Exemplo n.º 1
def test_eval_very_convoluted_function_result():
    The result of this call is a highly nested data structure.
    Have fun on evaluation it!
    res = conn.r('x<-1:20; y<-x*2; lm(y~x)')
    assert res.__class__ == TaggedList
    # check which tags the TaggedList has:
    assert res.keys == ['coefficients', 'residuals', 'effects', 'rank',
                        'fitted.values', 'assign', 'qr', 'df.residual',
                        'xlevels', 'call', 'terms', 'model']
    assert compareArrays(res['coefficients'],
                         TaggedArray.new(numpy.array([-0.,  2.]),
                                         ['(Intercept)', 'x']))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_eval_very_convoluted_function_result():
    The result of this call is a highly nested data structure.
    Have fun on evaluation it!
    res = conn.r('x<-1:20; y<-x*2; lm(y~x)')
    assert res.__class__ == TaggedList
    # check which tags the TaggedList has:
    assert res.keys == [
        'coefficients', 'residuals', 'effects', 'rank', 'fitted.values',
        'assign', 'qr', 'df.residual', 'xlevels', 'call', 'terms', 'model'
    assert compareArrays(
        TaggedArray.new(numpy.array([-0., 2.]), ['(Intercept)', 'x']))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_tagged_array():
    res = conn.r('c(a=1.,b=2.,c=3.)')
    exp_res = TaggedArray.new(numpy.array([1., 2., 3.]), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
    assert compareArrays(res, exp_res)
    assert res.keys() == exp_res.keys()  # compare the tags of both arrays
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_tagged_array():
    res = conn.r('c(a=1.,b=2.,c=3.)')
    exp_res = TaggedArray.new(numpy.array([1., 2., 3.]), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
    assert compareArrays(res, exp_res)
    assert res.keys() == exp_res.keys()  # compare the tags of both arrays