Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, data, storage, payload, instclass):
        """Create a new Hub instance.

           The arguments this base class accepts defines the API that Hubs
           have to work with.  A Hub does not get free reign over everything
           in the anaconda class, as that would be a big mess.  Instead, a
           Hub may count on the following:

           ksdata       -- An instance of a pykickstart Handler object.  The
                           Hub uses this to populate its UI with defaults
                           and to pass results back after it has run.
           storage      -- An instance of storage.Storage.  This is useful for
                           determining what storage devices are present and how
                           they are configured.
           payload      -- An instance of a packaging.Payload subclass.  This
                           is useful for displaying and selecting packages to
                           install, and in carrying out the actual installation.
           instclass    -- An instance of a BaseInstallClass subclass.  This
                           is useful for determining distribution-specific
                           installation information like default package
                           selections and default partitioning.
        super(SummaryHub, self).__init__(data, storage, payload, instclass)

        if not flags.dirInstall:
            self._checker = FileSystemSpaceChecker(storage, payload)
            self._checker = DirInstallSpaceChecker(storage, payload)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, data, storage, payload):
        """Create a new Hub instance.

           The arguments this base class accepts defines the API that Hubs
           have to work with.  A Hub does not get free reign over everything
           in the anaconda class, as that would be a big mess.  Instead, a
           Hub may count on the following:

           ksdata       -- An instance of a pykickstart Handler object.  The
                           Hub uses this to populate its UI with defaults
                           and to pass results back after it has run.
           storage      -- An instance of storage.Storage.  This is useful for
                           determining what storage devices are present and how
                           they are configured.
           payload      -- An instance of a payload.Payload subclass.  This
                           is useful for displaying and selecting packages to
                           install, and in carrying out the actual installation.
        super().__init__(data, storage, payload)
        self._show_details_callback = None

        if not conf.target.is_directory:
            self._checker = FileSystemSpaceChecker(payload)
            self._checker = DirInstallSpaceChecker(payload)

        # Add a continue-clicked handler
        self.window.connect("continue-clicked", self._on_continue_clicked)

        # Add an info-bar-clicked handler
        self.window.connect("info-bar-clicked", self._on_info_bar_clicked)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, app, data, storage, payload, instclass):
        super(SummaryHub, self).__init__(app, data, storage, payload, instclass)

        if not flags.dirInstall:
            self._checker = FileSystemSpaceChecker(storage, payload)
            self._checker = DirInstallSpaceChecker(storage, payload)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, data, storage, payload, instclass):
        super().__init__(data, storage, payload, instclass)
        self.title = N_("Installation")

        if not conf.target.is_directory:
            self._checker = FileSystemSpaceChecker(storage, payload)
            self._checker = DirInstallSpaceChecker(storage, payload)