Exemplo n.º 1
def find_frequency_response(arg):
    lamb = arg[0]
    omegaC = arg[1]

    K = 10.**5
    omegaF = 1000.

    dt = 10**-5

    if omegaC < 50.:
        save_dt = 10**-4
        save_dt = 10**-5

    # here the convergence rate is too slow - leads to large transcient
    if lamb < 1.:
        min_time = 200.
        min_time = 100.

    max_time = 10000.

    print("processing lambda = " + str(lamb) + " and omegaC = " + str(omegaC))

    oscill = pyafos.PhaseAFO()
    oscill.initialize(K, lamb)
    oscill.input().frequency_changing_sine(omegaF, omegaC)

    # set initial conditions
    # we want to measure at least 50 oscillations of omegaC
    # 50 * 2pi/omegaC
    t_end = np.min([np.max([50 * 2 * np.pi / omegaC, min_time]), max_time])
    t_start = 0.
    omega0 = (omegaF + 1.) / lamb
    phi0 = 0.

    pyafos.integrate(oscill, t_start, t_end, np.array([phi0, omega0]), dt,

    omega = lamb * oscill.y()[1, :]
    t = oscill.t()

    mins, maxs = find_envelop(omega)

    n_min = mins[:, 1].size
    n_max = maxs[:, 1].size
    if n_min < n_max:
        track = 0.5 * (mins[:, 1] + maxs[:-(n_max - n_min), 1])
        track_signal = omegaF + np.cos(omegaC * t[mins.astype(int)[:, 0]])
    elif n_min == n_max:
        track = 0.5 * (mins[:, 1] + maxs[:, 1])
        track_signal = omegaF + np.cos(omegaC * t[mins.astype(int)[:, 0]])
        track = 0.5 * (mins[:, 1] + maxs[:-(n_min - n_max), 1])
        track_signal = omegaF + np.cos(omegaC * t[maxs.astype(int)[:, 0]])

    # we get rid of the first half of the signal, make sure no transcients are here
    track = track[int(track.size / 2):]
    track_signal = track_signal[int(track_signal.size / 2):]

    response = scipy.signal.hilbert(
        track - np.mean(track)) / scipy.signal.hilbert(track_signal - omegaF)

    # we only keep the middle third of the response to remove boarder effects
    si = response.size
    am = np.mean(np.abs(response[int(si / 3):int(2 * si / 3)]))
    #to make sure all is close to each other
    angle = np.unwrap(np.angle(response[int(si / 3):int(2 * si / 3)]))
    ph = np.mean(angle - 2 * np.pi) % (-2 * np.pi)
    if np.abs(ph) > 1.8 * np.pi:
        ph = ph + 2 * np.pi
    # ph = np.mean((np.angle(response[int(si/3):int(2*si/3)]) - 2 * np.pi))%(-2*np.pi)
    print("done with lambda = " + str(lamb) + " and omegaC = " + str(omegaC) +
          "found " + str(am) + " " + str(ph))

    # amplitude[i,j] = am
    # phase[i,j] = ph
    return am, ph
Exemplo n.º 2
K = 10.**6
omegaF = 30.
freq = omegaF * np.array([1., 2., 3.])
amp = np.array([1.3, 1., 1.4])
phase = np.array([0.4, 0.0, 1.3]) + np.pi / 2.0
lamb = 1
dt = 10**-7
save_dt = 10**-3
t_end = 8.
t_start = 0.
omega0 = 20. / lamb
phi0 = 0.

#run an integration
oscill = pyafos.PhaseAFO()
oscill.initialize(K, lamb)
oscill.input().vec_of_sines(freq, amp, phase)
pyafos.integrate(oscill, t_start, t_end, np.array([phi0, omega0]), dt, save_dt)

#get the data to be plotted
t = oscill.t()
phi = oscill.y()[0, :]
omega = oscill.y()[1, :]

deltaT = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * pi / omegaF, 10000)
roots = find_roots(deltaT, freq, amp, phase)
roots_corrected = roots + (2. * pi / omegaF - roots[-1])
n_roots = size(roots)
print('num roots is ', n_roots)
print('roots ', roots)