Exemplo n.º 1
async def test_devices():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
        auth = AlmondLocalAuth('', client)
        almond_api = WebAlmondAPI(auth)

        await almond_api.async_create_simple_device('com.xkcd')

        devices = await almond_api.async_list_devices()
        assert any(d['kind'] == 'com.xkcd' for d in devices)
Exemplo n.º 2
async def async_verify_local_connection(opp: core.OpenPeerPower, host: str):
    """Verify that a local connection works."""
    websession = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(opp)
    api = WebAlmondAPI(AlmondLocalAuth(host, websession))

        with async_timeout.timeout(10):
            await api.async_list_apps()

        return True
    except (asyncio.TimeoutError, ClientError):
        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
async def async_setup_entry(hass: HomeAssistant,
                            entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry):
    """Set up Almond config entry."""
    websession = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass)

    if entry.data["type"] == TYPE_LOCAL:
        auth = AlmondLocalAuth(entry.data["host"], websession)
        # OAuth2
        implementation = (
                hass, entry))
        oauth_session = config_entry_oauth2_flow.OAuth2Session(
            hass, entry, implementation)
        auth = AlmondOAuth(entry.data["host"], websession, oauth_session)

    api = WebAlmondAPI(auth)
    agent = AlmondAgent(hass, api, entry)

    # Hass.io does its own configuration.
    if not entry.data.get("is_hassio"):
        # If we're not starting or local, set up Almond right away
        if hass.state != CoreState.not_running or entry.data[
                "type"] == TYPE_LOCAL:
            await _configure_almond_for_ha(hass, entry, api)

            # OAuth2 implementations can potentially rely on the HA Cloud url.
            # This url is not be available until 30 seconds after boot.

            async def configure_almond(_now):
                    await _configure_almond_for_ha(hass, entry, api)
                except ConfigEntryNotReady:
                        "Unable to configure Almond to connect to Home Assistant"

            async def almond_hass_start(_event):
                event.async_call_later(hass, ALMOND_SETUP_DELAY,


    conversation.async_set_agent(hass, agent)
    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
async def test_simple():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
        auth = AlmondLocalAuth('', client)
        almond_api = WebAlmondAPI(auth)

        # issue the first command and discard the result (this will cause
        # Almond to spew the welcome messages)
        await almond_api.async_converse_text("hello")

        result = await almond_api.async_converse_text("hello")
        assert result == {
            "askSpecial": None,
            "messages": [{
                "type": "text",
                "text": "Hi!",
                "icon": None
            "conversationId": "stateless"
Exemplo n.º 5
async def async_setup_entry(hass, entry):
    """Set up Almond config entry."""
    websession = aiohttp_client.async_get_clientsession(hass)

    if entry.data["type"] == TYPE_LOCAL:
        auth = AlmondLocalAuth(entry.data["host"], websession)
        # OAuth2
        implementation = await config_entry_oauth2_flow.async_get_config_entry_implementation(
            hass, entry)
        oauth_session = config_entry_oauth2_flow.OAuth2Session(
            hass, entry, implementation)
        auth = AlmondOAuth(entry.data["host"], websession, oauth_session)

    api = WebAlmondAPI(auth)
    agent = AlmondAgent(hass, api, entry)

    # Hass.io does its own configuration of Almond.
    if entry.data.get("is_hassio") or entry.data["type"] != TYPE_LOCAL:
        conversation.async_set_agent(hass, agent)
        return True

    # Configure Almond to connect to Home Assistant
    store = storage.Store(hass, STORAGE_VERSION, STORAGE_KEY)
    data = await store.async_load()

    if data is None:
        data = {}

    user = None
    if "almond_user" in data:
        user = await hass.auth.async_get_user(data["almond_user"])

    if user is None:
        user = await hass.auth.async_create_system_user(
            "Almond", [GROUP_ID_ADMIN])
        data["almond_user"] = user.id
        await store.async_save(data)

    refresh_token = await hass.auth.async_create_refresh_token(
        # Almond will be fine as long as we restart once every 5 years
        access_token_expiration=timedelta(days=365 * 5),

    # Create long lived access token
    access_token = hass.auth.async_create_access_token(refresh_token)

    # Store token in Almond
        with async_timeout.timeout(10):
            await api.async_create_device({
                # 5 years from now in ms.
                (time.time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 5) * 1000,
    except (asyncio.TimeoutError, ClientError) as err:
        if isinstance(err, asyncio.TimeoutError):
            msg = "Request timeout"
            msg = err
        _LOGGER.warning("Unable to configure Almond: %s", msg)
        await hass.auth.async_remove_refresh_token(refresh_token)
        raise ConfigEntryNotReady

    # Clear all other refresh tokens
    for token in list(user.refresh_tokens.values()):
        if token.id != refresh_token.id:
            await hass.auth.async_remove_refresh_token(token)

    conversation.async_set_agent(hass, agent)
    return True
Exemplo n.º 6
async def test_apps():
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
        auth = AlmondLocalAuth('', client)
        almond_api = WebAlmondAPI(auth)

        assert await almond_api.async_list_apps() == []