Exemplo n.º 1
    def _download_metadata(self, downloader, url):
        """Download metadata from the given URL."""
        # How many times should we try the download?
        retry_max = self.MAX_TREEINFO_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES

        # Don't retry to download files that returned HTTP 404 code.
        not_found = set()

        # Retry treeinfo downloads with a progressively longer pause,
        # so NetworkManager have a chance setup a network and we have
        # full connectivity before trying to download things. (#1292613)
        xdelay = xprogressive_delay()

        for retry_count in range(0, retry_max):
            # Delay if we are retrying the download.
            if retry_count > 0:
                log.info("Retrying download (%d/%d)", retry_count,
                         retry_max - 1)

            # Download the metadata file.
            for name in self.TREE_INFO_NAMES:
                file_url = "{}/{}".format(url, name)

                    with downloader(file_url) as r:
                        if r.status_code == 404:

                        return r.text

                except RequestException as e:
                    log.debug("Failed to download '%s': %s", name, e)

            if not_found == set(self.TREE_INFO_NAMES):
                raise NoTreeInfoError("No treeinfo metadata found (404).")

        raise NoTreeInfoError("Couldn't download treeinfo metadata.")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def load_url(self, url, proxies, sslverify, sslcert, headers):
        """Load URL link.

        This can be also to local file.

        Parameters here are passed to requests object so make them compatible with requests.

        :param url: URL poiting to the installation tree.
        :param proxies: Proxy used for the request.
        :param sslverify: sslverify object which will be used in request.
        :param headers: Additional headers of the request.
        :returns: True if the install tree repo metadata was successfully loaded. False otherwise.

        :raise: IOError is thrown in case of immediate failure.
        # Retry treeinfo downloads with a progressively longer pause,
        # so NetworkManager have a chance setup a network and we have
        # full connectivity before trying to download things. (#1292613)

        xdelay = util.xprogressive_delay()
        response = None
        ret_code = [None, None]
        session = util.requests_session()

        for retry_count in range(0, MAX_TREEINFO_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES + 1):
            if retry_count > 0:
            # Downloading .treeinfo
            log.info("Trying to download '.treeinfo'")
            (response, ret_code[0]) = self._download_treeinfo_file(session, url, ".treeinfo",
                                                                   headers, proxies,
                                                                   sslverify, sslcert)
            if response:
            # Downloading treeinfo
            log.info("Trying to download 'treeinfo'")
            (response, ret_code[1]) = self._download_treeinfo_file(session, url, "treeinfo",
                                                                   headers, proxies,
                                                                   sslverify, sslcert)
            if response:

            # The [.]treeinfo wasn't downloaded. Try it again if [.]treeinfo
            # is on the server.
            # Server returned HTTP 404 code -> no need to try again
            if (ret_code[0] is not None and ret_code[0] == 404
                    and ret_code[1] is not None and ret_code[1] == 404):
                response = None
                log.error("Got HTTP 404 Error when downloading [.]treeinfo files")
            if retry_count < MAX_TREEINFO_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES:
                # retry
                log.info("Retrying repo info download for %s, retrying (%d/%d)",
                         url, retry_count + 1, MAX_TREEINFO_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES)
                # run out of retries
                err_msg = ("Repo info download for %s failed after %d retries" %
                           (url, retry_count))
                raise IOError("Can't get .treeinfo file from the url {}".format(url))

        if response:
            # get the treeinfo contents
            text = response.text


            self._path = url
            return True

        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
    def load_url(self, url, proxies, sslverify, headers):
        """Load URL link.

        This can be also to local file.

        Parameters here are passed to requests object so make them compatible with requests.

        :param url: URL poiting to the installation tree.
        :param proxies: Proxy used for the request.
        :param sslverify: sslverify object which will be used in request.
        :param headers: Additional headers of the request.
        :returns: True if the install tree repo metadata was successfully loaded. False otherwise.

        :raise: IOError is thrown in case of immediate failure.
        # Retry treeinfo downloads with a progressively longer pause,
        # so NetworkManager have a chance setup a network and we have
        # full connectivity before trying to download things. (#1292613)

        xdelay = util.xprogressive_delay()
        response = None
        ret_code = [None, None]
        session = util.requests_session()

        for retry_count in range(0, MAX_TREEINFO_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES + 1):
            if retry_count > 0:
            # Downloading .treeinfo
            log.info("Trying to download '.treeinfo'")
            (response, ret_code[0]) = self._download_treeinfo_file(session, url, ".treeinfo",
                                                                   headers, proxies, sslverify)
            if response:
            # Downloading treeinfo
            log.info("Trying to download 'treeinfo'")
            (response, ret_code[1]) = self._download_treeinfo_file(session, url, "treeinfo",
                                                                   headers, proxies, sslverify)
            if response:

            # The [.]treeinfo wasn't downloaded. Try it again if [.]treeinfo
            # is on the server.
            # Server returned HTTP 404 code -> no need to try again
            if (ret_code[0] is not None and ret_code[0] == 404
                    and ret_code[1] is not None and ret_code[1] == 404):
                response = None
                log.error("Got HTTP 404 Error when downloading [.]treeinfo files")
            if retry_count < MAX_TREEINFO_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES:
                # retry
                log.info("Retrying repo info download for %s, retrying (%d/%d)",
                         url, retry_count + 1, MAX_TREEINFO_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES)
                # run out of retries
                err_msg = ("Repo info download for %s failed after %d retries" %
                           (url, retry_count))
                raise IOError("Can't get .treeinfo file from the url {}".format(url))

        if response:
            # get the treeinfo contents
            text = response.text


            self._path = url
            return True

        return False