Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_gmres(self):
        # Ensure repeatability
        #  For these small matrices, Householder and MGS GMRES should give the same result, 
        #  and for symmetric (but possibly indefinite) matrices CR and GMRES should give same result
        for maxiter in [1,2,3]:
            for case, symm_case in zip(self.cases, self.symm_cases):
                A = case['A'] 
                b = case['b']
                x0 = case['x0']
                A_symm = symm_case['A'] 
                b_symm = symm_case['b']
                x0_symm = symm_case['x0']
                # Test agreement between Householder and GMRES
                (x, flag) = gmres_householder(A,b,x0=x0,maxiter=min(A.shape[0],maxiter))
                (x2, flag2) = gmres_mgs(A,b,x0=x0,maxiter=min(A.shape[0],maxiter))
                assert_array_almost_equal(x/norm(x), x2/norm(x2), 
                        err_msg='Householder GMRES and MGS GMRES gave different results for small matrix')
                assert_equal(flag, flag2, 
                        err_msg='Householder GMRES and MGS GMRES returned different convergence flags for small matrix')

                # Test agreement between GMRES and CR
                if A_symm.shape[0] > 1:
                    residuals2 = []
                    (x2, flag2) = gmres_mgs(A_symm, b_symm, x0=x0_symm, maxiter=min(A.shape[0],maxiter),residuals=residuals2)
                    residuals3 = []
                    (x3, flag2) = cr(A_symm, b_symm, x0=x0_symm, maxiter=min(A.shape[0],maxiter),residuals=residuals3)
                    residuals2 = array(residuals2)
                    residuals3 = array(residuals3)
                    assert_array_almost_equal(residuals3/norm(residuals3), residuals2/norm(residuals2), 
                            err_msg='CR and GMRES yield different residual vectors')
                    assert_array_almost_equal(x2/norm(x2), x3/norm(x3), err_msg='CR and GMRES yield different answers')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_accel(self):
        from pyamg import smoothed_aggregation_solver
        from pyamg.krylov import cg, bicgstab

        A = poisson((50, 50), format='csr')
        b = rand(A.shape[0])

        ml = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A)

        # cg halts based on the preconditioner norm
        for accel in ['cg', cg]:
            x = ml.solve(b, maxiter=30, tol=1e-8, accel=accel)
            assert(precon_norm(b - A*x, ml) < 1e-8*precon_norm(b, ml))
            residuals = []
            x = ml.solve(b, maxiter=30, tol=1e-8, residuals=residuals,
            assert(precon_norm(b - A*x, ml) < 1e-8*precon_norm(b, ml))
            # print residuals
            assert_almost_equal(precon_norm(b - A*x, ml), residuals[-1])

        # cgs and bicgstab use the Euclidean norm
        for accel in ['bicgstab', 'cgs', bicgstab]:
            x = ml.solve(b, maxiter=30, tol=1e-8, accel=accel)
            assert(norm(b - A*x) < 1e-8*norm(b))
            residuals = []
            x = ml.solve(b, maxiter=30, tol=1e-8, residuals=residuals,
            assert(norm(b - A*x) < 1e-8*norm(b))
            # print residuals
            assert_almost_equal(norm(b - A*x), residuals[-1])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_steepest_descent(self):
        # Ensure repeatability

        for case in self.spd_cases:
            A = case['A']
            b = case['b']
            x0 = case['x0']
            maxiter = case['maxiter']
            reduction_factor = case['reduction_factor']

            # This function should always decrease
            fvals = []

            def callback(x):
                    0.5 *
                    np.dot(np.ravel(x), np.ravel(A.dot(x.reshape(-1, 1)))) -
                    np.dot(np.ravel(b), np.ravel(x)))

            x, _ = steepest_descent(A,
            norm1 = norm(np.ravel(b) - np.ravel(A.dot(x.reshape(-1, 1))))
            norm2 = norm(np.ravel(b) - np.ravel(A.dot(x0.reshape(-1, 1))))
            actual_factor = norm1 / norm2
            assert (actual_factor < reduction_factor)

            if A.dtype != complex:
                for i in range(len(fvals) - 1):
                    assert (fvals[i + 1] <= fvals[i])

        # Test preconditioning
        A = pyamg.gallery.poisson((10, 10), format='csr')
        b = np.random.rand(A.shape[0], 1)
        x0 = np.random.rand(A.shape[0], 1)
        fvals = []

        def callback(x):
                0.5 * np.dot(np.ravel(x), np.ravel(A.dot(x.reshape(-1, 1)))) -
                np.dot(np.ravel(b), np.ravel(x)))

        resvec = []
        sa = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver(A)
        x, _ = steepest_descent(A,
        assert (resvec[-1] / resvec[0] < 1e-8)
        for i in range(len(fvals) - 1):
            assert (fvals[i + 1] <= fvals[i])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_minimal_residual(self):
        # Ensure repeatability


        for case in self.definite_cases:
            A = case['A']
            maxiter = case['maxiter']
            x0 = rand(A.shape[0], )
            b = zeros_like(x0)
            reduction_factor = case['reduction_factor']
            if A.dtype != complex:

                # This function should always decrease (assuming zero RHS)
                fvals = []

                def callback(x):
                        sqrt(dot(ravel(x), ravel(A * x.reshape(-1, 1)))))

                (x, flag) = minimal_residual(A,
                actual_factor = (norm(ravel(b) - ravel(A * x.reshape(-1, 1))) /
                                 norm(ravel(b) - ravel(A * x0.reshape(-1, 1))))
                assert (actual_factor < reduction_factor)
                if A.dtype != complex:
                    for i in range(len(fvals) - 1):
                        assert (fvals[i + 1] <= fvals[i])

        # Test preconditioning
        A = pyamg.gallery.poisson((10, 10), format='csr')
        x0 = rand(A.shape[0], 1)
        b = zeros_like(x0)
        fvals = []

        def callback(x):
            fvals.append(sqrt(dot(ravel(x), ravel(A * x.reshape(-1, 1)))))

        resvec = []
        sa = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver(A)
        (x, flag) = minimal_residual(A,
        assert (resvec[-1] < 1e-8)
        for i in range(len(fvals) - 1):
            assert (fvals[i + 1] <= fvals[i])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_minimal_residual(self):
        # Ensure repeatability


        for case in self.definite_cases:
            A = case['A']
            maxiter = case['maxiter']
            x0 = np.random.rand(A.shape[0],)
            b = np.zeros_like(x0)
            reduction_factor = case['reduction_factor']
            if A.dtype != complex:

                # This function should always decrease (assuming zero RHS)
                fvals = []

                def callback(x):
                                 np.ravel(A*x.reshape(-1, 1)))))
                (x, flag) = minimal_residual(A, b, x0=x0,
                                             tol=1e-16, maxiter=maxiter,
                actual_factor = (norm(np.ravel(b) -
                                 np.ravel(A * x.reshape(-1, 1))) /
                                 norm(np.ravel(b) -
                                 np.ravel(A * x0.reshape(-1, 1))))
                assert(actual_factor < reduction_factor)
                if A.dtype != complex:
                    for i in range(len(fvals)-1):
                        assert(fvals[i+1] <= fvals[i])

        # Test preconditioning
        A = pyamg.gallery.poisson((10, 10), format='csr')
        x0 = np.random.rand(A.shape[0], 1)
        b = np.zeros_like(x0)
        fvals = []

        def callback(x):
                                        np.ravel(A*x.reshape(-1, 1)))))
        resvec = []
        sa = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver(A)
        (x, flag) = minimal_residual(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=20,
                                     residuals=resvec, M=sa.aspreconditioner(),
        assert(resvec[-1]/resvec[0] < 1e-8)
        for i in range(len(fvals)-1):
            assert(fvals[i+1] <= fvals[i])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_steepest_descent(self):
        # Ensure repeatability

        for case in self.spd_cases:
            A = case['A']
            b = case['b']
            x0 = case['x0']
            maxiter = case['maxiter']
            reduction_factor = case['reduction_factor']

            # This function should always decrease
            fvals = []

            def callback(x):
                                        np.ravel(A*x.reshape(-1, 1))) -
                             np.dot(np.ravel(b), np.ravel(x)))

            (x, flag) = steepest_descent(A, b, x0=x0, tol=1e-16,
                                         maxiter=maxiter, callback=callback)
            actual_factor = (norm(np.ravel(b) - np.ravel(A*x.reshape(-1, 1))) /
                             norm(np.ravel(b) - np.ravel(A*x0.reshape(-1, 1))))
            assert(actual_factor < reduction_factor)

            if A.dtype != complex:
                for i in range(len(fvals)-1):
                    assert(fvals[i+1] <= fvals[i])

        # Test preconditioning
        A = pyamg.gallery.poisson((10, 10), format='csr')
        b = np.random.rand(A.shape[0], 1)
        x0 = np.random.rand(A.shape[0], 1)
        fvals = []

        def callback(x):
                                    np.ravel(A*x.reshape(-1, 1))) -
                         np.dot(np.ravel(b), np.ravel(x)))

        resvec = []
        sa = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver(A)
        (x, flag) = steepest_descent(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=20,
                                     residuals=resvec, M=sa.aspreconditioner(),
        assert(resvec[-1]/resvec[0] < 1e-8)
        for i in range(len(fvals)-1):
            assert(fvals[i+1] <= fvals[i])
Exemplo n.º 7
def solver_diagnostic(A):
    # Generate B
    B = ones((A.shape[0],1), dtype=A.dtype); BH = B.copy()

    # Random initial guess, zero right-hand side
    b = zeros((A.shape[0],1))
    x0 = rand(A.shape[0],1)

    # Create solver
    ml = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A, B=B, BH=BH,
        strength=('symmetric', {'theta': 0.0}),
        smooth=('energy', {'weighting': 'local', 'krylov': 'gmres', 'degree': 1, 'maxiter': 2}),
        improve_candidates=[('gauss_seidel_nr', {'sweep': 'symmetric', 'iterations': 4}), None],
        presmoother=('gauss_seidel_nr', {'sweep': 'symmetric', 'iterations': 2}),
        postsmoother=('gauss_seidel_nr', {'sweep': 'symmetric', 'iterations': 2}),

    # Solve system
    res = []
    x = ml.solve(b, x0=x0, tol=1e-08, residuals=res, accel="gmres", maxiter=300, cycle="V")
    res_rate = (res[-1]/res[0])**(1.0/(len(res)-1.))
    normr0 = norm(ravel(b) - ravel(A*x0))
    print " "
    print ml
    print "System size:                " + str(A.shape)
    print "Avg. Resid Reduction:       %1.2f"%res_rate
    print "Iterations:                 %d"%len(res)
    print "Operator Complexity:        %1.2f"%ml.operator_complexity()
    print "Work per DOA:               %1.2f"%(ml.cycle_complexity()/abs(log10(res_rate)))
    print "Relative residual norm:     %1.2e"%(norm(ravel(b) - ravel(A*x))/normr0)

    # Plot residual history
    pylab.title('Residual Histories')
    pylab.ylabel('Relative Residual Norm')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_krylov(self):
        # Oblique projectors reduce the residual
        for method in self.oblique:
            for case in self.cases:
                A = case['A']; b = case['b']; x0 = case['x0']
                (xNew, flag) = method(A, b, x0=x0, tol=case['tol'], maxiter=case['maxiter'])
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1,1)
                assert_equal( (norm(b - A*xNew)/norm(b - A*x0)) < case['reduction_factor'], True, err_msg='Oblique Krylov Method Failed Test')
        # Oblique projectors reduce the residual, here we consider oblique projectors for symmetric matrices
        for method in self.symm_oblique:
            for case in self.symm_cases:
                A = case['A']; b = case['b']; x0 = case['x0']
                (xNew, flag) = method(A, b, x0=x0, tol=case['tol'], maxiter=case['maxiter'])
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1,1)
                assert_equal( (norm(b - A*xNew)/norm(b - A*x0)) < case['reduction_factor'], True, err_msg='Symmetric oblique Krylov Method Failed Test')
        # Orthogonal projectors reduce the error
        for method in self.orth:
            for case in self.cases:
                A = case['A']; b = case['b']; x0 = case['x0']
                (xNew, flag) = method(A, b, x0=x0, tol=case['tol'], maxiter=case['maxiter'])
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1,1)
                soln = solve(A,b)
                assert_equal( (norm(soln - xNew)/norm(soln - x0)) < case['reduction_factor'], True, err_msg='Orthogonal Krylov Method Failed Test')
        # SPD Orthogonal projectors reduce the error
        for method in self.spd_orth:
            for case in self.spd_cases:
                A = case['A']; b = case['b']; x0 = case['x0']
                (xNew, flag) = method(A, b, x0=x0, tol=case['tol'], maxiter=case['maxiter'])
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1,1)
                soln = solve(A,b)
                assert_equal( (norm(soln - xNew)/norm(soln - x0)) < case['reduction_factor'], True, err_msg='Orthogonal Krylov Method Failed Test')

        # Assume that Inexact Methods reduce the residual for these examples
        for method in self.inexact:
            for case in self.cases:
                A = case['A']; b = case['b']; x0 = case['x0']
                (xNew, flag) = method(A, b, x0=x0, tol=case['tol'], maxiter=A.shape[0])
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1,1)
                assert_equal( (norm(b - A*xNew)/norm(b - A*x0)) < 0.15, True, err_msg='Inexact Krylov Method Failed Test')
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_aspreconditioner(self):
        from pyamg import smoothed_aggregation_solver
        from scipy.sparse.linalg import cg
        from pyamg.krylov import fgmres

        A = poisson((50, 50), format='csr')
        b = rand(A.shape[0])

        ml = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A)

        for cycle in ['V', 'W', 'F']:
            M = ml.aspreconditioner(cycle=cycle)
            x, info = cg(A, b, tol=1e-8, maxiter=30, M=M)
            # cg satisfies convergence in the preconditioner norm
            assert (precon_norm(b - A * x, ml) < 1e-8 * precon_norm(b, ml))

        for cycle in ['AMLI']:
            M = ml.aspreconditioner(cycle=cycle)
            x, info = fgmres(A, b, tol=1e-8, maxiter=30, M=M)
            # fgmres satisfies convergence in the 2-norm
            assert (norm(b - A * x) < 1e-8 * norm(b))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_aspreconditioner(self):
        from pyamg import smoothed_aggregation_solver
        from scipy.sparse.linalg import cg
        from pyamg.krylov import fgmres

        A = poisson((50, 50), format='csr')
        b = rand(A.shape[0])

        ml = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A)

        for cycle in ['V', 'W', 'F']:
            M = ml.aspreconditioner(cycle=cycle)
            x, info = cg(A, b, tol=1e-8, maxiter=30, M=M)
            # cg satisfies convergence in the preconditioner norm
            assert(precon_norm(b - A*x, ml) < 1e-8*precon_norm(b, ml))

        for cycle in ['AMLI']:
            M = ml.aspreconditioner(cycle=cycle)
            x, info = fgmres(A, b, tol=1e-8, maxiter=30, M=M)
            # fgmres satisfies convergence in the 2-norm
            assert(norm(b - A*x) < 1e-8*norm(b))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_norm(self):
        cases = []

        cases.append(3 + 5j)
        cases.append(7 - 2j)
        cases.append([1 + 3j, 6])
        cases.append([1 + 3j, 6 - 2j])

        for A in cases:
            assert_almost_equal(norm(A), linalg.norm(A))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_norm(self):
        cases = []

        cases.append(3 + 5j)
        cases.append(7 - 2j)
        cases.append([1 + 3j, 6])
        cases.append([1 + 3j, 6 - 2j])

        for A in cases:
            assert_almost_equal(norm(A), linalg.norm(A))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_accel(self):
        from pyamg import smoothed_aggregation_solver
        from pyamg.krylov import cg, bicgstab

        A = poisson((50, 50), format='csr')
        b = rand(A.shape[0])

        ml = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A)

        # cg halts based on the preconditioner norm
        for accel in ['cg', cg]:
            x = ml.solve(b, maxiter=30, tol=1e-8, accel=accel)
            assert (precon_norm(b - A * x, ml) < 1e-8 * precon_norm(b, ml))
            residuals = []
            x = ml.solve(b,
            assert (precon_norm(b - A * x, ml) < 1e-8 * precon_norm(b, ml))
            # print residuals
            assert_almost_equal(precon_norm(b - A * x, ml), residuals[-1])

        # cgs and bicgstab use the Euclidean norm
        for accel in ['bicgstab', 'cgs', bicgstab]:
            x = ml.solve(b, maxiter=30, tol=1e-8, accel=accel)
            assert (norm(b - A * x) < 1e-8 * norm(b))
            residuals = []
            x = ml.solve(b,
            assert (norm(b - A * x) < 1e-8 * norm(b))
            # print residuals
            assert_almost_equal(norm(b - A * x), residuals[-1])
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_gmres(self):
        # Ensure repeatability

        #  For these small matrices, Householder and MGS GMRES should give the
        #  same result, and for symmetric (but possibly indefinite) matrices CR
        #  and GMRES should give same result
        for maxiter in [1, 2, 3]:
            for case, symm_case in zip(self.cases, self.symm_cases):
                A = case['A']
                b = case['b']
                x0 = case['x0']
                A_symm = symm_case['A']
                b_symm = symm_case['b']
                x0_symm = symm_case['x0']

                # Test agreement between Householder and GMRES
                (x, flag) = gmres_householder(A, b, x0=x0,
                                              maxiter=min(A.shape[0], maxiter))
                (x2, flag2) = gmres_mgs(A, b, x0=x0, maxiter=min(A.shape[0],
                err_msg = ('Householder GMRES and MGS GMRES gave '
                           'different results for small matrix')
                assert_array_almost_equal(x/norm(x), x2/norm(x2),

                err_msg = ('Householder GMRES and MGS GMRES returned '
                           'different convergence flags for small matrix')
                assert_equal(flag, flag2, err_msg=err_msg)

                # Test agreement between GMRES and CR
                if A_symm.shape[0] > 1:
                    residuals2 = []
                    (x2, flag2) = gmres_mgs(A_symm, b_symm, x0=x0_symm,
                                            maxiter=min(A.shape[0], maxiter),
                    residuals3 = []
                    (x3, flag2) = cr(A_symm, b_symm, x0=x0_symm,
                                     maxiter=min(A.shape[0], maxiter),
                    residuals2 = array(residuals2)
                    residuals3 = array(residuals3)

                    err_msg = 'CR and GMRES yield different residual vectors'

                    err_msg = 'CR and GMRES yield different answers'
                    assert_array_almost_equal(x2/norm(x2), x3/norm(x3),
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: _cr.py Projeto: GaZ3ll3/pyamg
def cr(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M=None,
       callback=None, residuals=None):
    '''Conjugate Residual algorithm

    Solves the linear system Ax = b. Left preconditioning is supported.
    The matrix A must be Hermitian symmetric (but not necessarily definite).

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the
        preconditioner norm of r_0, or ||r_0||_M.
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of allowed iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.  The preconditioner norm
        is used, instead of the Euclidean norm.

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of cr

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
    still supported as a legacy.

    The 2-norm of the preconditioned residual is used both for halting and
    returned in the residuals list.

    >>> from pyamg.krylov.cr import cr
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = numpy.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = cr(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 262-67, 2003

    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype=None)
    n = len(b)

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._cr')

    # determine maxiter
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = int(1.3*len(b)) + 2
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')

    # choose tolerance for numerically zero values
    t = A.dtype.char
    eps = numpy.finfo(numpy.float).eps
    feps = numpy.finfo(numpy.single).eps
    geps = numpy.finfo(numpy.longfloat).eps
    _array_precision = {'f': 0, 'd': 1, 'g': 2, 'F': 0, 'D': 1, 'G': 2}
    numerically_zero = {0: feps*1e3, 1: eps*1e6,
                        2: geps*1e6}[_array_precision[t]]

    # setup method
    r = b - A*x
    z = M*r
    p = z.copy()
    zz = inner(z.conjugate(), z)

    # use preconditioner norm
    normr = sqrt(zz)

    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]  # initial residual

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_M
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol*normr

    # How often should r be recomputed
    recompute_r = 8

    iter = 0

    Az = A*z
    rAz = inner(r.conjugate(), Az)
    Ap = A*p

    while True:

        rAz_old = rAz

        alpha = rAz / inner(Ap.conjugate(), Ap)       # 3
        x += alpha * p                           # 4

        if mod(iter, recompute_r) and iter > 0:       # 5
            r -= alpha * Ap
            r = b - A*x

        z = M*r

        Az = A*z
        rAz = inner(r.conjugate(), Az)

        beta = rAz/rAz_old                        # 6

        p *= beta                               # 7
        p += z

        Ap *= beta                               # 8
        Ap += Az

        iter += 1

        zz = inner(z.conjugate(), z)
        normr = sqrt(zz)                          # use preconditioner norm

        if residuals is not None:

        if callback is not None:

        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)
        elif zz == 0.0:
            # important to test after testing normr < tol. rz == 0.0 is an
            # indicator of convergence when r = 0.0
            warn("\nSingular preconditioner detected in CR, ceasing \
            return (postprocess(x), -1)

        if iter == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), iter)
Exemplo n.º 16
def gmres_mgs(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, restrt=None, maxiter=None, xtype=None,
              M=None, callback=None, residuals=None, reorth=False):
    Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES)
        GMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the system
        Ax = b
        Modified Gram-Schmidt version

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the norm
        of the initial preconditioned residual
    restrt : {None, int}
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations
          is maxiter
    maxiter : {None, int}
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback( ||rk||_2 ), where rk is the current preconditioned residual
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the preconditioned residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.
    reorth : boolean
        If True, then a check is made whether to re-orthogonalize the Krylov
        space each GMRES iteration

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of gmres

            ==  =============================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  This value
                is precisely the order of the Krylov space.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =============================================

        - The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
          Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
          as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
          still supported as a legacy.
        - For robustness, modified Gram-Schmidt is used to orthogonalize the
          Krylov Space Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm
          each iteration

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import gmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = gmres(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8, orthog='mgs')
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)
    >>> 6.5428213057

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003

    .. [2] C. T. Kelley, http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ctk/matlab_roots.html
    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
    dimen = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._gmres_mgs')

    # Choose type
    if not hasattr(A, 'dtype'):
        Atype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Atype = A.dtype
    if not hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
        Mtype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Mtype = M.dtype
    xtype = upcast(Atype, x.dtype, b.dtype, Mtype)

    if restrt is not None:
        restrt = int(restrt)
    if maxiter is not None:
        maxiter = int(maxiter)

    # Get fast access to underlying BLAS routines
    # dotc is the conjugate dot, dotu does no conjugation
    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [x] )
    if iscomplexobj(zeros((1,), dtype=xtype)):
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dotu', 'dotc', 'scal'], [x])
        # real type
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'dot',  'scal'], [x])

    # Make full use of direct access to BLAS by defining own norm
    def norm(z):
        return sqrt(real(dotc(z, z)))

    # Should norm(r) be kept
    if residuals == []:
        keep_r = True
        keep_r = False

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (restrt) to maximum\
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            restrt = dimen
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (maxiter) to maximum\
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            maxiter = dimen
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(dimen, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if dimen == 1:
        entry = ravel(A*array([1.0], dtype=xtype))
        return (postprocess(b/entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - ravel(A*x)

    # Apply preconditioner
    r = ravel(M*r)
    normr = norm(r)
    if keep_r:
    # Check for nan, inf
    # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
    #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
    #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        if callback is not None:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2, we use the preconditioned residual
    # because this is left preconditioned GMRES.
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol*normr

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails, we
    # cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tol.
    niter = 0

    # Begin GMRES
    for outer in range(max_outer):

        # Preallocate for Givens Rotations, Hessenberg matrix and Krylov Space
        # Space required is O(dimen*max_inner).
        # NOTE:  We are dealing with row-major matrices, so we traverse in a
        #        row-major fashion,
        #        i.e., H and V's transpose is what we store.
        Q = []  # Givens Rotations
        # Upper Hessenberg matrix, which is then
        #   converted to upper tri with Givens Rots
        H = zeros((max_inner+1, max_inner+1), dtype=xtype)
        V = zeros((max_inner+1, dimen), dtype=xtype)  # Krylov Space
        # vs store the pointers to each column of V.
        #   This saves a considerable amount of time.
        vs = []
        # v = r/normr
        V[0, :] = scal(1.0/normr, r)
        vs.append(V[0, :])

        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = zeros((dimen,), dtype=xtype)
        g[0] = normr

        for inner in range(max_inner):

            # New Search Direction
            v = V[inner+1, :]
            v[:] = ravel(M*(A*vs[-1]))
            normv_old = norm(v)

            # Check for nan, inf
            # if isnan(V[inner+1, :]).any() or isinf(V[inner+1, :]).any():
            #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
            #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

            #  Modified Gram Schmidt
            for k in range(inner+1):
                vk = vs[k]
                alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                H[inner, k] = alpha
                v[:] = axpy(vk, v, dimen, -alpha)

            normv = norm(v)
            H[inner, inner+1] = normv

            # Re-orthogonalize
            if (reorth is True) and (normv_old == normv_old + 0.001*normv):
                for k in range(inner+1):
                    vk = vs[k]
                    alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                    H[inner, k] = H[inner, k] + alpha
                    v[:] = axpy(vk, v, dimen, -alpha)

            # Check for breakdown
            if H[inner, inner+1] != 0.0:
                v[:] = scal(1.0/H[inner, inner+1], v)

            # Apply previous Givens rotations to H
            if inner > 0:
                apply_givens(Q, H[inner, :], inner)

            # Calculate and apply next complex-valued Givens Rotation
            # ==> Note that if max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary
            # for the last inner
            #     iteration, when inner = dimen-1.
            if inner != dimen-1:
                if H[inner, inner+1] != 0:
                    [c, s, r] = lartg(H[inner, inner], H[inner, inner+1])
                    Qblock = array([[c, s], [-conjugate(s), c]], dtype=xtype)

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g,
                    #   the RHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace.
                    g[inner:inner+2] = sp.dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner+2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to H
                    H[inner, inner] = dotu(Qblock[0, :],
                                           H[inner, inner:inner+2])
                    H[inner, inner+1] = 0.0

            niter += 1

            # Don't update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner-1:
                normr = abs(g[inner+1])
                if normr < tol:

                # Allow user access to residual
                if callback is not None:
                if keep_r:

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space V.  Solve inner x inner system.
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:inner+1, 0:inner+1].T, g[0:inner+1])
        update = ravel(sp.mat(V[:inner+1, :]).T*y.reshape(-1, 1))
        x = x + update
        r = b - ravel(A*x)

        # Apply preconditioner
        r = ravel(M*r)
        normr = norm(r)
        # Check for nan, inf
        # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
        #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
        #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

        # Allow user access to residual
        if callback is not None:
        if keep_r:

        # Has GMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = max(abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Exemplo n.º 17
def cr(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M=None,
       callback=None, residuals=None):
    '''Conjugate Residual algorithm

    Solves the linear system Ax = b. Left preconditioning is supported.
    The matrix A must be Hermitian symmetric (but not necessarily definite).

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the
        preconditioner norm of r_0, or ||r_0||_M.
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of allowed iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.  The preconditioner norm
        is used, instead of the Euclidean norm.

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of cr

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
    still supported as a legacy.

    The 2-norm of the preconditioned residual is used both for halting and
    returned in the residuals list.

    >>> from pyamg.krylov.cr import cr
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = cr(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 262-67, 2003

    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype=None)
    # n = len(b)
    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._cr')

    # determine maxiter
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = int(1.3*len(b)) + 2
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')

    # choose tolerance for numerically zero values
    # t = A.dtype.char
    # eps = np.finfo(np.float).eps
    # feps = np.finfo(np.single).eps
    # geps = np.finfo(np.longfloat).eps
    # _array_precision = {'f': 0, 'd': 1, 'g': 2, 'F': 0, 'D': 1, 'G': 2}
    # numerically_zero = {0: feps*1e3, 1: eps*1e6,
    #                     2: geps*1e6}[_array_precision[t]]

    # setup method
    r = b - A*x
    z = M*r
    p = z.copy()
    zz = inner(z.conjugate(), z)

    # use preconditioner norm
    normr = sqrt(zz)

    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]  # initial residual

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_M
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol*normr

    # How often should r be recomputed
    recompute_r = 8

    iter = 0

    Az = A*z
    rAz = inner(r.conjugate(), Az)
    Ap = A*p

    while True:

        rAz_old = rAz

        alpha = rAz / inner(Ap.conjugate(), Ap)       # 3
        x += alpha * p                           # 4

        if mod(iter, recompute_r) and iter > 0:       # 5
            r -= alpha * Ap
            r = b - A*x

        z = M*r

        Az = A*z
        rAz = inner(r.conjugate(), Az)

        beta = rAz/rAz_old                        # 6

        p *= beta                               # 7
        p += z

        Ap *= beta                               # 8
        Ap += Az

        iter += 1

        zz = inner(z.conjugate(), z)
        normr = sqrt(zz)                          # use preconditioner norm

        if residuals is not None:

        if callback is not None:

        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)
        elif zz == 0.0:
            # important to test after testing normr < tol. rz == 0.0 is an
            # indicator of convergence when r = 0.0
            warn("\nSingular preconditioner detected in CR, ceasing \
            return (postprocess(x), -1)

        if iter == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), iter)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def solve(self,
        """Execute multigrid cycling.

        b : array
            Right hand side.
        x0 : array
            Initial guess.
        tol : float
            Stopping criteria: relative residual r[k]/r[0] tolerance.
        maxiter : int
            Stopping criteria: maximum number of allowable iterations.
        cycle : {'V','W','F','AMLI'}
            Type of multigrid cycle to perform in each iteration.
        accel : string, function
            Defines acceleration method.  Can be a string such as 'cg'
            or 'gmres' which is the name of an iterative solver in
            pyamg.krylov (preferred) or scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve.
            If accel is not a string, it will be treated like a function
            with the same interface provided by the iterative solvers in SciPy.
        callback : function
            User-defined function called after each iteration.  It is
            called as callback(xk) where xk is the k-th iterate vector.
        residuals : list
            List to contain residual norms at each iteration.

        x : array
            Approximate solution to Ax=b

        See Also

        >>> from numpy import ones
        >>> from pyamg import ruge_stuben_solver
        >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
        >>> A = poisson((100, 100), format='csr')
        >>> b = A * ones(A.shape[0])
        >>> ml = ruge_stuben_solver(A, max_coarse=10)
        >>> residuals = []
        >>> x = ml.solve(b, tol=1e-12, residuals=residuals) # standalone solver

        from pyamg.util.linalg import residual_norm, norm

        if x0 is None:
            x = np.zeros_like(b)
            x = np.array(x0)  # copy

        cycle = str(cycle).upper()

        # AMLI cycles require hermitian matrix
        if (cycle == 'AMLI') and hasattr(self.levels[0].A, 'symmetry'):
            if self.levels[0].A.symmetry != 'hermitian':
                raise ValueError('AMLI cycles require \
                    symmetry to be hermitian')

        if accel is not None:

            # Check for symmetric smoothing scheme when using CG
            if (accel == 'cg') and (not self.symmetric_smoothing):
                warn('Incompatible non-symmetric multigrid preconditioner '
                     'detected, due to presmoother/postsmoother combination. '
                     'CG requires SPD preconditioner, not just SPD matrix.')

            # Check for AMLI compatability
            if (accel != 'fgmres') and (cycle == 'AMLI'):
                raise ValueError('AMLI cycles require acceleration (accel) '
                                 'to be fgmres, or no acceleration')

            # py23 compatibility:
            except NameError:
                basestring = str

            # Acceleration is being used
            kwargs = {}
            if isinstance(accel, basestring):
                from pyamg import krylov
                from scipy.sparse.linalg import isolve
                kwargs = {}
                if hasattr(krylov, accel):
                    accel = getattr(krylov, accel)
                    accel = getattr(isolve, accel)
                    kwargs['atol'] = 'legacy'

            A = self.levels[0].A
            M = self.aspreconditioner(cycle=cycle)

            try:  # try PyAMG style interface which has a residuals parameter
                return accel(A,
            except BaseException:
                # try the scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve style interface,
                # which requires a call back function if a residual
                # history is desired

                cb = callback
                if residuals is not None:
                    residuals[:] = [residual_norm(A, x, b)]

                    def callback(x):
                        if np.isscalar(x):
                            residuals.append(residual_norm(A, x, b))
                        if cb is not None:

                return accel(A,

            # Scale tol by normb
            # Don't scale tol earlier. The accel routine should also scale tol
            normb = norm(b)
            if normb != 0:
                tol = tol * normb

        if return_residuals:
            warn('return_residuals is deprecated.  Use residuals instead')
            residuals = []
        if residuals is None:
            residuals = []
            residuals[:] = []

        # Create uniform types for A, x and b
        # Clearly, this logic doesn't handle the case of real A and complex b
        from scipy.sparse.sputils import upcast
        from pyamg.util.utils import to_type
        tp = upcast(b.dtype, x.dtype, self.levels[0].A.dtype)
        [b, x] = to_type(tp, [b, x])
        b = np.ravel(b)
        x = np.ravel(x)

        A = self.levels[0].A

        residuals.append(residual_norm(A, x, b))

        self.first_pass = True

        while len(residuals) <= maxiter and residuals[-1] > tol:
            if len(self.levels) == 1:
                # hierarchy has only 1 level
                x = self.coarse_solver(A, b)
                self.__solve(0, x, b, cycle)

            residuals.append(residual_norm(A, x, b))

            self.first_pass = False

            if callback is not None:

        if return_residuals:
            return x, residuals
            return x
Exemplo n.º 19
def cgne(A,
    '''Conjugate Gradient, Normal Error algorithm

    Applies CG to the normal equations, A.H A x = b. Left preconditioning
    is supported.  Note that unless A is well-conditioned, the use of
    CGNE is inadvisable

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by ||r_0||_2
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of allowed iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A A.H x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals has the residual norm history,
        including the initial residual, appended to it

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of cgne

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

        - The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
          Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
          as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
          still supported as a legacy.

    >>> from pyamg.krylov.cgne import cgne
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = cgne(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 276-7, 2003


    # Store the conjugate transpose explicitly as it will be used much later on
    if isspmatrix(A):
        AH = A.H
        # TODO avoid doing this since A may be a different sparse type
        AH = aslinearoperator(np.asmatrix(A).H)

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype)
    dimen = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._cgne')

    # Choose type
    if not hasattr(A, 'dtype'):
        Atype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Atype = A.dtype
    if not hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
        Mtype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Mtype = M.dtype
    xtype = upcast(Atype, x.dtype, b.dtype, Mtype)

    # Should norm(r) be kept
    if residuals == []:
        keep_r = True
        keep_r = False

    # How often should r be recomputed
    recompute_r = 8

    # Check iteration numbers. CGNE suffers from loss of orthogonality quite
    # easily, so we arbitrarily let the method go up to 130% over the
    # theoretically necessary limit of maxiter=dimen
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = int(np.ceil(1.3 * dimen)) + 2
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')
    elif maxiter > (1.3 * dimen):
        warn('maximum allowed inner iterations (maxiter) are the 130% times \
              the number of dofs')
        maxiter = int(np.ceil(1.3 * dimen)) + 2

    # Prep for method
    r = b - A * x
    normr = norm(r)
    if keep_r:

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol * normb:
        if callback is not None:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol * normr

    # Begin CGNE

    # Apply preconditioner and calculate initial search direction
    z = M * r
    p = AH * z
    old_zr = np.inner(z.conjugate(), r)

    for iter in range(maxiter):

        # alpha = (z_j, r_j) / (p_j, p_j)
        alpha = old_zr / np.inner(p.conjugate(), p)

        # x_{j+1} = x_j + alpha*p_j
        x += alpha * p

        # r_{j+1} = r_j - alpha*w_j,   where w_j = A*p_j
        if np.mod(iter, recompute_r) and iter > 0:
            r -= alpha * (A * p)
            r = b - A * x

        # z_{j+1} = M*r_{j+1}
        z = M * r

        # beta = (z_{j+1}, r_{j+1}) / (z_j, r_j)
        new_zr = np.inner(z.conjugate(), r)
        beta = new_zr / old_zr
        old_zr = new_zr

        # p_{j+1} = A.H*z_{j+1} + beta*p_j
        p *= beta
        p += AH * z

        # Allow user access to residual
        if callback is not None:

        # test for convergence
        normr = norm(r)
        if keep_r:
        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end loop

    return (postprocess(x), iter + 1)
Exemplo n.º 20
def cgne(A,
    """Conjugate Gradient, Normal Error algorithm.

    Applies CG to the normal equations, A A.H x = b. Left preconditioning
    is supported.  Note that unless A is well-conditioned, the use of
    CGNE is inadvisable

    A : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : array, matrix
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : array, matrix
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        Tolerance for stopping criteria
    criteria : string
        Stopping criteria, let r=r_k, x=x_k
        'rr':        ||r||       < tol ||b||
        'rr+':       ||r||       < tol (||b|| + ||A||_F ||x||)
        'MrMr':      ||M r||     < tol ||M b||
        'rMr':       <r, Mr>^1/2 < tol
        if ||b||=0, then set ||b||=1 for these tests.
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of iterations allowed
    M : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A A.H x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residual history in the 2-norm, including the initial residual

    (xk, info)
    xk : an updated guess after k iterations to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import cgne
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = cgne(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print(f'{norm(b - A*x):.6}')

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 276-7, 2003

    # Store the conjugate transpose explicitly as it will be used much later on
    if sparse.isspmatrix(A):
        AH = A.H
        # avoid doing this since A may be a different sparse type
        AH = aslinearoperator(np.asarray(A).conj().T)

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
    n = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg.krylov._cgne')

    # How often should r be recomputed
    recompute_r = 8

    # Check iteration numbers. CGNE suffers from loss of orthogonality quite
    # easily, so we arbitrarily let the method go up to 130% over the
    # theoretically necessary limit of maxiter=n
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = int(np.ceil(1.3 * n)) + 2
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')
    elif maxiter > (1.3 * n):
        warn('maximum allowed inner iterations (maxiter) are the 130% times'
             'the number of dofs')
        maxiter = int(np.ceil(1.3 * n)) + 2

    # Prep for method
    r = b - A @ x
    normr = norm(r)

    # Apply preconditioner and calculate initial search direction
    z = M @ r
    p = AH @ z
    old_zr = np.inner(z.conjugate(), r)

    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]  # initial residual

    # Check initial guess if b != 0,
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0  # reset so that tol is unscaled

    # set the stopping criteria (see the docstring)
    if criteria == 'rr':
        rtol = tol * normb
    elif criteria == 'rr+':
        if sparse.issparse(A.A):
            normA = norm(A.A.data)
        elif isinstance(A.A, np.ndarray):
            normA = norm(np.ravel(A.A))
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to use ||A||_F with the current matrix format.')
        rtol = tol * (normA * np.linalg.norm(x) + normb)
    elif criteria == 'MrMr':
        normr = norm(z)
        normMb = norm(M @ b)
        rtol = tol * normMb
    elif criteria == 'rMr':
        normr = np.sqrt(old_zr)
        rtol = tol
        raise ValueError('Invalid stopping criteria.')

    if normr < rtol:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Begin CGNE

    it = 0

    while True:  # Step number in Saad's pseudocode

        # alpha = (z_j, r_j) / (p_j, p_j)
        alpha = old_zr / np.inner(p.conjugate(), p)

        # x_{j+1} = x_j + alpha*p_j
        x += alpha * p

        # r_{j+1} = r_j - alpha*w_j,   where w_j = A*p_j
        if np.mod(it, recompute_r) and it > 0:
            r -= alpha * (A @ p)
            r = b - A @ x

        # z_{j+1} = M*r_{j+1}
        z = M @ r

        # beta = (z_{j+1}, r_{j+1}) / (z_j, r_j)
        new_zr = np.inner(z.conjugate(), r)
        beta = new_zr / old_zr
        old_zr = new_zr

        # p_{j+1} = A.H*z_{j+1} + beta*p_j
        p *= beta
        p += AH @ z

        it += 1
        normr = np.linalg.norm(r)

        if residuals is not None:

        if callback is not None:

        # set the stopping criteria (see the docstring)
        if criteria == 'rr':
            rtol = tol * normb
        elif criteria == 'rr+':
            rtol = tol * (normA * np.linalg.norm(x) + normb)
        elif criteria == 'MrMr':
            normr = norm(z)
            rtol = tol * normMb
        elif criteria == 'rMr':
            normr = np.sqrt(new_zr)
            rtol = tol

        if normr < rtol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

        if it == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), it)
Exemplo n.º 21
def gmres_mgs(A,
    Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES)
        GMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the system
        Ax = b
        Modified Gram-Schmidt version

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the norm
        of the initial preconditioned residual
    restrt : {None, int}
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations
          is maxiter
    maxiter : {None, int}
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the preconditioned residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.
    reorth : boolean
        If True, then a check is made whether to re-orthogonalize the Krylov
        space each GMRES iteration

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of gmres

            ==  =============================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  This value
                is precisely the order of the Krylov space.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =============================================

        - The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
          Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
          as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
          still supported as a legacy.
        - For robustness, modified Gram-Schmidt is used to orthogonalize the
          Krylov Space Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm
          each iteration

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import gmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = gmres(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8, orthog='mgs')
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)
    >>> 6.5428213057

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003

    .. [2] C. T. Kelley, http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ctk/matlab_roots.html
    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype)
    dimen = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._gmres_mgs')

    # Choose type
    if not hasattr(A, 'dtype'):
        Atype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Atype = A.dtype
    if not hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
        Mtype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Mtype = M.dtype
    xtype = upcast(Atype, x.dtype, b.dtype, Mtype)

    if restrt is not None:
        restrt = int(restrt)
    if maxiter is not None:
        maxiter = int(maxiter)

    # Get fast access to underlying BLAS routines
    # dotc is the conjugate dot, dotu does no conjugation
    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [x])
    if np.iscomplexobj(np.zeros((1, ), dtype=xtype)):
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dotu', 'dotc', 'scal'], [x])
        # real type
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'dot',  'scal'], [x])

    # Make full use of direct access to BLAS by defining own norm
    def norm(z):
        return np.sqrt(np.real(dotc(z, z)))

    # Should norm(r) be kept
    if residuals == []:
        keep_r = True
        keep_r = False

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (restrt) to maximum\
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            restrt = dimen
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (maxiter) to maximum\
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            maxiter = dimen
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(dimen, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if dimen == 1:
        entry = np.ravel(A * np.array([1.0], dtype=xtype))
        return (postprocess(b / entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - np.ravel(A * x)

    # Apply preconditioner
    r = np.ravel(M * r)
    normr = norm(r)
    if keep_r:
    # Check for nan, inf
    # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
    #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
    #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol * normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2, we use the preconditioned residual
    # because this is left preconditioned GMRES.
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol * normr

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails, we
    # cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tol.
    niter = 0

    # Begin GMRES
    for outer in range(max_outer):

        # Preallocate for Givens Rotations, Hessenberg matrix and Krylov Space
        # Space required is O(dimen*max_inner).
        # NOTE:  We are dealing with row-major matrices, so we traverse in a
        #        row-major fashion,
        #        i.e., H and V's transpose is what we store.
        Q = []  # Givens Rotations
        # Upper Hessenberg matrix, which is then
        #   converted to upper tri with Givens Rots
        H = np.zeros((max_inner + 1, max_inner + 1), dtype=xtype)
        V = np.zeros((max_inner + 1, dimen), dtype=xtype)  # Krylov Space
        # vs store the pointers to each column of V.
        #   This saves a considerable amount of time.
        vs = []
        # v = r/normr
        V[0, :] = scal(1.0 / normr, r)
        vs.append(V[0, :])

        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = np.zeros((dimen, ), dtype=xtype)
        g[0] = normr

        for inner in range(max_inner):

            # New Search Direction
            v = V[inner + 1, :]
            v[:] = np.ravel(M * (A * vs[-1]))
            normv_old = norm(v)

            # Check for nan, inf
            # if isnan(V[inner+1, :]).any() or isinf(V[inner+1, :]).any():
            #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
            #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

            #  Modified Gram Schmidt
            for k in range(inner + 1):
                vk = vs[k]
                alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                H[inner, k] = alpha
                v[:] = axpy(vk, v, dimen, -alpha)

            normv = norm(v)
            H[inner, inner + 1] = normv

            # Re-orthogonalize
            if (reorth is True) and (normv_old == normv_old + 0.001 * normv):
                for k in range(inner + 1):
                    vk = vs[k]
                    alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                    H[inner, k] = H[inner, k] + alpha
                    v[:] = axpy(vk, v, dimen, -alpha)

            # Check for breakdown
            if H[inner, inner + 1] != 0.0:
                v[:] = scal(1.0 / H[inner, inner + 1], v)

            # Apply previous Givens rotations to H
            if inner > 0:
                apply_givens(Q, H[inner, :], inner)

            # Calculate and apply next complex-valued Givens Rotation
            # ==> Note that if max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary
            # for the last inner
            #     iteration, when inner = dimen-1.
            if inner != dimen - 1:
                if H[inner, inner + 1] != 0:
                    [c, s, r] = lartg(H[inner, inner], H[inner, inner + 1])
                    Qblock = np.array([[c, s], [-np.conjugate(s), c]],

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g,
                    #   the RHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace.
                    g[inner:inner + 2] = np.dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner + 2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to H
                    H[inner, inner] = dotu(Qblock[0, :], H[inner,
                                                           inner:inner + 2])
                    H[inner, inner + 1] = 0.0

            niter += 1

            # Don't update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner - 1:
                normr = np.abs(g[inner + 1])
                if normr < tol:

                # Allow user access to the iterates
                if callback is not None:
                if keep_r:

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space V.  Solve inner x inner system.
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:inner + 1, 0:inner + 1].T, g[0:inner + 1])
        update = np.ravel(np.mat(V[:inner + 1, :]).T * y.reshape(-1, 1))
        x = x + update
        r = b - np.ravel(A * x)

        # Apply preconditioner
        r = np.ravel(M * r)
        normr = norm(r)
        # Check for nan, inf
        # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
        #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
        #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

        # Allow user access to the iterates
        if callback is not None:
        if keep_r:

        # Has GMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = np.max(np.abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_krylov(self):
        # Oblique projectors reduce the residual
        for method in self.oblique:
            for case in self.cases:
                A = case["A"]
                b = case["b"]
                x0 = case["x0"]
                (xNew, flag) = method(A, b, x0=x0, tol=case["tol"], maxiter=case["maxiter"])
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1, 1)
                    (norm(b - A * xNew) / norm(b - A * x0)) < case["reduction_factor"],
                    err_msg="Oblique Krylov Method Failed Test",

        # Oblique projectors reduce the residual, here we consider oblique
        # projectors for symmetric matrices
        for method in self.symm_oblique:
            for case in self.symm_cases:
                A = case["A"]
                b = case["b"]
                x0 = case["x0"]
                (xNew, flag) = method(A, b, x0=x0, tol=case["tol"], maxiter=case["maxiter"])
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1, 1)
                    (norm(b - A * xNew) / norm(b - A * x0)) < case["reduction_factor"],
                    err_msg="Symmetric oblique Krylov Method Failed",

        # Orthogonal projectors reduce the error
        for method in self.orth:
            for case in self.cases:
                A = case["A"]
                b = case["b"]
                x0 = case["x0"]
                (xNew, flag) = method(A, b, x0=x0, tol=case["tol"], maxiter=case["maxiter"])
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1, 1)
                soln = solve(A, b)
                    (norm(soln - xNew) / norm(soln - x0)) < case["reduction_factor"],
                    err_msg="Orthogonal Krylov Method Failed Test",

        # SPD Orthogonal projectors reduce the error
        for method in self.spd_orth:
            for case in self.spd_cases:
                A = case["A"]
                b = case["b"]
                x0 = case["x0"]
                (xNew, flag) = method(A, b, x0=x0, tol=case["tol"], maxiter=case["maxiter"])
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1, 1)
                soln = solve(A, b)
                    (norm(soln - xNew) / norm(soln - x0)) < case["reduction_factor"],
                    err_msg="Orthogonal Krylov Method Failed Test",

        # Assume that Inexact Methods reduce the residual for these examples
        for method in self.inexact:
            for case in self.cases:
                A = case["A"]
                b = case["b"]
                x0 = case["x0"]
                (xNew, flag) = method(A, b, x0=x0, tol=case["tol"], maxiter=A.shape[0])
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1, 1)
                    (norm(b - A * xNew) / norm(b - A * x0)) < 0.35, True, err_msg="Inexact Krylov Method Failed Test"
Exemplo n.º 23
def minimal_residual(A,
    """Minimal residual (MR) algorithm. 1D projection method.

    Solves the linear system Ax = b. Left preconditioning is supported.

    A : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : array, matrix
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : array, matrix
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        Tolerance for stopping criteria, let r=r_k
           ||M r||     < tol ||M b||
        if ||b||=0, then set ||M b||=1 for these tests.
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of iterations allowed
    M : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        preconditioned residual history in the 2-norm,
        including the initial preconditioned residual

    (xk, info)
    xk : an updated guess after k iterations to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.

    minimal residual algorithm:      Preconditioned version:
    r = b - A x                      r = b - A x, z = M r
    while not converged:             while not converged:
        p = A r                          p = M A z
        alpha = (p,r) / (p,p)            alpha = (p, z) / (p, p)
        x = x + alpha r                  x = x + alpha z
        r = r - alpha p                  z = z - alpha p

    See Also

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import minimal_residual
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = minimal_residual(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print(f'{norm(b - A*x):.6}')

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 137--142, 2003

    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg.krylov._minimal_residual')

    # determine maxiter
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = int(1.3 * len(b)) + 2
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')

    # setup method
    r = b - A @ x
    z = M @ r
    normr = norm(z)

    # store initial residual
    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]

    # Check initial guess if b != 0,
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normMb = 1.0  # reset so that tol is unscaled
        normMb = norm(M @ b)

    # set the stopping criteria (see the docstring)
    if normr < tol * normMb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # How often should r be recomputed
    recompute_r = 50

    it = 0

    while True:
        p = M @ (A @ z)

        # (p, z) = (M A M r, M r) = (M A z, z)
        pz = np.inner(p.conjugate(), z)  # check curvature of M^-1 A
        if pz < 0.0:
                '\nIndefinite matrix detected in minimal residual, stopping.\n'
            return (postprocess(x), -1)

        alpha = pz / np.inner(p.conjugate(), p)
        x = x + alpha * z

        it += 1

        if np.mod(it, recompute_r) and it > 0:
            r = b - A @ x
            z = M @ r
            z = z - alpha * p

        normr = norm(z)
        if residuals is not None:

        if callback is not None:

        # set the stopping criteria (see the docstring)
        if normr < tol * normMb:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

        if it == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), it)
Exemplo n.º 24
def general_setup_stage(ml, symmetry, candidate_iters, prepostsmoother, smooth,
                        eliminate_local, coarse_solver, work):
    Computes additional candidates and improvements
    following Algorithm 4 in Brezina et al.

        number of test relaxation iterations
        minimum acceptable relaxation convergence factor

    .. [1] Brezina, Falgout, MacLachlan, Manteuffel, McCormick, and Ruge
       "Adaptive Smoothed Aggregation (alphaSA) Multigrid"
       SIAM Review Volume 47,  Issue 2  (2005)
    def make_bridge(T):
        M, N = T.shape
        K = T.blocksize[0]
        bnnz = T.indptr[-1]
        # the K+1 represents the new dof introduced by the new candidate.  the
        # bridge 'T' ignores this new dof and just maps zeros there
        data = np.zeros((bnnz, K + 1, K), dtype=T.dtype)
        data[:, :-1, :] = T.data
        return bsr_matrix((data, T.indices, T.indptr),
                          shape=((K + 1) * int(M / K), N))

    def expand_candidates(B_old, nodesize):
        # insert a new dof that is always zero, to create NullDim+1 dofs per
        # node in B
        NullDim = B_old.shape[1]
        nnodes = int(B_old.shape[0] / nodesize)
        Bnew = np.zeros((nnodes, nodesize + 1, NullDim), dtype=B_old.dtype)
        Bnew[:, :-1, :] = B_old.reshape(nnodes, nodesize, NullDim)
        return Bnew.reshape(-1, NullDim)

    levels = ml.levels

    x = sp.rand(levels[0].A.shape[0], 1)
    if levels[0].A.dtype.name.startswith('complex'):
        x = x + 1.0j * sp.rand(levels[0].A.shape[0], 1)
    b = np.zeros_like(x)

    x = ml.solve(b,
    work[:] += ml.operator_complexity(
    ) * ml.levels[0].A.nnz * candidate_iters * 2

    T0 = levels[0].T.copy()


    for i in range(len(ml.levels) - 2):
        # alpha-SA paper does local elimination here, but after talking
        # to Marian, its not clear that this helps things
        # fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(eliminate_local)
        # if fn == True:
        #    eliminate_local_candidates(x,levels[i].AggOp,levels[i].A,
        #    levels[i].T, **kwargs)

        # add candidate to B
        B = np.hstack((levels[i].B, x.reshape(-1, 1)))

        # construct Ptent
        T, R = fit_candidates(levels[i].AggOp, B)

        levels[i].T = T
        x = R[:, -1].reshape(-1, 1)

        # smooth P
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[i])
        if fn == 'jacobi':
            levels[i].P = jacobi_prolongation_smoother(levels[i].A, T,
                                                       levels[i].C, R,
        elif fn == 'richardson':
            levels[i].P = richardson_prolongation_smoother(
                levels[i].A, T, **kwargs)
        elif fn == 'energy':
            levels[i].P = energy_prolongation_smoother(levels[i].A, T,
                                                       levels[i].C, R, None,
                                                       (False, {}), **kwargs)
            x = R[:, -1].reshape(-1, 1)
        elif fn is None:
            levels[i].P = T
            raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother method %s' %

        # construct R
        if symmetry == 'symmetric':  # R should reflect A's structure
            levels[i].R = levels[i].P.T.asformat(levels[i].P.format)
        elif symmetry == 'hermitian':
            levels[i].R = levels[i].P.H.asformat(levels[i].P.format)

        # construct coarse A
        levels[i + 1].A = levels[i].R * levels[i].A * levels[i].P

        # construct bridging P
        T_bridge = make_bridge(levels[i + 1].T)
        R_bridge = levels[i + 2].B

        # smooth bridging P
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[i + 1])
        if fn == 'jacobi':
            levels[i + 1].P = jacobi_prolongation_smoother(
                levels[i + 1].A, T_bridge, levels[i + 1].C, R_bridge, **kwargs)
        elif fn == 'richardson':
            levels[i + 1].P = richardson_prolongation_smoother(
                levels[i + 1].A, T_bridge, **kwargs)
        elif fn == 'energy':
            levels[i + 1].P = energy_prolongation_smoother(
                levels[i + 1].A, T_bridge, levels[i + 1].C, R_bridge, None,
                (False, {}), **kwargs)
        elif fn is None:
            levels[i + 1].P = T_bridge
            raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother method %s' %

        # construct the "bridging" R
        if symmetry == 'symmetric':  # R should reflect A's structure
            levels[i + 1].R = levels[i + 1].P.T.asformat(levels[i +
        elif symmetry == 'hermitian':
            levels[i + 1].R = levels[i + 1].P.H.asformat(levels[i +

        # run solver on candidate
        solver = multilevel_solver(levels[i + 1:], coarse_solver=coarse_solver)
        x = solver.solve(np.zeros_like(x),
        work[:] += 2 * solver.operator_complexity() * solver.levels[0].A.nnz *\

        # update values on next level
        levels[i + 1].B = R[:, :-1].copy()
        levels[i + 1].T = T_bridge

    # note that we only use the x from the second coarsest level
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(prepostsmoother)
    for lvl in reversed(levels[:-2]):
        x = lvl.P * x
        work[:] += lvl.A.nnz * candidate_iters * 2

        if fn == 'gauss_seidel':
            # only relax at nonzeros, so as not to mess up any locally dropped
            # candidates
            indices = np.ravel(x).nonzero()[0]

        elif fn == 'gauss_seidel_ne':

        elif fn == 'gauss_seidel_nr':

        elif fn == 'jacobi':
                   omega=1.0 / rho_D_inv_A(lvl.A))

        elif fn == 'richardson':
                       coefficients=[1.0 / approximate_spectral_radius(lvl.A)])

        elif fn == 'gmres':
            x[:] = (gmres(lvl.A,
            raise TypeError('Unrecognized smoother')

    # x will be dense again, so we have to drop locally again
    elim, elim_kwargs = unpack_arg(eliminate_local)
    if elim is True:
        x = x / norm(x, 'inf')
        eliminate_local_candidates(x, levels[0].AggOp, levels[0].A, T0,

    return x.reshape(-1, 1)
Exemplo n.º 25
def adaptive_sa_solver(A,
                       prepostsmoother=('gauss_seidel', {
                           'sweep': 'symmetric'
                       smooth=('jacobi', {}),
                       eliminate_local=(False, {
                           'Ca': 1.0
    Create a multilevel solver using Adaptive Smoothed Aggregation (aSA)

    A : {csr_matrix, bsr_matrix}
        Square matrix in CSR or BSR format
    initial_candidates : {None, n x m dense matrix}
        If a matrix, then this forms the basis for the first m candidates.
        Also in this case, the initial setup stage is skipped, because this
        provides the first candidate(s).  If None, then a random initial guess
        and relaxation are used to inform the initial candidate.
    symmetry : {string}
        'symmetric' refers to both real and complex symmetric
        'hermitian' refers to both complex Hermitian and real Hermitian
        Note that for the strictly real case, these two options are the same
        Note that this flag does not denote definiteness of the operator
    pdef : {bool}
        True or False, whether A is known to be positive definite.
    num_candidates : {integer} : default 1
        Number of near-nullspace candidates to generate
    candidate_iters : {integer} : default 5
        Number of smoothing passes/multigrid cycles used at each level of
        the adaptive setup phase
    improvement_iters : {integer} : default 0
        Number of times each candidate is improved
    epsilon : {float} : default 0.1
        Target convergence factor
    max_levels : {integer} : default 10
        Maximum number of levels to be used in the multilevel solver.
    max_coarse : {integer} : default 500
        Maximum number of variables permitted on the coarse grid.
    prepostsmoother : {string or dict}
        Pre- and post-smoother used in the adaptive method
    strength : ['symmetric', 'classical', 'evolution', ('predefined', {'C': csr_matrix}), None]
        Method used to determine the strength of connection between unknowns of
        the linear system.  See smoothed_aggregation_solver(...) documentation.
    aggregate : ['standard', 'lloyd', 'naive', ('predefined', {'AggOp': csr_matrix})]
        Method used to aggregate nodes.  See smoothed_aggregation_solver(...)
    smooth : ['jacobi', 'richardson', 'energy', None]
        Method used used to smooth the tentative prolongator.  See
        smoothed_aggregation_solver(...) documentation
    coarse_solver : ['splu', 'lu', 'cholesky, 'pinv', 'gauss_seidel', ... ]
        Solver used at the coarsest level of the MG hierarchy.
        Optionally, may be a tuple (fn, args), where fn is a string such as
        ['splu', 'lu', ...] or a callable function, and args is a dictionary of
        arguments to be passed to fn.
    eliminate_local : {tuple}
        Length 2 tuple.  If the first entry is True, then eliminate candidates
        where they aren't needed locally, using the second entry of the tuple
        to contain arguments to local elimination routine.  Given the rigid
        sparse data structures, this doesn't help much, if at all, with
        complexity.  Its more of a diagnostic utility.
    keep: {bool} : default False
        Flag to indicate keeping extra operators in the hierarchy for
        diagnostics.  For example, if True, then strength of connection (C),
        tentative prolongation (T), and aggregation (AggOp) are kept.

    multilevel_solver : multilevel_solver
        Smoothed aggregation solver with adaptively generated candidates


    - Floating point value representing the "work" required to generate
      the solver.  This value is the total cost of just relaxation, relative
      to the fine grid.  The relaxation method used is assumed to symmetric

    - Unlike the standard Smoothed Aggregation (SA) method, adaptive SA does
      not require knowledge of near-nullspace candidate vectors.  Instead, an
      adaptive procedure computes one or more candidates 'from scratch'.  This
      approach is useful when no candidates are known or the candidates have
      been invalidated due to changes to matrix A.

    >>> from pyamg.gallery import stencil_grid
    >>> from pyamg.aggregation import adaptive_sa_solver
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> A=stencil_grid([[-1,-1,-1],[-1,8.0,-1],[-1,-1,-1]],\
    >>> [asa,work] = adaptive_sa_solver(A,num_candidates=1)
    >>> residuals=[]
    >>> x=asa.solve(b=np.ones((A.shape[0],)), x0=np.ones((A.shape[0],)),\

    .. [1] Brezina, Falgout, MacLachlan, Manteuffel, McCormick, and Ruge
       "Adaptive Smoothed Aggregation ($\alpha$SA) Multigrid"
       SIAM Review Volume 47,  Issue 2  (2005)


    if not (isspmatrix_csr(A) or isspmatrix_bsr(A)):
            A = csr_matrix(A)
            warn("Implicit conversion of A to CSR", SparseEfficiencyWarning)
            raise TypeError('Argument A must have type csr_matrix or\
                            bsr_matrix, or be convertible to csr_matrix')

    A = A.asfptype()
    if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('expected square matrix')

    # Track work in terms of relaxation
    work = np.zeros((1, ))

    # Levelize the user parameters, so that they become lists describing the
    # desired user option on each level.
    max_levels, max_coarse, strength =\
        levelize_strength_or_aggregation(strength, max_levels, max_coarse)
    max_levels, max_coarse, aggregate =\
        levelize_strength_or_aggregation(aggregate, max_levels, max_coarse)
    smooth = levelize_smooth_or_improve_candidates(smooth, max_levels)

    # Develop initial candidate(s).  Note that any predefined aggregation is
    # preserved.
    if initial_candidates is None:
        B, aggregate, strength =\
            initial_setup_stage(A, symmetry, pdef, candidate_iters, epsilon,
                                max_levels, max_coarse, aggregate,
                                prepostsmoother, smooth, strength, work)
        # Normalize B
        B = (1.0 / norm(B, 'inf')) * B
        num_candidates -= 1
        # Otherwise, use predefined candidates
        B = initial_candidates
        num_candidates -= B.shape[1]
        # Generate Aggregation and Strength Operators (the brute force way)
        sa = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A,
        if len(sa.levels) > 1:
            # Set strength-of-connection and aggregation
            aggregate = [('predefined', {
                'AggOp': sa.levels[i].AggOp.tocsr()
            }) for i in range(len(sa.levels) - 1)]
            strength = [('predefined', {
                'C': sa.levels[i].C.tocsr()
            }) for i in range(len(sa.levels) - 1)]

    # Develop additional candidates
    for i in range(num_candidates):
        x = general_setup_stage(
                                        **kwargs), symmetry, candidate_iters,
            prepostsmoother, smooth, eliminate_local, coarse_solver, work)

        # Normalize x and add to candidate list
        x = x / norm(x, 'inf')
        if np.isinf(x[0]) or np.isnan(x[0]):
            raise ValueError('Adaptive candidate is all 0.')
        B = np.hstack((B, x.reshape(-1, 1)))

    # Improve candidates
    if B.shape[1] > 1 and improvement_iters > 0:
        b = np.zeros((A.shape[0], 1), dtype=A.dtype)
        for i in range(improvement_iters):
            for j in range(B.shape[1]):
                # Run a V-cycle built on everything except candidate j, while
                # using candidate j as the initial guess
                x0 = B[:, 0]
                B = B[:, 1:]
                sa_temp =\
                    smoothed_aggregation_solver(A, B=B, symmetry=symmetry,
                                                keep=True, **kwargs)
                x = sa_temp.solve(b,
                work[:] += 2 * sa_temp.operator_complexity() *\
                    sa_temp.levels[0].A.nnz * candidate_iters

                # Apply local elimination
                elim, elim_kwargs = unpack_arg(eliminate_local)
                if elim is True:
                    x = x / norm(x, 'inf')
                    eliminate_local_candidates(x, sa_temp.levels[0].AggOp, A,

                # Normalize x and add to candidate list
                x = x / norm(x, 'inf')
                if np.isinf(x[0]) or np.isnan(x[0]):
                    raise ValueError('Adaptive candidate is all 0.')
                B = np.hstack((B, x.reshape(-1, 1)))

    elif improvement_iters > 0:
        # Special case for improving a single candidate
        max_levels = len(aggregate) + 1
        max_coarse = 0
        for i in range(improvement_iters):
            B, aggregate, strength =\
                initial_setup_stage(A, symmetry, pdef, candidate_iters,
                                    epsilon, max_levels, max_coarse,
                                    aggregate, prepostsmoother, smooth,
                                    strength, work, initial_candidate=B)
            # Normalize B
            B = (1.0 / norm(B, 'inf')) * B

    return [
                                    **kwargs), work[0] / A.nnz
Exemplo n.º 26
def solve(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=400, return_solver=False,
          existing_solver=None, verb=True):
    Solve the arbitrary system Ax=b with the best out-of-the box choice for a
    solver.  The matrix A can be non-Hermitian, indefinite, Hermitian
    positive-definite, complex, etc...  Generic and robust settings for
    smoothed_aggregation_solver(..) are used to invert A.

    A : {array, matrix, csr_matrix, bsr_matrix}
        Matrix to invert, CSR or BSR format preferred for efficiency
    b : {array}
        Right hand side.
    x0 : {array} : default random vector
        Initial guess
    tol : {float} : default 1e-5
        Stopping criteria: relative residual r[k]/r[0] tolerance
    maxiter : {int} : default 400
        Stopping criteria: maximum number of allowable iterations
    return_solver : {bool} : default False
        True: return the solver generated
    existing_solver : {smoothed_aggregation_solver} : default None
        If instance of a multilevel solver, then existing_solver is used
        to invert A, thus saving time on setup cost.
    verb : {bool}
        If True, print verbose output during runtime

    x : {array}
        Solution to Ax = b
    ml : multilevel_solver
        Optional return of the multilevel structure used for the solve

    If calling solve(...) multiple times for the same matrix, A, solver reuse
    is easy and efficient.  Set "return_solver=True", and the return value will
    be a tuple, (x,ml), where ml is the solver used to invert A, and x is the
    solution to Ax=b.  Then, the next time solve(...) is called, set

    >>> from numpy import arange, array
    >>> from pyamg import solve
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> A = poisson((40,40),format='csr')
    >>> b = array(arange(A.shape[0]), dtype=float)
    >>> x = solve(A,b,verb=False)
    >>> print "%1.2e"%(norm(b - A*x)/norm(b))

    # Convert A to acceptable CSR/BSR format
    A = make_csr(A)

    # Generate solver if necessary
    if existing_solver is None:

        # Parameter dictionary for smoothed_aggregation_solver
        config = solver_configuration(A, B=None, verb=verb)
        # Generate solver
        existing_solver = solver(A, config)

        if existing_solver.levels[0].A.shape[0] != A.shape[0]:
            raise TypeError('Argument existing_solver must have level 0 matrix\
                             of same size as A')

    # Krylov acceleration depends on symmetry of A
    if existing_solver.levels[0].A.symmetry == 'hermitian':
        accel = 'cg'
        accel = 'gmres'

    # Initial guess
    if x0 is None:
        x0 = np.array(sp.rand(A.shape[0],), dtype=A.dtype)

    # Callback function to print iteration number
    if verb:
        iteration = np.zeros((1,))
        print "    maxiter = %d" % maxiter

        def callback(x, iteration):
            iteration[0] = iteration[0] + 1
            print "    iteration %d" % iteration[0]

        callback2 = lambda x: callback(x, iteration)
        callback2 = None

    # Solve with accelerated Krylov method
    x = existing_solver.solve(b, x0=x0, accel=accel, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter,
    if verb:
        r0 = norm(np.ravel(b) - np.ravel(A * x0))
        rk = norm(np.ravel(b) - np.ravel(A * x))
        if r0 != 0.0:
            print "  Residual reduction ||r_k||/||r_0|| = %1.2e" % (rk / r0)
            print "  Residuals ||r_k||, ||r_0|| = %1.2e, %1.2e" % (rk, r0)

    if return_solver:
        return (x.reshape(b.shape), existing_solver)
        return x.reshape(b.shape)
Exemplo n.º 27
def adaptive_sa_solver(A, initial_candidates=None, symmetry='hermitian',
                       pdef=True, num_candidates=1, candidate_iters=5,
                       improvement_iters=0, epsilon=0.1,
                       max_levels=10, max_coarse=10, aggregate='standard',
                                        {'sweep': 'symmetric'}),
                       smooth=('jacobi', {}), strength='symmetric',
                       eliminate_local=(False, {'Ca': 1.0}), keep=False,
    """Create a multilevel solver using Adaptive Smoothed Aggregation (aSA).

    A : csr_matrix, bsr_matrix
        Square matrix in CSR or BSR format
    initial_candidates : None, n x m dense matrix
        If a matrix, then this forms the basis for the first m candidates.
        Also in this case, the initial setup stage is skipped, because this
        provides the first candidate(s).  If None, then a random initial guess
        and relaxation are used to inform the initial candidate.
    symmetry : string
        'symmetric' refers to both real and complex symmetric
        'hermitian' refers to both complex Hermitian and real Hermitian
        Note that for the strictly real case, these two options are the same
        Note that this flag does not denote definiteness of the operator
    pdef : bool
        True or False, whether A is known to be positive definite.
    num_candidates : integer
        Number of near-nullspace candidates to generate
    candidate_iters : integer
        Number of smoothing passes/multigrid cycles used at each level of
        the adaptive setup phase
    improvement_iters : integer
        Number of times each candidate is improved
    epsilon : float
        Target convergence factor
    max_levels : integer
        Maximum number of levels to be used in the multilevel solver.
    max_coarse : integer
        Maximum number of variables permitted on the coarse grid.
    prepostsmoother : string or dict
        Pre- and post-smoother used in the adaptive method
    strength : ['symmetric', 'classical', 'evolution', ('predefined', {'C': csr_matrix}), None]
        Method used to determine the strength of connection between unknowns of
        the linear system.  See smoothed_aggregation_solver(...) documentation.
    aggregate : ['standard', 'lloyd', 'naive', ('predefined', {'AggOp': csr_matrix})]
        Method used to aggregate nodes.  See smoothed_aggregation_solver(...)
    smooth : ['jacobi', 'richardson', 'energy', None]
        Method used used to smooth the tentative prolongator.  See
        smoothed_aggregation_solver(...) documentation
    coarse_solver : ['splu', 'lu', 'cholesky, 'pinv', 'gauss_seidel', ... ]
        Solver used at the coarsest level of the MG hierarchy.
        Optionally, may be a tuple (fn, args), where fn is a string such as
        ['splu', 'lu', ...] or a callable function, and args is a dictionary of
        arguments to be passed to fn.
    eliminate_local : tuple
        Length 2 tuple.  If the first entry is True, then eliminate candidates
        where they aren't needed locally, using the second entry of the tuple
        to contain arguments to local elimination routine.  Given the rigid
        sparse data structures, this doesn't help much, if at all, with
        complexity.  Its more of a diagnostic utility.
    keep: bool
        Flag to indicate keeping extra operators in the hierarchy for
        diagnostics.  For example, if True, then strength of connection (C),
        tentative prolongation (T), and aggregation (AggOp) are kept.

    multilevel_solver : multilevel_solver
        Smoothed aggregation solver with adaptively generated candidates

    - Floating point value representing the "work" required to generate
      the solver.  This value is the total cost of just relaxation, relative
      to the fine grid.  The relaxation method used is assumed to symmetric

    - Unlike the standard Smoothed Aggregation (SA) method, adaptive SA does
      not require knowledge of near-nullspace candidate vectors.  Instead, an
      adaptive procedure computes one or more candidates 'from scratch'.  This
      approach is useful when no candidates are known or the candidates have
      been invalidated due to changes to matrix A.

    >>> from pyamg.gallery import stencil_grid
    >>> from pyamg.aggregation import adaptive_sa_solver
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> A=stencil_grid([[-1,-1,-1],[-1,8.0,-1],[-1,-1,-1]], (31,31),format='csr')
    >>> [asa,work] = adaptive_sa_solver(A,num_candidates=1)
    >>> residuals=[]
    >>> x=asa.solve(b=np.ones((A.shape[0],)), x0=np.ones((A.shape[0],)), residuals=residuals)

    .. [1] Brezina, Falgout, MacLachlan, Manteuffel, McCormick, and Ruge
       "Adaptive Smoothed Aggregation (alpha SA) Multigrid"
       SIAM Review Volume 47,  Issue 2  (2005)

    if not (isspmatrix_csr(A) or isspmatrix_bsr(A)):
            A = csr_matrix(A)
            warn("Implicit conversion of A to CSR", SparseEfficiencyWarning)
        except BaseException:
            raise TypeError('Argument A must have type csr_matrix or\
                            bsr_matrix, or be convertible to csr_matrix')

    A = A.asfptype()
    if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('expected square matrix')

    # Track work in terms of relaxation
    work = np.zeros((1,))

    # Levelize the user parameters, so that they become lists describing the
    # desired user option on each level.
    max_levels, max_coarse, strength =\
        levelize_strength_or_aggregation(strength, max_levels, max_coarse)
    max_levels, max_coarse, aggregate =\
        levelize_strength_or_aggregation(aggregate, max_levels, max_coarse)
    smooth = levelize_smooth_or_improve_candidates(smooth, max_levels)

    # Develop initial candidate(s).  Note that any predefined aggregation is
    # preserved.
    if initial_candidates is None:
        B, aggregate, strength =\
            initial_setup_stage(A, symmetry, pdef, candidate_iters, epsilon,
                                max_levels, max_coarse, aggregate,
                                prepostsmoother, smooth, strength, work)
        # Normalize B
        B = (1.0/norm(B, 'inf')) * B
        num_candidates -= 1
        # Otherwise, use predefined candidates
        B = initial_candidates
        num_candidates -= B.shape[1]
        # Generate Aggregation and Strength Operators (the brute force way)
        sa = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A, B=B, symmetry=symmetry,
                                         smooth=smooth, strength=strength,
                                         improve_candidates=None, keep=True,
        if len(sa.levels) > 1:
            # Set strength-of-connection and aggregation
            aggregate = [('predefined', {'AggOp': sa.levels[i].AggOp.tocsr()})
                         for i in range(len(sa.levels) - 1)]
            strength = [('predefined', {'C': sa.levels[i].C.tocsr()})
                        for i in range(len(sa.levels) - 1)]

    # Develop additional candidates
    for i in range(num_candidates):
        x = general_setup_stage(
            smoothed_aggregation_solver(A, B=B, symmetry=symmetry,
                                        keep=True, **kwargs),
            symmetry, candidate_iters, prepostsmoother, smooth,
            eliminate_local, coarse_solver, work)

        # Normalize x and add to candidate list
        x = x/norm(x, 'inf')
        if np.isinf(x[0]) or np.isnan(x[0]):
            raise ValueError('Adaptive candidate is all 0.')
        B = np.hstack((B, x.reshape(-1, 1)))

    # Improve candidates
    if B.shape[1] > 1 and improvement_iters > 0:
        b = np.zeros((A.shape[0], 1), dtype=A.dtype)
        for i in range(improvement_iters):
            for j in range(B.shape[1]):
                # Run a V-cycle built on everything except candidate j, while
                # using candidate j as the initial guess
                x0 = B[:, 0]
                B = B[:, 1:]
                sa_temp =\
                    smoothed_aggregation_solver(A, B=B, symmetry=symmetry,
                                                keep=True, **kwargs)
                x = sa_temp.solve(b, x0=x0,
                                  maxiter=candidate_iters, cycle='V')
                work[:] += 2 * sa_temp.operator_complexity() *\
                    sa_temp.levels[0].A.nnz * candidate_iters

                # Apply local elimination
                elim, elim_kwargs = unpack_arg(eliminate_local)
                if elim is True:
                    x = x/norm(x, 'inf')
                    eliminate_local_candidates(x, sa_temp.levels[0].AggOp, A,

                # Normalize x and add to candidate list
                x = x/norm(x, 'inf')
                if np.isinf(x[0]) or np.isnan(x[0]):
                    raise ValueError('Adaptive candidate is all 0.')
                B = np.hstack((B, x.reshape(-1, 1)))

    elif improvement_iters > 0:
        # Special case for improving a single candidate
        max_levels = len(aggregate) + 1
        max_coarse = 0
        for i in range(improvement_iters):
            B, aggregate, strength =\
                initial_setup_stage(A, symmetry, pdef, candidate_iters,
                                    epsilon, max_levels, max_coarse,
                                    aggregate, prepostsmoother, smooth,
                                    strength, work, initial_candidate=B)
            # Normalize B
            B = (1.0/norm(B, 'inf'))*B

    return [smoothed_aggregation_solver(A, B=B, symmetry=symmetry,
                                        aggregate=aggregate, strength=strength,
                                        improve_candidates=None, keep=keep,
Exemplo n.º 28
def gmres_householder(A,
    Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES)
        GMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the
        system Ax = b
        Householder reflections are used for orthogonalization

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n, 1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the norm
        of the initial preconditioned residual
    restrt : {None, int}
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations
          is maxiter
    maxiter : {None, int}
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback( ||rk||_2 ), where rk is the current preconditioned residual
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the preconditioned residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of gmres

            ==  =============================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  This value
                is precisely the order of the Krylov space.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =============================================

        - The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
          Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
          as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
          still supported as a legacy.
        - For robustness, Householder reflections are used to orthonormalize
          the Krylov Space
          Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm each iteration

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import gmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10, 10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x, flag) = gmres(A, b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8, orthog='householder')
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
    dimen = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings

    # Choose type
    if not hasattr(A, 'dtype'):
        Atype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Atype = A.dtype
    if not hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
        Mtype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Mtype = M.dtype
    xtype = upcast(Atype, x.dtype, b.dtype, Mtype)

    if restrt is not None:
        restrt = int(restrt)
    if maxiter is not None:
        maxiter = int(maxiter)

    # Should norm(r) be kept
    if residuals == []:
        keep_r = True
        keep_r = False

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (restrt) to maximum \
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            restrt = dimen
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (maxiter) to maximum \
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            maxiter = dimen
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(dimen, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Get fast access to underlying LAPACK routine
    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [x])

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if dimen == 1:
        entry = ravel(A * array([1.0], dtype=xtype))
        return (postprocess(b / entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - ravel(A * x)

    # Apply preconditioner
    r = ravel(M * r)
    normr = norm(r)
    if keep_r:
    # Check for nan, inf
    # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
    #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
    #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol * normb:
        if callback is not None:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2, we use the preconditioned residual
    # because this is left preconditioned GMRES.
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol * normr

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails, we
    # cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tol.
    niter = 0

    # Begin GMRES
    for outer in range(max_outer):

        # Calculate vector w, which defines the Householder reflector
        #    Take shortcut in calculating,
        #    w = r + sign(r[1])*||r||_2*e_1
        w = r
        beta = mysign(w[0]) * normr
        w[0] = w[0] + beta
        w[:] = w / norm(w)

        # Preallocate for Krylov vectors, Householder reflectors and
        # Hessenberg matrix
        # Space required is O(dimen*max_inner)
        # Givens Rotations
        Q = zeros((4 * max_inner, ), dtype=xtype)
        # upper Hessenberg matrix (made upper tri with Givens Rotations)
        H = zeros((max_inner, max_inner), dtype=xtype)
        # Householder reflectors
        W = zeros((max_inner + 1, dimen), dtype=xtype)
        W[0, :] = w

        # Multiply r with (I - 2*w*w.T), i.e. apply the Householder reflector
        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = zeros((dimen, ), dtype=xtype)
        g[0] = -beta

        for inner in range(max_inner):
            # Calculate Krylov vector in two steps
            # (1) Calculate v = P_j = (I - 2*w*w.T)v, where k = inner
            v = -2.0 * conjugate(w[inner]) * w
            v[inner] = v[inner] + 1.0
            # (2) Calculate the rest, v = P_1*P_2*P_3...P_{j-1}*ej.
            # for j in range(inner-1,-1,-1):
            #    v -= 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, ravel(W), dimen, inner - 1, -1, -1)

            # Calculate new search direction
            v = ravel(A * v)

            # Apply preconditioner
            v = ravel(M * v)
            # Check for nan, inf
            # if isnan(v).any() or isinf(v).any():
            #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
            #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

            # Factor in all Householder orthogonal reflections on new search
            # direction
            # for j in range(inner+1):
            #    v -= 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, ravel(W), dimen, 0, inner + 1, 1)

            # Calculate next Householder reflector, w
            #  w = v[inner+1:] + sign(v[inner+1])*||v[inner+1:]||_2*e_{inner+1)
            #  Note that if max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary for the
            #  last inner iteration, when inner = dimen-1.  Here we do not need
            #  to calculate a Householder reflector or Givens rotation because
            #  nnz(v) is already the desired length, i.e. we do not need to
            #  zero anything out.
            if inner != dimen - 1:
                if inner < (max_inner - 1):
                    w = W[inner + 1, :]
                vslice = v[inner + 1:]
                alpha = norm(vslice)
                if alpha != 0:
                    alpha = mysign(vslice[0]) * alpha
                    # do not need the final reflector for future calculations
                    if inner < (max_inner - 1):
                        w[inner + 1:] = vslice
                        w[inner + 1] += alpha
                        w[:] = w / norm(w)

                    # Apply new reflector to v
                    #  v = v - 2.0*w*(w.T*v)
                    v[inner + 1] = -alpha
                    v[inner + 2:] = 0.0

            if inner > 0:
                # Apply all previous Givens Rotations to v
                amg_core.apply_givens(Q, v, dimen, inner)

            # Calculate the next Givens rotation, where j = inner Note that if
            # max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary for the last inner
            # iteration, when inner = dimen-1.  Here we do not need to
            # calculate a Householder reflector or Givens rotation because
            # nnz(v) is already the desired length, i.e. we do not need to zero
            # anything out.
            if inner != dimen - 1:
                if v[inner + 1] != 0:
                    [c, s, r] = lartg(v[inner], v[inner + 1])
                    Qblock = array([[c, s], [-conjugate(s), c]], dtype=xtype)
                    Q[(inner * 4):((inner + 1) * 4)] = ravel(Qblock).copy()

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g, the RHS for the linear system
                    # in the Krylov Subspace.  Note that this dot does a matrix
                    # multiply, not an actual dot product where a conjugate
                    # transpose is taken
                    g[inner:inner + 2] = dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner + 2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to v
                    v[inner] = dot(Qblock[0, :], v[inner:inner + 2])
                    v[inner + 1] = 0.0

            # Write to upper Hessenberg Matrix,
            #   the LHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace
            H[:, inner] = v[0:max_inner]

            niter += 1

            # Don't update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner - 1:
                normr = abs(g[inner + 1])
                if normr < tol:

                # Allow user access to residual
                if callback is not None:
                if keep_r:

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space, V.  Solve inner+1 x inner+1
        # system.  Apparently this is the best way to solve a triangular system
        # in the magical world of scipy
        # piv = arange(inner+1)
        # y = lu_solve((H[0:(inner+1), 0:(inner+1)], piv), g[0:(inner+1)],
        #             trans=0)
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:(inner + 1), 0:(inner + 1)], g[0:(inner + 1)])

        # Use Horner like Scheme to map solution, y, back to original space.
        # Note that we do not use the last reflector.
        update = zeros(x.shape, dtype=xtype)
        # for j in range(inner,-1,-1):
        #    update[j] += y[j]
        #    # Apply j-th reflector, (I - 2.0*w_j*w_j.T)*upadate
        #    update -= 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), update)*W[j,:]
        amg_core.householder_hornerscheme(update, ravel(W), ravel(y), dimen,
                                          inner, -1, -1)

        x[:] = x + update
        r = b - ravel(A * x)

        # Apply preconditioner
        r = ravel(M * r)
        normr = norm(r)
        # Check for nan, inf
        # if isnan(r).any() or isinf(r).any():
        #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
        #    return(postprocess(x), -1)

        # Allow user access to residual
        if callback is not None:
        if keep_r:

        # Has GMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = max(abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Exemplo n.º 29
def gmres_mgs(A,
    """Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES) based on MGS.

    GMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the system
    Ax = b.  Modified Gram-Schmidt version.  Left preconditioning, leading
    to preconditioned residuals.

    A : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : array, matrix
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : array, matrix
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        Tolerance for stopping criteria, let r=r_k
           ||M r||     < tol ||M b||
        if ||b||=0, then set ||M b||=1 for these tests.
    restrt : None, int
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations
          is maxiter
    maxiter : None, int
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
        - defaults to min(n,40) if restart=None
    M : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        preconditioned residual history in the 2-norm,
        including the initial preconditioned residual
    reorth : boolean
        If True, then a check is made whether to re-orthogonalize the Krylov
        space each GMRES iteration

    (xk, info)
    xk : an updated guess after k iterations to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.

    For robustness, modified Gram-Schmidt is used to orthogonalize the
    Krylov Space Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm
    each iteration

    The residual is the *preconditioned* residual.

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import gmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = gmres(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8, orthog='mgs')
    >>> print(f'{norm(b - A*x):.6}')

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003

    .. [2] C. T. Kelley, http://www4.ncsu.edu/~ctk/matlab_roots.html

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
    n = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg.krylov._gmres_mgs')

    # Get fast access to underlying BLAS routines
    # dotc is the conjugate dot, dotu does no conjugation
    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [x])
    if np.iscomplexobj(np.zeros((1, ), dtype=x.dtype)):
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dotu', 'dotc', 'scal'], [x])
        # real type
        [axpy, dotu, dotc, scal] =\
            get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'dot', 'scal'], [x])

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    # If no restarts,
    #     then set max_inner=maxiter and max_outer=n
    # If restarts are set,
    #     then set max_inner=restart and max_outer=maxiter
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > n:
            warn('Setting restrt to maximum allowed, n.')
            restrt = n
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > n:
            warn('Setting maxiter to maximum allowed, n.')
            maxiter = n
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(n, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if n == 1:
        entry = np.ravel(A @ np.array([1.0], dtype=x.dtype))
        return (postprocess(b / entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - A @ x

    # Apply preconditioner
    r = M @ r

    normr = norm(r)
    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]  # initial residual

    # Check initial guess if b != 0,
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normMb = 1.0  # reset so that tol is unscaled
        normMb = norm(M @ b)

    # set the stopping criteria (see the docstring)
    if normr < tol * normMb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails, we
    # cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tolerance.
    niter = 0

    # Begin GMRES
    for _outer in range(max_outer):

        # Preallocate for Givens Rotations, Hessenberg matrix and Krylov Space
        # Space required is O(n*max_inner).
        # NOTE:  We are dealing with row-major matrices, so we traverse in a
        #        row-major fashion,
        #        i.e., H and V's transpose is what we store.
        Q = []  # Givens Rotations
        # Upper Hessenberg matrix, which is then
        #   converted to upper tri with Givens Rots
        H = np.zeros((max_inner + 1, max_inner + 1), dtype=x.dtype)
        V = np.zeros((max_inner + 1, n), dtype=x.dtype)  # Krylov Space
        # vs store the pointers to each column of V.
        #   This saves a considerable amount of time.
        vs = []
        # v = r/normr
        V[0, :] = scal(1.0 / normr, r)
        vs.append(V[0, :])

        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = np.zeros((n, ), dtype=x.dtype)
        g[0] = normr

        for inner in range(max_inner):

            # New Search Direction
            v = V[inner + 1, :]
            v[:] = np.ravel(M @ (A @ vs[-1]))
            normv_old = norm(v)

            #  Modified Gram Schmidt
            for k in range(inner + 1):
                vk = vs[k]
                alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                H[inner, k] = alpha
                v[:] = axpy(vk, v, n, -alpha)

            normv = norm(v)
            H[inner, inner + 1] = normv

            # Re-orthogonalize
            if (reorth is True) and (normv_old == normv_old + 0.001 * normv):
                for k in range(inner + 1):
                    vk = vs[k]
                    alpha = dotc(vk, v)
                    H[inner, k] = H[inner, k] + alpha
                    v[:] = axpy(vk, v, n, -alpha)

            # Check for breakdown
            if H[inner, inner + 1] != 0.0:
                v[:] = scal(1.0 / H[inner, inner + 1], v)

            # Apply previous Givens rotations to H
            if inner > 0:
                apply_givens(Q, H[inner, :], inner)

            # Calculate and apply next complex-valued Givens Rotation
            # for the last inner iteration, when inner = n-1.
            # ==> Note that if max_inner = n, then this is unnecessary
            if inner != n - 1:
                if H[inner, inner + 1] != 0:
                    [c, s, r] = lartg(H[inner, inner], H[inner, inner + 1])
                    Qblock = np.array([[c, s], [-np.conjugate(s), c]],

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g,
                    #   the RHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace.
                    g[inner:inner + 2] = np.dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner + 2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to H
                    H[inner, inner] = dotu(Qblock[0, :], H[inner,
                                                           inner:inner + 2])
                    H[inner, inner + 1] = 0.0

            niter += 1

            # Do not update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner - 1:
                normr = np.abs(g[inner + 1])
                if normr < tol * normMb:

                if residuals is not None:

                if callback is not None:
                    y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:inner + 1, 0:inner + 1].T,
                                        g[0:inner + 1])
                    update = np.ravel(V[:inner + 1, :].T.dot(y.reshape(-1, 1)))
                    callback(x + update)

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space V.  Solve inner x inner system.
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:inner + 1, 0:inner + 1].T, g[0:inner + 1])
        update = np.ravel(V[:inner + 1, :].T.dot(y.reshape(-1, 1)))
        x = x + update
        r = b - A @ x

        # Apply preconditioner
        r = M @ r
        normr = norm(r)

        # Allow user access to the iterates
        if callback is not None:

        if residuals is not None:

        # Has GMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = np.max(np.abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol * normMb:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Exemplo n.º 30
def cg(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M=None, callback=None, residuals=None):
    '''Conjugate Gradient algorithm
    Solves the linear system Ax = b. Left preconditioning is supported.

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by ||b||
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of allowed iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A A.H x = b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied funtion is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals has the residual norm history,
        including the initial residual, appended to it
    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of cg

            ==  ======================================= 
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  ======================================= 

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
    still supported as a legacy.

    >>> from pyamg.krylov.cg import cg
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy 
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = numpy.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = cg(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, 
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 262-67, 2003

    A,M,x,b,postprocess = make_system(A,M,x0,b,xtype=None)

    n = len(b)
    # Determine maxiter
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = int(1.3*len(b)) + 2
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')
    # Scale tol by normb
    normb = norm(b) 
    if normb != 0:
        tol = tol*normb

    # setup method
    r  = b - A*x
    z  = M*r
    p  = z.copy()
    rz = inner(conjugate(r), z)
    normr = norm(r)

    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr] #initial residual 

    if normr < tol:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    iter = 0

    while True:
        Ap = A*p

        rz_old = rz
        alpha = rz/inner(conjugate(Ap), p)  # 3  (step # in Saad's pseudocode)
        x    += alpha * p                   # 4
        r    -= alpha * Ap                  # 5
        z     = M*r                         # 6
        rz    = inner(conjugate(r), z)          
        beta  = rz/rz_old                   # 7
        p    *= beta                        # 8
        p    += z

        iter += 1
        normr = norm(r)

        if residuals is not None:
        if callback is not None:

        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

        if iter == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), iter)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def obj_fcn(alpha):
     c = cos((omega + alpha) * x)
     Ac = (A * c)[1:-1]
     return norm(Ac) / norm(c[1:-1])
Exemplo n.º 32
def polynomial(A, x, b, coefficients, iterations=1):
    """Apply a polynomial smoother to the system Ax=b

    A : sparse matrix
        Sparse NxN matrix
    x : ndarray
        Approximate solution (length N)
    b : ndarray
        Right-hand side (length N)
    coefficients : {array_like}
        Coefficients of the polynomial.  See Notes section for details.
    iterations : int
        Number of iterations to perform

    Nothing, x will be modified in place.

    The smoother has the form  x[:] = x + p(A) (b - A*x) where p(A) is a 
    polynomial in A whose scalar coefficients are specified (in descending 
    order) by argument 'coefficients'.

    - Richardson iteration p(A) = c_0:
        polynomial_smoother(A, x, b, [c_0])

    - Linear smoother p(A) = c_1*A + c_0:
        polynomial_smoother(A, x, b, [c_1, c_0])

    - Quadratic smoother p(A) = c_2*A^2 + c_1*A + c_0:
        polynomial_smoother(A, x, b, [c_2, c_1, c_0])

    Here, Horner's Rule is applied to avoid computing A^k directly.  
    For efficience, the method detects the case x = 0 one matrix-vector 
    product is avoided (since (b - A*x) is b).

    >>> ## The polynomial smoother is not currently used directly 
    >>> ## in PyAMG.  It is only used by the chebyshev smoothing option,
    >>> ## which automatically calculates the correct coefficients.
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy
    >>> from pyamg.aggregation import smoothed_aggregation_solver
    >>> A = poisson((10,10), format='csr')
    >>> b = numpy.ones((A.shape[0],1))
    >>> sa = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A, B=numpy.ones((A.shape[0],1)),
    ...         coarse_solver='pinv2', max_coarse=50,
    ...         presmoother=('chebyshev', {'degree':3, 'iterations':1}), 
    ...         postsmoother=('chebyshev', {'degree':3, 'iterations':1}))
    >>> x0=numpy.zeros((A.shape[0],1))
    >>> residuals=[]
    >>> x = sa.solve(b, x0=x0, tol=1e-8, residuals=residuals)
    A, x, b = make_system(A, x, b, formats=None)

    for i in range(iterations):
        from pyamg.util.linalg import norm

        if norm(x) == 0:
            residual = b
            residual = (b - A * x)

        h = coefficients[0] * residual

        for c in coefficients[1:]:
            h = c * residual + A * h

        x += h
Exemplo n.º 33
    def solve(self, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=100, cycle='V', accel=None,
              callback=None, residuals=None, return_residuals=False):
        """Execute multigrid cycling.

        b : array
            Right hand side.
        x0 : array
            Initial guess.
        tol : float
            Stopping criteria: relative residual r[k]/r[0] tolerance.
        maxiter : int
            Stopping criteria: maximum number of allowable iterations.
        cycle : {'V','W','F','AMLI'}
            Type of multigrid cycle to perform in each iteration.
        accel : string, function
            Defines acceleration method.  Can be a string such as 'cg'
            or 'gmres' which is the name of an iterative solver in
            pyamg.krylov (preferred) or scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve.
            If accel is not a string, it will be treated like a function
            with the same interface provided by the iterative solvers in SciPy.
        callback : function
            User-defined function called after each iteration.  It is
            called as callback(xk) where xk is the k-th iterate vector.
        residuals : list
            List to contain residual norms at each iteration.

        x : array
            Approximate solution to Ax=b

        See Also

        >>> from numpy import ones
        >>> from pyamg import ruge_stuben_solver
        >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
        >>> A = poisson((100, 100), format='csr')
        >>> b = A * ones(A.shape[0])
        >>> ml = ruge_stuben_solver(A, max_coarse=10)
        >>> residuals = []
        >>> x = ml.solve(b, tol=1e-12, residuals=residuals) # standalone solver

        from pyamg.util.linalg import residual_norm, norm

        if x0 is None:
            x = np.zeros_like(b)
            x = np.array(x0)  # copy

        cycle = str(cycle).upper()

        # AMLI cycles require hermitian matrix
        if (cycle == 'AMLI') and hasattr(self.levels[0].A, 'symmetry'):
            if self.levels[0].A.symmetry != 'hermitian':
                raise ValueError('AMLI cycles require \
                    symmetry to be hermitian')

        if accel is not None:

            # Check for symmetric smoothing scheme when using CG
            if (accel is 'cg') and (not self.symmetric_smoothing):
                warn('Incompatible non-symmetric multigrid preconditioner '
                     'detected, due to presmoother/postsmoother combination. '
                     'CG requires SPD preconditioner, not just SPD matrix.')

            # Check for AMLI compatability
            if (accel != 'fgmres') and (cycle == 'AMLI'):
                raise ValueError('AMLI cycles require acceleration (accel) '
                                 'to be fgmres, or no acceleration')

            # py23 compatibility:
            except NameError:
                basestring = str

            # Acceleration is being used
            kwargs = {}
            if isinstance(accel, basestring):
                from pyamg import krylov
                from scipy.sparse.linalg import isolve
                kwargs = {}
                if hasattr(krylov, accel):
                    accel = getattr(krylov, accel)
                    accel = getattr(isolve, accel)
                    kwargs['atol'] = 'legacy'

            A = self.levels[0].A
            M = self.aspreconditioner(cycle=cycle)

            try:  # try PyAMG style interface which has a residuals parameter
                return accel(A, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter, M=M,
                             callback=callback, residuals=residuals, **kwargs)[0]
            except BaseException:
                # try the scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve style interface,
                # which requires a call back function if a residual
                # history is desired

                cb = callback
                if residuals is not None:
                    residuals[:] = [residual_norm(A, x, b)]

                    def callback(x):
                        if sp.isscalar(x):
                            residuals.append(residual_norm(A, x, b))
                        if cb is not None:

                return accel(A, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter, M=M,
                             callback=callback, **kwargs)[0]

            # Scale tol by normb
            # Don't scale tol earlier. The accel routine should also scale tol
            normb = norm(b)
            if normb != 0:
                tol = tol * normb

        if return_residuals:
            warn('return_residuals is deprecated.  Use residuals instead')
            residuals = []
        if residuals is None:
            residuals = []
            residuals[:] = []

        # Create uniform types for A, x and b
        # Clearly, this logic doesn't handle the case of real A and complex b
        from scipy.sparse.sputils import upcast
        from pyamg.util.utils import to_type
        tp = upcast(b.dtype, x.dtype, self.levels[0].A.dtype)
        [b, x] = to_type(tp, [b, x])
        b = np.ravel(b)
        x = np.ravel(x)

        A = self.levels[0].A

        residuals.append(residual_norm(A, x, b))

        self.first_pass = True

        while len(residuals) <= maxiter and residuals[-1] > tol:
            if len(self.levels) == 1:
                # hierarchy has only 1 level
                x = self.coarse_solver(A, b)
                self.__solve(0, x, b, cycle)

            residuals.append(residual_norm(A, x, b))

            self.first_pass = False

            if callback is not None:

        if return_residuals:
            return x, residuals
            return x
Exemplo n.º 34
def bicgstab(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M=None,
             callback=None, residuals=None):
    '''Biconjugate Gradient Algorithm with Stabilization

    Solves the linear system Ax = b. Left preconditioning is supported.

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by ||r_0||_2
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of allowed iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A A.H x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals has the residual norm history,
        including the initial residual, appended to it

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of bicgstab

            ==  ======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  ======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
    still supported as a legacy.

    >>> from pyamg.krylov.bicgstab import bicgstab
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = numpy.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = bicgstab(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 231-234, 2003


    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype)

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._bicgstab')

    # Check iteration numbers
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = len(x) + 5
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')

    # Prep for method
    r = b - A*x
    normr = norm(r)

    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol*normr

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if A.shape[0] == 1:
        entry = ravel(A*array([1.0], dtype=xtype))
        return (postprocess(b/entry), 0)

    rstar = r.copy()
    p = r.copy()

    rrstarOld = inner(rstar.conjugate(), r)

    iter = 0

    # Begin BiCGStab
    while True:
        Mp = M*p
        AMp = A*Mp

        # alpha = (r_j, rstar) / (A*M*p_j, rstar)
        alpha = rrstarOld/inner(rstar.conjugate(), AMp)

        # s_j = r_j - alpha*A*M*p_j
        s = r - alpha*AMp
        Ms = M*s
        AMs = A*Ms

        # omega = (A*M*s_j, s_j)/(A*M*s_j, A*M*s_j)
        omega = inner(AMs.conjugate(), s)/inner(AMs.conjugate(), AMs)

        # x_{j+1} = x_j +  alpha*M*p_j + omega*M*s_j
        x = x + alpha*Mp + omega*Ms

        # r_{j+1} = s_j - omega*A*M*s
        r = s - omega*AMs

        # beta_j = (r_{j+1}, rstar)/(r_j, rstar) * (alpha/omega)
        rrstarNew = inner(rstar.conjugate(), r)
        beta = (rrstarNew / rrstarOld) * (alpha / omega)
        rrstarOld = rrstarNew

        # p_{j+1} = r_{j+1} + beta*(p_j - omega*A*M*p)
        p = r + beta*(p - omega*AMp)

        iter += 1

        normr = norm(r)

        if residuals is not None:

        if callback is not None:

        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

        if iter == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), iter)
Exemplo n.º 35
def steepest_descent(A,
    """Steepest descent algorithm.

    Solves the linear system Ax = b. Left preconditioning is supported.

    A : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : array, matrix
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : array, matrix
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        Tolerance for stopping criteria
    criteria : string
        Stopping criteria, let r=r_k, x=x_k
        'rr':        ||r||       < tol ||b||
        'rr+':       ||r||       < tol (||b|| + ||A||_F ||x||)
        'MrMr':      ||M r||     < tol ||M b||
        'rMr':       <r, Mr>^1/2 < tol
        if ||b||=0, then set ||b||=1 for these tests.
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of iterations allowed
    M : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residual history in the 2-norm, including the initial residual

    (xk, info)
    xk : an updated guess after k iterations to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of cg

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.

    See Also

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import steepest_descent
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = steepest_descent(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print(f'{norm(b - A*x):.6}')

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 137--142, 2003

    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg.krylov._steepest_descent')

    # determine maxiter
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = int(len(b))
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')

    # setup method
    r = b - A @ x
    z = M @ r
    rz = np.inner(r.conjugate(), z)

    normr = np.linalg.norm(r)

    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]  # initial residual

    # Check initial guess if b != 0,
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0  # reset so that tol is unscaled

    # set the stopping criteria (see the docstring)
    if criteria == 'rr':
        rtol = tol * normb
    elif criteria == 'rr+':
        if sparse.issparse(A.A):
            normA = norm(A.A.data)
        elif isinstance(A.A, np.ndarray):
            normA = norm(np.ravel(A.A))
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to use ||A||_F with the current matrix format.')
        rtol = tol * (normA * np.linalg.norm(x) + normb)
    elif criteria == 'MrMr':
        normr = norm(z)
        normMb = norm(M @ b)
        rtol = tol * normMb
    elif criteria == 'rMr':
        normr = np.sqrt(rz)
        rtol = tol
        raise ValueError('Invalid stopping criteria.')

    # How often should r be recomputed
    recompute_r = 50

    it = 0

    while True:
        q = A @ z
        zAz = np.inner(z.conjugate(), q)  # check curvature of A
        if zAz < 0.0:
                '\nIndefinite matrix detected in steepest descent, aborting\n')
            return (postprocess(x), -1)

        alpha = rz / zAz  # step size
        x = x + alpha * z

        it += 1
        if np.mod(it, recompute_r) and it > 0:
            r = b - A @ x
            r = r - alpha * q

        z = M @ r
        rz = np.inner(r.conjugate(), z)

        if rz < 0.0:  # check curvature of M
                '\nIndefinite preconditioner detected in steepest descent, stopping.\n'
            return (postprocess(x), -1)

        normr = norm(r)

        if residuals is not None:

        if callback is not None:

        # set the stopping criteria (see the docstring)
        if criteria == 'rr':
            rtol = tol * normb
        elif criteria == 'rr+':
            rtol = tol * (normA * np.linalg.norm(x) + normb)
        elif criteria == 'MrMr':
            normr = norm(z)
            rtol = tol * normMb
        elif criteria == 'rMr':
            normr = np.sqrt(rz)
            rtol = tol

        if normr < rtol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

        if rz == 0.0:
            # important to test after testing normr < tol. rz == 0.0 is an
            # indicator of convergence when r = 0.0
                '\nSingular preconditioner detected in steepest descent, stopping.\n'
            return (postprocess(x), -1)

        if it == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), it)
Exemplo n.º 36
def minimal_residual(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M=None, 
       callback=None, residuals=None):
    '''Minimal residual (MR) algorithm
    Solves the linear system Ax = b. Left preconditioning is supported.

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the
        preconditioner norm of r_0, or ||r_0||_M.
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of allowed iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.  The preconditioner norm
        is used, instead of the Euclidean norm.
    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of cg

            ==  ======================================= 
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  ======================================= 

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
    still supported as a legacy.

    The residual in the preconditioner norm is both used for halting and
    returned in the residuals list. 

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import minimal_residual
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy 
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = numpy.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = minimal_residual(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, 
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 137--142, 2003

    A,M,x,b,postprocess = make_system(A,M,x0,b,xtype=None)
    n = len(b)
    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._minimal_residual')

    # determine maxiter
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = int(len(b)) 
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')
    # setup method
    r  = M*(b - A*x)
    normr = norm(r) 

    # store initial residual
    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr] 
    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0, 
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_M
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol*normr
    # How often should r be recomputed
    recompute_r = 50

    iter = 0

    while True:
        iter = iter+1

        p = M*(A*r)

        rMAr = inner(p.conjugate(), r)                 # check curvature of M^-1 A
        if rMAr < 0.0:
            warn("\nIndefinite matrix detected in minimal residual, aborting\n")
            return (postprocess(x), -1)
        alpha = rMAr / inner(p.conjugate(), p)
        x = x + alpha*r

        if mod(iter, recompute_r) and iter > 0:
            r = M*(b - A*x)
            r = r - alpha*p
        normr = norm(r)
        if residuals is not None:
        if callback is not None:

        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)
        if iter == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), iter)
Exemplo n.º 37
    import time
    from pyamg.krylov._gmres import gmres

    A = stencil_grid([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 4, -1], [0, -1, 0]], (100, 100),
                     dtype=float, format='csr')
    b = random((A.shape[0],))
    x0 = random((A.shape[0],))

    print '\n\nTesting CR with %d x %d 2D Laplace Matrix' % \
          (A.shape[0], A.shape[0])
    t1 = time.time()
    r = []
    (x, flag) = cr(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=100, residuals=r)
    t2 = time.time()
    print '%s took %0.3f ms' % ('cr', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
    print 'norm = %g' % (norm(b - A*x))
    print 'info flag = %d' % (flag)

    t1 = time.time()
    r2 = []
    (x, flag) = gmres(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=100, residuals=r2)
    t2 = time.time()
    print '%s took %0.3f ms' % ('gmres', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
    print 'norm = %g' % (norm(b - A*x))
    print 'info flag = %d' % (flag)

    # from scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve import cg as icg
    # t1=time.time()
    # (y,flag) = icg(A,b,x0,tol=1e-8,maxiter=100)
    # t2=time.time()
    # print '\n%s took %0.3f ms' % ('linalg cg', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
Exemplo n.º 38
def cgnr(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M=None,
         callback=None, residuals=None):
    '''Conjugate Gradient, Normal Residual algorithm

    Applies CG to the normal equations, A.H A x = b. Left preconditioning
    is supported.  Note that unless A is well-conditioned, the use of
    CGNR is inadvisable

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by ||r_0||_2
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of allowed iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A.H A x = b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals has the residual norm history,
        including the initial residual, appended to it

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of cgnr

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
    still supported as a legacy.

    >>> from pyamg.krylov.cgnr import cgnr
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = cgnr(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 276-7, 2003


    # Store the conjugate transpose explicitly as it will be used much later on
    if isspmatrix(A):
        AH = A.H
        # TODO avoid doing this since A may be a different sparse type
        AH = aslinearoperator(asmatrix(A).H)

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
    dimen = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._cgnr')

    # Choose type
    if not hasattr(A, 'dtype'):
        Atype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Atype = A.dtype
    if not hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
        Mtype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Mtype = M.dtype
    xtype = upcast(Atype, x.dtype, b.dtype, Mtype)

    # Should norm(r) be kept
    if residuals == []:
        keep_r = True
        keep_r = False

    # How often should r be recomputed
    recompute_r = 8

    # Check iteration numbers. CGNR suffers from loss of orthogonality quite
    # easily, so we arbitrarily let the method go up to 130% over the
    # theoretically necessary limit of maxiter=dimen
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = int(ceil(1.3*dimen)) + 2
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')
    elif maxiter > (1.3*dimen):
        warn('maximum allowed inner iterations (maxiter) are the 130% times \
              the number of dofs')
        maxiter = int(ceil(1.3*dimen)) + 2

    # Prep for method
    r = b - A*x
    rhat = AH*r
    normr = norm(r)
    if keep_r:

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        if callback is not None:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol*normr

    # Begin CGNR

    # Apply preconditioner and calculate initial search direction
    z = M*rhat
    p = z.copy()
    old_zr = inner(z.conjugate(), rhat)

    for iter in range(maxiter):

        # w_j = A p_j
        w = A*p

        # alpha = (z_j, rhat_j) / (w_j, w_j)
        alpha = old_zr / inner(w.conjugate(), w)

        # x_{j+1} = x_j + alpha*p_j
        x += alpha*p

        # r_{j+1} = r_j - alpha*w_j
        if mod(iter, recompute_r) and iter > 0:
            r -= alpha*w
            r = b - A*x

        # rhat_{j+1} = A.H*r_{j+1}
        rhat = AH*r

        # z_{j+1} = M*r_{j+1}
        z = M*rhat

        # beta = (z_{j+1}, rhat_{j+1}) / (z_j, rhat_j)
        new_zr = inner(z.conjugate(), rhat)
        beta = new_zr / old_zr
        old_zr = new_zr

        # p_{j+1} = A.H*z_{j+1} + beta*p_j
        p *= beta
        p += z

        # Allow user access to residual
        if callback is not None:

        # test for convergence
        normr = norm(r)
        if keep_r:
        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end loop

    return (postprocess(x), iter+1)
Exemplo n.º 39
    # x0 = random((4,1))
    # %timeit -n 15 (x,flag) = gmres(A,b,x0,tol=1e-8,maxiter=100)

    from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    from numpy.random import random
    from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    A = poisson((125, 125), dtype=float, format='csr')
    # A.data = A.data + 0.001j*rand(A.data.shape[0])
    b = random((A.shape[0],))
    x0 = random((A.shape[0],))

    import time
    from scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve import gmres as igmres

    print('\n\nTesting GMRES with %d x %d 2D Laplace Matrix' %
          (A.shape[0], A.shape[0]))
    t1 = time.time()
    (x, flag) = gmres_mgs(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=500)
    t2 = time.time()
    print('%s took %0.3f ms' % ('gmres', (t2-t1)*1000.0))
    print('norm = %g' % (norm(b - A*x)))
    print('info flag = %d' % (flag))

    t1 = time.time()
    # DON"T Enforce a maxiter as scipy gmres can't handle it correctly
    (y, flag) = igmres(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8)
    t2 = time.time()
    print('\n%s took %0.3f ms' % ('linalg gmres', (t2-t1)*1000.0))
    print('norm = %g' % (norm(b - A*y)))
    print('info flag = %d' % (flag))
Exemplo n.º 40
    def solve(self, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=100, cycle='V', accel=None,
              callback=None, residuals=None, return_residuals=False, additive=False):

        if self.num_hierarchies == 0:
            raise ValueError("Cannot solve - zero hierarchies stored.")

        from pyamg.util.linalg import residual_norm, norm

        if x0 is None:
            x = np.zeros_like(b)
            x = np.array(x0)  # copy

        cycle = str(cycle).upper()

        # AMLI cycles require hermitian matrix
        if (cycle == 'AMLI') and hasattr(self.levels[0].A, 'symmetry'):
            if self.levels[0].A.symmetry != 'hermitian':
                raise ValueError('AMLI cycles require \
                    symmetry to be hermitian')

        # Create uniform types for A, x and b
        # Clearly, this logic doesn't handle the case of real A and complex b
        from scipy.sparse.sputils import upcast
        from pyamg.util.utils import to_type

        A = self.hierarchy_set[0].levels[0].A
        tp = upcast(b.dtype, x.dtype, A.dtype)
        [b, x] = to_type(tp, [b, x])
        b = np.ravel(b)
        x = np.ravel(x)

        if accel is not None:

            # Check for AMLI compatability
            if (accel != 'fgmres') and (cycle == 'AMLI'):
                raise ValueError('AMLI cycles require acceleration (accel) \
                        to be fgmres, or no acceleration')

            # Acceleration is being used
            if isinstance(accel, basestring):
                from pyamg import krylov
                from scipy.sparse.linalg import isolve

                if hasattr(krylov, accel):
                    accel = getattr(krylov, accel)
                    accel = getattr(isolve, accel)

            M = self.aspreconditioner(cycle=cycle)

            n = x.shape[0] 
            try:  # try PyAMG style interface which has a residuals parameter
                return accel(A, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter, M=M,
                             callback=callback, residuals=residuals)[0].reshape((n,1))
                # try the scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve style interface,
                # which requires a call back function if a residual
                # history is desired

                cb = callback
                if residuals is not None:
                    residuals[:] = [residual_norm(A, x, b)]

                    def callback(x):
                        if sp.isscalar(x):
                            residuals.append(residual_norm(A, x, b))
                        if cb is not None:

                return accel(A, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter, M=M,

            # Scale tol by normb
            # Don't scale tol earlier. The accel routine should also scale tol
            normb = norm(b)
            if normb != 0:
                tol = tol * normb

        if return_residuals:
            warn('return_residuals is deprecated.  Use residuals instead')
            residuals = []
        if residuals is None:
            residuals = []
            residuals[:] = []

        residuals.append(residual_norm(A, x, b))
        iter_num = 0

        while iter_num < maxiter and residuals[-1] > tol:
            # ----------- Additive solve ----------- #
            # ------ This doesn't really work ------ #
            if additive:
               x_copy = deepcopy(x)
               for hierarchy in self.hierarchy_set:
                    this_x = deepcopy(x_copy)
                    if len(hierarchy.levels) == 1:
                        this_x = hierarchy.coarse_solver(A, b)
                        temp = hierarchy.test_solve(0, this_x, b, cycle)

                    x += temp
            # ----------- Normal solve ----------- #
                # One solve for each hierarchy in set
                for hierarchy in self.hierarchy_set:
                    # hierarchy has only 1 level
                    if len(hierarchy.levels) == 1:
                        x = hierarchy.coarse_solver(A, b)
                        hierarchy.test_solve(0, x, b, cycle)

            residuals.append(residual_norm(A, x, b))
            iter_num += 1

            if callback is not None:

        n = x.shape[0] 
        if return_residuals:
            return x.reshape((n,1)), residuals
            return x.reshape((n,1))
Exemplo n.º 41
Arquivo: _cr.py Projeto: GaZ3ll3/pyamg
    import time
    from pyamg.krylov._gmres import gmres

    A = stencil_grid([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 4, -1], [0, -1, 0]], (100, 100),
                     dtype=float, format='csr')
    b = random((A.shape[0],))
    x0 = random((A.shape[0],))

    print '\n\nTesting CR with %d x %d 2D Laplace Matrix' % \
          (A.shape[0], A.shape[0])
    t1 = time.time()
    r = []
    (x, flag) = cr(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=100, residuals=r)
    t2 = time.time()
    print '%s took %0.3f ms' % ('cr', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
    print 'norm = %g' % (norm(b - A*x))
    print 'info flag = %d' % (flag)

    t1 = time.time()
    r2 = []
    (x, flag) = gmres(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=100, residuals=r2)
    t2 = time.time()
    print '%s took %0.3f ms' % ('gmres', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
    print 'norm = %g' % (norm(b - A*x))
    print 'info flag = %d' % (flag)

    # from scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve import cg as icg
    # t1=time.time()
    # (y,flag) = icg(A,b,x0,tol=1e-8,maxiter=100)
    # t2=time.time()
    # print '\n%s took %0.3f ms' % ('linalg cg', (t2-t1)*1000.0)
Exemplo n.º 42
def solve(A,
    Solve the arbitrary system Ax=b with the best out-of-the box choice for a
    solver.  The matrix A can be non-Hermitian, indefinite, Hermitian
    positive-definite, complex, etc...  Generic and robust settings for
    smoothed_aggregation_solver(..) are used to invert A.

    A : {array, matrix, csr_matrix, bsr_matrix}
        Matrix to invert, CSR or BSR format preferred for efficiency
    b : {array}
        Right hand side.
    x0 : {array} : default random vector
        Initial guess
    tol : {float} : default 1e-5
        Stopping criteria: relative residual r[k]/r[0] tolerance
    maxiter : {int} : default 400
        Stopping criteria: maximum number of allowable iterations
    return_solver : {bool} : default False
        True: return the solver generated
    existing_solver : {smoothed_aggregation_solver} : default None
        If instance of a multilevel solver, then existing_solver is used
        to invert A, thus saving time on setup cost.
    verb : {bool}
        If True, print verbose output during runtime

    x : {array}
        Solution to Ax = b
    ml : multilevel_solver
        Optional return of the multilevel structure used for the solve

    If calling solve(...) multiple times for the same matrix, A, solver reuse
    is easy and efficient.  Set "return_solver=True", and the return value will
    be a tuple, (x,ml), where ml is the solver used to invert A, and x is the
    solution to Ax=b.  Then, the next time solve(...) is called, set

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg import solve
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> A = poisson((40,40),format='csr')
    >>> b = np.array(np.arange(A.shape[0]), dtype=float)
    >>> x = solve(A,b,verb=False)
    >>> print "%1.2e"%(norm(b - A*x)/norm(b))

    # Convert A to acceptable CSR/BSR format
    A = make_csr(A)

    # Generate solver if necessary
    if existing_solver is None:

        # Parameter dictionary for smoothed_aggregation_solver
        config = solver_configuration(A, B=None, verb=verb)
        # Generate solver
        existing_solver = solver(A, config)

        if existing_solver.levels[0].A.shape[0] != A.shape[0]:
            raise TypeError('Argument existing_solver must have level 0 matrix\
                             of same size as A')

    # Krylov acceleration depends on symmetry of A
    if existing_solver.levels[0].A.symmetry == 'hermitian':
        accel = 'cg'
        accel = 'gmres'

    # Initial guess
    if x0 is None:
        x0 = np.array(sp.rand(A.shape[0], ), dtype=A.dtype)

    # Callback function to print iteration number
    if verb:
        iteration = np.zeros((1, ))
        print("    maxiter = %d" % maxiter)

        def callback(x, iteration):
            iteration[0] = iteration[0] + 1
            print("    iteration %d" % iteration[0])

        callback2 = lambda x: callback(x, iteration)
        callback2 = None

    # Solve with accelerated Krylov method
    x = existing_solver.solve(b,
    if verb:
        r0 = norm(np.ravel(b) - np.ravel(A * x0))
        rk = norm(np.ravel(b) - np.ravel(A * x))
        if r0 != 0.0:
            print("  Residual reduction ||r_k||/||r_0|| = %1.2e" % (rk / r0))
            print("  Residuals ||r_k||, ||r_0|| = %1.2e, %1.2e" % (rk, r0))

    if return_solver:
        return (x.reshape(b.shape), existing_solver)
        return x.reshape(b.shape)
Exemplo n.º 43
def polynomial(A, x, b, coefficients, iterations=1):
    """Apply a polynomial smoother to the system Ax=b

    A : sparse matrix
        Sparse NxN matrix
    x : ndarray
        Approximate solution (length N)
    b : ndarray
        Right-hand side (length N)
    coefficients : {array_like}
        Coefficients of the polynomial.  See Notes section for details.
    iterations : int
        Number of iterations to perform

    Nothing, x will be modified in place.

    The smoother has the form  x[:] = x + p(A) (b - A*x) where p(A) is a 
    polynomial in A whose scalar coefficients are specified (in descending 
    order) by argument 'coefficients'.

    - Richardson iteration p(A) = c_0:
        polynomial_smoother(A, x, b, [c_0])

    - Linear smoother p(A) = c_1*A + c_0:
        polynomial_smoother(A, x, b, [c_1, c_0])

    - Quadratic smoother p(A) = c_2*A^2 + c_1*A + c_0:
        polynomial_smoother(A, x, b, [c_2, c_1, c_0])

    Here, Horner's Rule is applied to avoid computing A^k directly.  
    For efficience, the method detects the case x = 0 one matrix-vector 
    product is avoided (since (b - A*x) is b).

    >>> ## The polynomial smoother is not currently used directly 
    >>> ## in PyAMG.  It is only used by the chebyshev smoothing option,
    >>> ## which automatically calculates the correct coefficients.
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy
    >>> from pyamg.aggregation import smoothed_aggregation_solver
    >>> A = poisson((10,10), format='csr')
    >>> b = numpy.ones((A.shape[0],1))
    >>> sa = smoothed_aggregation_solver(A, B=numpy.ones((A.shape[0],1)),
    ...         coarse_solver='pinv2', max_coarse=50,
    ...         presmoother=('chebyshev', {'degree':3, 'iterations':1}), 
    ...         postsmoother=('chebyshev', {'degree':3, 'iterations':1}))
    >>> x0=numpy.zeros((A.shape[0],1))
    >>> residuals=[]
    >>> x = sa.solve(b, x0=x0, tol=1e-8, residuals=residuals)
    A,x,b = make_system(A, x, b, formats=None)

    for i in range(iterations):
        from pyamg.util.linalg import norm

        if norm(x) == 0:
            residual = b
            residual = (b - A*x)

        h = coefficients[0]*residual
        for c in coefficients[1:]:
            h = c*residual + A*h
        x += h
Exemplo n.º 44
def fgmres(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, restrt=None, maxiter=None, xtype=None,
           M=None, callback=None, residuals=None):
    '''Flexible Generalized Minimum Residual Method (fGMRES)

    fGMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the
    system Ax = b.  fGMRES is flexible in the sense that the right
    preconditioner (M) can vary from iteration to iteration.

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by ||r_0||_2
    restrt : {None, int}
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations is
    maxiter : {None, int}
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve A M x = M b.
        M need not be stationary for fgmres
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback( ||rk||_2 ), where rk is the current residual vector
    residuals : list
        residuals has the residual norm history,
        including the initial residual, appended to it

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of gmres

            ==  =============================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  This value
                is precisely the order of the Krylov space.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =============================================

        - The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
          Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
          as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
          still supported as a legacy.

        - fGMRES allows for non-stationary preconditioners, as opposed to GMRES

        - For robustness, Householder reflections are used to orthonormalize
          the Krylov Space
          Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm each iteration
          Flexibility implies that the right preconditioner, M or A.psolve, can
          vary from iteration to iteration

    >>> from pyamg.krylov.fgmres import fgmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = fgmres(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003


    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype)
    dimen = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._fgmres')

    # Choose type
    if not hasattr(A, 'dtype'):
        Atype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Atype = A.dtype
    if not hasattr(M, 'dtype'):
        Mtype = upcast(x.dtype, b.dtype)
        Mtype = M.dtype
    xtype = upcast(Atype, x.dtype, b.dtype, Mtype)

    # Should norm(r) be kept
    if residuals == []:
        keep_r = True
        keep_r = False

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (restrt) to maximum \
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            restrt = dimen
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > dimen:
            warn('Setting number of inner iterations (maxiter) to maximum \
                  allowed, which is A.shape[0] ')
            maxiter = dimen
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(dimen, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Get fast access to underlying BLAS routines
    [rotg] = get_blas_funcs(['rotg'], [x])

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if dimen == 1:
        entry = ravel(A*array([1.0], dtype=xtype))
        return (postprocess(b/entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - ravel(A*x)
    normr = norm(r)
    if keep_r:

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        if callback is not None:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2, we don't use the preconditioned
    # residual because this is right preconditioned GMRES.
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol*normr

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails,
    # we cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tol.
    niter = 0

    # Begin fGMRES
    for outer in range(max_outer):

        # Calculate vector w, which defines the Householder reflector
        #    Take shortcut in calculating,
        #    w = r + sign(r[1])*||r||_2*e_1
        w = r
        beta = mysign(w[0])*normr
        w[0] += beta
        w /= norm(w)

        # Preallocate for Krylov vectors, Householder reflectors and Hessenberg
        # matrix
        # Space required is O(dimen*max_inner)
        # Givens Rotations
        Q = zeros((4*max_inner,), dtype=xtype)
        # upper Hessenberg matrix (made upper tri with Givens Rotations)
        H = zeros((max_inner, max_inner), dtype=xtype)
        W = zeros((max_inner, dimen), dtype=xtype)  # Householder reflectors
        # For fGMRES, preconditioned vectors must be stored
        # No Horner-like scheme exists that allow us to avoid this
        Z = zeros((dimen, max_inner), dtype=xtype)
        W[0, :] = w

        # Multiply r with (I - 2*w*w.T), i.e. apply the Householder reflector
        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = zeros((dimen,), dtype=xtype)
        g[0] = -beta

        for inner in range(max_inner):
            # Calculate Krylov vector in two steps
            # (1) Calculate v = P_j = (I - 2*w*w.T)v, where k = inner
            v = -2.0*conjugate(w[inner])*w
            v[inner] += 1.0
            # (2) Calculate the rest, v = P_1*P_2*P_3...P_{j-1}*ej.
            # for j in range(inner-1,-1,-1):
            #    v = v - 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, ravel(W), dimen, inner-1, -1, -1)

            # Apply preconditioner
            v = ravel(M*v)
            # Check for nan, inf
            # if isnan(v).any() or isinf(v).any():
            #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
            #    return(postprocess(x), -1)
            Z[:, inner] = v

            # Calculate new search direction
            v = ravel(A*v)

            # Factor in all Householder orthogonal reflections on new search
            # direction
            # for j in range(inner+1):
            #    v = v - 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, ravel(W), dimen, 0, inner+1, 1)

            # Calculate next Householder reflector, w
            #  w = v[inner+1:] + sign(v[inner+1])*||v[inner+1:]||_2*e_{inner+1)
            #  Note that if max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary for
            #  the last inner iteration, when inner = dimen-1.  Here we do
            #  not need to calculate a Householder reflector or Givens
            #  rotation because nnz(v) is already the desired length,
            #  i.e. we do not need to zero anything out.
            if inner != dimen-1:
                if inner < (max_inner-1):
                    w = W[inner+1, :]
                vslice = v[inner+1:]
                alpha = norm(vslice)
                if alpha != 0:
                    alpha = mysign(vslice[0])*alpha
                    # do not need the final reflector for future calculations
                    if inner < (max_inner-1):
                        w[inner+1:] = vslice
                        w[inner+1] += alpha
                        w /= norm(w)

                    # Apply new reflector to v
                    #  v = v - 2.0*w*(w.T*v)
                    v[inner+1] = -alpha
                    v[inner+2:] = 0.0

            if inner > 0:
                # Apply all previous Givens Rotations to v
                amg_core.apply_givens(Q, v, dimen, inner)

            # Calculate the next Givens rotation, where j = inner Note that if
            # max_inner = dimen, then this is unnecessary for the last inner
            # iteration, when inner = dimen-1.  Here we do not need to
            # calculate a Householder reflector or Givens rotation because
            # nnz(v) is already the desired length, i.e. we do not need to zero
            # anything out.
            if inner != dimen-1:
                if v[inner+1] != 0:
                    [c, s] = rotg(v[inner], v[inner+1])
                    Qblock = array([[c, s], [-conjugate(s), c]], dtype=xtype)
                    Q[(inner*4): ((inner+1)*4)] = ravel(Qblock).copy()

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g, the RHS for the linear system
                    # in the Krylov Subspace.  Note that this dot does a matrix
                    # multiply, not an actual dot product where a conjugate
                    # transpose is taken
                    g[inner:inner+2] = dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner+2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to v
                    v[inner] = dot(Qblock[0, :], v[inner:inner+2])
                    v[inner+1] = 0.0

            # Write to upper Hessenberg Matrix,
            #   the LHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace
            H[:, inner] = v[0:max_inner]

            # Don't update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner-1:
                normr = abs(g[inner+1])
                if normr < tol:

                # Allow user access to residual
                if callback is not None:
                if keep_r:

            niter += 1

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space, V.  Solve inner+1 x inner+1
        # system.  Apparently this is the best way to solve a triangular system
        # in the magical world of scipy
        # piv = arange(inner+1)
        # y = lu_solve((H[0:(inner+1),0:(inner+1)], piv),
        #              g[0:(inner+1)], trans=0)
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:(inner+1), 0:(inner+1)], g[0:(inner+1)])

        # No Horner like scheme exists because the preconditioner can change
        # each iteration # Hence, we must store each preconditioned vector
        update = dot(Z[:, 0:inner+1], y)
        x = x + update
        r = b - ravel(A*x)
        normr = norm(r)

        # Allow user access to residual
        if callback is not None:
        if keep_r:

        # Has fGMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = max(abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Exemplo n.º 45
    def test_krylov(self):
        # Oblique projectors reduce the residual
        for method in self.oblique:
            for case in self.cases:
                A = case['A']
                b = case['b']
                x0 = case['x0']
                factor = case['reduction_factor']
                xNew, _ = method(A,
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1, 1)
                    (norm(b - A.dot(xNew)) / norm(b - A.dot(x0))) < factor,
                    err_msg='Oblique Krylov Method Failed Test')

        # Oblique projectors reduce the residual, here we consider oblique
        # projectors for symmetric matrices
        for method in self.symm_oblique:
            for case in self.symm_cases:
                A = case['A']
                b = case['b']
                x0 = case['x0']
                factor = case['reduction_factor']
                xNew, _ = method(A,
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1, 1)
                    (norm(b - A.dot(xNew)) / norm(b - A.dot(x0))) < factor,
                    err_msg='Symmetric oblique Krylov Method Failed')

        # Orthogonal projectors reduce the error
        for method in self.orth:
            for case in self.cases:
                A = case['A']
                b = case['b']
                x0 = case['x0']
                factor = case['reduction_factor']
                xNew, _ = method(A,
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1, 1)
                soln = solve(A, b)
                assert_equal((norm(soln - xNew) / norm(soln - x0)) < factor,
                             err_msg='Orthogonal Krylov Method Failed Test')

        # SPD Orthogonal projectors reduce the error
        for method in self.spd_orth:
            for case in self.spd_cases:
                A = case['A']
                b = case['b']
                x0 = case['x0']
                factor = case['reduction_factor']
                xNew, _ = method(A,
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1, 1)
                soln = solve(A, b)
                assert_equal((norm(soln - xNew) / norm(soln - x0)) < factor,
                             err_msg='Orthogonal Krylov Method Failed Test')

        # Assume that Inexact Methods reduce the residual for these examples
        for method in self.inexact:
            for case in self.cases:
                A = case['A']
                b = case['b']
                x0 = case['x0']
                xNew, _ = method(A,
                xNew = xNew.reshape(-1, 1)
                    (norm(b - A.dot(xNew)) / norm(b - A.dot(x0))) < 0.35,
                    err_msg='Inexact Krylov Method Failed Test')
Exemplo n.º 46
def fgmres(A,
    """Flexible Generalized Minimum Residual Method (fGMRES).

    fGMRES iteratively refines the initial solution guess to the
    system Ax = b.  fGMRES is flexible in the sense that the right
    preconditioner (M) can vary from iteration to iteration.

    A : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : array, matrix
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : array, matrix
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        Tolerance for stopping criteria, let r=r_k
           ||r||     < tol ||b||
        if ||b||=0, then set ||b||=1 for these tests.
    restrt : None, int
        - if int, restrt is max number of inner iterations
          and maxiter is the max number of outer iterations
        - if None, do not restart GMRES, and max number of inner iterations
          is maxiter
    maxiter : None, int
        - if restrt is None, maxiter is the max number of inner iterations
          and GMRES does not restart
        - if restrt is int, maxiter is the max number of outer iterations,
          and restrt is the max number of inner iterations
        - defaults to min(n,40) if restart=None
    M : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
        M need not be stationary for fgmres
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residual history in the 2-norm, including the initial residual
    reorth : boolean
        If True, then a check is made whether to re-orthogonalize the Krylov
        space each GMRES iteration

    xk, info
    xk : an updated guess after k iterations to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.

    fGMRES allows for non-stationary preconditioners, as opposed to GMRES

    For robustness, Householder reflections are used to orthonormalize
    the Krylov Space
    Givens Rotations are used to provide the residual norm each iteration
    Flexibility implies that the right preconditioner, M, can
    vary from iteration to iteration

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import fgmres
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = fgmres(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print(f'{norm(b - A*x):.6}')

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 151-172, pp. 272-275, 2003

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)
    n = A.shape[0]

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg.krylov._fgmres')

    # Get fast access to underlying BLAS routines
    [lartg] = get_lapack_funcs(['lartg'], [x])

    # Set number of outer and inner iterations
    # If no restarts,
    #     then set max_inner=maxiter and max_outer=n
    # If restarts are set,
    #     then set max_inner=restart and max_outer=maxiter
    if restrt:
        if maxiter:
            max_outer = maxiter
            max_outer = 1
        if restrt > n:
            warn('Setting restrt to maximum allowed, n.')
            restrt = n
        max_inner = restrt
        max_outer = 1
        if maxiter > n:
            warn('Setting maxiter to maximum allowed, n.')
            maxiter = n
        elif maxiter is None:
            maxiter = min(n, 40)
        max_inner = maxiter

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if n == 1:
        entry = np.ravel(A @ np.array([1.0], dtype=x.dtype))
        return (postprocess(b / entry), 0)

    # Prep for method
    r = b - A @ x

    normr = norm(r)
    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]  # initial residual

    # Check initial guess if b != 0,
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0  # reset so that tol is unscaled

    if normr < tol * normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Use separate variable to track iterations.  If convergence fails,
    # we cannot simply report niter = (outer-1)*max_outer + inner.  Numerical
    # error could cause the inner loop to halt while the actual ||r|| > tol.
    niter = 0

    # Begin fGMRES
    for _outer in range(max_outer):

        # Calculate vector w, which defines the Householder reflector
        #    Take shortcut in calculating,
        #    w = r + sign(r[1])*||r||_2*e_1
        w = r
        beta = _mysign(w[0]) * normr
        w[0] += beta
        w /= norm(w)

        # Preallocate for Krylov vectors, Householder reflectors and Hessenberg
        # matrix
        # Space required is O(n*max_inner)
        # Givens Rotations
        Q = np.zeros((4 * max_inner, ), dtype=x.dtype)
        # upper Hessenberg matrix (made upper tri with Givens Rotations)
        H = np.zeros((max_inner, max_inner), dtype=x.dtype)
        W = np.zeros((max_inner, n), dtype=x.dtype)  # Householder reflectors
        # For fGMRES, preconditioned vectors must be stored
        # No Horner-like scheme exists that allow us to avoid this
        Z = np.zeros((n, max_inner), dtype=x.dtype)
        W[0, :] = w

        # Multiply r with (I - 2*w*w.T), i.e. apply the Householder reflector
        # This is the RHS vector for the problem in the Krylov Space
        g = np.zeros((n, ), dtype=x.dtype)
        g[0] = -beta

        for inner in range(max_inner):
            # Calculate Krylov vector in two steps
            # (1) Calculate v = P_j = (I - 2*w*w.T)v, where k = inner
            v = -2.0 * np.conjugate(w[inner]) * w
            v[inner] += 1.0
            # (2) Calculate the rest, v = P_1*P_2*P_3...P_{j-1}*ej.
            # for j in range(inner-1,-1,-1):
            #    v = v - 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, np.ravel(W), n, inner - 1, -1, -1)

            # Apply preconditioner
            v = M @ v
            # Check for nan, inf
            # if isnan(v).any() or isinf(v).any():
            #    warn('inf or nan after application of preconditioner')
            #    return(postprocess(x), -1)
            Z[:, inner] = v

            # Calculate new search direction
            v = A @ v

            # Factor in all Householder orthogonal reflections on new search
            # direction
            # for j in range(inner+1):
            #    v = v - 2.0*dot(conjugate(W[j,:]), v)*W[j,:]
            amg_core.apply_householders(v, np.ravel(W), n, 0, inner + 1, 1)

            # Calculate next Householder reflector, w
            #  w = v[inner+1:] + sign(v[inner+1])*||v[inner+1:]||_2*e_{inner+1)
            #  Note that if max_inner = n, then this is unnecessary for
            #  the last inner iteration, when inner = n-1.  Here we do
            #  not need to calculate a Householder reflector or Givens
            #  rotation because nnz(v) is already the desired length,
            #  i.e. we do not need to zero anything out.
            if inner != n - 1:
                if inner < (max_inner - 1):
                    w = W[inner + 1, :]
                vslice = v[inner + 1:]
                alpha = norm(vslice)
                if alpha != 0:
                    alpha = _mysign(vslice[0]) * alpha
                    # do not need the final reflector for future calculations
                    if inner < (max_inner - 1):
                        w[inner + 1:] = vslice
                        w[inner + 1] += alpha
                        w /= norm(w)

                    # Apply new reflector to v
                    #  v = v - 2.0*w*(w.T*v)
                    v[inner + 1] = -alpha
                    v[inner + 2:] = 0.0

            if inner > 0:
                # Apply all previous Givens Rotations to v
                amg_core.apply_givens(Q, v, n, inner)

            # Calculate the next Givens rotation, where j = inner Note that if
            # max_inner = n, then this is unnecessary for the last inner
            # iteration, when inner = n-1.  Here we do not need to
            # calculate a Householder reflector or Givens rotation because
            # nnz(v) is already the desired length, i.e. we do not need to zero
            # anything out.
            if inner != n - 1:
                if v[inner + 1] != 0:
                    [c, s, r] = lartg(v[inner], v[inner + 1])
                    Qblock = np.array([[c, s], [-np.conjugate(s), c]],
                    Q[(inner * 4):((inner + 1) * 4)] = np.ravel(Qblock).copy()

                    # Apply Givens Rotation to g, the RHS for the linear system
                    # in the Krylov Subspace.  Note that this dot does a matrix
                    # multiply, not an actual dot product where a conjugate
                    # transpose is taken
                    g[inner:inner + 2] = np.dot(Qblock, g[inner:inner + 2])

                    # Apply effect of Givens Rotation to v
                    v[inner] = np.dot(Qblock[0, :], v[inner:inner + 2])
                    v[inner + 1] = 0.0

            # Write to upper Hessenberg Matrix,
            #   the LHS for the linear system in the Krylov Subspace
            H[:, inner] = v[0:max_inner]

            # Don't update normr if last inner iteration, because
            # normr is calculated directly after this loop ends.
            if inner < max_inner - 1:
                normr = np.abs(g[inner + 1])
                if normr < tol * normb:
                if residuals is not None:

                if callback is not None:
                    y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:(inner + 1), 0:(inner + 1)],
                                        g[0:(inner + 1)])
                    update = np.dot(Z[:, 0:inner + 1], y)
                    callback(x + update)

            niter += 1

        # end inner loop, back to outer loop

        # Find best update to x in Krylov Space, V.  Solve inner+1 x inner+1
        # system.  Apparently this is the best way to solve a triangular system
        # in the magical world of scipy
        # piv = arange(inner+1)
        # y = lu_solve((H[0:(inner+1),0:(inner+1)], piv),
        #              g[0:(inner+1)], trans=0)
        y = sp.linalg.solve(H[0:(inner + 1), 0:(inner + 1)], g[0:(inner + 1)])

        # No Horner like scheme exists because the preconditioner can change
        # each iteration # Hence, we must store each preconditioned vector
        update = np.dot(Z[:, 0:inner + 1], y)
        x = x + update
        r = b - A @ x

        # Allow user access to the iterates
        if callback is not None:

        normr = norm(r)
        if residuals is not None:

        # Has fGMRES stagnated?
        indices = (x != 0)
        if indices.any():
            change = np.max(np.abs(update[indices] / x[indices]))
            if change < 1e-12:
                # No change, halt
                return (postprocess(x), -1)

        # test for convergence
        if normr < tol * normb:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # end outer loop

    return (postprocess(x), niter)
Exemplo n.º 47
    # x0 = random((4,1))
    # %timeit -n 15 (x,flag) = gmres(A,b,x0,tol=1e-8,maxiter=100)

    from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    from numpy.random import random
    from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    A = poisson((125, 125), dtype=float, format='csr')
    # A.data = A.data + 0.001j*rand(A.data.shape[0])
    b = random((A.shape[0], ))
    x0 = random((A.shape[0], ))

    import time
    from scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve import gmres as igmres

    print('\n\nTesting GMRES with %d x %d 2D Laplace Matrix' %
          (A.shape[0], A.shape[0]))
    t1 = time.time()
    (x, flag) = gmres_mgs(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8, maxiter=500)
    t2 = time.time()
    print('%s took %0.3f ms' % ('gmres', (t2 - t1) * 1000.0))
    print('norm = %g' % (norm(b - A * x)))
    print('info flag = %d' % (flag))

    t1 = time.time()
    # DON"T Enforce a maxiter as scipy gmres can't handle it correctly
    (y, flag) = igmres(A, b, x0, tol=1e-8)
    t2 = time.time()
    print('\n%s took %0.3f ms' % ('linalg gmres', (t2 - t1) * 1000.0))
    print('norm = %g' % (norm(b - A * y)))
    print('info flag = %d' % (flag))
Exemplo n.º 48
    def test_approximate_spectral_radius(self):
        cases = []


        cases.append(np.array([[2, 0], [0, 1]]))
        cases.append(np.array([[-2, 0], [0, 1]]))

        cases.append(np.array([[100, 0, 0], [0, 101, 0], [0, 0, 99]]))

        for i in range(1, 5):
            cases.append(np.random.rand(i, i))

        # method should be almost exact for small matrices
        for A in cases:
            A = A.astype(float)
            Asp = csr_matrix(A)

            [E, V] = linalg.eig(A)
            E = np.abs(E)
            largest_eig = (E == E.max()).nonzero()[0]
            expected_eig = E[largest_eig]
            expected_vec = V[:, largest_eig]

            assert_almost_equal(approximate_spectral_radius(A), expected_eig)
            assert_almost_equal(approximate_spectral_radius(Asp), expected_eig)
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(A, return_vector=True)[1]
            minnorm = min(norm(expected_vec + vec), norm(expected_vec - vec))
            diff = minnorm / norm(expected_vec)
            assert_almost_equal(diff, 0.0, decimal=4)
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(Asp, return_vector=True)[1]
            minnorm = min(norm(expected_vec + vec), norm(expected_vec - vec))
            diff = minnorm / norm(expected_vec)
            assert_almost_equal(diff, 0.0, decimal=4)

        # try symmetric matrices
        for A in cases:
            A = A + A.transpose()
            A = A.astype(float)
            Asp = csr_matrix(A)

            [E, V] = linalg.eig(A)
            E = np.abs(E)
            largest_eig = (E == E.max()).nonzero()[0]
            expected_eig = E[largest_eig]
            expected_vec = V[:, largest_eig]

            assert_almost_equal(approximate_spectral_radius(A), expected_eig)
            assert_almost_equal(approximate_spectral_radius(Asp), expected_eig)
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(A, return_vector=True)[1]
            minnorm = min(norm(expected_vec + vec), norm(expected_vec - vec))
            diff = minnorm / norm(expected_vec)
            assert_almost_equal(diff, 0.0, decimal=4)
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(Asp, return_vector=True)[1]
            minnorm = min(norm(expected_vec + vec), norm(expected_vec - vec))
            diff = minnorm / norm(expected_vec)
            assert_almost_equal(diff, 0.0, decimal=4)

        # test a larger matrix, and various parameter choices
        cases = []
        A1 = gallery.poisson((50, 50), format='csr')
        cases.append((A1, 7.99241331495))
        A2 = gallery.elasticity.linear_elasticity((32, 32), format='bsr')[0]
        cases.append((A2, 536549.922189))
        for A, expected in cases:
            # test that increasing maxiter increases accuracy
            ans1 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=1e-16, maxiter=5,
            del A.rho
            ans2 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=1e-16, maxiter=15,
            del A.rho
            assert_equal(abs(ans2 - expected) < 0.5*abs(ans1 - expected), True)
            # test that increasing restart increases accuracy
            ans1 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=1e-16, maxiter=10,
            del A.rho
            ans2 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=1e-16, maxiter=10,
            del A.rho
            assert_equal(abs(ans2 - expected) < 0.8*abs(ans1 - expected), True)
            # test tol
            ans1 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=0.1, maxiter=15,
            del A.rho
            assert_equal(abs(ans1 - expected)/abs(expected) < 0.1, True)
            ans2 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=0.001, maxiter=15,
            del A.rho
            assert_equal(abs(ans2 - expected)/abs(expected) < 0.001, True)
            assert_equal(abs(ans2 - expected) < 0.1*abs(ans1 - expected), True)
Exemplo n.º 49
def steepest_descent(A,
    '''Steepest descent algorithm
    Solves the linear system Ax = b. Left preconditioning is supported.

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by the
        preconditioner norm of r_0, or ||r_0||_M.
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of allowed iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals contains the residual norm history,
        including the initial residual.  The preconditioner norm
        is used, instead of the Euclidean norm.
    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of cg

            ==  ======================================= 
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.  
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  ======================================= 

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
    still supported as a legacy.

    The residual in the preconditioner norm is both used for halting and
    returned in the residuals list. 

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import steepest_descent
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy 
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = numpy.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = steepest_descent(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, 
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 137--142, 2003

    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype=None)
    n = len(b)

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings

    # determine maxiter
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = int(len(b))
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')

    # setup method
    r = b - A * x
    z = M * r
    rz = inner(r.conjugate(), z)

    # use preconditioner norm
    normr = sqrt(rz)

    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]  #initial residual

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol * normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_M
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol * normr

    # How often should r be recomputed
    recompute_r = 50

    iter = 0

    while True:
        iter = iter + 1

        q = A * z
        zAz = inner(z.conjugate(), q)  # check curvature of A
        if zAz < 0.0:
                "\nIndefinite matrix detected in steepest descent, aborting\n")
            return (postprocess(x), -1)

        alpha = rz / zAz  # step size
        x = x + alpha * z

        if mod(iter, recompute_r) and iter > 0:
            r = b - A * x
            r = r - alpha * q

        z = M * r
        rz = inner(r.conjugate(), z)

        if rz < 0.0:  # check curvature of M
                "\nIndefinite preconditioner detected in steepest descent, aborting\n"
            return (postprocess(x), -1)

        normr = sqrt(rz)  # use preconditioner norm

        if residuals is not None:

        if callback is not None:

        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)
        elif rz == 0.0:
            # important to test after testing normr < tol. rz == 0.0 is an
            # indicator of convergence when r = 0.0
                "\nSingular preconditioner detected in steepest descent, ceasing iterations\n"
            return (postprocess(x), -1)

        if iter == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), iter)
Exemplo n.º 50
def bicgstab(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None, xtype=None, M=None,
             callback=None, residuals=None):
    '''Biconjugate Gradient Algorithm with Stabilization

    Solves the linear system Ax = b. Left preconditioning is supported.

    A : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : {array, matrix}
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : {array, matrix}
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        relative convergence tolerance, i.e. tol is scaled by ||r_0||_2
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of allowed iterations
    xtype : type
        dtype for the solution, default is automatic type detection
    M : {array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator}
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A A.H x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residuals has the residual norm history,
        including the initial residual, appended to it

    (xNew, info)
    xNew : an updated guess to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status of bicgstab

            ==  ======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  ======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.  A.psolve(..) is
    still supported as a legacy.

    >>> from pyamg.krylov.bicgstab import bicgstab
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = bicgstab(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print norm(b - A*x)

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 231-234, 2003


    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b, xtype)

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg\.krylov\._bicgstab')

    # Check iteration numbers
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = len(x) + 5
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')

    # Prep for method
    r = b - A*x
    normr = norm(r)

    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]

    # Check initial guess ( scaling by b, if b != 0,
    #   must account for case when norm(b) is very small)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0
    if normr < tol*normb:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Scale tol by ||r_0||_2
    if normr != 0.0:
        tol = tol*normr

    # Is this a one dimensional matrix?
    if A.shape[0] == 1:
        entry = np.ravel(A*np.array([1.0], dtype=xtype))
        return (postprocess(b/entry), 0)

    rstar = r.copy()
    p = r.copy()

    rrstarOld = np.inner(rstar.conjugate(), r)

    iter = 0

    # Begin BiCGStab
    while True:
        Mp = M*p
        AMp = A*Mp

        # alpha = (r_j, rstar) / (A*M*p_j, rstar)
        alpha = rrstarOld/np.inner(rstar.conjugate(), AMp)

        # s_j = r_j - alpha*A*M*p_j
        s = r - alpha*AMp
        Ms = M*s
        AMs = A*Ms

        # omega = (A*M*s_j, s_j)/(A*M*s_j, A*M*s_j)
        omega = np.inner(AMs.conjugate(), s)/np.inner(AMs.conjugate(), AMs)

        # x_{j+1} = x_j +  alpha*M*p_j + omega*M*s_j
        x = x + alpha*Mp + omega*Ms

        # r_{j+1} = s_j - omega*A*M*s
        r = s - omega*AMs

        # beta_j = (r_{j+1}, rstar)/(r_j, rstar) * (alpha/omega)
        rrstarNew = np.inner(rstar.conjugate(), r)
        beta = (rrstarNew / rrstarOld) * (alpha / omega)
        rrstarOld = rrstarNew

        # p_{j+1} = r_{j+1} + beta*(p_j - omega*A*M*p)
        p = r + beta*(p - omega*AMp)

        iter += 1

        normr = norm(r)

        if residuals is not None:

        if callback is not None:

        if normr < tol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

        if iter == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), iter)
Exemplo n.º 51
    def test_approximate_spectral_radius(self):
        cases = []


        cases.append(np.array([[2, 0], [0, 1]]))
        cases.append(np.array([[-2, 0], [0, 1]]))

        cases.append(np.array([[100, 0, 0], [0, 101, 0], [0, 0, 99]]))

        for i in range(1, 5):
            cases.append(np.random.rand(i, i))

        # method should be almost exact for small matrices
        for A in cases:
            A = A.astype(float)
            Asp = csr_matrix(A)

            [E, V] = linalg.eig(A)
            E = np.abs(E)
            largest_eig = (E == E.max()).nonzero()[0]
            expected_eig = E[largest_eig]
            expected_vec = V[:, largest_eig]

            assert_almost_equal(approximate_spectral_radius(A), expected_eig)
            assert_almost_equal(approximate_spectral_radius(Asp), expected_eig)
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(A, return_vector=True)[1]
            minnorm = min(norm(expected_vec + vec), norm(expected_vec - vec))
            diff = minnorm / norm(expected_vec)
            assert_almost_equal(diff, 0.0, decimal=4)
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(Asp, return_vector=True)[1]
            minnorm = min(norm(expected_vec + vec), norm(expected_vec - vec))
            diff = minnorm / norm(expected_vec)
            assert_almost_equal(diff, 0.0, decimal=4)

        # try symmetric matrices
        for A in cases:
            A = A + A.transpose()
            A = A.astype(float)
            Asp = csr_matrix(A)

            [E, V] = linalg.eig(A)
            E = np.abs(E)
            largest_eig = (E == E.max()).nonzero()[0]
            expected_eig = E[largest_eig]
            expected_vec = V[:, largest_eig]

            assert_almost_equal(approximate_spectral_radius(A), expected_eig)
            assert_almost_equal(approximate_spectral_radius(Asp), expected_eig)
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(A, return_vector=True)[1]
            minnorm = min(norm(expected_vec + vec), norm(expected_vec - vec))
            diff = minnorm / norm(expected_vec)
            assert_almost_equal(diff, 0.0, decimal=4)
            vec = approximate_spectral_radius(Asp, return_vector=True)[1]
            minnorm = min(norm(expected_vec + vec), norm(expected_vec - vec))
            diff = minnorm / norm(expected_vec)
            assert_almost_equal(diff, 0.0, decimal=4)

        # test a larger matrix, and various parameter choices
        cases = []
        A1 = gallery.poisson((50, 50), format='csr')
        cases.append((A1, 7.99241331495))
        A2 = gallery.elasticity.linear_elasticity((32, 32), format='bsr')[0]
        cases.append((A2, 536549.922189))
        for A, expected in cases:
            # test that increasing maxiter increases accuracy
            ans1 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=1e-16, maxiter=5,
            del A.rho
            ans2 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=1e-16, maxiter=15,
            del A.rho
            assert_equal(abs(ans2 - expected) < 0.5*abs(ans1 - expected), True)
            # test that increasing restart increases accuracy
            ans1 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=1e-16, maxiter=10,
            del A.rho
            ans2 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=1e-16, maxiter=10,
            del A.rho
            assert_equal(abs(ans2 - expected) < 0.8*abs(ans1 - expected), True)
            # test tol
            ans1 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=0.1, maxiter=15,
            del A.rho
            assert_equal(abs(ans1 - expected)/abs(expected) < 0.1, True)
            ans2 = approximate_spectral_radius(A, tol=0.001, maxiter=15,
            del A.rho
            assert_equal(abs(ans2 - expected)/abs(expected) < 0.001, True)
            assert_equal(abs(ans2 - expected) < 0.1*abs(ans1 - expected), True)
Exemplo n.º 52
def bicgstab(A,
    """Biconjugate Gradient Algorithm with Stabilization.

    Solves the linear system Ax = b. Left preconditioning is supported.

    A : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, linear system to solve
    b : array, matrix
        right hand side, shape is (n,) or (n,1)
    x0 : array, matrix
        initial guess, default is a vector of zeros
    tol : float
        Tolerance for stopping criteria
    criteria : string
        Stopping criteria, let r=r_k, x=x_k
        'rr':        ||r||       < tol ||b||
        'rr+':       ||r||       < tol (||b|| + ||A||_F ||x||)
        if ||b||=0, then set ||b||=1 for these tests.
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of iterations allowed
    M : array, matrix, sparse matrix, LinearOperator
        n x n, inverted preconditioner, i.e. solve M A x = M b.
    callback : function
        User-supplied function is called after each iteration as
        callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector
    residuals : list
        residual history in the 2-norm, including the initial residual

    (xk, info)
    xk : an updated guess after k iterations to the solution of Ax = b
    info : halting status

            ==  =======================================
            0   successful exit
            >0  convergence to tolerance not achieved,
                return iteration count instead.
            <0  numerical breakdown, or illegal input
            ==  =======================================

    The LinearOperator class is in scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.
    Use this class if you prefer to define A or M as a mat-vec routine
    as opposed to explicitly constructing the matrix.

    >>> from pyamg.krylov import bicgstab
    >>> from pyamg.util.linalg import norm
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import poisson
    >>> A = poisson((10,10))
    >>> b = np.ones((A.shape[0],))
    >>> (x,flag) = bicgstab(A,b, maxiter=2, tol=1e-8)
    >>> print(f'{norm(b - A*x):.6}')

    .. [1] Yousef Saad, "Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems,
       Second Edition", SIAM, pp. 231-234, 2003

    # Convert inputs to linear system, with error checking
    A, M, x, b, postprocess = make_system(A, M, x0, b)

    # Ensure that warnings are always reissued from this function
    warnings.filterwarnings('always', module='pyamg.krylov._bicgstab')

    # Check iteration numbers
    if maxiter is None:
        maxiter = len(x) + 5
    elif maxiter < 1:
        raise ValueError('Number of iterations must be positive')

    # Prep for method
    r = b - A @ x
    normr = norm(r)

    if residuals is not None:
        residuals[:] = [normr]

    # Check initial guess, if b != 0,
    normb = norm(b)
    normb = norm(b)
    if normb == 0.0:
        normb = 1.0  # reset so that tol is unscaled

    # set the stopping criteria (see the docstring)
    if criteria == 'rr':
        rtol = tol * normb
    elif criteria == 'rr+':
        if sparse.issparse(A.A):
            normA = norm(A.A.data)
        elif isinstance(A.A, np.ndarray):
            normA = norm(np.ravel(A.A))
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to use ||A||_F with the current matrix format.')
        rtol = tol * (normA * np.linalg.norm(x) + normb)
        raise ValueError('Invalid stopping criteria.')

    if normr < rtol:
        return (postprocess(x), 0)

    # Is thisAa one dimensional matrix?
    # Use a matvec to access A[0,0]
    if A.shape[0] == 1:
        entry = np.ravel(A @ np.array([1.0], dtype=x.dtype))
        return (postprocess(b / entry), 0)

    rstar = r.copy()
    p = r.copy()

    rrstarOld = np.inner(rstar.conjugate(), r)

    it = 0

    # Begin BiCGStab
    while True:
        Mp = M @ p
        AMp = A @ Mp

        # alpha = (r_j, rstar) / (A*M*p_j, rstar)
        alpha = rrstarOld / np.inner(rstar.conjugate(), AMp)

        # s_j = r_j - alpha*A*M*p_j
        s = r - alpha * AMp
        Ms = M @ s
        AMs = A @ Ms

        # omega = (A*M*s_j, s_j)/(A*M*s_j, A*M*s_j)
        omega = np.inner(AMs.conjugate(), s) / np.inner(AMs.conjugate(), AMs)

        # x_{j+1} = x_j +  alpha*M*p_j + omega*M*s_j
        x = x + alpha * Mp + omega * Ms

        # r_{j+1} = s_j - omega*A*M*s
        r = s - omega * AMs

        # beta_j = (r_{j+1}, rstar)/(r_j, rstar) * (alpha/omega)
        rrstarNew = np.inner(rstar.conjugate(), r)
        beta = (rrstarNew / rrstarOld) * (alpha / omega)
        rrstarOld = rrstarNew

        # p_{j+1} = r_{j+1} + beta*(p_j - omega*A*M*p)
        p = r + beta * (p - omega * AMp)

        it += 1

        normr = norm(r)

        if residuals is not None:

        if callback is not None:

        # set the stopping criteria (see the docstring)
        if criteria == 'rr':
            rtol = tol * normb
        elif criteria == 'rr+':
            rtol = tol * (normA * np.linalg.norm(x) + normb)

        if normr < rtol:
            return (postprocess(x), 0)

        if it == maxiter:
            return (postprocess(x), it)
Exemplo n.º 53
 def obj_fcn(alpha):
     c = cos((omega+alpha)*x)
     Ac = (A*c)[1:-1]
     return norm(Ac)/norm(c[1:-1])
Exemplo n.º 54
def general_setup_stage(ml, symmetry, candidate_iters, prepostsmoother,
                        smooth, eliminate_local, coarse_solver, work):
    """Compute additional candidates and improvements following Algorithm 4 in Brezina et al.

        number of test relaxation iterations
        minimum acceptable relaxation convergence factor

    .. [1] Brezina, Falgout, MacLachlan, Manteuffel, McCormick, and Ruge
       "Adaptive Smoothed Aggregation (alphaSA) Multigrid"
       SIAM Review Volume 47,  Issue 2  (2005)

    def make_bridge(T):
        M, N = T.shape
        K = T.blocksize[0]
        bnnz = T.indptr[-1]
        # the K+1 represents the new dof introduced by the new candidate.  the
        # bridge 'T' ignores this new dof and just maps zeros there
        data = np.zeros((bnnz, K+1, K), dtype=T.dtype)
        data[:, :-1, :] = T.data
        return bsr_matrix((data, T.indices, T.indptr),
                          shape=((K + 1) * int(M / K), N))

    def expand_candidates(B_old, nodesize):
        # insert a new dof that is always zero, to create NullDim+1 dofs per
        # node in B
        NullDim = B_old.shape[1]
        nnodes = int(B_old.shape[0] / nodesize)
        Bnew = np.zeros((nnodes, nodesize+1, NullDim), dtype=B_old.dtype)
        Bnew[:, :-1, :] = B_old.reshape(nnodes, nodesize, NullDim)
        return Bnew.reshape(-1, NullDim)

    levels = ml.levels

    x = sp.rand(levels[0].A.shape[0], 1)
    if levels[0].A.dtype.name.startswith('complex'):
        x = x + 1.0j*sp.rand(levels[0].A.shape[0], 1)
    b = np.zeros_like(x)

    x = ml.solve(b, x0=x, tol=float(np.finfo(np.float).tiny),
    work[:] += ml.operator_complexity()*ml.levels[0].A.nnz*candidate_iters*2

    T0 = levels[0].T.copy()


    for i in range(len(ml.levels) - 2):
        # alpha-SA paper does local elimination here, but after talking
        # to Marian, its not clear that this helps things
        # fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(eliminate_local)
        # if fn == True:
        #    eliminate_local_candidates(x,levels[i].AggOp,levels[i].A,
        #    levels[i].T, **kwargs)

        # add candidate to B
        B = np.hstack((levels[i].B, x.reshape(-1, 1)))

        # construct Ptent
        T, R = fit_candidates(levels[i].AggOp, B)

        levels[i].T = T
        x = R[:, -1].reshape(-1, 1)

        # smooth P
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[i])
        if fn == 'jacobi':
            levels[i].P = jacobi_prolongation_smoother(levels[i].A, T,
                                                       levels[i].C, R,
        elif fn == 'richardson':
            levels[i].P = richardson_prolongation_smoother(levels[i].A, T,
        elif fn == 'energy':
            levels[i].P = energy_prolongation_smoother(levels[i].A, T,
                                                       levels[i].C, R, None,
                                                       (False, {}), **kwargs)
            x = R[:, -1].reshape(-1, 1)
        elif fn is None:
            levels[i].P = T
            raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother method %s' %

        # construct R
        if symmetry == 'symmetric':  # R should reflect A's structure
            levels[i].R = levels[i].P.T.asformat(levels[i].P.format)
        elif symmetry == 'hermitian':
            levels[i].R = levels[i].P.H.asformat(levels[i].P.format)

        # construct coarse A
        levels[i+1].A = levels[i].R * levels[i].A * levels[i].P

        # construct bridging P
        T_bridge = make_bridge(levels[i+1].T)
        R_bridge = levels[i+2].B

        # smooth bridging P
        fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(smooth[i+1])
        if fn == 'jacobi':
            levels[i+1].P = jacobi_prolongation_smoother(levels[i+1].A,
                                                         R_bridge, **kwargs)
        elif fn == 'richardson':
            levels[i+1].P = richardson_prolongation_smoother(levels[i+1].A,
        elif fn == 'energy':
            levels[i+1].P = energy_prolongation_smoother(levels[i+1].A,
                                                         R_bridge, None,
                                                         (False, {}), **kwargs)
        elif fn is None:
            levels[i+1].P = T_bridge
            raise ValueError('unrecognized prolongation smoother method %s' %

        # construct the "bridging" R
        if symmetry == 'symmetric':  # R should reflect A's structure
            levels[i+1].R = levels[i+1].P.T.asformat(levels[i+1].P.format)
        elif symmetry == 'hermitian':
            levels[i+1].R = levels[i+1].P.H.asformat(levels[i+1].P.format)

        # run solver on candidate
        solver = multilevel_solver(levels[i+1:], coarse_solver=coarse_solver)
        change_smoothers(solver, presmoother=prepostsmoother,
        x = solver.solve(np.zeros_like(x), x0=x,
        work[:] += 2 * solver.operator_complexity() * solver.levels[0].A.nnz *\

        # update values on next level
        levels[i+1].B = R[:, :-1].copy()
        levels[i+1].T = T_bridge

    # note that we only use the x from the second coarsest level
    fn, kwargs = unpack_arg(prepostsmoother)
    for lvl in reversed(levels[:-2]):
        x = lvl.P * x
        work[:] += lvl.A.nnz*candidate_iters*2

        if fn == 'gauss_seidel':
            # only relax at nonzeros, so as not to mess up any locally dropped
            # candidates
            indices = np.ravel(x).nonzero()[0]
            gauss_seidel_indexed(lvl.A, x, np.zeros_like(x), indices,
                                 iterations=candidate_iters, sweep='symmetric')

        elif fn == 'gauss_seidel_ne':
            gauss_seidel_ne(lvl.A, x, np.zeros_like(x),
                            iterations=candidate_iters, sweep='symmetric')

        elif fn == 'gauss_seidel_nr':
            gauss_seidel_nr(lvl.A, x, np.zeros_like(x),
                            iterations=candidate_iters, sweep='symmetric')

        elif fn == 'jacobi':
            jacobi(lvl.A, x, np.zeros_like(x), iterations=1,
                   omega=1.0 / rho_D_inv_A(lvl.A))

        elif fn == 'richardson':
            polynomial(lvl.A, x, np.zeros_like(x), iterations=1,

        elif fn == 'gmres':
            x[:] = (gmres(lvl.A, np.zeros_like(x), x0=x,
            raise TypeError('Unrecognized smoother')

    # x will be dense again, so we have to drop locally again
    elim, elim_kwargs = unpack_arg(eliminate_local)
    if elim is True:
        x = x/norm(x, 'inf')
        eliminate_local_candidates(x, levels[0].AggOp, levels[0].A, T0,

    return x.reshape(-1, 1)