Exemplo n.º 1
def setup_display(anaconda, options, addon_paths=None):
    """Setup the display for the installation environment.

    :param anaconda: instance of the Anaconda class
    :param options: command line/boot options
    :param addon_paths: Anaconda addon paths

    vnc_server = vnc.VncServer()  # The vnc Server object.
    vnc_server.anaconda = anaconda

    anaconda.display_mode = options.display_mode
    anaconda.interactive_mode = not options.noninteractive
    anaconda.isHeadless = blivet.arch.is_s390()

    if options.vnc:
        flags.usevnc = True
        if not anaconda.gui_mode:
                "VNC requested via boot/CLI option, switching Anaconda to GUI mode."
            anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.GUI
        vnc_server.password = options.vncpassword

        # Only consider vncconnect when vnc is a param
        if options.vncconnect:
            cargs = options.vncconnect.split(":")
            vnc_server.vncconnecthost = cargs[0]
            if len(cargs) > 1 and len(cargs[1]) > 0:
                if len(cargs[1]) > 0:
                    vnc_server.vncconnectport = cargs[1]

    if options.xdriver:
        anaconda.xdriver = options.xdriver

    if flags.rescue_mode:

    if anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
        flags.usevnc = True
        if not anaconda.gui_mode:
                "VNC requested via kickstart, switching Anaconda to GUI mode.")
            anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.GUI

        if vnc_server.password == "":
            vnc_server.password = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.password

        if vnc_server.vncconnecthost == "":
            vnc_server.vncconnecthost = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.host

        if vnc_server.vncconnectport == "":
            vnc_server.vncconnectport = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.port

    if anaconda.gui_mode:
        mods = (tup[1] for tup in pkgutil.iter_modules(pyanaconda.ui.__path__,
        if "pyanaconda.ui.gui" not in mods:
                "Graphical user interface not available, falling back to text mode"
            anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
            flags.usevnc = False
            flags.vncquestion = False

    # check if VNC can be started
    vnc_can_be_started, vnc_error_messages = check_vnc_can_be_started(anaconda)
    if not vnc_can_be_started:
        # VNC can't be started - disable the VNC question and log
        # all the errors that prevented VNC from being started
        flags.vncquestion = False
        for error_message in vnc_error_messages:

    # Should we try to start Xorg?
    want_x = anaconda.gui_mode and not (flags.preexisting_x11 or flags.usevnc)

    # X on a headless (e.g. s390) system? Nonsense!
    if want_x and anaconda.isHeadless:
        stdout_log.warning(_("DISPLAY variable not set. Starting text mode."))
        anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
        anaconda.gui_startup_failed = True
        want_x = False

    # Is Xorg is actually available?
    if want_x and not os.access("/usr/bin/Xorg", os.X_OK):
            _("Graphical installation is not available. "
              "Starting text mode."))
        anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
        want_x = False

    if anaconda.tui_mode and flags.vncquestion:
        #we prefer vnc over text mode, so ask about that
        message = _("Text mode provides a limited set of installation "
                    "options. It does not offer custom partitioning for "
                    "full control over the disk layout. Would you like "
                    "to use VNC mode instead?")
        ask_vnc_question(anaconda, vnc_server, message)
        if not anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
            # user has explicitly specified text mode
            flags.vncquestion = False

    display_mode_name = anaconda.display_mode.value
    if display_mode_name:
        log.info("Display mode = %s", anaconda.display_mode)
    elif anaconda.display_mode:
        log.error("Unknown display mode: %s", anaconda.display_mode)
        log.error("Display mode not set!")

    startup_utils.check_memory(anaconda, options)

    # check_memory may have changed the display mode
    want_x = want_x and (anaconda.gui_mode)
    if want_x:
        except (OSError, RuntimeError) as e:
            log.warning("X startup failed: %s", e)
            stdout_log.warning("X startup failed, falling back to text mode")
            anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
            anaconda.gui_startup_failed = True

        if not anaconda.gui_startup_failed:
            do_extra_x11_actions(options.runres, gui_mode=anaconda.gui_mode)

    if anaconda.tui_mode and anaconda.gui_startup_failed and flags.vncquestion and not anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
        message = _(
            "X was unable to start on your machine. Would you like to start VNC to connect to "
            "this computer from another computer and perform a graphical installation or continue "
            "with a text mode installation?")
        ask_vnc_question(anaconda, vnc_server, message)

    # if they want us to use VNC do that now
    if anaconda.gui_mode and flags.usevnc:

    # with X running we can initialize the UI interface
    # and the install class
Exemplo n.º 2
def setup_display(anaconda, options):
    """Setup the display for the installation environment.

    :param anaconda: instance of the Anaconda class
    :param options: command line/boot options

        xtimeout = int(options.xtimeout)
    except ValueError:
        log.warning("invalid inst.xtimeout option value: %s", options.xtimeout)
        xtimeout = constants.X_TIMEOUT

    vnc_server = vnc.VncServer()  # The vnc Server object.
    vnc_server.anaconda = anaconda
    vnc_server.timeout = xtimeout

    anaconda.display_mode = options.display_mode
    anaconda.interactive_mode = not options.noninteractive

    if options.vnc:
        flags.usevnc = True
        if not anaconda.gui_mode:
                "VNC requested via boot/CLI option, switching Anaconda to GUI mode."
            anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.GUI
        vnc_server.password = options.vncpassword

        # Only consider vncconnect when vnc is a param
        if options.vncconnect:
            cargs = options.vncconnect.split(":")
            vnc_server.vncconnecthost = cargs[0]
            if len(cargs) > 1 and len(cargs[1]) > 0:
                if len(cargs[1]) > 0:
                    vnc_server.vncconnectport = cargs[1]

    if options.xdriver:
        write_xdriver(options.xdriver, root="/")

    if flags.rescue_mode:

    if anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
        flags.usevnc = True
        if not anaconda.gui_mode:
                "VNC requested via kickstart, switching Anaconda to GUI mode.")
            anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.GUI

        if vnc_server.password == "":
            vnc_server.password = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.password

        if vnc_server.vncconnecthost == "":
            vnc_server.vncconnecthost = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.host

        if vnc_server.vncconnectport == "":
            vnc_server.vncconnectport = anaconda.ksdata.vnc.port

    if anaconda.gui_mode:
        mods = (tup[1] for tup in pkgutil.iter_modules(pyanaconda.ui.__path__,
        if "pyanaconda.ui.gui" not in mods:
                "Graphical user interface not available, falling back to text mode"
            anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
            flags.usevnc = False
            flags.vncquestion = False

    # check if VNC can be started
    vnc_can_be_started, vnc_error_messages = check_vnc_can_be_started(anaconda)
    if not vnc_can_be_started:
        # VNC can't be started - disable the VNC question and log
        # all the errors that prevented VNC from being started
        flags.vncquestion = False
        for error_message in vnc_error_messages:

    # Should we try to start Xorg?
    want_x = anaconda.gui_mode and not (flags.preexisting_x11 or flags.usevnc)

    # Is Xorg is actually available?
    if want_x and not os.access("/usr/bin/Xorg", os.X_OK):
            _("Graphical installation is not available. "
              "Starting text mode."))
        anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
        want_x = False

    if anaconda.tui_mode and flags.vncquestion:
        # we prefer vnc over text mode, so ask about that
        message = _("Text mode provides a limited set of installation "
                    "options. It does not offer custom partitioning for "
                    "full control over the disk layout. Would you like "
                    "to use VNC mode instead?")
        ask_vnc_question(anaconda, vnc_server, message)
        if not anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
            # user has explicitly specified text mode
            flags.vncquestion = False

    startup_utils.check_memory(anaconda, options)

    # check_memory may have changed the display mode
    want_x = want_x and (anaconda.gui_mode)
    if want_x:
        except TimeoutError as e:
            log.warning("X startup failed: %s", e)
                "\nX did not start in the expected time, falling back to text mode. There are "
                "multiple ways to avoid this issue:")
            wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(
                initial_indent=" * ",
                subsequent_indent="   ",
                width=os.get_terminal_size().columns - 3)
            for line in X_TIMEOUT_ADVICE.split("\n"):
            anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
            anaconda.gui_startup_failed = True

        except (OSError, RuntimeError) as e:
            log.warning("X or window manager startup failed: %s", e)
                "\nX or window manager startup failed, falling back to text mode."
            anaconda.display_mode = constants.DisplayModes.TUI
            anaconda.gui_startup_failed = True

        if not anaconda.gui_startup_failed:
            do_extra_x11_actions(options.runres, gui_mode=anaconda.gui_mode)

    if anaconda.tui_mode and anaconda.gui_startup_failed and flags.vncquestion and not anaconda.ksdata.vnc.enabled:
        message = _(
            "X was unable to start on your machine. Would you like to start VNC to connect to "
            "this computer from another computer and perform a graphical installation or continue "
            "with a text mode installation?")
        ask_vnc_question(anaconda, vnc_server, message)

    # if they want us to use VNC do that now
    if anaconda.gui_mode and flags.usevnc:

    # with X running we can initialize the UI interface