Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_process_personnel_2(self):
     Test processing of personnel MMD element with the role Technical contact
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # Create personnel element
     MMD = "{%s}" % self.namespaces['mmd']
     main = ET.Element(MMD+'mmd', nsmap=self.namespaces)
     personnel = ET.SubElement(main, MMD+'personnel')
     # Children that should be translated to ACDD
     ET.SubElement(personnel, MMD+'role').text = 'Technical contact'
     ET.SubElement(personnel, MMD+'name').text = 'Pepito'
     ET.SubElement(personnel, MMD+'organisation').text = 'METNO'
     ET.SubElement(personnel, MMD+'email').text = '*****@*****.**'
     # Child that should not be translated to ACDD
     ET.SubElement(personnel, MMD+'phone').text = '41022512'
     # Run and test
     self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: md.acdd_metadata['phone'])
     self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: md.acdd_metadata['contributor_name'])
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['creator_name'], 'Pepito')
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['creator_role'], 'Technical contact')
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['creator_organisation'], 'METNO')
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['creator_email'], '*****@*****.**')
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_update_acdd_1(self):
     Test updating of acdd dictionary - initialization
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # Run and test with empty acdd_metadata
     dict1 = {'id': '12345'}
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['id'], '12345')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_process_element_1(self):
      Test function process_element, ie, for an XML element of an MMD file, get ACDD translation
      Simple direct translation.
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # Simple direct translation
     element_to_translate = md.tree.find('mmd:operational_status', md.namespaces)
     md.process_element(element_to_translate, md.mmd_yaml)
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['processing_level'], 'Operational')
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_update_nc_2(self):
     Test NC update from a valid MMD file and a valid NC file.
     Check that error is raised if an attribute is defined in both MMD and NC.
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     tested = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
     shutil.copy(self.orig_nc, tested)
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, tested)
     # Add id attribute to nc file
     with nc.Dataset(tested, 'a') as f:
         f.id = 'my other id'
     # Check that error is raised
     self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: md.update_nc())
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_process_keywords_1(self):
     Test processing of keywords MMD element
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # Create keywords element
     MMD = "{%s}" % self.namespaces['mmd']
     main = ET.Element(MMD+'mmd', nsmap=self.namespaces)
     keywords = ET.SubElement(main, MMD+'keywords')
     keywords.set("vocabulary", "CFSTDN")
     ET.SubElement(keywords, MMD+'keyword').text = 'precipitation_amount'
     ET.SubElement(keywords, MMD+'resource').text = \
     # Run and test
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['keywords'], 'CFSTDN:precipitation_amount')
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_process_last_metadata_update(self):
     Test processing of last_metadata_update MMD element
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # Create last_metadata_update element
     MMD = "{%s}" % self.namespaces['mmd']
     main = ET.Element(MMD+'mmd', nsmap=self.namespaces)
     last_metadata_update = ET.SubElement(main, MMD+'last_metadata_update')
     update = ET.SubElement(last_metadata_update, MMD+'update')
     # Date should be translated to ACDD
     ET.SubElement(update, MMD+'datetime').text = '2022-02-18T13:09:44.299926+00:00'
     # Type should not be translated to ACDD
     ET.SubElement(update, MMD+'type').text = 'Created'
     # Run and test
     self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: md.acdd_metadata['date_metadata_modified_type'])
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_get_acdd(self):
     Test function get_acdd, ie get an acdd translation.
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # Translation dictionary
     translation = {
         # Simple direct translation
         'metadata_identifier': {'acdd': 'id'},
         # MMD element with no ACDD translation
         'mmd_element_with_no_acdd_translation': {'acdd_ext': 'whatever'},
         # MMD element with several ACDD translations
         'mmd_element_with_list': {'acdd': ['translation_1', 'translation_2']},
         # MMD element with repetition allowed
         'mmd_element_with_repetition_allowed': {'acdd': 'whatever', 'separator': ';'}
     # Test translation
     # Simple direct translation
     acdd, sep = md.get_acdd(translation['metadata_identifier'])
     self.assertEqual(acdd, 'id')
     # MMD element with no ACDD translation
     acdd, sep = md.get_acdd(translation['mmd_element_with_no_acdd_translation'])
     # MMD element with several ACDD translations
     acdd, sep = md.get_acdd(translation['mmd_element_with_list'])
     self.assertEqual(acdd, 'translation_1')
     # MMD element with repetition allowed
     acdd, sep = md.get_acdd(translation['mmd_element_with_repetition_allowed'])
     self.assertEqual(acdd, 'whatever')
     self.assertEqual(sep, ';')
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_process_keywords_2(self):
     Test processing of several keywords MMD element
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # Create keywords element 1
     MMD = "{%s}" % self.namespaces['mmd']
     main = ET.Element(MMD+'mmd', nsmap=self.namespaces)
     keywords = ET.SubElement(main, MMD+'keywords')
     keywords.set("vocabulary", "CFSTDN")
     ET.SubElement(keywords, MMD+'keyword').text = 'precipitation_amount'
     ET.SubElement(keywords, MMD+'resource').text = \
     # Run on element 1
     # Create keywords element 2
     keywords = ET.SubElement(main, MMD+'keywords')
     keywords.set("vocabulary", "GEMET")
     ET.SubElement(keywords, MMD+'keyword').text = 'Atmospheric conditions'
     ET.SubElement(keywords, MMD+'resource').text = 'http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/theme'
     # Run on element 2 and test
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['keywords'], 'CFSTDN:precipitation_amount,'
                                                    'GEMET:Atmospheric conditions')
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_process_citation(self):
     Test processing of dataset_citation MMD element
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # Create dataset_citation element
     MMD = "{%s}" % self.namespaces['mmd']
     main = ET.Element(MMD+'mmd', nsmap=self.namespaces)
     citation = ET.SubElement(main, MMD+'citation')
     # Children that should be ignored
     ET.SubElement(citation, MMD+'author').text = 'Toto'
     ET.SubElement(citation, MMD+'title').text = 'my title'
     # Children that should be translated to ACDD
     ET.SubElement(citation, MMD+'url').text = 'http://metadata.eu'
     ET.SubElement(citation, MMD+'other').text = 'Processed using my tool.'
     # Run and test
     self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: md.acdd_metadata['title'])
     self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: md.acdd_metadata['creator_name'])
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['metadata_link'], 'http://metadata.eu')
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['references'], 'Processed using my tool.')
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_update_nc_1(self):
     Test NC update from a valid MMD file and a valid NC file.
     Check some fields.
     tested = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
     shutil.copy(self.orig_nc, tested)
     # Add dataset_citation to MMD input for full test
     tree = ET.parse(self.reference_xml)
     root = tree.getroot()
     XHTML = "{http://www.met.no/schema/mmd}"
     citation = ET.SubElement(root, XHTML + "dataset_citation")
     ET.SubElement(citation, XHTML + "publication_date").text = '2021-09-15'
     ET.SubElement(citation, XHTML + "author").text = 'toto'
     modified_xml = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
     tree.write(modified_xml, pretty_print=True)
     # Update NC file
     md = Mmd_to_nc(modified_xml, tested)
     """ Get global attributes of updated nc file """
     with nc.Dataset(tested, 'r') as f:
         """ Check some fields"""
         self.assertEqual(f.getncattr('id'), 'npp-viirs-mband-20201127134002-20201127135124')
         self.assertEqual(f.getncattr('institution'), 'MET NORWAY')
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_update_acdd_2(self):
     Test updating of acdd dictionary - simple dictionary
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # Run and test with simple new dictionary acdd_metadata
     dict1 = {'id': '12345'}
     dict2 = {'author': 'me'}
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['id'], '12345')
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['author'], 'me')
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_update_acdd_3(self):
     Test updating of acdd dictionary - append an existing key
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # Add simple new dictionary acdd_metadata
     dict1 = {'id': '12345'}
     # Add new dictionary with key already in acdd_metadata
     dict2 = {'id': '54321'}
     sep = {'id': ';'}
     md.update_acdd(dict2, sep)
     # Both values should be appended using separator
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['id'], '12345;54321')
     # Add new dictionary with key already in acdd_metadata - but no separator given
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: md.update_acdd(dict2))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_process_element_2(self):
      Test function process_element, ie, for an XML element of an MMD file, get ACDD translation
         - MMD element not listed in the translation dictionary
         - MMD element listed but with no information
         - MMD element listed, with information, but without ACDD translation
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     # MMD element not listed in the translation dictionary
     element_to_translate = md.tree.find('mmd:personnel/mmd:country', md.namespaces)
     md.process_element(element_to_translate, md.mmd_yaml)
     # MMD element listed in the translation dictionary, but with no translation information
     element_to_translate = md.tree.find('mmd:last_metadata_update/mmd:update/mmd:note',
     md.process_element(element_to_translate, md.mmd_yaml)
     # MMD element with no ACDD translation
     element_to_translate = md.tree.find('mmd:metadata_status', md.namespaces)
     md.process_element(element_to_translate, md.mmd_yaml)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_process_title_and_abstract(self):
     Test processing of title and abstract MMD elements with different languages.
     Only the English language ones should be translated to ACDD.
     # Initialize
     md = Mmd_to_nc(self.reference_xml, self.orig_nc)
     XML = "{%s}" % self.namespaces['xml']
     MMD = "{%s}" % self.namespaces['mmd']
     # Create title element
     main = ET.Element(MMD+'mmd', nsmap=self.namespaces)
     title = ET.SubElement(main, MMD+'title')
     title.text = 'my title'
     # - Test 1: English language title
     title.set(XML+"lang", "en")
     # Expected output: English title added to ACDD attributes
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['title'], 'my title')
     # - Test 2: Norwegian language title
     title.set(XML+"lang", "no")
     # Expected output: Norwegian title not added to ACDD attributes
     self.assertEqual(md.acdd_metadata['title'], 'my title')