Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_real_to_compound_illegal(self):
     num_elems = (3, 5)
     r_vals = np.random.random(size=num_elems)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         _ = dtype_utils.stack_real_to_compound(r_vals, np.float32)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         _ = dtype_utils.stack_real_to_compound(r_vals, struc_dtype)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_nd_h5_illegal(self):
        with h5py.File(file_path, mode='r') as h5_f:
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                _ = dtype_utils.stack_real_to_compound(h5_f['compound'], struc_dtype)

            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                _ = dtype_utils.stack_real_to_compound(h5_f['complex'], struc_dtype)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _reformat_results(self, results, strategy='BE_LOOP'):
        Reformat loop fit results to target compound dataset

        results : list
            list of loop fit / guess results objects
        strategy : string / unicode (optional)
            Name of the computational strategy
        verbose : Boolean (optional)
            Whether or not to print debugging statements

        temp : 1D compound array
            An array of the loop parameters in the target compound datatype
        if self._verbose:
            print('Strategy to use: {}'.format(strategy))
        # Create an empty array to store the guess parameters
        if self._verbose:
            print('Raw results and compound Loop vector of shape {}'.format(len(results)))

        if strategy in ['BE_LOOP']:
            temp = np.array([np.hstack([result.x, result.fun]) for result in results])
            temp = stack_real_to_compound(temp, loop_fit32)
        return temp
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_1d_list(self):
     num_elems = 5
     structured_array = np.zeros(shape=num_elems, dtype=struc_dtype)
     structured_array['r'] = r_vals = np.random.random(size=num_elems)
     structured_array['g'] = g_vals = np.random.randint(0, high=1024, size=num_elems)
     structured_array['b'] = b_vals = np.random.random(size=num_elems)
     real_val = np.concatenate((r_vals, g_vals, b_vals))
     actual = dtype_utils.stack_real_to_compound(list(real_val), struc_dtype)
     self.assertTrue(compare_structured_arrays(actual, structured_array))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def base_nd_h5_legal(self, lazy):
     with h5py.File(file_path, mode='r') as h5_f:
         h5_real = h5_f['real2']
         structured_array = np.zeros(shape=list(h5_real.shape)[:-1] + [h5_real.shape[-1] // len(struc_dtype.names)],
         for name_ind, name in enumerate(struc_dtype.names):
             i_start = name_ind * structured_array.shape[-1]
             i_end = (name_ind + 1) * structured_array.shape[-1]
             structured_array[name] = h5_real[..., i_start:i_end]
         actual = dtype_utils.stack_real_to_compound(h5_real, struc_dtype, lazy=lazy)
         if lazy:
             self.assertIsInstance(actual, da.core.Array)
             actual = actual.compute()
         self.assertTrue(compare_structured_arrays(actual, structured_array))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def base_nd(self, in_lazy, out_lazy):
     num_elems = (2, 3, 5, 7)
     structured_array = np.zeros(shape=num_elems, dtype=struc_dtype)
     structured_array['r'] = r_vals = np.random.random(size=num_elems)
     structured_array['g'] = g_vals = np.random.randint(0, high=1024, size=num_elems)
     structured_array['b'] = b_vals = np.random.random(size=num_elems)
     real_val = np.concatenate((r_vals, g_vals, b_vals), axis=len(num_elems) - 1)
     if in_lazy:
         real_val = da.from_array(real_val, chunks=real_val.shape)
     actual = dtype_utils.stack_real_to_compound(real_val, struc_dtype, lazy=out_lazy)
     if out_lazy:
         self.assertIsInstance(actual, da.core.Array)
         actual = actual.compute()
     self.assertTrue(compare_structured_arrays(actual, structured_array))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _write_results_chunk(self):
        Writes data chunks back to the h5 file

        if self.verbose:
                'Rank {} - Started accumulating results for this chunk'.format(

        num_pixels = len(self.forward_results)
        cap_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, 2), dtype=np.float32)
        r_inf_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, self.num_x_steps), dtype=np.float32)
        r_var_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, self.num_x_steps), dtype=np.float32)
        i_cor_sin_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, self.single_ao.size),

        for pix_ind, i_meas, forw_results, rev_results in zip(
                range(num_pixels), self.data, self.forward_results,
            full_results = dict()
            for item in ['cValue']:
                full_results[item] = np.hstack(
                    (forw_results[item], rev_results[item]))
                # print(item, full_results[item].shape)

            # Capacitance is always doubled - halve it now (locally):
            # full_results['cValue'] *= 0.5
            cap_val = np.mean(full_results['cValue']) * 0.5

            # Compensating the resistance..
            omega = 2 * np.pi * self.ex_freq
            i_cap = cap_val * omega * self.rolled_bias
            i_cap = cap_val * self.dvdt
            i_extra = self.r_extra * 2 * cap_val * self.single_ao
            i_corr_sine = i_meas - i_cap - i_extra

            # Equivalent to flipping the X:
            rev_results['x'] *= -1

            # Stacking the results - no flipping required for reverse:
            for item in ['x', 'mR', 'vR']:
                full_results[item] = np.hstack(
                    (forw_results[item], rev_results[item]))

            i_cor_sin_mat[pix_ind] = i_corr_sine
            cap_mat[pix_ind] = full_results[
                'cValue'] * 1000  # convert from nF to pF
            r_inf_mat[pix_ind] = full_results['mR']
            r_var_mat[pix_ind] = full_results['vR']

        # Now write to h5 files:
        if self.verbose:
                'Rank {} - Finished accumulating results. Writing results of chunk to h5'

        if self.__first_batch:
            self.h5_new_spec_vals[0, :] = full_results[
                'x']  # Technically this needs to only be done once
            self.__first_batch = False

        # Get access to the private variable:
        pos_in_batch = self._get_pixels_in_current_batch()

        self.h5_cap[pos_in_batch, :] = np.atleast_2d(
            stack_real_to_compound(cap_mat, cap_dtype)).T
        self.h5_variance[pos_in_batch, :] = r_var_mat
        self.h5_resistance[pos_in_batch, :] = r_inf_mat
        self.h5_i_corrected[pos_in_batch, :] = i_cor_sin_mat
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _guess_loops(vdc_vec, projected_loops_2d):
        Provides loop parameter guesses for a given set of loops

        vdc_vec : 1D numpy float numpy array
            DC voltage offsets for the loops
        projected_loops_2d : 2D numpy float array
            Projected loops arranged as [instance or position x dc voltage steps]

        guess_parms : 1D compound numpy array
            Loop parameter guesses for the provided projected loops

        def _loop_fit_tree(tree, guess_mat, fit_results, vdc_shifted, shift_ind):
            Recursive function that fits a tree object describing the cluster results

            tree : ClusterTree object
                Tree describing the clustering results
            guess_mat : 1D numpy float array
                Loop parameters that serve as guesses for the loops in the tree
            fit_results : 1D numpy float array
                Loop parameters that serve as fits for the loops in the tree
            vdc_shifted : 1D numpy float array
                DC voltages shifted be 1/4 cycle
            shift_ind : unsigned int
                Number of units to shift loops by

            guess_mat : 1D numpy float array
                Loop parameters that serve as guesses for the loops in the tree
            fit_results : 1D numpy float array
                Loop parameters that serve as fits for the loops in the tree
            # print('Now fitting cluster #{}'.format(tree.name))
            # I already have a guess. Now fit myself
            curr_fit_results = fit_loop(vdc_shifted, np.roll(tree.value, shift_ind), guess_mat[tree.name])
            # keep all the fit results
            fit_results[tree.name] = curr_fit_results
            for child in tree.children:
                # Use my fit as a guess for the lower layers:
                guess_mat[child.name] = curr_fit_results[0].x
                # Fit this child:
                guess_mat, fit_mat = _loop_fit_tree(child, guess_mat, fit_results, vdc_shifted, shift_ind)
            return guess_mat, fit_results

        num_clusters = max(2, int(projected_loops_2d.shape[0] ** 0.5))  # change this to 0.6 if necessary
        estimators = KMeans(num_clusters)
        results = estimators.fit(projected_loops_2d)
        centroids = results.cluster_centers_
        labels = results.labels_

        # Get the distance between cluster means
        distance_mat = pdist(centroids)
        # get hierarchical pairings of clusters
        linkage_pairing = linkage(distance_mat, 'weighted')
        # Normalize the pairwise distance with the maximum distance
        linkage_pairing[:, 2] = linkage_pairing[:, 2] / max(linkage_pairing[:, 2])

        # Now use the tree class:
        cluster_tree = ClusterTree(linkage_pairing[:, :2], labels,
                                   distances=linkage_pairing[:, 2],
        num_nodes = len(cluster_tree.nodes)

        # prepare the guess and fit matrices
        loop_guess_mat = np.zeros(shape=(num_nodes, 9), dtype=np.float32)
        # loop_fit_mat = np.zeros(shape=loop_guess_mat.shape, dtype=loop_guess_mat.dtype)
        loop_fit_results = list(np.arange(num_nodes, dtype=np.uint16))  # temporary placeholder

        shift_ind, vdc_shifted = BELoopFitter.shift_vdc(vdc_vec)

        # guess the top (or last) node
        loop_guess_mat[-1] = generate_guess(vdc_vec, cluster_tree.tree.value)

        # Now guess the rest of the tree
        loop_guess_mat, loop_fit_results = _loop_fit_tree(cluster_tree.tree, loop_guess_mat, loop_fit_results,
                                                          vdc_shifted, shift_ind)

        # Prepare guesses for each pixel using the fit of the cluster it belongs to:
        guess_parms = np.zeros(shape=projected_loops_2d.shape[0], dtype=loop_fit32)
        for clust_id in range(num_clusters):
            pix_inds = np.where(labels == clust_id)[0]
            temp = np.atleast_2d(loop_fit_results[clust_id][0].x)
            # convert to the appropriate dtype as well:
            r2 = 1 - np.sum(np.abs(loop_fit_results[clust_id][0].fun ** 2))
            guess_parms[pix_inds] = stack_real_to_compound(np.hstack([temp, np.atleast_2d(r2)]), loop_fit32)

        return guess_parms
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _write_results_chunk(self):
        Writes data chunks back to the h5 file

        #if self.verbose:
        #    print('Rank {} - Started accumulating results for this chunk'.format(self.mpi_rank))

        num_pixels = len(self.forward_results)
        cap_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, 2), dtype=np.float32)
        r_inf_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, self.num_x_steps), dtype=np.float32)
        r_var_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, self.num_x_steps), dtype=np.float32)
        i_cor_sin_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, self.single_ao.size),

        for pix_ind, i_meas, forw_results, rev_results in zip(
                range(num_pixels), self.data, self.forward_results,
            full_results = dict()
            for item in ['cValue']:
                full_results[item] = np.hstack(
                    (forw_results[item], rev_results[item]))
                # print(item, full_results[item].shape)

            # Capacitance is always doubled - halve it now (locally):
            # full_results['cValue'] *= 0.5
            cap_val = np.mean(full_results['cValue']) * 0.5

            # Compensating the resistance..
            omega = 2 * np.pi * self.ex_freq
            i_cap = cap_val * omega * self.rolled_bias
            i_cap = cap_val * self.dvdt
            i_extra = self.r_extra * 2 * cap_val * self.single_ao
            i_corr_sine = i_meas - i_cap - i_extra

            # Equivalent to flipping the X:
            rev_results['x'] *= -1

            # Stacking the results - no flipping required for reverse:
            for item in ['x', 'mR', 'vR']:
                full_results[item] = np.hstack(
                    (forw_results[item], rev_results[item]))

            i_cor_sin_mat[pix_ind] = i_corr_sine
            cap_mat[pix_ind] = full_results[
                'cValue'] * 1000  # convert from nF to pF
            r_inf_mat[pix_ind] = full_results['mR']
            r_var_mat[pix_ind] = full_results['vR']

        # Now write to h5 files:
        if self.verbose:
                'Rank {} - Finished accumulating results. Writing results of chunk to h5'

        if self._start_pos == 0:
            self.h5_new_spec_vals[0, :] = full_results[
                'x']  # Technically this needs to only be done once

        pos_slice = slice(self._start_pos, self._end_pos)
        self.h5_cap[pos_slice] = np.atleast_2d(
            stack_real_to_compound(cap_mat, cap_dtype)).T
        self.h5_variance[pos_slice] = r_var_mat
        self.h5_resistance[pos_slice] = r_inf_mat
        self.h5_i_corrected[pos_slice] = i_cor_sin_mat

        # Leaving in this provision that will allow restarting of processes
        self.h5_results_grp.attrs['last_pixel'] = self._end_pos

        # Disabling flush because h5py-parallel doesn't like it
        # self.h5_main.file.flush()

        print('Rank {} - Finished processing up to pixel {} of {}'
              '.'.format(self.mpi_rank, self._end_pos, self._rank_end_pos))

        # Now update the start position
        self._start_pos = self._end_pos
Exemplo n.º 10
def fit_atom_positions_dset(h5_grp, fitting_parms=None, num_cores=None):
    A temporary substitute for a full-fledged process class.
    Computes the guess and fit coefficients for the provided atom guess positions and writes these results to the
    given h5 group


    h5_grp : h5py.Group reference
        Group containing the atom guess positions, cropped clean image and some necessary parameters
    fitting_parms : dictionary
        Parameters used for atom position fitting
    num_cores : unsigned int (Optional. Default = available logical cores - 2)
        Number of cores to compute with

    h5_grp : h5py.Group reference
        Same group as the parameter but now with the 'Guess' and 'Fit' datasets

    cropped_clean_image = h5_grp['Cropped_Clean_Image'][()]
    h5_guess = h5_grp['Guess_Positions']
    all_atom_guesses = np.transpose(np.vstack((h5_guess['x'], h5_guess['y'])))  # leave out the atom type for now
    win_size = h5_grp.attrs['motif_win_size']
    psf_width = h5_grp.attrs['psf_width']

    num_atoms = all_atom_guesses.shape[0]  # number of atoms

    # build distance matrix
    pos_vec = all_atom_guesses[:, 0] + 1j * all_atom_guesses[:, 1]

    pos_mat1 = np.tile(np.transpose(np.atleast_2d(pos_vec)), [1, num_atoms])
    pos_mat2 = np.transpose(pos_mat1)
    d_mat = np.abs(pos_mat2 - pos_mat1)  # matrix of distances between all atoms
    # sort the distance matrix and keep only the atoms within the nearest neighbor limit
    neighbor_dist_order = np.argsort(d_mat)

    if fitting_parms is None:
        num_nearest_neighbors = 6  # to consider when fitting
        fitting_parms = {'fit_region_size': win_size * 0.80,  # region to consider when fitting
                         'gauss_width_guess': psf_width * 2,
                         'num_nearest_neighbors': num_nearest_neighbors,
                         'min_amplitude': 0,  # min amplitude limit for gauss fit
                         'max_amplitude': 2,  # max amplitude limit for gauss fit
                         'position_range': win_size / 2,
                         # range that the fitted position can go from initial guess position[pixels]
                         'max_function_evals': 100,
                         'min_gauss_width_ratio': 0.5,  # min width of gauss fit ratio,
                         'max_gauss_width_ratio': 2,  # max width of gauss fit ratio
                         'fitting_tolerance': 1E-4}

    num_nearest_neighbors = fitting_parms['num_nearest_neighbors']

    # neighbor dist order has the (indices of the) neighbors for each atom sorted by distance
    closest_neighbors_mat = neighbor_dist_order[:, 1:num_nearest_neighbors + 1]

    parm_dict = {'atom_pos_guess': all_atom_guesses,
                 'nearest_neighbors': closest_neighbors_mat,
                 'cropped_cleaned_image': cropped_clean_image}

    # do the parallel fitting
    fitting_results = fit_atom_positions_parallel(parm_dict, fitting_parms, num_cores=num_cores)

    # Make datasets to write back to file:
    guess_parms = np.zeros(shape=(num_atoms, num_nearest_neighbors + 1), dtype=atom_coeff_dtype)
    fit_parms = np.zeros(shape=guess_parms.shape, dtype=guess_parms.dtype)

    for atom_ind, single_atom_results in enumerate(fitting_results):
        guess_coeff, fit_coeff = single_atom_results
        num_neighbors_used = guess_coeff.shape[0]
        guess_parms[atom_ind, :num_neighbors_used] = np.squeeze(stack_real_to_compound(guess_coeff, guess_parms.dtype))
        fit_parms[atom_ind, :num_neighbors_used] = np.squeeze(stack_real_to_compound(fit_coeff, guess_parms.dtype))

    ds_atom_guesses = VirtualDataset('Guess', data=guess_parms)
    ds_atom_fits = VirtualDataset('Fit', data=fit_parms)
    dgrp_atom_finding = VirtualGroup(h5_grp.name.split('/')[-1], parent=h5_grp.parent.name)
    dgrp_atom_finding.attrs = fitting_parms
    dgrp_atom_finding.add_children([ds_atom_guesses, ds_atom_fits])

    hdf = HDFwriter(h5_grp.file)
    h5_atom_refs = hdf.write(dgrp_atom_finding)
    return h5_grp
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _calc_sho(self,
        Build the SHO dataset from the coefficient matrices

        coef_OF_mat : numpy.ndarray
            Out-of-field coefficients
        coef_IF_mat : numpy.ndarray
            In-field coefficients
        amp_noise : float
            Noise factor for amplitude parameter
        phase_noise : float
            Noise factor for phase parameter
        q_noise : float
            Noise factor for Q-value parameter
        resp_noise : float
            Noide factor for w0 parameter


        # TODO: Fix sho parameter generation
        vdc_vec = self.h5_sho_spec_vals[
        sho_field = self.h5_sho_spec_vals[
        sho_of_inds = sho_field == 0
        sho_if_inds = sho_field == 1
        # determine how many pixels can be read at once
        mem_per_pix = vdc_vec.size * np.float32(0).itemsize
        free_mem = self.max_ram - vdc_vec.size * vdc_vec.dtype.itemsize * 6
        batch_size = int(free_mem / mem_per_pix)
        batches = gen_batches(self.n_pixels, batch_size)

        for pix_batch in batches:
            R_OF = np.array([
                loop_fit_function(vdc_vec[sho_of_inds], coef)
                for coef in coef_OF_mat[pix_batch]
            R_IF = np.array([
                loop_fit_function(vdc_vec[sho_if_inds], coef)
                for coef in coef_IF_mat[pix_batch]
            R_mat = np.hstack([R_IF[:, np.newaxis, :], R_OF[:, np.newaxis, :]])
            R_mat = np.rollaxis(R_mat, 1,
                                R_mat.ndim).reshape(R_mat.shape[0], -1)

            del R_OF, R_IF

            amp = np.abs(R_mat)
            resp = coef_OF_mat[pix_batch, 9, None] * np.ones_like(R_mat)
            q_val = coef_OF_mat[pix_batch, 10, None] * np.ones_like(R_mat) * 10
            phase = np.sign(R_mat) * np.pi / 2

            self.h5_sho_fit[pix_batch, :] = stack_real_to_compound(
                np.hstack([amp, resp, q_val, phase,
                           np.ones_like(R_mat)]), sho32)

            self.h5_sho_guess[pix_batch, :] = stack_real_to_compound(
                    amp * get_noise_vec(self.n_sho_bins, amp_noise),
                    resp * get_noise_vec(self.n_sho_bins, resp_noise),
                    q_val * get_noise_vec(self.n_sho_bins, q_noise),
                    phase * get_noise_vec(self.n_sho_bins, phase_noise),
                ]), sho32)


Exemplo n.º 12
    def translate(self,
                  mode='DC modulation mode',
                  field_mode='in and out-of-field',

        h5_path : str
            Desired path to write the new HDF5 file
        n_steps : uint, optional
            Number of voltage steps
            Default - 32
        n_bins : uint, optional
            Number of frequency bins
            Default - 37
        start_freq : float, optional
            Starting frequency in Hz
            Default - 300E+3
        end_freq : float, optional
            Final freqency in Hz
            Default - 350E+3
        data_type : str, optional
            Type of data to generate
            Options -  'BEPSData', 'BELineData'
            Default - 'BEPSData'
        mode  : str, optional
            Modulation mode to use when generating the data.
            Options - 'DC modulation mode', 'AC modulation mode'
            Default - 'DC modulation mode'
        field_mode : str, optional
            Field mode
            Options - 'in-field', 'out-of-field', 'in and out-of-field'
            Default - 'in and out-of-field'
        n_cycles : uint, optional
            Number of cycles
            Default - 1
        FORC_cycles : uint, optional
            Number of FORC cycles
            Default - 1
        FORC_repeats : uint, optional
            Number of FORC repeats
            Default - 1
        loop_a : float, optional
            Loop coefficient a
            Default - 1
        loop_b : float, optional
            Loop coefficient b
        cycle_frac : str
            Cycle fraction parameter.
            Default - 'full'
        image_folder : str
            Path to the images that will be used to generate the loop coefficients.  There must be 11 images named
            '1.tif', '2.tif', ..., '11.tif'
            Default - pycroscopy.io.translators.df_utils.beps_gen_utils.beps_image_folder
        bin_factor : array_like of uint, optional
            Downsampling factor for each dimension.  Default is None.
        bin_func : callable, optional
            Function which will be called to calculate the return value
            of each block.  Function must implement an axis parameter,
            i.e. numpy.mean.  Ignored if bin_factor is None.  Default is
        image_type : str
            File extension of images to be read.  Default '.tif'
        simple_coefs : bool
            Should a simpler coefficient generation be used.  Ensures loops, but all loops are identical.
            Default False



        # Setup shared parameters
        self.n_steps = n_steps
        self.n_bins = n_bins
        self.start_freq = start_freq
        self.end_freq = end_freq
        self.n_cycles = n_cycles
        self.forc_cycles = FORC_cycles
        self.forc_repeats = FORC_repeats
        self.loop_a = loop_a
        self.loop_b = loop_b
        self.data_type = data_type
        self.mode = mode
        self.field_mode = field_mode
        self.cycle_fraction = cycle_frac
        self.bin_factor = bin_factor
        self.bin_func = bin_func
        if field_mode == 'in and out-of-field':
            self.n_fields = 2
            self.n_fields = 1
        self.n_loops = FORC_cycles * FORC_repeats * n_cycles * self.n_fields
        self.n_sho_bins = n_steps * self.n_loops
        self.n_spec_bins = n_bins * self.n_sho_bins
        self.h5_path = h5_path
        self.image_ext = image_type
        self.simple_coefs = simple_coefs
        Check if a bin_factor is given.  Set up binning objects if it is.
        if bin_factor is not None:
            self.rebin = True
            if isinstance(bin_factor, int):
                self.bin_factor = (bin_factor, bin_factor)
            elif len(bin_factor) == 2:
                self.bin_factor = tuple(bin_factor)
                raise ValueError(
                    'Input parameter `bin_factor` must be a length 2 array_like or an integer.\n'
                    + '{} was given.'.format(bin_factor))
            self.binning_func = block_reduce
            self.bin_func = bin_func

        images = self._read_data(image_folder)

        data_gen_parms = {
            'N_x': self.N_x,
            'N_y': self.N_y,
            'n_steps;:': n_steps,
            'n_bins': n_bins,
            'start_freq': start_freq,
            'end_freq': end_freq,
            'n_cycles': n_cycles,
            'forc_cycles': FORC_cycles,
            'forc_repeats': FORC_repeats,
            'loop_a': loop_a,
            'loop_b': loop_b,
            'data_type': data_type,
            'VS_mode': mode,
            'field_mode': field_mode,
            'num_udvs_steps': self.n_spec_bins,
            'VS_cycle_fraction': cycle_frac

        # Build the hdf5 file and get the datasets to write the data to

        # Calculate the loop parameters
        coef_mat = self.calc_loop_coef_mat(images)

        # In-and-out of field coefficients
        if field_mode != 'in-field':
            coef_OF_mat = np.copy(coef_mat)
        if field_mode != 'out-of-field':
            coef_IF_mat = np.copy(coef_mat)
            coef_IF_mat[:, 4] -= 0.05

        # Calculate the SHO fit and guess from the loop coefficients
        self._calc_sho(coef_OF_mat, coef_IF_mat)

        # Save the loop guess and fit to file
        coef_OF_mat = np.hstack(
            (coef_OF_mat[:, :9], np.ones([coef_OF_mat.shape[0], 1])))
        coef_IF_mat = np.hstack(
            (coef_IF_mat[:, :9], np.ones([coef_IF_mat.shape[0], 1])))

        coef_mat = np.hstack(
            [coef_IF_mat[:, np.newaxis, :], coef_OF_mat[:, np.newaxis, :]])
        coef_mat = np.rollaxis(coef_mat, 1,
                               coef_mat.ndim).reshape([coef_mat.shape[0], -1])

        self.h5_loop_fit[:] = np.tile(
            stack_real_to_compound(coef_mat, loop_fit32),
            [1, int(self.n_loops / self.n_fields)])

        self.h5_loop_guess[:] = np.tile(
                coef_mat * get_noise_vec(coef_mat.shape, 0.1), loop_fit32),
            [1, int(self.n_loops / self.n_fields)])




        # Test in-field
        # positions = np.random.randint(0, coef_mat.shape[0], 100)
        # for pos in positions:
        #     is_close = np.all(np.isclose(self.h5_loop_fit[pos, 0].tolist(), coef_IF_mat[pos]))
        #     if is_close:
        #         print('Close for {}'.format(pos))
        #     else:
        #         print('Not close for {}'.format(pos))
        #         for h5_coef, coef in zip(self.h5_loop_fit[pos, 0].tolist(), coef_IF_mat[pos]):
        #             print('h5: {}, \t mat: {}'.format(h5_coef, coef))

        # Test out-of-field
        # positions = np.random.randint(0, coef_mat.shape[0], 100)
        # for pos in positions:
        #     is_close = np.all(np.isclose(self.h5_loop_fit[pos, 1].tolist(), coef_OF_mat[pos]))
        #     if is_close:
        #         print('Close for {}'.format(pos))
        #     else:
        #         print('Not close for {}'.format(pos))
        #         for h5_coef, coef in zip(self.h5_loop_fit[pos, 1].tolist(), coef_OF_mat[pos]):
        #             print('h5: {}, \t mat: {}'.format(h5_coef, coef))


        return self.h5_path
Exemplo n.º 13
def fit_atom_positions_dset(h5_grp, fitting_parms=None, num_cores=None):
    A temporary substitute for a full-fledged process class.
    Computes the guess and fit coefficients for the provided atom guess positions and writes these results to the
    given h5 group


    h5_grp : h5py.Group reference
        Group containing the atom guess positions, cropped clean image and some necessary parameters
    fitting_parms : dictionary
        Parameters used for atom position fitting
    num_cores : unsigned int (Optional. Default = available logical cores - 2)
        Number of cores to compute with

    h5_grp : h5py.Group reference
        Same group as the parameter but now with the 'Guess' and 'Fit' datasets

    cropped_clean_image = h5_grp['Cropped_Clean_Image'][()]
    h5_guess = h5_grp['Guess_Positions']
    all_atom_guesses = np.transpose(np.vstack(
        (h5_guess['x'], h5_guess['y'])))  # leave out the atom type for now
    win_size = h5_grp.attrs['motif_win_size']
    psf_width = h5_grp.attrs['psf_width']

    num_atoms = all_atom_guesses.shape[0]  # number of atoms

    # build distance matrix
    pos_vec = all_atom_guesses[:, 0] + 1j * all_atom_guesses[:, 1]

    pos_mat1 = np.tile(np.transpose(np.atleast_2d(pos_vec)), [1, num_atoms])
    pos_mat2 = np.transpose(pos_mat1)
    d_mat = np.abs(pos_mat2 -
                   pos_mat1)  # matrix of distances between all atoms
    # sort the distance matrix and keep only the atoms within the nearest neighbor limit
    neighbor_dist_order = np.argsort(d_mat)

    if fitting_parms is None:
        num_nearest_neighbors = 6  # to consider when fitting
        fitting_parms = {
            win_size * 0.80,  # region to consider when fitting
            'gauss_width_guess': psf_width * 2,
            'num_nearest_neighbors': num_nearest_neighbors,
            'min_amplitude': 0,  # min amplitude limit for gauss fit
            'max_amplitude': 2,  # max amplitude limit for gauss fit
            'position_range': win_size / 2,
            # range that the fitted position can go from initial guess position[pixels]
            'max_function_evals': 100,
            'min_gauss_width_ratio': 0.5,  # min width of gauss fit ratio,
            'max_gauss_width_ratio': 2,  # max width of gauss fit ratio
            'fitting_tolerance': 1E-4

    num_nearest_neighbors = fitting_parms['num_nearest_neighbors']

    # neighbor dist order has the (indices of the) neighbors for each atom sorted by distance
    closest_neighbors_mat = neighbor_dist_order[:, 1:num_nearest_neighbors + 1]

    parm_dict = {
        'atom_pos_guess': all_atom_guesses,
        'nearest_neighbors': closest_neighbors_mat,
        'cropped_cleaned_image': cropped_clean_image

    # do the parallel fitting
    fitting_results = fit_atom_positions_parallel(parm_dict,

    # Make datasets to write back to file:
    guess_parms = np.zeros(shape=(num_atoms, num_nearest_neighbors + 1),
    fit_parms = np.zeros(shape=guess_parms.shape, dtype=guess_parms.dtype)

    for atom_ind, single_atom_results in enumerate(fitting_results):
        guess_coeff, fit_coeff = single_atom_results
        num_neighbors_used = guess_coeff.shape[0]
        guess_parms[atom_ind, :num_neighbors_used] = np.squeeze(
            stack_real_to_compound(guess_coeff, guess_parms.dtype))
        fit_parms[atom_ind, :num_neighbors_used] = np.squeeze(
            stack_real_to_compound(fit_coeff, guess_parms.dtype))

    ds_atom_guesses = VirtualDataset('Guess', data=guess_parms)
    ds_atom_fits = VirtualDataset('Fit', data=fit_parms)
    dgrp_atom_finding = VirtualGroup(h5_grp.name.split('/')[-1],
    dgrp_atom_finding.attrs = fitting_parms
    dgrp_atom_finding.add_children([ds_atom_guesses, ds_atom_fits])

    hdf = HDFwriter(h5_grp.file)
    h5_atom_refs = hdf.write(dgrp_atom_finding)
    return h5_grp
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _calc_sho(self, coef_OF_mat, coef_IF_mat, amp_noise=0.1, phase_noise=0.1, q_noise=0.2, resp_noise=0.01):
        Build the SHO dataset from the coefficient matrices

        coef_OF_mat : numpy.ndarray
            Out-of-field coefficients
        coef_IF_mat : numpy.ndarray
            In-field coefficients
        amp_noise : float
            Noise factor for amplitude parameter
        phase_noise : float
            Noise factor for phase parameter
        q_noise : float
            Noise factor for Q-value parameter
        resp_noise : float
            Noide factor for w0 parameter


        # TODO: Fix sho parameter generation
        vdc_vec = self.h5_sho_spec_vals[self.h5_sho_spec_vals.attrs['DC_Offset']].squeeze()
        sho_field = self.h5_sho_spec_vals[self.h5_sho_spec_vals.attrs['Field']].squeeze()
        sho_of_inds = sho_field == 0
        sho_if_inds = sho_field == 1
        # determine how many pixels can be read at once
        mem_per_pix = vdc_vec.size * np.float32(0).itemsize
        free_mem = self.max_ram - vdc_vec.size * vdc_vec.dtype.itemsize * 6
        batch_size = int(free_mem / mem_per_pix)
        batches = gen_batches(self.n_pixels, batch_size)

        for pix_batch in batches:
            R_OF = np.array([loop_fit_function(vdc_vec[sho_of_inds], coef) for coef in coef_OF_mat[pix_batch]])
            R_IF = np.array([loop_fit_function(vdc_vec[sho_if_inds], coef) for coef in coef_IF_mat[pix_batch]])
            R_mat = np.hstack([R_IF[:, np.newaxis, :], R_OF[:, np.newaxis, :]])
            R_mat = np.rollaxis(R_mat, 1, R_mat.ndim).reshape(R_mat.shape[0], -1)

            del R_OF, R_IF

            amp = np.abs(R_mat)
            resp = coef_OF_mat[pix_batch, 9, None] * np.ones_like(R_mat)
            q_val = coef_OF_mat[pix_batch, 10, None] * np.ones_like(R_mat) * 10
            phase = np.sign(R_mat) * np.pi / 2

            self.h5_sho_fit[pix_batch, :] = stack_real_to_compound(np.hstack([amp,

            self.h5_sho_guess[pix_batch, :] = stack_real_to_compound(np.hstack([amp * get_noise_vec(self.n_sho_bins,
                                                                                resp * get_noise_vec(self.n_sho_bins,
                                                                                q_val * get_noise_vec(self.n_sho_bins,
                                                                                phase * get_noise_vec(self.n_sho_bins,


Exemplo n.º 15
    def translate(self, h5_path, n_steps=32, n_bins=37, start_freq=300E+3, end_freq=350E+3,
                  data_type='BEPSData', mode='DC modulation mode', field_mode='in and out-of-field',
                  n_cycles=1, FORC_cycles=1, FORC_repeats=1, loop_a=1, loop_b=4,
                  cycle_frac='full', image_folder=beps_image_folder, bin_factor=None,
                  bin_func=np.mean, image_type='.tif', simple_coefs=False):

        h5_path : str
            Desired path to write the new HDF5 file
        n_steps : uint, optional
            Number of voltage steps
            Default - 32
        n_bins : uint, optional
            Number of frequency bins
            Default - 37
        start_freq : float, optional
            Starting frequency in Hz
            Default - 300E+3
        end_freq : float, optional
            Final freqency in Hz
            Default - 350E+3
        data_type : str, optional
            Type of data to generate
            Options -  'BEPSData', 'BELineData'
            Default - 'BEPSData'
        mode  : str, optional
            Modulation mode to use when generating the data.
            Options - 'DC modulation mode', 'AC modulation mode'
            Default - 'DC modulation mode'
        field_mode : str, optional
            Field mode
            Options - 'in-field', 'out-of-field', 'in and out-of-field'
            Default - 'in and out-of-field'
        n_cycles : uint, optional
            Number of cycles
            Default - 1
        FORC_cycles : uint, optional
            Number of FORC cycles
            Default - 1
        FORC_repeats : uint, optional
            Number of FORC repeats
            Default - 1
        loop_a : float, optional
            Loop coefficient a
            Default - 1
        loop_b : float, optional
            Loop coefficient b
        cycle_frac : str
            Cycle fraction parameter.
            Default - 'full'
        image_folder : str
            Path to the images that will be used to generate the loop coefficients.  There must be 11 images named
            '1.tif', '2.tif', ..., '11.tif'
            Default - pycroscopy.io.translators.df_utils.beps_gen_utils.beps_image_folder
        bin_factor : array_like of uint, optional
            Downsampling factor for each dimension.  Default is None.
        bin_func : callable, optional
            Function which will be called to calculate the return value
            of each block.  Function must implement an axis parameter,
            i.e. numpy.mean.  Ignored if bin_factor is None.  Default is
        image_type : str
            File extension of images to be read.  Default '.tif'
        simple_coefs : bool
            Should a simpler coefficient generation be used.  Ensures loops, but all loops are identical.
            Default False



        # Setup shared parameters
        self.n_steps = n_steps
        self.n_bins = n_bins
        self.start_freq = start_freq
        self.end_freq = end_freq
        self.n_cycles = n_cycles
        self.forc_cycles = FORC_cycles
        self.forc_repeats = FORC_repeats
        self.loop_a = loop_a
        self.loop_b = loop_b
        self.data_type = data_type
        self.mode = mode
        self.field_mode = field_mode
        self.cycle_fraction = cycle_frac
        self.bin_factor = bin_factor
        self.bin_func = bin_func
        if field_mode == 'in and out-of-field':
            self.n_fields = 2
            self.n_fields = 1
        self.n_loops = FORC_cycles * FORC_repeats * n_cycles * self.n_fields
        self.n_sho_bins = n_steps * self.n_loops
        self.n_spec_bins = n_bins * self.n_sho_bins
        self.h5_path = h5_path
        self.image_ext = image_type
        self.simple_coefs = simple_coefs

        Check if a bin_factor is given.  Set up binning objects if it is.
        if bin_factor is not None:
            self.rebin = True
            if isinstance(bin_factor, int):
                self.bin_factor = (bin_factor, bin_factor)
            elif len(bin_factor) == 2:
                self.bin_factor = tuple(bin_factor)
                raise ValueError('Input parameter `bin_factor` must be a length 2 array_like or an integer.\n' +
                                 '{} was given.'.format(bin_factor))
            self.binning_func = block_reduce
            self.bin_func = bin_func

        images = self._read_data(image_folder)

        data_gen_parms = {'N_x': self.N_x, 'N_y': self.N_y, 'n_steps;:': n_steps,
                          'n_bins': n_bins, 'start_freq': start_freq,
                          'end_freq': end_freq, 'n_cycles': n_cycles,
                          'forc_cycles': FORC_cycles, 'forc_repeats': FORC_repeats,
                          'loop_a': loop_a, 'loop_b': loop_b, 'data_type': data_type,
                          'VS_mode': mode, 'field_mode': field_mode, 'num_udvs_steps': self.n_spec_bins,
                          'VS_cycle_fraction': cycle_frac}

        # Build the hdf5 file and get the datasets to write the data to

        # Calculate the loop parameters
        coef_mat = self.calc_loop_coef_mat(images)

        # In-and-out of field coefficients
        if field_mode != 'in-field':
            coef_OF_mat = np.copy(coef_mat)
        if field_mode != 'out-of-field':
            coef_IF_mat = np.copy(coef_mat)
            coef_IF_mat[:, 4] -= 0.05

        # Calculate the SHO fit and guess from the loop coefficients
        self._calc_sho(coef_OF_mat, coef_IF_mat)

        # Save the loop guess and fit to file
        coef_OF_mat = np.hstack((coef_OF_mat[:, :9], np.ones([coef_OF_mat.shape[0], 1])))
        coef_IF_mat = np.hstack((coef_IF_mat[:, :9], np.ones([coef_IF_mat.shape[0], 1])))

        coef_mat = np.hstack([coef_IF_mat[:, np.newaxis, :], coef_OF_mat[:, np.newaxis, :]])
        coef_mat = np.rollaxis(coef_mat, 1, coef_mat.ndim).reshape([coef_mat.shape[0], -1])

        self.h5_loop_fit[:] = np.tile(stack_real_to_compound(coef_mat, loop_fit32),
                                      [1, int(self.n_loops / self.n_fields)])

        self.h5_loop_guess[:] = np.tile(stack_real_to_compound(coef_mat * get_noise_vec(coef_mat.shape, 0.1),
                                        [1, int(self.n_loops / self.n_fields)])




        # Test in-field
        # positions = np.random.randint(0, coef_mat.shape[0], 100)
        # for pos in positions:
        #     is_close = np.all(np.isclose(self.h5_loop_fit[pos, 0].tolist(), coef_IF_mat[pos]))
        #     if is_close:
        #         print('Close for {}'.format(pos))
        #     else:
        #         print('Not close for {}'.format(pos))
        #         for h5_coef, coef in zip(self.h5_loop_fit[pos, 0].tolist(), coef_IF_mat[pos]):
        #             print('h5: {}, \t mat: {}'.format(h5_coef, coef))

        # Test out-of-field
        # positions = np.random.randint(0, coef_mat.shape[0], 100)
        # for pos in positions:
        #     is_close = np.all(np.isclose(self.h5_loop_fit[pos, 1].tolist(), coef_OF_mat[pos]))
        #     if is_close:
        #         print('Close for {}'.format(pos))
        #     else:
        #         print('Not close for {}'.format(pos))
        #         for h5_coef, coef in zip(self.h5_loop_fit[pos, 1].tolist(), coef_OF_mat[pos]):
        #             print('h5: {}, \t mat: {}'.format(h5_coef, coef))


        return self.h5_path
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _write_results_chunk(self):
        Writes data chunks back to the h5 file

        if self.verbose:
            print('Rank {} - Started accumulating results for this chunk'.format(self.mpi_rank))

        num_pixels = len(self.forward_results)
        cap_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, 2), dtype=np.float32)
        r_inf_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, self.num_x_steps), dtype=np.float32)
        r_var_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, self.num_x_steps), dtype=np.float32)
        i_cor_sin_mat = np.zeros((num_pixels, self.single_ao.size), dtype=np.float32)

        for pix_ind, i_meas, forw_results, rev_results in zip(range(num_pixels), self.data,
                                                              self.forward_results, self.reverse_results):
            full_results = dict()
            for item in ['cValue']:
                full_results[item] = np.hstack((forw_results[item], rev_results[item]))
                # print(item, full_results[item].shape)

            # Capacitance is always doubled - halve it now (locally):
            # full_results['cValue'] *= 0.5
            cap_val = np.mean(full_results['cValue']) * 0.5

            # Compensating the resistance..
            omega = 2 * np.pi * self.ex_freq
            i_cap = cap_val * omega * self.rolled_bias
            i_cap = cap_val * self.dvdt
            i_extra = self.r_extra * 2 * cap_val * self.single_ao
            i_corr_sine = i_meas - i_cap - i_extra

            # Equivalent to flipping the X:
            rev_results['x'] *= -1

            # Stacking the results - no flipping required for reverse:
            for item in ['x', 'mR', 'vR']:
                full_results[item] = np.hstack((forw_results[item], rev_results[item]))

            i_cor_sin_mat[pix_ind] = i_corr_sine
            cap_mat[pix_ind] = full_results['cValue'] * 1000  # convert from nF to pF
            r_inf_mat[pix_ind] = full_results['mR']
            r_var_mat[pix_ind] = full_results['vR']

        # Now write to h5 files:
        if self.verbose:
            print('Rank {} - Finished accumulating results. Writing results of chunk to h5'.format(self.mpi_rank))

        if self.__first_batch:
            self.h5_new_spec_vals[0, :] = full_results['x']  # Technically this needs to only be done once
            self.__first_batch = False

        # Get access to the private variable:
        pos_in_batch = self._get_pixels_in_current_batch()

        self.h5_cap[pos_in_batch, :] = np.atleast_2d(stack_real_to_compound(cap_mat, cap_dtype)).T
        self.h5_variance[pos_in_batch, :] = r_var_mat
        self.h5_resistance[pos_in_batch, :] = r_inf_mat
        self.h5_i_corrected[pos_in_batch, :] = i_cor_sin_mat