Exemplo n.º 1
class ActorSource(AtomicBehavior):

    Implementation for a behavior that will indefinitely create actors
    at a given transform if no other actor exists in a given radius
    from the transform.

    Important parameters:
    - actor_type_list: Type of CARLA actors to be spawned
    - transform: Spawn location
    - threshold: Min available free distance between other actors and the spawn location
    - blackboard_queue_name: Name of the blackboard used to control this behavior
    - actor_limit [optional]: Maximum number of actors to be spawned (default=7)

    A parallel termination behavior has to be used.

    def __init__(self, actor_type_list, transform, threshold, blackboard_queue_name,
                 actor_limit=7, name="ActorSource"):
        Setup class members
        super(ActorSource, self).__init__(name)
        self._world = CarlaDataProvider.get_world()
        self._actor_types = actor_type_list
        self._spawn_point = transform
        self._threshold = threshold
        self._queue = Blackboard().get(blackboard_queue_name)
        self._actor_limit = actor_limit
        self._last_blocking_actor = None

    def update(self):
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
        if self._actor_limit > 0:
            world_actors = self._world.get_actors()
            spawn_point_blocked = False
            if (self._last_blocking_actor and
                    self._spawn_point.location.distance(self._last_blocking_actor.get_location()) < self._threshold):
                spawn_point_blocked = True

            if not spawn_point_blocked:
                for actor in world_actors:
                    if self._spawn_point.location.distance(actor.get_location()) < self._threshold:
                        spawn_point_blocked = True
                        self._last_blocking_actor = actor

            if not spawn_point_blocked:
                    new_actor = CarlaActorPool.request_new_actor(np.random.choice(self._actor_types), self._spawn_point)
                    self._actor_limit -= 1
                    print("ActorSource unable to spawn actor")
        return new_status
Exemplo n.º 2
class ActorSource(AtomicBehavior):

    Implementation for a behavior that will indefinitely create actors
    at a given transform if no other actor exists in a given radius
    from the transform.

    def __init__(self, world, actor_type_list, transform, threshold, blackboard_queue_name,
                 actor_limit=7, name="ActorSource"):
        Setup class members
        super(ActorSource, self).__init__(name)
        self._world = world
        self._actor_types = actor_type_list
        self._spawn_point = transform
        self._threshold = threshold
        self._queue = Blackboard().get(blackboard_queue_name)
        self._actor_limit = actor_limit
        self._last_blocking_actor = None

    def update(self):
        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
        if self._actor_limit > 0:
            world_actors = self._world.get_actors()
            spawn_point_blocked = False
            if (self._last_blocking_actor and
                    self._spawn_point.location.distance(self._last_blocking_actor.get_location()) < self._threshold):
                spawn_point_blocked = True

            if not spawn_point_blocked:
                for actor in world_actors:
                    if self._spawn_point.location.distance(actor.get_location()) < self._threshold:
                        spawn_point_blocked = True
                        self._last_blocking_actor = actor

            if not spawn_point_blocked:
                    new_actor = CarlaActorPool.request_new_actor(np.random.choice(self._actor_types), self._spawn_point)
                    self._actor_limit -= 1
                    print("ActorSource unable to spawn actor")
        return new_status
class ActorSource(AtomicBehavior):
    Implementation for a behavior that will indefinitely create actors
    at a given transform if no other actor exists in a given radius
    from the transform.

    Important parameters:
    - actor_type_list: Type of CARLA actors to be spawned
    - transform: Spawn location
    - threshold: Min available free distance between other actors and the spawn location
    - blackboard_queue_name: Name of the blackboard used to control this behavior
    - actor_limit [optional]: Maximum number of actors to be spawned (default=7)

    A parallel termination behavior has to be used.

    def __init__(self,
                 # ======== additional args ========
                 init_speed=0.,  # initial speed of spawned vehicle
        Setup class members
        super(ActorSource, self).__init__(name)
        self._world = CarlaDataProvider.get_world()
        self._actor_types = actor_type_list
        self._spawn_point = transform
        self._threshold = threshold + 5.  # todo fix this with accurate vehicle length
        self._queue = Blackboard().get(blackboard_queue_name)
        self._actor_limit = actor_limit
        self._last_blocking_actor = None

        # ==========   additional attributes   ==========
        self.init_speed = init_speed
        self.randomize = randomize
        self.distance_gap = None

    def update(self):
        if not self.distance_gap:
            self.distance_gap = self._threshold

        new_status = py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
        # self._threshold = 20
        if self._actor_limit > 0:
            world_actors = self._world.get_actors()
            vehicle_list = world_actors.filter('vehicle.*')
            vehicles = []
            for veh in vehicle_list:
                if veh.attributes['role_name'] == 'scenario':  # todo fix role_name if set by args

            spawn_point_blocked = False
            if (self._last_blocking_actor and
                    self._spawn_point.location.distance(self._last_blocking_actor.get_location()) < self.distance_gap):
                spawn_point_blocked = True

            if not spawn_point_blocked:
                # for actor in world_actors:
                for actor in vehicles:
                    if self._spawn_point.location.distance(actor.get_location()) < self.distance_gap:
                        spawn_point_blocked = True
                        self._last_blocking_actor = actor

            if not spawn_point_blocked:
                    new_actor = CarlaDataProvider.request_new_actor(
                        np.random.choice(self._actor_types), self._spawn_point)
                    self._actor_limit -= 1

                    set_vehicle_speed(new_actor, self.init_speed / 3.6)

                    # update distance gap after generating a new actor
                    if self.randomize:
                        sigma = 0.1
                        self.distance_gap = random.uniform(self._threshold * (1-sigma), self._threshold * (1+sigma))

                except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
                    print("ActorSource unable to spawn actor")
        return new_status