _parse_entry(self, lines):
        Internal method for parsing a card of the case control deck

        Parses a single case control deck card into 4 sections

        1.  paramName - obvious
        2.  Value     - still kind of obvious
        3.  options   - rarely used data
        4.  paramType - STRESS-type, SUBCASE-type, PARAM-type, SET-type, BEGIN_BULK-type

        It's easier with examples:

        paramType = SUBCASE-type
          SUBCASE 1              ->   paramName=SUBCASE  value=1            options=[]
        paramType = STRESS-type
          STRESS       = ALL     ->   paramName=STRESS    value=ALL         options=[]
          STRAIN(PLOT) = 5       ->   paramName=STRAIN    value=5           options=[PLOT]
          TITLE        = stuff   ->   paramName=TITLE     value=stuff       options=[]
        paramType = SET-type
          SET 1 = 10,20,30       ->   paramName=SET       value=[10,20,30]  options = 1
        paramType = BEGIN_BULK-type
          BEGIN BULK             ->   paramName=BEGIN     value=BULK        options = []
        paramType = CSV-type
          PARAM,FIXEDB,-1        ->   paramName=PARAM     value=FIXEDB      options = [-1]

        The paramType is the "macro" form of the data (similar to integer, float, string).
        The value is generally whats on the RHS of the equals sign (assuming it's there).
        Options are modifiers on the data.  Form things like the PARAM card or the SET card
        they arent as clear, but the paramType lets the program know how to format it
        when writing it out.

        :param self:  the CaseControlDeck object
        :param lines: list of lines
        :return: paramName see brief
        :return: value     see brief
        :return: options   see brief
        :return: paramType see brief
        i = 0
        options = []
        value = None
        key = None
        param_type = None

        line = lines[i]
        #print line
        #print "*****lines = ", lines

        equals_count = 0
        for letter in line:
            if letter == '=':
                equals_count += 1
        line_upper = line.upper()

        #print("line_upper = %r" % line)
        if line_upper.startswith('SUBCASE'):
            #print "line = |%r|" %(line)
            line2 = line.replace('=', '')
            sline = line2.split()
            if len(sline) != 2:
                msg = "trying to parse |%s|..." % line
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            (key, param_type) = sline
            #print("key=|%s| isubcase=|%s|" % (key,isubcase))
            value = int(param_type)
            #self.isubcase = int(isubcase)
            param_type = 'SUBCASE-type'
        elif (line_upper.startswith('LABEL') or line_upper.startswith('SUBT')
              or  # SUBTITLE
              line_upper.startswith('TITL')):  # TITLE
                eIndex = line.index('=')
                msg = "cannot find an = sign in LABEL/SUBTITLE/TITLE line\n"
                msg += "line = |%s|" % (line_upper.strip())
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            key = line[0:eIndex].strip()
            value = line[eIndex + 1:].strip()
            options = []
            param_type = 'STRING-type'
        elif equals_count == 1:  # STRESS
            if '=' in line:
                (key, value) = line.strip().split('=')
                msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=|%r|' % (
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            key = key.strip()
            value = value.strip()
            if self.debug:
                self.log.debug("key=|%s| value=|%s|" % (key, value))
            param_type = 'STRESS-type'

            if '(' in key:  # comma may be in line - STRESS-type
                #paramType = 'STRESS-type'
                sline = key.strip(')').split('(')
                key = sline[0]
                options = sline[1].split(',')

                # handle TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) and TEMPERATURE(LOAD) cards
                if key == 'TEMPERATURE' or key == 'TEMP':
                    key = 'TEMPERATURE(%s)' % (options[0])
                    options = []
                #print "key=|%s| options=%s" %(key,options)

            elif ' ' in key and ',' in value:  # SET-type
                (key, ID) = key.split()
                key = key + ' ' + ID

                if self.debug:
                    self.log.debug('SET-type key=%s ID=%s' % (key, ID))
                fivalues = value.rstrip(' ,').split(',')  # float/int values

                #: .. todo:: should be more efficient multiline reader...
                # read more lines....
                if line[-1].strip() == ',':
                    i += 1
                    #print "rawSETLine = |%r|" %(lines[i])
                    while 1:
                        if ',' == lines[i].strip()[-1]:
                            fivalues += lines[i][:-1].split(',')
                        else:  # last case
                            fivalues += lines[i].split(',')
                            #print "fivalues last = i=%s |%r|" %(i,lines[i])
                            i += 1
                        i += 1
                #print "len(fivalues) = ",len(fivalues)
                value = fivalues

                options = ID  # needed a place to put it...
                param_type = 'SET-type'
            elif ',' in value:  # STRESS-type; special TITLE = stuffA,stuffB
                #print 'A ??? line = ',line
                #raise RuntimeError(line)
            else:  # STRESS-type; TITLE = stuff
                #print 'B ??? line = ',line

            key = update_param_name(key.strip())
            verify_card(key, value, options, line)

        elif line_upper.startswith('BEGIN'):  # begin bulk
                (key, value) = line_upper.split(' ')
                msg = 'excepted "BEGIN BULK" found=|%r|' % line
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            param_type = 'BEGIN_BULK-type'
        elif 'PARAM' in line_upper:  # param
            sline = line.split(',')
            if len(sline) != 3:
                raise SyntaxError("trying to parse |%s|..." % line)
            (key, value, options) = sline
            param_type = 'CSV-type'
        elif ' ' not in line:
            key = line.strip()
            value = line.strip()
            options = None
            param_type = 'KEY-type'
            msg = 'generic catch all...line=|%r|' % (line)
            key = ''
            value = line
            options = None
            param_type = 'KEY-type'
        i += 1
        return (i, key, value, options, param_type)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _parse_entry(self, lines):
        Internal method for parsing a card of the case control deck

        Parses a single case control deck card into 4 sections

        1.  paramName - obvious
        2.  Value     - still kind of obvious
        3.  options   - rarely used data
        4.  paramType - STRESS-type, SUBCASE-type, PARAM-type, SET-type, BEGIN_BULK-type

        It's easier with examples:

        paramType = SUBCASE-type
          SUBCASE 1              ->   paramName=SUBCASE  value=1            options=[]
        paramType = STRESS-type
          STRESS       = ALL     ->   paramName=STRESS    value=ALL         options=[]
          STRAIN(PLOT) = 5       ->   paramName=STRAIN    value=5           options=[PLOT]
          TITLE        = stuff   ->   paramName=TITLE     value=stuff       options=[]
        paramType = SET-type
          SET 1 = 10,20,30       ->   paramName=SET       value=[10,20,30]  options = 1
        paramType = BEGIN_BULK-type
          BEGIN BULK             ->   paramName=BEGIN     value=BULK        options = []
        paramType = CSV-type
          PARAM,FIXEDB,-1        ->   paramName=PARAM     value=FIXEDB      options = [-1]

        The paramType is the "macro" form of the data (similar to integer, float, string).
        The value is generally whats on the RHS of the equals sign (assuming it's there).
        Options are modifiers on the data.  Form things like the PARAM card or the SET card
        they arent as clear, but the paramType lets the program know how to format it
        when writing it out.

        lines : List[str, str, ...]
            list of lines

        paramName : str
            see brief
        value : List[...]
            see brief
        options : List[str/int/float]
            see brief
        paramType : str/int/float/List
            see brief
        i = 0
        options = []
        value = None
        key = None
        param_type = None

        line = lines[i]
        #print("*****lines = ", lines)

        equals_count = 0
        for letter in line:
            if letter == '=':
                equals_count += 1
        line_upper = line.upper()

        #print("line_upper = %r" % line)
        #print('  equals_count = %s' % equals_count)
        if line_upper.startswith('SUBCASE'):
            #print("line = %r" % line)
            line2 = line.replace('=', '')
            sline = line2.split()
            if len(sline) != 2:
                msg = "trying to parse %r..." % line
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            (key, param_type) = sline
            key = key.upper()

            #print("key=%r isubcase=%r" % (key, isubcase))
            value = int(param_type)
            #self.isubcase = int(isubcase)
            param_type = 'SUBCASE-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key

        elif line_upper.startswith(('LABEL', 'SUBT', 'TITL')):  # SUBTITLE/TITLE
                eindex = line.index('=')
                msg = "cannot find an = sign in LABEL/SUBTITLE/TITLE line\n"
                msg += "line = %r" % line_upper.strip()
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            key = line_upper[0:eindex].strip()
            value = line[eindex + 1:].strip()
            options = []
            param_type = 'STRING-type'
        elif (line_upper.startswith('SET ') or line_upper.startswith('SETMC ')
              and equals_count == 1):
            # would have been caught by STRESS-type
            sline = line_upper.split('=')
            assert len(sline) == 2, sline

            key, value = sline
                (key, ID) = key.split()
                raise RuntimeError(key)
            key = key + ' ' + ID

            assert key.upper() == key, key
            options = int(ID)

            if self.debug:
                self.log.debug('SET-type key=%r ID=%r' % (key, ID))
            fivalues = value.rstrip(' ,').split(',')  # float/int values

            #: .. todo:: should be more efficient multiline reader...
            # read more lines....
            if line[-1].strip() == ',':
                i += 1
                #print("rawSETLine = %r" % (lines[i]))
                while 1:
                    if lines[i].strip()[-1] == ',':
                        fivalues += lines[i][:-1].split(',')
                    else:  # last case
                        fivalues += lines[i].split(',')
                        #print("fivalues last = i=%s %r" % (i, lines[i]))
                        i += 1
                    i += 1
            #print("len(fivalues) = ",len(fivalues))
            value = fivalues
            param_type = 'SET-type'

        elif equals_count == 1:  # STRESS
            if '=' in line:
                (key, value) = line_upper.strip().split('=')
                msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=%r' % line.strip()
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            key = key.strip().upper()
            value = value.strip()
            if self.debug:
                self.log.debug("key=%r value=%r" % (key, value))
            param_type = 'STRESS-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key

            if '(' in key:  # comma may be in line - STRESS-type
                #paramType = 'STRESS-type'
                sline = key.strip(')').split('(')
                key = sline[0]
                options = sline[1].split(',')

                # handle TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) and TEMPERATURE(LOAD) cards
                if key in ['TEMPERATURE', 'TEMP']:
                    option = options[0]
                    if option == '':
                        option = 'BOTH'
                    key = 'TEMPERATURE'
                    options = [option]
                #print("key=%r options=%s" %(key,options))

            #elif ' ' in key and ',' in value:  # SET-type
                #(key, ID) = key.split()
                #key = key + ' ' + ID

                #if self.debug:
                    #self.log.debug('SET-type key=%r ID=%r' % (key, ID))
                #fivalues = value.rstrip(' ,').split(',')  # float/int values

                ##: .. todo:: should be more efficient multiline reader...
                ## read more lines....
                #if line[-1].strip() == ',':
                    #i += 1
                    ##print("rawSETLine = %r" % (lines[i]))
                    #while 1:
                        #if ',' == lines[i].strip()[-1]:
                            #fivalues += lines[i][:-1].split(',')
                        #else:  # last case
                            #fivalues += lines[i].split(',')
                            ##print("fivalues last = i=%s %r" % (i, lines[i]))
                            #i += 1
                        #i += 1
                ##print("len(fivalues) = ",len(fivalues))
                #value = fivalues

                #options = ID  # needed a place to put it...
                #param_type = 'SET-type'
            elif ',' in value:  # STRESS-type; special TITLE = stuffA,stuffB
                #print('A ??? line = ',line)
                #raise RuntimeError(line)
            else:  # STRESS-type; TITLE = stuff
                #print('B ??? line = ',line)
                if key in ['TEMPERATURE', 'TEMP']:
                    assert len(options) == 0, options
                    key = 'TEMPERATURE'
                    options = ['BOTH']

            key = update_param_name(key.strip().upper())
            verify_card(key, value, options, line)
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        elif equals_count > 2 and '(' in line and 'FLSPOUT' not in line:
            #print('****', lines)
            assert len(lines) == 1, lines
            line = lines[0]
                key, value_options = line.split('(', 1)
            except ValueError:
                msg = 'Expected a "(", but did not find one.\n'
                msg += 'Looking for something of the form:\n'
                msg += '   GROUNDCHECK(PRINT,SET=(G,N,N+AUTOSPC,F,A),DATAREC=NO)=YES\n'
                msg += '%r' % line
                raise ValueError(msg)

                options_paren, value = value_options.rsplit('=', 1)
            except ValueError:
                msg = 'Expected a "=", but did not find one.\n'
                msg += 'Looking for something of the form:\n'
                msg += '   GROUNDCHECK(PRINT,SET=(G,N,N+AUTOSPC,F,A),DATAREC=NO)=YES\n'
                msg += 'value_options=%r\n' % value_options
                msg += '%r' % line
                raise ValueError(msg)
            options_paren = options_paren.strip()

            value = value.strip()
            if value.isdigit():
                value = int(value)
            if not options_paren.endswith(')'):
                raise RuntimeError(line)
            str_options = options_paren[:-1]

            if '(' in str_options:
                options_start = []
                options_end = []
                icomma = str_options.index(',')
                iparen = str_options.index('(')
                #print('icomma=%s iparen=%s' % (icomma, iparen))
                while icomma < iparen:
                    base, str_options = str_options.split(',', 1)
                    str_options = str_options.strip()
                    icomma = str_options.index(',')
                    iparen = str_options.index('(')
                    #print('  icomma=%s iparen=%s' % (icomma, iparen))
                    #print('  options_start=%s' % options_start)

                icomma = str_options.rindex(',')
                iparen = str_options.rindex(')')
                #print('icomma=%s iparen=%s' % (icomma, iparen))
                while icomma > iparen:
                    str_options, end = str_options.rsplit(')', 1)
                    str_options = str_options.strip() + ')'
                    #print('  str_options = %r' % str_options)
                    icomma = str_options.rindex(',')
                    iparen = str_options.rindex(')')
                    options_end.append(end.strip(' ,'))
                    #print('  icomma=%s iparen=%s' % (icomma, iparen))
                    #print('  options_end=%s' % options_end[::-1])

                #print('options_start=%s' % options_start)
                #print('options_end=%s' % options_end)
                #print('leftover = %r' % str_options)
                options = options_start + [str_options] + options_end[::-1]

                options = str_options.split(',')
            param_type = 'STRESS-type'
            key = key.upper()
            #print('options =', options)
        elif line_upper.startswith('BEGIN'):  # begin bulk
                (key, value) = line_upper.split(' ')
                msg = 'excepted "BEGIN BULK" found=%r' % line
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            key = key.upper()
            param_type = 'BEGIN_BULK-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        elif 'PARAM' in line_upper:  # param
            if ',' in line_upper:
                sline = line_upper.split(',')
            elif '\t' in line_upper:
                sline = line_upper.split('\t')
                raise SyntaxError("trying to parse %r..." % line)

            if len(sline) != 3:
                raise SyntaxError("trying to parse %r..." % line)
            (key, value, options) = sline
            param_type = 'CSV-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        elif ' ' not in line:
            key = line.strip().upper()
            value = line.strip()
            options = None
            param_type = 'KEY-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
            msg = 'generic catch all...line=%r' % line
            key = ''
            value = line
            options = None
            param_type = 'KEY-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        i += 1
        assert key.upper() == key, 'key=%s param_type=%s' % (key, param_type)

        return (i, key, value, options, param_type)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _parse_entry(self, lines):
        Internal method for parsing a card of the case control deck

        Parses a single case control deck card into 4 sections

        1.  paramName - obvious
        2.  Value     - still kind of obvious
        3.  options   - rarely used data
        4.  paramType - STRESS-type, SUBCASE-type, PARAM-type, SET-type, BEGIN_BULK-type

        It's easier with examples:

        paramType = SUBCASE-type
          SUBCASE 1              ->   paramName=SUBCASE  value=1            options=[]
        paramType = STRESS-type
          STRESS       = ALL     ->   paramName=STRESS    value=ALL         options=[]
          STRAIN(PLOT) = 5       ->   paramName=STRAIN    value=5           options=[PLOT]
          TITLE        = stuff   ->   paramName=TITLE     value=stuff       options=[]
        paramType = SET-type
          SET 1 = 10,20,30       ->   paramName=SET       value=[10,20,30]  options = 1
        paramType = BEGIN_BULK-type
          BEGIN BULK             ->   paramName=BEGIN     value=BULK        options = []
        paramType = CSV-type
          PARAM,FIXEDB,-1        ->   paramName=PARAM     value=FIXEDB      options = [-1]

        The paramType is the "macro" form of the data (similar to integer, float, string).
        The value is generally whats on the RHS of the equals sign (assuming it's there).
        Options are modifiers on the data.  Form things like the PARAM card or the SET card
        they arent as clear, but the paramType lets the program know how to format it
        when writing it out.

        lines : List[str, str, ...]
            list of lines

        paramName : str
            see brief
        value : List[...]
            see brief
        options : List[str/int/float]
            see brief
        paramType : str/int/float/List
            see brief
        i = 0
        options = []
        value = None
        key = None
        param_type = None

        line = lines[i]
        #print("*****lines = ", lines)

        equals_count = 0
        for letter in line:
            if letter == '=':
                equals_count += 1
        line_upper = line.upper()

        #print("line_upper = %r" % line)
        #print('  equals_count = %s' % equals_count)
        if line_upper.startswith('SUBCASE'):
            #print("line = %r" % line)
            line2 = line.replace('=', '')
            sline = line2.split()
            if len(sline) != 2:
                msg = "trying to parse %r..." % line
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            (key, param_type) = sline
            key = key.upper()

            #print("key=%r isubcase=%r" % (key, isubcase))
            value = int(param_type)
            #self.isubcase = int(isubcase)
            param_type = 'SUBCASE-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key

        elif line_upper.startswith(
            ('LABEL', 'SUBT', 'TITL')):  # SUBTITLE/TITLE
                eindex = line.index('=')
                msg = "cannot find an = sign in LABEL/SUBTITLE/TITLE line\n"
                msg += "line = %r" % line_upper.strip()
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            key = line_upper[0:eindex].strip()
            value = line[eindex + 1:].strip()
            options = []
            param_type = 'STRING-type'
        elif (line_upper.startswith('SET ')
              or line_upper.startswith('SETMC ') and equals_count == 1):
            # would have been caught by STRESS-type
            sline = line_upper.split('=')
            assert len(sline) == 2, sline

            key, value = sline
                (key, ID) = key.split()
                raise RuntimeError(key)
            key = key + ' ' + ID

            assert key.upper() == key, key
            options = int(ID)

            if self.debug:
                self.log.debug('SET-type key=%r ID=%r' % (key, ID))
            fivalues = value.rstrip(' ,').split(',')  # float/int values

            #: .. todo:: should be more efficient multiline reader...
            # read more lines....
            if line[-1].strip() == ',':
                i += 1
                #print("rawSETLine = %r" % (lines[i]))
                while 1:
                    if lines[i].strip()[-1] == ',':
                        fivalues += lines[i][:-1].split(',')
                    else:  # last case
                        fivalues += lines[i].split(',')
                        #print("fivalues last = i=%s %r" % (i, lines[i]))
                        i += 1
                    i += 1
            #print("len(fivalues) = ",len(fivalues))
            value = fivalues
            param_type = 'SET-type'

        elif equals_count == 1:  # STRESS
            if '=' in line:
                (key, value) = line_upper.strip().split('=')
                msg = 'expected item of form "name = value"   line=%r' % line.strip(
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            key = key.strip().upper()
            value = value.strip()
            if self.debug:
                self.log.debug("key=%r value=%r" % (key, value))
            param_type = 'STRESS-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key

            if '(' in key:  # comma may be in line - STRESS-type
                #paramType = 'STRESS-type'
                sline = key.strip(')').split('(')
                key = sline[0]
                options = sline[1].split(',')

                # handle TEMPERATURE(INITIAL) and TEMPERATURE(LOAD) cards
                if key in ['TEMPERATURE', 'TEMP']:
                    option = options[0]
                    if option == '':
                        option = 'BOTH'
                    key = 'TEMPERATURE'
                    options = [option]
                #print("key=%r options=%s" %(key,options))

            #elif ' ' in key and ',' in value:  # SET-type
            #(key, ID) = key.split()
            #key = key + ' ' + ID

            #if self.debug:
            #self.log.debug('SET-type key=%r ID=%r' % (key, ID))
            #fivalues = value.rstrip(' ,').split(',')  # float/int values

            ##: .. todo:: should be more efficient multiline reader...
            ## read more lines....
            #if line[-1].strip() == ',':
            #i += 1
            ##print("rawSETLine = %r" % (lines[i]))
            #while 1:
            #if ',' == lines[i].strip()[-1]:
            #fivalues += lines[i][:-1].split(',')
            #else:  # last case
            #fivalues += lines[i].split(',')
            ##print("fivalues last = i=%s %r" % (i, lines[i]))
            #i += 1
            #i += 1
            ##print("len(fivalues) = ",len(fivalues))
            #value = fivalues

            #options = ID  # needed a place to put it...
            #param_type = 'SET-type'
            elif ',' in value:  # STRESS-type; special TITLE = stuffA,stuffB
                #print('A ??? line = ',line)
                #raise RuntimeError(line)
            else:  # STRESS-type; TITLE = stuff
                #print('B ??? line = ',line)
                if key in ['TEMPERATURE', 'TEMP']:
                    assert len(options) == 0, options
                    key = 'TEMPERATURE'
                    options = ['BOTH']

            key = update_param_name(key.strip().upper())
            verify_card(key, value, options, line)
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        elif equals_count > 2 and '(' in line and 'FLSPOUT' not in line:
            #print('****', lines)
            assert len(lines) == 1, lines
            line = lines[0]
                key, value_options = line.split('(', 1)
            except ValueError:
                msg = 'Expected a "(", but did not find one.\n'
                msg += 'Looking for something of the form:\n'
                msg += '   GROUNDCHECK(PRINT,SET=(G,N,N+AUTOSPC,F,A),DATAREC=NO)=YES\n'
                msg += '%r' % line
                raise ValueError(msg)

                options_paren, value = value_options.rsplit('=', 1)
            except ValueError:
                msg = 'Expected a "=", but did not find one.\n'
                msg += 'Looking for something of the form:\n'
                msg += '   GROUNDCHECK(PRINT,SET=(G,N,N+AUTOSPC,F,A),DATAREC=NO)=YES\n'
                msg += 'value_options=%r\n' % value_options
                msg += '%r' % line
                raise ValueError(msg)
            options_paren = options_paren.strip()

            value = value.strip()
            if value.isdigit():
                value = int(value)
            if not options_paren.endswith(')'):
                raise RuntimeError(line)
            str_options = options_paren[:-1]

            if '(' in str_options:
                options_start = []
                options_end = []
                icomma = str_options.index(',')
                iparen = str_options.index('(')
                #print('icomma=%s iparen=%s' % (icomma, iparen))
                while icomma < iparen:
                    base, str_options = str_options.split(',', 1)
                    str_options = str_options.strip()
                    icomma = str_options.index(',')
                    iparen = str_options.index('(')
                    #print('  icomma=%s iparen=%s' % (icomma, iparen))
                    #print('  options_start=%s' % options_start)

                icomma = str_options.rindex(',')
                iparen = str_options.rindex(')')
                #print('icomma=%s iparen=%s' % (icomma, iparen))
                while icomma > iparen:
                    str_options, end = str_options.rsplit(')', 1)
                    str_options = str_options.strip() + ')'
                    #print('  str_options = %r' % str_options)
                    icomma = str_options.rindex(',')
                    iparen = str_options.rindex(')')
                    options_end.append(end.strip(' ,'))
                    #print('  icomma=%s iparen=%s' % (icomma, iparen))
                    #print('  options_end=%s' % options_end[::-1])

                #print('options_start=%s' % options_start)
                #print('options_end=%s' % options_end)
                #print('leftover = %r' % str_options)
                options = options_start + [str_options] + options_end[::-1]

                options = str_options.split(',')
            param_type = 'STRESS-type'
            key = key.upper()
            #print('options =', options)
        elif line_upper.startswith('BEGIN'):  # begin bulk
                (key, value) = line_upper.split(' ')
                msg = 'excepted "BEGIN BULK" found=%r' % line
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            key = key.upper()
            param_type = 'BEGIN_BULK-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        elif 'PARAM' in line_upper:  # param
            if ',' in line_upper:
                sline = line_upper.split(',')
            elif '\t' in line_upper:
                sline = line_upper.split('\t')
                raise SyntaxError("trying to parse %r..." % line)

            if len(sline) != 3:
                raise SyntaxError("trying to parse %r..." % line)
            (key, value, options) = sline
            param_type = 'CSV-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        elif ' ' not in line:
            key = line.strip().upper()
            value = line.strip()
            options = None
            param_type = 'KEY-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
            msg = 'generic catch all...line=%r' % line
            key = ''
            value = line
            options = None
            param_type = 'KEY-type'
            assert key.upper() == key, key
        i += 1
        assert key.upper() == key, 'key=%s param_type=%s' % (key, param_type)

        return (i, key, value, options, param_type)